Basfakta för investerare

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Basfakta för investerare


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Basfakta för investerare Detta faktablad riktar sig till investerare och innehåller basfakta om denna fond. Detta är inte reklammaterial. Det är information som krävs enligt lag för att hjälpa dig att förstå vad en investering i fonden innebär och riskerna med detta. Du rekommenderas att läsa den så att du kan fatta ett välgrundat investeringsbeslut. Mål och placeringsinriktning CPR Silver Age - P ISIN-kod: (C/D) FR0010836163 Fonden förvaltas av CPR Asset Management, ett företag i Amundi Group AMF-klassificering (den franska finansmyndigheten): Internationella aktier. När du tecknar dig för fondandelar i CPR Silver Age - P investerar du i en portfölj av europeiska aktier inriktade på temat den åldrande befolkningen. Fondens mål är att på lång sikt överträffa indexet MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad). Indexet MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) fungerar som indikator för att uppskatta portföljens avkastning, utan att begränsa förvaltningen. Indexet finns tillgängligt på webbplatsen: Fonden eftersträvar att välja ut de europeiska värdepapper som ger bäst avkastning inom olika sektorer och drar nytta av en åldrande befolkning (läkemedel, medicinsk utrustning, sparande etc.). Inom det här investeringsområdet sker förvaltningen i två steg: Fördelningen mellan de olika sektorerna sker mot bakgrund av deras tillväxtutsikter, medan valet av värdepapper inom varje sektor görs enligt en metod som är både kvantitativ och kvalitativ, och som tar hänsyn till såväl likviditet som börsvärde. Fonden avser att vara helt investerad i europeiska aktier. Exponeringen mot aktier ska vara mellan 75 % och 120 % av portföljens tillgångar. Beträffande förvaltningen av likvida medel kan portföljen även ha upp till 25 % investerade i penningmarknads- och ränteprodukter. Finansiella terminskontrakt eller tillfälliga köp och försäljningar av värdepapper kan användas som risksäkring och/eller för att optimera exponeringen. CPR Silver Age - P har en rekommenderad placeringshorisont på 5 år. CPR Silver Age - P ackumulering och/eller utdelning av nettoresultatet och den realiserade värdeökningen netto. Du kan lösa in dina andelar till det andelsvärde som beräknas dagligen enligt de villkor som anges i prospektet. Risk/avkastningsprofil Lägre risk Lägre möjlig avkastning Högre risk Högre möjlig avkastning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fondens risknivå speglar dess investeringsinriktning mot europeiska aktier. Historiska data som används för att beräkna risk/avkastningsindikatorn kan vara ett otillförlitligt mått på Fondens framtida riskprofil. Fondens riskkategori är inte garanterad och kan förändras med tiden. Den lägsta riskkategorin innebär inte att investeringen är riskfri. Kapitalet är inte garanterat. De stora riskerna för fondföretaget som inte tas med i beräkningen är: Likviditetsrisk: Risken att en finansmarknad, på grund av låg omsättning eller marknadsoro, inte kan hantera köp- eller försäljningsvolymerna utan att priset på tillgångarna stiger eller faller markant. Risk för motvärde: det innebär risk för obestånd för en marknadspart som hindrar denne från att uppfylla sina åtaganden gentemot din portfölj. Användningen av finansiella terminskontrakt kan öka eller minska hävstångseffekten i portföljrörelserna. Om någon av dessa risker skulle inträffa kan Fondens andelsvärde minska. Mer information om risker finns i avsnittet om riskprofil i Fondens prospekt. CPR Silver Age - P Version du : 4/06/2013 1

Avgifter De avgifter och arvoden som betalas täcker driftkostnaderna för fondföretaget, däribland kostnader för försäljning och distribution av andelarna, dessa kostnader minskar investeringarnas tillväxtpotential. De insättnings- och uttagsavgifter som anges är Engångsavgifter som debiteras före eller efter investeringstillfället maximibelopp. I vissa fall kan avgifterna vara lägre - du Teckningsavgift 5,00 % kan få mer information hos din ekonomiska rådgivare. Inlösenavgift Ingen *Den årliga avgiften grundas på siffrorna för Dessa belopp motsvarar den högsta procentsats som kan dras från ditt föregående räkenskapsår, som avslutades i december kapital innan det investeras (teckning) eller som inte betalas tillbaka till 2012. Denna siffra kan variera från ett år till ett annat. dig (inlösen). Den omfattar inte: Avgifter som debiteras fonden under året Resultatrelaterad avgift. Förmedlingsavgifter, med undantag för insättnings- Årlig avgift 1,86 % inklusive skatt och uttagsavgifter som betalas av Fonden när den Avgifter som debiteras från Fonden under vissa specifika köper eller säljer andelar i en annan omständigheter värdepappersfond. Resultatrelaterad avgift 15 % inklusive skatt på Fondens överavkastning i jämförelse med VR** +1 %, dock högst 2 % av nettotillgångarna Vid föregående års bokslut motsvarade denna avgift 1,67 % av de genomsnittliga nettotillgångarna **VR: Referensvärde: MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) Mer information om avgifter finns i avsnittet om avgifter och arvoden i Fondens prospekt, som finns att tillgå på eller på begäran hos förvaltningsbolaget. Tidigare resultat 30 %. 25 20 15 10 5 0-5 -10 13,5% -9,0% 26,8% Diagrammet ger ingen tillförlitlig vägledning om framtida resultat. Fonden bildades 2009. Den avkastning som anges här avser CPR Silver Age - P som bildades 2009. Mer information finns på vår webbplats Fonden har ingen referensindikator. MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) anges som jämförelse. Den årliga avkastningen beräknas på grundval av andelsvärden uttryckta i euro. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CPR Silver Age - P Indice Praktisk information Förvaringsinstitutets namn: Caceis Bank France. Var och hur information kan inhämtas om Fonden (prospekt, årsrapport, delårsrapporter) och/eller andra andelsklasser: Informationsmaterialet kan erhållas kostnadsfritt efter skriftlig begäran till följande adress: CPR Asset Management 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 Paris Cedex 15. Beroende på din skattestatus kan eventuella kapitalvinster och inkomster från värdepappersinnehav i Fonden vara skattepliktiga. Vi rekommenderar att du tar reda på vad som gäller hos fondföretagets återförsäljare. Andelsvärdet finns tillgängligt vid varje beräkning hos förvaltningsbolaget. CPR Asset Management kan hållas ansvarigt endast om ett påstående i detta faktablad är vilseledande, felaktigt eller oförenligt med de relevanta delarna av Fondens prospekt. Fonden är auktoriserad i Frankrike och tillsyn utövas av den franska finansmyndigheten (AMF). CPR Asset Management är auktoriserat i Frankrike och tillsyn utövas av AMF. Dessa basfakta för investerare gäller per den 4 juni 2013. CPR Silver Age - P Version du : 4/06/2013 2

