Publications based on SWEOLD

Relevanta dokument
Fler äldre-äldre i vården

The Salut Programme. A Child-Health-Promoting Intervention Programme in Västerbotten. Eva Eurenius, PhD, PT

Falls and dizziness in frail older people

Multisjuklighet: Konsekvenser för individer och samhället


Hur aktiva är vuxna?

Health café. Self help groups. Learning café. Focus on support to people with chronic diseases and their families

Några ord om den demografiska utvecklingens utmaningar för vård och omsorg. Ilija Batljan, PhD Oppositionslandstingsråd, SLL

SWESIAQ Swedish Chapter of International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate

Hälsofrämjande faktorer av betydelse för ett hållbart arbetsliv inom vård, omsorg och socialt arbete

The cornerstone of Swedish disability policy is the principle that everyone is of equal value and has equal rights.

Livsgnista som en del av det goda åldrandet: fokus på svensk- och finskspråkiga äldre

Repetoaren av fritidsaktiviteter hos äldre: ålder- och könsskillnader

Cannabis and the risk of adverse life course outcomes

Socioekonomiska skillnader


Multisjuklighet. Definitioner, epidemiologi och konsekvenser. Mats Thorslund. Aging Research Center Karolinska Institutet/Stockholms universitet

Fysisk aktivitet och hjärnan

Kunskapslyftet. Berndt Ericsson. Esbo Utbildning, arbetsliv och välfärd Ministry of Education and Research. Sweden

Kursplan. NA1032 Makroekonomi, introduktion. 7,5 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1. Introductory Macroeconomics

Från epidemiologi till klinik SpAScania

Sjukhusinskrivningar Risker, orsaker och reflektioner

Measuring child participation in immunization registries: two national surveys, 2001

Hur ska vi ta hand om de allra äldsta i framtiden?

Scientific Publications and Reports

Ungdomars psykiska hälsa - ett lokalt perspektiv

Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET

Fysisk aktivitet ISM:s forskningen kring livsstil och hälsa i ett 10 års perspektiv

Könsfördelningen inom kataraktkirurgin. Mats Lundström

Aktiv och frisk eller frisk och aktiv? Äldre personers fritidsaktiviteter och sambandet med hälsa

Affärsmodellernas förändring inom handeln

Kursplan. AB1029 Introduktion till Professionell kommunikation - mer än bara samtal. 7,5 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1

Fertilitet efter cancer. Gabriela Armuand, ssk, med dr Postdoktor Linköpings universitet

The reception Unit Adjunkten - for newly arrived pupils

Fysisk aktivitet ISM:s forskningen kring livsstil och hälsa i ett 10 års perspektiv

The national SIMSAM network (I)


Boendemiljöns betydelse och flytt bland personer över 80 år

Hört och lärt på NES2012 Session: Visual ergonomics

Why WE care? Anders Lundberg Fire Protection Engineer The Unit for Fire Protection & Flammables Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

Use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs: a cause or an effect of mental ill health in adolescence? Elena Raffetti 31 August 2016

Alla Tiders Kalmar län, Create the good society in Kalmar county Contributions from the Heritage Sector and the Time Travel method

Hur mår personer som överlevt hjärtstopp?

Swedish International Biodiversity Programme Sida/SLU

Läkemedelsbehandling hos äldre vad är evidensbaserat? Åldrande Varför särskilda hänsyn till äldre?

Vägen till ökad fysisk aktivitet hos vuxna med medfött hjärtfel vilka faktorer har betydelse?

Risk- och friskfaktorer för långvarig smärta hos äldre. Caroline Larsson Leg. Sjukgymnast, MSc Gerontologi

OLIN-studiernas barn-kohorter. Umeå september 2018

Vilka ska vi inte operera?

Socialt kapital i Österbotten. Professor Gunborg Jakobsson, Fredrica Nyqvist, PD, forskare

Vardagsteknik i hem och samhälle. en möjlighet eller hinder för personer med kognitiva nedsättningar?

