Creative Support / Ivelind Design / Geson Skandiatryckeriet. Götaverksgatan 1, SE Göteborg, Sweden www. visionlundby. goteborg.

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1 Creative Support / Ivelind Design / Geson Skandiatryckeriet V I S I O N L U N D B Y Götaverksgatan 1, SE Göteborg, Sweden www. visionlundby.

2 2002 in brief VVision Lundby is expanding! As the number of buildings, companies and residents grows, so too do our subprojects in Vision Lundby. In order to promote efficient and sustainable transport solutions, we are working on building long-term relations and developing various forms of collaboration with as many players in Lundby as possible. The aim is that the knowledge gained, and the solutions created in Lundby will be utilised in other areas of Göteborg, in other regions of Sweden and, indeed, internationally was a year of much activity. Three European collaborative projects were started, with Vision Lundby as an active participant. This has enabled us to open the Lundby Mobility Centre that will be our base of operations for future activities. During the year, we have welcomed a number of new colleagues, all of whom will develop and demonstrate examples of sustainable transport solutions for the Lundby area. Lundby Mobility Centre will also act as a support office for all who live and work in Lundby and who want to look over their present communication methods. Vision Lundby s various sub-projects have been defined and will be further expanded during the coming years. Choosing and using the optimal mode of transport is becoming important for an increasing number of businesses and individuals in Lundby - we have noticed, for example, a burgeoning interest in car sharing and a growing number of businesses that have chosen to co-ordinate their goods transport. We will work even harder in 2003, a year that promises to be an exciting one! Smarter Communication for C ompanie s A company s communication needs can pertain to transport of goods or staff, to punctuality or to customer accessibility. Effective and sustainable transport solutions need to be established. Our aim in Lundby is to develop, test and establish attractive transport solutions that meet these requirements. Workplace s Different workplaces have different transport requirements; whatever the requirements may be, they are often an important element in the company s activities. Since June 2002, Johan Lindau has been responsible for developing a support service for companies located in the area that want to make their transportation of people and goods more efficient. Having visited a number of companies, the situations and needs of various types of business have been audited. Alternatively fuelled vehicles, ride sharing, public transport, car sharing, bicycles, teleconferences and videoconferences are examples of solutions available and that, in various combinations, can effectively meet communication needs. Collaborating with representatives from Västtrafik, company managers and employees have been given information about the best ways to travel to and from Lundby and been offered personalised public transport timetables. A brochure dealing with ways to improve company travel has been printed and distributed to over 600 companies in Lundby. Further, the publication entitled Sustainable Transport Management has been updated in order to provide support for companies wishing to work proactively with a review of their present transport systems. Public Transp or t C ards In the autumn of 2002, Västtrafik launched a service for businesses, enabling them to purchase monthly public transport season tickets for their employees. These businesses may then, if they so desire, subsidise the purchase of the season tickets. The concept has generated considerable interest, with many companies regarding this alternative as a component in their environmental management activities. Companies that offer 20 season tickets to 20 employees in a given year are also presented with a company bicycle as a bonus. This service was marketed through company visits towards the end of Freight C ollaboration in Lundby Johan Axelsson started during the year, with responsibility for developing Freight Collaboration in the Lundby subproject. In his work, Johan will be the catalyst, listening to both customer companies and their suppliers, encouraging them to collaborate in the development of new ordering and delivery routines. An evaluation in May of a pilot project that had been running for a year showed that some companies had succeeded in halving the number of office supply deliveries. By the end of the year, the following wholesalers were delivery participants: Corporate Express, Lyreco, Svanströms, TG Skrivab and Wettergrens. Other product groups will be included in future. A folder presenting the Lundby Freight Collaboration was also published. Lundby s First Car Pool with AFV At the end of April, 2002, the county governor, Göte Bernhardsson, inaugurated the first car pool