Basfakta för investerare Detta faktablad riktar sig till investerare och innehåller basfakta om denna fond. Detta är inte reklammaterial. Det är information som krävs enligt lag för att hjälpa dig att förstå vad en investering i fonden innebär och riskerna med detta. Du rekommenderas att läsa den så att du kan fatta ett välgrundat investeringsbeslut. Mål och placeringsinriktning CPR Silver Age - I ISIN-kod: (C/D) FR0010838284 Fonden förvaltas av CPR Asset Management, ett företag i Amundi Group AMF-klassificering (den franska finansmyndigheten): Internationella aktier. När du tecknar dig för fondandelar i CPR Silver Age - I investerar du i en portfölj av europeiska aktier inriktade på temat den åldrande befolkningen. Fondens mål är att på lång sikt överträffa indexet MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad). Indexet MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) fungerar som indikator för att uppskatta portföljens avkastning, utan att begränsa förvaltningen. Indexet finns tillgängligt på webbplatsen: Fonden eftersträvar att välja ut de europeiska värdepapper som ger bäst avkastning inom olika sektorer och drar nytta av en åldrande befolkning (läkemedel, medicinsk utrustning, sparande etc.). Inom det här investeringsområdet sker förvaltningen i två steg: Fördelningen mellan de olika sektorerna sker mot bakgrund av deras tillväxtutsikter, medan valet av värdepapper inom varje sektor görs enligt en metod som är både kvantitativ och kvalitativ, och som tar hänsyn till såväl likviditet som börsvärde. Fonden avser att vara helt investerad i europeiska aktier. Exponeringen mot aktier ska vara mellan 75 % och 120 % av portföljens tillgångar. Beträffande förvaltningen av likvida medel kan portföljen även ha upp till 25 % investerade i penningmarknads- och ränteprodukter. Finansiella terminskontrakt eller tillfälliga köp och försäljningar av värdepapper kan användas som risksäkring och/eller för att optimera exponeringen. CPR Silver Age - I har en rekommenderad placeringshorisont på 5 år. CPR Silver Age - I ackumulering och/eller utdelning av nettoresultatet och den realiserade värdeökningen netto. Du kan lösa in dina andelar till det andelsvärde som beräknas dagligen enligt de villkor som anges i prospektet. Risk/avkastningsprofil Lägre risk Lägre möjlig avkastning Högre risk Högre möjlig avkastning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fondens risknivå speglar dess investeringsinriktning mot europeiska aktier. Historiska data som används för att beräkna risk/avkastningsindikatorn kan vara ett otillförlitligt mått på Fondens framtida riskprofil. Fondens riskkategori är inte garanterad och kan förändras med tiden. Den lägsta riskkategorin innebär inte att investeringen är riskfri. Kapitalet är inte garanterat. De stora riskerna för fondföretaget som inte tas med i beräkningen är: Likviditetsrisk: Risken att en finansmarknad, på grund av låg omsättning eller marknadsoro, inte kan hantera köp- eller försäljningsvolymerna utan att priset på tillgångarna stiger eller faller markant. Risk för motvärde: det innebär risk för obestånd för en marknadspart som hindrar denne från att uppfylla sina åtaganden gentemot din portfölj. Användningen av finansiella terminskontrakt kan öka eller minska hävstångseffekten i portföljrörelserna. Om någon av dessa risker skulle inträffa kan Fondens andelsvärde minska. Mer information om risker finns i avsnittet om riskprofil i Fondens prospekt. CPR Silver Age - I Version du : 4/06/2013 1

Avgifter De avgifter och arvoden som betalas täcker driftkostnaderna för fondföretaget, däribland kostnader för försäljning och distribution av andelarna, dessa kostnader minskar investeringarnas tillväxtpotential. De insättnings- och uttagsavgifter som anges är Engångsavgifter som debiteras före eller efter investeringstillfället maximibelopp. I vissa fall kan avgifterna vara lägre - du Teckningsavgift 3,00 % kan få mer information hos din ekonomiska rådgivare. Inlösenavgift Ingen *Den årliga avgiften grundas på siffrorna för Dessa belopp motsvarar den högsta procentsats som kan dras från ditt kapital innan det investeras (teckning) eller som inte betalas tillbaka till dig (inlösen). Avgifter som debiteras fonden under året föregående räkenskapsår, som avslutades i december 2012. Denna siffra kan variera från ett år till ett annat. Den omfattar inte: Resultatrelaterad avgift. Förmedlingsavgifter, med undantag för insättnings- Årlig avgift 1,12 % inklusive skatt och uttagsavgifter som betalas av Fonden när den Avgifter som debiteras från Fonden under vissa specifika köper eller säljer andelar i en annan omständigheter värdepappersfond. Resultatrelaterad avgift 15 % inklusive skatt på Fondens överavkastning i jämförelse med VR** +1 %, dock högst 2 % av nettotillgångarna. Vid föregående års bokslut motsvarade denna avgift 1,98 % av de genomsnittliga nettotillgångarna **VR: Referensvärde: MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad). Mer information om avgifter finns i avsnittet om avgifter och arvoden i Fondens prospekt, som finns att tillgå på eller på begäran hos förvaltningsbolaget. Tidigare resultat 30 %. 25 20 15 10 5 0-5 -10 14,3% -8,3% 27,5% Diagrammet ger ingen tillförlitlig vägledning om framtida resultat. Fonden bildades 2009. Den avkastning som anges här avser CPR Silver Age - I som bildades 2009. Mer information finns på vår webbplats Fonden har ingen referensindikator. MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) anges som jämförelse. Den årliga avkastningen beräknas på grundval av andelsvärden uttryckta i euro. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CPR Silver Age - I Indice Praktisk information Förvaringsinstitutets namn: Caceis Bank France. Var och hur information kan inhämtas om Fonden (prospekt, årsrapport, delårsrapporter) och/eller andra andelsklasser: Informationsmaterialet kan erhållas kostnadsfritt efter skriftlig begäran till följande adress: CPR Asset Management 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 Paris Cedex 15. Beroende på din skattestatus kan eventuella kapitalvinster och inkomster från värdepappersinnehav i Fonden vara skattepliktiga. Vi rekommenderar att du tar reda på vad som gäller hos fondföretagets återförsäljare. Andelsvärdet finns tillgängligt vid varje beräkning hos förvaltningsbolaget. CPR Asset Management kan hållas ansvarigt endast om ett påstående i detta faktablad är vilseledande, felaktigt eller oförenligt med de relevanta delarna av Fondens prospekt. Fonden är auktoriserad i Frankrike och tillsyn utövas av den franska finansmyndigheten (AMF). CPR Asset Management är auktoriserat i Frankrike och tillsyn utövas av AMF. Dessa basfakta för investerare gäller per den 4 juni 2013. CPR Silver Age - I Version du : 4/06/2013 2