Cancersmärta ett folkhälsoproblem?

Sociala skillnader i hälsa: trender, nuläge och rekommendationer

Åldrandet och äldreomsorgen

Akutmedicin som medicinsk specialitet i Sverige, uddannelsesaspekter

Utvärdering av IVIG behandling vid post-polio syndrom. Kristian Borg

Arbetslivets betydelse för hälsan

Varför Vinnvård? God Vård hälso- och sjukvård för populationen ska vara:

School of Management and Economics Reg. No. EHV 2008/220/514 COURSE SYLLABUS. Fundamentals of Business Administration: Management Accounting


KOL med primärvårdsperspektiv ERS Björn Ställberg Gagnef vårdcentral

Parrelationens betydelse vid Parkinsons sjukdom. Michaela Karlstedt Sjuksköterska, Doktorand Karolinska Institutet, NVS

Metoden och teorin som ligger till grund för den beskrivs utförligt. Urval, bortfall och analys redovisas. Godkänd

The role of X-ray imaging and musculoskeletal ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis

Klicka här för att ändra format

Depression. En-måmads förekomst 10% Mer vanligt än demens efter 65

Är du lönsam lille vän (och för vem)?! Operationaliseringen av samverkan och dess implikationer för humaniora!

The Swedish Family Care Competence Centre

Hur påverkar olika styrsystem effektivitet och kvalitet i vården? 29 sept Anders Anell Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds universitet

Stillasittande & ohälsa

The CPF. A collaboration between Region Skåne and Lund University

Metoder och instrument för utvärdering av interventioner i vårdmiljön

Sociala relationer, socialt deltagande och hälsa bland äldre personer

The Swedish National Patient Overview (NPO)

Reflections from the perspective of Head of Research Skåne University Hospital. Professor Ingemar Petersson. Stab forskning och utbildning SUS

Skill-mix innovation in the Netherlands. dr. Marieke Kroezen Erasmus University Medical Centre, the Netherlands

Kvalitetsarbete I Landstinget i Kalmar län. 24 oktober 2007 Eva Arvidsson

Utvecklings- och tillväxtplan för ett hållbart Åland

* Dahlberg, L. & McCaig, C. (eds.). (2010). Practical Research and Evaluation: A Start-to-Finish Guide for Practitioners. London: SAGE.

Coacha till fysisk aktivitet vid RA

Digitalisering i välfärdens tjänst

Keele StarT Back Screening Tool

Det nya ur det gamla

Utmaningen men en åldrande befolkningen vilka framsteg görs inom demensforskningen?

Falls and dizziness in frail older people


Konsultsjuksköterska inom barncancervård. Ulrika Larsson Barncancercentrum Drottning Silvias barn och ungdomssjukhus Göteborg

Studiehandledning Kvantitativa metoder i socialt arbete

Hållbar utveckling i kurser lå 16-17

Läkemedelsverkets Farmakovigilansdag

FaR-nätverk VC. 9 oktober

Den orättvisa hälsan - med fokus på kön, genus och jämställdhet

Goals for third cycle studies according to the Higher Education Ordinance of Sweden (Sw. "Högskoleförordningen")

The road to Recovery in a difficult Environment

Digitalisering för delaktighet och psykisk hälsa - DELAT BESLUTSFATTANDE

Is it possible to protect prosthetic reconstructions in patients with a prefabricated intraoral appliance?

