Minnet Minne och verklighet. Minnets funktion. Mentala tidsresor. Memory Lab. Event Segmentation Theory

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1 Memory Lab Minnets tillgänglighet och tillförlitlighet Professor Mikael Johansson Institutionen för psykologi Lunds universitet Methodological approach Behavioral paradigms (experimental paradigms, standardized tests) Electrophysiological methods (EEG/ERP; time and frequency analyses) Structural and functional MRI Healthy subjects and patients with focal brain lesions or psychiatric disorders Transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) nimal studies (rodents) Eye-tracking Current team Inês Bramão, Richard Dewhurst, Robin Hellerstedt, Roger Johansson (post docs) Undergraduate and postgraduate students Collaborations Psychiatric Neuromodulation Unit, Lund University Cambridge University & Cardiff University, UK Saarland University & Konstanz University, Germany Stanford University, US Prof Mikael Johansson, PhD - Lund University Dear Photograph, I ll always remember my first fish. - Brian Thurman Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. Steven Wright Minnet Minne och verklighet Deklarativt (Explicit ) Procedur Fakta, generell kunskap, språk, t ex: Vad heter Frankrikes huvudstad? Vad kan man göra med en hammare? Är marvilan ett svenskt ord? Vad betyder H2O? Färdigheter, t ex: Cykla Spela piano utobiografisk information om upplevda erfarenheter från en händelse bunden i tid och rum, t ex: Vad gjorde du igår kväll? Var parkerade du bilen i morse? Minnets funktion Icke-deklarativt (Implicit ) Semantiskt Episodiskt Konstruktion och rekonstruktion Korttids/ arbets Långtids Perceptuellt Priming, underlättad bearbetning av sådant vi exponerats för tidigare, t ex: Identifikation Betingning utomatisk associativ inlärning, t ex Saliveringsreflex Event Segmentation Theory Event model Kurby & Zacks (2008) Mentala tidsresor Tidsmaskinen Emotionella händelser Ezzyat & Davachi (2014). Neuron av en händelse av en händelse Golden Gate? 13 co sis n Sa an Fr 20

2 Vov hund hund? hund? Wheeler et al., (2000). PNS Vilseledande information 65 Film av bilolycka. Därefter frågan: How fast were the cars going when they -----smashed, collided, bumped, hit, contacted? Lagring 834 mörk stearin lampa sol blond dag värme advent låga sken tändsticka levande veke brinna paraffin Minnestest ii) Igenkänning värme banan ljus advent tjuv stearin Vi minns händelser så som vi förstår dem! Deklarativt (Explicit ) Semantiskt Fakta, generell kunskap, språk, t ex: Vad heter Frankrikes huvudstad? Vad kan man göra med en hammare? Är marvilan ett svenskt ord? Vad betyder H2O? Episodiskt utobiografisk information om upplevda erfarenheter från en händelse bunden i tid och rum, t ex: Vad gjorde du igår kväll? Var parkerade du bilen i morse? Falska n GLLO he d ed Sm as lid Co l d Brister i designen? 1.0 Free Test Fri Recall återgivning.90 i) Fri återgivning? Recognition Test Igenkänning Old Remember.80 ljus?.70 Related Lures Studied Words Position in Study List Roediger & McDermott (1995) Loftus and Palmer (1974) Minnesexperiment Proportion of Words Lagring Memorera följande ord! Loftus and Palmer (1974) Vi konstruerar vår verklighet 70 ct ed Many people believe that memory When we remember something, works like recording device, but we're taking bits and pieces of decades of research has shown experience - sometimes from that s not the case. Memory is different times and places - and constructed and reconstructed. It s bringing it all together to construct more like a Wikipedia page what might feel like a recollection you can go change it, but so can but is actually a construction. other people. Minnet är känsligt för påverkan Co nt a Systematiska förvrängningar cf. Kent and Lamberts (2008) TICS km/h pe m Episodiskt = Simulerad perception Bu hund t Hi t ex Studied Words Related Lures Unrelated Lures värme ljus banan Kim Peek Rain Man Figure 1. The DRM illusion. Undergraduates studied several lists of 15 words for immediate free recall (left panel) or for a final old Johanssonjudgments (2002); Johansson & Stenberg new recognition memory test with remember subjective (right panel). The(2002) data are from Experiment 2 of Creating False Memories: Remembering Words Not Presented in Lists, by H. L. Roediger III and K. B. McDermott, 1995, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 21, pp Copyright 1995 by the merican Psychological ssociation. Reprinted with permission. amples of how the DRM illusion differs from autobiographical memories are cited. Memories for word lists are, by design, more constrained and less complex than autobiographical memories along many dimensions (e.g., personal relevance, emotional salience, perceptual details, social context, etc.). These differences limit any wholesale generalization from one phenomenon to the other. For example, the finding that DRM false memories are easy to create is not evidence that false autobiographical memories are common, just as the finding that more perceptually detailed DRM false memories are difficult to create is not evidence that detailed false autobiographical memories are rare. Too many factors differ across these phenomena for such overarching generalities. Setting aside the differences between the lab and life, researchers do assume that some of the principles uncovered with the DRM illusion apply more broadly. Otherwise, there would be little reason to do the research. s was argued by Roediger (1996), the DRM illusion informs our basic understanding of memory, just as visual illusions inform our understanding of perception. This research tradition embraces well-controlled laboratory tasks as an ideal method for developing theories (Banaji & Crowder, 1989). s a result, most DRM research has been focused on basic theoretical distinctions within cognitive psychology, with generalizability either assumed as a given or set aside to be figured out elsewhere. Within this research tradition, monolithic questions of generalizability such as whether the DRM illusion is rel- evant to false autobiographical memories are misguided. Instead, the appropriate questions to ask are what aspects of the DRM illusion are relevant to what aspects of autobiographical memories. More specifically, researchers have advocated a process-oriented approach. Which mental processes do these phenomena have in common, and which are unique? In what ways are these commonalities important, and in what ways are they trivial? These questions are addressed in subsequent sections of this review. Before I delve into this research literature, however, the broader historical context of DRM research is briefly considered. The DRM illusion has had a large impact on memory research, and understanding why helps to put the research findings in perspective. The task s simplicity has caused some to question its generalizability, but somewhat ironically, this simplicity is one of the reasons that the task has been so successful. Vilken är konsekvensen av att vi fantiserar föreställer oss saker? Impact:och How DRM Changed Memory Research Roediger and McDermott s (1995) article is immensely popular, having been cited over 1,000 times. In the first decade following the article, the average rate of newly published DRM experiments was estimated as one experiment every 2 weeks (Gallo, 2006), and in the few years since then, citations have almost doubled. That is quite an impact by any standard, but why is this task so popular? What is new about it? DRM research has enhanced awareness of the fallible nature of memory. This impact is evident from coverage in Mental föreställning aktiverar huvudsakligen samma områden som perception

