Sebastian Persson Political Science and Sociology

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1 Sebastian Persson Political Science and Sociology 1. The right to represent your self - this is bound to the spoken langue at meetings, which today at the University is Swedish, which excludes a majority of the international students. I believe that this should change and that all students should have an equal possibility to be a student representative. 2. A faculty for everyone - there is equality matters that are discussed all the time both for the students and the staff at the Faculty. The matters can be about anonymous exams, the gender balance (or lack of balance) in different educations, the gender balance among the professors and so on. Bottom line is that I believe that the Union plays a big role in making the Faculty a place for everyone, where you not get judge/discriminated because of your ethnicity, your engagement in the student life, your gender or anything else. 3. A decentralisation of the union - I believe that we should continue the creation of section (if possible) to create a platform which makes a clearer connection between the Union and the student representatives. Frans Björkstam Psykologprogrammet * Normkritiskt likabehandlingsarbete / Norm-critical equality issues * Konstruktionen av föreställningar om hälsa och normalitet / The construction of conceptions of health and normality * Psykologins roll i politiken, specifikt relaterat till arbetsrätt, immigration och socialförsäkringar / The role of the psychologist in the political field, specifically related to labour law, immigration issues and social insurance

2 Caroline Sundberg Pol.Kand & Genusvetenskap För mig är majoriteten av kårens frågor viktiga, men de som är lite viktigare än alla andra enligt mig är de frågor vilka rör jämställdhet och likabehandling då jag läser genus- och statsvetenskap. Frågor vilka innefattas under detta ämne är rätten till stödåtgärder, vilka det finns att tillgå och hur de implementeras, men även klassiska jämställdhet och likabehandlingsfrågor som till exempel berör orättvis behandling av universitetet på grund av en persons intersektionella sammanhang. Exkludering utan motivering är något jag vill motverka, genom internationalisering, granskning av det för givet tagna och läsa mellan raderna. Jag anser att en god struktur i form av dokument, så som styrdokument och policys i kombination med en aktiv diskussion och närvaro leder till ett bättre klimat på samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten. För mig är ingen fråga av för liten vikt att diskutera. Hanna Christensen Psykologprogrammet I consider questions concerning the connection between the educations and later work life to be important. You must be prepared for what to come starting at the university, and that is not the case for a most of student here at the faculty of social sciences. Furthermore, I believe that study social, social extracurricular, events creates a relationship between different students, connecting programmes, which possibly effect the whole experience of the time at the university. I have been a student representative for my course group at the institution of psychology for a year and hopefully I will continue working with and learning about these questions through the executive council. Finally, the reason why Samhällsvetarkåren is, is because of the education coverage and I hope to contribute more to that as a member of the executive council.

3 Claudia Kours Master in Service Management, Tourism and Hospitality Mainly internationalization and engaging students more in decision-making about course contents. This stems from my background of having worked with international students a lot throughout my whole student career (both at home in Germany, and here in Helsingborg), where I was able to recognize the many problems international students have, how unsatisfied they are with the administration at Campus as well as how they are treated by other officials sometimes. Many of them do for example feel excluded from society at times and not treated as a valuable ""customer"" of the university. Also I have heard from many how unsatisfied they are with the course contents of their programmes (I am mainly talking about the Master students at Campus Helsingborg). Therefore I would also like to support a more practice-near approach within the programmes, including more guest lectures, study visits and maybe even specific businss-oriented workshops. I also want to see more connections and bridges being built between Swedish and international students, and between Bachelors and Masters. Although I can tell that in Lund there are many more activities and support offered for international students, I feel that in Helsingborg we are not prioritized. Budgets for such purposes are almost not existent which results in a lack of service for newly arriving students as well as throughout their stay here. I would like to develop more methods of ""customer involvement"", i.e. involving the regular student, not just the one that is engaged in the union, in educational as well as social matters and issues - to find out what they really want and need and which problems they want to be solved. This can help becoming Lund University and Campus Helsingborg becoming more international, as students are more likely to promote the university abroad and with their friends, if they are more satisfied. Generally I feel that international students are not very involved here in Helsingborg, even though I know Agora is trying to do so. However, many s are not even translated into English, most positions require you to speak Swedish, and even guest lectures, workshops and other events are often in Swedish. But, if I am not mistaken, the majority of Swedish people knows English very well, and it might offer them an opportunity of gaining intercultural skills and becoming more open to people from all over the world. I will be graduating at the end of summer, but I will likely still be in touch with other international students studying at Campus at that time which will help me to stay up-to-date with their issues and concerns. I do speak Swedish as well =)

