E: 9p D: 10p C: 14p B: 18p A: 22p

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1 MID SWEDEN UNIVERSITY NAT Examination 20 MA098G Discrete Mathematics (English) Time: 5 hours Date: 3 May 20 Pia Heidtmann The compulsory part of this examination consists of 8 questions. The maximum number of points available is 24. The points for each part of a question are indicated at the end of the part in [ ]-brackets. The final grade on the course is determined by how well the candidates demonstrate that they have met the learning outcomes on the course. Provided all learning outcomes have been met, the following guide values will be used to set the course grade: E: 9p D: 0p C: 4p B: 8p A: 22p The final question on the paper is the Aspect Question, it is optional and carries no value in terms of marks, but a good solution of this Aspect Question may raise a candidates grade by one grade. The candidates are advised that they must always show their working, otherwise they will not be awarded full marks for their answers. The candidates are further advised to start each of the nine questions on a new page and to clearly label all their answers. This is a closed book examination. No books, notes or mobile telephones are allowed in the examination room. Note that a collection of formulas is attached to the paper. Electronic calculators may be used provided they cannot handle formulas. The make and model used must be specified on the cover of your script. GOOD LUCK!! c NAT, Mid Sweden University MA098G

2 Question (a) Express the number t = (i) in base 8; (ii) as a binary number; (iii) as a hexadecimal number. (b) Write the sum s = by using Σ-notation. (c) Showing your working, compute 20 (8n 5). n=0 Question 2 (a) Let A,B and C be subsets of the universal set U and consider the sets X = (A C) B and Y = (A B) (B C). (i) Shade the region corrsponding to X on a Venn diagram (ii) Justifying your answer, decide whether X = Y for all choices of A, B and C. [.5p] (b) Give the set by using rules of inclusion. M = {, 3, 5, 7, 9,, 3,...} [0.5p] c NAT, Mid Sweden University 2 MA098G

3 Question 3 (a) Consider the following proposition concerning an integer n 2. If 2 n is a composite number then n a composite number. (i) Write down the contrapositive of this statement. (ii) Is the proposition true? Justify your answer! [.5p] (b) Let f : Z + N be the function f(x) = (x )/2. (i) Compute f(5) and f(0). (ii) Is f one-to-one? (iii) Is f onto? (iv) Is f O(x)? Justify your answers! [2.5p] Question 4 (a) Explain what it means for a relation R on a set S to be (i) symmetric; (ii) transitive. (b) Let R be the relation on the set S = {v, w, x, y, z} given by R = {(v, v), (w, w), (v, w), (w, v), (x, y), (y, x), (z, y), (y, z), (x, z), (z, x)}. (i) Draw the relation digraph of R. (ii) Is the relation R symmetric? (iii) Is the relation R reflexive? (iv) Is the relation R transitive? Justify your answers! [2p] c NAT, Mid Sweden University 3 MA098G

4 Question 5 The sequence {u n } is given by the recurrence relation u n+ = u n 2 for n =, 2, 3,..., and the initial term u =. (a) Showing your working, use the recurrence relation to compute u 2, u 3, u 4 and u 5. (b) Prove by induction that m u n = m 2 for all m. n= [2p] Question 6 (a) (i) Define what it means to say that a b (mod 2). (ii) Which elements of Z 2 have a multiplicative inverse? (iii) Compute [5] [4] in Z 2. [,5p] (b) Showing your working, use Euclid s algorithm to find two integers s and t such that 376s + 673t =. (c) Justifying your answer, find all solutions [x] Z 673 to the equation [376] [x] = [4]. [0,5p] c NAT, Mid Sweden University 4 MA098G

5 Question 7 (a) Give an example of a bipartite, connected, 3-regular graph on 8 vertices. Show that your graph is bipartite by giving a 2-colouring of its vertices. (b) Use either Prim s or Kruskal s Algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree for the weighted graph below. Show carefully how the algorithm constructs the minimal spanning tree and give also the weight of the tree. [2p] a 2 5 x 3 d g b 3 c 8 5 e 8 f 2 k h 4 i Question 8 (a) Let X = {, 3, 5,..., 999}. How many elements are there in the set P(X)? [0,5p] (b) Suppose that we have a group consisting of 4 women and 8 men. In how many ways can a committee consisting of 5 people be chosen from this group if (i) all 4 women must be in it? (ii) at least one woman must be in it? (c) Suppose we must choose a set of random numbers from the set {, 2, 3,..., 600}. How many numbers must be chosen if we want to ensure that we always have among them a number divisible by either 3, 4 or 0? [,5p] Aspect Question (OPTIONAL) Let a, b and p be positive integers and assume that p is a prime. Prove that p a or p b if p ab. c NAT, Mid Sweden University 5 END OF EXAMINATION

