Björn E. Berglund Publications Berglund, B Berglund, B Berglund, B Berglund, B Berglund, B Berglund, B.E Berglund, B. Berglund, B.

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1 Björn E. Berglund Publications 1955- Numbers refer to reprint collection, listed in chronological order. Italics indicate edited books. A complementary list is added where papers and books are classified according to the content: A. Edited books, B. Basic science, C. Research strategy, research history, D. Popular science, E. Nature conservancy, F. Biography. 1. Berglund, B. 1955. Eken i Blekinge. Några drag ur den blekingska ekskogens historia. Blekingeboken 1955, 39-67. Karlskrona. 2. Berglund, B. 1957. Eken. Drag ur den blekingska ekskogens historia. In: Wachtmeister, H., Curry-Lindahl, K. (eds.). Natur i Blekinge. Svensk Natur, Uppsala, pp. 98-108. 3. Berglund, B. 1957. Skärgården kring Karlskrona. In: Wachtmeister, H., Curry-Lindahl, K. Natur i Blekinge. Svensk Natur, Uppsala, pp. 299-313. 4. Berglund, B. 1958. Inventering av Blekinges flora. Botaniska Notiser 111, 479-481. 5. Berglund, B, Erdtman, G., Praglowski, J. 1959. Några ord om betydelsen av inbäddningsmediets brytningsindex vid palynologiska undersökningar.. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 53, 462-478. 6. Berglund, B.E. 1960. Pysslingebacken. En östblekingsk jägar- och fiskarboplats från yngre stenåldern. Blekingeboken 1960, 9-44. Karlskrona. 7. Berglund, B. 1960. Torhamns yttre skärgård. Sveriges Naturs Årsbok 1960, 154-169 8. Erdtman, G., Berglund, B., Praglowski, J. 1961. An Introduction to a Scandinavian Pollen Flora, 92 pp., 74 plates. Uppsala. Originally published in Grana Palynologica 1961. 9. Berglund, B. E. 1961. Knölsvanens utbredning och expansion. Svensk Jakt 1961, 8, 349-351. Knölsvanens näringsbiologi. Svensk Jakt 1961, 9, 400-403. 10. Berglund, B.E. 1962. Vegetation på ön Senoren. I. Vegetationshistoria. Botaniska Notiser 115, 4, 387-420. 11. Berglund, B.E. 1963. Vegetation på ön Senoren. II. Landvegetationen. Botaniska Notiser 116, 1, 31-80. 12. Berglund, B.E. 1963. Vegetation på ön Senoren. III. Havsstrandvegetationen. Botaniska Notiser 116, 2, 305-322. 13. Berglund, B.E., Curry-Lindahl, K., Luther, H., Olsson, V., Rodhe, W., Sellerberg, G. 1963. Ecological studies on the mute swan (Cygnus olor) in southeastern Sweden. Acta Vertebratica 2,2, 288 pp. 14. Berglund, B.E. 1963. Late-Quaternary records of Sanguisorba officinalis in southeastern Sweden. Botaniska Notiser 116, 289-292. 15. Berglund, B.E. 1964. Landskapsbilden I Blekinges östra skärgård för 250 år sedan. Blekingeboken 1964, 89-106. 16. Berglund, B.E., Petré, R., Salomonsson, B. 1964. Hällkistorna på Inlängan. Blekingeboken 1964, 13-27. 17. Berglund, B.E. 1964. The Post-Glacial Shore Displacement in Eastern Blekinge, Southeastern Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 599, 47 pp., 3 plates. 18. Berglund, B.E. 1966. Late-Quaternary Vegetation in Eastern Blekinge, South-Eastern Sweden. A Pollen-Analytical Study. I. Late-Glacial Time. Opera Botanica 12, 1, 180 pp., 10 plates, 10 diagrams.- Appendix with pollen data. 19. Berglund, B.E. 1966. Late-Quaternary Vegetation in Eastern Blekinge, South-Eastern Sweden. A Pollen-Analytical Study. II. Post-Glacial Time. Opera Botanica 12,2, 190 pp., 2 plates, 11 diagrams. - Appendix with pollen data. 20. Berglund, B.E. 1966. Late-Quaternary Vegetation in Eastern Blekinge, South-Eastern Sweden. A Pollen-Analytical Study. Doctoral thesis, synthesis of nos. 18 and 19. 8 pp. 21. Berglund, B.E. 1967. Florans invandring till Blekinge. Blekingeboken 1967, 7-22.

22. Berglund, B.E. 1968. Inventering av Blekinges flora 1958-1968 resultat och metodik. Botaniska Notiser 121, 287-292. 23. Berglund, B.E. 1968. Vegetationsutvecklingen i Norden efter istiden. Sveriges Natur, Årsbok 1968, 31-52. 24. Berglund, B.E. 1968. Reglering av barrskogsplantering i Blekinge. Naturvård 1968, 3, 6-8. 25. Berglund, B.E. 1969. Vegetation and human influence in South Scandinavia during Prehistoric time. Oikos Suppl. 12, 9-28. 26. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 1970. A palaeoecological study of the Late-Glacial lake at Torreberga, Scania, South Sweden. Oikos 21, 98-128. 3 plates. 27. Aronsson, M., Berglund, B.E., Nilsson, J., Svensson, B. 1970. Steneryds lövängar. Blekinges Natur 1970, 7-54. 28. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Från Bröms till Utlängan. Blekinge, Svenska Turistföreningens Årsskrift 1971, 270-293. 29. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Late-Glacial stratigraphy and chronology in South Sweden in the light of biostratigraphic studies on Mt. Kullen, Scania. GFF 93, 11-45. 30. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Littorina transgressions in Blekinge, South Sweden. A preliminary survey. GFF 93, 625-652. 31. Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N. 1971. Soil conditions and Late-Glacial stratigraphy. GFF 93, 575-586. 32. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Det skånska kulturlandskapets framväxt. Skånes Natur 1971, 16-28. 33. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Naturvårdsplan för Karlskrona kommunblock. 1. Allmän naturbeskrivning. Blekinges Natur 1971, 66-76. 34. Berglund, B.E. 1972. Naturvårdsplan för Karlskrona kommunblock. 2. Planförslag. Blekinges Natur 1972, 40-78. 35. Berglund, B.E., Welinder, S. 1972. Stratigrafin vid Siretorp. Fornvännen 1972, 73-93. 36. Berglund, B.E. 1973. Kvartärgeologi de kvartära klimatcyklernas ekologi. Lundaforskare föreläser, 4, 89-96. Gleerups. 37. Berglund, B.E. 1973. Pollen dispersal and deposition in an area of southeastern Sweden some preliminary results. In: Birks, H.J.B., West, R.G. (eds,) Quaternary Plant Ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, pp. 117-129. 38. Berglund, B.E. 1973. A pollen analytical investigation of the Gothenburg core B 873 to establish the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. University of Lund, Department of Quaternary Geology, Report 4, 12 pp. 39. Berglund, B.E. 1974. Bjärsjöholmssjön ett naturhistoriskt arkiv. Våra Härader 1974. Ljunits och Herrestads Hembygdsförening 7, 17-21. Ystad. 40. Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N. Biotop- och landskapsvård. In: Diagnos, aktuella ämnesområden inom miljöforskningen. Statens Naturvårdsverk, Stockholm, Publ. 1974, 1, 11-40. 41. Mangerud, J., Andersen, S.T., Berglund, B.E., Donner, J.J. 1974. Quaternary stratigraphy of Norden, a proposal for terminology and classification. Boreas 3, 109-128. 42. Berglund, B.E., Andersson, O.H., Lagerlund, E. 1975. Johannishus naturvetenskapliga fältstation och kvartärgeologisk fätverksamhet i Blekinge. Blekinges Natur 1975, 79-109. 43. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 1976. Environmental changes during the Holocene a geological correlation project on a Nordic basis. Newsl. Stratigr. 5, 80-85. Berlin, Stuttgart. 2

44. Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E. 1976. Dendrochronological dating on oak in Skåne and Blekinge, southern Sweden. Fornvännen 70, 201-208. 45. Berglund, B.E. 1976. Landskapsförändringar i Östblekinge. 1. Långören i Torhamns skärgård under tre sekler. Blekinges Natur 1976, 96-124. 46. Drozdowski, E., Berglund, B.E. 1976. Development and chronology of the lower Vistula River valley, North Poland. Boreas 5, 95-107. 47. Berglund, B.E., Håkansson, S., Lagerlund, E. 1976. Radiocarbon-dated mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius Blumenbach) finds in South Sweden. Boreas 5, 177-191. 48. Thompson, R., Berglund, B. E. 1976. Late Weichselian geomagnetic `reversal` as a possible example of the reinforcement syndrome. Nature 263, 5577, 490-491. 49. Berglund, B.E. 1976. Pollen analysis of Core B 873 and an adjacent lacustrine section. In: Mörner, N.-A. (ed.). The Pleistocene/Holocene boundary: a proposed boundarystratotype in Gothenburg, Sweden. Boreas 5, 221-225. 50. Berglund, B.E. 1976. The deglaciation of southern Sweden. Presentation of a research project and a tentative radiocarbon chronology. University of Lund, Department of Quaternary Geology, Report 10, 67 pp. 51. Berglund, B.E. 1977. Biological/palaeoecological analyses for modern archaeological research. In: Olsson, I.U., Mejdahl, V. (eds.). Proceedings of the Nordic conference on thermoluminescent dating and other archaeometric methods. Dating and other archaeometric methods, Uppsala University, 38-44. Risö. 52. Berglund, B.E. 1978. Landskapsförändringar i Östblekinge. 2. Vieskär och Öppenskär i Torhamns skärgård. Blekinges Natur 1978, 15-36. 53. Mangerud, J., Berglund, B.E 1978. The subdivision of the Quaternary of Norden: a discussion Boreas 7, 179-181. 54. Berglund, B.E. 1979. The deglaciation of southern Sweden 13,500-10,000 B.P. Boreas 8, 89-118. 55. Birks, H.J.B., Berglund, B.E. 1979. Holocene pollen stratigraphy of southern Sweden: a reappraisal using numerical methods. Boreas 8, 257-279. 56. Berglund, B.E. 1979. Presentation of the IGCP project 158 B Palaeohydrological changes in the temperate zone in the last 15 000 years lake and mire environments. Acta Univ. Oulu A 82,Geol. 3, 39-48. 57. Berglund, B.E. 1979. En levande skärgård. Blekinges Natur 1979, 117-143. 58. Berglund, B.E., Wachtmeister, H. 1979. Inventering av Blekinges flora. Svensk Bot. Tidskr.73, 405-408. 59. Berglund, B.E., Wachtmeister, H. 1980. Inventering av Blekinges flora. Blekinges Natur 1980, 135-145. 60. Berglund, B.E., Gustavsson, R. Odlingslandskapets framväxt i Blekinge. Blekinges Natur 1980, 107-134. 61. Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N. 1981. Vegetation and environment in the Gårdlösa area during the Iron Age. In: Stjernquist, B. (ed.) Gårdlösa. An Iron Age community in its natural and social setting. Acta Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis LXXV, 45-53. Gleerup, Lund. 62. Berglund, B.E., Stjernquist, B. 1981. Ystadsprojektet det sydsvenska kulturlandskapets förändringar under 6000 år. In: Skrifter från Luleälvsprojektet 1, 21 pp. Umeå. 63. Berglund, B.E., Lagerlund, E. 1981. Eemian and Weichselian stratigraphy in South Sweden. Boreas 10, 323-362. 64. Berglund, B.E. 1981. Paleoekologisk forskning i gränsområdet mot arkeologi. Arkeologi och naturvetenskap, Seminarium HSFR, NFR, 26-32. 65. Berglund, B.E. 1982. Holocene chronology. GFF 104, 256-259. 3

66. Berglund, B.E. 1983. Palaeoclimatic changes in Scandinavia and on Greenland a tentative correlation based on lake and bog stratigraphical studies. Quaternary Studies in Poland, 4, 27-44. 67. Berglund, B.E., Göransson, H.1982. Hur kan paleobotanisten återskapa den forntida miljön? In: Projektet Forntid i Nutid, Människa och Miljö på Skånes Djurpark, 3-22.. 68. Berglund, B.E. 1983. Palaeohydrological studies in lakes and mires a palaeoecological research strategy. In: Gregory, K.J. (ed.) Background to Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd., 237-254. 69. Sandberg, B., Berglund, B.E. 1983. Växternas invandring från istid till nutid. Sveriges Natur Årsbok 1983, 82-93. 70. Berglund, B.E., Stjernquist, B., Skansjö, S., Perssson, A., Lewan, N. 1983. Ystadprojektet. En översikt av källäget för en landskaps- och samhällshistorisk analys av en sydskånsk bygd. In: Roeck-Hansen, B. Sporrong, U. (eds.) Individen, Samhället och Kulturlandskapet, Stockholm 1982. Kulturgeografiskt seminarium 1/1983, 91-93. 71. Berglund, B.E. 1983. Grundvattensänkning och vattenerosion. In: Lewan, N., Wärneryd, O. (eds.) 1983. Slättlandskapets kris. Sydsvenska Geografiska Sällskapet, Lund. 3 pp. 72. Berglund, B.E., Starkel, L. 1983. Project 158. Palaeohydrology of the temperate zone during the last 15 000 years. Geological Correlation, Spec. Issue. Paris, 86-90. 73. Berglund, B.E. 1984. Kulturlandskapet under 6000 år den teoretiska bakgrunden för Ystadsprojektet. In: Roeck-Hansen, B., Sporrong, U. (eds,) Teoretiska studier om kulturlandskapets utveckling. Rapport från symposium 10-11 nov 1983, 20-26, HSFR- NFR. Stockholm. 74. Berglund, B.E., Mörner, N.-A. 1984. Late Weichselian deglaciation and chronostratigraphy of southern Scandinavia: Problems and present state of the art. In: Mörner, N.-A., Karlén, W. (eds.) Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millenial Basis. Reidel Publ. Comp., 17-24. 75. Berglund, B.E., Lemdahl, G., Liedberg-Jönsson, B., Persson, T. 1984. Biotic responset o climatic changes during the time span 13,000-10,000 B.P. a case study from SW Sweden. In: Mörner, N.-A., Karlén, W. (eds.) Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millenial Basis. Reidel Publ. Comp., 25-36. 76. Berglund, B.E. 1985. Det sydsvenska kulturlandskapets förändringar under 6000 år en presentation av Ystadsprojektet. In: Regnéll, G. (ed.) Kulturlandskapet dess framväxt och förändringar. Symposium 1984. Växtekologiska institutionen, Lund, pp. 3-8. 77. Berglund, B.E. 1985. Neolitiska expansioner och regressioner i Ystadsområdet. In: Regnéll, G. (ed.) Kulturlandskapet dess framväxt och förändringar. Symposium 1984. Växtekologiska institutionen, Lund, pp. 41-48. 78. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, A. 1985. Torhamns ytterskärgård ett riksobjekt för naturvård. Blekinges Natur 1985, 15-26. 79. Berglund, B.E. 1985. Early agriculture in Scandinavia: Research problems related to pollen-analytical studies. Norwegian Archaeological Review 18, 1-2, 77-105. 80. Berglund, B.E. 1986. The cultural landscape in a long-term perspective, methods and theories behind the research on land-use and landscape dynamics. Striae 24, 79-87. 81. Berglund, B.E. 1986. 4. Palaeoecological reference areas and reference sites. In: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 111-126. 82. Aaby, B., Berglund, B.E. 1986. Chapter 12. Characterization of peat and lake depostis. In: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 231-246. 4

83. Berglund, B.E., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M. 1986. Chapter 22. Pollen analysis and pollen diagrams. In: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 455-484. 84. Larsson, L., Andersson, L., Berglund, B.E. 1986. Torhamns ytterskärgård. Natur och naturvärden. Länsstyrelsen i Blekinge län 1986, 2, 81+22 pp. 85. Berglund, B.E., Berglund, P., Blivik, J. 1986. En forntida tallskog på havsbotten i Blekingeskärgården. Blekinges Natur 1986, 40-50. 86. Berglund, B.E., Persson, T. 1986. Herröns vegetationshistoria under järnålder och historisk tid belyst med pollenanalys. In: Olsson, G. (ed.) Herrön. Levande odlingslandskap. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Rapport 1986, 3, 27-36. 87. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G., Gaillard, M.-J., Hjelmroos, M., Regnéll, J. 1986. Det sydsvenska kulturlandskapets förändringar under 6000 år. Kvartärgeologiska undersökningar. Institute of Archaeology, Report 26, 3-26. 88. Berglund, B.E., Emanuelsson, U., Persson, S., Persson, T. 1986. Pollen/vegetation relationships in grazed and mowed plant communities of South Sweden. In: Behre, K.- E. (ed.) Anthropogenic Indicators in Pollen Diagrams. A.A. Balkema, 37-51. 89. Berglund, B.E., Regnéll, G. 1987. Presentation av Ystadsprojektet. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Metodkonferens 1985. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Rapport, RAÄ 198, 2, 1-10. 90. Prentice, I.C., Berglund, B.E., Olsson, T. 1987. Quantitative forest-composition sensing characteristics of pollen samples from Swedish lakes. Boreas 16, 43-54. 91. Berglund, B.E., Engelmark, R. 1987. Där skogen får vika för odlad bygd. Forskning och Framsteg 1987, 4, 12-21. Även B: Populärvetenskapelig Magasin 1988, 1, 13-15. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. Även C: Tiede 1987, 5, 42-47. Helsinki. 92. Berglund, B.E., Thealus, M. Våtmarkernas utveckling på Torhamnshalvön. Blekinges Natur 1987, 103-116. 93. Berglund, B.E. 1987. Tage Nilsson 12/2 23/1 1986. Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapets i Lund Årsbok 1986, 86-91.- Även B: Biografiskt Lexikon 1987, 22-25. 94. Berglund, B.E. 1987. Regional syntheses of palaeoecological events. In: Kabaliene, M. (ed.) Methods for the investigation of lake deposits: Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatological aspects. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Vilnius, 1986, 10-19. 95. Gaillard, M.-J., Berglund, B.E. 1988. Land-use history during the last 2700 years in the area of Bjäresjö, southern Sweden. In: Birks, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., Kaland, P.E., Moe, D. (eds) The Cultural Landscape Past, Present and Future. Cambridge University Press, 409-428. Även B: Arbetsrapport från Kulturlandskapet under 6000 år, Lund 1987, 36 pp.. 96. Berglund, B.E. 1988. The cultural landscape during 6000 years in South Sweden an interdisciplinary project. In: Birks, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., Kaland, O.E., Moe, D. (eds) The Cultural Landscape Past, Present and Future. Cambridge University Press, 241-254. 97. Björck, S., Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 1988. New aspects on the deglaciation chronology of South Sweden. Geographica Polonica 55, 37-49. 98. Berglund, B.E., Rapp, A. 1988. Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in north-west Scania, Sweden, during the Late Weichselian. Geographica Polonica 55, 13-35. 99. Berglund, B.E., Hjelmroos-Ericsson, M., Bogaczewicz-Adamczak, Miotk, G. 1990. The human impact in Bory Tucholskie, North Poland. A Polish-Swedish palaeoecologcal research project. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 13, 3-11. 5

