Relevanta dokument
ANSÖKAN University of the West of England Undergraduate /Postgraduate

ANSÖKAN University of New South Wales Study Abroad

UTLYSNING AV UTBYTESPLATSER VT12 inom universitetsövergripande avtal


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Questionnaire for visa applicants Appendix A

ANSÖKAN RMIT Undergraduate

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ANSÖKAN RMIT Study Abroad KILROY education hjälper dig att ansöka till RMIT. Vi ger dig information om kurser, antagningskrav, terminsavgifter, CSN, boendemöjligheter och visum. Våra studierådgivare besvarar dina frågor under ansökningsprocessen och träffar dig gärna på något av våra kontor på studierådgivning. Rådgivning hos KILROY education är alltid gratis och du är välkommen att kontakta oss för att boka en tid. KILROY kan även hjälpa dig med flygbiljetter, internationellt studentkort, försäkring och internationellt SIM-kort till din mobil. Vet du redan nu vad du vill studera på RMIT kan du fylla i ansökan nedan och skicka till KILROY. Ansökan och de obligatoriska dokumenten skickas till KILROY education. Vi garanterar att din ansökan behandlas snabbt och vi kommer granska dina ansökningshandlingar för att se till att allt är korrekt ifyllt samt att alla obligatoriska dokument är bifogade. Som RMITs representant i Sverige kommer universitetet att godkänna betygskopior som bifogas via epost från oss. Därför kan du skicka dina betyg till oss, så skickar vi dem direkt till universitetet via epost. Din ansökan kommer att komma fram snabbt och säkert. KILROY education kan också ta officiella kopior av dina originalbetyg om du besöker vårt kontor i Stockholm. Kom ihåg att fylla i alla fält i ansökan. Tipsen nedan är svar på vanliga frågor: Section 1: Fyll i person- och kontaktuppgifter. Glöm inte att sätta fast ett foto. Section 2: Fyll i uppgifter om dina nuvarande universitetsstudier och de kurser du läser. Section 3: Här väljer du alternativet Study Abroad student (fee paying). Section 4: Fyll i hur länge du vill studera samt när du vill börja. Här listar du också de kurser du vill läsa på RMIT. Glöm inte att signera längst ner. Section 5: Här lämnar du blankt. Vi på KILROY fyller i uppgifterna. Har du minst VG i engelska från gymnasiet krävs oftast inget engelskt språktest. Har du dock under VG i engelska kan det hända att du behöver skriva ett språktest. Kontakta KILROY education för mer information. Section 6: Fyll i om du har någon sjukdom eller funktionsnedsättning som kan påverka dina studier. Section 7: Signera och datera längst ner. Section 8: Här lämnar du blankt. Vi på KILROY fyller i uppgifterna åt dig. Alternativt går det även bra att någon kursansvarig på ditt universitet fyller i denna del. Academic reference: Här ber du en nuvarande eller tidigare lärare/handledare/kursansvarig att fylla i en referens om dig. Kom ihåg att skicka din ansökan till KILROY education

Checklista för sökande till Study Abroad Avgångsbetyg från gymnasiet på svenska och engelska. Betyg/kursintyg från universitet/högskola på svenska och engelska. Passkopia Resultat från språktest (IELTS/TOEFL), vid behov. Resultatet kan kompletteras i efterhand. Är du osäker på om du behöver göra ett engelskt språktest, vänligen kontakta oss. Portfolio. Om du söker kurser/program inom konst, design, etc. kan en portfolio krävas. Kontakta oss gärna om du har frågor om detta. Kom ihåg att skicka in en officiell kopia på ditt betyg, d.v.s. med universitetsstämpel och underskrift på! Alla blanketter skickas till: KILROY education Box 7144 103 87 Stockholm