4 Hanna-Liisa Juntti Socionomprogrammet My name is Hanna-Liisa Juntti. I'm a 22 year old, highly ambitious, social work student. I am also active in the social work section (socionomsektionen), especially in the committee of labour market (arbetsmarknadsutskottet) which I am representing. The other committee I'm most active in is the committee of education where I have one of the roles as terminsombud. I'm writing my candidacy with the hopes of representing the social work section in the executive council. This because I believe a great connection between FUM and us are very important and I would like to represent that connection. That I believe that education of high quality and a connection to the labour market is of no question. With a post in FUM I could represent the social work section and be a part in the work of developing and improve our education.

5 Jack Senften Media och kommunikation Ett urval av kärnfrågor för mig skulle vara: Anonyma tentor - För att tillåta representation utan rädsla för att vad man säger med studenternas röst ska straffas i betygen och för att förhindra att något annat än ens prestation, så som kön, hudfärg, nationalitet osv, påverkar bedömningen. "Studenträttigheter" - Att studenträttigheter faktiskt ska vara rättigheter, och inte "Riktlinjer för relationen mellan Lunds universitet och universitetets studenter" som det är i dagsläget. Utbildningsbevakning - Att fortlöpande utveckla och skapa fungerande system för ett effektivt och mångfaldigt utbildningsbevakningsnätverk som utgår ifrån studenterna ute på kurserna. A few of my core issues would be: Anonymous exams - To enable representability without the risk of having what you say as the voice of the students reflected in your results and to prevent anything other than your efforts, such as gender, skin color, nationality and so on, from having any influence on your results. Student rights - To have student right be actual rights and not "Guidlines for the relations between Lund University and the university's students" as it is today. Education coverage - To continuously expand upon and create a functioning and broad networks of educationcoverage with it's base in the courses themselves.

6 Jack Lantz Politices kandidatprogrammet Kårernas uppgift är att representera studenternas intresse gentemot universitetet. Eftersom en ensam student är i stort sett maktlös mot en orättvis lärare eller mot ledningens beslut om en ny betygskala eller nya lokaler, är kårerna ofta studenternas enda möjlighet att bestämma över sina egna villkor. Detta är dock helt beroende av att kårens interna demokrati fungerar och med ett valdeltagande kring 15% som nu är fallet, är det svårt att tala om demokrati. Om inte kårfullmäktige har stöd av medlemmarna faller hela kårens legitimitet och syfte. Viktigast för mig är därför att få upp valdeltagandet i kårvalet. Jag tror att detta kan göras bland annat genom att betona kårens politiska roll och tillåta politiska studentföreningar att ställa upp i valet. Det måste framgå att det är idéer om förändring man röstar på, inte att den kandidat med flest kompisar vinner. En annan fråga jag brinner för är en mer aktiv utbildningsbevakning. Mǻnga utbildningar är allt för dåliga på att presentera olika perspektiv och uppmuntra till kritiskt tänkande. Jag tänker då till exempel på grundkursen i nationalekonomi, vilken alla pol kand-studenter går och vilken många av dem klagar på för att vara onyanserad. Utbildningsbevakning är vad kåren får pengar för och därmed måste den våga gå på djupet och även kunna kritisera kursers innehåll. Slutligen är jag mycket skeptisk till idén att ombilda universitetet till en privat stiftelse. Det är en idé som bygger helt på den ideologiska föreställningen att statligt är fult och som suddar ut universitetets politiska ansvar. Lunds universitet är en viktig angelägenhet för hela Sverige och nu riskerar folkets politiska makt över det att suddas ut med ett penndrag. Det vill inte jag gå med på och jag vill därför verka för att kåren motsätter sig privatiseringen.

