Internationella regler

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Air Operations 965/2012


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SSP State Safety Programme

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Internationella regler

Fast track ändring av 1035/2011 Har varit ute för beslut via korrespondens med svar till den 17/3 2014. Förordning (EU) Nr 1035/2011 innehåller flera referenser till ICAO Annex. Efter 2011 har många av dessa Annex uppdaterats och vissa har delvis inarbetats i EU lag genom Förordningarna (EU) Nr 923/2012 (SERA) och 139/2014 (Flygplats). Fast track ändringen uppdaterar dessa Annex referenser. 2

Ny ATCO-förordning som ersätter 805/2011 Opinion publicerades december 2013. Kommer att tas upp i EASA committee i April (som tidigast). Publicering gissningsvis sent 2014 / tidigt 2015. Från remissen: This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. It shall apply from (6 months after publication). By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States may decide not to apply this Regulation, in whole or in part, until (24 months after publication). In this case, the Member State shall, by (end of the 6 months after publication), notify its intention to the Commission and the Agency. This notification shall describe the scope of such derogation(s) as well as the programme for implementation containing actions envisaged and related timing. 3

Ny förordning som ersätter 1034/2011 och 1035/2011 EASA fick in 2357 kommentarer på NPA:n. Publicering av CRD Q2 2014. Opinion Q4 2014. Rapport till SSC i slutet av 2014. Ikraftträdande 2016. Första diskussion är på SSC55 i november och för att denna ska kunna genomföras måste CRD och opinion vara klar. Om materialet inte är klart till november så är nästa SSC56 förmodligen i april 2015. 4

Ny flygplatsförordning KOMMISSIONENS FÖRORDNING (EU) nr 139/2014 av den 12 februari 2014 om krav och administrativa rutiner för flygplatser Så länge flygplatsen har ett svensk certifikat ska flygplatsen tillämpa de svenska föreskrifterna. TS har till den 31 december 2017 att konvertera de svenska certifikaten till EU certifikat. När flygplatsen får sitt certifikat konverterat till ett EU certifikat ska de tillämpa EU reglerna för flygplatser. 5

EASA NPA:er Notice of Proposed Amendment 2014-05 Amendment to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation (SERA Part C) Sista svarsdatum 19 Maj 2014 Notice of Proposed Amendment 2014-08 Safety Key Performance Indicators (SKPIs) (ATM performance IR) Sista svarsdatum 26 Maj 2014 6

EASA NPA:er Notice of Proposed Amendment 2014-07 (A) Technical requirements and operational procedures for the provision of meteorological services Notice of Proposed Amendment 2014-07 (B) Technical requirements and operational procedures for the provision of meteorological services Drafting document table A och B - Sista svarsdatum 30 Juni 2014 Notice of Proposed Amendment 2014-09 Transposition of Amendment 43 to Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention on remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) into common rules of the air Sista svarsdatum 3 Juli 2014 7

SES II+ Parlamentet har beslutat SES II+ efter en första läsning. Nästa steg är att rådet ska ta upp den. Just nu är Grekland ordförandeland och än så länge har vi inte sett till SESII+ på agendan. I höst tar Italien över som ordförandeland. När Rådet beslutat SES II+ ska en gemensam andra läsning genomföras mellan Rådet och Parlamentet. 8


Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 Annex 3 från 75 till 76 Amd 76 OBS! 13 November 2014 (for Appendix 3, paragraphs 2.3.1 e) and c) 1)) Amendment to the definition of alternate aerodrome ; clarification of terminology used for meteorological offices; amendment of provisions related to automatic meteorological observing systems; clarification of the required domain for the reporting of clouds in local routine and special reports; standardization of the lead time for the issuance of aerodrome forecasts (TAF); inclusion of a requirement for take-off forecasts at all aerodromes; amendment of requirement for the exchange of OPMET information (METAR/SPECI, TAF and SIGMET) to the use of extensible markup language (XML)/geography markup language (GML); simplification of runway visual range reporting including aligning the SPECI criteria with the operational thresholds used in Annex 6; deletion of the requirement to report ice crystals; amendment of the requirement for reporting of meteorological elements in METAR/SPECI and local reports when automatic sensors fail (missing data); deletion of the requirement for reporting recent weather in cases where SPECI are issued at the discretion of States; amendment to the requirement for reporting state of the sea to allow reporting of wave height as an alternative; alignment of TAF change group criteria with those for the issuance of SPECI; amendment of SIGMET for the observing and forecasting of sandstorm/duststorm intensity; clarification of the location of hazardous phenomena in SIGMET documentation; elimination of the reference to the accidental nature of a release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere; deletion of web addresses in certain provisions; introduction of the requirement to monitor potentially active volcanoes by concerned States; improvements of the explanation of the symbols for volcanic eruption and radioactive materials (for significant weather used in flight documentation); inclusions of a reference to the volcano observatory notice for aviation (VONA); introduction of the requirement regarding the notification of volcanic eruption cessation by State volcano observatories; introduction of the concept of estimation of volcanic ash in Table A2-1; introduction of the concept of an entire FIR or entire CTA being covered by a volcanic ash cloud and other new requirements in Table A6-1 and related examples; inclusion of provisions enabling concatenated route-specific wind/temperature forecasts; addition of wind and temperature data for flight level (FL) 410 (175 hpa) and geopotential altitude data for FL 270 (350 hpa) and FL 410 (175 hpa) in grid point forecasts prepared by world area forecast centres (WAFCs); deletion of notes related to trial nature of gridded world area forecasts system (WAFS) forecasts for icing, turbulence and cumulonimbus clouds; and revision of the latitude and longitude coordinates for the corners of charts generated from the digital forecasts provided by the WAFS for fixed areas of coverage. 10

Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 Annex 4 från 56 till 57 amd 57 Integrity of aeronautical data. 11

Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 samtliga volymer av Annex 10 från 85 till 88 Annex 10 vol I Amd 86 Changes reflecting experience gained with initial implementation of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) ground-based augmentation system (GBAS). Amd 87 a) changes to satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) received signal power requirements; b) introduction of two new SBAS service provider identifiers; c) changes to the encoding of the runway number field in the final approach segment (FAS) data block; and d) changes to GNSS antenna gain requirements. Amd 88 Mapping of Annex 10 system performance requirements to the new approach classification in Annex 6. 12

Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 Annex 10 vol II Amd 86, 87 och 88 No change. Annex 10 vol III Amd 86 och 87 No change. Amd 88 Alignment of VDL SARPs, mainly to reflect recent updates to the ITU Radio Regulations; Provisions added to encourage implementation of ATN/IPS, while indicating that ATN/OSI remains a supported standard. 13

Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 Annex 10 vol IV Amd 86, 87 och 88 No change. Annex 10 vol V Amd 86 och 87 No change. Amd 88 Alignment of SARPs with prior updates to the ITU Radio Regulations and Annex 10 Volume III. Revision of VHF frequency assignment planning provisions. 14

Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 Annex 11 från 47-B till 49 (and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 as applicable). Amd 48 Amendment to definitions and an abbreviation; reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM) monitoring; use of fully automatic observing systems for the provision of local reports; and enhanced protection of electronic aeronautical data sets. Amd 49 Definitions; safety management system; integrity of aeronautical data; and identification and delineation of prohibited, restricted and danger areas. 15

Ändring av Annex, fast track 1035/2011 Annex 15 från 36 till 37 Amd 37 Chapter 1-3 restructured; definitions relating to aerodrome mapping data, aeronautical information management, integrity classification; use of the terms information and data ; State and AIS provider responsibilities and functions; information management requirements; data quality; use of automation; aerodrome mapping data; AIP specifications; SNOWTAM; terrain and obstacle data; integrity classifications. 16

Kontakt Pia Schelin Sektionen för flygtrafiktjänst Sjö-och luftfartsavdelningen E-post: