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PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE INSECTS: INVENTORY AND IDENTIFICATION Teachers: DK = Dave Karlsson (Station Linné) MF = Mattias Forshage (NRM) PM = Pelle Magnusson (Station Linné) JT = Jon Tinnert (Linnéuniversitetet) FR = Fredrik Ronquist (NRM) Days: AM = 09:00 to 12:00 (coffee break 10:15 10:45) Lunch break 12:00 13:00 PM = 13:00 16:00 (coffee break 14:15 14:45). FIRST WEEK Monday, August, 11 AM Introduction and welcome to Öland, Station Linné and SMTP // DK PM Introduction entomology (all insects) // MF Evening social hour/welcome party (not obligatory ) Tuesday, August, 12 AM Collection and preparation techniques. Inventory methods + Students project planning // DK PM Setting out traps (field session)// DK, MF Evening Night excursion // DK Wednesday, August, 13 AM Field session, collecting insects //DK PM Field session, collecting insects //DK Thursday, August, 14 AM Comparative insect morphology and terminology //DK PM Lab session; insect morphology and terminology //DK Friday, August, 15 AM Construction and use of keys //MF PM Lab session //DK. SECOND WEEK Monday, August, 18 AM Diversity, phylogeny and evolution of insects: Coleoptera // MF PM Diversity, phylogeny and evolution of insects: Diptera // JT Tuesday, August, 19 AM Diversity, phylogeny and evolution of insects: Hymenoptera // MF PM Diversity, phylogeny and evolution of insects: Braconidae, Ichneumonidae // DK, PM Wednesday, August, 20 AM Field session, collecting insects //MF PM Field session, collecting insects //MF Thursday, August, 21 AM Lab session; determination and preparation //MF PM Lab session; determination and preparation //MF Friday, August, 22 AM Mid-course examination //DK PM Lab session; determination and preparation //DK, MF

THIRD WEEK Monday, August, 25 Tuesday, August, 26 Wednesday, August, 27 Thursday, August, 28 AM Molecular methods in the exploration of the insect fauna //FR Friday, August, 29 AM Oral presentations and course closing PM - Course literature: Gullan, PJ & Cranston, P S: Insects: An outline of Entomology, Chapman & Hall (appr. 500 SEK) (Academic standard textbook) Or: Grimaldi, D & Engel, M S: Evolution of the Insects, Cambridge University Press (appr. 750 SEK). (Big, beautiful and up-to-date book, contains far more than the present course is able to cover, but strongly recommended for anyone with an interest in insects.) And: Various online identification keys and handouts (links will be posted before beginning of course).

The cost of accommodation at the field station between August 11 and August 29 is SEK 900 (standard price SEK 2485) for each student. This does not include food or the travel to and from the station. If you want to arrive on Sunday August 10, you will not be charged extra for that, and if you want to stay a shorter period, the price is still the same. Please pay in advance to Station Linné s bankgiro account 311-1002. If you choose to pay on arrival, note that they cannot accept credit cards, cash only.

NABiS-programmets Masterkurs i Insekter: inventering och bestämning/insects: Inventory and Identification (5 hp) Masterkursen Insekter: inventering och bestämning/insects: Inventory and Identification ingår i det Nordiska masterprogrammet Nordic Academy of Biodiversity and Systematic Studies (NABiS) men kan också läsas fristående. NABiS är ett nyligen inlett samarbete mellan universiteten i Stockholm, Göteborg, Lund, Uppsala, Köpenhamn, Århus, Bergen, Oslo och Tromsö. Syftet är att på bästa sätt tillvarata den samlade kompetensen inom biologisk systematik, biodiversitet och bioinformatik hos de samverkande universiteten. Lärarna representerar Nordens mest erfarna experter inom sina respektive områden och dina kurskamrater kan komma från alla de inblandade lärosätena. NABiSprogrammet ger dig en Master of Science med inriktning mot forskning och biologisk yrkesverksamhet där systematik, evolution och informatik kombineras. Frånsett vissa bestämningskurser som är förlagda till relevanta forskningsstationer - är undervisningen helt web-baserad. Master course Insects: inventory and determination is part of the Nordic master program Nordic Academy of Biodiversity and Systematic Studies (NABiS) but can also be read independently. NABiS is a recently launched collaboration between the Universities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Lund, Uppsala, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø. The aim is to optimally utilize the collected expertise in biological systematics, biodiversity and bioinformatics at the collaborating universities. The teachers represent the most experienced experts in their respective fields and your classmates can come from any of the involved institutions. The NABiS program gives you a Master of Science connected to research and biological professions where systematics, evolution and informatics are combined. Apart from certain courses focusing on identification - held at relevant research stations - teaching is entirely web-based.

Insects: Inventory and Identification Insects are among the most species rich and diverse group of the earth s biota. The aim of this course is to give a good introduction to insect studies in general and to the terminology, methods and processes related to insect morphology, diversity and behavior. You will meet some of the most enthusiastic and knowledgeable entomologists in Sweden and you will get the opportunity to personally meet and interact with the fervent crew working in the Swedish Malaise Trap Project. You will learn how to recognize all the major insect lineages (orders or similar) during the course and, not for the least; you are going to acquire unique knowledge about the mega diverse insect orders of Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera. The course is given by the Department of Zoology at the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, but is in its entirely located to Station Linné on Öland. Participating students are offered a special price for the accommodation in a shared room at Station Linné for a total cost of 900 SEK for all the course period. This price is settled and independent of how many days the student is using the room between August, 11 and August, 29. Self-catering at the station. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptops. The course language is English. Insekter hör till de allra mest artrika och diversa grupperna bland jordens biota. Den här kursen syftar till att ge en introduktion till insektsstudier i allmänhet och till terminologi, metoder och processer som gäller insekternas morfologi, mångfald och beteende. Du kommer att träffa några av landets mest kunniga entomologer och du kommer dessutom att få träffa och till och med jobba ihop med den entusiastiska personalen i Svenska Malaisefälleprojektet. Du kommer att få lära dig att särskilja alla insektsordningar, och inte minst kommer du att få en unik och fördjupad inblick i de megadiversa insektsordningarna Hymenoptera, Diptera och Coleoptera. Undervisningen bedrivs med utgångspunkt från Enheten för Zoologi vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet i Stockholm men är i sin helhet förlagd till fältstationen Station Linné i Ölands Skogsby. Deltagande elever erbjuds ett specialpris för boende i delat rum på Station Linné till en total kostnad av 900 kronor för hela kursperioden. Priset är fast och oberoende av hur många dagar eleven använder rummet mellan 11 och 29 augusti. Självhushåll gäller på stationen. Egen laptop rekommenderas men är inget krav. Kursen ges på engelska. The course covers: Insect diversity, phylogeny and evolution Comparative insect morphology and terminology Molecular methods in the study of the insect fauna Construction and use of identification keys Collecting and preparation techniques Project planning and inventory methodology After the course you will: Be able to describe the insect diversity, evolution and phylogenetic relations Understand the insects' structure and have good knowledge about the terminology of insects morphology Know how molecular methods are used to explore the insect fauna Recognize all insect orders and the most common of the insect families Be able to construct and use identification keys Course literature: Gullan, PJ & Cranston, P S: Insects: An outline of Entomology, Chapman & Hall (appr. 500 SEK) (Academic standard textbook) Or: Grimaldi, D & Engel, M S: Evolution of the Insects, Cambridge University Press (appr. 750 SEK). (Big, beautiful and up-to-date book, contains far more than the present course is able to cover, but strongly recommended for anyone with an interest in insects.) And: Various online identification keys and handouts (links will be posted before beginning of course).