Sammanställning för Algebrans grunder, vt 2019

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Sammanställning för Lineär algebra 2, vt 2019

Sammanställning för Lineär algegra 2 MATB22 vt 2018

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1. How many hours per week have you on average spent on the course, including scheduled time?

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MO8004_VT18. Antal svar: 4

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HF Antal respondenter: 111 Antal svar: 31 Svarsfrekvens: 27,93 %


Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Algebrans grunder, vt 2019 Kursansvarig: Kjell Elfström Övriga lärare: Adem Limani Antal studenter: 79 från början inklusive omregistrerade och studenter på lärarutbildningen Betyg vid ordinarie tentamen: 15 V, 29 G, 12 U Utvärdering Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen: Se följande sidor. Lärarnas kommentarer: Av diagramstaplarna att döma var studenterna i genomsnitt mycket nöjda med kursen. De påståenden som fick minst antal instämmande eller delvis instämmande röster var The course has increased my ability to cooperate, The course has increased my ability to search and process information och The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject orally. I samtliga dessa fall angav ändå minst 58,8% av de svarande att de instämde helt eller delvis. Vad gäller påståendet om muntlig kommunikation har studenterna ett eget ansvar. De ges gott om tillfällen under seminarierna att öva på detta. De har också fått tillfälle att öva upp förmågan till samarbete genom de ingående grupparbetena. Det har dock inte i kursen ingått något moment där studenterna får träning i att själva söka information. I fritextsvaren på frågan om vad som uppskattades mest framhölls i synnerhet litteraturens, lärarens och undervisningsformens förträffligheter. Vad kunde då förbättras? Tentamen bör inte bara fokusera på de senare kapitlen i litteraturen. På så sätt blir studiet av de inledande kapitlen slöseri med tid. Denna kommentar ids jag knappt bemöta. Man behöver bygga upp en matematisk teori, och det är först när man har gjort det som intressanta frågor kan ställas. Föreläsningarna är lika kurslitteraturen. Föreläsningarna borde gå mer på djupet. Föreläsningarna är delvis lika innehållet i litteraturen. I litteraturen ges en fullständig beviskedja av satserna. På föreläsningarna försöker jag framhålla på ett översiktligare sätt hur delarna hänger samman. Min synpunkt är alltså att det är litteraturen som skall gå mer på djupet än föreläsningarna. I bland är arbetsbelastningen från onsdag till torsdag för stor. Jag är medveten om detta och brukar uppmana studenterna att försöka läsa i förväg. Det är bara ett fåtal veckor med undervisning på onsdagar. Jag vet inte hur man löser detta schematekniska problem med fullt utnyttjande av dessa få onsdagar. Läraren borde ställa fler frågor under föreläsningarna. Jag tycker att jag ställer en hel del frågor. Tentamen är för lätt i förhållande till det vi har lärt oss. Det är väl bra. Fler problem med exempellösningar bidrar till bättre inlärning. Det finns gott om exempel med lösningar. Matematik handlar heller inte om att kopiera exempellösningar utan om att förstå innehållet och kunna tillämpa det på nya problem. Mer information om examinationsprocessen. Ganska litet muntlig information gives men den skriftliga är tillräckligt omfattande.

Det enda som kan förbättras är kursens position i förhållande till övriga kurser. Den borde ges samtidigt som envariabelanalys i början av den första terminen. Jag känner stor sympati med denna synpunkt. Det enda jag kan göra är att vidarebefordra den till studierektorn. Samtidigt tror jag att en sådan förflyttning hade fått leda till en mer urvattnad kurs, eftersom det nuvarande upplägget ändå kräver en viss matematisk mognad hos studenten. Utvärdering av förändringar sedan förra kurstillfället: Tidigare kursvärderingar har inte föranlett några förändringar. Förslag till förändringar inför nästa kurstillfälle: Inga Sammanställare och datum för sammanställningen: Kjell Elfström, 10 juni 2019.

Foundations of Algebra, Spring 2019 Answer Count: 17 I have studied this course as part of Number of I have studied this course as part of Bachelor s Programme in Mathematics 13 (76.5%) Bachelor s Programme in Physics, Theoretical Physics, Astronomy 1 (5.9%) Bachelor s Programme, other specialization 0 (0.0%) Master's Programme in Mathematics 0 (0.0%) Master s Programme in Mathematical Statistics 0 (0.0%) Master s Programme, other specialization 0 (0.0%) Teacher Education 2 (11.8%) other programme or as stand alone course 1 (5.9%) I have studied this course as part of 2.2 2.5

