Syllabus for course at first level

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1 Syllabus for course at first level Course in Social Work II Socialt arbete II 30.0 Higher Education Credits 30.0 ECTS credits Course code: SU1002 Valid from: Spring 2008 Date of approval: Department Department of Social Work Subject Social Work Decision Decided by the departmental board of the Department of Social Work, Stockholm University. Prerequisites and special admittance requirements Basic course in social work, 20 credits and Social Work I, 30 hp/ects credits Course structure Examination code Name Higher Education Credits PRAK Theories of Practical Social Work 7.5 KUNS Epistemological Perspectives in Social Work 7.5 UTVÄ Evaluation of Social Work 7.5 RÄTT Civil Rights and Legal Structures in Social Work 7.5 The course is intended to give knowledge of civil rights and legal structures in social work knowledge of the theoretical constructs behind practical social work knowledge of evaluation in social work knowledge of varying epistemological perspectives in social work. demonstrate advanced comprehension of the legal framework of social work demonstrate advanced comprehension of the knowledge basis of social work demonstrate knowledge of evaluation of social work describe, compare, analyze and synthesize the meaning of different epistemological perspectives in social work demonstrate a fundamental grasp of the philosophy of science and of scientific method. Sub-course objectives and learning outcomes Theories of Practical Social Work, 7.5 HEC s The scope of practical social work, its theoretical constructs and fields of knowledge The supportive, mobilising and problem-solving functions of social work The exercise of authority in social work and its consequences. This is a translation of the Swedish original Page 1/5

2 demonstrate knowledge of the scope, theoretical constructs and fields of knowledge of social work demonstrate knowledge of the exercise of authority and its consequences give an account of the supportive, mobilising and problem-solving functions of social work. Epistemological Perspectives in Social Work, 7.5 HEC s Theoretical, science-philosophical, epistemological and methodological dimensions and their importance for social work Different perspectives on knowledge and the acquisition of knowledge in social work seen both as work with clients and as academic research. describe, compare and analyze the meaning of different epistemological perspectives in social work compare different epistemological perspectives coupled to different theoretical, science-philosophical and methodological positions and their implications for the research process within the social work framework couple together epistemological, science-philosophical and methodological lines of argument and discuss the practical implications for a treatment process or a client encounter within the social work framework. Evaluation of Social Work, 7.5 HEC s Survey of the various evaluation tasks that have to be contended with and the framework for these in social work Examples of how different investigators/researchers have solved these tasks Discussion of how knowledge gained from evaluations can contribute to the development of competence in social work. explain the meaning and objectives of the evaluation concept distinguish between different evaluation methods specify the main application areas of the separate evaluation methods give an outline of the different methods of analysis of evaluation data. Civil Rights and Legal Structures in Social Work, 7.5 HEC s Broad presentation of those sections of the legal system that are relevant in social work The development of social law from historical and sociological perspectives Essential areas of social legislation with focus on social insurance and social services. give an account of the structures and values underlying the development of social law as well as explain fundamental legal concepts give an account of the fundamental legal concepts and principles within the areas of law specifically treated in the course show substantial understanding of judicial method by application of the law to concrete cases. Education Instruction is in the form of lectures, seminars and practice exercises. Forms of examination Examination is individual or group wise by written tasks or oral reporting. Grading is individual and related to the specified learning outcomes according to the following scale: A Excellent outstanding performance with only minor errors B Very good above average standard but with some errors C Good generally sound work but with a number of notable errors D Satisfactory fair but with significant shortcomings E Sufficient performance meets the minimum criteria Fx Fail some more work required before the credit can be awarded This is a translation of the Swedish original Page 2/5

3 F Fail considerable further work required To pass the course students must have obtained at least a grade E on all sub-courses. The final grade for the entire course is based on the sub-course average and the proportions of the respective sub-courses. For information on grading criteria for each sub-course see the separate sub-course information sheets. For information on the rules for examination and re-examination as approved by the Board of the Department of Social Work see separate information sheet. Students have the right to request re-examination with another examiner if failed twice. Such requests must be made in writing to the director of studies no later than one year after the latest event. Required reading Det praktiska sociala arbetets teoribildning, 7,5 hp Theories of Practical Social Work Andresen, R. (red)(2002) Sociala nätverk, grupper och organisationer. Praktiskt arbete och teoretisk reflexion. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. Blom, B.,Morén, S.& Nygren, L. (red.) (2006) Kunskap i socialt arbete. Blomqvist, J.& Christophs, I. (2005) Vägen till vården. FoU-rapport 2005:9 (100 sid.) Ferrer-Wreder, L. (2005) Framgångsrika preventionsprogram för barn och unga. Stockholm: Gothia. Hessle, S. (1991) Samtal med B. Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren. James, J.W.& Friedman, R. (2004) Sorgbearbetning. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet för Sorgbearbetning. Meuwisse, A. Suneson, S. & Swärd, H. (2006) Socialt arbete - en grundbok. Payne, M. (2002) Moderna teorier i socialt arbete. Referenslitteratur: Meuwisse, A. & Swärd, H. (2002) Perspektiv på sociala problem. Kunskapsteorier i socialt arbete, 7,5 hp Epistemological Perspectives in Social Work. Alvesson, M. & Sköldberg, K. (2006) Tolkning och reflexion. Vetenskapsfilosofi och kvalitativ metod. 2:a upplagan. Blom, B.,Morén, S.& Nygren, L. (red.) (2006) Kunskap i socialt arbete. This is a translation of the Swedish original Page 3/5