6 MITTUNIVERSITETET NAT Tentamen 20 MA098G Diskret matematik (svenska) Skrivtid: 5 timmar Datum: 3 maj 20 Pia Heidtmann Den obligatoriska delen av denna tenta omfattar 8 frågor, där varje fråga kan ge 3 poäng. Delfrågornas poäng står angivna i marginalen inom [ ]-parenteser. Maximalt poängantal är 24. Betyg sätts efter hur väl lärandemålen är uppfyllda. Riktvärde för betygen är: E: 9p D: 0p C: 4p B: 8p A: 22p Därutöver innehållar skrivningen en frivillig aspektuppgift som kan höja betyget om den utförs väl med god motivering. Behandla högst en uppgift på varje papper! Till alla uppgifter skall fullständiga lösningar lämnas. Resonemang, ekvationslösningar och uträkningar får inte vara så knapphändiga, att de blir svåra att följa. Brister i framställningen kan ge poängavdrag även om slutresultatet är rätt! Hjälpmedel: Medföljande formelblad, skriv- och ritmaterial samt miniräknare som ej är symbolhanterande. Ange märke och modell på din miniräknare på omslaget till tentamen. LYCKA TILL!! c NAT, Mittuniversitetet MA098G

7 Uppgift (a) Uttryck talet t = (i) i basen 8; (ii) som ett binärt tal; (iii) som ett hexadecimalt tal. (b) Ange summan s = m.h.a. summatecken. (c) Beräkna summan Visa dina uträkningar! 20 (8n 5). n=0 Uppgift 2 (a) Låt A,B och C vara delmängder av grundmängden U och betrakta mängderna X = (A C) B och Y = (A B) (B C). (i) Markera området för X i ett Venndiagram. (ii) Avgör om X = Y för alla val av A, B och C. Bevisa ditt svar. (b) Ange mängden M = {, 3, 5, 7, 9,, 3,...} med hjälp av inklusionsregler. [,5p] [0,5p] c NAT, Mittuniversitetet 2 MA098G

8 Uppgift 3 (a) Betrakta följande påstående om ett heltal n 2: Om 2 n är ett sammansatt tal så är n ett sammansatt tal. (i) Ange det kontrapositiva påståendet. (ii) Är påståendet sant? Bevisa ditt svar. [,5p] (b) Låt f : Z + N vara funktionen f(x) = (x )/2. (i) Beräkna f(5) och f(0). (ii) Är f injektiv? (iii) Är f surjektiv? (iv) Är f O(x)? Motivera dina svar! [2,5p] Uppgift 4 (a) Förklara vad som menas med att en relation R på en mängd S är (i) symmetrisk; (ii) transitiv. (b) Låt R vara följande relation på mängden S = {v, w, x, y, z}. R = {(v, v), (w, w), (v, w), (w, v), (x, y), (y, x), (z, y), (y, z), (x, z), (z, x)} (i) Rita relationsdigrafen för R. (ii) (iii) (iv) Är relationen R symmetrisk? Är relationen R reflexiv? Är relationen R transitiv? Motivera dina svar! [2p] c NAT, Mittuniversitetet 3 MA098G

9 Uppgift 5 En talföljd {u n } definieras genom rekursionsformeln u n+ = u n 2 för n =, 2, 3,..., och begynnelsevillkoret u =. (a) Använd rekursionsformeln för att beräkna u 2, u 3, u 4 och u 5. Visa dina uträkningar. (b) Bevisa med induktion att m u n = m 2 för alla m. n= [2p] Uppgift 6 (a) (i) Definiera vad som menas med att a b (mod 2). (ii) Vilka element i Z 2 har en multiplikativ invers? (iii) Beräkna [5] [4] i Z 2. [,5p] (b) Använd Euklides algoritm för att hitta två heltal s och t sådana att 376s + 673t =. Visa dina uträkningar! (c) Bestäm alla lösningar [x] Z 673 till ekvationen [376] [x] = [4]. Visa dina uträkningar! [0,5p] c NAT, Mittuniversitetet 4 MA098G