On the scale 1-5 select the option that best matches your opinion: 1= disagree completely 3= partly agree 5= agree completely 2. My prior knowledge has been sufficient to assimilate the contents of this course. 2. My prior knowledge has been sufficient to Number of assimilate the contents of this course. 2 1 (5.9%) 3 2 (11.8%) 4 0 (0.0%) 5 14 (82.4%) 2. My prior knowledge has been sufficient to assimilate the contents of this course. 4.6 0.9 3. I have participated actively in the course. 3. I have participated actively in the course. Number of 1 1 (5.9%) 2 2 (11.8%) 3 3 (17.6%) 4 2 (11.8%) 5 9 (52.9%) 3. I have participated actively in the course. 3.9 1.3

Average number of hours spent in total on the course per week (including scheduled activities): Average number of hours spent in total on the course per week (including scheduled activities): Number of 0-2 1 (6.3%) 3-5 1 (6.3%) 6-8 1 (6.3%) 9-11 2 (12.5%) 12-14 2 (12.5%) 15-17 4 (25.0%) 18-20 2 (12.5%) 21-23 1 (6.3%) 24-26 1 (6.3%) 27-29 1 (6.3%) Total 16 (100.0%) Average number of hours spent in total on the course per week (including scheduled activities): 14.4 7.6

The course in general On the scale 1-5 select the option that best matches your opinion: 1= disagree completely 3= partly agree 5= agree completely The way the course was taught and organised suited me. The way the course was taught and organised Number of suited me. 3 3 (17.6%) 4 2 (11.8%) 5 12 (70.6%) The way the course was taught and organised suited me. 4.5 0.8 The number of teacher lead activities (lectures, seminars etc.) has been satisfactory. The number of teacher lead activities (lectures, Number of seminars etc.) has been satisfactory. 3 1 (5.9%) 4 4 (23.5%) 5 12 (70.6%) The number of teacher lead activities (lectures, seminars etc.) has been satisfactory. 4.6 0.6

The lectures were valuable for my learning. Number of The lectures were valuable for my learning. 1 1 (5.9%) 2 1 (5.9%) 3 0 (0.0%) 4 6 (35.3%) 5 9 (52.9%) The lectures were valuable for my learning. 4.2 1.1 The seminars were valuable for my learning. Number of The seminars were valuable for my learning. 1 1 (6.3%) 2 1 (6.3%) 3 1 (6.3%) 4 4 (25.0%) 5 9 (56.3%) Total 16 (100.0%)

The seminars were valuable for my learning. 4.2 1.2 Studying on my own was valuable for my learning. Studying on my own was valuable for my Number of learning. 3 1 (5.9%) 4 3 (17.6%) 5 13 (76.5%) Studying on my own was valuable for my learning. 4.7 0.6

The course literature/material was a valuable learning resource. The course literature/material was a valuable Number of learning resource. 3 2 (11.8%) 4 4 (23.5%) 5 11 (64.7%) The course literature/material was a valuable learning resource. 4.5 0.7 The information I received before the course start was satisfactory. The information I received before the course start Number of was satisfactory. 2 3 (18.8%) 3 1 (6.3%) 4 3 (18.8%) 5 9 (56.3%) Total 16 (100.0%) The information I received before the course start was satisfactory. 4.1 1.2

The communication with the teaching staff during the course was good. The communication with the teaching staff during Number of the course was good. 3 2 (11.8%) 4 5 (29.4%) 5 10 (58.8%) The communication with the teaching staff during the course was good. 4.5 0.7 It was clear throughout the course what was expected of me. It was clear throughout the course what was Number of expected of me. 1 1 (5.9%) 2 2 (11.8%) 3 3 (17.6%) 4 3 (17.6%) 5 8 (47.1%) It was clear throughout the course what was expected of me. 3.9 1.3

I have received valuable feedback from my teacher/teachers during the course. I have received valuable feedback from my teacher Number of /teachers during the course. 1 1 (5.9%) 3 2 (11.8%) 4 5 (29.4%) 5 9 (52.9%) I have received valuable feedback from my teacher/teachers during the course. 4.2 1.1 The course had a reasonable workload. The course had a reasonable workload. Number of 2 1 (5.9%) 3 0 (0.0%) 4 2 (11.8%) 5 14 (82.4%) The course had a reasonable workload. 4.7 0.8

The workload was evenly distributed throughout the course. The workload was evenly distributed throughout Number of the course. 2 1 (6.3%) 3 4 (25.0%) 4 1 (6.3%) 5 10 (62.5%) Total 16 (100.0%) The workload was evenly distributed throughout the course. 4.3 1.1 The examination matched the contents and level of the course. The examination matched the contents and level Number of of the course. 2 1 (6.3%) 3 0 (0.0%) 4 3 (18.8%) 5 12 (75.0%) Total 16 (100.0%) The examination matched the contents and level of the course. 4.6 0.8

