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PH155022 NEWS LIMITED EDITION Sales start: October 2018 Contact:

självständig independent ІndІ pεnd(ə)nt adjective free from outside control; not subject to another s authority capable of thinking or acting for oneself not influenced by others not connected with another or with each other; separate limited edition / IKEA press kit / 1

PH155016 kudde. L40xB80 cm. 179:-/st Not another copycat, please Globalisation. The more the world starts looking the same, the more we want to separate ourselves from what s considered mainstream. But it s not all that easy setting oneself apart. How can you claim what s truly yours in a world that is saturated with numbers of likes and followers? The question inspired new products with big ideas. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 2

PH155008 kudde. L40xB80 cm. 179:- Meet. It s not for everyone. It s not meant to blend in. It s not mainstream, and it s definitely not shy. So, what is it? It s whatever. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 3

PH155026. Lampskärm 69:- Rosa. 904.148.40 Lampskärm 99:- Vit. 304.148.43 Stol, inom-/utomhus 599:- Rosa. 604.149.26 Golvkudde 179:-/st L55 B55 cm. Du sätter enkelt ihop flera golvkuddar med hjälp av tryckknapparna. Rosa. 504.148.23 Bord, inom-/utomhus 399:- Svart. 204.149.33 Kuddfodral 49:-/st Lila. 804.156.42 Gul. 004.156.41 Matta, kort lugg 499:- Lila. 804.147.94 Kuddfodral 199:- Passar till 3 innerkuddar 65X65 cm. Lila. 904.148.35 Vas 129:-/st H21 cm. Natur. 604.178.02 Vas 149:- H28 cm. Natur. 004.178.24 Matta, kort lugg 799:- Grön/lila. 004.147.74 Pall, inom-/utomhus 349:- Rosa. 304.149.42 Skål 199:-/st H13 cm. Svart. 704.148.60 H22 cm. 604.156.38 Kudde 179:- Gul. 804.148.26 Golvkudde 179:-/st L55 B55 cm. Du sätter enkelt ihop flera golvkuddar med hjälp av tryckknapparna. Mörkblå. 804.148.31 With a voice of its own Sales starting October 2018, are new products that liberate you from conventions at home. Originally inspired by hacking and DIY movements, the products have been designed and produced with the intention of you making them your own. We really dug into the topic of creativity and started looking at what it means to be rebellious and independent with products and home furnishing? IKEA Creative Leader, Maria O Brian explains. The design team s digging resulted in products with quite loud aesthetics, bold colours and patterns; like the metal chair in a hot salmon pink and the sunny yellow cone-shaped pillow. We also explored how we might be able to enable people to modify, play with, and build upon what we ve made, Maria smiles. Their curiosities took shape into products like the modular carpet and buildable furniture legs. Sales start: October 2018, limited edition. will be sold in all IKEA stores, not online. Contact: limited edition / IKEA press kit / 4

PH155010 Med hjälp av tryckknapparna sätter du enkelt ihop flera golvkuddar till en lång dyna. PH155012 golvkudde. L55XB55 cm. 179:-/st So, what s the deal? Do pillows only belong in sofas and chairs? What if plain tape turns into your very own art installation? Who says that a carpet has to be geometric? prompts you to ask and to dare, to try something new and to ignore the beaten path. In other words; it s products that can be whatever you want them to be. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 5

PH154998 kuddfodral. L65xB195 cm. Passar till 3 innerkuddar 65X65 cm. 199:-/st FOULUM matta. L195xB133 cm. 995:- limited edition / IKEA press kit / 6

PH155004 matta, kort lugg. B148xL191 cm. 799:- Måste en matta alltid ha samma form? Inte alls. mattor fungerar som ett pussel. Du kan använda delarna var för sig eller sätta ihop flera. matta, kort lugg. B148XL259 cm. 995:- We call it; carpet diem By pushing production boundaries, the team also introduced a few new product functions, the modular carpet one of them. It s a first for IKEA, and to be honest, I haven t really seen it around either, Maria says. Opening up new ways in which you can personalise your home, the carpets are cut in geometric shapes, combining both colours and patterns. Thanks to the hook and loop fasteners you can be free to mix and match, create unusual shapes or simply go for something more traditional it s whatever you want. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 7

PH155003 matta, kort lugg. B148XL148 cm. 599:- limited edition / IKEA press kit / 8

PH155009 tejprulle. B75 mm, L5 m. 49:-/st PH155023 is a way of expressing your identity in a home context. It s about showing off your personality. I think it s kind of what you strive for in life and in work. You typically don t strive to be a copycat. - Maria O Brian, IKEA Creative Leader limited edition / IKEA press kit / 9

PH155003 kuddfodral. 50x50 cm. 49:-/st limited edition / IKEA press kit / 10

The not so ordinary vase Can something mass-produced still be personal? The design team decided to push boundaries on the factory floor by asking the workers to squeeze a vase. I am so happy we managed to make a product that gives a voice to the co-workers on the factory floor. These are the ones creating with us, and now they ve made their mark on the products as well, IKEA Designer, Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä says. It s important for us to highlight that these are people, not machines, and I like the idea of their fingerprints sort of being all around the world, Creative Leader, Maria explains. Find a unique handprint and signature a simple Chinese character - on each ceramic vase. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 11