100. Berglund, B.E. 1990. IGCP 158 B 1977-1988 Retrospect and prospect. International collaboration on environmental changes during the last 15000 years. Quaternary Studies in Poland 10, 33-40. 101. Berglund, B.E. 1991. Landskapets utveckling och utnyttjande sedan istiden på Kullaberg. In: Ahrland, S., Brinck, P. (eds) Natur och kultur kring Kullen. Kullabergs Natur 17, 25-36. 102. Berglund, B.E. 1991. Det vegetationshistoriska perspektivet på jordbrukets införande i Sverige. Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, Rapport 57, 32-38. 103. Berglund, B.E. 1991. Overview of the Ystad Project. The project background, aims, and organization. The project area. Ecological Bulletins 41, 11-27, 104. Berglund, B.E.1991. Source material and methods. Palaeoecology. Ecological Bulletins 41, 31-35. 105. Berglund, B.E., Olsson, E.G.A. 1991. Source material and methods. Landscapeecological mapping. Ecological Bulletins 41, 51-53. 106. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L., Lewan, N., Olsson, E.G.A. Riddersporre, M., Skansjö, S. 1991. Source material and methods. Terms and concepts. Ecological Bulletins 41, 54-59. 107. Berglund, B.E., Hjelmroos, M., Kolstrup, E. 1991. The Köpinge area. Vegetation and landscape through time. Ecological Bulletins 41, 109. 108. Berglund, B.E., Kolstrup, E. 1991. The Romele area. Vegetation and landscape through time. Ecological Bulletins 41, 247-248. 109. Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N., Persson, T. 1991. Analysis of changing cultural landscapes problems and processes. Landscape-ecological aspects of long-term changes in the Ystad area. Ecological Bulletins 41, 405-424. 110. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L., Lewan, N., Olsson, E.G.A., Skansjö, S. 1991. Cultural landscape periods patterns and processes. Ecological Bulletins 41, 425-448. 111. Berglund, B.E. 1991. Pollen proxy data from the Nordic countries. Paläoklimaforschung 6, 29-36. 112. Berglund, B.E. 1992. Landscape reconstructions in South Sweden for the past 6000 years. Proceedings of the British Academy 77, 25-37. 113. Berglund, B.E., Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G. 1992. Human impact on the vegetation of Bory Tucholskie on the basis of palynological investigations. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica 16, 267-273. 114. Berglund, B.E., Håkansson, S., Lepiksaar, J. 1992. Late Weichselian polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps) in southern Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Ser. Ca 81, 31-42. 115. Gaillard, M.-J., Birks, H.J.B., Emanuelsson, U., Berglund, B.E. 1992. Modern pollen/land-use relationships as an aid in the reconstruction of past land-uses and cultural landscapes: an example from south Sweden. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 1992, 1, 3-17. 116. Berglund, B.E. 1992. Kvartärgeologin i Lund. Berg- & Dalbladet, Stockholm 1992, 4. 9-15. 117. Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E. 1992. The prehistoric landscape in the Köpinge area a reconstruction based on charcoal analysis. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, Series in 4, 19, 345-358. 118. Berglund, B.E. 1993. Methods for quantifying prehistoric deforestation. Paläoklimaforschung 12, 5-11. 119. Andersen, S.T., Berglund, B.E. 1993. Maps for terrestrial non-tree pollen (NAP) percentages in north and central Europe 1800 and 1450 yr B.P. Paläoklimaforschung 12, 119-134. 6

120. Berglund, B.E., Bogaczewicz-Adamczak, B., Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G. 1993. Vegetation history, human impact and development of the lakes in the Bory Tucholskie, Pomerania. Questiones Geographicae 15/16, 11-22. Also published in: Bohr, R., Nienartowicz, A, Wilkon-Michalska, J. (eds) 1992. Some ecological processes of the biological systems in North Poland. Nicholas Copernicus University Press, Torun. 121. Berglund, B.E., Bergsten, H., Björck, S., Lemdahl, G., Nordberg, K., Kolstrup, E. 1994. Late Weichselian environmental change in Southern Sweden and Denmark. Journal of Quaternary Science 9, 2, 127-132. 122. Berglund, B.E., Helmfrid, S., Hyenstrand, Å. 1994. Tiotusen år i Sverige. In: Helmfrid, S. (ed.) Kulturlandskapet och bebyggelsen, Sveriges Nationalatlas, 12-17. Also English version. 123. Berglund, B.E., 1994. Kulturlandskapsforskning tvärvetenskap. In: Helmfrid, S. (ed.) Kulturlandskapet och bebyggelsen, Sveriges Nationalatlas, 18-21. Also English version. 124. Berglund, B.E., Björck, S. 1994. Late Weichselian and Holocene shore displacement in Blekinge, SE Sweden. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Geografia 27, 75-95. 125. Berglund, B.E. 1994. The Ystad Project: Experiences of interdisciplinary research on the cultural landscape history in southern Sweden. In: Nissinaho, A. (ed.) Cultural Ecology: One Theory? Department of Archaeology, University of Turku, Finland, 119-128. 126. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G., Engelmark, R., Gaillard, M.-J., Karslsson, S., Miller, U., Risberg, J. 1996. Sweden. In: Berglund, B.E., Birks, H.J.B., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M., Wright, H.E. (eds.) 1996. Palaeoecological Events During the Last 15 000 Years. Regional Syntheses of Palaeoecological Studies of Lakes and Mires in Europe. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 233-280. 127. Berglund, B.E., Barnekow, L., Hammarlund, D., Sandgren, P., Snowball, I. 1996. Holocene forest dynamics and climate changes in the Abisko area, northern Sweden the Sonesson model of vegetation history, reconsidered and confirmed. Ecological Bulletins 45, 15-30. 128. Gustafson, L., Berglund, B.E. 1996. Landskapsutveckling i Örseryd i Bräkneåns dalgång. Blekinges Natur 1996, 33-46. 129. Berglund, B.E., Björse, G., Liljegren, R. 1996. Från istid till nutid. Florans och faunans invandring. In: Gustafsson, L., Ahlén, I. (eds.) Växter och djur. Sveriges Nationalatlas, 14-24. Also English version: Geography of Plants and Animals, 1996. 130. Berglund, B.E. 1997. Methods for reconstructing ancient cultural landscapes: the example of the Viking Age landscape at Bjäresjö, Skåne, Southern Sweden. Pact 52, Birka Studies 4, 31-45. 131. Berglund, B.E. 1998. Blekinges vegetation 1885 ett landskapshistoriskt document. Blekinges Natur 1998, 13-26. 132. Björk, S., Berglund, B.E., Bernhard, M., Digerfeldt, G. 1998. Samband mellan omland och vatten vid Rolands Hav. Blekinges Natur 1998, 58-81. 133. Berglund, B.E., Björkman, L. 1999. Utmarksskogens historia i nordvästra Blekinge. Exempel från Ire och Siggaboda. Blekinges Natur 1999, 13-29. 134. Berglund, B.E. 1999. Biotopernas historia och synpunkter på restaurering ur ett paleoekologiskt perspektiv. CBM s Skriftserie 2, 21-22. 135. Berglund, B.E. 1999. Landskapet under järnåldern. In: Burenhult, G. (ed.) Arkeologi i Norden. Natur och Kultur, Stockholm. 156-157. 136. Berglund, B.E. 1999. Odlingslandskapets framväxt i Norden. In: Burenhult, G. (ed.) Arkeologi i Norden. Natur och Kultur, Stockholm. 250-255. 137. Snowball, I., Berglund, B. 1999. The Söderåsen horst and the postglacial development of the Odensjön valley. Terra Nostra 10, 117-122. 7

