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Materialplanering och styrning på grundnivå Provmoment: Ladokkod: Tentamen ges för: Skriftlig tentamen TI6612 Af3-Ma, Al3, Log3,IBE3 7,5 högskolepoäng Namn: (Ifylles av student) Personnummer: (Ifylles av student) Tentamensdatum: 2012-10-25 Tid: 09.00 13.00 Hjälpmedel: Enkel räknedosa. Totalt antal poäng på tentamen: För att få respektive betyg krävs: G=14, 4=21, 5=28 35 poäng Allmänna anvisningar: OBS! Tentan delas upp vid rättning: Märk alla blad noga med namn och personnummer, endast en uppgift per sida! Viktigt! Glöm inte att skriva namn på alla blad du lämnar in. Lycka till! Ansvarig lärare: Agnes Andersson, Håkan Svensson Telefonnummer: Mobil Håkan: 070-5515838

2 (7) Question 1 (6m) Explain the most important prerequisites or factors from the planning environment for the following systems (at least two factors per system, motivate your answer): a) MRP b) JIT c) Kanban d) TOC e) Re-orderpoint systems f) Replenishment systems Fråga 1 (6p) Förklara vilka de viktigaste förutsättningarna/ faktorerna i planeringsmiljön är för att följande system skall vara ett lämpligt val att implementera (minst två faktorer per system, motivera ditt svar) a) MRP b) JIT c) Kanban d) TOC e) Beställningspunkt system f) Återfyllnads system Question 2 (5m) When you work as a master scheduler you work in the SOP and MPS level. In this there are a couple of concepts and techniques that helps you. a) Explain the two concepts that concerns time fence in the Master Plan. (2m) b) You have chosen to work after the ATO strategy. Explain how that affects your environment as master scheduler. (3p) Fråga 2 (5p) När du arbetar som huvudplanerare jobbar du främst med SOP och MPS nivån. Inom denna finns ett antal begrepp och tekniker som hjälper dig. a) Förklara de två begrepp som berör tidfönster i MPS. (2p) b) Du har valt att jobba efter ATO. Beskriv hur det påverkar din miljö som huvudplanerare. (3p) Question 3 (4m) The MRP logic describes a planning loop; explain what parts are included and what needs to be considered. Include in the explanation what data in-put that is required to run the MRPloop. You may include an illustration or diagram in your explanation. Fråga 3 (4p) MRP logiken beskriver en planeringsloop; förklara vilka delar som ingår och vad man tar hänsyn till. Visa även vilka indata som behövs för att man skall kunna köra sin MRP-loop. Använd gärna en bild i din förklaring.

3 (7) Question 4 (5m) When running an Sales and Operations planning you have to consider a lot of things. a) You work with four fundamentals that you struggle to achieve some kind of balance in. Which four are the ones. Describe briefly what they mean. (2m) b) Give an example how the SOP process can look like. (3m) Fråga 4 (5p) När du kör en Sälj och verksamhetsplanering måste du ta hänsyn till många olika parametrar. a) Du arbetar med fyra fundamenta som du kämpar för att hålla I balans. Vilka fyra är det? Beskriv kortfattat vad de innebär. (2p) b) Ge ett exempel hur en SOP process kan se ut. (3p) Question 5 (5m) a) Explain dynamic due date maintenance and the primary argument for this practice. (3m) b) What makes a planning system nervous?. (2m) Fråga 5 (5p). a) Förklara begreppet dynamic due date maintenance och huvudskälet till denna praxis. (3p) b) Vad utmärker ett nervöst planeringssystem? (2p)

4 (7) Question 6 (5 m) The company Customer First AB are using a make to stock strategy and product A is their main product. The forecast for product A, the accepted customer orders and the present master production schedule is shown below. The company presently has 120 units on hand and a fixed master production schedule quantity of 70 units is used. The company is using a demand time fence of 3 weeks and a planning time fence of 8 weeks. Table 1: Forecast, customer orders and master production schedule of product A Forecast product A Accepted customer orders Master Production schedule Week Quantity Week Quantity Week Quantity 1 40 1 48 1 2 40 2 41 2 70 3 40 3 37 3 4 40 4 42 4 5 40 5 31 5 6 50 6 22 6 7 50 7 12 7 8 50 8 4 8 9 50 9 7 9 10 50 10 9 10 a) You are the master scheduler and should prepare an update for the following 10 weeks. Use the above information about forecast, customer orders and planned production together with the basic data aswell to prepare this new plan. Use the sheet on next page to fill available, available to promise and MPS if appropriate.. (3m) b) The following customer orders arrive to the sales department and they ask you to decide which of the customer orders that can be accepted. Treat the customer orders one by one in the order they arrive, starting with order no 1 and continue with order no 2 and so on. Splitting the orders is not allowed and no backlog should be created. (2m) State clearly which of the following can be accepted and motivate your answer with the record created in question a) 1. A new customer order of 10 units in week 3 2. A new customer order of 10 units in week 1 3. A new customer order of 8 units in week 6 4. A new customer order of 72 units in week 10 Please use the sheet on the next page for your answer!!!

5 (7) Question: Page number: Name: Social security number: a) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Forecast Orders Available Available to promise MPS b) 1: 2: 3: 4:

6 (7) Question 7 (5 m) A company is producing a product A and the product structure is shown in the figure below. The master production schedule on product A is given in the tables below as well as the information on inventory levels, lot-sizing technique, safety stock policies and scheduled receipts. a) Given this information and following the product structure diagram for the product A, fill out the MRP records for item B and C (5m) Product A Item B (1 required) Item D (1 required) Item C (2 required) Item C (2 required) Item E (1 required) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Product A 12 12 12 12 12 12 Item B Schedule Receipts Yes in week 2 Inventory Status Safety Stock Safety time Lead time Lot sizing technique 30 0 No 1 weeks Fixed order qty 20 Item C No 84 10 1 week 2 weeks Lot for lot Please use the sheet on the next page for your answer!!!

7 (7) Question: Page number: Name: Social security number: ITEM : Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gross Requirement Scheduled Receipts Projected available balance Planned Order Release ITEM : Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gross Requirement Scheduled Receipts Projected available balance Planned Order Release