3 Perception Mental föreställning Föreställa sig handlingar Upprepad föreställning Upprepad föreställning Äpple? Har du brutit tandpetaren? Ökad risk för sfel Ökar risken för sfel Ganis et al., (2004). Cognitive Brain Research Hjärnaktivitet vid mental föreställning predicerar senare sfel tt skilja fantasi från verklighet tt skilja fantasi från verklighet PFC-MTL Prefrontala regioner Senare falska n Senare korrekt avvisade som fantiserade Specifikation av ledtråd Gammalt - föreställt sig Gammalt - sett Nytt Gonsalves & Paller (2002). Nature Neuroscience Övervakning Simons & Spiers (2003). Nat Rev Neurosci Johansson et al. (2003). Neuropsychologia PFC-MTL Bortträngda n Mental föreställning aktiverar huvudsakligen samma områden som perception Mental föreställning aktiverar huvudsakligen samma områden som perception Spend time imagining that you were sexually abused, without worrying about accuracy, proving anything, or having your ideas make sense ask yourself these questions: What time of day is it? Where are you? Indoors or outdoors? What kind of things are happening? Is there one or more people with you? then Who would have been likely perpetrators? When were you most vulnerable to sexual abuse in your life? Wendy Maltz (psykoterapeut) Simons & Spiers (2003). Nat Rev Neurosci 80 Memory performance Hippocampus always involved in the retrieval and storage of episodic memories Control mnesia 20 0 Past Lesion Retrograde amnesia e.g. Nadel & Moscovitch (1997) Hippocampal Competitive Trace Theory Retrograde amnesia Multiple Trace Theory Present nterograde amnesia Yassa & Reagh (2013) förändrar t Lagring

4 : t ex bearbetningsdjup, imagery är ledtrådsberoende Minnet gynnas av likhet mellan inkodnings- och framplockningssituationen Minnet gynnas av likhet mellan inkodnings- och framplockningssituationen principle Encoding specificity Godden & Baddeley (1975) Transfer appropriate processing Morris, Bransford, & Franks (1977) Externa Interna Extern miljö Sinnestillstånd Extern miljö Befintliga vs tillgängliga Craik & Lockhart (1972) State-dependent memory Context congruency Mood congruency Sinnestillstånd Tulving & Pearlstone (1966) Mental föreställning Banan Relationen mellan ögonrörelser och episodiskt Banan Bramão, Karlsson, & Johansson (under review). Encoding Bramão, Karlsson, & Johansson (under review). Tracking the mind s eye Full display of objects to encode Ögonrörelser avslöjar sinnehåll! Funktionell roll? 2s Stateme Johansson et al. (2006). Cognitive Science Spontana ögonrörelser Påstående Sant / Falskt 1 2 Relevant 3 Cykeln var till vänster om loket Fritt Ögonrörelser kan underlätta sframplockning! Example stimuli in one quadrant Minnesprestation 38 % Påstående 29 % Sant / Falskt Cykeln var till vänster om loket 73 % % % % % Överlappande 10 % 0% Johansson & Johansson (2014). Psychological Science Konsekvenser ögonrörelser Mean proportion fixations Fritt Icke-överlappande 50 % Relevant 1st 2nd Överlappande Fritt Icke-överlappande 3rd Johansson & Johansson (2014). Psychological Science Respo Svarstid (ms) yes/ no

5 Encoding - retrieval overlap Memory accuracy Response latencies Hela sanningen? Cykeln var till vänster om loket Bramão & Johansson (2016). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Bramão & Johansson (2016). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Hur når vi våra n? är ledtrådsberoende Hur når vi våra n? är ledtrådsberoende Interferens 32 SCIENTIFIC MERICN MIND J a nu a r y/fe b r u a r y Scientific merican en aktiverar ofta flera relaterade n Externa Interna Externa Interna Befintliga vs tillgängliga Befintliga vs tillgängliga Tulving & Pearlstone (1966) Inhibition Ny PIN-kod Gammal PIN-kod Tulving & Pearlstone (1966) Inhibitorisk kontroll n trycks undan för att reducera interferens Kan vi observera när framplockning leder till glömska? Dämpningen föregår framplockningen av det önskade t 1958 J. Neurosci., February 8, (6): FRUKT DRYCK lpha/beta Power Selektiv framplockning Interferens nterior Electrodes Posterior Ki Waldhauser et al. lpha/beta Oscillations Indicate Memory Inhibition Lite glömska Mycket glömska Soda Baseline Ingen interferens Dämpning (inhibition) Time ( ms) sinducerad glömska nderson et al. (1994). JEP:LMC Johansson et al. (2007). Cerebral Cortex (from the editor) Waldhauser et al. (2013). Journal of Neuroscience MIND #&)"7*03 r BRIN SCIENCE r */4*()54 Motorinhibition Go/No-go SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT ND EDITOR IN CHIEF: Mariette DiChristina MNGING EDITOR: Sandra Upson EDITOR: Ingrid