BIM Vision 2034. Rogier Jongeling

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BIM Vision 2034 Rogier Jongeling

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JAS Gripen-E Produktionschefen Lars Ydreskog bedömer att kostnaderna kan minska med 30-50 procent när E-versionen är klar. Att bryta kostnadsspiralen var en filosofi som krävde helt nya arbetsmetoder. Ett sätt var att skrota alla pappersritningar, enligt Lars Ydreskog. När vi gjorde Gripen C/D hade vi runt 70 000 ritningar på papper. Nu när vi jobbar med Gripen E har vi noll, säger han. Alla skisser görs i 3d i datorer, lätt tillgängliga för alla.

ESS European Spallation Source, Lund All projektering och informationshantering sker med hjälp av 3D-modeller och ett integrerat informationssystem Enhetliga processer, format och begrepp Byggbranschen möter verkstadsindustrin 2014-05-06

European Spallation Source

ESS BIM Rogier Jongeling

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Infrastructure Directorate Machines Directorate Product Lifecycle Management Building Services Integrated information exchange File-based information exchange

Location Breakdown Structure Plant Breakdown Structure Spaces has many ESS facility composed of many Requirements fulfilled by fulfilled by affected by Engineering change orders has many Construction entities Systems described by Documents composed of many realized by located in Construction entity parts can be viewed as Elements Machine devices can be viewed as is a designed composed of many Work results Has been specialized acc. to Designed elements Parts Part Type Database composed of many Sub-parts

Part Type Breakdown Structure Infrastructure Division: BSAB96 Classification T - Devices and equipment within tele- and data communication systems TYPE ATTRIBUTES INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES CHESS ATTRIBUTES TypeID: CL302 ESS RoomNumber G01.100.200 3 r: Material: Type: ESS SytemCode: 61 Name: WIBE ESS SystemID: CAN01 Revision: R - Insulation of installations S - Devices, equipment, cables, and etcetera within electrical- and tele systems SB - Canalisation, installation materials, and etcetera SBC - Post and etcetera SBD - Cable ladders, cable runners, rails, and etcetera SBD.2 - Cable trays, wire trays, and cable runners SBD.21 - Cable trays and wire trays SBD.211 - Reinforced massive cable trays SBD.212 - Massive cable ladders SBD.213 - Lightweight cable ladders CL301 - KHZSP-200 3m CL302 - KHZSP-300 3m CL303 - KHZSP-400 3m SBD.214 - Massive wire trays SBD.215 - Lightweight wire trays SBD.22 - Cable runners Description: KHZSP-300- SBD.4 - Suspension wires and suspension 3m straps SBE - Boxes Manufacture SC - Electrical and communication system cables, and etcetera Pregalvanized ESS InstanceID: CL034 Policy: BSAB96_WR: SBD.213 ESS BSAB96_E: 61/1 Owner: Height: 55 mm ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Description: Width: 298 mm EAN Code: Vault: Length: 3000 mm PVC: Number of Copies: Weight: 217 kg/100 m Zink (Zn): Design Responsibility: Machines Division: Project defined Part Mechanical Electrical Fuse Canalisation Cable tray Cable duct Cable ladder KHZSP-200 3m KHZSP-300 3m KHZSP-400 3m Conduit Electrical cable Compressor Copper (Cu): ECO to Release:

The labeling string SystemMark Index InstanceMark Index + A B B. C C C. D E E E = F F F : G G G x x - H H H x x x Building Level Room System code SystemID InstanceID + Location = System - Part TYPE ATTRIBUTES INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES CHESS ATTRIBUTES TypeID: CL302 ESS RoomNumber G01.100.200 3 Type: Description: KHZSP-300-3m ESS SytemCode: 61 Name: Manufacture r: WIBE ESS SystemID: CAN01 Revision: Material: Pregalvanized ESS InstanceID: CL034 Policy: BSAB96_WR: SBD.213 ESS BSAB96_E: 61/1 Owner: Height: 55 mm ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Description: Width: 298 mm EAN Code: Vault: Length: 3000 mm PVC: Number of Copies: Weight: 217 kg/100 m Zink (Zn): Design Responsibility: Copper (Cu): ECO to Release:

Nästa steg för PLM 2014-05-06

Experter Kompetenta Insatta Medvetna Omedvetna

IoT? IoT?

4 D i digitaliseringen (Från Kjell Åkesson SKL) Digitalisering Dematerialisering Demonetarisering Demokratisering

4 D i digitaliseringen Digitalisering Dematerialisering Demonetarisering Demokratisering

Från: Jonny Halvarsson - Metria

Från: Jonny Halvarsson - Metria

Big data Filter Bubble A. You will only ever consume information which you would like, hence becoming more close minded and alienated and B. You re largely unaware this is happening.


BIM Taskgroup 2050 The future of our industry is facing a high degree of complexity, extreme competition and uncertainty with respect to the outcomes of climate change, availability of resources and the disruptive nature of innovation. The hard skills such as engineering will remain a core activity of construction The Premise Building Information Modelling becomes unimportant in the light of the change neede to effectively deploy true value adding processes and technology.

Context Computerisation & Employment


Context Tipping point?

Context Computerisation & Employment

I set the date for Singularity representing a profound and disruptive transformation in human capability as 2045. The nonbiological intelligence created in that year will be one billion times more powerful than all human intelligence today. Ray Kurzweil

2034 BIM Alliance Europe