7 Johan Björkenrud Political Science The most important issue for me would be to closer connect the courses with the labour market, and push for more activities during the education that are less focused on an academic career and more on a future within the more general public and private sectors. I would also focus on making the union known to a greater part of the students. I like long walks on the beach.

8 Larissa Stiem Environmental Studies and Sustainability Sciences - Inclusion of international students in Lund student life and Swedish culture (e.g. with the help of "Swedish buddies") - Collaboration between social science union and other unions - Collaboration between SSU and other student organisations (e.g. Hallbårt Universitet) - Networking with companies and other organizations for internships, thesis work, or after studies Lubna Hawwa Bachelors in Development Studies Addressing the student's dissatisfaction in their chosen academic program is very important to me. Simultaneously, its very important that the international students coming to university have a an easy and fun time integrating into the Swedish life and student life here in Lund. Making projects and networks, that can easy connects people with similar interests or regions is crucial too. Meanwhile, increasing accessibility to the career opportunities through job or internship fairs is very important, along with providing resources and technical skills required for the students to prepare them for the work life.

9 Marco La Rosa European Studies (HT) - Inclusive environment - Quality of teaching - Employability - Mobility opportunities Mariaserena Baretta Socionomprogrammet Jag vill föra Campus Helsingborgs studenters talan och kan bidra till ett perspektiv i hur det är att studera vid en institution som är delad mellan två städer. Det skulle vara väldigt intressant och samtidigt väldigt kul att få vara en del av en större organisation. Detta främst för att få möjligheten till att kunna påverka och förbättra diverse saker på studieorterna, men även för att på ett allmänt plan bli mer erfaren inom ledarskap och organisation! Som aktiv medlem i ett av Agoras utskott i Helsingborg känner jag att jag har funnit min plats och verkligen insett mitt stora intresse i att engagera mig i studentlivet, så som att bland annat styra upp olika evenemang. Jag ser därför en stor möjlighet till att eventuellt få sitta i ett beslutsfattande organ med målet att öka trivslen för alla studenter gällande allt som rör studentlivet, både i Helsingborg och i Lund! Skulle jag bli vald som representant till Samhällsvetarkårens fullmäktige skulle jag försöka arbeta på att försöka bryta den osynliga barriären mellan studieorterna och göra så att vi gemensamt lägger allt större vikt på att försöka förena studenterna! På så vis kan vi ta lärdom av varandra och driva Lunds universitet mot ännu högre höjder.

10 Marina Nart LUMES Interdisciplinarity, sustainability and intercultural inclusivity are the three most important issues that I would like to see pursued and achieved, through the union, to the broader society. It is time of/for change at all the levels and I believe that social scientists play a crucial role in the scientists of all the faculties let s unite! I m applying to support our rights! Marjorie Spangler Master in Global Studies - A greater focus on the quality of teaching in Swedish higher education - Interdisciplinarity in higher education - The value (and challenges) of global classrooms - More career support and opportunities for students of Social Science - To bring the Union's educational work closer to the general student body As Vice President of the Social Sciences Student Union for the past two years, I have been actively working to improve education in both Lund and Helsingborg. As a member of the Executive Council, I would work diligently and passionately to improve our Union's work with education coverage. I believe my experience will contribute continuity and development within an organisation whose memory is relatively short (as students come and go quickly). I also believe that experience as an international student and as a student representative of LU's Internationalisation Committee gives me additional valuable perspectives to share.

