1.! Know your! target group. Communication! in general. Presentation techniques, PowerPoint & poster design. Olle Bergman

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Presentation techniques, PowerPoint & poster design Olle Bergman M.Sc. Chemical Engineering olle@bergman www.ollebergman.se! Ms Sc Chem. Eng. NE Self-! employed consultant 1990 2000 2010 Dpt of! Neuro-! Chemistry,! Lund University Gambro Ad! agency Believe in your self and love your subject.! Learn the formal rules.! Get attention by being passionate. Grab attention by being creative.! Study the world around you: observe, observe, observe.! Dare, experiment and get feedback.! Enjoy your success you ve earned it! Communication! in general 1.! Know your! target group.

What... do they know?! do they want?! do they need?! motivates them? What... do they think they know?! do they want to be?! makes them feel insecure?! boosts their ego? 2.! Know yourself.

To thine own self be true! Hamlet Act 1, scene 3 x 3.! Understand! your task. Connect with your audience.! Direct and hold attention.! Promote understanding and memory. Kosslyn 2007

4.! Understand! the limitations! at hand INFO TIME UNIT 5.! Study! all types of communication. Attention! Interest! Desire! Action

I've morethan than9,000 9000shots shots I ve missed missed more in in my career. I've lost almost 300 my career. I ve lost almost 300 games. games. I've been trusted 26 times,26 I vetimes, been trusted to take the to take the game winning shot game winning shot and missed. I veand missed. failed overi've andfail50 over and over again in ed over andthat over again in my life. And is and why over I succeed. my life. And that is why I succeed. RHETORIC EthOS PATHOS LOGOS EthOS PAThOs

LOGOS Who?! What?! Where?! When?! How?! Why? Exordium! QUID?! QUIS?! QUARE?! UBI?! QUANDO?! MODO?! PER QUAE FACTA SUNT? Narratio! Propositio! Probatio! Refutation! Peroratio Introduction! Background! Thesis! Proof! Refutation! Conclusion Title! (Abstract)! Introduction! Materials & Methods! Results! Conclusions! References! Acknowledgements

Public Speaking ANXIETY Alex Kapterev: Death by PowerPoint and how to fight it (2007)

1. SIGNIFICANCE Why does it matter? How do I grab their attention? What do I want them to do? 2. STRUCTURE Convincing Memorable Scalable

3. SIMPLICITY One point per slide. 4. Images whenever possible. Few matching colors. Very few fonts. REHERSAL Present it aloud. Get feedback. Check room & equipment.

Dale Carnegie:! 1. How to Develop! Self-Confidence &! Influence People by! Public Speaking! (1926) AROUSE! 2. YOUR! ENTHUSIASM PREPARE 3.

4. ACT! CONFIDENT PRACTICE PowerPoint Sir Winston! Churchill! 1874 1965

We shall fight in France on the seas and oceans with growing confidence and growing strength in the air on the beaches on the landing grounds in fields and in the streets in the hills. Bottom line: We shall never surrender!!! Pizza Margherita dough! tomatoes! basil! mozarella KISS Pizza Powerpointo two fonts! three colors! white background! stock photos

Hinder är till för att röjas bort. CARP CRAP CONTRAST ALIGNMENT


serif A sans-serif Don t worry, be happy DON T WORRY, BE HAPPY. Radio SMTM i Östhammar började sin verksamhet i juni 1927 efter en mängd trevande försök utan resultat. All början är ju svår, när man själv måste experimentera sig till en sändare, och naturligtvis var glädjen stor, då den första förbindelsen uppnåddes. Hela tiden har jag använt endast några få watt. Vid de första försöken begagnades ett Philips B 406 och ett vanligt anodbatteri om 100 volt; efter någon tid övergick jag till 2 rör parallellt (4-5 watt max.).!! Men att köra med torrbatteri var ju inte ekonomiskt och hade dessutom den olägenheten, att signalerna försvunno vid slutet av en lång förbindelse, då spänningen i batteriet sjönk. Fördenskull anskaffades en likriktare i avsikt att begagna nätspänningen. Med hjälp av ett likriktarrör Rectron, som visat sig vara utmärkt, upptransformeras nu nätspänningen på 127 volt. Den maximala likriktade spänningen är 220 volt.

Feedback cycle ZETA! Marketing dpt collects feedback & requests! Product owner compiles backlog En text om vad som helst!! Här har jag ett tips till dig som skriver:! Tänk visuellt!!! Development dpt designs new features & improves product! Production dpt modifies product Då ökar du chansen att nå fram till dagens jäktade läsare som låter ögat kretsa över ytan och hugga åt sig enstaka läckerbitar.! Avslutande stycke För att visa hur fint det kan se ut med en punktlista kommer ett exempel här:!!! Marketing introduces modified product! Marketing dpt collects feedback & requests Punktlistans första rad. Punktlistans andra rad. Punktlistans tredje rad.! Repeat Funktion och estetik går helt enkelt hand i hand! 09/16/2008 Feature requests Backlog Market introduction Development Product improvement Strasbourg Bordeaux Offices in France "Lyon (main office) "Paris "Marseille "Bordeaux "Strasbourg 09/16/2008 Paris Lyon Marseille ZETA SOLUTIONS COST CUTTING CONSULTANTS AB 2007 You are the main attraction.! Interact with your slides.! B means black.! Use stickies.! Remove the clutter.! White is beautiful.! Keep looking for useful pictures.! Learn a little about graphic design 94

Research posters Why attend a scientific meeting? Educate yourself.! Set your benchmarks.! Get new ideas.! Get feedback on preliminary results.! Market your research and your group.! Network.! Plan and boost your career. Basics

View it as an illustrated abstract. Two main elements: data displays supporting text. Think BIG! Simplicity is bliss. Don t be too creative. Prepare your verbal explanations.

Olle Bergman! M.Sc. Chemical Engineering! olle@bergman! www.ollebergman.se!! TIME TO TIDY UP! Believe in your self and love your subject.! Learn the formal rules.! Get attention by being passionate. Grab attention by being creative.! Study the world around you: observe, observe, observe.! Dare, experiment and get feedback.! Enjoy your success you ve earned it! The Scientia Crastina MANIFESTO DRAFT 1 Be more passionate and creative in your communication, both with colleagues and the outside world.! 2 Learn from other domains, e.g. rhetorics, advertising, drama.! 3 Use social media and digital media in a strategic way.! 4 Be curious and explore new ways of communication but also cultivate your judgement: is this right for me and the current context? DRAFT

Seth Godin, entrepeneur & speaker well, why say it? you've written everything out and your main goal is to say nothing controversial, nothing memorable, nothing that might get you in trouble... If you're a bit nervous and you've written everything out and your main goal is to say nothing controversial, nothing memorable, nothing that might get you in trouble... The Only Reason to Give a Speech Is to Change the World! Nick Morgan, communication coach