138. van Geel, B., Berglund, B.E. 2000. A causal link between a climatic deterioration around 850 cal BC and a subsequent rise in human population density in NW-Europe? Terra Nostra 2000, 7, 126-130. 139. Berglund, B.E. 2000. The Ystad Project a case study for multidisciplinary research on long-term human impact. PAGES Newsletter 2000, 3, 6-7. 140. Berglund, B.E., Hjort, C. 2000. LUNDQUA, Quaternary geology in Lund - a historical review. LUNDQUA Report 37, 11-31. 141. Berglund, B.E. 2000. Miljöhistoria och tvärvetenskaplig analys. In: Björhem, N. (ed.) Föresundsförbindelsen. På väg mot det förflutna. Stadsantikvariska avdelningen Kultur. Malmö. 18-19. 142. Berglund, B.E. 2001. Kvartärgeologin i Lund. En vetenskaps utveckling under åren 1832-2000. Geologiskt forum 8, 30, 10-14. 143. Lindahl, A., Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 2001. Fuktängarnas historia i Bräkneåns dalgång. Blekinges Natur 2001, 82-94. 144. Berglund, B.E., Forshed, N., Jansson, K., Lagerås, P., Regnéll, J., Varenius, L., Vestbö Franzén, A. 2002. Landskapsrekonstruktioner för Axlarpsområdet. In: Berglund, B.E., Börjesson, K. (eds.) 2002. Markens Minnen. Riksantikvarieämbetet, 126-151. 145. Berglund, B.E., Lagerås, P., Regnéll, J. 2002. Odlingslandskapets historia i Sydsverige en pollenanalytisk syntes. In: Berglund, B.E., Börjesson, K. (eds.) 2002. Markens Minnen. Riksantikvarieämbetet, 152-174. 146. Berglund, B.E., Lagerås, P., Forshed, N. 2003. Science and art in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Poster, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno Nevada 2003. 147. Berglund, B.E.2003. Human impact and climate changes synchronous events and a causal link? Quaternary International 105, 7-12. 148. Yu, S.-Y., Andrén, E., Barnekow, L., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P. 2003. Holocene palaeoecology and shoreline displacement on the Biskopsmåla Peninsula, southeastern Sweden. Boreas 32, 578-589. 149. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Andrén, E., Sandgren, P. 2004. Mid-Holocene Baltic Sea transgression along the coast of Blekinge, SE Sweden ancient lagoons correlated with beach ridges. GFF 126, 257-272. 150. Sandgren, P., Subetto, D.A., Berglund, B.E., Davydova, N.N., Savelieva, L.A. 2004. Mid-Holocene Littorina Sea transgressions based on stratigraphic studies in coastal lakes of NW Russia. GFF 126, 363-380. 151. Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Barnekow, L., Hannon, G., Jiang, H., Skog, G., Yu, S.- Y. 2005. Early Holocene history of the Baltic Sea, as reflected in coastal sediments in Blekinge, southeastern Sweden. Quaternry International 130, 111-139. 152. Lemdahl, G., Berglund, B.E. 2005. Senglaciala granskogar i Sydsverige? Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 99, 3-4, 183-186. 153. Berglund, B.E. 2005. Samhälle och miljö under sex tusen år. In: Bunte, C., Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. (eds.) Arkeologi och naturvetenskap. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen, 49-61. 154. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. 2005. Arkeologi och naturvetenskap igår, idag och i morgon. In: Bunte, C., Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. (eds) Arkeologi och naturvetenskap. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen, 10-30. 155. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Fritz, S.C. 2005. Holocene palaeoecology along the Blekinge coast, SE Sweden, and implications for climate and sea-level changes. The Holocene 15, 2, 278-292. 156. Berglund, B.E., Björkman, L., Holmqvist, B.H., Persson, T. 2006. Vegetationens utveckling från istid till nutid. In: Fröberg, L. Blekinges Flora. SBF-förlaget, Uppsala, 76-89. 8

157. Berglund, B.E., Björkman, L., Holmqvist B.H., Persson, T. 2007. Skånes vegetationshistoria förändringar under 17 000 år. In: Tyler, T., Olsson, K.-A., Johansson, H., Sonesson, M. (eds.) Floran i Skåne. Arterna och deras utbredning. Lund, 27-38. 158. Berglund, B.E. 2007. Agrarian landscape development in northwestern Europe since the Neolithic: Cultural and climatic factors behind a regional/continental pattern. In: Hornborg, A., Crumley, C.L. (eds,) The World System and the Earth System. Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Left Coast Press, 111-120. 159. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E. 2007. A dinoflagellate cyst record of Holocene climate and hydrological changes along the southeastern Swedish Baltic coast. Quaternary Research 67, 215-224. 160. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Colman, S.M. 2007. Holocene organic burial rates in the southeastern Swedish Baltic Sea. The Holocene 17, 5, 673-681. 161. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Lambeck, K. 2007. Evidence for a rapid sealevel rise 7600 yr ago. Geology 35, 10, 891-894. 162. Andrén, T., Andrén, E., Berglund, B.E., Yu, S.-Y. 2007. New insights on the Yoldia Sea low stand in the Blekinge archipelago, southern Baltic Sea. GFF 129, 277-285. 163. Berglund, B. E., Persson, T., Björkman, L. 2008. Late Quaternary landscape and vegetation diversity in a North European perspective. Quaternary International 184, 187-194. 164. Berglund, B.E., Gaillard, M.-J., Björkman, L., Persson, T. 2008. Long-term changes in floristic diversity in southern Sweden: palynological richness, vegetation dynamics and land-use. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 17, 573-583. 165. Berglund, B.E. 2008. Satoyama, traditional farming landscape in Japan, compared to Scandinavia. Japan Review 20, 53-68. 166. Sköld, E., Lagerås, P., Berglund, B.E. 2010. Temporal cultural landscape dynamics in a marginal upland area: agricultural expansions and contractions inferred from palynological evidence at Yttra Berg, southern Sweden. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 19, 121-136. 167. Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P. 2010. Strandförskjutningen i Blekinge från istid till nutid. Blekingeboken 2010, 6-31. 168. Berglund, B.E. 2011. How mankind has shaped European nature. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 20, 79-81. Also in Nature and Culture 6, 1, 97-99. 169. Berglund, B.E. 2011. Steneryd ett historiskt landskap. Östra Blekinges Hembygdsförening, Medlemsblad 38, 3, 6-7. 170. Berglund, B.E., Kitagawa, J., Lagerås, P., Nakamura, K., Sasaki, N., Yasuda, Y. 2014. Traditional farming landscapes for sustainable living in Scandinavia and Japan: Global revival through the Satoyama initiative. AMBIO 43, 5, 559-578. 171. Åkesson, C., Nielsen, A.B., Broström, A., Persson, T., Gaillard, M.-J., Berglund, B.E. 2015. From landscape description to quantification: A new generation of reconstructions provides new perspectives on Holocene regional landscapes of SE Sweden. The Holocene 25, 1, 178-193. 172. Battarbee, R.W.,, Berglund, B.E., 2015. John Birks: Pioneer in quantitative palaeoecology. The Holocene 25, 1, 3-16. 9