10 Uppgift 7 (a) Ge ett exempel på en bipartit, sammanhängande, 3-reguljär graf med 8 hörn. Visa att din graf är bipartit genom att ange en 2-färgning av hörnen. (b) Använd Prims eller Kruskals algoritm för att hitta ett minimalt uppspännande träd i den viktade grafen nedan. Redovisa stegen i algoritmen och ange vikten på trädet. [2p] a 2 5 x 3 d g b 3 c 8 5 e 8 f 2 k h 4 i Uppgift 8 (a) Låt X = {, 3, 5,..., 999}. Hur många element finns det i mängden P(X)? [0,5p] (b) En grupp består av 4 kvinnor och 8 män. På hur många sätt kan man välja en kommitte bestående av 5 personer från denna grupp om (i) alla 4 kvinnor skall ingå? (ii) minst en kvinna skall ingå? (c) Hur många olika heltal måste man välja från mängden {, 2, 3,..., 600} för att säkert få minst ett heltal som är delbart med något av talen 3, 4 eller 0? [,5p] Aspektuppgift (FRIVILLIG) Låt a, b och p vara positiva heltal och anta att p är ett primtal. Visa att p a eller p b om p ab. c NAT, Mittuniversitetet 5 SLUT PÅ TENTAMEN

11 MA098G Discrete Mathematics A Formulas and Symbols Some Symbols for Relations Between Numbers a = b a is equal to b a b a is not equal to b a < b a is strictly less than b a > b a is strictly greater than b a b a is less than or equal to b a b a is greater than or equal to b a b the integer a divides the integer b Some Laws of Integer Arithmetic Associative Laws: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (ab)c = a(bc) Commutative Laws: a + b = b + a ab = ba Distributive Law: a(b + c) = ab + ac Zero-Divisor Law: If ab = 0 then a = 0 or b = 0 Some Sets of Numbers the empty set { } Z the set of integers {..., 2,, 0,, 2,...} Z + the set of positive integers {, 2, 3,...} Z the set of negative integers {... 3, 2, } N the set of natural numbers {0,, 2,...} {x Z P } the set of all x in Z satisfying the property P {x Z : P } is the same as {x Z P } Q the set of rational numbers {p/q : p, q Z, q 0} Q + the set of positive rational numbers {x Q : x > 0} Q the set of negative rational numbers {x Q : x < 0} R the set of real numbers R + the set of positive real numbers {x R : x > 0} R the set of negative real numbers {x R : x < 0} [a, b] the closed interval from a to b, that is {x R : a x b} ]a, b[ the open interval from a to b, that is {x R : a < x < b} Some Set Theory Symbols A = B A is equal to B A B A is not equal to B a A the element a is in the set A a A the element a is not in the set A A B the union of A and B, that is {x : x A or x B} A B the intersection of A and B, that is {x : x A and x B} A B the set difference between A and B, that is {x A : x B} B the set complement of B, that is if B is a subset of the universal set U then B = {x U : x B} A B A is a subset of B, i.e. x A x B A B A is a proper subset of B, i.e. A B and A B A B the Cartesian product of A and B, i.e. the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) such that a A and b B P(A) the power set of A, i.e. the set of all subsets of A

12 Some Laws of Set Theory Associative Laws: (A B) C = A (B C) (A B) C = A (B C) Commutative Laws: A B = B A A B = B A Distributive Laws: A (B C) = (A B) (A C) A (B C) = (A B) (A C) De Morgan s Laws: A B = A B A B = A B Some Logic Symbols p not p p q p or q p q p and q p q p implies q p q p is equivalent with q Some Laws of Logic Associative Laws: (p q) r p (q r) (p q) r p (q r) Commutative Laws: p q q p p q q p Distributive Laws: p (q r) (p q) (p r) p (q r) (p q) (p r) De Morgan s Laws: (p q) p q (p q) p q Some Logical Equivalences for Proofs Proving that p q is equivalent to proving that p q and q p Proving that p q is equivalent to proving that q p Solving Quadratic Equations The quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 where a 0 has the roots x = b ± b 2 4ac 2a Some Summation Formulas n r = r= n r 2 = r= n r=0 n(n + ) 2 n(n + )(2n + ) 6 x r = xn+ x where the real number x The positive primes 00 2, 3, 5, 7,, 3, 7, 9, 23, 29, 3, 37, 4, 43, 47, 53, 59, 6, 67, 7, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97

E: 9p D: 10p C: 14p B: 18p A: 22p

E: 9p D: 10p C: 14p B: 18p A: 22p MID SWEDEN UNIVERSITY DMA Examination 2017 MA095G & MA098G Discrete Mathematics (English) Time: 5 hours Date: 16 March 2017 Pia Heidtmann The compulsory part of this examination consists of 8 questions.

