and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson 2012 (3 rd edition):

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LÄS-SCHEMA LITTERATUR ATT LÄSA VECKA 41 7/10 10-12, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG) och R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Introduktion: Global arkeologi Scarre, C., "Introduction: The Study of the Human Past", Kap. 1 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 25 43. Hodder, I., "Crises in global archaeology", i I. Hodder (red.), The Archaeological Process: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell publishers, 1999: 1-19. Trigger, B. G., "Studying the History of Archaeology", Kap. 1 i A history of archaeological thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 (2 nd edition): 1-39. 8/10 10-12, K. Knutsson (UU): Äldre stenålder och Out of Africa Klein, R. G., Hominin Dispersals in the Old World, Kap. 3 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 85-123. Pettitt, P., The Rise of Modern Humans, Kap. 4 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 125-173. Toth, N. & Schick, K., African Origins, Kap. 2 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 47-83. 9/10 Självstudier: Förberedelse av frågor till evolutionsbegreppet 10/10 13-15, H. Wallin-Martinsson (CG): Evolutionsbegreppet Trigger, B. G., "Evolutionary archaeology", Kap. 5 i A history of archaeological thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 (2 nd edition): 166-210. 11/10 10-12, K-J. Lindholm (UU): Jägare och samlare ur ett globalt perspektiv Browman, D. L., Gayle J. F., Watson, P. J and Meltzer, D. J. "Origins of Food-Producing Economies in the Americas", Kap. 9 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 307-316, 320-323, 330-342, 344-348. Bellwood, P. and Hiscock, P., Australia and the Pacific Basin during the Holocene, Kap. 8 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 265-278. Connah, G., "Holocene Africa", Kap. 10 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition) 350-360. Scarre, C. "Holocene Europe", Kap. 11 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson 2012 (3 rd edition): 392 396.

11/10 13-15, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG) & R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Seminarium i Grupp - Människoblivandet och evolutionsbegreppet LITTERATUR ATT LÄSA VECKA 42 14/10 10-12, K-J. Lindholm (UU): Pastoralism ur ett globalt perspektiv Lindholm, K-J., Research Background, Kap. 2 + Discussion, Kap. 8 i K.-J. Lindholm, Wells of experience: a pastoral land-use history of Omaheke, Namibia. Uppsala : Uppsala University. African and Comparative Archaeology 11, 2006: 5-21, 140-145. Cribb, R.,"Origins and Definitions" Kap. 2 i R. Cribb, Nomads in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991: 9-22. Lane, K., "Through the Looking Glass: Re-Assessing the Role of Agro-Pastoralism in the North-Central Andean Highlands". World Archaeology 38/3, 2006: 493-510. Levy, T. E., "The Emergence of Specialized Pastoralism in the Southern Levant". World Archaeology 15/1, 1983: 15-36. Smith, A. B., "Origins and Spread of Pastoralism in Africa". Annual Review of Anthropology 21, 1992: 125-141. 15/10 10-12, P. Wallin (CG): Neolitisering och domesticering i ett globalt perspektiv Hayden, B. "A new overview of domestication", i T. D. Price och A. Gebauer (red.), Last hunters - first farmers: New perspectives on the prehistoric transition to agriculture. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press 1995: 273-299. Higham, C., "East Asian Agriculture and its impact", Kap. 7 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 235-263. Connah, G. Holocene Africa, Kap. 10 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson 2012 (3 rd edition): 361-370. Scarre, C. "Holocene Europe", Kap. 11 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson 2012 (3 rd edition): 396-419. 16/10 Självstudier: Människoblivandet och evolutionsbegreppet (grupparbete) + Förberedelse av frågor till seminarium - Domesticering, jordbruk och pastoralism 17/10 10-12, R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Jordbrukets uppkomst och den bördiga halvmånen Bender, B., "Gatherer-Hunter to Farmer: A Social Perspective". World Archaeology 10/2, 1978: 204-222. Flannery, K., "The Origins of Agriculture". Annual Review of Anthropology 2, 1973:271-310

