CURRICULUM VITAE. Carl Fredrik Bergström (born 25 januari 1965)

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CURRICULUM VITAE Carl Fredrik Bergström (born 25 januari 1965) Degree of Juris kandidat equivalent to LL.B amd L.MM from Stockholm University Law School (1994) and Diploma in European Law from University of Birmingham (1993). After expert assignment by the Swedish Bar Association employment at Stockholm University Law Faculty combined with admittance to the research student-programme at European University Institute in Florence (1995-2002). Degree of Juris doktor from Stockholm University (2003) and promotion to Docent at Stockholm University (2005). Employment as Senior Researcher at SIEPS, the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (2002-2009), and appointment as Acting/Deputy Director (2005/2009). Professor of European Law at Uppsala University (2010-). Significant assignments and completed projects Member of the Board of SNELS: the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies (2010-) Member of ECLN: European Constitutional Law Network (2010-) Member of ReNEUAL: Research Network on EU Administrative Law (2010-) Member of the Democratic Audit of Sweden 2010, SNS Demokratiråd (2010) Member of SIEPS Academic Network (2010-) Member of the Board of the Swedish Periodical Europarättslig tidskrift (2005-) Leader for project funded by the Swedish Research Council, Vetenskapsrådet, EU och arvet från Oxenstierna: Den svenska förvaltningsmodellens funktion och framtid (2005-2009) Leader for several research-projects at SIEPS, including Strategy2004 and The Constitutional Future of the EU (2003-2009)

Rapporteur for Sweden to FIDE XXIII Congress in Linz 2008: Preparing the European Union for the Future? Member of The Esprit de Sel Advisory Group to the Vice-President of the European Parliament (2006-2008) Member of project funded by the EU Sixth Framework Programme and coordinated by the European University Institute RSCAS, New Modes of Governance (2004-2008) Expert to the Swedish Agency for Public Management, Statskontoret, in assessment of the experiences of the Swedish administration s participation in the EU (1999-2000) Rapporteur for Sweden to the EU-financed CICERO-project on the Future Career of Legal Professions (1998) Expert to the Swedish Parliament s Committee on the 1996-97 IGC (1996) Swedish Secretary for NORFEIR: the Nordic Council for Research in European Integration Law (1995-1996) Assessor for the European Parliament in the procedure for appointment of civil servants (1995-1996) Publications Changing Rules of Delegation: a Contest for Power in Comitology, forthcoming 2011 (with Héritier, A, Moury, C and C, Bischoff, C) Lissabonfördraget en grundlag för EU? Norstedts Juridik 2010 (with Hettne, J) Subsidiaritetsprövning: Riksdagen hittar en ny roll i EU:s lagstiftningsprocess, Europarättslig tidskrift 2010 p 423 Europeiseringen av Sverige, Report from the Democratic Audit of Sweden 2010, SNS Förlag 2010 (with others) Use or Abuse of National Constitutional Requirements in the Dynamic Development of EU Treaties? in Fabry, E and Ricard-Nihoul, G (Ed), Think Global Act European - Think Tanks Contribution to the Trio of Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies of the Union, Notre Europe 2010 Femton år senare: Lissabonfördraget och den svenska grundlagens reglering av EU, Europarättslig tidskrift Jubileumsnummer 2008 p 35 Lissabonfördraget, Official Report SIEPS 2008:11 (with Hettne, J and Södersten A) Lissabonfördraget och det irländska problemet - en snabbare lösning än väntat? SIEPS European Policy Analysis 2008:12epa Lissabonfördraget: hur ändras EU? Europarättslig tidskrift 2008 p 32 (with Hettne, J)