10 A. Edited books 1. Königsson, L.-K., Berglund, B.E., Knutsson, G. (eds.) 1971. Studies on the Quaternary Geology of Southern Sweden. GFF 93, 454-672. 2. A: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) 1979. Palaeohydrological changes in the temperate zone in the last 15,000 years. IGCP 158 B. Lake and mire environments. Project guide I. General project description. Department of Quaternary Geology, Lund, 140 pp. B: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) 1979. Palaeohydrological changes in the temperate zone in the last 15,000 years. IGCP 158 B. Lake and mire environments. Project guide II. Specific methods. Department of Quaternary Geology, Lund, 340 pp. C: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) 1982. Palaeohydrological changes in the temperate zone in the last 15,000 years. IGCP 158 B. Lake and mire environments. Project guide III. Specific methods. Department of Quaternary Geology, Lund, 163 pp. 3. Berglund, B.E. (ed.) 1986. Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 869 pp. New print 2003, The Blackburn Press. 4. Berglund, B.E. (ed.) 1991.The cultural landscape during 6000 years in southern Sweden. Ecological Bulletins 41, 495 pp., 1 app. 5. Frenzel, B., Andersen, S.T., Berglund, B.E., Gläser, B. 1994. Evaluation of land surfaces in the Roman Iron Age and the time of migrating Germanic tribes based on regional pollen diagrams. Paläoklimaforschung 12, 134 pp. 6. Berglund, B.E., Birks, H.J.B., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M., Wright, H.E. (eds.) 1996. Palaeoecological Events During the Last 15 000 Years. Regional Syntheses of Palaeoecological Studies of Lakes and Mires in Europe. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 764 pp. 7. Gaillard, M.-J., Berglund, B.E. 1998 (eds.) Quantification of land surfaces cleared of forests during the Holocene Modern pollen/vegetation/landscape relationships as an aid to the interpretation of fossil pollen data. Paläoklimaforschung 27, 147 pp. 8. Berglund, B.E., Börjesson, K. 2002 (eds.) 2002. Markens Minnen. Landskap och odlingshistoria på Småländska höglandet under 6000 år. Riksantikvarieämbetet. 195 pp. 9. Bunte, C., Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. (eds.) 2005. Arkeologi och naturvetenskap. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstifltelsen. 376 pp. 10. Fröberg, L., Berglund, B.E., Björegren, I., Nilsson, B., Niordson, N., Petersson, K., Svensson, J., von Wachenfeldt, E., von Wachenfeldt, T., Widgren, Å., Woxenius, T. (eds.) 2006. Blekinges Flora. SBF-förlaget, Uppsala. 856 pp. B. Basic science palaeoecology, vegetation history, Baltic Sea history, archaeology 1. Berglund, B, Erdtman, G., Praglowski, J. 1959. Några ord om betydelsen av inbäddningsmediets brytningsindex vid palynologiska undersökningar.. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 53, 462-478. 2. Berglund, B.E. 1960. Pysslingebacken. En östblekingsk jägar- och fiskarboplats från yngre stenåldern. Blekingeboken 1960, 9-44. Karlskrona. 3. Erdtman, G., Berglund, B., Praglowski, J. 1961. An Introduction to a Scandinavian Pollen Flora, 92 pp., 74 plates. 4. Berglund, B.E. 1962. Vegetation på ön Senoren. I. Vegetationshistoria. Botaniska Notiser 115, 4, 387-420. 5. Berglund, B.E. 1963. Vegetation på ön Senoren. II. Landvegetationen. Botaniska Notiser 116, 1, 31-80.

6. Berglund, B.E. 1963. Vegetation på ön Senoren. III. Havsstrandvegetationen. Botaniska Notiser 116, 2, 305-322. 7. Berglund, B.E. 1963. Late-Quaternary records of Sanguisorba officinalis in southeastern Sweden. Botaniska Notiser 116, 289-292. 8. Berglund, B.E. 1964. The Post-Glacial Shore Displacement in Eastern Blekinge, Southeastern Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 599, 47 pp., 3 plates. 9. Berglund, B.E. 1966. Late-Quaternary Vegetation in Eastern Blekinge, South-Eastern Sweden. A Pollen-Analytical Study. I. Late-Glacial Time. Opera Botanica 12, 1, 180 pp., 10 plates, 10 diagrams.- Appendix with pollen data. 10. Berglund, B.E. 1966. Late-Quaternary Vegetation in Eastern Blekinge, South-Eastern Sweden. A Pollen-Analytical Study. II. Post-Glacial Time. Opera Botanica 12,2, 190 pp., 2 plates, 11 diagrams. - Appendix with pollen data. 11. Berglund, B.E. 1966. Late-Quaternary Vegetation in Eastern Blekinge, South-Eastern Sweden. A Pollen-Analytical Study. Doctoral thesis. 8 pp. 12. Berglund, B.E. 1969. Vegetation and human influence in South Scandinavia during Prehistoric time. Oikos Suppl. 12, 9-28. 13. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 1970. A palaeoecological study of the Late-Glacial lake at Torreberga, Scania, South Sweden. Oikos 21, 98-128. 3 plates. 14. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Late-Glacial stratigraphy and chronology in South Sweden in the light of biostratigraphic studies on Mt. Kullen, Scania. GFF 93, 11-45. 15. Berglund, B.E. 1971. Littorina transgressions in Blekinge, South Sweden. A preliminary survey. GFF 93, 625-652. 16. Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N. 1971. Soil conditions and Late-Glacial stratigraphy. GFF 93, 575-586. 17. Berglund, B.E., Welinder, S. 1972. Stratigrafin vid Siretorp. Fornvännen 1972, 73-93. 18. Berglund, B.E. 1973. Pollen dispersal and deposition in an area of southeastern Sweden some preliminary results. In: Birks, H.J.B., West, R.G. (eds,) Quaternary Plant Ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, pp. 117-129. 19. Berglund, B.E. 1973. A pollen analytical investigation of the Gothenburg core B 873 to establish the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. University of Lund, Department of Quaternary Geology, Report 4, 12 pp. 20. Mangerud, J., Andersen, S.T., Berglund, B.E., Donner, J.J. 1974. Quaternary stratigraphy of Norden, a proposal for terminology and classification. Boreas 3, 109-128. 21. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 1976. Environmental changes during the Holocene a geological correlation project on a Nordic basis. Newsl. Stratigr. 5, 80-85. Berlin, Stuttgart. 22. Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E. 1976. Dendrochronological dating on oak in Skåne and Blekinge, southern Sweden. Fornvännen 70, 201-208. 23. Drozdowski, E., Berglund, B.E. 1976. Development and chronology of the lower Vistula River valley, North Poland. Boreas 5, 95-107. 24. Berglund, B.E., Håkansson, S., Lagerlund, E. 1976. Radiocarbon-dated mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius Blumenbach) finds in South Sweden. Boreas 5, 177-191. 25. Thompson, R., Berglund, B. E. 1976. Late Weichselian geomagnetic `reversal` as a possible example of the reinforcement syndrome. Nature 263, 5577, 490-491. 26. Berglund, B.E. 1976. Pollen analysis of Core B 873 and an adjacent lacustrine section. In: Mörner, N.-A. (ed.). The Pleistocene/Holocene boundary: a proposed boundarystratotype in Gothenburg, Sweden. Boreas 5, 221-225. 11

