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EXPERT SURVEY OF THE NEWS MEDIA THE SHORENSTEIN CENTER ON THE PRESS, POLITICS & PUBLIC POLICY JOHN F. KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MA 0238 PIPPA_NORRIS@HARVARD.EDU. FAX: (67) 495 8696. OCTOBER 26, 999 SWEDEN The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University is conducting an international survey about the news media. The main aim is to develop reliable indicators that can be used to compare news in different countries. We are interested in your answers to the following items. To complete electronically or by hand, just put an x in the relevant box on each line. The survey is brief with only 2 questions. It would be appreciated if you could return the reply by email, fax or mail by st December 999. All responses will be treated in confidence. The results will be released into the public domain on by st July 2000 if you want to download this data for secondary analysis. Many thanks for your help with this survey! Pippa Norris. Newspapers vary in their news coverage. Using the following ten point scale, where = left and 0 = right, could you tell me where you would the position of the following papers in their news coverage? Position of newspaper news coverage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0. GT/Tidningen GT. Kvällsposten 2. Arbetet 3. Tidningen Hallands Nyheter 4. Tidningen NWT 5. Tidningen Gävleborgsposten 6. Tidningen SDS 7. Land 8. Tidningen Sk nska Dagbladet 9. ATL 2. Ny Dag

Position of newspaper news coverage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2. Newspapers also vary in their editorials. Using the following ten point scale, where = left and 0 = right, could you tell me where you would the position of the following papers in their editorials? Position of Newspaper Editorials 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0. GT/Tidningen GT. Kvällsposten 2. Arbetet 3. Tidningen Hallands Nyheter 4. Tidningen NWT 5. Tidningen Gävleborgsposten 6. Tidningen SDS 7. Land 8. Tidningen Sk nska Dagbladet 9. ATL 2. Ny Dag 3. Television news programs also vary in their political leanings. Using the following ten point scale, where = left and 0 = right, could you tell me where you would the position of the main evening news programs, if shown, on the following TV channels? Position of Main Evening News Programs. Kanal /TV 0. Kanal 6 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Position of Main Evening News Programs. Eurosport 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2. TV-000 3 CNN 4 Sky 4. Parties also vary in their political leanings. Using the following ten point scale, where = left and 0 = right, could you tell me where you would the position of the main parties in your country? Position of Parties 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Moderaterna Folkpartiet Centern Kds Socialdemokraterna Vänsterpartiet Ny demokrati Miljöpartiet Other Party (please specify) 5. And using the following ten point scale, where = left and 0 = right, could you tell me where you would your own position? to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Self 6. Turning to other matters, papers also differ in how much attention they give in their front-page news to politics, public affairs and international news and how much they give to entertainment, celebrities, crime and sports. Using the following ten-point scale, could you tell me where you would the following newspapers? Newspaper Coverage to Most attention to politics, public affairs & international news 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Most attention to entertainment, celebrities, crime & sports. 0. GT/Tidningen GT. Kvällsposten 2. Arbetet 3. Tidningen Hallands Nyheter 4. Tidningen NWT 5. Tidningen Gävleborgsposten 6. Tidningen SDS 7. Land 8. Tidningen Sk nska Dagbladet 9. ATL 3

Newspaper Coverage 20. Tidningen Norrländska Socialdemokrater 2. Ny Dag to Most attention to politics, public affairs & international news 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Most attention to entertainment, celebrities, crime & sports. 7. Television news programs also differ in how much attention they give to politics, public affairs and international news and how much they give to entertainment, celebrities, crime and sports. Using the following ten-point scale, could you tell me where you would the position of the main evening news programmes, if shown, on the following TV channels? Television news coverage. Kanal /TV to Most attention to politics, public affairs & international news 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Most attention to entertainment, celebrities, crime & sports. 0. Kanal 6. Eurosport 2. TV-000 3 CNN 4 Sky 8. Newspapers also vary in how much they are in favor or against European Union institutions and policies. Using the following ten point scale, where = favors and 0= against, could you tell me where you would the position of following newspapers? Position of Newspaper 0. GT/Tidningen GT Favors 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Against

Position of Newspaper. Kvällsposten Favors 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Against 2. Arbetet 3. Tidningen Hallands Nyheter 4. Tidningen NWT 5. Tidningen Gävleborgsposten 6. Tidningen SDS 7. Land 8. Tidningen Sk nska Dagbladet 9. ATL 2. Ny Dag 9. Television news programs also vary in how much they are in favor or against European Union institutions and policies. Using the following ten point scale, where = favors and 0= against the EU, could you tell me where you would the position of the main evening news programs, if shown, on the following TV channels? Position of TV main evening news programs. Kanal /TV 0. Kanal 6. Eurosport 2. TV-000 3 CNN 4 Sky Favors the EU 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Against 0. Television channels differ in how far they are or are not supported by public funds, like fees or government subsidies. Using the following ten point scale, where = no public funding and 0= full public funding, could you tell me where you would the following TV channels? Support for TV Channels. Kanal /TV No 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Full

Support for TV Channels No 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Full 0. Kanal 6. Eurosport 2. TV-000 3 CNN 4 Sky. Newspapers also vary in how much they play a watchdog role criticizing government. Using the following ten point scale, where = Not very critical and 0= Very critical, could you tell me where you would the position of following newspapers? Newspaper s role towards government Not very critical 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Very critical 0. GT/Tidningen GT. Kvällsposten 2. Arbetet 3. Tidningen Hallands Nyheter 4. Tidningen NWT 5. Tidningen Gävleborgsposten 6. Tidningen SDS 7. Land 8. Tidningen Sk nska Dagbladet 9. ATL 2. Ny Dag 6

2. Lastly, for information about the news media in your area, could you indicate in which region of the country you live? (Please put an X against one.) Region: Stockholm Östra Mellansverige Smäland Med Öarna Sydsverige Västsverige Norra Mellansverige Mellersta Norrland + Övre Norrland I live in Many thanks for completing the survey! The data will be made available on by st July 2000 for anyone interested in downloading the results for secondary analysis. Date: / / 999 REF NO. Pippa Norris Please return by st December 999: BY EMAIL: PIPPA_NORRIS@HARVARD.EDU. OR BY FAX: US+ (67) 495 8696. Or by airmail: Pippa Norris, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 0238, USA. 7