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Gerry Larsson VETENSKAPLIGA ARBETEN. Internationella artiklar

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Gerry Larsson VETENSKAPLIGA ARBETEN Internationella artiklar: 137 Artikelmanuskript under review: 12 Nationella artiklar 13 Böcker: 28 Kapitel i böcker: 66 Forskningsrapporter: 64 Utredningsrapporter, populärvetenskapliga artiklar, bokrecensioner, reserapporter o dyl: 346 Psykosociala arbetsmiljöanalyser med Stressprofilen: 130 Summa 796-1 -

Internationella artiklar 1.Larsson, G., & Starrin, B. (1983). Psychiatric labels in the military setting: Some consequences on other people's causality attribution of personal and situational factors. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 24, 57-61. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.1983.tb00475.x 2. Larsson, G. (1987). Routinization of mental training in organisations: Effects on performance and well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 88-96. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.72.1.88 3. Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (1987). Coping with unemployment: A contribution to the understanding of womens unemployment. Social Science and Medicine, 25, 163-171. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(87)90384-4 4. Larsson, G., & Anderzen, I. (1987). Appraisal, coping, catecholamine excretion, and psychomotor performance during calm and stressful conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Sport Sciences, 9, 47-51. 5. Larsson, G., Kempe, C., & Starrin, B. (1988). Appraisal and coping processes in acute, time-limited stressful situations: A study of police officers. European Journal of Personality, 2, 259-276. doi: 10.1002/per.2410020404 6. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., & Brenner, S-O. (1988). Regional variations in cardiovascular mortality in Sweden : Structural vulnerability in the local community. Social Science and Medicine, 27, 911-917. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(88)90281-X 7. Larsson, G., & Starrin, B. (1988). Effects of relaxation training on verbal ability, sequential thinking, and spatial ability. Journal of the Society for Accelerative Teaching and Learning, 13, 147-163. 8. Larsson, G., Cook-Steffy, C., & Starrin, B. (1988). Time and cost efficient stress inoculation training for athletes: A study of junior golfers. Scandinavian Journal of Sports Sciences, 10, 23-28. 9. Larsson, G. (1989). Personality, appraisal and cognitive coping processes, and performance during various conditions of stress. Military Psychology, 1, 167-182. doi: 10.1207/s15327876mp0103_4 10. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., Brenner, S-O., Levi, L., & Pettersson, I-L. (1990). Structural changes, ill health and mortality: Sweden 1963-1983: A macroaggregated study. International Journal of Health Services, 20, 27-42. doi: 10.2190/RRH5-62K3-XUFR-67KP 11. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., & Styrborn, S. (1990). A review and critique of psychological approaches to the burnout phenomenon. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 4, 83-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1990.tb00050.x - 2 -

12. Larsson, G., & Hayward, B. (1990). Appraisal and coping processes immediately before ejection: A study of Australian and Swedish pilots. Military Psychology, 2, 63-78. doi: 10.1207/s15327876mp0202_1 13. Starrin, B., Dahlgren, L., Larsson, G., & Svensson, P-G. (1990). Social structure and suicide in Sweden: Sex differences in the local community. International Journal of Health Sciences, 1, 37-44. 14. Larsson, G., & Starrin, B. (1990). Patient - nurse interactions: Relationships between person characteristics, empathy, content of communication, and patients' emotional reactions. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 4, 129-136. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1990.tb00060.x 15. Larsson, G., Setterlind, S., & Starrin, B. (1990). Routinization of stress control programs in organizations: A study of Swedish teachers. Health Promotion: An International Journal, 5, 269-278. doi: 10.1093/heapro/5.4.269 16. Larsson, G., & Setterlind, S. (1990). Work load/work control and health: Moderating effects of heredity, self-image, coping, and health behavior. International Journal of Health Sciences, 1, 79-88. 17. Larsson, G., Starrin, B., & Wilde, B. (1991). Contributions of stress theory to the understanding of helping. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 5, 79-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1991.tb00088.x 18. Larsson, G., & Berg, V. (1991). Linen in the hospital bed: Effects on patients' wellbeing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 16, 1004-1008. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.1991.tb01807.x 19. Larsson, G., & Setterlind, S. (1991). A stress reduction programme led by ordinary health care personnel: Effects on health and well-being. European Journal of Public Health, 1, 90-93. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/1.2.90 20. Boström, I., Hall-Lord, M-L., Larsson, G. & Wilde, B. (1992). Nursing theory based changes of work organization at an ICU: Effects on quality of care. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 8, 10-16. doi: 10.1016/0964-3397(92)90004-4 21. Renck, B., Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (1992). Reactional patterns in burglary victims: An exploratory study. International Journal of Health Sciences, 3, 32-41. 22. Larsson, G., & Starrin, B. (1992). Relaxation training as an integral part of caring activities for cancer patients: Effects on well-being. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 6, 179-185. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1992.tb00149.x - 3 -