Education Abroad Application Form Incoming Exchange and Study Abroad students What is Student Exchange? Exchange students are officially nominated by their home institution to study for one to two semesters at RMIT University under a reciprocal student exchange agreement. What is Study Abroad? Where there is no reciprocal student exchange agreement, students are still able to study at RMIT University for one or two semesters as a Study Abroad Student (fee paying). Students who are not nominated by their home institution as exchange, can still apply as a Study Abroad (fee paying) student. How to apply 1. Complete this form in BLOCK letters using black ink. Please print neatly and answer all questions. Name and citizenship should be the same as in your Passport. 2. Attach one certified copy (if you include originals they will not be returned) of:» Academic transcript, translated into English and certified IELTS or TOEFL or other English language proficiency test results ( if required, must be current within 24 months of proposed date of commencement of study. 3. Attach a one page statement of purpose, typed, (approximately 500 words) explaining why you want to study at RMIT and in Australia. 4. Attach a photocopy of your current passport. Please note that your passport must be current for at least six months after the end of your Exchange/Study Abroad program at RMIT. 5. Attach one passport photo. 6. Attach portfolio if doing creative design based courses ie. ARCH, GRAP, VART course codes. Include slides and academic references authenticating the work. These can be submitted in hard copy or on a disk except for architecture applicants who are required to submit a hard copy portfolio in A3 or A4 size (printed in colour). 7. Attach one Academic Reference. 8. Disability support details if applicable. 9. Complete a study plan (Section 4 of this document). You can apply for one or two semesters but only need to submit a study plan for the first semester at RMIT. 10. Your exchange/study abroad office or agent must endorse this application in section 8. Return completed application with attachments to: RMIT University Education Abroad Office Building 15, Ground floor 124 La Trobe Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia : Please be aware that processing will be delayed if applications are incomplete. Applications that are not completed in English, including current program course details and academic transcripts, will not be processed. Application closing dates RMIT Semester 1 (February June) Architecture students RMIT Semester 2 (July November) Architecture students 30 October 30 September 30 April 30 March Eligibility Completed at least one full year of studies at home institution. Minimum GPA of 2.5 or 60% or equivalent. Met RMIT s English language requirements. Be 18 years of age or over at time of application. Selecting courses You can design your own program by selecting courses from cross any of RMIT s disciplines as long as you have the necessary prerequisites. RMIT offers diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Courses of diploma programs are best suited to students from community colleges, vocational or technical institutions. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses A normal full-time load per semester for a degree program is 36 to 48 credit points (equivalent to three or four courses). Students must undertake a minimum of 36 credit points and not exceed 48 credit points (equivalent to 30 ECTS or 12 North American Credits check your home institution credit conversion). Dropping below 36 credit points constitutes a breach of your student visa. Diploma courses Course credits are based on the number of contact hours a student is enrolled in. Usually a minimum of 360 contact hours are required per semester for a full-time loading. When selecting courses: Choose up to eight courses on the application form in case some are not available Ensure the selected courses are available in your preferred semester and campus All selected courses should be taught at the same campus (RMIT has three campuses in Melbourne), however due to close proximity, it may be possible to select mixture of courses between Brunswick and City campuses. A full list of courses available at RMIT can be found at Important notes Once your application has been received, if all is correct and you are eligible, your study plan will be forwarded to the relevant academics at RMIT for approval. This process may take a few weeks. A list of pre-approved courses will be sent to you in your offer letter. While you have been pre-approved for these courses your enrolment will take place during your orientation at RMIT and is subject to timetable availability and any last minute changes. If you wish to select new courses, this will have to be assessed on arrival by the relevant RMIT school, you will need to produce your academic transcripts or other documentation. The Education Abroad Orientation is compulsory. All students applying for an Exchange/Study Abroad program must schedule their flights to be on time to attend the Orientation. Orientation is run two weeks before class in semester one and one week before class in semester two. Exact program dates will be sent if you receive an offer to RMIT. Health insurance Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) All students who hold, or are planning to hold a student visa are required to maintain valid Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the visa i.e. start and end date of visa and not the length of the RMIT program. Please note: Norwegian students with Norwegian National Insurance Scheme cover and Swedish students with international cover arranged through the Swedish National Board of Student Aid (CSN) are covered for medical expenses in Australia and do not need OSHC. Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this form is accurate and current at the date when it was published. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the RMIT University website. Prepared in July 2012. CRICOS provider code 00122A. 12606 0612 Page 1/6

Incoming Education Abroad Exchange and Study Abroad Application Form Section 1 Name and contact information Family name of birth Given names Male Female Country of birth Citizenship Address Number and street name City/Suburb Office use only Student ID: Commencing semester: Number of semesters: Ref no: State Postcode /Zip Country Contact details Area code Tel Fax Please note: All correspondence regarding your application will be via email. Ensure you have sufficient storage size in your mailbox. Please ensure your email address is printed clearly. Attach passport photo Contact in case of emergency Name Area code Tel Fax Address Section 2 Home institution Current program and courses at home institution (to be completed in English) Country Current studies (list full name eg Bachelor of Science) Study level Undergraduate Postgraduate Other Current courses (list for this semester) Course code Course title Course code Course title Section 3 Application type I am applying as: Exchange student (non-fee paying) Study Abroad student (fee paying) Please refer to definition of Exchange and Study Aborad on page 1. Issue date: July 2012 Page 2/6