Masterprogram i socialt arbete med inriktning mot verksamhetsanalys och -utveckling i civilsamhället

Syns du, finns du? Examensarbete 15 hp kandidatnivå Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Botnia-Atlantica Information Meeting

Medellivslängd vid 65 år. Olika livsfaser. 4:e åldern. Förväntad medellivslängd vid födseln


Publications based on SWEOLD International Publications Journals 2014 Agahi N, Shaw BA, Fors S. Social and economic conditions in childhood and the progression of functional health problems from midlife into old age. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health [In press:online] 2014. Available from: Andel R, Silverstein M, Kåreholt I. The Role of Midlife Occupational Complexity and Leisure Activity in Late-Life Cognition. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 2014 accepted for publication. Dahlberg L, Andersson L, McKee KJ, Lennartsson C. Predictors of loneliness among older women and men in Sweden: A national longitudinal study. Aging & Mental Health [In press:online] 2014. Available from: Heap J, Fors S. Duration and accumulation of disadvantages in old age. Social Indicators Research [In press:online] 2014. Available from: DOI: 10.1007/s11205-014-0744-1 Kelfve S, Agahi N, Darin Mattsson A, Lennartsson C. Increased alcohol use over the past 20 years among the oldest old in Sweden. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2014; 31(3):245-260. Larsson K, Kåreholt I, Thorslund M. Care utilisation in the last years of life in Sweden: The effects of gender and marital status differ by type of care. European Journal of Ageing 2014 accepted for publication. Lennartsson C, Agahi N, Hols-Salén L, Kelfve S, Kåreholt I, Parker MG,et al. Data Resource Profile: The Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (SWEOLD). International Journal of Epidemiology [In press:online] 2014. Available from: doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu057 Lexomboon D, Wårdh I, Thorslund M, Parker MG. Determinants of tooth loss and chewing ability in mid- and late life in three Swedish birth cohorts. Ageing & Society [In press:online] 2014. Available from: doi:10.1017/s0144686x14000282 Lexomboon D, Wardh I, Thorslund M, Parker MG. Multiple tooth loss and chewing problems in mid life and late life in three Swedish birth cohorts. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Journal 2014 accepted for publication. Nilsen C, Andel R, Fors S, Meinow B, Mattsson AD, Kåreholt I. Associations between work-related stress in late midlife, educational attainment, and serious health problems in old age: a longitudinal study with over 20 years of follow-up. BMC Public Health; 14(1):878. Shaw BA, Agahi N. Smoking and physical inactivity patterns during midlife as predictors of all-cause mortality and disability: A 39-year prospective study. European Journal of Ageing 2014; 11(3):195-204. Page 1 of 12

2013 Agahi N, Lennartsson C, Kåreholt I, Shaw B. Trajectories of social activities from middle age to old age and late-life disability a 36-year follow-up. Age and Ageing 2013; 42(6):790-793. Agahi N, Shaw BA. Smoking trajectories from midlife to old age and the development of non-lifethreatening health problems: A 34-year prospective cohort study. Preventive Medicine 2013; 57(2):107-112. Fors S, Agahi N, Shaw BA. Paying the price? The impact of smoking and obesity on health inequalities in later life. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2013; 41(2):134-141. Heap J, Lennartsson C, Thorslund M. Coexisting disadvantages across the adult age span: a comparison of older and younger age groups in the Swedish welfare state. International Journal of Social Welfare 2013; 22(2):130-140. Kelfve S, Thorslund M, Lennartsson C. Sampling and non-response bias on health outcomes in surveys of the oldest old. European Journal of Ageing 2013; 10(3):237-245. Parker V, Andel R, Nilsen C, Kåreholt I. The association between mid-life socioeconomic position and health after retirement exploring the role of working conditions. Journal of Aging & Health 2013; 25(5):863-881. 2012 Ahacic K, Kennis R, Kåreholt I. Changes in sobriety in the Swedish population over three decades: age, period, or cohort effects? Addiction 2012; 107(4):748-755. Lexomboon D, Trulsson M, Wårdh I, Parker MG. Chewing ability and tooth loss: association with cognitive impairment in an elderly population study. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2012; 60(10):1951-1956. 2011 Agahi N, Silverstein M, Parker MG. Late-life and earlier participation in leisure activities: their importance for survival among older persons. Activities Adaptation & Aging 2011; 35(3):210-222. Andel R, Crowe M, Kåreholt I, Wastesson J, Parker MG. Indicators of Job Strain at Midlife and Cognitive Functioning in Advanced Old Age. Journals of Gerontology: B Psychological Sciences Social Sciences 2011; 66B(3):287-291. Fors S, Lennartsson C, Lundberg O. Live long and prosper? Childhood living conditions, marital status, social class in adulthood and mortality during mid-life: a cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2011; 39(2):179-186. Kåreholt I, Lennartsson C, Gatz M, Parker MG. Baseline leisure activity and cognition more than two decades later. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011; 26(1):65-74. Lennartsson C. Need and support: determinants of intra-familial financial transfers in Sweden. International Journal of Social Welfare 2011; 20(1):66-74. Meinow B, Parker MG, Thorslund M. Consumers of eldercare in Sweden: the semblance of choice. Social Science Medicine 2011; 73(9):1285-1289. Page 2 of 12