Basfakta för investerare Detta faktablad riktar sig till investerare och innehåller basfakta om denna fond. Detta är inte reklammaterial. Det är information som krävs enligt lag för att hjälpa dig att förstå vad en investering i fonden innebär och riskerna med detta. Du rekommenderas att läsa den så att du kan fatta ett välgrundat investeringsbeslut. Mål och placeringsinriktning CPR Silver Age - E ISIN-kod: (C) FR0010917658 Fonden förvaltas av CPR Asset Management, ett företag i Amundi Group AMF-klassificering (den franska finansmyndigheten): Internationella aktier. När du tecknar dig för fondandelar i CPR Silver Age - E investerar du i en portfölj av europeiska aktier inriktade på temat den åldrande befolkningen. Fondens mål är att på lång sikt överträffa indexet MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad). Indexet MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) fungerar som indikator för att uppskatta portföljens avkastning, utan att begränsa förvaltningen. Indexet finns tillgängligt på webbplatsen: Fonden eftersträvar att välja ut de europeiska värdepapper som ger bäst avkastning inom olika sektorer och drar nytta av en åldrande befolkning (läkemedel, medicinsk utrustning, sparande etc.). Inom det här investeringsområdet sker förvaltningen i två steg: Fördelningen mellan de olika sektorerna sker mot bakgrund av deras tillväxtutsikter, medan valet av värdepapper inom varje sektor görs enligt en metod som är både kvantitativ och kvalitativ, och som tar hänsyn till såväl likviditet som börsvärde. Fonden avser att vara helt investerad i europeiska aktier. Exponeringen mot aktier ska vara mellan 75 % och 120 % av portföljens tillgångar. Beträffande förvaltningen av likvida medel kan portföljen även ha upp till 25 % investerade i penningmarknads- och ränteprodukter. Finansiella terminskontrakt eller tillfälliga köp och försäljningar av värdepapper kan användas som risksäkring och/eller för att optimera exponeringen. CPR Silver Age - E har en rekommenderad placeringshorisont på 5 år. CPR Silver Age - E ackumulering och/eller utdelning av nettoresultatet och den realiserade värdeökningen netto. Du kan lösa in dina andelar till det andelsvärde som beräknas dagligen enligt de villkor som anges i prospektet. Risk/avkastningsprofil Lägre risk Lägre möjlig avkastning Högre risk Högre möjlig avkastning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fondens risknivå speglar dess investeringsinriktning mot europeiska aktier. Historiska data som används för att beräkna risk/avkastningsindikatorn kan vara ett otillförlitligt mått på Fondens framtida riskprofil. Fondens riskkategori är inte garanterad och kan förändras med tiden. Den lägsta riskkategorin innebär inte att investeringen är riskfri. Kapitalet är inte garanterat. De stora riskerna för fondföretaget som inte tas med i beräkningen är: Likviditetsrisk: Risken att en finansmarknad, på grund av låg omsättning eller marknadsoro, inte kan hantera köp- eller försäljningsvolymerna utan att priset på tillgångarna stiger eller faller markant. Risk för motvärde: det innebär risk för obestånd för en marknadspart som hindrar denne från att uppfylla sina åtaganden gentemot din portfölj. Användningen av finansiella terminskontrakt kan öka eller minska hävstångseffekten i portföljrörelserna. Om någon av dessa risker skulle inträffa kan Fondens andelsvärde minska. Mer information om risker finns i avsnittet om riskprofil i Fondens prospekt. CPR Silver Age - E Version du : 4/06/2013 1