in Lundby, operated by SunFleet Carsharing a carpool consisting solely of Alternatively Fuelled Vehicles (AFV). In December, 15 people were sharing one car; it is parked outside Norra Älvstrandens InfoCenter. SunFleet CarSharing is Sweden s first car pool to offer AFV car sharing services on a commercial basis. Company Bicycles Towards the end of last year, Marie Löwenkrantz assumed responsibility for developing matters related to bicycles in Lundby. Through corporate contacts, exhibitions, campaigns and seminars, she will increase bicycle awareness. A project definition document Company Bicycles in Lundby was published in March. One of Marie s main tasks will be to further develop the concept of introducing a company bicycle system as a complement to existing modes of transport in Lundby. IT- base d R ide Sharing The Swedish National Road Administration has developed a system enabling Internet-users to access a simple, flexible and convenient means of ride sharing. The system is now ready for delivery to employers, and thus to potential users. In order for the system to work, about 2000 users are required. Three companies and their employees will participate in a test project. The duration of the project will be March 2002 to March An evaluation will then be carried out. A lternatively Fuelle d Vehicle s During the year, two Lundby companies have been provided with support and advice with regard to the environmental adaptation their fleets Lisa Sundell, project manager Vision Lundby was initiated by the Traffic & Public Transport Authority and is run in collaboration with the District Administration of Lundby, the City Planning Authority, Västtrafik (Regional Public Transport Authority), Norra Älvstranden Utveckling AB and the Swedish National Road Administration. Smartare kommunikationer för företag Smartare kommmunikationer för företag

3 Lundby Mobility Centre Götaverksgatan 1 SE Göteborg smartare kommunikationer Ulla Robertsson Smar ter C ommunic ation for the individual Our daily travel is often a question of habit. A great number of journeys are made each year. If we can succeed in encouraging more people to make active transportation choices then we have come a long way. We want to draw attention to these factors and demonstrate that whatever the choice, it is an important one. Maria Coulianos, who also started with us last year, will co-ordinate activities aimed at individuals, households and associations in Lundby. We will provide support and information in order to facilitate the choice of transport mode, we will encourage people to leave their cars at home more C ar sharing in Lundby During the year, many activities took place aimed at increasing the use of existing car pools and for introducing new ones. Three information meetings were held at Ostindiefararen during the spring that attracted residents from Lindholmen, Slottsberget and Eriksberg as well as companies based at LundbyStrand. Also during the spring, discussions were initiated with three real estate companies - HSB, Familjebostäder and Riksbyggen - and Statoil Carsharing regarding the collaborative marketing of a car pool to new residents of Sannegårdshamnen. The outcome was that Statoil introduced its first car pool vehicle in Sannegårdshamnen in September. Test events have been organised so that local residents can see for themselves how a car pool works in Eriksberg, Lindholmen and Sannegårdshamnen. Collaboration with Coop Konsum Eriksberg and Coop Konsum Wieselgrensplatsen has resulted in our being able to inform their customers about car pools in Lundby. During the Backaplan festivities in May, a large streamer showed the way to Coop Forum where car sharing information was made available and where two car pool vehicles could be seen. Representatives from Vision Lundby, SunFleet Carsharing and Hisingen s car co-operative were Det har varit stor uppslutning till årets informationsträffar om bilpooler. there to answer questions. Vision Lundby was also present at the local Environment day at Bjurslätts Torg in June. Collaboration with the local football club, BK Häcken, has resulted in a display of information about car sharing at their home ground. In October, a door-to-door campaign was tested at Lindholmen to see if this method was a good way to not only disseminate information but also to receive feedback from residents. By December there were five car pools in Lundby: Hisingen car co-operative (inaugurated in 1998) Eriksberg car pool (Statoil, inaugurated Dec-2000) Lindholmen car pool (Statoil, inaugurated Febr-2002) LundbyStrand AFV car pool (SunFleet, inaugurated Apr-2002) Sannegårdshamnen s car pool (Statoil, inaugurated Sept-2002) User frequency is at present between 25% and 40% During 2002, the Swedish National Road Administration has contributed funds to the Car Sharing in Lundby subproject. The Lundby C ard Almost 500 people had expressed interest in testing the Lundby Card, a pilot project featuring a monthly season ticket with enhanced benefits, from January to June The aim was, using the opinions gathered from passengers, to find out how to present a season ticket with associated extra benefits that would be sufficiently attractive to both keep existing passengers and attract new ones. The Lundby Card works in the same way as a regular season ticket but further entitles the holder to discounts and special offers at Taxi Göteborg, Statoil Carsharing, Toyota Rent a Car, Hertz, SunFleet Carsharing and Hisingen s car co-operative. 