Schön P, Parker MG, Kåreholt I, Thorslund M. Gender differences in associations between ADL and other health indicators in 1992 and 2002. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2011; 23(2):91-98. 2010 Ahacic K, Kareholt I. Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the general Swedish population from 1968 to 2002: Age, period, and cohort patterns. Pain 2010; 151(1):206-214. Lennartsson C, Silverstein M, Fritzell J. Time-for-Money Exchanges Between Older and Younger Generations in Swedish Families. Journal of Family Issues 2010; 31(2):189-210. Meinow B, Parker MG, Thorslund M. Complex health problems and mortality in the oldest old in Sweden: Decreased risk for men between 1992 and 2002. European Journal of Ageing 2010; 7(2):81-90. Parker MG, Lennartsson C, Kelfve S. Approcher I âge de la retraite en Suède: santé et ressources des 50-64 ans entre 1968 et 2000. Retraite et Société 2010; 59:41-59. 2009 Fors S, Lennartsson C, Lundberg O. Childhood living conditions, socioeconomic position in adulthood, and cognition in later life exploring the associations. Journal of Gerontology: B Psychological Sciences Social Sciences 2009; 64B(6):750 757. Schön P,Parker MG. Sex differences in health in 1992 and 2002 among very old Swedes. Journal of Population Ageing 2009; 1(2):107-123. 2008 Agahi N, Parker MG. Leisure activities and mortality: Does gender matter? Journal of Aging and Health 2008; 20(7):855-871. Ahacic K, Kennison R, Thorslund M. Trends in smoking in Sweden from 1968 to 2002: Age, period and cohort patterns. Preventive Medicine 2008; 46:558-564. Fors S, Lennartsson C. Social mobility, geographical proximity and intergenerational family contact, Ageing & Society 2008; 28:253-270. Fors S, Lennartsson C, Lundberg O. Health inequalities among older adults in Sweden 1991-2002. European Journal of Public Health 2008; 18(2):138-43. Haider SI, Johnell K, Thorslund M, Fastbom J. Analysis of the association between polypharmacy and socioeconomic position among elderly aged 77+ in Sweden. Clinical Therapeutics 2008; 30(2):419-427. Parker MG, Schön P, Lagergren M, Thorslund M. Functional ability in the elderly Swedish population from 1980 to 2005. European Journal of Ageing 2008; 5(4):299-309. Page 3 of 12