Overall, I am satisfied with the course. Overall, I am satisfied with the course. Number of 3 0 (0.0%) 4 3 (17.6%) 5 14 (82.4%) Overall, I am satisfied with the course. 4.8 0.4 On the development of generic skills On a scale 1-5 select the option that best matches your opinion: 1= disagree completely 3= partly agree 5= agree completely The course has increased my ability to read a mathematical text. The course has increased my ability to read a Number of mathematical text. 3 0 (0.0%) 4 3 (17.6%) 5 14 (82.4%) The course has increased my ability to read a mathematical text. 4.8 0.4

The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject in writing. The course has increased my ability to Number of communicate the subject in writing. 2 1 (5.9%) 3 1 (5.9%) 4 2 (11.8%) 5 13 (76.5%) The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject in writing. 4.6 0.9 The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject orally. The course has increased my ability to Number of communicate the subject orally. 1 1 (5.9%) 3 5 (29.4%) 4 3 (17.6%) 5 8 (47.1%)

The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject orally. 4.0 1.2 The course has increased my ability to cooperate. The course has increased my ability to Number of cooperate. 1 2 (11.8%) 2 3 (17.6%) 3 2 (11.8%) 4 5 (29.4%) 5 5 (29.4%) The course has increased my ability to cooperate. 3.5 1.4

The course has increased my ability to search and process information. The course has increased my ability to search and Number of process information. 1 2 (11.8%) 2 2 (11.8%) 3 3 (17.6%) 4 3 (17.6%) 5 7 (41.2%) The course has increased my ability to search and process information. 3.6 1.5 The course has increased my ability to analyze and solve problems. The course has increased my ability to analyze Number of and solve problems. 3 1 (5.9%) 4 6 (35.3%) 5 10 (58.8%) The course has increased my ability to analyze and solve problems. 4.5 0.6

As a result of this course, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems. As a result of this course, I feel confident about Number of tackling unfamiliar problems. 1 2 (11.8%) 2 1 (5.9%) 3 1 (5.9%) 4 8 (47.1%) 5 5 (29.4%) As a result of this course, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems. 3.8 1.3 What did you appreciate most with the course? What did you appreciate most with the course? The final exam The concise examples in the lecture notes. Kjell is organised. I can finally remember what Z, C, Q, N and R mean. Seminars and the structure The talent of the teacher Defining all the things we have been using in previous courses; now i know exactly what most things mean. Functions, cartesian products, complex numbers,... Chances to present our homework. Well-structured lecture note. The teacher The provided textbook was very good. Kjell was easy to follow, and overall a good lecturer. The lecture notes are fairly good. The structured manner of giving information. Also, the lecture notes are very detailed and were useful. The seminars are great and allow you to check alternate proofs of theorems. The expectations are very clear. No mistakes in the answers of the book. Good examples of the various techniques and good explanations of the many proofs.

What do you think should be improved? What do you think should be improved? It would be GREAT if we can have the lecture notes prior to the first lecture Nothing The exam focused on the last chapters, this makes the amount of time and lectures spent on the first chapters feel like wasted time looking back on it, as it is unclear that these chapters are not the focus of the course, leading to unbalanced workload. Lectures are nearly identical to lectures notes. Though the lectures itself didn't at all hinder my chances of passing. Since the important information is already given in the notes, would benefit if the lectures were more in depth, instead of just showing proofs,to take more time explaining the steps in detail. Sometimes the workload given from Wednesday to Thursdays was too much. It was also suggested to abe combinatorics be 1 lecture/seminar instead of two, which would be a terrible idea as combinatorics was the hardest chapter Videos explaining difficult problems I would have liked one more lecture in combinatorics 1. Asking more questions on the lectures might be helpful to intrigue students. 2. The exam is a bit easy compared to what we ve learnt. To offer more problems with example solutions to facilitate better learning. More communication regarding examination procedure. A calmer examination environment, there was a lot of commotion. It felt silly to have hand-in projects. Those should be removed, if possible. Sometimes in the lecture notes the argument comes before the statement, we are proving, - it can be confusing to try figuring out the argument, if you don't know what we are aiming for. The only thing that can be improved is the position of the course relative to the other courses. It feels strange to have this course of foundations at the end of the first year and it repeats a little bit of analysis 1. It may be better to have this course together with analysis 1 during the first part of the first semester so you have a better feeling and foundation for the other subjects. Analysis 1 can then skip the foundations part and have a bit less heavy workload. Have you during this course experienced course literature, staff or teaching methods to be discriminatory in any way (gender, ethnicity, etc.)? Have you during this course experienced course literature, staff or teaching methods to be discriminatory in any way (gender, ethnicity, etc.)? No No no No of course not Absolutely not, why ask. Why not ask for things to improve. No No. Not at all. No. No. No