4 Larsson, S., Sjöblom, Y. & Lilja, J. (red) (2007) Narrativa metoder i socialt arbete. Larsson, S., Lilja, L. & Mannheimer, K. (red)(2005) Forskningsmetoder i socialt arbete. Mulinari, D (red)(2002) Mer än bara kvinnor och män. Feministiska perspektiv på genus. Stevens, R. (red) (1998) Att förstå människor. Stigendahl, M. (2002) Den gode socialvetenskaparen. Utvärdering av socialt arbete, 7,5 hp Evaluation of Social Work Berglund, M., (red) (1996) Dokumentation inom missbrukarvården. Centrum för utvärdering av socialt arbete (CUS) Stockholm: Liber. Dahlberg, M.,& Vedung, E.(2001) Demokrati och brukarutvärdering. Lund: Studentlitteratur Möller, K., Gerdner, A., & Oscarsson, A. (1998) Rällsögården. 40 års verksamhet vid ett behandlingshem för vuxna missbrukare. Statens Institutionsstyrelse. SiS-rapport 1/98 Socialstyrelsen (2000) Nationellt stöd för kunskapsutveckling inom socialtjänsten. SoS-rapport 2000:12 Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. (Finns i fulltext på Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift (2002) Temanummer (2-3) om socialt arbete och utvärdering. Socialhögskolan i Lund. FORSA. Vedung, E. (1998) Utvärdering i politik och förvaltning. 2:a upplagan Weiss, C.H. (1998) Evaluation. New Yersey: Prentice Hall. + ett tiotal artiklar. Rättigheter och rättsliga strukturer i socialt arbete, 7,5 hp Civil Rights and Legal Structures i Social Work Berge, A. (1995) Medborgarrätt och egensansvar. Lund: Arkiv Bernitz, U. m. fl. (2000) Finna rätt. Stockholm: Juristförlaget Dahlberg, A. (1994) Socialförsäkringarnas utveckling. Ersättning vid sjukdom, arbetsskada, arbetslöshet och ålderdom - utveckling i fem faser. This is a translation of the Swedish original Page 4/5

5 Stockholms Universitet: Centrum för Kvinnoforskning, skriftserie nr.8 Nordborg, G. (red) (1996) 13 kvinnoperspektiv på rätten. Uppsala: Iustus. Nordström, C. & Thunved, A. (2000) Nya sociallagarna. Stockholm: Nordstedts Juridik. Radetzki, M. & Eriksson, A. (2006) Grundläggande försäkringsskydd vid sjukdom och arbetsskada. Schlytter, A. (1999) Kön och juridik i socialt arbete. Lagtexter This is a translation of the Swedish original Page 5/5

Syllabus for course at first level

Syllabus for course at first level Syllabus for course at first level Course in Social Work II Socialt arbete II 30.0 Higher Education Credits 30.0 ECTS credits Course code: SU1002 Valid from: Autumn 2010 Date of approval: 2007-12-05 Changed:

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Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå

Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå Socialt arbete II Course in Social Work II 30.0 Högskolepoäng 30.0 ECTS credits Kurskod: SU1002 Gäller från: VT 2008 Fastställd: 2007-12-05 Institution Institutionen för

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Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå

Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå Socialt arbete II Course in Social Work II 30.0 Högskolepoäng 30.0 ECTS credits Kurskod: SU1002 Gäller från: HT 2010 Fastställd: 2007-12-05 Ändrad: 2010-05-26 Institution

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Syllabus for course at first level

Syllabus for course at first level Syllabus for course at first level Course in Social Work I Socialt arbete I 30.0 Higher Education Credits 30.0 ECTS credits Course code: SU1001 Valid from: Autumn 2010 Date of approval: 2007-05-20 Changed:

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Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå

Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå Socialt arbete II Course in Social Work II 30.0 Högskolepoäng 30.0 ECTS credits Kurskod: SU1002 Gäller från: VT 2013 Fastställd: 2007-12-05 Ändrad: 2013-12-05 Institution

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Syllabus for course at first level