2007 Ahacic K, Thorslund M. Changes in dental status and dental care utilization in the Swedish population over three decades: age, period or cohort effects? Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2007; 6(2):118-127. Ahacic K, Kåreholt I, Thorslund M, Parker MG. Relationships between symptoms, physical capacity and activity limitations in 1992 and 2002. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2007; 19(3):187-193. Ahacic K, Parker MG, Thorslund M. Aging in disguise: age, period and cohort effects in mobility and edentulousness over three decades. European Journal of Ageing 2007; 4(2):83-91. Andel R, Kåreholt I, Parker MG, Thorslund M, Gatz M. Complexity of Primary Lifetime Occupation and Cognition in Advanced Old Age. Journal of Aging and Health 2007; 19(3):397-415. Haider SI, Johnell K, Thorslund M, Fastbom J. Trends in polypharmacy and potential drug-drug interactions across educational groups in elderly patients in Sweden for the period 1992-2002. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2007; 45:643-653. Parker MG, Thorslund M. Health trends in the elderly population: Getting better and getting worse. The Gerontologist 2007; 47(2):150-158. Östberg V, Lennartsson C. Getting by with a little help. The importance of various types of social support for health problems. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2007; 35:197-204. 2006 Agahi N, Ahacic K, Parker MG. Continuity of leisure participation from middle age to old age. Journals of Gerontology: B Psychological Sciences Social Sciences 2006; 61B (6):340-346. Fors S, Thorslund M, Parker MG. Do actions speak louder than words? Self-assessed and performance-based measures of physical and visual function among old people. European Journal of Ageing 2006; 3(1):15-21. Meinow B, Parker MG, Kåreholt I, Thorslund M. Complex health problems in the oldest old in Sweden 1992-2002. European Journal of Ageing 2006; 3(2):98-106. 2005 Agahi N, Parker MG. Are today s older people more active than their predecessors? Participation in leisure-time activities in Sweden in 1992 and 2002. Ageing & Society 2005; 25(6):925-941. Beckman A, Bernsten C, Parker MG, Thorslund M, Fastbom J. The difficulty of opening medicine containers in old age: a population based study. Pharmacy World & Science 2005; 27(5):393-398. Beckman AG, Parker MG,Thorslund M. Can elderly people take their medicine? Patient Education and Counseling 2005; 59(2):186-191. Fritzell J, Lennartsson C. Financial transfer between generations in Sweden. Ageing & Society 2005; 25:397-414. Page 4 of 12

Parker MG, Ahacic K, Thorslund M. Health changes among Swedish oldest old: Prevalence rates from 1992 and 2002 show increasing health problems. Journal of Gerontology: A Medical Sciences 2005; 60A(10):1351-1355. 2003 Ahacic K, Parker MG, Thorslund M. Mobility Limitations 1974-1991: Period changes explaining improvement in the population. Social Science and Medicine 2003; 57:2411-2422. Manderbacka K, Kåreholt I, Martikainen P, Lundberg O. The effect of point of reference on the association between self-rated health and mortality. Social Science & Medicine 2003; 56:1447-1452. 2002 Silverstein M, Parker MG. Leisure activities and the quality of life among the oldest old in Sweden. Research on Aging 2002; 24:528-547. 2001 Kåreholt I. The relationship between heart problems and mortality in different social classes. Social Science & Medicine 2001; 52:1391-1402. Lennartsson C, Silverstein M. Does Engagement-with-Life Enhance Survival of the Oldest Old? An Assessment of the Social and Leisure Activities of the Swedish Elderly. Journal of Gerontology: B Psychological Sciences Social Sciences 2001; 56:335-342. 2000 Ahacic K, Parker MG, Thorslund M. Mobility limitations in the Swedish population from 1968 to 1992: Age, gender and social class differences. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2000; 12:190-198. 1999 Lennartsson C. Social Ties and Health Among the Very Old in Sweden. Research on Aging 1999; 21:657-681. Parker MG, Ahacic K, Thorslund M, Lundberg O. Socioeconomic status and health among elderly people in Sweden. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1999; 896:383-385. 1998 Ahacic K, Barenthin I, Thorslund M. Changes in Swedish dental health 1968-91. Swedish Dental Journal 1998; 5-6:211-222. Page 5 of 12