200 holders were active participants, utilising the card s benefits. A subsequent questionnaire showed that the remaining 300 had decided not to participate either because they had alternative methods of transportation, because they had moved or because they had quite simply forgotten to buy the card. Of the active participants, 25% utilised the associated benefits. The most popular discount was that offered by Taxi Göteborg. Almost 90% approved of a card with extra benefits and work is now under way to develop and further implement the Smart Travel Card. Public Transp or t In February public transport in Lundby received a welcome addition, with the no. 4 tramline starting to operate on Hisingen. During the year, a new ferry stop, Slottsberget, was added and welcomed by the new residents of Sannegårdshamnen. New Flexline s in Lundby June 2002 saw the inauguration of further Flexline regions in both north and south Lundby. Central Hisingen is now split up into three Flexline regions operating during weekday daylight hours. Flexlines are a complement to public transport and Färdtjänst, a specialist transport service for the old and the disabled. Buses and spacious modern minibuses with low floors stop only where the passenger is to be picked up or let off. Cycling in Lundby Marie Löwkrantz, also recruited during 2002, will see to it that Lundby becomes a popular and safe cycling area. Lundby is ideal for cyclists no hills and plenty of cycle lanes! Marie will work together with the local community to create a clear and unmistakeable bicycle profile. Children and Youth Within the EU project, Target, there are a number of subprojects. One of these is aimed specifically at children, young people and schools. Camilla Henriksson has been working for two years as a traffic educator at the Traffic & Public Transport Authority. Since June, 2002, she has participated in the Target project with 20% of her work time. She will work with the schools in Lundby to develop models that will increase young people s awareness of the links between traffic, the environment and safety. Sannegårdshamnens bilpool Bilpooler i Lundby Vi vill informera dig om bilpool Jag arbetar åt kommunen med att besöka boende i ert område för att informera om bilpooler. Att vara med i bilpool är för många hushåll ett mycket bekvämt och lönsamt alternativ till att ha egen bil. Det kanske även passar er. Jag återkommer gärna vid en tidpunkt när ni är hemma eller berättar per telefon. Fyll i och sänd in kortet (portofritt), eller ring mig, så bestämmer vi en tid. Välkommen till Terra Nova för djärva tankar om ostindiefarare och bilpooler! Vision Lundby Box Göteborg Djärva idéer har i alla tider bidragit till att nydana och stärka vårt samhälle. Ostindiefararna bragte välstånd, vidgade vyer och nytt liv till Göteborg. Idag handlar det också om att dra nytta av nya färdsätt som kan vidareutveckla staden. Och att våga ompröva sina vanor. För många företagsledare är exempelvis att komplettera eller ersätta företagets tjänste- och förmånsbilar med bilpool en djärv tanke. Ändå finns här mycket att tjäna både för företaget och anställda. Detta vill vi berätta om för dig som har inflytande över bilresorna i ert företag. Plantera idén, visa på vinsten och praktiska lösningar. Till hjälp har vi FleetSmart AB, som i april startar första företagser (finns redan på andra håll i bilpoolen nära stan). Med vänliga hälsningar Ulla Robertsson Projektledare Vision Lundby bilpooler, tel Vi tar en guidad d tur och ser hur långt bygget med ostindiefararen Götheborg kommit. Kopplar av med fika och en stunds information om för- och nackdelar med företagsbilpool du kommer att gilla vad du får se och höra! Välkommen till Terra Nova-varvet på Eriksberg tisdagen den 19 mars kl Entré, rundtur och fika bjuder vi på! Med vänliga hälsningar Göteborg den Ann-Christin Sande projektledare, marknadschef, bilpooler Vision Lundby SOIC, Ostindiefararen Götheborg