23. Larsson, G. (1993). Emotional supportive counseling for health care personnel led by social welfare officers: Effects on well-being. Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, 2, 43-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.1993.tb00014.x 24. Starrin, B., Hagqvist, C., Larsson, G., & Svensson, P-G. (1993). Community types, socio-economic structure, and IHD-mortality - A contextual analysis based on Swedish aggregate data. Social Science & Medicine, 36, 1569-1578. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(93)90345-5 25. Wilde, B., Starrin, B., Larsson, G., & Larsson, M. (1993). Quality of care from a patient perspective: A grounded theory study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 7, 113-120. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1993.tb00180.x 26. Larsson, G., & Hall-Lord, M-L. (1993). Personality development during nursing education: A Swedish study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 7, 79-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1993.tb00171.x 27. Wilde, B., Larsson, G., Larsson, ME., & Starrin, B. (1994). Quality of care: Development of a patient-centred questionnaire based on a grounded theory model. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 8, 39-48. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1994.tb00223.x 28. Larsson, G., Kallenberg, K., Setterlind, S., & Starrin, B. (1994). Health and loss of family member: Impact of sense of coherence. International Journal of Health Sciences, 5, 5-11. 29. Johansson, I., Larsson, G., & Hamrin, E. (1994). Decentralized nursing organization in a surgical department: Effects on work satisfaction and quality of care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 3, 169-175. 30. Hall-Lord, M-L., Larsson, G., & Boström, I. (1994). Elderly patients' experiences of pain and distress in intensive care: A grounded theory study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 10, 133-141. doi: 10.1016/0964-3397(94)90010-8 31. Larsson, G., & Wilde, B. (1994). Daughters helping their elderly mothers: Impact of early attachment, daughter's trait anxiety, and helping interaction characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, 3,167-172. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.1994.tb00075.x 32. Johansson, I., Hamrin, E., & Larsson, G. (1994). Evaluation of the prognostic value of the Health Assessment Form among patients clinically ready for discharge. Journal of Nursing Management, 2, 77-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.1994.tb00133.x 33. Lindberg, G., Larsson, G., Setterlind, S., & Råstam, L. (1994). Serum lipids and mood in working men and women in Sweden. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 48, 360-363. doi: 10.1136/jech.48.4.360-4 -

34. Elander Lindberg, N., Lindberg, E., & Larsson, G. (1994). Psychologic factors in the etiology of amalgam illness. Acta Odonthologica Scandinavica, 52, 219-228. doi: 10.3109/00016359409029050 35. Setterlind, S., & Larsson, G. (1995). The Stress Profile: A psychosocial approach to measuring stress. Stress Medicine, 11, 85-92. doi: 10.1002/smi.2460110116 36. Larsson, G., Nordström, L., Ljunggren, G., Nyberg, A., Resare, B., Schedwin, G., & Wahlgren, M. (1995). The Grossarth-Maticek and Eysenck personality types, health-related behaviour, and indicators of transitory ill-health. European Journal of Personality, 9, 75-87. doi: 10.1002/per.2410090202 37. Wilde, B., Larsson, G., Larsson, M., & Starrin, B. (1995). Quality of care from the elderly person's perspective: Subjective importance and perceived reality. Aging, 7, 140-149. 38. Larsson, G., Johansson, I., & Hamrin, E. (1995). Sense of coherence among elderly somatic patients: Predictive power regarding future needs of care. Journal of Nursing Management, 3, 307-311. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.1995.tb00113.x 39. Lindberg, E., Elander Lindberg, N., Theorell, T., & Larsson, G. (1996). Psychotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis: A parallel-process study of psychic state and course of rheumatic disease. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie, 55, 28-39. 40. Larsson, G., & Kallenberg, K. (1996). Sense of coherence, socioeconomic conditions, and health: Interrelationships in a nation-wide Swedish sample. European Journal of Public Health, 6, 175-180. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/6.3.175 41. Edvardsson, B., Larsson, G., & Setterlind, S. (1997). Internal service quality and the psychosocial work environment: An empirical analysis of conceptual interrelatedness. The Service Industries Journal, 17, 252-263. doi: 10.1080/02642069700000014 42. Larsson, G., & Enander, A. (1997). Preparing for disaster: Public attitudes and actions. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 6,11-21. doi: 10.1108/09653569710162415 43. Kallenberg, K., Larsson, G., & Söderfeldt, B. (1997). View of life and health: An empirical and theoretical essay on the concepts of basic attitude and sense of coherence. Archiv für Religionspsychologie, 22, 237-249. 44. Hall-Lord, M-L., Larsson, G., & Steen, B. (1998). Pain and distress among elderly intensive care unit patients: Comparison of patients experiences and nurses assessments. Heart & Lung, 27, 123-132. doi: 10.1016/S0147-9563(98)90020-6 - 5 -