Syllabus for course at first level Syllabus for course at first level Social Work I Socialt arbete I 30.0 Higher Education Credits 30.0 ECTS credits Course code: SUS300 Valid from: Autumn 2010 Date of approval: 2008-05-21 Changed: 2010-05-26

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Syllabus for course at first level

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Syllabus for course at first level

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Syllabus for course at first level

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Syllabus for course at first level

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The Academic Career Path - choices and chances ULRIKKE VOSS

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Swedish framework for qualification

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Kursplan för kurs på grundnivå

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Kursplan. Verksamhetsutveckling genom ordning och reda på arbetsplatsen. 7,5 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1

Kursplan. Verksamhetsutveckling genom ordning och reda på arbetsplatsen. 7,5 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1 Kursplan Verksamhetsutveckling genom ordning och reda på arbetsplatsen 7,5 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1 Business development through orderliness at the work-place 7.5 Higher Education Credits *), Undergraduate

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x 2 2(x + 2), f(x) = by utilizing the guidance given by asymptotes and stationary points. γ : 8xy x 2 y 3 = 12 x + 3

x 2 2(x + 2), f(x) = by utilizing the guidance given by asymptotes and stationary points. γ : 8xy x 2 y 3 = 12 x + 3 MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA151 Single Variable Calculus, TEN2 Date:

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Kursplan. HI1014 Historia II. 30 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1. History II

Kursplan. HI1014 Historia II. 30 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1. History II Kursplan HI1014 Historia II 30 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1 History II 30 Credits *), First Cycle Level 1 Mål Målet med kursen är att den studerande fördjupar sina kunskaper om den globala ekonomins historia

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Kursplan. HI1015 Historia II med didaktisk inriktning. 30 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1. History II for Teacher Students

Kursplan. HI1015 Historia II med didaktisk inriktning. 30 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1. History II for Teacher Students Kursplan HI1015 Historia II med didaktisk inriktning 30 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1 History II for Teacher Students 30 Higher Education Credits *), First Cycle Level 1 Mål Målet med kursen är att den studerande

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FEKH91, Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, 7,5 högskolepoäng Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits Grundnivå / First Cycle

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Name: Beginners Swedish for Exchange Students, 1-20 points

Name: Beginners Swedish for Exchange Students, 1-20 points SCA105 - Beginners Swedish for Exchange Students, 1-20 points file:////vxufs1/group/adm/utb_kat/exam.../svenska som andraspråk/ec_sca105.html Code: SCA105 Date: Beginning of September - Mid-December Name:

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Syllabus for course at first level

Syllabus for course at first level Syllabus for course at first level Social Work II for the Care of Elderly and Disabled Persons Socialt arbete II med inriktning mot omsorg om äldre och funktionshindrade 60.0 Higher Education Credits 60.0

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COURSE SYLLABUS. Reading, Writing and Mathematics 1 specialisation for the primary years. Board of the school. Swedish

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Syllabus for course at advanced level

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Kursplan för kursen Bioanalytisk HPLC, [NAKE006] engelsk titel: Bioanalytical HPLC

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1. Find an equation for the line λ which is orthogonal to the plane

1. Find an equation for the line λ which is orthogonal to the plane MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA150 Vector Algebra, TEN1 Date: 2018-04-23

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Education (A), Pre-school Assignment

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Module 6: Integrals and applications

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Preschool Kindergarten

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1. Find the 4-tuples (a, b, c, d) that solves the system of linear equations

1. Find the 4-tuples (a, b, c, d) that solves the system of linear equations MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA150 Vector Algebra, TEN1 Date: 2018-02-15

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Syllabus for course at advanced level

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Module 1: Functions, Limits, Continuity

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Date: Beginning of September - Beginning of January

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Adding active and blended learning to an introductory mechanics course

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Syllabus for course at first level

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Kursplan för kursen Partikelfysikfenomenologi, [LADOK-kod] engelsk titel: Particle Physics Phenomenology

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2(x + 1) x f(x) = 3. Find the area of the surface generated by rotating the curve. y = x 3, 0 x 1,

2(x + 1) x f(x) = 3. Find the area of the surface generated by rotating the curve. y = x 3, 0 x 1, MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA5 Single Variable Calculus, TEN Date: 06--0

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Kravlista för UT20 Anpassning till ny utbildningsstruktur 2007-06-07

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Applied Molecular Physics, 7.5 credits

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Kursplan. TY1034 Tyska: Tysk grammatik med textkommentar. 7,5 högskolepoäng, Grundnivå 1. German: German Grammar

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Isometries of the plane

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Supplemental Instruction (SI) - An effective tool to increase student success in your course

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Kursplan. PE3014 Rektors pedagogiska ledarskap. 7,5 högskolepoäng, Avancerad nivå. Educational leadership for principals

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Syllabus for course at first level

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Manhour analys EASA STI #17214

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