Avgifter De avgifter och arvoden som betalas täcker driftkostnaderna för fondföretaget, däribland kostnader för försäljning och distribution av andelarna, dessa kostnader minskar investeringarnas tillväxtpotential. De insättnings- och uttagsavgifter som anges är Engångsavgifter som debiteras före eller efter investeringstillfället maximibelopp. I vissa fall kan avgifterna vara lägre - du Teckningsavgift 3,00 % kan få mer information hos din ekonomiska rådgivare. Inlösenavgift Ingen *Den årliga avgiften grundas på siffrorna för Dessa belopp motsvarar den högsta procentsats som kan dras från ditt kapital innan det investeras (teckning) eller som inte betalas tillbaka till dig (inlösen). Avgifter som debiteras fonden under året föregående räkenskapsår, som avslutades i december 2012. Denna siffra kan variera från ett år till ett annat. Den omfattar inte: Resultatrelaterad avgift. Förmedlingsavgifter, med undantag för insättnings- Årlig avgift 2,38 % inklusive skatt och uttagsavgifter som betalas av Fonden när den Avgifter som debiteras från Fonden under vissa specifika köper eller säljer andelar i en annan omständigheter värdepappersfond. Resultatrelaterad avgift 15 % inklusive skatt på Fondens överavkastning i jämförelse med VR** +1 %, dock högst 2 % av nettotillgångarna. Som information 0,00 % på föregående räkenskapsår. Vid föregående års bokslut motsvarade denna avgift 2,82 % av de genomsnittliga nettotillgångarna **VR: Referensvärde: MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad). Mer information om avgifter finns i avsnittet om avgifter och arvoden i Fondens prospekt, som finns att tillgå på eller på begäran hos förvaltningsbolaget. Tidigare resultat 30 %. 25 20 15 10 5 0-5 -10 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CPR Silver Age - E Praktisk information Indice -9,4% 25,2% Diagrammet ger ingen tillförlitlig vägledning om framtida resultat. Den årliga avkastning som redovisas i diagrammet är beräknad efter avdrag för alla avgifter som tas ut av Fonden. Fonden bildades 2009. Den avkastning som anges här avser CPR Silver Age - E som bildades 2010. Mer information finns på vår webbplats Fonden har ingen referensindikator. MSCI Europe omräknat i euro (utdelningen återinvesterad) anges som jämförelse. Den årliga avkastningen beräknas på grundval av andelsvärden uttryckta i euro. Förvaringsinstitutets namn: Caceis Bank France. Var och hur information kan inhämtas om Fonden (prospekt, årsrapport, delårsrapporter) och/eller andra andelsklasser: Informationsmaterialet kan erhållas kostnadsfritt efter skriftlig begäran till följande adress: CPR Asset Management 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 Paris Cedex 15. Beroende på din skattestatus kan eventuella kapitalvinster och inkomster från värdepappersinnehav i Fonden vara skattepliktiga. Vi rekommenderar att du tar reda på vad som gäller hos fondföretagets återförsäljare. Andelsvärdet finns tillgängligt vid varje beräkning hos förvaltningsbolaget. CPR Asset Management kan hållas ansvarigt endast om ett påstående i detta faktablad är vilseledande, felaktigt eller oförenligt med de relevanta delarna av Fondens prospekt. Fonden är auktoriserad i Frankrike och tillsyn utövas av den franska finansmyndigheten (AMF). CPR Asset Management är auktoriserat i Frankrike och tillsyn utövas av AMF. Dessa basfakta för investerare gäller per den 4 juni 2013. CPR Silver Age - E Version du : 4/06/2013 2

PROSPECTUS CPR Silver Age Mutual Investment Fund compliant with European standards CPR Silver Age P units: FR0010836163 CPR Silver Age I units: FR0010838284 CPR Silver Age E units: FR0010917658 1

Prospectus The Prospectus sets out the investment and operating rules for the UCITS, as well as all the procedures for the remuneration of the Fund Manager and of the Depositary. It provides a full overview of the investment strategies envisaged, together with the specific instruments used, particularly in cases where these instruments require specific monitoring, or display specific risks or characteristic features. CPR Silver Age Mutual Investment Fund compliant with European standards CPR Silver Age P units: FR0010836163 CPR Silver Age I units: FR0010838284 CPR Silver Age E units: FR0010917658 Prospectus 2

1 General features Name: CPR Silver Age Legal form and Member State in which the Fund was established: Unincorporated Fund scheme under French law (Fonds Commun de Placement - FCP) Launch date and scheduled duration: The Fund was launched on 22 December 2009 in the form of a contractual Mutual Investment Fund. It was turned into a general-purpose UCITS pursuant to the AMF authorisation issued on 17 March 2010. The Fund has been created for a period of 99 years. Summary of the management offer: Address from which the latest annual or interim Report and Accounts may be procured: The UCITS prospectus and the latest annual and interim documents will be sent to unit-holders within one week on written request, addressed to the mailing address of the Asset Management Company: CPR Asset Management 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 PARIS CEDEX 15 Fax: Website: For any other request, please contact CPR Asset Management on the following telephone number: 2 Parties Involved Type of unit ISIN Code Eligible subscribers Allocation of distributable sums Net income Net gains realised Minimum subscription amount Initial Subsequent Initial net asset value of the unit Denom ination curren cy Asset Management Company: CPR Asset Management Limited Company, Paris Trade and Company Registry (RCS) 399 392 141 Asset Management Company approved by the the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), under Number GP 01-056 - Head office: 90, boulevard Pasteur 75015 PARIS - Mailing address: 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 PARIS CEDEX 15 CPR Silver Age P unit CPR Silver Age I Unit CPR Silver Age E Unit FR00108 36163 FR00108 38284 FR00109 17658 All subscribers All subscribers, mainly institutional investors These units are more specifically intended to be marketed by distributors selected for that purpose by the Fund Manager. Accumulation Distribution Accumulation Distribution Accumulation Distribution Accumulation Distribution One unit fraction of a unit 500,000 euros Accumulation Accumulation One unit fraction of a unit * One unit fraction of a unit Fraction of a unit One unit fraction of a unit 1000 euros Euro 100,000 euros Euro 100 euros Euro *except for the Fund Manager and CPR Asset Management UCITS, which may only subscribe to one unit in the Fund. Depositary /Custodian: CACEIS Bank France Bank and investment services provider approved by the CECEI on 1 April 2005 Limited Company, Paris Trade and Company Registry (RCS) 692 024 722 1-3, place Valhubert 75013 Paris Delegated Fund accountant: CACEIS Fund Administration Limited Company, Paris Trade and Company Registry No. 420 929 481 UCITS administrator and valuer (Crédit Agricole Group) 1-3, place Valhubert 75013 Paris Institution appointed by the Fund Manager in charge of centralising subscription and redemption orders: CACEIS Bank France Institution responsible for keeping the unit registers: CACEIS Bank France 3