45. Larsson, G., & Wilde Larsson, B. (1998). Quality of care: Relationships between the perceptions of elderly home care users and their caregivers. Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, 7, 252-258. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.1998.tb00289.x 46. Larsson, G., Wilde Larsson, B., & Munck, I. (1998). Refinement of the questionnaire Quality of care from the Patients' Perspective using structural equation modeling. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 12, 111-118. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.1998.tb00484.x 47. Johansson, E., & Larsson, G. (1998). A model for understanding stress and daily experiences among soldiers in peacekeeping operations. International Peacekeeping, 5, 124-141. doi: 10.1080/13533319808413734 48. Johansson, I., Larsson, G., & Hamrin, E. (1998). Sence of coherence, quality of life, and function among elderly hip fracture patients. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, 10, 377-384. 49. Larsson, G., & Kallenberg, K. (1999). Dimensional analysis of sense of coherence using structural equation modeling. European Journal of Personality, 13, 51-61. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-0984(199901/02) 50. Hall-Lord, M-L., Larsson, G., & Steen, B. (1999). Chronic pain and distress amongelderly in the community: Comparison of patients experiences and enrolled nurses assessments. Journal of Nursing Management, 7, 45-54. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2834.1999.00991.x 51. Wilde Larsson, B., Bååth, C., Larsson, G., Sandberg, R., & Weibull, H. (1999). Patients perceptions of quality of care, self-rated functional ability, and health one year after total knee arthroplasty: A follow-up of 41 patients. Orthopaedic Nursing, 3, 11-17, doi: 10.1016/S1361-3111(99)80081-8 52. Wilde Larsson, B., Larsson, G., & Starrin, B. (1999). Patients views on quality of care: A comparison of men and women. Nursing Management, 7, 133-139. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2834.1999.00121.x 53. Wilde Larsson, B., & Larsson, G. (1999). Patients views on quality of care: Do they merely reflect their sense of coherence? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30, 33-39. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2648.1999.01046.x 54. Hall-Lord, M-L., Steen, B., & Larsson, G. (1999). Postoperative experiences of pain and distress in the elderly patients. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, 11, 73-82. 55. Larsson, G., Tedfeldt, E-L., & Andersson, B. (1999). Conditions affecting experiences of the quality of psychological debriefings: Preliminary findings from a grounded theory study. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 1, 91-97. - 6 -

56. Hall-Lord, M.L., Larsson, G., & Steen, B. (1999). Chronic pain and distress in older people: A cluster analysis. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 5, 78-85. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-172x.1999.00157.x 57. Larsson, G., Michel, P-O., & Lundin, T. (2000). Systematic assessment of mental health following various types of posttrauma support. Military Psychology, 12, 121-135. doi: 10.1207/S15327876MP1202_3 58. Larsson, G. (2000). Dimensional analysis of the Impact of Event Scale using structural equation modeling. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 13, 193-204. doi: 10.1023/A:1007798326052 59. Johansson, E., & Larsson, G. (2001). Swedish peacekeepers in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A quantitative analysis. International Peacekeeping, 8, 64-76. doi: 10.1080/13533310108413879 60. Larsson, G., & Wilde-Larsson, B. (2001). Quality of care and service as perceived by adults with developmental disabilities, their parents, and primary caregivers. Mental Retardation, 39, 249-257. doi: 10.1352/0047-6765(2001)039%3C0249:QOCASA%3E2.0.CO;2 61. Johansson, I., Hamrin, E., & Larsson, G. (2002). Psychometric testing of the NEECHAM Confusion Scale among patients with hip fracture. Research in Nursing & Health, 25, 203-211 doi: 10.1002/nur.10036 62. Wallenius, C., Johansson, C., & Larsson, G. (2002). Reactions and performance of Swedish peacekeepers in life-threatening situations. International Peacekeeping, 9, 133 152. doi: 10.1080/714002701 63. Larsson, G. (2002). Cigars, whiskey, and winning: A qualitative analysis of Kaltman s analysis of General Ulysses S. Grant s leadership. The Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 23, 45 53. doi: 10.1108/01437730210421186 64. Wilde-Larrson, B., & Larsson, G. (2002). Development of a short form of the Quality from the Patient's Perspective (QPP) questionnaire. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 11, 681-687. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2702.2002.00640.x 65. Johansson, I., Athlin, E., Frykholm, L., Bolinder, H., & Larsson, G. (2002). Urinary tract infections among patients with hip fracture: A study within a nursing quality improvement project. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 11, 651-656. 66. Michel, P-O., Lundin, T., & Larsson, G. (2003). Stress reactions among Swedish peacekeeping soldiers in Bosnia: A longitudinal study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 16, 589-593. doi: 10.1023/B:JOTS.0000004084.85732.86-7 -