Kåreholt I, Brattberg G. Pain and Mortality Risk among Elderly Persons in Sweden. Pain 1998; 77:271-278. 1997 Brattberg G, Parker MG, Thorslund M. A longitudinal study of pain: reported pain from middle age to old age. The Clinical Journal of Pain 1997; 13(2):144-149. 1996 Bernadotte af Wisborg G, Claesson C, Lundberg O, Thorslund M. Drug usage and self-reported health among a cross-sectional population aged over 75 years. Clinical Drug Investigation 1996; 12(3):156-169. Brattberg G, Parker MG, Thorslund M. The prevalence of pain among the oldest old in Sweden. Pain 1996; 67: 29-34. Lundberg O, Thorslund M. Fieldwork and measurement considerations in surveys of the oldest old. Experiences from the Swedish level of living surveys. Social Indicators Research 1996; 37:165-189. Manderbacka K, Lundberg O. Examining points of reference of self-rated health among Swedish oldest-old. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 1996; 23:47-60. Parker MG, Gatz M, Thorslund M. Brief cognitive screening in a field survey of the oldest old. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 1996; 8(5):354-359. Parker MG, Thorslund M, Lundberg O, Kåreholt I. Predictors of physical function a 24 year follow-up using three outcome variables. Journal of Aging and Health 1996; 8:444-460. 1994 Parker MG, Thorslund M, Lundberg O. Physical function and social class among Swedish oldest old. Journals of Gerontology: B Psychological Sciences Social Sciences 1994; 49:196-201. Thorslund M, Lundberg O. Health and inequalities among the oldest old. Journal of Aging and Health 1994; 6(1):51-69. Page 6 of 12

International Publications Books, Chapters and Reports 2013 Sundström G, Thorslund M. Healthy Aging in Sweden. In Scharlach A, Hoshino K, editors. Healthy aging in sociocultural context. New York: Routledge Press; 2013. p.33-41. 2012 Parker MG. Aging in a gendered society: social and biological determinants of health in the elderly population. Chapter: Geriatrics. In: Schenk-Gustafsson K, DeCola PR, Pfaff DW, Pisetsky DS, editors. Handbook of clinical gender medicine. Basel: Karger; 2012. p.482-488. Parker MG, Agahi N. Cohort change in living conditions and lifestyle among middle aged Swedes: the effects on mortality and late-life disability. In: Phellas C, editor. Aging in European societies. New York: Springer; 2012. p.237-253. 2007 Fritzell J, Lennartsson C, Lundberg O. Health and inequalities in Sweden: Long and short-term perspectives. In Fritzell J, Lundberg O, editors. Health Inequalities and Welfare Resources: Continuity and Change in Sweden. Brighton: Policy Press; 2007. p.19-42. Fritzell J, Lennartsson C, Lundberg O. Health inequalities and welfare resources findings and forecasts. In Fritzell J, Lundberg O, editors. Health Inequalities and Welfare Resources: Continuity and Change in Sweden. Brighton: Policy Press; 2007. p.199-208. Lennartsson C, Lundberg O. What s marital status got to do with it? Gender inequalities in economic resources, health and functional abilities among older adults. In: Fritzell J, Lundberg O, editors. Health Inequalities and Welfare Resources: Continuity and Change in Sweden. Brighton: Policy Press; 2007. p.179-198. 2004 Parker MG, Thorslund M, Lundberg O. Support and care for frail old persons in Sweden. In: Marou N, Björklund A, le Grand C, editors. Welfare Policy and Labour Markets. Transformations of the Japanese and Swedish Models for the 21st Century. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International; 2004. 2001 Kåreholt I. The long shadow of socioeconomic conditions in childhood: do they affect class inequalities in mortality?. In Jonsson JO, Mills C, editors. Cradle to Grave. Life Course Change in Modern Sweden. York: Sociology Press; 2001. Page 7 of 12