Wickelgren Inhibitorisk kontroll RT DIRECTOR: Patricia Nemoto SSISTNT PHOTO EDITOR: nn Chin COPY DIRECTOR: Maria-Christina Keller SENIOR COPY EDITOR: Daniel C. Schlenoff COPY EDITOR: aron Shattuck EDITORIL DMINISTRTOR: vonelle Wing SENIOR SECRETRY: Maya Harty Prefrontala cortex CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Gareth Cook, David Dobbs, Robert Epstein, Emily LaberWarren, Karen Schrock, Victoria Stern MNGING PRODUCTION EDITOR: Richard Hunt SENIOR PRODUCTION EDITOR: Michelle Wright BORD OF DVISERS: HL RKOWITZ: ssociate Professor of Psychology, University of rizona Medveten kontroll? Viljestyrd glömska? STEPHEN J. CECI: Professor of Developmental Psychology, Cornell University R. DOUGLS FIELDS: Chief, Nervous System Development and Plasticity Section, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development SION S. LEXNDER HSLM: Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology, University of Exeter CHRISTOF KOCH: Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology, California Institute of Technology, and Chief Scientific Officer, llen Institute for Brain Science Time to Forget Viljestyrd glömska? I sat at a piano in a sun-filled modern church. The audience other young pianists and their parents watched as I played the first eight notes of a piece by composer Edvard Grieg. t the ninth note, I froze. I tried again: da dee dee dee, da-da dee dee. Silence. On the third try, chords tumbled from my fingers, and the piece flowed from there. That event at age 14 was scarring, and I soon stopped taking piano lessons. Two years ago, however, I revisited that dormant memory as the band I joined much later Stimulus Respons Stimulus Respons Figure 4. Competitor-related and target-related alpha/beta power at posterior electrodes sites and its correlation with later forgetting., The competitor-related power differences between conditions (interference $ non-interference) are shown over the left hemisphere. Target-related activity is depicted over the right hemisphere. Electrodes selected for statistical analyses are depicted in white. B, lpha/beta power differences between conditions (interference $ non-interference) at the selected electrode pools over competitor and target hemisphere. Gray-shaded areas correspond to the time windows shown in. C, Mean (SEM) alpha/beta power between 90 and 430 ms for trials from the interference condition depending on whether both target and competitor ( fully encoded ), only the competitor ( competitor encoded ), or only the target ( target encoded ) were successfully learned during the study phase. sterisk (*) indicates significant comparisons ( p " 0.05); n.s., not significant; n! 10. D, Correlation between forgetting [(baseline recall $ competitor recall)/baseline recall)] and alpha/beta power in the interference condition over the competitor hemisphere (n! 18). vbryta/undertrycka sframplockning? hemisphere. We further investigated this assumption by taking into account that inhibition associated with RIF is dependent on the degree of interference arising from the competitor rather than on the strength of the target item (nderson et al., 1994; Ba uml, 1998; nderson, 2003; Norman et al., 2007). Thus, we tested whether early alpha/beta power ( ms) is modulated by the memory status of the competing memory trace. Only competitor items that are encoded in memory should interfere with the retrieval of the target. The results of this analysis revealed higher alpha/beta power for fully encoded trials over the competitorrelated hemisphere when compared to target-encoded trials (Z! 2.701, p " 0.01; see Fig. 4C); no significant difference between the two conditions was obtained over the target-related hemisphere (Z! 0.459, p # 0.6; see Fig. 4C). We also obtained a significant increase of alpha/beta power between 90 and 430 ms over the competitor hemisphere for competitor-encoded trials relative to target-encoded trials (Z! 2.497, p " 0.05). No effect was obtained over the target hemisphere (Z! 0.255, p # 0.75). There was no difference between fully encoded trials