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Discrete Mathematics (English)

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E: 9p D: 10p C: 14p B: 18p A: 22p

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Algebra och Diskret Matematik A (svenska)

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Algebra och Diskret Matematik A (svenska)

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Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (English)

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S 1 11, S 2 9 and S 1 + 2S 2 32 E S 1 11, S 2 9 and 33 S 1 + 2S 2 41 D S 1 11, S 2 9 and 42 S 1 + 2S 2 51 C 52 S 1 + 2S 2 60 B 61 S 1 + 2S 2 A

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. Bestäm Rez och Imz. i. 1. a) Låt z = 1+i ( b) Bestäm inversen av matrisen A = (3p) x + 3y + 4z = 5, 3x + 2y + 7z = 3, 2x y + z = 4.

. Bestäm Rez och Imz. i. 1. a) Låt z = 1+i ( b) Bestäm inversen av matrisen A = (3p) x + 3y + 4z = 5, 3x + 2y + 7z = 3, 2x y + z = 4. MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation Avdelningen för tillämpad matematik Examinator: Erik Darpö TENTAMEN I MATEMATIK MAA150 Vektoralgebra TEN1 Datum: 3 oktober 2014 Skrivtid:

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Information technology Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 (ISO/IEC 26300:2006, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE

Information technology Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 (ISO/IEC 26300:2006, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO/IEC 26300:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-06-17 Publicerad/Published: 2008-08-04 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 35.240.30 Information technology Open Document

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Kurskod: TAMS11 Provkod: TENB 28 August 2014, 08:00-12:00. English Version

Kurskod: TAMS11 Provkod: TENB 28 August 2014, 08:00-12:00. English Version Kurskod: TAMS11 Provkod: TENB 28 August 2014, 08:00-12:00 Examinator/Examiner: Xiangfeng Yang (Tel: 070 2234765) a. You are permitted to bring: a calculator; formel -och tabellsamling i matematisk statistik

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Tentamen i Matematik 3: M0031M.

Tentamen i Matematik 3: M0031M. Tentamen i Matematik 3: M0031M. Datum: 2009-10-26 Skrivtid: 09:00 14:00 Antal uppgifter: 6 ( 30 poäng ). Jourhavande lärare: Norbert Euler Telefon: 0920-492878 Tillåtna hjälpmedel: Inga Till alla uppgifterna

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Isometries of the plane

Isometries of the plane Isometries of the plane Mikael Forsberg August 23, 2011 Abstract Här följer del av ett dokument om Tesselering som jag skrivit för en annan kurs. Denna del handlar om isometrier och innehåller bevis för

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Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 17 August 2015, 8:00-12:00. English Version

Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 17 August 2015, 8:00-12:00. English Version Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 17 August 2015, 8:00-12:00 Examiner: Xiangfeng Yang (Tel: 070 2234765). Please answer in ENGLISH if you can. a. Allowed to use: a calculator, Formelsamling

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1. (3p) Bestäm den minsta positiva resten vid division av talet med talet 31.

1. (3p) Bestäm den minsta positiva resten vid division av talet med talet 31. 1 Matematiska Institutionen KTH Lösning till tentamensskrivning på kursen Diskret Matematik, moment A, för D2 och F, SF1631 och SF1630, den 7 juni 2011 kl 08.00-13.00. Examinator: Olof Heden, tel. 0730547891.

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and u = och x + y z 2w = 3 (a) Finn alla lösningar till ekvationssystemet

and u = och x + y z 2w = 3 (a) Finn alla lösningar till ekvationssystemet Kursen bedöms med betyg,, 5 eller underkänd, där 5 är högsta betyg. För godkänt betyg krävs minst poäng från uppgifterna -7. Var och en av dessa sju uppgifter kan ge maximalt poäng. För var och en av uppgifterna

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F ξ (x) = f(y, x)dydx = 1. We say that a random variable ξ has a distribution F (x), if. F (x) =

F ξ (x) = f(y, x)dydx = 1. We say that a random variable ξ has a distribution F (x), if. F (x) = Problems for the Basic Course in Probability (Fall 00) Discrete Probability. Die A has 4 red and white faces, whereas die B has red and 4 white faces. A fair coin is flipped once. If it lands on heads,