1999 Parker MG, Ahacic K, Thorslund M, Lundberg O. Socioeconomic status and health among elderly people in Sweden. In: Adler NE, Marmot M, McEwen BS, Stewart J, editors. Socioeconomic Status and Health in Industrial Nations, Social, Psychological, and Biological Pathways (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences). New York: The New York Academy of Sciences; 1999. 896(1):383-385. 1996 Lundberg O, Kåreholt I.The Social Patterning of Mortality in a cohort of Elderly Swedes. In Yearbook of Population Research in Finland; Vol. 33; 1996. Swedish Publications - Journals 2013 Fors S, Lennartsson C, Agahi N, Parker MG, Thorslund M. Intervjustudie om de allra äldstas levnadsvillkor. Äldre har fått fler hälsoproblem, men klarar vardagen bättre. Läkartidningen 2013;110:CA33. 2010 Agahi N, Lennartsson C, Österman J, Wånell SE. Sociala relationer, socialt deltagande och hälsa bland äldre personer. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 2010; 87(3):175-181. Agahi N. Aktiv och frisk eller frisk och aktiv? Äldre personers fritidsaktiviteter och sambandet med hälsa. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 2010; 3:241-246. Parker V, Lööf L, Kåreholt I. After work en longitudinell studie i arbetsmiljöns långsiktiga inverkan på sambandet mellan socioekonomisk position och äldres ohälsa. Sociologisk forskning. 2010;4. Thorslund M. Åldrandet och äldreomsorgens utveckling. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 2010;87(5-6):397-406. 2005 Thorslund M, Parker MG. Hur mår egentligen de äldre? Motstridiga forskningsresultat tyder på både förbättrad och försämrad hälsa. Läkartidningen 2005; 102(43):3119-3124. 2004 Thorslund M, Lennartsson C, Parker MG, Lundberg O. De allra äldstas hälsa har blivit sämre (Elderly people s health has become worse). Läkartidningen 2004; 101(17):1494-1499. Page 8 of 12

1997 Brattberg G, Parker MG, Kåreholt I. Smärta i den äldsta befolkningen. Smärta 1997; 1:12-14. 1996 Lundberg O, Thorslund M. Höga inkomster speglar bättre hälsa. Resurserna för äldrevården kan fördelas bättre. Läkartidningen 1996; 93:2606-2608. 1995 Lundberg O, Thorslund M. De allra äldstas levnadsförhållanden. Social forskning 1995; 3:10-11. 1994 Bernadotte af Wisborg G, Claesson C, Thorslund M. Hur klarar äldre att öppna förpackningar och läsa etiketter? Svensk Farmaceutisk Tidskrift 1994; 98:1-4. 1993 Thorslund M, Lundberg O. Levnadsnivåundersökningar av de äldsta. Viktigt att välja rätt test och rätt intervjuare. Läkartidningen 1993; 41:3555-3556. Thorslund M, Lundberg O, Parker MG. Klass och ohälsa bland de allra äldsta. Studie visar allmängiltigt samband. Läkartidningen 1993; 41(90):3547-3550. Swedish Publications Books, Chapters and Reports 2013 Parker M. Hälsa hos äldre med fokus på socioekonomisk position. In: Andersson L, editor. Socialgerontologi. Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2013. p.305-327. 2012 Fors S. Ojämnlikhet och hälsa i ett livsloppsperspektiv. In: Andersson L, Öberg P, editors. Jämlik ålderdom? I samtiden och framtiden. Solna: Liber; 2012. p.112-136. Lennartsson C, Fors S. Sociala skillnader i hälsa bland äldre. In: Rostila M, Toivanen S, editors. Den orättvisa hälsan: om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Stockholm: Liber; 2012. p.342-360. Page 9 of 12