67. Larsson, G., Carlstedt, L., Andersson, J., Andersson, L., Danielsson, E., Johansson, A., Johansson, E., Michel, P-O., & Robertson, I. (2003). A comprehensive system for leader evaluation and development. The Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 24, 16-25. doi: 10.1108/01437730310457294 68. Klässbo, M., Larsson, G., & Harms-Ringdahl, K. (2003). Promising outcome of a Hip School for patients with hip dysfunction: Arthritis Care & Research, 49, 321-327. doi: 10.1002/art.11110 69. Klässbo, M., Harms-Ringdahl, K., & Larsson, G. (2003). Examination of passive ROM and the capsular pattern in the hip. Physiotherapy Research International, 8, 1-12. doi: 10.1002/pri.267 70. Larsson, G., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2003). Quality improvement measures based on patient data: Some psychometric issues. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 9, 294-299. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-172X.2003.00438.x 71. Wilde Larsson, B., Larsson, G., & Rizell Carlsson, S. (2004). Advanced home care: patients opinions on quality compared with those of family members. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13, 226-233. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2702.2003.00866.x 72. Larsson, G., Weibull, H., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2004). Analysis of the decision making process leading to appendectomy: A grounded theory study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 45, 449-454. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2004.00426.x 73. Wallenius, C., Larsson, G., & Johansson, C. (2004). Military observers reactions and performance when facing danger. Military Psychology, 16, 211-229. doi: 10.1207/s15327876mp1604_1 74. Räty, L., Söderfeldt, B. A., Larsson, G. & Wilde Larsson, B. (2004). The relationship between illness severity, sociodemographic factors, self-concept and illnessspecific attitude in Swedish adolescents with epilepsy. Seizure, 13, 375-382. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2003.09.011 75. Eid, J., Johnsen, B. H., Brun, W., Laberg, J. C., Nyhus, J. K. & Larsson, G., (2004). Situation awareness and transformational leadership in senior military leaders: An exploratory study. Military Psychology, 16, 203-209. doi: 10.1207/s15327876mp1603_4 76. Michel, P-O., Lundin, T., & Larsson, G. (2005). Personality disorders in a Swedish peacekeeping unit. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 59, 134-138. doi: 10.1080/08039480510022954 77. Wilde Larsson, B., Larsson, G., von Holsten, K., & Wickman, M. (2005). Theorybased assessment of patients views on quality of care in England, France, - 8 -

Norway, and Sweden. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 18, 62-73. doi: 10.1108/09526860510576974 78. Larsson, G., Sjöberg, M., Vrbanjac, A., & Björkman, T. (2005). Indirect leadership in a military context: A qualitative study on how to do it. The Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26, 215-227. doi: 10.1108/01437730510591761 79. Räty, L., Larsson, G., Söderfeldt, B., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2005). Psychosocial aspects of health in adolescence: The influence of gender and general selfconcept. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36, 530.e21-530.e28. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2004.10.006 80. Larsson, G. (2006). Implementation of Developmental leadership in the Swedish Armed Forces. Military Psychology, 18, 103-109. doi: 10.1207/s15327876mp1803s_8 81. Larsson, G., Bartone, P. T., Bos-Bakx, M., Danielsson, E., Eid, J., Jelusic, L., Johansson, E., Moelker, R., Sjöberg, M., Vrbanjac, A., Bartone, J., Forsythe, G. B., Pruefert, A., & Wachowicz, M. (2006). Leader development in natural context: A grounded theory approach to discovering how military leaders grow. Military Psychology, 18, 69-81. doi: 10.1207/s15327876mp1803s_6 82. Sjöberg, M., Wallenius, C., & Larsson, G. (2006). Leadership in complex rescue operations: A qualitative study. Disaster Prevention and Management, 15, 576-584. doi: 10.1108/09653560610685901 83. Larsson, G. (2006). The Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ): Some psychometric properties. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 47, 253-262. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2006.00515.x 84. Michel, P-O., Lundin, T., & Larsson, G. (2007). Suicide rate among former Swedish peacekeeping personnel. Military Psychiatry, 172, 278-282. 85. Larsson, G., Sjöberg, M., Nilsson, S., Alvinius, A., & Bakken, B. (2007). Indirect leadership: A quantitative test of a qualitatively developed model. The Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 28, 771-778. doi: 10.1108/01437730710835489 86. Larsson, G., Harem, T., Sjöberg, M., Alvinius, A., & Bakken, B. (2007). Indirect leadership under severe stress: A qualitative inquiry into the 2004 Kosovo riots. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 15, 23-34. doi: 10.1108/19348830710860138 87. Larsson, G. (2008). Military leadership during stressful conditions. Baltic Security & Defence Review, 10, 226-236. - 9 -

