PowerCell Sweden AB. Ren och effektiv energi överallt där den behövs
- Stefan Sundberg
- för 9 år sedan
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1 PowerCell Sweden AB Ren och effektiv energi överallt där den behövs
2 Requirements of power electronics for fuel cells in electric vehicles Andreas Bodén (Rickard Nilsson) Förstudie: Kravställning på kraftelektronik för användning av bränsleceller i elektriska fordon (Teknikbevakning av bränslecellsområdet P ) Projektparterns: PowerCell Sweden AB och Volvo Cars Corporation
3 Background Electric vehicles consist today in two forms, pure battery vehicles (BEV) and fuel cell electric vehicles using a >80 kw fuel cell system (FCEV) or using fuel cell language Full Power System. Studies shows that balancing between this two extremes can be more optimum with respect to cost, performance, range and durability. In this cases the fuel cell systems is used as a Range Extender. For passenger vehicles fuel cell systems of kw seems to cover the average load and batteries is used for load variation. And in this mode the fuel cell is used where it is best with low load variation and the battery do need to be used in the end states of the SOC. For other electric vehicles like buses, light trucks kw seems to be a the size of the fuel cell range extender Property of Powercell Sweden AB 3
4 MoreZero(ERA-NET project) PowerCell is the partner responsible for the Fuel Cell module a 20kW net power output (stabilized) the unit can be coupled in parallel to give higher power. In the project the module will be used for: A small electric city bus (about 8 persons) using one module A small electric truck 3.5 tons using 2 modules A electric truck 18 tons using 2 or 3 modules To outline modularisation strategies for integration of the system components allowing to address high degrees of customization of vehicles for specific use cases without excessive development investments for each of the resulting variants Property of Powercell Sweden AB 4
5 Why a project on requirments on power electronics Fuel Cell Module PowerCell and VCC project on integration of fuel cell system into an electric car DC/DC H Property of Powercell Sweden AB 5
6 Project plan WP/task Beskrivning Leverabel Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr WP1 Genomgång av krav och behov från respektive delsystem task 1.1 Kravsammanställning från batteribussen i bil delrapport x x task 1.2 Kravsammanställning från bränslecellsystem delrapport x x task 1.3 Genomgång om det finns krav från övriga system dom påverkar DC/DC delrapport x WP2 Samanställning och balansering kravspecifikation på kraftelektronik för range extender applikationer task 2.1 Workshop för sammanställning av kravspec x task 2.2 Review och konsekvensanalys x task 2.3 Sammanställning av kravspecifikation delrapport x WP3 Marknadsundersökning hos ett fåtal leverantörer på utvecklingstider, kostnad och uppskattat produktpris. task 3.1 RFI x task 3.2 Sammanställning av RFI svar delrapport x WP4 Rapportering task 4.1 Kravspec från 600V system x task 4.2 Analys av effekt på anpassning till 600V system x task 4.3 Slutrapport rapport x x Property of Powercell Sweden AB 6
7 Problem There exist no on the shelf solutions presently for usage of fuel cell systems in electric vehicles The DC/DC need to handle a large voltage input range Property of Powercell Sweden AB 7
8 System layout Property of Powercell Sweden AB 8
9 Requirements from Fuel cell Large voltage input range compared to standard usage V Controlled start-up Avoid back flow of current to avoid wear of electrodes Controlled shut down needed to avoid hydrogen/air front on anode Need to be connected to FCM control system to not allow more power output than pumps/fans etc. can deliver to not reverse the anode electrode or run in starvation mode on the cathode Property of Powercell Sweden AB 9
10 Requirements from Vehicle Voltage output VDC (high voltage limit 500V) High efficiency >96% Liquid cooled Compact (15 dm 3 ) Meet standard environmental conditions (temp, vibrations, humidity and IP) and other standards regarding electric devises Property of Powercell Sweden AB 10
11 Next step Finalize first task reports RFI round with suppliers (all ready started) Property of Powercell Sweden AB 11