Scarre, C., "The World Transformed: from foragers and farmers to states and empires", Kap. 5 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 177-193. Watkins, T., "From foragers to complex societies in southwest Asia", Kap. 6 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 201-233 17/10 13-15, P. Wallin (CG) och R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Seminarium - Domesticering, jordbruk och pastoralism 18/10 10-13, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG) och R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Presentationer av grupparbete - Männoskoblivandet och evolutions-begreppet LITTERATUR ATT LÄSA VECKA 43 21/10 10-12, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG): Civilisationernas framväxt - sociale och miljömässiga processer Renfrew, C. and Bahn, P., "Why did things change? Attempts at explanation: one cause or several? The origins of the state", i C. Renfrew and P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, Sixth edition. New York: Thames and Hudson. 2012: 477-484. Scarre, C., "Key Controversy: Cities, States and Civilizations Defined and Explained", i C. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 196-197. Fagan, B. M., "The Development of Civilization", Kap. 14 i People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004: 332-351 alt. 1995: 342-360. Matthews, R., "Peoples and Complex Societies of Ancient Southwest Asia", Kap. 12 i C. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 432 463. Connah, G., "Holocene Africa", Kap. 10 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 370-378. Coningham, R., "South Asia: From Early Villages to Buddhism", Kap. 14 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 528-540. 21/10 13-15, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG): Domesticering och urbanisering i Sydamerika Webster, D. and S. Toby Evans, "Mesoamerican Civilization", Kap. 16 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 595 601. Mosely, M. E. and Heckenberger, M. J., "From Village to Empire in South America", Kap. 17 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 641-667.

22/10 10-12, R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Urbanisering ur ett globalt perspektiv Feinman, G. M., "Social Boundaries and Political Change: A Comparative Perspective" i M. S. Rothman och G. Stein (red.), Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East. Monographs in World Archaeology 18, 1994: 225-236. Yoffee, N., "The Meaning of Cities in the Earliest States and Civilizations", Kap. 3 i Myths of the Archaic State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005: 43-90. Repitition från C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): Egypt/Africa: 370-386; Europe: 419-429; Mesopotamia: 439-450; Indus: 528-540. 22/10 13-15, I. Pikirayi (University of Pretoria): Urbanization in Africa 23/10 Självstudier: Domesticering PM + Förberedelse av frågor till seminarium - Social organisation och urbanisering. Fallstudier 24/10 10-12 + 13-15, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG) och R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Seminarium - Social organisation och urbanisering. Presentation av fallstudier. 25/10 10-12, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG) och R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Seminarium tentafrågor 25/10 Inlämning av PM Domesticering - kl. 18.00 LITTERATUR ATT LÄSA VECKA 44 28/10 10-12, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG): Globale fysiska processer. Fallstudie Sahul och Sunda/Östersjön Bellwood, P. and Hiscock, P. Australia and the Pacific Basin during the Holocene, Kap. 8 i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Past: World Prehistory and the Development of Human Societies. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 282-300. Svensson, N.-O., "Deglaciation och strandlinjeförskjutning i Norden", i G. Burenholt (red.), Arkeologi Norden 1, Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1999: 168-169. 29/10 10-12, H. Martinsson-Wallin (CG) och R. Wulff Krabbenhöft (UU): Sammanfattande slutdiskussion 30/10 Självstudier: Tentafrågor 31/10 Självstudier: Tentafrågor 1/11 10-13 Examinations-tillfälle: Salstenta. OBS! För litteratur till den inspelade föreläsning med A. Ekblom se nästa sida!

A. Ekblom (UU): Miljöhistorier från världen (inspelad föreläsning) Goudie, A. S. " Introduction: The human impact on the natural environment", Kap. 1 i A. S. Goudie, The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, 6th edition. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006: 7-22. Matthews, R., "Key Controversy: The End of the Early Bronze Age" i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, OBS: 2005 (2 nd edition): 448. Coningham, R., "Key Controversy: The End of the Indus Cities" i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 538. Webster, D. and S. Toby Evans, "Key Controversy: The Collapse of Maya Civilization" i C. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 630-631. Pettitt, P., "Key Controversy: Big-Game Extinctions in North America", i C. Scarre (red.), The Human Hudson, 2012 (3 rd edition): 172-173. Renfrew, C. and Bahn, P., "Why did things change? Attempts at explanation - one cause or several? The Classic Maya Collapse", i C. Renfrew and P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, Sixth edition. New York: Thames and Hudson. 2012: 482-483. Tainter, J. A., "Social complexity and sustainability". Ecological Complexity 3, 2006: 91-103.