11 Monica Nica MSc in European Affairs There are 3 main areas I am interested in: 1. School-to-work transition The move from study to employment can be both an exciting and stressful time. I am interested in the ways the union can make this transition as smooth as possible for the students. Also, how the union can collaborate with the university and even how it can influence the government to achieve more comprehensive solutions. 2. Student participation Although by Swedish law students have the right to take part in the decisions and shaping of their education and situation, most of them are not interested in it. I believe that student involvement brings an improvement to the academic environment, so finding new strategies to make students get involved is another important matter I have an interest in. 3. Better integration of international students in the student union and opening the committees within the university that hold student representatives to international students as well. Given the number of international students at Lund University, they are poorly represented. Mårten Viberg Politices Kandidat - Statsvetenskap Jag vill hjälpa till att stärka samhällsvetarkårens roll som en organisation som studenter har förtroende för när de upplever sig ha blivit illa behandlade. Dialog mellan Universitetet och kåren upplever jag som central, och jag skulle vilja använda mina styrkor för att göra den dialogen ännu mer effektiv än vad den är idag.

12 Nicholas Bosiacki BIDS I'm Swedish-American Nicholas Bosiacki. For both personal and professional reasons I consider myself a strong candidate for a seat on the council. Currently I serve on the Pluto Section board at the Social Sciences Union. Working this position has given me experience navigating the Lund student government, as well as granting me relationships with many of the Union's main players. As an American I have a distinctly international perspective on the happenings here in Lund, but as a Swede I have both the language skills and personal history to feel at home in Skane. My hope is to be able to facilitate the bridging of these two communities, international and local, for students now and into the future. Linnea Jacobsson Political science 1) Making the education as good as possible at the university. The union has a big responsibility here, especially when it comes to engaging students to become more active in the different work groups and boards within the faculty so that we can create the change that we want to see within the university. To be able to do that the Union has to be an open, including and creative environment were students feel welcomed and inspired to activate themselves. I would love to be apart of creating that environment. 2) The university in general, and the union more specifically should seek too become an equal environment. Both when in comes to bring awareness to oppressive structures and to break them down. I'm active in the equality group at the union and would like to continue that work. 3) The work group for anonymous exams at our union is an important work which I'm happy to be apart of. It's something that the students wants us to work with, but it's also something that would be great from an equality point of view. Live long and prosper (yes... I'm a trekkie and will be the redshirt of the FUM)

13 Nikolas Theofanous Statsvetenskap och underrättelseanalys Kårens legitimitet hos studenterna på Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten. Decentralisering av kåren! Fortsatt skapande av sektioner ute på institutionerna och därmed kunna skapa en bättre lokal förankring som driver sina studenters och medlemmars frågor. Vara en stark och tydlig röst i utbildnings-sverige i de frågor som berör kårens medlemmar. Olga Horn MSc Environmental Studies & Sustainability Science As a member of the Executive Council, I want to work towards a system where professors stop to prioritize their own research and focus more on their responsibility as conveyers of knowledge. A high quality of education is important, as it has a significant impact on our learning process and is crucial for our future success. At the same time I want to strengthen the position of the Social Sciences Union as a platform for student engagement and support!

14 Ole Oberste Berghaus Master in Environmental & Sustainability Studies Professional internationalisation, high level transdisciplinary studies and realistic long-term goals are most important for me. The internationalisation of both, bachelor and master programmes are substantial in many ways. More and more students study abroad to receive intercultural experience and incoming students seek the same here in Lund. To prepare outgoing students and to integrate incoming students is a big task, which can be further improved at Lund University. Assigning outgoing students with a student mentor from the country of destination could be one way to improve both - preparation of outgoing students and integration of incoming students. The transdiciplinary studies are a second big issue that should be put higher on the agenda. Too often social science students bitch about economics students, engineering students or natural science students - thus mentally building up a mental barrier against each other. It should be understood by all students that an intelligent combination of ideas and concepts can be most profitable for both sides and new solutions to complex problems can be found. Especially on the bachelors level we should introduce these cross faculty courses, so that all students get the chance to look into other fields of science. Last but not least are realistic goals of major importance. As a union, goals can sometimes seem to be too big or unachievable. I personally believe that cooperations between unions and organisations can solve most of these issues, asking for open minded working groups and creative minds. Still it is the Executives Councils job to early spot problematic situations and assist where help is needed. Paula Rosu Migration studies Ensuring quality education, improving the procedure of contesting grades, maintain a continuous collaboration between different formal and informal learning, delivering timely answers to any questions students might have on different topics (ranging from visa and housing to participation in different organizations and student unions).

