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Intro till Period 2 TDDD45 Mattias Arvola mattias.arvola@liu.se Avancerade föreläsningar Kognition Grafiska användargränssnitt Visuell kommunikation och ubicomp Förebildsanalys Projekt Förarbete: Kontextuell undersökning, personas, scenarios, och krav Designarbete: Storyboards, pappersprototyp och utvärdering Kritik på annan grupps rapportutkast Vill man ta en egen vinkel ska man snacka med handledaren Customer forecasting Tryckt elektronik Ger elektronik som är Trycks i tryckpressar på papper, plast och textil som blir aktiv. Kan blandas med traditionell elektronik. Alla objekt i vår omgivning blir smarta i syfte att berika eller underlätta vår vardag: ubiquitous computing billig lätt vikbar miljövänlig tunn rull- och böjbar enkelt massproducerad genomskinlig stretchbar bärbar lager på lager ätbar (!) varje exemplar är unikt täcker stora ytor

Produktmöjligheter Smart papper/böcker Smarta etiketter Självjusterande bästföredatum Smarta plåster Smart militär utrustning och tält Ljussatta miljöer Solceller Elektronisk konst Mindre personlig elektronik med större skärmar RFID på mat Smarta piller Säkra leksaker och spel Obligatorisk individuell uppgift Analys av form och beteende i det designarbete som genomförts i projektarbetet. Analysen sker utifrån de begrepp som tas upp i Del 2 av Cooper m.fl. (2007, sid. 147-320), samt Shneiderman (1997), Marcus (1998) och Gaver (1991). Valfri individuell uppgift Skissarbete på detaljerad interaktion Cooper m.fl. (2007, sid. 321-563), Baskinger (2008), Truong m.fl. (2006) och Forlizzi & DiSalvo (2009). Lämnas ut kl 9 den 13 dec. Lämnas in kl 16 den 14 dec. Lokal meddelas senare. Deadlines http://www.ida.liu.se/~tddd45/ Lärare Mattias Arvola (Fil. Dr.) examinator, lektor i interaktionsdesign, IDA/LiU och KMIT/SH Eva Linde, lärare i interaction design, designmasterstudent, IDA/LiU Magnus Bång (Fil. Dr.), lektor i medicinsk informatik IDA/LiU Kognition och användargränssnitt

Digitala designmaterial Abstraktioner: Representationer baserad på digital, dvs. binär logik Procedurer: Bearbetning av output baserat på input, dvs. automata. Tidsbaserat. Oändligt formbart, inget ursprungligt, och helt nätverksbaserat Affordances Affordances are properties of the world that are compatible with and relevant for people s interactions. When affordances are perceptible, they offer a direct link between perception and action; hidden and false affordances lead to mistakes. Complex actions can be understood in terms of groups of affordances that are sequential in time or nested in space, and in terms of the abilities of different media to reveal them. Perceptuell info finns Affordance finns ej falsk affordance uppfattad affordance korrekt avvisande gömd affordance Affordance finns Perceptuell info finns ej Metaforer Carrying across Substituting one sign for another in order to make communication more effective. Varför? Represent people, objects, structures, and processes, e.g., in a GUI, dropping a file in a desktop trash can is equivalent to deleting the file. Describe a structure or process: e.g., in a GUI, an outline file/ folder list refers to a hierarchical structure. Explain causes and effects of a structure or process, e.g., in a GUI, a progress bar "explains" the delay in downloading a file. Express concepts or values, e.g., in a GUI, a recycling arrow instead of a trash can suggests re-use or ecology. What is a computer? Medium, tool, character, place, system, dream... How can we explain and structure this so it is familiar to our users? Structural: an outline structure represents a nested folder/file structure. Operational: dragging and dropping a file to the trash represents deleting the file. Pragmatic: Concrete desktop objects and processes represent abstract components of the operating system.

Investigating metaphors Ask people to explain systems and processes, and make use of their explanations in your design. User interfaces are about action Procedures: Tasks and action sequences User interface prompts that precede every action required to accomplish the task (entry/input) The action (body/function) The reaction of the interface to each action (exit/output) Describing prompts and reactions Visual, auditory, tactile, haptic, or other sensory features contributing to perceived affordances and feedback Content Timing and response time Objects in graphical user interfaces Apple Human Interface Guidelines Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines User interface design patterns: Yahoo Design Pattern Library Tidwell s Designing Interfaces van Welie s Patterns in Interaction Design Dilineation Laying out the design statically is only suitable for designs that don t change. Enumeration Describing all possible forms.

Instantiation 3 4 One or more instances of the form is given to the reader and the rest is to be inferred 1 Schematization Object state transition charts (OSTCs) An abstract or indirect representation that is generative (can generate the variants): <command> = <action> [<filename>] <action> = display delete edit encrypt 2 Cognitive Walkthrough Focuses on ease of learning by exploration where the user is a complete novice. Construct a task: Identify users goals and break it down to sub-goals and sub-task Act as the user, and document problems of each sub-task in every part of the action cycle. 1. Define input to the walkthrough Identification of the users Sample tasks for evaluation Action sequences for completing the tasks Desription or implementation of the interface

Task: I want my phone calls to be forwarded to my associate s office. My associate s number is 492-1234. Action sequence: 1. Pick up the receiver. Phone: dial tone 2. Press #2 (Command to cancel forwarding). Phone: bip bip bip 3. Hang up the receiver. 4. Pick up the receiver. Phone: dial tone 5. Press *2 (Command to forward calls). Phone: dial tone 6. Press 21234. Phone: bip bip bip 7. Hang up the receiver. Interface: The phone is a standard size, touchtone phone located on the professor s desk. There is a template that overlays the telephone s keypad (we assume it has not been mislaid) that includes the follwoing material: FWD *2 CNCL #2 SEND ALL *3 CNCL #2 2. Convene the analysts and 3. Walk through the action sequences for each task Tell a credible story of why users would choose that action considering: Will the user try to achieve right effect? Will the user notice that the correct action is available? Will the user associate the correct action with the effect that user is trying to achieve? If the correct action is performed, will the user see that progress i being made toward solution of the task? 4. Record critical information, and 5. Revise the interface Will the users try to acheive the right effect? Users may know what effect to achieve: User knowledge requirements Assumptions about the user population Notes about side issues and design changes The credible success story The task is to print a document, but the first thing they have to do is select a printer. Will they know that they should be trying to get a printer selected? Because it is part of their original task, or Because they have experience using a system, or Because the system tells them to do it

Will the user notice that the correct action is available? If the action is to select from a visible menu, there is not problem. But if it s to triple-cklick the printer icon, the user may never think of it. Users may know an action is avilable By experience, or By seeing some device (like a button), or By seeing a representation of an action (like a menu entry) Will the user associate the correct action with the effect trying to be achieved? If there s a menu item that says, select printer, things will go smoothly; not so if the menu says SysP. Users may know an action is appropriate for the effect they are trying to acheive: If the correct action is performed, will the user see that progress is being made toward solution of the task? Users may know things are going OK after an action: By experience, or Because the interface provides a prompt or label that connexts the action to what they are trying to do, or Because all other actions look wrong If after selecting the printer a dialog box states that the Printer is Laser in Room 105, great. The worst case is no feedback. By experience, or By recognizing a connection between a system response and what they were trying to do.

Summary Affordances Metaphors User interfaces are about tasks, action sequences, actions, their entry (prompts), body, and exit (reactions). Cognitive walkthrough: for walk-up-and-use