27. Berglund, B.E. 1976. The deglaciation of southern Sweden. Presentation of a research project and a tentative radiocarbon chronology. University of Lund, Department of Quaternary Geology, Report 10, 67 pp. 28. Berglund, B.E. 1977. Biological/palaeoecological analyses for modern archaeological research. In: Olsson, I.U., Mejdahl, V. (eds.). Proceedings of the Nordic conference on thermoluminescent dating and other archaeometric methods. Dating and other archaeometric methods, Uppsala University, 38-44. Risö. 29. Mangerud, J., Berglund, B.E 1978. The subdivision of the Quaternary of Norden: a discussion Boreas 7, 179-181. 30. Berglund, B.E. 1979. The deglaciation of southern Sweden 13,500-10,000 B.P. Boreas 8, 89-118. 31. Birks, H.J.B., Berglund, B.E. 1979. Holocene pollen stratigraphy of southern Sweden: a reappraisal using numerical methods. Boreas 8, 257-279. 32. Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N. 1981. Vegetation and environment in the Gårdlösa area during the Iron Age. In: Stjernquist, B. (ed.) Gårdlösa. An Iron Age community in its natural and social setting. Acta Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis LXXV, 45-53. Gleerup, Lund. 33. Berglund, B.E., Lagerlund, E. 1981. Eemian and Weichselian stratigraphy in South Sweden. Boreas 10, 323-362. 34. Berglund, B.E. 1982. Holocene chronology. GFF 104, 256-259. 35. Berglund, B.E. 1983. Palaeoclimatic changes in Scandinavia and on Greenland a tentative correlation based on lake and bog stratigraphical studies. Quaternary Studies in Poland, 4, 27-44. 36. Berglund, B.E., Mörner, N.-A. 1984. Late Weichselian deglaciation and chronostratigraphy of southern Scandinavia: Problems and present state of the art. In: Mörner, N.-A., Karlén, W. (eds.) Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millenial Basis. Reidel Publ. Comp., 17-24. 37. Berglund, B.E., Lemdahl, G., Liedberg-Jönsson, B., Persson, T. 1984. Biotic responset o climatic changes during the time span 13,000-10,000 B.P. a case study from SW Sweden. In: Mörner, N.-A., Karlén, W. (eds.) Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millenial Basis. Reidel Publ. Comp., 25-36. 38. Berglund, B.E. 1985. Early agriculture in Scandinavia: Research problems related to pollen-analytical studies. Norwegian Archaeological Review 18, 1-2, 77-105. 39. Berglund, B.E. 1986. The cultural landscape in a long-term perspective, methods and theories behind the research on land-use and landscape dynamics. Striae 24, 79-87. 40. Berglund, B.E. 1986. Chapter 4. Palaeoecological reference areas and reference sites. In: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 111-126. 41. Aaby, B., Berglund, B.E. 1986. Chapter 12. Characterization of peat and lake depostis. In: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 231-246. 42. Berglund, B.E., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M. 1986. Chapter 22. Pollen analysis and pollen diagrams. In: Berglund, B.E. (ed.) Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. Wiley & Sons Ltd, 455-484. 43. Berglund, B.E., Persson, T. 1986. Herröns vegetationshistoria under järnålder och historisk tid belyst med pollenanalys. In: Olsson, G. (ed.) Herrön. Levande odlingslandskap. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Rapport 1986, 3, 27-36. 44. Berglund, B.E., Emanuelsson, U., Persson, S., Persson, T. 1986. Pollen/vegetation relationships in grazed and mowed plant communities of South Sweden. In: Behre, K.- E. (ed.) Anthropogenic Indicators in Pollen Diagrams. A.A. Balkema, 37-51. 12

45. Prentice, I.C., Berglund, B.E., Olsson, T. 1987. Quantitative forest-composition sensing characteristics of pollen samples from Swedish lakes. Boreas 16, 43-54. 46. Gaillard, B.E., Berglund, B.E. 1988. Land-use history during the last 2700 years in the area of Bjäresjö, southern Sweden. In: Birks, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., Kaland, P.E., Moe, D. (eds) The Cultural Landscape Past, Present and Future. Cambridge University Press, 409-428. Även i Arbetsrapport från Kulturlandskapet under 6000 år, Lund 1987, 36 pp. 47. Berglund, B.E. 1988. The cultural landscape during 6000 years in South Sweden an interdisciplinary project. In: Birks, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., Kaland, O.E., Moe, D. (eds) The Cultural Landscape Past, Present and Future. Cambridge University Press, 241-254. 48. Björck, S., Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G. 1988. New aspects on the deglaciation chronology of South Sweden. Geographica Polonica 55, 37-49. 49. Berglund, B.E., Rapp, A. 1988. Geomorphology, climate and vegetation in north-west Scania, Sweden, during the Late Weichselian. Geographica Polonica 55, 13-35. 50. Berglund, B.E., Hjelmroos-Ericsson, M., Bogaczewicz-Adamczak, Miotk, G. 1990. The human impact in Bory Tucholskie, North Poland. A Polish-Swedish palaeoecologcal research project. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 13, 3-11. 51. Berglund, B.E. 1991. Overview of the Ystad Project. The project background, aims, and organization. The project area. Ecological Bulletins 41, 11-27, 52. Berglund, B.E.1991. Source material and methods. Palaeoecology. Ecological Bulletins 41, 31-35. 53. Berglund, B.E., Olsson, E.G.A. 1991. Source material and methods. Landscapeecological mapping. Ecological Bulletins 41, 51-53. 54. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L., Lewan, N., Olsson, E.G.A. Riddersporre, M., Skansjö, S. 1991. Source material and methods. Terms and concepts. Ecological Bulletins 41, 54-59. 55. Berglund, B.E., Hjelmroos, M., Kolstrup, E. 1991. The Köpinge area. Vegetation and landscape through time. Ecological Bulletins 41, 109. 56. Berglund, B.E., Kolstrup, E. 1991. The Romele area. Vegetation and landscape through time. Ecological Bulletins 41, 247-248. 57. Berglund, B.E., Malmer, N., Persson, T. 1991. Analysis of changing cultural landscapes problems and processes. Landscape-ecological aspects of long-term changes in the Ystad area. Ecological Bulletins 41, 405-424. 58. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L., Lewan, N., Olsson, E.G.A., Skansjö, S. 1991. Cultural landscape periods patterns and processes. Ecological Bulletins 41, 425-448. 59. Berglund, B.E. 1991. Pollen proxy data from the Nordic countries. Paläoklimaforschung 6, 29-36. 60. Berglund, B.E. 1992. Landscape reconstructions in South Sweden for the past 6000 years. Proceedings of the British Academy 77, 25-37. 61. Berglund, B.E., Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G. 1992. Human impact on the vegetation of Bory Tucholskie on the basis of palynological investigations. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Archaeologica 16, 267-273. 62. Berglund, B.E., Håkansson, S., Lepiksaar, J. 1992. Late Weichselian polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps) in southern Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Ser. Ca 81, 31-42. 63. Gaillard, M.-J., Birks, H.J.B., Emanuelsson, U., Berglund, B.E. 1992. Modern pollen/land-use relationships as an aid in the reconstruction of past land-uses and cultural landscapes: an example from south Sweden. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 1992, 1, 3-17. 13