Prime Broker: N/A Independent Auditor: Cabinet Mazars Limited Company, Paris Trade and Company Registry (RCS) 784 824 153 61, rue Henri Régnault 92075 La Défense Cedex Represented by Mr Pierre Masieri Promoters: CPR Asset Management, CACEIS BANK FRANCE, the branch office network of the Regional Banks of Crédit Agricole and branches of LCL (Le Crédit Lyonnais) in France The list of promoters is not exhaustive due mainly to the fact that the Fund is listed on Euroclear. Thus, some promoters may not be mandated by or known to the Fund Manager. Advisors: N/A 3 Operating and management procedures 3.1 General features Unit features:. ISIN codes: CPR Silver Age P units: FR0010836163 CPR Silver Age I units: FR0010838284 CPR Silver Age E units: FR0010917658. Nature of the right attached to the category of units: Each unit-holder is entitled to joint-ownership of the Fund s assets in proportion to the number of units held.. Liability management method: The Fund is listed on Euroclear France. CACEIS Bank France is the keeper of the issuer s account on Euroclear France.. Voting rights: No voting rights are attached to the Fund s units. Decisions are taken by the investment management company, in accordance with the law.. Form of units: Bearer or registered (units listed on Euroclear France).. Splitting of the units: CPR Silver Age P units: the units are split into thousandths of units, known as fractions of units. CPR Silver Age I units: the units are split into thousandths of units, known as fractions of units. CPR Silver Age E units: the units are split into thousandths of units, known as fractions of units. Year-end date: the last net asset value published in the month of December: (First financial year-end: the last net asset value published in the month of December 2010) Information about the tax regime: The Fund is not subject to corporation tax in France, and is not considered as tax resident according to the meaning of French domestic law. According to French tax regulations, the insertion of the Fund does not alter either the nature or the source of the income, remuneration potential capital gains that it distributes to unit-holders. Unit holders do not pay income tax on the income accumulated by the Fund. Unit holders usually pay income tax on the income distributed. Tax is payable by the unit-holders on the unrealised or realised gains on the Fund units. According to your own tax regime, any capital gains or revenues related to Fund unit holding may be subject to taxation. Unit swap transactions within the Fund will be considered as a sale followed by a purchase, and will therefore be subject to the tax regime for capital gains on disposals of marketable securities. However, these tax regimes depend on the specific situation of the investor on the Fund s investment jurisdiction. 4

Unit holders are advised to contact their tax advisor if they have any doubts regarding their tax position. 3.2 Special terms and conditions Holdings in UCITS: Up to 20% of net assets Classification: International equities Investment objective: The Fund s objective is to outperform the European equity markets over the long-term, e.g. a minimum of five years, by taking advantage of the momentum of European equities associated with the aging of the population. Benchmark index: As the Fund s management is based on a specific theme for which there is no benchmark index, the MSCI Europe Index will be used as the benchmark indicator for assessing the Fund s performance, with no management constraints. The MSCI Europe 500 Index consists of around 500 large and mid-cap securities from 18 European countries. Its performance includes the dividends paid by the shares that make up the Index (reinvested net dividends). The Index is calculated and circulated by MSCI. The Index is calculated and circulated by MSCI. Information on this Index is available on the website. Investment strategy: The investment strategy of the Fund consists in taking advantage of a major economic trend, namely the aging of the population. The investment policy aims to select the best-performing European stocks in various sectors that may benefit from the aging of the population (pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and savings, etc.) based on fundamental and quantitative, liquidity, and market capitalisation criteria. Sector allocation is performed according to the relative growth outlook for the sectors under a certain number of constraints relating to the construction of the portfolio. The selection of securities within each sector is based on both a quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative and financial valuation of the investments is supplemented by a qualitative analysis of those investments, in order to gain a better understanding of their growth prospects, and of the soundness of their underlying economic models. Through its construction, the Fund totally excludes some sectors and investments that are not related to its theme, and is therefore likely to show significant performance differences compared with a European equity index (e.g. MSCI Europe), including over relatively extended time periods. The Fund aims to have an exposure amounting to between 75% and 120% of its assets to European equities and similar securities. Assets used (except embedded derivatives): Units or shares in UCITS or investment funds: The Fund may hold up to 10% of its assets in units shares of the UCITS or investment funds listed below. These UCITS are representative of all asset classes classes in the respect of the rules laid down in the prospectus of the fund. They may be UCITS managed by the Fund Manager, or by other entities, regardless of whether they belong to the Crédit Agricole S.A. Group, including related companies. By way of information, the regulatory limits applicable to coordinated UCITS are as follows: up to 100% of aggregate* net asset value: Directive-compliant French or foreign UCITS * To the extent that these UCITS or investment funds may invest a maximum of 10% of their assets in UCITS or investment funds up to 30% of aggregate* net asset value: French or foreign mutual funds or investments funds The Fund management process is based on a combined approach, namely a top-down sector allocation process, and a bottom-up security selection process. 5

* To the extent that these mutual funds or investment funds comply with the criteria established by the French Monetary and Financial Code, including investing a maximum of 10% of their assets in UCITS or investment funds Equities: A minimum of 75% of the Fund s assets are invested in European shares and similar securities (European Community, Switzerland, and Norway, etc.) that belong to the large, medium, and small-cap sectors. Convertible bonds: The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in European convertible bonds and similar securities, with a view to supplementing or replacing exposure to a given investment. Market type: regulated markets Market type: Multilateral trading facilities equities: X Over-thecounter markets rate exchange rate risk X credit risk other Nature of the investments hedging exposure arbitrage Other strategies Debt securities and money-market instruments: The Fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in public and private moneymarket instruments denominated in euros and classified as investment grade, such as negotiable debt securities, French Treasury bills, and Treasury bills. The investment grade category corresponds to a minimum rating of BBB- on the Standard & Poor s agency rating scale, and to Baa3 on the Moody s agency rating scale. Derivatives: Derivatives in general: The Fund may invest in financial futures traded on regulated markets, in multilateral trading facilities, and on over-the-counter markets, on an exceptional basis, with the primary aim of: - adjusting its equity exposure in the event of substantial subscriptions and redemptions; - recreating a synthetic exposure to an asset; - hedging an item in the portfolio. The equity exposure may therefore amount to between 75 and 120% of net assets. The table below sets out the instruments in which the UCITS is likely to invest. Futures equities x x x rate Options on equities x x x rate exchange rate risk Swaps equities rate exchange rate risk x x x index Currency futures currencies x x x Credit derivatives Credit default swaps (CDS) Credit-Linked Notes (CLNs) Indices Index options Other Equity Warrants equities x x x rate exchange rate risk credit risk Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) Warrants Equities x x rate 6

