Straight Forward. Extraövningar. Inside Information

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Straight Forward Extraövningar Inside Information

Pardon My Language 1 Find words in the text that match the following definitions. 1 A piece of glass which is not transparent and where you can see your own image clearly is called a. 2 A person who travels by asking for rides in other people s cars is a. 3 A person who is serving a sentence in jail is a. 4 A period of ten decades is called a. 5 If something is considered forbidden to talk about we sometimes say it is under a. 6 A text that consists of only a few lines that sometimes rhyme is known as a. 7 A book where you can look up words in your own or other languages is called a. 8 A person who has the same profession as you is your. 9 A text that is published in a newspaper is generally known as an. 10 When everyone can see what you are doing, you are doing it in. 11 If you act against the will of God you are committing a. 12 The part of a tree which is underground is a. 13 An acitivity or a phenomenon which is very popular is said to be in. 14 A fictional person in a movie or a TV series is called a. 15 When you talk about people in general you might call them the. 2

2 Facts and theories A In the text there are several statements about the F word and related topics. Find five statements that you feel are based on facts and five that you consider to be theories. Fact Theory The F-word has a Germanic root. The F word is an acronym. B Compare your list with another person or group. Explain why you feel the statements are facts or theories. Use these phrases if you like: I think this is a fact because I think this is only a theory because

3 Acronyms A Apart from the F word there is another acronym in the text. Find it. What does it stand for? B Work in pairs or groups. Find acronyms for as many letters in the alphabet as you can. Also find what they stand for. Take time to prepare if you like and use the internet or encyclopedias to help you. AA Alcoholics Anonymous B C DVD Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc EU F G H I JFK John F Kennedy Airport K L M N O P QLD Queensland (Australia) R S T U V WWW XML extensible Markup Language Y ZA Zambia C Form new pairs or groups. Compare your lists.

Sonia Another Rule Broken A Find these expressions in the text. 1 Byggnaden där Sarim bor. Bodde. 2 Jag vill ta reda på vad muslimer tror, vad det är meningen att jag ska tro. 3 Det är därför ingen märkte. 4 Jag slutade att bekymra mig om att vi gjorde något fel. 5 Man väntade sig inte att jag skulle gråta. 6 Det luktar kanel. 7 Håll inte på att upprepa hans namn hela tiden. 8 Det var inte meningen att jag skulle prata med en man. B Write three or four sentences using the English expressions for the following. Write in your notebook. det är meningen att hon ska jag väntade mig att han skulle gå det luktade mat sluta oroa dig

Tenderness 1 A Find the following phrases in the text. 1 Han sitter inne. 2 Dagligen. 3 En riktig sötnos. 4 Gå upp i vikt. 5 De såg likadana ut. 6 Den dök inte upp. 7 Sätta fingret på. 8 Hon hade ingen aning om vad som skulle hända. 9 Den offrade sig. 10 Spola ner den i toaletten. B Write three sentences where you use the word because together with phrases from A, like in the example. Write in your notebook. He s inside because he nicked a police car. Stupid thing to do. Then write two sentences where you use the word but together with phrases from A. He s inside, but just like everyone else he claims he s inncocent. 2 What would you do to try to cope with being in prison? What would you do if you were guilty? If you were innocent? Find words in the text that you think have to do with these situations. Then write a short text about your feelings.

Inside Your Brain Solve the crossword. You will find all the words in the text and in the list. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7

Across 1 The parrot had a ( ) around its leg, so it couldn t fly away. 3 I don t have any evidence at all but ( )( ) tells me he did it. 5 Anette could swim quite well, so she didn t ( ) when she fell off the boat. 8 It s bad that you ve lost your camera, but it s no ( ), you know. Your insurance covers theft. 11 Our short term ( ) gets worse as we grow older. 12 I will never do it of my own free will. You will have to ( ) me. 15 The Coast Guard picked up three ( ) from the sunken ship. 16 This is a problem we will have to ( ). We simply must solve it. 17 Noel looks very ( ) these days. Has he started working out or something? 20 The shirt had a beautiful ( ) made up of flowers and leaves. Down 2 How the hell did you know? Well, let s say I had some ( ) ( ). 4 Global warming is a major problem. We all have to work together to save the ( ). 6 I couldn t call him on his mobile, because there was no ( ). 7 In the mall there is a closed-circuit TV system that ( ) all the stores. 9 Will you let me do it? Do I have your ( )? 10 I just won t do it. I ( )! 13 The band is very disciplined. They ( ) for the concert every day. 14 Don t you recognise him? Look ( ) and you ll see who he is. 18 There were several ( ) in the code, so the program didn t work at all. 19 There s not much water left. How long will it ( ), do you think? along appear chain closely confuse connection devastate disaster distraction drown entire environment error flash flee force frustration gut feeling healthy high ground include increase inside information intriguing last major measure memory mental image monitor nervous system organize overcome owner pattern permission publish refuse rehearse retrieve scientific sign speed stage stare subtle surgery survivor sweep tip

Casino Royale Translate into English. Use a dictionary if you need help. färg värde här: suit här: rank När man ska spela kort behöver man naturligtvis en kortlek. Den består av 52 kort i fyra olika färger: hjärter, ruter, klöver och spader. I varje färg finns det 13 kort. Esset har högst värde. Man börjar med att blanda leken. Sedan delar man ut kort till alla spelare. I många kortspel är det sedan meningen att man ska plocka upp nya kort och lägga ut kombinationer på bordet. Poker är ett av världens mest berömda kortspel. Man tror att namnet poker kommer från ett franskt ord som betyder att knacka. I början av 1800-talet använde man en kortlek som bara innehöll 20 kort. Ungefär 50 år senare introducerades kortleken med 52 kort. Pokerturneringar blev populära i USA på 1970-talet. Samtidigt publicerades ett antal böcker om olika pokerstrategier. Under de första åren på 2000-talet introducerades online poker. Det blev snart mycket populärt och gav till och med spelare möjlighet att leva på sitt spel.

I Heard It Through the Grapevine Translate Julian s opinions about gossip and rumours into Swedish. Write or talk. Work on your own, with a partner or in a group. Use a dictionary if you need help. Yeah, there s always gossip. In the schools, the girls and the boys and all people go off into certain groups. Those that like football, those that like reading books and those that can t really get on with any groups, they sit by themselves. Yeah, there s certainly a lot of gossip particularly I think the most the thing that s gossiped most about is sex and who fancies who: She s given me the eye or He s given me the eye that sort of thing. And, yeah, I think sex grabs people s attention more than anything else. It s the first rule of advertising: Sex sells. 10