88. Wilde Larsson, B., & Larsson, G. (2009). Patients views on quality of care and attitudes towards re-visiting providers. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 22, 600-611. doi: 10.1108/09526860910986867 89. Räty, L., Larsson, G., Starrin, B., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2009). Epilepsy patients conception of epilepsy as a phenomenon. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 41, 201-210. doi: 10.1097/JNN.0b013e3181aaaa75 90. Zhang, Z., Zyphur, M. J., Narayana, J., Arvey, R. D., Chaturvedi, S., Avolio, B. J., Lichtenstein, P., & Larsson, G. (2009). The genetic basis of entrepreneurship: Effects of gender and personality. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 110, 93-107. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2009.07.002 91. Eid, J., Larsson, G., Johnsen, B-H., Laberg, J-C., Bartone, P.T., & Carlstedt, B. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 63, 426-432. doi: 10.1080/08039480903118190 92. Larsson, G., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2010). Quality of care and patient satisfaction: A new theoretical and methodological approach. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 23, 228-247. doi: 10.1108/09526861011017120 93. Kjellevold Olsen, O., Eid, J., & Larsson, G. (2010). Leadership and ethical justice behavior in a high moral intensity operational context. Military Psychology, 22, 137-156. doi: 10.1080/08995601003644437 94. Nilsson, S., Sjöberg, M., & Larsson, G. (2010). A civil contingencies agency management system for disaster aid: A theoretical model. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 18, 412-429. doi: 10.1108/19348831011081886 95. Wilde Larsson, B., Larsson, G., Kvist, L., & Sandin Bojö, A-K. (2010). Womens opinions on intrapartal care: Development of a theory-based questionnaire. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 1748-1760. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03055.x 96. Alvinius, A., Danielsson, E., & Larsson, G. (2010). Structure versus freedom of action: Leadership during the rescue operation following the 2004 tsunami. International Journal of Emergency Management, 7, 304-322. doi: 10.1504/IJEM.2010.037014 97. Alvinius, A., Danielsson, E., & Larsson, G. (2010). The inadequacy of an ordinary organization: Organizational adaptation to crisis through planned and spontaneous links. International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 15, 87-102. 98. Nilsson, S., Sjöberg, M., Kallenberg, K., & Larsson, G. (2011). Moral stress in international humanitarian aid and rescue operations: A grounded theory study. Ethics and Behavior, 21, 49-68. doi: 10.1080/10508422.2011.537570-10 -

99. Sjöberg, M., Wallenius, C., & Larsson, G. (2011). Leadership in complex, stressful rescue operations: A quantitative test of a qualitatively developed model. Disaster Prevention and Management, 20, 199-212. doi: 10.1108/09653561111126120 100. Wilde Larsson, B., Sandin Bojö, A., Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (2011). Childbearing womens feelings and perceptions of quality of intrapartum care: A nationwide Swedish cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 1168-1177. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03393.x 101. Romanowska, J., Larsson, G., Eriksson, M., Wikström, B-M., & Theorell, T. (2011). Health effects on leaders and co-workers of an art-based leadership development program. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 80, 78-87. doi: DOI:10.1159/000321557 102. Lygre, R. B., Eid, J., Larsson, G., & Ranstorp, M. (2011). Terrorism as a process: A critical review of Moghaddam s Staircase to terrorism model. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 52, 609-616. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2011.00918.x 103. Hyllengren, P., Larsson, G., Fors, M., Sjöberg, M., Eid, J., & Kjellevold Olsen, O. (2011). Trust at first sight: Swift trust in leaders in temporary military groups. Team Performance Management, 17, 354-368. doi: 10.1108/13527591111182625 104. Chaturvedi, S., Zyphur, M.J., Arvey, R., Avolio, B.J., & Larsson, G. (2012). The heritability of emergent leadership: Age and gender as moderating factors. The Leadership Quarterly, 23, 219-232. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2011.08.004 105. Eid, J., Mearns, K., Larsson, G., Laberg, J. C., & Johnsen, B. H. (2012). Leadership and safety research: Conceptual issues and future research questions. Safety Science, 50, 55-61. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2011.07.001 106. Larsson, G., & Eid, J. (2012). An idea paper on leadership theory integration. Management Research Review, 35, 177-191. doi: 10.1108/01409171211210109 107. Larsson, G., Fors Brandebo, M., & Nilsson, S. (2012). Destrudo-L: Development of a short scale designed to measure destructive leadership behaviours in a military context. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33, 383-400. doi: 10.1108/01437731211229313 108. Larsson, G., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2012). Changes over time in the importance patients ascribe to different aspects of care: On the need to improve personcenteredness. International Journal of Person Centered-Medicine, 2, 482-490. doi: 10.5750%2Fijpcm.v2i3.270 109. Fors Brandebo, M., & Larsson, G. (2012). Influence of IED-attacks on leadership: Dealing with the invisible enemy. Res Militaris, 2, 1-26. - 11 -