64. Bartholin, T.S., Berglund, B.E. 1992. The prehistoric landscape in the Köpinge area a reconstruction based on charcoal analysis. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, Series in 4, 19, 345-358. 65. Berglund, B.E. 1993. Methods for quantifying prehistoric deforestation. Paläoklimaforschung 12, 5-11. 66. Andersen, S.T., Berglund, B.E. 1993. Maps for terrestrial non-tree pollen (NAP) percentages in north and central Europe 1800 and 1450 yr B.P. Paläoklimaforschung 12, 119-134. 67. Berglund, B.E., Bogaczewicz-Adamczak, B., Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G. 1993. Vegetation history, human impact and development of the lakes in the Bory Tucholskie, Pomerania. Questiones Geographicae 15/16, 11-22. 68. Berglund, B.E., Bergsten, H., Björck, S., Lemdahl, G., Nordberg, K., Kolstrup, E. 1994. Late Weichselian environmental change in Southern Sweden and Denmark. Journal of Quaternary Science 9, 2, 127-132. 69. Berglund, B.E., Björck, S. 1994. Late Weichselian and Holocene shore displacement in Blekinge, SE Sweden. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Geografia 27, 75-95. 70. Berglund, B.E., Digerfeldt, G., Engelmark, R., Gaillard, M.-J., Karslsson, S., Miller, U., Risberg, J. 1996. Sweden. In: Berglund, B.E., Birks, H.J.B., Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, M., Wright, H.E. (eds.) 1996. Palaeoecological Events During the Last 15 000 Years. Regional Syntheses of Palaeoecological Studies of Lakes and Mires in Europe. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 233-280. 71. Berglund, B.E., Barnekow, L., Hammarlund, D., Sandgren, P., Snowball, I. 1996. Holocene forest dynamics and climate changes in the Abisko area, northern Sweden the Sonesson model of vegetation history, reconsidered and confirmed. Ecological Bulletins 45, 15-30. 72. Berglund, B.E. 1997. Methods for reconstructing ancient cultural landscapes: the example of the Viking Age landscape at Bjäresjö, Skåne, Southern Sweden. Pact 52, Birka Studies 4, 31-45. 73. Snowball, I., Berglund, B. 1999. The Söderåsen horst and the postglacial development of the Odensjön valley. Terra Nostra 10, 117-122. 74. van Geel, B., Berglund, B.E. 2000. A causal link between a climatic deterioration around 850 cal BC and a subsequent rise in human population density in NW-Europe? Terra Nostra 2000, 7, 126-130. 75. Berglund, B.E. 2000. The Ystad Project a case study for multidisciplinary research on long-term human impact. PAGES Newsletter 2000, 3, 6-7. 76. Berglund, B.E., Lagerås, P., Regnéll, J. 2002. Odlingslandskapets historia i Sydsverige en pollenanalytisk syntes. In: Berglund, B.E., Börjesson, K. (eds.) 2002. Markens Minnen. Riksantikvarieämbetet, 152-174. 77. Berglund, B.E. 2003. Human impact and climate changes synchronous events and a causal link? Quaternary International 105, 7-12. 78. Yu, S.-Y., Andrén, E., Barnekow, L., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P. 2003. Holocene palaeoecology and shoreline displacement on the Biskopsmåla Peninsula, southeastern Sweden. Boreas 32, 578-589. 79. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Andrén, E., Sandgren, P. 2004. Mid-Holocene Baltic Sea transgression along the coast of Blekinge, SE Sweden ancient lagoons correlated with beach ridges. GFF 126, 257-272. 80. Sandgren, P., Subetto, D.A., Berglund, B.E., Davydova, N.N., Savelieva, L.A. 2004. Mid-Holocene Littorina Sea transgressions based on stratigraphic studies in coastal lakes of NW Russia. GFF 126, 363-380. 14

81. Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Barnekow, L., Hannon, G., Jiang, H., Skog, G., Yu, S.- Y. 2005. Early Holocene history of the Baltic Sea, as reflected in coastal sediments in Blekinge, southeastern Sweden. Quaternry International 130, 111-139. 82. Berglund, B.E. 2005. Samhälle och miljö under sex tusen år. In: Bunte, C., Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. (eds.) Arkeologi och naturvetenskap. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen, 49-61. 83. Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. 2005. Arkeologi och naturvetenskap igår, idag och i morgon. In: Bunte, C., Berglund, B.E., Larsson, L. (eds) Arkeologi och naturvetenskap. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen, 10-30. 84. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Fritz, S.C. 2005. Holocene palaeoecology along the Blekinge coast, SE Sweden, and implications for climate and sea-level changes. The Holocene 15, 2, 278-292. 85. Berglund, B.E. 2007. Agrarian landscape development in northwestern Europe since the Neolithic: Cultural and climatic factors behind a regional/continental pattern. In: Hornborg, A., Crumley, C.L. (eds,) The World System and the Earth System. Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Left Coast Press, 111-120. 86. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E. 2007. A dinoflagellate cyst record of Holocene climate and hydrological changes along the southeastern Swedish Baltic coast. Quaternary Research 67, 215-224. 87. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Colman, S.M. 2007. Holocene organic burial rates in the southeastern Swedish Baltic Sea. The Holocene 17, 5, 673-681. 88. Yu, S.-Y., Berglund, B.E., Sandgren, P., Lambeck, K. 2007. Evidence for a rapid sealevel rise 7600 yr ago. Geology 35, 10, 891-894. 89. Andrén, T., Andrén, E., Berglund, B.E., Yu, S.-Y. 2007. New insights on the Yoldia Sea low stand in the Blekinge archipelago, southern Baltic Sea. GFF 129, 277-285. 90. Berglund, B. E., Persson, T., Björkman, L. 2008. Late Quaternary landscape and vegetation diversity in a North European perspective. Quaternary International 184, 187-194. 91. Berglund, B.E., Gaillard, M.-J., Björkman, L., Persson, T. 2008. Long-term changes in floristic diversity in southern Sweden: palynological richness, vegetation dynamics and land-use. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 17, 573-583. 92. Berglund, B.E. 2008. Satoyama, traditional farming landscape in Japan, compared to Scandinavia. Japan Review 20, 53-68. 93. Sköld, E., Lagerås, P., Berglund, B.E. 2010. Temporal cultural landscape dynamics in a marginal upland area: agricultural expansions and contractions inferred from palynological evidence at Yttra Berg, southern Sweden. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 19, 121-136. 94. Berglund, B.E. 2011. How mankind has shaped European nature. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 20, 79-81. Also in Nature and Culture 6, 1, 97-99. 95. Berglund, B.E., Kitagawa, J., Lagerås, P., Nakamura, K., Sasaki, N., Yasuda, Y. 2014. Traditional farming landscapes for sustainable living in Scandinavia and Japa: Global revival through the Satoyama initiative. AMBIO 43, 5, 559-578. 96. Åkesson, C., Nielsen, A.B., Broström, A., Persson, T., Gaillard, M.-J., Berglund, B.E. 2015. From landscape description to quantification: A new generation of reconstructions provides new perspectives on Holocene regional landscapes of SE Sweden. The Holocene 25, 1, 178-193. 15