The Rotating Presidency under Passage to Post-Lisbon Rules a Humble Task of Managing Regular Business, in Fabry, E och Ricard-Nihoul, G (Eds) Think Global Act European: European Think Tanks Contribution to the Trio of the French, Czech and Swedish Presidencies of the Union, Notre Europe 2008 Lissabonfördraget och den svenska grundlagens reglering av EU, SIEPS European Policy Analysis 2008:13epa Necessary Revisions of Primary Law after the Non-Ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, Swedish Report to FIDE XXIII Congress in Linz 2008: Preparing the European Union for the Future? (with Hettne, J.) Giving Globalisation a European Face, Rapport från Europaparlamentets expertgrupp L Esprit de Sel, Bryssel 14 maj 2008 (with others) Legislate or Delegate? Bargaining over Implementation and Legislative Authority in the European Union, West European Politics 2007 s 338 (with Farrel, H och Héritier A) Institutional Rule Five: Controlling the Implementation Powers of the Commission (Comitology), in Héritier, A, Explaining Institutional Change in Europe, Oxford University Press 2007 (with Héritier, A) Recension av Hegeland, H, Nationell EU-parlamentarism, Europarättslig tidskrift 2007 p 495 Legislate or Delegate? Bargaining over Implementation and Legislative Authority in the European Union, European University Institute RSC Working Paper 2006/42 (with Farrell, H och Héritier, A) Lissabonfördraget konsoliderad version av EU:s fördrag, SNS förlag 2007 Governance and the EU Securities Sector, European University Institute RSC, New Modes of Governance Project Final Report 2006 (with others) Vad händer med den konstitutionella krisen i EU? Official Report SIEPS 2006:6 Comitology Delegation of Powers in the European Union and the Committee System, Oxford University Press 2005 (thesis) De fristående myndigheternas ställning i EU:s konstitution, Europarättslig tidskrift 2003 p 791 (with Rotkirch, M) EU:s framtidskonvent och förslaget om införande av en formell normhierarki, Europarättslig tidskrift 2003 p 279 (with Rotkirch, M)

Decentralized Agencies and the IGC: a Question of Accountability, Official Report SIEPS 2003:14 (with Rotkirch, M) Simply Simplification? The Proposal for a Hierarchy of Legal Acts, Official Report SIEPS 2003:8 (with Rotkirch, M) The Residual Competence: Basic Statistics on Legislation with a Legal Basis in Article 308 EC, Working Document (19) of 3 September 2002 from Working Group V on Complementary Competencies, European Convention (with Almer, J) Kommittologi: Ett nära samarbete mellan kommissionen och den nationella förvaltningen, Europaperspektiv 2002 Årsbok för europaforskning, Santérus 2002 Tillbaka till framtiden: Luxemburgskompromissen och kommissionens skyldighet att samarbeta med regeringarna, Festskrift till Ulf Bernitz Europarättslig tidskrift 2001 While Waiting for Godot: a Need to Strengthen the Control over Commission Legislation? Proceedings from European Law Conference organised by the Swedish Presidency of the EU 2001 Genomförandekommittéer: Svenska myndigheters och departements ansvar för antagande av gemenskapslagstiftning, Official Report Statskontoret 2000:20C Fåfängans fyrverkeri? EU:s ordförandeskap och Sveriges chans till en plats i rampljuset, Europarättslig tidskrift 1999 p 221 Recension av Nergelius, J, Amsterdamfördraget och EU:s institutionella maktbalans, Europarättslig tidskrift 1999 p 195 Academic and Professional Qualifications for Lawyers in Sweden, National Report to the CICERO Project for Legal education and training in the European Learning Society 1998 Euroopa väljaspool siseturgu: seletavad märkused Amsterdami lepingule, Commentary to the Amsterdam Treaty published by the Estonian Ministry of Justice 1998 Presentation av det nya Europafördraget, Juridisk tidskrift 1997/98 p 305 L Europa oltre il mercato interno: commento al trattato di Amsterdam, Rivista di diritto pubblico comunitario europeo, 1998 p 1 Den nya gemenskapsrätten: Expertkommittéer, Europabyråer och EGdomstolens inaktivism, Juridisk tidskrift 1997/98 p 48

Europe beyond the Internal Market: a Commentary on the Amsterdam Treaty, European University Institute, Seminar Paper 1997 European Politics of Information: the Amsterdam Formula Taking the European Community beyond the Internal Market, European University Institute, Seminar Paper 1997 The Ioannina and Luxembourg Compromises, Butterworths Expert Guide on the European Union, Butterworths 1997 Konstitutionell rätt och europeisk integration: En kommentar till de tyska bananfallen, Juridisk tidskrift 1996/97 p 761 Rättsligt skydd av grundläggande fri- och rättigheter i den Europeiska Unionen, Official Report SOU 1996:16 (with Bernitz, U) Domstolskontroll av grundläggande fri- och rättigheter i den Europeiska unionen: praktiska och taktiska överväganden från ett svenskt perspektiv, in Eisenreich, B (Ed), Annual Report of The Nordic Council for Research in European Integration Law (NORFEIR) 1996 EU och advokaterna, Report to the Swedish Bar Association, Advokatsamfundet, 1994