PH155013 vas. 28 cm. 149:- vas. 21 cm. 129:-/st limited edition / IKEA press kit / 12

PH155005 pall, inom-/utomhus. L35XB35, H42 cm. 349:-/st På bilden har en svart och en rosa pall kombinerats. För att göra detta behövs två produkter. Ben säljs ej separat. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 13

PH154999 stol, inom-/utomhus. 599:-/st They have this building-block quality, where they work really well on their own, but they can also in a simple way become something really abstract and crazy. - Maria O Brian, IKEA Creative Leader limited edition / IKEA press kit / 14

PH155002 skål. 199:-/st limited edition / IKEA press kit / 15

PH155019 skål. L29XB21, H13 cm. 199:- limited edition / IKEA press kit / 16

PH155001 STRANDMON fotpall, SKIFTEBO gul. 795:- Eftersom träet är obehandlat kan du enkelt måla benen. Här har vi målat ett ben i gult. ben. Obehandlat trä. Genom att plocka om klossarna på de här benen kan du välja höjd 7,5 eller 15 cm. 149:-/2st Tiny, bold characters Paint them. Rearrange them. Make them longer or, keep them short and simple. The legs, made out of untreated beech, allow you to configure them however you like. The legs are interesting, like little, bold characters standing out from the crowd. They give people the freedom to play around with furniture at home, IKEA Designer, Hanna-Kaarina says. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 17

PH155006 bricka. Ø32 cm. 49:-/st PH155020 # #IKEA limited edition / IKEA press kit / 18

Express yourself with PH155007 kuddfodral. 50x50 cm. 49:-/st A modular carpet, pillows with buttons and imperfectly mass-produced vases. This pretty much sums up the quirky style of. Originally inspired by hacking and DIY movements, is all about breaking home furnishing rules, and setting your independent style free. IKEA is always looking for new ways of doing things, and is no exception to the approach. The assignment was something like, IKEA for the creative, what would that be? first time Creative Leader, Maria O Brian says. Making things personal Exploring the realm of hacking and DIY, Maria and the team focused on how to design unfinished products that would allow people to modify them. We have a lot of research in IKEA showing that people want the option to personalise items, Maria explains. But why? It turns out, personalization is not only about wanting to separate ourselves from the crowd, it s also about bonding with the things we cherish the most. Upon altering our belongings to suit our style preferences, we re actually building a closer relationship with those items. It s all about sharing more of who you are through the tweaking and customising of products. Products that speak for themselves Quite surprised and proud, they found that a lot of their early ideas remained throughout the production and final results; a bold expression, colourful aesthetics and a building-block quality, unlike anything IKEA has done before. touches upon themes of liberation, rebelliousness and creativity. Thus, the name,, felt like an obvious one as it translates into independent. I think it s such a good opportunity to heighten a theme through the name. limited edition / IKEA press kit / 19

Independence is something that sets you free and has a confidence to it we wanted this to be the aesthetics of the products, Maria smiles. The colours and patterns are very proud and quite different from what we are used to. It s a line of products with a voice of its own, IKEA Designer, Hanna- Kaarina says. introduces a few new functions for IKEA, like a modular carpet that, thanks to the hook and loop fasteners, let s you create your own configuration, and customizable legs, allowing you to build your own height for that special cabinet or armchair. The other obvious one is the vase, Maria says. Each vase has been squeezed and signed by a crafts-person in the factory. Hanna-Kaarina adds, We did a lot of development on the factory floor directly with the ceramic supplier. It was interesting to get so close to the manufacturing, and to work together with the coworkers - lovely people. Sorry, no room for divas here New processes typically turn out to be challenging, but at the same time very rewarding once everyone gets on board. And, with every new challenge, there s something new to be learnt. As this is my first time as a Creative Leader, there are like a million learnings all throughout and it doesn t only deal with production. But a main learning for me was seeing how all parts of the team have a big role to play. It s really a true team effort there s no lone designer or creative genius; so much is done in collaboration and in dialogue. It s kind of impossible to be a diva. You have to collaborate or else you re not getting anywhere, Maria states. will be available in IKEA stores October this year. And, if there s one thing Creative Leader, Maria would like you to remember, it s to dare to play and be rebellious with the products: Go crazy, express yourself. Maria O Brian IKEA Creative Leader Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä IKEA Designer limited edition / IKEA press kit / 20