15 Sam Leissner Personal och arbetslivs programmet Rättssäkerhet och relationen mellan studenterna och fakulteten är det som jag brinner mest för tillsammans med de frågor som är aktuella för studenterna. Tove Eklund Politisk kandidat Att förmedla studenträttigheter till alla våra medlemmar. Hjälpa studenter att få kontakt med arbetsmarknaden samt att skapa en hållbar studentkår.

16 Pal Olsson Peace- and Conflict Bachelor level I want to continue to ensure the development of the Union as an influential body within the university and the society and as an organisation. Important issues for me are: Overall quality of the university, through student representation throughout the entire organisation. Increased representation of all the students of our faculty, through our Union, i.e. to make the Union more visible, inclusive and decisive through increased membership numbers and active members - A union of members for all our students! With the experience from previous years of Social Science Union and as a Faculty board member, I hope to be able to bring knowledge and experience that could serve as guidelines for the future. Mostafa Al Jaberi M.A Middle Eastern Studies To give support to the new union management structure and to keep experience and continuity flowing through the organization after serving two years in the board and FUM. Continue work on improving the web-page and other forms of social and information outreach to our fellow students within our faculty.

17 Kristin Lanevik Bachelor in Human Resources I think it is important to keep focus on the questions surrunding the Internationalisation at the university. As the current work life coordinator I have a special place in my heart for the labour market questions, I think it is important that the students are prepared through diffrent activities during their time of studies. Gustavo Herrera Msc. Global Studies. To have more opportunities to get to know each others capacities and interests in order to come with new projects that can help the society and give us better chances of work. Social integration as a positive goal to make the most out of the wide diversity of the population of students in Lund with many potential benefits for all the stakeholders in our educational experience. Well informed and democratic participation of our student representatives in all the spaces that administer the education in our university to make the students' voices better qualified and influential.

18 Elin Gustafsson Gender studies departement/ political science My most important issues are equality questions related to education. I have finished my bachelor in gender studies and have a long experience from the union and work from other organizations. I'm right now a full timer with internal responsibility and I therefore know that I will have plenty of knowledge to contribute with! Pär-Ola Nilsson Personal och arbetslivs programmet Studenträttigheter, kårens utveckling mot en roligare öppnare och större gemenskap, Festmästeriet och kårens studiesociala verksamhet!

19 Martin Hansen Politices kandidatprogram Är det inte rimligt att anta att varje student som väljer att ägna sin tid åt studier vid ett högre lärosäte förväntar sig en givande och fullvärdig utbildning som ämnar ebba ut i en användbar examen? Jag anser det, men samma lärosäte som skall lära ut är den makt som lättast kan fördärva. Att vara student är att vara utsatt för stora, akademiska krafters nycker och förhållanden. Genom inkompetens och oförmåga, eller i värsta fall diskriminering, kan studenten förbises, undvikas och utnyttjas. Därför är studentrepresentation i utbildningsfrågor som en legitim motpart till universitetet och ett generöst skyddsnät för sårbara studenter mycket viktigt för mig. Vidare är det för mig viktigt att belysa samhällsvetarens kompetenser och möjligheter i en tid där det akademiska utrymmet tycks helgat åt blivande ingenjörer och ekonomer. Samhällsvetenskapen genomsyrar samhället men dess användningsområden tycks mig vara otydliga för studenterna som studerar den. Jag vill gärna se, och bidra till, att såväl studenter som omvärld får upp ögonen för de förmågor som gror inom vår vetenskapliga falang. Sara Fredriksson Service Management Att på olika sätt öka samarbetet och förståelsen mellan Lund och Helsingborg, gällande såväl utbildning som studentliv. Att internationaliseringen inom såväl kåren som universitetet ökar. Att fler studenter inser värdet och vikten av att engagera sig i kåren vid sidan av sina studier.

