CELL PLANNING. 1 Definitions
- Solveig Bengtsson
- för 9 år sedan
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1 CELL PLANNING The following questions in the questionnaire will be answered in full detail even if the relevant information is found in your application. Your answers in the questionnaire will not differ from your submitted application. You must include all information asked by these questions in the format presented by this questionnaire. Please feel free to include more relevant information if you feel it is necessary. The following questions will only be answered for your UMTS cell plan, please do not include any information on the GSM cell plan. Table of Contents 1. Definitions 2. General Questions 3. Capacity Questions 4. Coverage Questions 5. Questions 1 Definitions 1.1 Cell and Site: Cell Area (sector) Cell Area (sector) Site (3 sectors) Omni Cell Site 3 sector Site 1.2 A user: is defined as a subscription, this may include machine-to-machine services. 1.3 Area type definition (clutter type, land usage, topographical information):,, and. area will be classified as all urban areas such as dense urban and/or extreme urban. will include all light and heavy suburban area. will be classified as all area types other than urban and suburban. If you have used more than the area types presented in this document please feel free to include information concerning them. 1.4 The year is presented as the end of the calendar year. Example: 2003 = December 31, (15)
2 2 General Questions 2.1. Please give a short summary describing the process and methods used in the design of your UMTS cell plan What tools where used to assist your design of the UMTS cell plan? 2.3. If a tool was used to aid you in the design your UMTS cell plan, Please include a short description of the tool. This will include features used to help design a WCDMA radio network Please describe the map database used in the radio network design in full detail. Map Company Map projection Reference data Resolution Please list all area types used 2.5. Please give a your definition of the area types (clutter types, land usage, topographical information) used in your radio network plan Please include a complete list of the site database from your radio network design. This file should be made available in Microsoft Excel format (*.xls) or Map Info Professional table/point-layer format. Format of files should have seven unique columns with: Cell ID, X coordinates, Y coordinates in projection RT Gon V., effective antenna height, antenna azimuth, antenna tilt and pilot power. This database should note include any GSM cells Please include complete coverage maps for the entire Sweden, as one unique geometrical object in one vector layer. The coverage map should only show coverage of the field strength of 58dBµV/m/5MHz measured at 1.7m or better and the site locations. The coverage map should be in Map Info format with the projection RT90 as stated in the previous question above, For each question please make a reference to the section the information is located in your application. 2(15)
3 3 Capacity Questions 3.1. Please describe the overall process used in the capacity calculations for designing your UMTS cell plan. The description will include all relevant information necessary to the overall capacity requirements in your UMTS network Please fill in the total number of users in your network design per län and the users per km2 (user density) for the area types. You may include more user information if more than one area type has been defined in your UMTS cell plan Total Number Users per km2 Users Users per km2 Users per km2 3(15)
4 2009 Total Number Users per km2 Users Users per km2 Users per km2 4(15)
5 3.3. Please fill in the total number of cells in each län and area type. You may include more cell information if more than one area type has been defined in your radio network design. Please describe the requirements and assumptions that you have used. The area the cell is located will be determined by the cells X coordinates and Y coordinates Total number of cells Cells per urban area Cells per suburban area Cells per other area 5(15)
6 2009 Total number of cells Cells per urban area Cells per suburban area Cells per other area 3.4. What is the total traffic generated from your users? The traffic will be presented from the services offered in your network (voice + all data services = total traffic per user [kbps]). All traffic will be presented in kbps. These figures will be presented for busy hour. Area Type 2003 Forward Link Voice traffic Data service per user [kbps] [kbps] Total traffic per user [kbps] Area Type Area Type 2009 Forward Link Voice traffic Data service per subscriber [kbps] [kbps] 2003 Reverse Link Voice traffic Data service per subscriber [kbps] [kbps] Total traffic per user [kbps] Total traffic per user [kbps] 6(15)
7 Area Type 2009 Reverse Link Voice traffic Data service per subscriber [kbps] [kbps] Total traffic per user [kbps] 3.5. Please describe in detail all formulas, parameters and assumptions used to calculate the traffic per user presented in question What maximum cell load did you assume for your cell plan for each area type? Please give a full description of all formulas, parameters and assumptions used in the calculations. The cell load will be presented for busy hour. You may include more significant information if more than one area type has been defined in your UMTS cell plan design. Area type Cell Load [%] 3.7. Please fill in the forecasted cell traffic (total amount of forecasted users in each cell * total traffic per user) and cell load for each area type. The figures will be busy hour. The cell size used per area type for calculations will be the ones presented in your application. Cell traffic [kbps/km2] 2003 Cell Load [%] Cell traffic [kbps/km2] Cell Load [%] Cell traffic [kbps/km2] Cell Load [%] 7(15)
8 Cell traffic [kbps/km2] 2009 Cell Load Cell traffic [%] [kbps/km2] Cell Load Cell traffic [%] [kbps/km2] Cell Load [%] 3.8. Please show all formulas, parameters and assumptions used to calculate the load per cell and area used for question (15)
9 3.9. Please illustrate the total system capacity for each län and area type. (total amount of cells in each län * total available capacity in each Node B). Please note how many carries you are using Forward Link 2003 Reverse Link 9(15)
10 2009 Forward Link 2009 Reverse Link Please describe in detail all formulas, parameters and assumptions used in your calculations presented in question (15)
