mars 2006 Juan Copoví-Mena

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New University Hospital Anna Montgomery Property planner, Locum

New University Hospital 1. The surrounding world 2. Before 3. Currently 4. Conclusion 5. Vision 6. Norra station, a new district

New University Hospital

AMO1 Karolinska University Hospital 1.8 milion inhabitants Two university hospitals merged into one Karolinska University Hospital, 2004 Five other general hospitals Four general hospitals have closed Similar trend, Sweden, Europe

Slide 5 AMO1 AMO, 16/04/2006

Health care demands New technology and new treatments demands new infrastructure and new units/buildings higher productivity (care) higher activity (research) strengthens inter-/nationell competitiveness better working environment more attractive patient environment

Process orientated solutions daycare in-patients care emergency planned

New university hospital demands Multipurpose and flexibility, ready for future development Possibilities for expansion Physically close between patient and research

New Karolinska Hospital Replaces the old Karolinska Hospital Focus on specialised and highly specialised care related to the research and teaching task 400 500 beds (120,000 sq m) Research labs (40,000 sq m) Patients' hotel Cooperation between university hospital KI (Medical University) KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) Business start-ups

Development of healthcare system 1 Competitive hospitals 2 Cooperation, shared management 3 Fusion of university hospitals 4 Program and profiles 5 Healthcare system /Academicly

Summary Fewer resource-intensive general hospitals Autonomous diagnostic and therapeutic centres University hospital, a knowledge hub with responsibility for research and education throughout the entire medical care system More efficient care processes

Karolinska Sjukhuset

Nybyggnad frigör yta i laboratoriekvarteret T9 Autopsy L Laboratories Upprustning till modern standard Nybyggnad för evakuering Upprustning enligt koncept Vårdavdelning 2000 Reservkraft, media, flyttning av vägen, p-hus, driftcentral, kulvert, fjärrkyla, ombyggnad kök i K1 mm Varumottagning, avfall, adm evakueringslokaler, apotek mm Nybyggnad 10 år i avvaktan på Akutcentrum Utilities F4 temporary A&E, etc. Provisorisk lösning 10 år D4 K2 Terminalbyggnad F1 Reconstr. A&E Administrativa lokaler Upprustning och inflyttning av bl a hematologi P1-P3 Reconstructing H4-H5 Reconstruction Wards Mainbuilding A&E (H1-H3) Nybyggnad ersätter F1, F2 och F4 samt diverse lokaler i andra byggnader Upprustning till modern standard Steg 1: Evakuering Steg 2: Slutläge för del av neuro och psyk verksamhet RX Neuro/psychiatry temp. R1-R3 +R5 Neuro/psychiatrt temporary 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

$ SEK 14 000 000 000 kr 7 000 000 000 kr (752 000 000 Euro)

29 november 2001 SNUS

Location A new University Hospital should be located to KS-area if it gives the necessary connection to Karolinska Institute (University) Two alternatives, southwest of the area or in the frames of the available building structure The southwest area, by Solnavägen is recommended

Stockholms nya sjukvårdsstruktur Stockholms new healthcare structure 3S

Det nya universitetssjukhuset KI Karolinska Solna KTH laboratorys admin library auditorium highly speci. care patients hotel chlinical research Novum Karolinska Huddinge other hospitals

New University Hospital Competition Competition 1. What do we know about the new hospital? 2. What do we want with the new hospital? 3. What does the design competition program tell us?

New University Hospital Competition 1. What do we know about the new hospital? We know location purpose But not contents

New University Hospital Competition 2. What do we want with the new hosptial? A lot: functionel, sustainable, beautiful etc.(in every way) Most important: transformable, adjustable, developable = durable (in every way) We look for: future concept for the university hospital

New University Hospital Competition 1. What does the design competition program tell us?

A new university hospital conclusion

New University Hospital Aproximatly data: conclusion Hospital building 190.000 m² Research building 40.000 m² Parking 70.000 m² Utilities 40.000 m² Summary 300.000 m²

New University Hospital conclusion Hospital, research buildings = 300.000 m² Building time 5,5 years 61 months Production cost 5.000.000 82.000 / month excl. Planning etc. Land shaft 136.000 m² 500 m³/day 28 months Rock shaft 143.000 m² Prefab 300.000 m² 1.600 m²/week, 48 months

New University Hospital conclusion 1/1 2009

New University Hospital conclusion 1/1 2010

New University Hospital conclusion 1/1 2012

New University Hospital conclusion 1/1 2014

Vision The new university hospital is integrated but self-confident changeable but consistent efficient but respectful and human a successful combination of creativity, productivity and care.