and competitorencoded trials over either the competitor hemisphere (Z! 0.968, p # 0.3) or the target hemisphere (Z! 0.663, p # 0.5). The mean increase of alpha/beta power for fully-encoded and competitorencoded trials when compared to target-encoded trials was sig- nificantly greater over the competitor hemisphere than over the target hemisphere (Z! 2.293, p " 0.05). Interference effects on theta power, nonspecific to hemisphere We examined theta power differences between the interference and non-interference conditions, as two previous studies indicated that enhanced frontal theta power indexes interference in selective memory retrieval (Hanslmayr et al., 2010; Staudigl et al., 2010). The results of this analysis are plotted in Figure 5. Replicating the prior studies, theta power was higher in the interference than in the non-interference condition at frontal electrode sites (FZ, FP2,and F4; see Fig. 5). This difference reached significance in two time windows, ms (Z! 2.112, p " 0.05) and ms (Z! 1.982, p " 0.05). We also tested whether theta power as the presumed indicator of interference detection was modulated by memory strength of the competitor. When compared to target encoded trials (MSignal change! 7.4%, SEM! 5.4), theta power was increased for both fully encoded (MSignal change! 19.0%, SEM! 5.1; Z! 1.988, p " 0.05) and for competitor encoded trials (MSignal change! 17.6%, SEM! 4.2; Z! 2.09, p " 0.05). There was no difference between fully-encoded and competitor-encoded trials (Z! 0.357, p # 0.7). Minne Minne

6 Kan vi glömma med viljekraft? Viljestyrd glömska Think/No-Think Paradigmet Inlärning Think/No-Think Test Minnesframplockning Deg-Salt Deg Deg Undertryckt sframplockning Vitamin-Citron Vitamin Vitamin Baseline Vila-Säng Vila Minnesframplockning Undertryckt sframplockning (inhibitorisk kontroll) Ökad aktivitet - DLPFC/ VLPFC (B 45/46) - CC (B 32) Minskad aktivitet - hippocampus (bilateralt) Selection is the very keel on which our mental ship is built. nd in the case of memory its utility is obvious. If we remembered everything, we should on most occasions be as ill off as if we remembered nothing William James (1890) Undertryckt sframplockning - minus Minnesframplockning Glömska hjälper oss att minnas nderson & Greene (2001). Science nderson & Greene (2001). Science nderson et al. (2004) Science Emotion och Minnet Långtids Korttids/ arbets Emotion och n impression may be so exciting emotionally as almost to leave a scar upon the cerebral tissues William James (1890) Deklarativt (Explicit ) Semantiskt Fakta, generell kunskap, språk, t ex: Vad heter Frankrikes huvudstad? Vad kan man göra med en hammare? Är marvilan ett svenskt ord? Vad betyder H2O? Episodiskt utobiografisk information om upplevda erfarenheter från en händelse bunden i tid och rum, t ex: Vad gjorde du igår kväll? Var parkerade du bilen i morse? Icke-deklarativt (Implicit ) Procedur Färdigheter, t ex: Cykla Spela piano Perceptuellt Priming, underlättad bearbetning av sådant vi exponerats för tidigare, t ex: Identifikation Betingning utomatisk associativ inlärning, t ex Saliveringsreflex av en emotionell händelse Memory ERP memory effects efter 1 år Positive Negative Neutral Familiarity Recollection Old Cahill et al. (1996). PNS New Johansson et al. (2004). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Dolcos et al. (2005) Emotion-induced memory enhancement Tunnel: t ex vapenfokus Visual cortex Visual cortex PFC PFC Hippocampus Hippocampus

7 av en traumatisk händelse Pattern completion Pattern separation comm rc Sc C1 Pattern completion Pattern separation C3 mf DG pp fim input input output output Pattern completion rc C3 Pattern separation mf DG perforant path EC Stark et al. (2013) Dentate Gyrus - Neurogenesis Pattern Separation Övergeneralisering Kheirbek et al. (2012) Kheirbek et al. (2012) Svensson et al. (2015, 2016). Hippocampus Nostalgia was better in the old days Tack för er uppmärksamhet! Photo: Brian Thurman Dear Photograph, I ll always remember my first fish. Brian Thurman

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