Thorslund M. Hälsa och ohälsa bland äldre. In: Andersson L, Öberg P, editors. Jämlik ålderdom? I samtiden och framtiden. Solna: Liber; 2012. p.137-163. 2009 Lennartsson C, Heimerson I. Äldres hälsa. In: Folkhälsorapport 2009. Stockholm: National Board of Health and Welfare; 2009. 2005 Larsson K, Thorslund M. Äldres hälsa. In: Folkhälsorapport 2005. Stockholm: National Board of Health and Welfare; 2005. 1998 Thorslund M. De allra äldstas situation. In: Äldreomsorgens vardag. Stockholm: Socialvetenskapliga forskningsrådet, p.18-30; 1998. 1997 Kåreholt I. Arbetslösheten i Sverige under högkonjunkturen 1986-1990 En deskriptiv studie av kortoch långvariga arbetslöshetsproblem. (Swedish unemployment during the business boom of 1986-1990 a description of short-term and long-term unemployment problems). Stockholm: Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University; 1997. 1996 Parker MG, Thorslund M, Ahacic K. De äldres funktionsförmåga. In: Äldres hälsa, behov och bruk av service och vård. Ädel-utvärderingen 96:6. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 1996. Thorslund M, Lundberg O, Parker MG, Ahacic K. Klass, hälsa och funktionsförmåga bland de allra äldsta. In: Äldres hälsa, behov och bruk av service och vård. Ädel-utvärderingen 96:6. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 1996. 1995 Korpi W, Kåreholt I. Chapter 6 10 in Korpi, K. Arbetslöshet och arbetslöshetsförsäkring in Sweden (Unemployment and unemployment insurance in Sweden). Stockholm: EFA, Ministry of Labour; 1995. Page 10 of 12

1993 Lennartsson C. Fritid och social förankring. Om förändring och sociala skillnader under perioden 1981 till 1991. In Rapport nr. 5 från 1991 års Levnadsnivåprojekt. Stockholm, Institutet för social forskning; 1993. Lundberg O, Thorslund M. Att göra levnadsnivåundersökningar om de äldsta. Några erfarenheter från fältarbete och formulärutveckling. Nordiskt seminarium kring statistik om service och omsorger för äldre. Nordisk statistisk sekretariat. Tekniska rapporter 57, 147-155. Köpenhamn; 1993 Dissertations 2011 Schön P. Gender matters. Differences and change in disability and health among our oldest women and men [PhD Thesis]. Stockholm: Department of Social Work, Stockholm University; 2011. 2010 Fors S. Blood on the tracks: life-course perspectives on health inequalities in later life [PhD Thesis]. Stockholm: Department of Social Work, Stockholm University. 2010. 2008 Agahi N. Leisure in late life: patterns of participation and relationship with health [PhD Thesis]. Aging Research Center (ARC). Karolinska Institutet. 2008. Haider SI. Socioeconomic differences in drug use among older people: Trends, polypharmacy, quality and new drugs [PhD Thesis]. Aging Research Center (ARC). Karolinska Institutet. 2008. Meinow B. Capturing health in the elderly population: Complex health problems, mortality, and the allocation of home-help services [PhD Thesis]. Department of Social Work, Stockholm University. 2008. 2007 Beckman A. Medication management and patient compliance in old age [PhD Thesis]. Aging Research Center (ARC). Karolinska Institutet. 2007. 2002 Ahacic K. Improvement in the Aging Population 1968-1991: Trends in Mobility and Dental Status [PhD Thesis]. Stockholm: Department of Social Work, Stockholm University. 2002. Page 11 of 12

2001 Lennartsson C. Still in Touch. Family Contacts, Activities and Health among Elderly in Sweden [PhD Thesis]. Stockholm: Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University. 2001. 2000 Kåreholt I. Social Class and Mortality Risk [PhD Thesis]. Stockholm: Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University. 2000. 1998 Manderbacka K. Questions on Survey Questions on health [PhD Thesis]. Stockholm: Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University. 1998. 1994 Parker MG. Functional Limitations among the Oldest Old [PhD Thesis]. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Faculty of Medicine 518. Uppsala. 1994. Editorials and Popular Publications 2011 Meinow B, Parker M, Thorslund M. Många äldre har inte själva förmåga att välja sin omsorg. Dagens Nyheter, DN-debatt, 27 September 2011. 2010 Lennartsson C, Thorslund M. Vår allt längre ålderdom. Framtider 2010; 2:18-20. Institutet för Framtidsstudier. 2007 Lennartsson C. Olika livssituation för äldre kvinnor och män. Välfärd 2007; 2:12-13. SCB. Page 12 of 12