20 Tadas Valitus Bachelor in development studies There is many student related matters which are important to me. lack and dificulties to find housing for students. Lack of colaboration with work places. Future employers should have stronger voices how to increase students ability to adapt their knowlege to working places. These problems mentioned there are just a few of many. Wilhelm Ast Master of Science in Welfare Policies and management - Rättssäkerhetsperspektiv på utbildning, inte minst med det nya betygssystemet som sätter stor press på både lärare och utformande av riktlinjer. Anonyma examinationer kan i många fall vara ett viktigt steg. Dessa måste dock utformas på ett sätt som i sig inte riskerar att skada individens rättssäkerhet och likhet inför lag. - Återkoppling mellan utbildning, studenter och utbildning igen. Det är här utbildningsbevakning är så viktigt, men också goda relationer mellan studenter, kår och institutioner är. - Jag är även intresserad av ett mer övergripande perspektiv på den högre utbildningen rörande allt ifrån nivåer på studiemedel, universitetsanslag och studentpeng till studenters bostadssituationer och sociala skyddsnät. Laura Puccioni BIDS I am Laura Puccioni, I grew up in Florence, Italy and I moved to Sweden almost four years ago. Coming from such background allows me to understand the challenges of being a international student. I also know the satisfaction that comes from successfully integrating into a new society. Falling under the Italian stereotype, I am very passionate and driven. This can ensure you that I will not give up easily and if elected I will do my best to improve your student experience as a whole starting with education quality to social activities. I am an active board member of Pluto and in particular I have been taking care of the social activities. I m very approachable and I will always keep an open ear. Linda Karlsson Equality and Diversity Management Jämställdhet Mångfald Internationalisering

21 Therese Lindquist Equality and diversity management Som representant i ledningsgruppen för mitt program så har jag tydligt fått se vart det många gånger brister. Viktiga frågor för mig är bland annat hur vi kan integrera akademin än mer och nå ut till människor av olika etniska bakgrunder, inte bara är det en självklarhet men också något som jag tror skulle berika alla utbildningar. Detta är naturligtvis bara en av många frågor men den som jag tycker är störst, tillgängligheten för alla. Charlotte Nilsson Pol Kand. Anonymitet på tentor, integration till arbetsmarknaden och praktik inom utbildningen. Sara Lundin Politices Kandidat Jag tror att studentinflytande är en viktig del för att förbättra kvaliteten på utbildningen. Jag vill arbeta för att fler röster ska bli hörda i det arbetet. En specifik fråga som är viktig för mig är anonym examination. Sebastian Becke Socionom Utbildning Trivsel Gemenskap Carl Angerborn Socionom Solidarity Equality

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Statistik ICM Statistik ICM 2015-2017 2016-09-23 Rebecka Herdevall Uppgifter från interimsrapporteringen i MT+ 1 juni 2016 Totalt antal rapporterade mobiliteter för svenska lärosäten 70 60 61 50 40 30 20 21 Antal rapporterade

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BOENDEFORMENS BETYDELSE FÖR ASYLSÖKANDES INTEGRATION Lina Sandström BOENDEFORMENS BETYDELSE FÖR ASYLSÖKANDES INTEGRATION Lina Sandström Frågeställningar Kan asylprocessen förstås som en integrationsprocess? Hur fungerar i sådana fall denna process? Skiljer sig asylprocessen

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CHANGE WITH THE BRAIN IN MIND. Frukostseminarium 11 oktober 2018

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DVA336 (Parallella system, H15, Västerås, 24053)

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Why WE care? Anders Lundberg Fire Protection Engineer The Unit for Fire Protection & Flammables Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

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Understanding Innovation as an Approach to Increasing Customer Value in the Context of the Public Sector

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Service och bemötande. Torbjörn Johansson, GAF Pär Magnusson, Öjestrand GC

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Adding active and blended learning to an introductory mechanics course

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The Municipality of Ystad

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The road to Recovery in a difficult Environment

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International Baccalaureate. Rolf Öberg

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Innovation in the health sector through public procurement and regulation

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