110. Larsson, G., & Hyllengren, P. (2013). Contextual influences on leadership: Theoretical modelling and empirical tests. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21, 19-37. doi: 10.1108/19348831311322515 111. Birkeland Nielsen, M., Eid, J., Mearns, K., & Larsson, G. (2013). Authentic leadership and its relationship with risk perception and safety climate. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34, 308-325. doi: 10.1108/LODJ-07-2011-0065 112. Nilsson, S., Sjöberg, M., & Larsson, G. (2013). A civil contingency agency management system for disaster aid: Qualitative validation of an empircally grounded model: International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21, 154-175. doi: 10.1108/IJOA-08-2011-0502 113. Fors Brandebo, M., Sjöberg, M., Larsson, G., Eid J., & Kjellvold Olsen, O. (2013). Trust in a military context: What contributes to trust in superior and subordinate leaders? Journal of Trust Research, 3, (1-21) 125-145. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2013.820029 114. Romanowska, J., Larsson, G., & Theorell, T. (2013). Effects on leaders of an artbased leadership intervention. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32, 1004-1022. doi: 10.1108/JMD-02-2012-0029 115. Birkheim, K., Eid, J., William Hystad, S., Birkeland Nielsen, M., Mearns, C., Larsson, G., & Luthans, B. (2013). The role of psychological capital and safety climate among air traffic controllers. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 20, 232-241. doi: 10.1177/1548051813475483 116. Borgersen, H. C., Hystad, S. W., Larsson, G., & Eid, J. (2013). Authentic leadership and safety climate among seafarers. International Journal of leadership & organizational Studies. doi: 10.1177/1548051813499612 117. Alvinius, A., Kylin, C., Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (2014). Emotional smoothness and confidence building: Boundary spanners in a civil-military collaboration context. International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion, 6, 223-239. 118. Danielsson, E., Alvinius, A., & Larsson, G. (2014). From common operating picture to situational awareness. International Journal of Emergency Management, 10, 28-47. 119. Wilde- Larsson, B., Inde, M., Carlson, A., Nordström, G., Larsson, G., & Rystedt, I. (2014). Implementation of patient-focused care: Before-after effects on work climate and quality of care in the eyes of patients and providers. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27, 594-604. 120. Romanowska, J., Larsson, G., & Theorell, T. (2014). Impact of an art-based leadership intervention on discrepancy between leaders self-rating and - 12 -

subordinates rating of leader behaviour: A comparison with conventional training. Personnel Psychology, 13, 97-106. 121. Wallenius, C., Bäccman, C., & Larsson, G. (2015). Examining the impact of personality and situational factors on decision making among military staffs. Journal of Military Studies, 5, 68-76. 122. Alvinius, A., Elfgren Boström, M., & Larsson, G. (2015). Leaders as emotional managers: Emotion management in response organisations during hostage taking in a Swedish prison. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36, 1-16. 123. Ohlsson, A., Wallenius, C., & Larsson, G. (2014). The comprehensive approach: Doctrinal overview and Swedish leadership implications at the operative and tactical level. International Peacekeeping, 18, 318-346. 124. Nilsson, S., Hyllengren, P., Ohlsson, A., Kallenberg, K., Waaler, G., & Larsson, G. (2015). Leadership and moral stress: Individual reaction patterns among first responders in acute situations that involve moral stressors in combination with cumulative stress. Journal of Trauma and Treatment.doi:10.4172/2167-1222.S4-025 125. Larsson, G., Bynander, F., Ohlsson, A., Schyberg, E., & Holmberg, M. (2015). Crisis management at the Governmental offices: A Swedish case study. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24, 542-552. 126. Fors Brandebo, M., Nilsson, S., & Larsson, G. (2016). Leadership: Is bad stronger than good? Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37, 690-710. 127. Alvinius, A., Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (2016). Becoming a military ranger: A grounded theory study. International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 11, 34-51. 128. Larsson, G., Brandow, C., Fors Brandebo, M., Ohlsson, A., & Åselius, G. (2016). Swedish military officers through other nations eyes. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24, 615-633. 129. Alvinius, A., Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (2016). Reflexive serendipity: Grounded theory and serendipity in disaster management and military research. Qualitative Sociology Review, 12, 28-42. 130. Alvinius, A., Wilde-Larsson, B., & Larsson, G. (2016). Managing boundaries in integrated care: A qualitative study of collaboration between municipalities and country councils in Sweden. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 19, 139-165. - 13 -