The products PE677234 PE677237 PE677235 PE677236 PE677230 skål 199:- Flintgods. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L29 B21, H13 cm. Svart. 704.148.60 skål 199:- Flintgods. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L23 B14, H22 cm. Svart. 604.156.38 kudde 179:- Kuddfodral: 100% bomull. Fyllning: Fiberbollar av polyester. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L40 B80 cm. Gul. 804.148.26 kuddfodral 49:- 100% bomull. Kuddfodralet har olika mönster på de båda sidorna, så du kan byta uttryck efter humör. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L50 B50 cm. Lila. 804.156.42 kuddfodral 49:- 100% bomull. Kuddfodralet har olika mönster på de båda sidorna, så du kan byta uttryck efter humör. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L50 B50 cm. Gul. 004.156.41 PE677233 PE677242 PE677243 PE677240 PE677238 kuddfodral 199:- 100% bomull. Kuddfodralet har olika mönster på de båda sidorna, så du kan byta uttryck efter humör. Passar till 3 innerkuddar 65X65 cm. Design: H-K Heikkilä/I Vuorivirta. L65 B195 cm. Lila. 904.148.35 golvkudde 179:- Kuddfodral: 100% bomull. Fyllning: Fiberbollar av polyester. Du sätter enkelt ihop flera golvkuddar med hjälp av tryckknapparna. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L55 B55 cm. Mörkblå. 804.148.31 golvkudde 179:- Kuddfodral: 100% bomull. Fyllning: Fiberbollar av polyester. Du sätter enkelt ihop flera golvkuddar med hjälp av tryckknapparna. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L55 B55 cm. Rosa. 504.148.23 lampskärm 69:- Rispapper. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. Ø26, H45 cm. Rosa. 904.148.40 lampskärm 99:- Rispapper. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. Ø70 cm. Vit. 304.148.43 PE677241 ben 149:-/2st Massiv bok. Genom att plocka om klossarna på de här benen kan du välja höjd 7,5 eller 15 cm. Eftersom träet är obehandlat kan du måla dem i vilken färg du vill. Passar till KLIPPAN soffa, BESTÅ förvaringsmöbler samt madrassoch resårbottnar. Design: Charlie Styrbjörn. H7 15 cm. 704.148.17 PE677239 pappersservett 15:-/30st Papper. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L33 B33 cm. Rosa. 404.149.51 PE677283 påslakanset 1 örngott 199:- 100% bomull. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. Påslakan B150 L200 cm. Örngott L50 B60 cm. Rosa. 804.149.87 PE677247 tejprulle 49:-/set om 2 Papper. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. L5 m. Blandade mönster, gul/rosa. 204.149.09 PE677256 tejprulle 49:- Papper. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. B75 mm, L5 m. Grön/rosa. 804.149.06 PE677249 skärmvägg, inom-/utomhus 399:- Lackat stål. Design: J Booy/ K Booy. B161 H160 cm. Svart. 304.149.23 PE677255 matta, kort lugg 499:- Nylon. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. B133 L195 cm. Lila. 804.147.94 PE685986 matta, kort lugg 599:- Polyester. Detta set med mattor fungerar som ett pussel. Du kan använda delarna var för sig eller sätta ihop flera. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. B148 L148 cm. Lila/mörkblå. 804.147.70 PE685985 matta, kort lugg 799:- Polyester. Detta set med mattor fungerar som ett pussel. Du kan använda delarna var för sig eller sätta ihop flera. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. B148 L191 cm. Grön/lila. 004.147.74 PE685987 matta, kort lugg 995:- Polyester. Detta set med mattor fungerar som ett pussel. Du kan använda delarna var för sig eller sätta ihop flera. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. B148 L259 cm. Gul. 204.147.73 limited edition / IKEA press kit / 21

The products PE677231 stol, inom-/ utomhus 599:- Lackat stål. Design: Nicholai Wiig Hansen. B57 D59, H71 cm. Sitshöjd 40 cm. Svart. 404.149.27 PE677232 stol, inom-/ utomhus 599:- Lackat stål. Design: Nicholai Wiig Hansen. B57 D59, H71 cm. Sitshöjd 40 cm. Rosa. 604.149.26 PE677250 pall, inom-/ utomhus 349:- Lackat stål. Design: Nicholai Wiig Hansen. L35 B35, H42 cm. Svart. 904.149.39 PE677257 pall, inom-/ utomhus 349:- Lackat stål. Design: Nicholai Wiig Hansen. L35 B35, H42 cm. Rosa. 304.149.42 PE677248 bord, inom-/ utomhus 399:- Lackat stål. Design: Nicholai Wiig Hansen. L51 B51, H42 cm. Svart. 204.149.33 PE677251 bord, inom-/ utomhus 399:- Lackat stål. Design: Nicholai Wiig Hansen. L51 B51, H42 cm. Rosa. 504.149.36 PE677252 bricka 49:- Högtryckslaminat. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. Ø32 cm. Lila. 604.156.57 PE677253 vas 129:- Stendgods. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. Ø13, H21 cm. Natur. 604.178.02 PE677245 vas 149:- Stengods. Design: Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä. Ø11, H28 cm. Natur. 004.178.24 limited edition / IKEA press kit / 22

PH154997 lampskärm. Ø26, H45 cm. 69:-/st lampskärm. Ø70 cm. 99:-/st CONTACT Sales start: October 2018, limited edition. will be sold in all IKEA stores in Sweden, not online.