Deposits Other transactions: The Fund may make deposits with one or several credit institutions in order to fulfil its investment objective and to manage its cash, within a limit of 10% of its net assets. For cash borrowings: The Fund may borrow up to 10% of its net assets in cash to meet one-off liquidity requirements (transactions relating to ongoing investment and disposal flows, and subscription redemption transactions, etc.). Transactions involving temporary acquisitions disposals of securities:. Kinds of transaction used:. repo and reverse repo agreements with reference to the French Monetary and Financial Code. lending and borrowing of securities with reference to the French Monetary and Financial Code. Nature of the investments: Repo and reverse repo agreements will primarily aim to enable the portfolio to be adjusted for fluctuations in the balances held, as well as to invest its cash. Loans of securities are used to optimise the UCITS's performance through the yield that they generate.. Level of use planned and allowed:. up to 100% of net assets for temporary disposals of securities. up to 100% of net assets for temporary purchases of securities.. Fees: additional information is given in the Costs and Fees section. Contracts amounting to financial guarantees: N/A Risk Profile: Your money shall be invested primarily in financial instruments selected by the Fund Manager. These financial instruments are subject to market fluctuations. The main risks related to this type of investment By way of reminder, the Fund belongs to the International equities category. Equity and market risk: Rises and falls in stock markets can lead to major changes in the Fund s net assets which can adversely affect its net asset value. The Fund s equity exposure may amount to between 75 and 120% of net assets. This maximum exposure may result in a steeper decrease in net asset value in the event of a fall in equity markets. This Fund may invest in small-cap stocks. Investors attention is drawn to the fact that small-cap markets are intended for companies that may present risks for investors due to their specific characteristics. Capital risk: Given its exposure to equities, the valuation of the Fund s equity portfolio may experience sudden and significant movements both upwards and downwards, which may result in a loss of capital in the second case (the value of the investment falls below its acquisition price) for the unit-holder during or at the end of the recommended investment period, which is for a minimum of five years. In addition, the Fund does not offer any guarantee or protection, and the capital initially invested may not be returned in full. Main investment risks Performance risk compared with a European equity market index (e.g. MSCI Europe). Through its construction, the Fund totally excludes some sectors and investments that are not related to the aging theme, and is therefore likely to show significant performance differences compared with a European equity index (e.g. MSCI Europe), including over relatively extended time periods. In addition, there is a risk that the Fund may not be invested in the best-performing securities at all times. Exchange rate risk: This is the risk that investment currencies lose value against the benchmark currency of the portfolio, namely the euro. Currency risk is not systematically hedged. Counterparty risk: This refers to the default risk of a counterparty, causing it to default on payment. The UCITS is exposed to the risk of the counterparty with whom 7

the transaction has been negotiated defaulting as part of over-the-counter transactions. Credit risk: This is the risk that the quality of an issuer s credit might fall or that the issuer might default. Other risks (ancillary risks) Interest-rate risk: This is the risk of impairment to interest-rate instruments resulting from fluctuations in interest rates. The risk is limited, given that the securities selected have a maturity of less than one year. Operational risk: is the risk of losses resulting from the inadequacy or failure of internal processes, individuals, systems, or from external events. Guarantee or protection: None. Eligible subscribers and standard investor profile: CPR Silver Age P units: All investors. CPR Silver Age I units: All subscribers, primarily institutional investors. CPR Silver Age E units: These units are more specifically intended to be marketed by distributors chosen for that purpose by the Fund Manager. The Fund is intended for unit-holders who wish to invest in a European equity portfolio that seeks to take advantage of the momentum of investments related to the aging of the population. Subscribers are reminded of the risks inherent to holding UCITS, and specifically of the risk that their initial capital may not be returned to them at the end of the recommended investment period. The amount that might be reasonably invested in this Fund depends on the specific financial position of every investor, and specifically on: the breakdown of their net assets, their short and long-term financing requirements, and the level of risk that they wish to incur. Recommended investment period: greater than 5 years Determination and allocation of amounts to be distributed: P and I units: Net income: The Fund reserves the possibility to accumulate distribute its net income in whole or in part, or to retain it. The Fund Manager shall determine the amount of income to be distributed each year. Distribution frequency: N/A or annual. In the case of an annual distribution, in whole or in part, it will be made within five months after the annual accounts are closed. Possibility of paying interim dividends up to the maximum of the net income recognised on the date of the decision. Net gains realised: The Fund reserve the option to accumulate distribute in whole or in part, or to retain its net gains realised. The Fund Manager shall determine every year the allocation of the net gains realised for the year. Distribution frequency: N/A or annual. If there is an annual distribution, it shall be made within five months after the end of the year. Option to pay interim payments up to the amount of the net gains realised on the date of the decision. E units: Net income: The Fund has exclusively selected the accumulation method. Net income is accumulated in its entirety each year. Distribution frequency: N/A Net gains realised: The Fund has exclusively selected the accumulation method. The net gains realised are accumulated in their entirety each year. Distribution frequency: N/A Subscribers are also advised to diversify their investments sufficiently, so as not to be exposed to the risks of a single UCITS or of a single market. 8