131. Larsson, G., Berglund, A-K., & Ohlsson, A. (2016). Daily hassles, their antecedents and ourtcomes among professional first responders: A systematic literature review. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 359-367. 132. Ohlsson, A., Hedlund, E., & Larsson, G. (2016). Examinig the relationship between personality, organizational political skill and perceived team performance in a multinational military staff. Journal of Military Studies. doi: 10.1515/jms-2016-0003. 133. Alvinius, A., Krekula, C., & Larsson, G. (2016). Manging visibility and differentiating in recruitment of women as leaders in the Armed Forces. Journal of Gender 134. Hyllengren, P., Nilsson, S., Ohlsson, A., Kallenberg, K., Waaler, G., & Larsson, G. (2016). Contextual factors affecting moral stress: A study of military and police officers. International Journal of Emergency Management, 12, 275-288. 135. Larsson, G., Sandahl, C., Söderhjelm, T., Sjövold, E., & Zander, A. (in press). Leadership behavior changes following a theory-based leadership development intervention: A longitudinal study of subordinates and leaders evaluations. 136. Alvinius, A., Johansson, E., & Larsson, G. (in press). Job satisfaction as a form of organizational commitment at the military strategic level. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 137. Ohlsson, A., & Larsson, G. (in press). Emotions in strategic leadership: A literature review and theoretical modelling for future research. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior. - 14 -

Artikelmanuskript under review 1. Ohlsson, A., Alvinius, A., & Larsson, G. (2016). The balance of shadow and formal processes of influences. Submited for publication to Res Militaris. 2. Alvinius, A., & Larsson, G. (2016). Applying the organizational centaur theory on boundary spanners in demanding situations. Submitted for publication to Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration. 3. Ohlsson, A., Alvinius, A., & Larsson, G. (2016). High-level leaders use of organizational smooth power: A qualitative study on how they do it. Submitted for publication to Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology. 4. Nilsson, S., Brandow, C., Ohlsson, A., & Larsson, G. (2016). Military leadership and emotion regulation in acute situations that contain moral dilemmas. Submitted for publication to International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion. 5. Larsson, G., & Alvinius, A. (2016). An undisturbed afternoon of writing: A qualitative study of prefessors job satisfaction. Submitted for publication to Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology. 6. Borgersen, H., Arcinas, M. M., Hystad, S. W., Larsson, G., & Eid, J. (2016). Leadership scripts in the shipping industry: Empirical evidence from experienced Filipino captains. Submitted for publication to Journal of Organizational & Leadership Studies. 7. Alvinius, A., Ohlsson, A., & Larsson, G. (2016). Dark side of the organization and leaders coping strategies. Submitted for publication to Journal of Military Studies. 8. Söderhjelm, T., Larsson, G., Sandahl, C., Björklund, C., & Palm, K. (2016). Rewards and risks with leader development: A qualitative study of the process following two of the most popular courses in Sweden. Submitted for publication to Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 9. Larsson, G., Ohlsson, A., Berglund, A. K., & Nilsson, S. (2017). Daily uplifts and adaptive coping as a buffer against daily hassles: Relationship with stress reactions over time in military personnel. Submitted for publication to Scandinavian Psychologist. - 15 -

10. Ohlsson, A., Bandlitz Johansen, R., & Larsson, G. (2017). An exploratory study of the association between the Big-Five personality dimensions, the use of upward influencing tactics and political skills with military staff members perceived performance. Submitted for publication to Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 11. Helgesen, A-K., Wilde-Larsson, B., Larsson, G., & Abrahamsen, V. (2017). Adaptation of the Quality from the Patient s Perspective (QPP) instrument for persons with dementia. Submitted for publication to BMC Health Services Research. 12. Larsson, G., Nilsson, S., Hyllengren, P., Ohlsson, A., Waaler, G., & Kallenberg, K. (2017). Stress reactions following acute situations involving moral dilemmas among health care professionals. Submitted for publication to Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. - 16 -

Nationella artiklar 1. Starrin, B., & Larsson, G. (1980). Militärpsykiatri och ideologi. Nordisk psykologi, 32, 26-41. doi: 10.1080/00291463.1980.10636728 2. Larsson, G., & Starrin, B. (1981). Etiskt ansvar och etisk kompetens vid värnpliktsinskrivningar. Psykolognytt, Nr.2, 5-8. 3. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., & Willebrand, K. (1984). Upptäckande metodologi. Sociologisk forskning, Nr. 3/4, sid 15-28. 4. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., Eriksson, J-O., & Willebrand, K. (1985). Arbetslöshet, lidande och död. Kritisk Psykologi, 40, 18-29. 5. Larsson, G., & Setterlind, S. (1985). Mental träning: Historik och nuvarande status. Idrottsforskaren, Nr. 3-4, 14-32. 6. Larsson, G. (1992). Psykiska krisreaktioner och debriefing: Utvärdering av räddningsverkets och socialstyrelsens utbildningsinsatser. Läkartidningen, 89, 792-793. 7. Larsson, G., & Wilde, B. (1995). Är patienten nöjd? Läkartidningen, 92, 1587-1590. 8. Kallenberg, K., & Larsson, G. (1999). Den svåra konsten att mäta hälsa. PsykologTidningen, 45, Nr. 3, 4-7. 9. Larsson, G. (1999). Nya krav på framtidens ledare. PsykologTidningen, 45, Nr 12-13, 8-10. 10. Larsson, G. (2005). Ledardskap under stark stress. Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademiens handlingar och tidskrift, 209, 56-73. 11. Waaler, G., Nillson, S., Larsson, G., & Espevik, R. (2013). Ars vitam tollendi: Kunsten å slå i hjel. Pacem, 16, 5-26. - 17 -