Section 4 Proposed Exchange or Study Abroad plan and courses Please tick the duration and commencement date you are applying for: Study duration: One semester (6 months) OR Two semesters (1 year) Commencement: February (semester 1) OR July (semester 2) Year Choosing your courses: 1. Choose up to eight courses, please refer to Prerequisites must be met before you will be accepted into some courses. Please note you can also choose courses without prerequisite requirements from the RMIT website RMIT course code RMIT course title Admin term Campus Academic level Credit points (subject/unit) i.e. 1 = Term 1 2 = Term 2 i.e. undergrad, postgrad, TAFE e.g. ACCT1046 Introductory Accounting 1 City Undergrad 12 If you intend to study for two semesters at RMIT, only list courses for your first semester of study. List up to eight courses. Check that the course is available in your preferred semester and campus. One year courses are not available to students in a six month program. All courses should be selected from the same campus, however due to close proximity of City and Brunswick campuses, it may be possible to select a mixture of courses. 2. Check with your institution s Exchange/Study Abroad Advisor that you will receive credit towards your present qualification. 3. You will need to study a full time on-campus load. Students are required to study minimum 36 48 credit points per semester. Generally each course is valued at 12 credit points. Online and distance courses can only make up 25% of your full-time study load. Please refer to for course codes (ie. codes should be four letters followed by four numbers). Please note: This form does not enrol or register you. Student s name Additional information required for Computer Science and IT courses Please list your experience based on past studies, work, other projects, etc. including past programming languages and operating systems (OS) experience. Name Semesters of past study? Level of proficiency (Low, Medium, High) Comments Language 1: Java Language 2: C Language 3: C++ Language 4: Language 5: Language 6: OS 1: Unix OS 2: OS 3: OS 4: If more space is required, please attach additional documentation. I understand that I will not be able to change these courses until after arrival at RMIT unless otherwise requested from staff at the Education Abroad Office. If studying more than one semester, I understand that I will enrol in my second semester whilst at RMIT. Student s signature Issue date: July 2012 Page 3/6

Section 5 English language details See the website for more details: Please tick the box that applies to you: English is the language of instruction at my home institution English is my main/first language The results of my English language proficiency test (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL) are attached (must be within 24 months of proposed date of commencement of study) To be completed by exchange/study abroad (SA) advisor Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden only. I, (name) of (university) position advise that the applicant has undertaken sufficient English to study a full time course load taught in English at RMIT University. Name Exchange/SA advisor signature Section 6 Special circumstances Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition which may affect your studies? Yes No If you do, you need to provide extra information so that RMIT can assist you during your study program, please attach to this application. More information about RMIT support services is available on Section 7 Declaration I hereby declare that the information provided on this application is correct and complete. I understand that any discrepancies in these details may result in my enrolment at RMIT University being cancelled. I authorize RMIT University to obtain official student records from any education institution necessary to make an informed decision about my application or matters relating to enrolment. In an emergency I hereby grant RMIT University staff the authority to contact the nominated emergency contact on my behalf. I understand that RMIT University may pass my name and email address to RMIT students for the purposes of promoting the exchange/study abroad program. I understand that I am responsible for booking my own temporary and permanent accommodation. I understand if looking for off-campus accommodation that it is recommended I arrive in Melbourne at least three weeks prior to commencement of the semester. I hereby submit this application for the RMIT Exchange/Study Abroad program and have attached the following compulsory materials: Photocopy of my current passport Current certified copies of transcript(s) of results/grades to date with an English translation Certified copies of previous results from transfer institutions or courses/subjects in English Portfolio: required for all creative design based courses ie. ARCH, GRAP, VART course codes. Include slides and an academic reference authenticating the work, can be electronic copy or hardcopy or on disk except for architecture applicants who are required to submit a hard copy portfolio in A3 or A4 size (printed in colour). Proof of English proficiency ie. TOEFL, IELTS, DAAD (if English is not your first language) One 500 word statement of purpose explaining why you want to study in Australia at RMIT University One Academic Reference One passport photo Disability support details (if applicable) RMIT University protects the privacy of student personal information in accordance with the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000. Information may be shared with University schools to ensure students meet required program pre-requisites. Information will not be disclosed externally to the University unless required by law. Students should read RMIT s Privacy Policy on Student s signature Issue date: July 2012 Page 4/6

Section 8 Home institution or agent s endorsement Home institution Name Institution Position RMIT representative/agent Name Representative/ agent Position I hereby nominate (student s name) to undertake one semester or two semesters at RMIT University. (Select one) Minimum number of RMIT credit points required by home institution. I approve the applicant study plan and advise that they will receive credit transfer upon receipt of an official RMIT academic transcript showing successful completion of RMIT courses. Home institution/agent signature Issue date: July 2012 Page 5/6

Academic Reference For incoming RMIT student Exchange/Study Abroad program applicant. This section to be completed by home institution academic staff. Full name of applicant (Student) Name of referee Title/position College/School/Faculty Telephone The above student is applying for admission to study at RMIT as an Exchange/Study Abroad student. Your honest estimate of the student s academic abilities, maturity, and preparedness to live overseas is important in determining if the student has the qualities necessary for success in studies overseas. How long, and in what capacity, have you known the applicant? Please add comments which you feel would be helpful in determining the suitability of the applicant for an overseas study experience. Only staff related to the selection of the student for the overseas program will view this document. Referee s signature Issue date: July 2012 Page 6/6