Type of unit CPR Silver Age P unit CPR Silver Age I Unit CPR Silver Age E Unit Unit features: ISIN Code FR00108 36163 FR00108 38284 FR00109 17658 Allocation of distributable sums Net income Accumulation Distribution Accumulation Distribution Net gains realised Accumulation Distribution Accumulation Distribution Minimum subscription amount Initial One unit fraction of a unit 500,000 euros * Accumulation Accumulation One unit fraction of a unit Subsequent One unit fraction of a unit Fraction of a unit One unit fraction of a unit Initial net asset value of the unit Denom ination curren cy 1000 euros Euro 100,000 euros Euro 100 euros Euro *except for the Fund Manager and CPR Asset Management UCITS, which may only subscribe to one unit in the Fund. Subscription and redemption: Institutions in charge of receiving subscription and redemption orders: CPR Asset Management, CACEIS BANK FRANCE, the branch office network of the Regional Banks of Crédit Agricole and branches of LCL (Le Crédit Lyonnais) in France Investors should note that orders sent to promoters other than the aforementioned institutions should take into account the fact that the cut-off time for the centralisation of orders applies to those promoters with CPR Asset Management. Promoters may in turn accordingly apply their own cut-off time earlier than the one indicated above, so as to accommodate the time taken to forward the orders to CPR Asset Management. Unit-holders are informed that the institutions listed above may disclose the list of individuals who have subscribed to redeemed units in this UCITS at any time and at the request of the Fund Manager. Determination of the net asset value: the net asset value is determined on a daily basis, on every day that the Paris Stock Market is open (Euronext calendar), with the exception of official French public holidays or of an exceptional market interruption. The net asset value is available from the Fund Manager. Date and latest time for the reception of orders: subscription and redemption orders are centralised before 12.00 pm on each day that the net asset value is calculated. Order execution procedures: orders will be executed on the basis of the next net asset value (i.e. at an unknown price). Further information on the procedures for switching from one unit category to another: requests to switch units are pooled before 12.00 pm every day and are executed on the basis of the respective net asset values of the CPR Silver Age P units, the CPR Silver Age I units, and the CPR Silver Age E units, calculated according to the market price on the same day (i.e. at an unknown price). Unit-holders who are not likely to receive a whole number of units, due to the exchange rate, may pay an additional amount in cash in order to receive an additional unit, if they so wish. Unit swap transactions within the Fund will be considered as a sale followed by a purchase, and will therefore be subject to the tax regime for capital gains on disposals of marketable securities. Potential indication of the stock exchanges or markets where the units are listed: N/A Costs and Fees: Subscription and redemption fees: Subscription and redemption fees are levied by addition to the subscription price paid by the investor or subtraction from the redemption price. Fees are retained by the Fund to offset the costs incurred by the Fund in investing or liquidating the amounts involved. Fees that are not paid to the Fund revert to the Fund Manager, the Promoter, etc. 9

Indirect management fees cover the indirect commissions and management fees borne by the UCITS. Fees paid by the investor, charged at subscription and redemption Subscription fee: not accruing to the Fund Basis NAV x x number of units Maximum rate scale CPR Silver Age P units: 5% CPR Silver Age I units: 3% In addition the management fees, there may be: - outperformance fees. These reward the Fund Manager when the Fund exceeds its objectives. They are therefore invoiced to the Fund; - turnover fees invoiced to the Fund; - a portion of the costs from temporary acquisition and disposal of securities. Subscription fee: accruing to the Fund Redemption fee: not accruing to the Fund NAV x x number of units NAV x x number of units CPR Silver Age E units: 3% CPR Silver Age P units: N/A CPR Silver Age I units: N/A CPR Silver Age E units: N/A CPR Silver Age P units: N/A CPR Silver Age I units: N/A N Fees charged to the Fund* Basis 1 2 Management fees Management fees external to the Fund Manager (Independent Auditor, Depositary, distribution, and lawyers) Maximum indirect fees (fees and management fees) Net assets Net assets Maximum annual rate scale CPR Silver Age P units: 1.50% including tax CPR Silver Age I units: 0.75% including tax CPR Silver Age E units: 2.20% including tax N/A Redemption fee: accruing to the Fund Fees invoiced to the Fund: NAV x x number of units CPR Silver Age E units: N/A CPR Silver Age P units: N/A CPR Silver Age I units: N/A CPR Silver Age E units: N/A Management fees cover all the fees invoiced directly to the Fund, including management fees outside the Fund Manager (Independent Auditor, Depositary, distribution, and lawyers), except for transaction costs. Transaction costs include intermediary costs (brokerage, stock market taxes, etc.) as well as transaction fees, if any, that may be charged particularly by the Depositary and the asset management company. 3 4 Turnover commissions charged by the Fund Manager Outperformance fees Per transaction Net assets 0.15% of the transaction amount on sales or purchases of shares, including tax. Between 10 and 50 per transaction for other kinds of transactions. CPR Silver Age I, P and E units: 15% including tax of the performance above that of the MSCI Europe Index + 1%, generated by the Fund during the financial year (1) (1) Up to a maximumof 2% of net assets. * Exceptional legal costs related to recovering the debts of the Fund may be added to the fees charged to the Fund, as posted below. 10

The management fees (fixed portion) and the outperformance fee are provisioned every time the net asset value is calculated. The outperformance fee is charged on an annual basis. It is charged even if the performance during the year is negative. When the amount of redemptions is higher than the amount of subscriptions, the portion assigned to the outperformance fee provision corresponding to that amount (redemptions less subscriptions) accrues to the Fund Manager on a permanent basis. In the event that the Fund underperforms the benchmark index, the outperformance fee is readjusted via a provision reversal that is limited to the amount of the existing provision. Transactions involving the temporary acquisition disposal of securities: The gains obtained through lending securities are shared between the UCITS and the Fund Manager. 60% is awarded to the UCITS, and 40% to the Fund Manager. Summary description of the process for selecting intermediaries: The process for selecting the intermediaries with whom the CPR Asset Management fund managers may perform over-the-counter transactions is based on: An initial selection suggested by the various management teams, and justified by the review of certain criteria: - relating to competence on the primary and secondary markets, - relating to quality: shareholder base, research, client relations, transaction execution, back-office, and access to research; - relating to tariff scales and pricing. Proposals that have been analysed and summarised by the management teams, who submit a restricted list to the Brokerage Committee. The role of the Brokerage Committee is to: - approve the list of financial brokers intermediaries; - monitor volumes (share broking and net amounts for other products) allocated to each broker; - give an opinion on the quality of the services provided by the brokers. A selection made by the Brokerage Committee. This Committee, which meets on a regular basis, brings together Senior Management and the main managers involved. 4 Commercial information Place where the UCITS documents and additional information may be obtained: The UCITS prospectus and the latest annual and interim documents will be sent to unit-holders within one week on written request, addressed to the mailing address of the Asset Management Company: CPR Asset Management 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 PARIS CEDEX 15 Fax: Website: CPR Asset Management keeps the document entitled voting policy available to unit-holders. The report setting out the conditions under which CPR Asset Management has exercised its voting rights is included in the UCITS annual report. The management company provides investor information in its investment policy on how to take into account the ESG (environmental, social, governance) compliance criteria on its website and the fund's annual report (beginning on 1 January 2012). Allocation of amounts to be distributed P and I units: - Net income: The UCITS reserves the option to accumulate distribute all or a portion of its net income. - Net gains realised: The UCITS reserves the option to accumulate distribute all or a portion of its net gains realised. E units: - Net income: The UCITS accumulates its net income. - Net gains realised: The UCITS accumulates its net gains realised. The net asset value of the UCITS is calculated daily and is available on request from the Fund Manager and on the website, at: Unitholders may subscribe or request redemption of their units at the institution responsible for the centralisation of subscription and redemption requests. 11