11 3.11. For each question please make a reference to the section the information is located in your application. 4 Coverage questions 4.1. Please describe the process you used to calculate the cell radius and the cell area. This description will include all formulas, parameters and assumptions. Please note where you have used sector sites and omni sites in your radio network design. This will give the cell size as presented in section G.1.5 in your application Please describe the propagation models used in your coverage calculations. This description will include all formulas, parameters, assumptions and correction factors. Please note any changes made in the radio wave propagation models to account for real life situations Please describe your definition of 95% area probability coverage. What assumptions, parameters did you use to calculate the area probability? 4.4. Please show how you converted the field strength of 58dBµV/m/5MHz measured at 1.7m to a dbm value Please describe how you calculated the pilot output power from different area types. Include all formulas, parameters and assumptions that where used. Area Type Node B nominal output power [dbm] Pilot Power [dbm] Average traffic channel output power [dbm] % of total power used for common control channels 4.6. How did you calculate the EiRP for the Node B? The description should include all necessary information to find the correct EiRP. If more than one antenna height was used for the area please expand on the table below. Parameters Height of Antenna [m] Max Node B Output Power [dbm] Antenna Gain [dbi] Feeder Type [size, loss db/100m] Feeder Loss [total loss db] Jumper, connector [db] Miscellaneous Loss [db] Miscellaneous Gain [db] EiRP [db] 11(15)
12 4.7. Please fill in the link budget table and give a detailed explanation on each value used in your link budget. The explanation will include how and why you used the value. Please feel free to expand the table if you feel it is necessary. Uplink Budget (Reverse Link) Parameter Value Explanation UE Class TX Power per traffic channel of the UE Bit rate Thermal noise density Receiver noise figure Total effective of noise interference density Information Rate Required Eb/No Receiver sensitivity Power Control Margin Load Factor Interference Margin Handoff gain (urban+suburban) Handoff gain (other) Log Normal Fading Margin (urban) Log Normal Fading Margin () Log Normal Fading Margin (other) In Building Loss () In Building Loss () In Building Loss (other) In Car Loss Body Loss (at 2000Mhz) Maximum path loss urban [outdoor] Maximum path loss [outdoor] Maximum path loss [outdoor] Maximum path loss urban [indoor] Maximum path loss [indoor] Maximum path loss [indoor] Maximum path loss urban [in car] Maximum path loss [in car] Maximum path loss [in car] 12(15)
13 Downlink Budget (Forward Link) Parameter Value Explanation Bit rate Thermal noise density Receiver noise figure Total effective of noise interference density Information Rate Required Eb/No Receiver sensitivity Power Control Margin Load Factor Interference Margin Handoff gain (urban+suburban) Handoff gain (other) Log Normal Fading Margin (urban) Log Normal Fading Margin () Log Normal Fading Margin (other) In Building Loss () In Building Loss () In Building Loss (other) In Car Loss Body Loss (at 2000Mhz) Maximum path loss urban [outdoor] Maximum path loss [outdoor] Maximum path loss [outdoor] Maximum path loss urban [indoor] Maximum path loss [indoor] Maximum path loss [indoor] Maximum path loss urban [in car] Maximum path loss [in car] Maximum path loss [in car] 4.8. Please include all technical information on the types of antennas used in your radio network design. Information should include: gain of the antenna, antenna vertical and horizontal patterns and all additional technical specifications for each antenna used. Please note if the antenna is available on the market Please describe the principles and strategies used for your antenna system design. Information including: the choice of your antenna types, antenna heights and locations. Please include any documented technical information concerning coverage from these strategies. 13(15)
14 4.10. Based on PTS required signal strength level, what will be the maximum bit rate you guarantee for a single user at the cell border? Please specify the data class. Cell size used per each area type for the calculations will be the ones presented in your application. Indoor Outdoor Area type Maximum bit rate at the cell border Area type Maximum bit rate at the cell border Based on PTS required signal strength level, what will be the maximum bit rate you guarantee for your total predicted users per cell at the cell border? This should be presented for busy hour busy day. Include all calculations pertaining to the question. Please specify the data class. Cell size used per each area type for the calculations will be the ones presented in your application. Indoor Outdoor Area type Maximum bit rate at the cell border Area type Maximum bit rate at the cell border Please fill in the following table showing your calculated minimum signal strength [dbm] at the cell border, at 95% area probability for the following service types. LCD=Long Constrained Delay, UDD=Unconstrained Delayed Data Indoor Signal Strength [dbm] Service Speech LCD 64 UDD 64 UDD 144 UDD 384 Outdoor Signal Strength [dbm] Service Speech LCD 64 UDD 64 UDD 144 UDD For each question please make a reference to the section the information is located in your application. 14(15)
15 5 Questions 5.1. Please give a full description of the parameters and definitions used in your QoS (Quality of Service) requirements. Please describe your definition of network and service availability. Please note any differences in your QoS requirements compared to those presented in 3GPP R99 Specifications What assumptions did you make concerning the coverage of the SCB squares? How much of the SCB square needed to be covered for you to consider the full population of the square to be covered? 5.3. What assumptions did you make concerning the people (SCB squares) that live isolated in different regions of Sweden? These people where unable to be located due to privacy reasons Please explain in detail, any future technologies or special features that are used in the UMTS radio design to help you calculate the total number sites. Please include a detailed description of each technology and the gains of using these technologies and their impacts For each question, please make a reference to the section the information is located in your application. 15(15)
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55R R
55R-01 4050 55R-01 4049 65 Renault Espace 2015» 652-124x rev. 2016-07-11 ND Congratulations on purchasing an ATS towbar Alexo Towbars Sweden offer quality towbars produced as a result of direct market
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