12. Larsson, G. (2013). Ledarskap vid kriser: Inverkan av stress och emotioner. Pacem, 16, 27-39. 13. Waaler, G., Nilsson, S., & Larsson, G. (2017). Å ta liv: Erfaringer fra Afghanistan. Michael, 14, 54-59. Böcker 1. Setterlind, S., & Larsson, G. (1983). Må bättre genom avslappning. Stockholm: Friskvårdscentrums Förlag. 2. Larsson, G., & Setterlind, S. (1983). Mental träning inom idrotten. Stockholm: Friskvårdscentrums Förlag. 3. Larsson, G., Setterlind, S., & Steffner-Starrin, L. (1985). Avslappningsträning inom hälso- och sjukvård. Stockholm: Friskvårdscentrums Förlag. 4. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., & Willebrand, K. (1985). Yrkesroll i förändring: En studie av apoteksteknikernas arbetssituation. Stockholm: TCO. 5. Larsson, G. (1988). Psykiska reaktioner vid katastrofer och kriser: Kunskapsöversikt och praktiska råd för sjukvårdspersonal. Karlstad: PsykologiService i Värmland AB. 6. Dahlgren, L., Larsson, G., Starrin, B., & Styrborn, S. (1988). Längs upptäcktens väg: En introduktion till teorigenerering. Karlstad: PsykologiService i Värmland AB. 7. Larsson, G., & Hyllengren, C. (1988). Individuell stressminskning för lärare. Karlstad: PsykologiService i Värmland AB. 8. Starrin, B., Larsson, G., Dahlgren, L., & Styrborn, S. (1991). Från upptäckt till presentation: Om kvalitativ metod och teorigenerering på empirisk grund. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 9. Larsson, G., & Setterlind, S. (1994). Om konsten att hantera sitt liv: Handbok i Stresshantering. Stockholm: Vårdförbundet SHSTF. 10. Setterlind, S., & Larsson, G. (1994). Om konsten att hantera sitt liv: Avslappning och stresshantering. Stockholm: Vårdförbundet SHSTF. 11. Wilde, B., Larsson, G., Larsson, M., & Starrin, B. (1995). Patienten värderar vården: En vägledning till frågeformuläret KUPP, Kvalitet Ur Patientens Perspektiv. Stockholm: Vårdförbundet SHSTF. - 18 -

12. Larsson, G., & Österdahl, L. (1995). Krishantering. Handbok för vanligt fôlk. Karlstad: Statens räddningsverk. 13. Lundin, T., Håkansson, E., Larsson, G., & Ledmyr, S. (1995). Psykiskt och socialt omhändertagande vid stora olyckor och katastrofer. Allmänna råd från socialstyrelsen. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 14. Kallenberg, K., Bråkenhielm, C-R., & Larsson, G. (1996). Tro och värderingar i 90- talets Sverige. Örebro: Libris. 15. Larsson, G., & Österdahl, L. (1996). Crisis support: Handbook for ordinary people. Karlstad: The Swedish Rescue Services Agency. 16. Larsson, G., Wilde, B., & Johansson, I. (1996). Äldrevårdens svaga länkar: Praktiska lösningar på psykologiska och organisatoriska problem. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 17. Starrin, B., Dahlgren, L., Larsson, G., & Styrborn, S. (1997). Along the path of discovery: Qualitative methods and grounded theory. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 18. Larsson, G., (Red) (1999). Ledarskap under stress. Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan Acta D3. 19. Andersson, B., Tedfeldt, E-L., & Larsson, G. (2000). Avlastningssamtal och debriefing: Handbok för samtalsledare. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 20. Kallenberg, K., & Larsson, G. (2000/2004). Människans hälsa: Livsåskådning och personlighet. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. 21. Larsson, G., & Kallenberg, K. (Red). (2003/2006). Direkt ledarskap. Stockholm: Försvarsmakten. 22. Larsson, G. (Red.) (2005). 9 noter om NBF. Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan. 23. Anderson, B., Tedfeldt, E-L., & Larsson, G. (2009). Avlastande samtal inom personalgrupper: Handbok för samtalsledare. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 24. Larsson, G. (2010). Ledarskap under stress. Malmö: Liber. 25. Larsson, G., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2012). Stress Measurement in less than one minute. Frederiksberg, Denmark: Ventus Publishing. 26. Larsson, G., & Wilde Larsson, B. (2012). Self-managed and coach led stress management: A theory-based practical guide for stressed people. Frederiksberg, - 19 -

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