Unit-holders are informed of any changes affecting, the Fund in accordance with the procedures defined by French Financial Markets Authority, including: specific information notice or any other means, such as information on the Fund Manager s website, in the News section, under the UCITS news heading, interim report, annual report, and financial news release. For any other request, please contact CPR Asset Management on the following telephone number: Countries where the Fund is marketed: France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Belgium und Spanien. 5 Investment rules The UCITS will comply with the eligibility rules and the investment limits applicable to UCITS, including the French Monetary and Financial Code and the AMF General Regulations. In particular, the UCITS may invest up to 35% of its assets in eligible financial securities and money-market instruments issued or guaranteed by any government or authorised public or semi-public institution. 6 Global risk The global risk calculation method used by the Fund Manager is the commitment calculation method, as defined by the AMF General Regulations. 7 Asset valuation rules The UCITS complies with the accounting rules specified by the regulations in force, and specifically the accounting rules applicable to UCITS. Rules for valuing financial instruments: Financial instruments are recognised according to the historical cost method, and are entered on the balance sheet at their current value, which is determined according to the market value, or by any external means, or through the use of financial models where no market value is available. Differences between the market values used to calculate the net asset value and the historical cost of the marketable securities when booked in the portfolio are recognised under an Estimation Differences account. Investments that are not in the portfolio currency are valued in accordance with the principle described above, and then converted into the portfolio accounting currency based on the exchange rates as at the valuation date. Equities, bonds, and other securities traded on a regulated or similar market: Securities traded on a stock market are valued on the basis of the closing price on their main market. However, securities traded on a stock market for which a listed price was not found on the valuation date or where the listed price has been adjusted, are valued at their likely negotiable value, as estimated by the Fund Manager. Bonds and similar securities are valued at the average closing price shown on various servers (Bloomberg, Fininfo, and Reuters, etc.). Accrued interest income on bonds is calculated up until the net asset value date (inclusive). Equities, bonds, and other securities not traded on a regulated or similar market: Securities that are not traded on a regulated market are valued under the Asset Management Company s responsibility by using methods based on their asset value and yield, taking into account the prices agreed in recent major transactions. Negotiable debt securities Negotiable debt securities and similar securities are valued on an actuarial basis, using a yield curve plus a difference representing the intrinsic value of the issuer, where applicable. Negotiable debt securities and similar securities that are not the subject of significant transactions are valued on an actuarial basis, using a benchmark described below, plus a difference representing the intrinsic value of the issuer, where applicable: - Negotiable debt securities with maturity of less than or equal to 1 year: Euribor interbank rate in Euros - Negotiable debt securities with a duration greater than 1 year: Shortterm Treasury note (BTAN - Bons du Trésor à intérêts Annuels 12

Normalisés) rates or short-term treasury note equivalent (OAT - Obligations Assimilables du Trésor) rates for longer durations. - Negotiable debt instruments with three months or less to run may be valued according to the linear method. Swapped negotiable debt securities are valued using the OIS (Overnight Indexed Swaps) curve. Treasury Bonds are valued at the market rates as notified daily by the Treasury Securities Specialists. UCITS held: UCITS units or shares are valued at the last known net asset value. Transactions involving the temporary acquisition disposal of securities: Temporary acquisitions of securities Securities received under repo agreements or borrowed securities are entered in the purchase portfolio under Receivables representing securities received under repo agreements or borrowed securities at the amount provided for in the agreement, plus interest payable. Temporary disposals of securities Securities sold under reverse repo agreements or loaned securities are entered in the portfolio and valued at their market price. Liabilities representing securities sold under reverse repo agreements and loaned securities are entered in the sale portfolio at the value provided for in the agreement, plus accrued interest. On settlement, the interest received or paid is recognised as interest on receivables. Financial futures not traded on a regulated or similar market: Financial futures or options transactions entered into on over-the-counter markets, and authorised under the regulations applicable to UCITS, are valued at their market value or at a value estimated according to the procedures approved by the Fund Manager. Interest rate currency swaps are valued at their market value according to the price calculated by discounting the future interest income flows at market interest foreign exchange rates. This price is adjusted for credit risk. Index or performance swaps are valued on an actuarial basis, using a benchmark rate provided by the counterparty. Other swaps are valued at their market value, or at a value estimated according to the procedures approved by the Fund Manager. Off-balance sheet commitments: The market value of futures contracts is entered under off-balance sheet commitments at the price used in the portfolio. Options are converted into their underlying equivalent. Commitments for swap agreements are shown at nominal value or at an equivalent amount in the absence of a nominal value. Accounting method: Income from financial instruments is recognised according to the accrued interest method. The accounting method for recording transaction costs excludes fees. Financial futures: Financial futures traded on a regulated or similar market: Financial futures or options traded on regulated markets are valued at the settlement price of the day. 13

Regulations The regulations specify the general framework for the Mutual Investment Fund s operating rules. CPR Silver Age Mutual Investment Fund compliant with European standards Asset Management Company CPR Silver Age P units: FR0010836163 CPR Silver Age I units: FR0010838284 CPR Silver Age E units: FR0010917658 CPR ASSET MANAGEMENT - Head office: 90, boulevard Pasteur 75015 PARIS - Mailing address: 90, boulevard Pasteur CS 61595 75730 PARIS CEDEX 15 Depositary CACEIS BANK FRANCE 1-3, place Valhubert 75013 PARIS REGULATIONS FCP CPR Silver Age / REGULATIONS / Last updated on 17/04/2013 1