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Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 31 May 2016, 8:00-12:00. English Version

Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 31 May 2016, 8:00-12:00. English Version Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 31 May 2016, 8:00-12:00 Examiner: Xiangfeng Yang (Tel: 070 0896661). Please answer in ENGLISH if you can. a. Allowed to use: a calculator, Formelsamling

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Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 15 August 2016, 8:00-12:00. English Version

Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 15 August 2016, 8:00-12:00. English Version Kurskod: TAIU06 MATEMATISK STATISTIK Provkod: TENA 15 August 2016, 8:00-12:00 Examiner: Xiangfeng Yang (Tel: 070 0896661). Please answer in ENGLISH if you can. a. Allowed to use: a calculator, Formelsamling

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1. Find for each real value of a, the dimension of and a basis for the subspace

1. Find for each real value of a, the dimension of and a basis for the subspace MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA53 Linear Algebra Date: 208-0-09 Write

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Block 2 Algebra och Diskret Matematik A. Följder, strängar och tal. Referenser. Inledning. 1. Följder

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Kurskod: TAMS11 Provkod: TENB 07 April 2015, 14:00-18:00. English Version

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S 1 11, S 2 9 and S 1 + 2S 2 32 E S 1 11, S 2 9 and 33 S 1 + 2S 2 41 D S 1 11, S 2 9 and 42 S 1 + 2S 2 51 C 52 S 1 + 2S 2 60 B 61 S 1 + 2S 2 A

S 1 11, S 2 9 and S 1 + 2S 2 32 E S 1 11, S 2 9 and 33 S 1 + 2S 2 41 D S 1 11, S 2 9 and 42 S 1 + 2S 2 51 C 52 S 1 + 2S 2 60 B 61 S 1 + 2S 2 A MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA151 Single Variable Calculus, TEN Date:

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S 1 11, S 2 9 and S 1 + 2S 2 32 E S 1 11, S 2 9 and 33 S 1 + 2S 2 41 D S 1 11, S 2 9 and 42 S 1 + 2S 2 51 C 52 S 1 + 2S 2 60 B 61 S 1 + 2S 2 A

S 1 11, S 2 9 and S 1 + 2S 2 32 E S 1 11, S 2 9 and 33 S 1 + 2S 2 41 D S 1 11, S 2 9 and 42 S 1 + 2S 2 51 C 52 S 1 + 2S 2 60 B 61 S 1 + 2S 2 A MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA151 Single Variable Calculus, TEN2 Date:

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12.6 Heat equation, Wave equation

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a) Ange alla eventuella punkter där f är diskontinuerlig. b) Ange alla eventuella punkter där f är kontinuerlig men inte deriverbar.

a) Ange alla eventuella punkter där f är diskontinuerlig. b) Ange alla eventuella punkter där f är kontinuerlig men inte deriverbar. Högskolan i Skövde (SK, JS) Svensk version Tentamen i matematik Kurs: MA152G Matematisk Analys MA123G Matematisk analys för ingenjörer MA712A Matematik för lärare C, delkurs Matematisk analys Tentamensdag:

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1 Find the area of the triangle with vertices A = (0,0,1), B = (1,1,0) and C = (2,2,2). (6p)

1 Find the area of the triangle with vertices A = (0,0,1), B = (1,1,0) and C = (2,2,2). (6p) Divsion of Mathematics Examination Vector algebra and applied mathematics MAA150 - TEN2 Mälardalen University Date: 2015-11-06 Examiner: Mats Bodin Exam aids: not any All solutions should be presented

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f(x) = x2 + 4x + 6 x 2 4 by utilizing the guidance given by asymptotes and stationary points.

f(x) = x2 + 4x + 6 x 2 4 by utilizing the guidance given by asymptotes and stationary points. MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA5 Single Variable Calculus, TEN2 Date:

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f(x) =, x 1 by utilizing the guidance given by asymptotes and stationary points. cos(x) sin 3 (x) e sin2 (x) dx,

f(x) =, x 1 by utilizing the guidance given by asymptotes and stationary points. cos(x) sin 3 (x) e sin2 (x) dx, MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA151 Single Variable Calculus, TEN2 Date:

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DVG C01 TENTAMEN I PROGRAMSPRÅK PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES EXAMINATION :15-13: 15 DVG C01 TENTAMEN I PROGRAMSPRÅK PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES EXAMINATION 120607 08:15-13: 15 Ansvarig Lärare: Donald F. Ross Hjälpmedel: Bilaga A: BNF-definition En ordbok: studentenshemspråk engelska Betygsgräns:

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1. Find an equation for the line λ which is orthogonal to the plane

1. Find an equation for the line λ which is orthogonal to the plane MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA150 Vector Algebra, TEN1 Date: 2018-04-23

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1. Find the volume of the solid generated by rotating the circular disc. x 2 + (y 1) 2 1

1. Find the volume of the solid generated by rotating the circular disc. x 2 + (y 1) 2 1 MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA11 Single Variable Calculus, TEN Date:

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NP-fullständighetsbevis Algoritmer, datastrukturer och komplexitet, hösten 2016 Uppgifter till övning 9 NP-fullständighetsbevis På denna övning är det också inlämning av skriftliga lösningar av teoriuppgifterna till labb 4 och

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For which values of α is the dimension of the subspace U V not equal to zero? Find, for these values of α, a basis for U V.

For which values of α is the dimension of the subspace U V not equal to zero? Find, for these values of α, a basis for U V. MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA53 Linear Algebra Date: 07-08-6 Write time:

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Exempel på uppgifter från 2010, 2011 och 2012 års ämnesprov i matematik för årskurs 3. Engelsk version

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760009:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-03-22 Publicerad/Published: 2010-04-27 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Sortering av undertrikå vid

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2. Let the linear space which is spanned by the functions p 1, p 2, p 3, where p k (x) = x k, be equipped with the inner product p q = 1

2. Let the linear space which is spanned by the functions p 1, p 2, p 3, where p k (x) = x k, be equipped with the inner product p q = 1 MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSIY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINAION IN MAHEMAICS MAA15 Linear Algebra Date: 017-06-09 Write time:

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Discovering!!!!! Swedish ÅÄÖ. EPISODE 6 Norrlänningar and numbers 12-24. Misi.se 2011 1

Discovering!!!!! Swedish ÅÄÖ. EPISODE 6 Norrlänningar and numbers 12-24. Misi.se 2011 1 Discovering!!!!! ÅÄÖ EPISODE 6 Norrlänningar and numbers 12-24 Misi.se 2011 1 Dialogue SJs X2000* från Stockholm är försenat. Beräknad ankoms?d är nu 16:00. Försenat! Igen? Vad är klockan? Jag vet inte.

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Relationer och funktioner

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Grafisk teknik IMCDP. Sasan Gooran (HT 2006) Assumptions:

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Grundläggande mängdlära

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Tentamen del 2 SF1511, , kl , Numeriska metoder och grundläggande programmering

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is a basis for M. Also, find the coordinates of the matrix M = with respect to the basis M 1, M 2, M 3.

is a basis for M. Also, find the coordinates of the matrix M = with respect to the basis M 1, M 2, M 3. MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA53 Linear Algebra Date: 6-8-7 Write time:

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sin(x 2 ) 4. Find the area of the bounded region precisely enclosed by the curves y = e x and y = e.

sin(x 2 ) 4. Find the area of the bounded region precisely enclosed by the curves y = e x and y = e. MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA151 Single Variable Calculus, TEN1 Date:

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Writing with context. Att skriva med sammanhang

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2. Find, for each real value of β, the dimension of and a basis for the subspace

2. Find, for each real value of β, the dimension of and a basis for the subspace MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA50 Vector Algebra, TEN Date: 08-0- Write

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Grafisk teknik. Sasan Gooran (HT 2006)

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1. Find the 4-tuples (a, b, c, d) that solves the system of linear equations

1. Find the 4-tuples (a, b, c, d) that solves the system of linear equations MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY School of Education, Culture and Communication Department of Applied Mathematics Examiner: Lars-Göran Larsson EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS MAA150 Vector Algebra, TEN1 Date: 2018-02-15

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och v = 1 och vektorn Svar 11x 7y + z 2 = 0 Enligt uppgiftens information kan vi ta vektorerna 3x + 2y + 2z = 1 y z = 1 6x + 6y + 2z = 4

och v = 1 och vektorn Svar 11x 7y + z 2 = 0 Enligt uppgiftens information kan vi ta vektorerna 3x + 2y + 2z = 1 y z = 1 6x + 6y + 2z = 4 Kursen bedöms med betyg, 4, eller underkänd, där är högsta betyg. För godkänt betyg krävs minst 4 poäng från uppgifterna -7. Var och en av dessa sju uppgifter kan ge maximalt poäng. För var och en av uppgifterna

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