12 Summary The project aim to compile a specification for a DC/DC for usage for fuel cell range extender in a electric vehicle Initial specification for fuel cell system and demand from vehicles is almost done RFI round with possible suppliers initialized Project should be finished and delivered according to plan. For more information please contact Andreas Bodén, PowerCell Sweden AB Anders Hedebjörn, Volvo Cars Corporation Property of Powercell Sweden AB 12
13 Thank you! Powercell Sweden AB Ruskvädersgatan12, Gothenburg, Sweden p: e: w: Property of Powercell Sweden AB 13
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Biblioteket.se. A library project, not a web project. Daniel Andersson. Biblioteket.se. New Communication Channels in Libraries Budapest Nov 19, 2007
A library project, not a web project New Communication Channels in Libraries Budapest Nov 19, 2007 Daniel Andersson, daniel@biblioteket.se 1 Daniel Andersson Project manager and CDO at, Stockholm Public
Innovation in the health sector through public procurement and regulation
Innovation in the health sector through public procurement and regulation MONA TRUELSEN & ARVID LØKEN 1 14/11/2013 Copyright Nordic Innovation 2011. All rights reserved. Nordic Innovation An institution
Arctic. Design by Rolf Fransson
Arctic Design by Rolf Fransson 2 Endless possibilities of combinations. Oändliga kombinationsmöjligheter. 3 4 5 If you are looking for a range of storage furniture which limits of combination is set by
Stort Nordiskt Vänortsmöte maj Rundabordssamtal Hållbar stadsutveckling, attraktiva städer 20 maj 2016
Stort Nordiskt Vänortsmöte 19 21 maj Rundabordssamtal Hållbar stadsutveckling, attraktiva städer 20 maj 2016 Main findings What makes cities attractive for resicents? Life between the houses is important
FFI - Learning Fleet. Transporteffektivitetsdagen 2014 09 11. Hans.Deragarden@Volvo.com
FFI - Learning Fleet Transporteffektivitetsdagen 2014 09 11 Hans.Deragarden@Volvo.com Bakgrund Varför Learning Fleet? Möjlighet: Rutt- och fordonsadaptation mot dynamiska vägattribut som trafikflöden,
Undergraduate research:
Undergraduate research: Laboratory experiments with many variables Arne Rosén 1, Magnus Karlsteen 2, Jonathan Weidow 2, Andreas Isacsson 2 and Ingvar Albinsson 1 1 Department of Physics, University of
FINA SWIMMING WORLD CUP 2004 the 13th and 14th of January 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden
FINA SWIMMING WORLD CUP 2004 the 13th and 14th of January 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden The Swedish Swimming Federation have the honour and pleasure of inviting the best swimmers of your federation to participate
Webbreg öppen: 26/ /
Webbregistrering pa kurs, period 2 HT 2015. Webbreg öppen: 26/10 2015 5/11 2015 1. Du loggar in på www.kth.se via den personliga menyn Under fliken Kurser och under fliken Program finns på höger sida en
Swedish Building Regulations. Cecilia Uneram Fire Protection Engineer Brandskyddsföreningen Sverige
Swedish Building Regulations Cecilia Uneram Fire Protection Engineer Brandskyddsföreningen Sverige The history Bjärkarätten - our first regulation for cities from the middle ages distance between buildings,
Ringmaster RM3 - RM 5 RM3 RM 4 RM 5
RM3 - RM 5 Ringmaster We offer ball pickers in 5 different sizes with a picking width of up to 6 m. RM3 - RM5 has a self-supporting chassis so that the collected balls do not place a load on the picking
Quick Start Guide. To switch the TV on. cable to connect the two units together. To select the TV broadcasts. To HDMI connection on.
Quick Start Guide 1 Insert the batteries into the remote control Lift the cover on the back of the remote upward gently. Install two AAA batteries. Make sure to match the + and - ends of the batteries
Energimyndighetens titel på projektet svenska Utvärdering av solelproduktion från Sveriges första MW-solcellspark
w SAMMANFATTNING AV SLUTRAPPORT Datum 2016-01-22 Dnr 1 (5) Energimyndighetens titel på projektet svenska Utvärdering av solelproduktion från Sveriges första MW-solcellspark Energimyndighetens titel på
Materialplanering och styrning på grundnivå. 7,5 högskolepoäng
Materialplanering och styrning på grundnivå Provmoment: Ladokkod: Tentamen ges för: Skriftlig tentamen TI6612 Af3-Ma, Al3, Log3,IBE3 7,5 högskolepoäng Namn: (Ifylles av student) Personnummer: (Ifylles