4 . Sid 1/2 D e c e m b e r Vision Lundby, Trafikkontoret, Box 2403, Göteborg. Telefon , e-post Frågorna riktas till den person / de personer som är personalansvariga eller miljöansvariga. Frågorna gäller den arbetsplats och / eller avdelning som brevet var adresserat till. avser den adress, arbetsställe/avdelning som brevet var adresserat till n 0-20 n n n mer än 200 frågan ställs eftersom vissa företag kan ha anställda som sällan arbetar på den plats där de är anställda n 0-20 n n n mer än 200 Ja och vi är Ja och vi är Ja, men vi Nej, men Nej och vi mycket ganska är inte det låter är inte intresserade intresserade intresserade intressant intresserade Känner ni till Vision Lundby? Har du besökt internet-sidan? Har ni blivit kontaktade av någon från Lundby Mobility Center? Har ni erbjudits att låna miljöfordon av Göteborgs Stad? Har ni sett skriften Miljöledning av transporter, som kan användas som stöd vid upphandling av miljöanpassade transporter? Känner ni till begreppet Grön Resplan? Har er organisation ett miljöledningssystem? Arbetar ni aktivt med att miljöanpassa era transporter? Svara med ett alternativ n Arbetar n Studerar n Pensionär / sjukpensionär n Arbetssökande n Föräldraledig / tjänstledig n... Var ligger din arbetsplats eller skola? Gata:...Stadsdel eller kommun:. Markera alla färdsätt du använde med kryss. n Egen bil n Bilpoolsbil n Samåkte med någon i mitt hushåll ca... km n Samåkte med någon annan n Buss n Spårvagn n Tåg n Älvsnabben n Cyklade n Gick n Annat n kvinna n man Vilket år är du född? Hur många personer som har fyllt 18 år bor i ditt hushåll? Hur många personer yngre än 18 år bor i Hur många körkort har ni i ert hushål Har du fått information om Vision Lundby hem till dig? Har du sett information om Vision Lundby ute i stadsdelen? Har du besökt internet-sidan Har du deltagit i någon aktivitet i Vision Lundby? Kronprinsessan Victoria informeras om Vision Lundby vid transportseminarium i Lyon. The Me dia The local media keenly follows developments in Lundby. The following newspapers have carried news stories about events in Lundby: GöteborgsPosten, Goda Nyheter, Metro, Norra Älvstranden, Vårt Lundby, Värdsnyheter and Våra Vägar. The Vision Lundby Web Site is an important medium for disseminating information about the various sub-projects. At the end of last year, we were receiving about 1000 hits per month Newslet ter The Vison Lundby newsletter informs its readers of the progress of the various sub-projects. The newsletter is published four times a year in both Swedish and English. Seminar A seminar on the topic Sustainable Transport Management attracted over 100 visitors towards the end of February. Ride sharing to work, environmental demands with regard to goods distribution and light trucks, videoconferencing and long-distance, computer-based conferencing were some of the items on the agenda. In May, a conference was organised in collaboration with Göteborg 2050 and Case-study Lundby, the topic of which was Transport of the Future. About 35 officials and politicians with an interest in transportation participated in discussions at Chalmers Lindholmen.. Välkommen Prenumerera på Vision Lundbys Nyhetsbrev! Stadsdelen Lundby i Göteborg är ett utvecklingsområde för framtidens transportlösningar. Vill du hålla dig uppdaterad om vad som händer inom Vision Lundby fyll i och posta detta kort. Nyhetsbrevet är kostnadsfritt, utkommer kvartalsvis och distribueras via e-post. Välkommen! N y h e t s b r e v n r till Lundby Mobility Centre! Nu har Lundby Mobility Centre öppnat i informationscentrat på Götaverksgatan 1. Lundby Moblity Centre är: Ett servicekontor: Vi finns till för de företag och privatpersoner i Lundby som vill ha stöd att utveckla effektiva och lönsamma lösningar för person- och godstransporter. Fullt av inspiratörer: På plats finns våra medarbetare som kan visa konkreta exempel på smarta kommunikationer och förmedla kontakter till företag som har bra transportlösningar att erbjuda. En kunskapsbank: Vi sitter inne med en hel del kunskaper när det gäller miljöanpassade transporter. Vi är ett neutralt bollplank, och kommunicerar gärna. Goda idéer mottages! Lundby Mobility Centre byggs upp inom ramen för EU-projekten TARGET II och TELLUS. Detta har även gjort det möjligt att anställa personer med uppgift att fokusera på respektive delprojekt (se nedan). Lisa Sundell som är projektledare för hela Vision Lundby håller i trådarna, med målet att hitta relevanta samverkanspartners, marknadsföra och förmedla kunskap om Vision Lundby. Veta mer: - Projektledare Lisa Sundell, , eller e-post Smartare kommunikationer för företag Behovet av transporter ser olika ut för olika arbetsplatser men är ofta en mycket viktig del av verksamheten. Det här är ett ämne som intresserar och engagerar företagen i Lundby. Miljöfordon, samåkning, kollektivtrafik, telefon- och videokonferenser är exempel på möjligheter som kan kombineras till att effektivt möta behovet av kommunikation. Johan Lindau leder arbetet med miljöanpassade lösningar av företagens persontransporter. Veta mer:johan Lindau, tel , eller Godssamverkan i Lundby Färre och effektivare varutransporter är ett smart sätt att minska både trafikträngsel och miljöbelastning. Johan Axelsson vidareutvecklar godssamverkan i Lundby, där ett av målen är att minska antalet transporter av kontorsmaterial till kunder i Lundby med 30%. Det sker genom så kallade sällan-leveranser, ett vinnande koncept som kunderna uppskattar. Många företag är miljöcertifierade och detta är en konkret åtgärd i linje med övrigt miljöarbete. Veta mer: Johan Axelsson, tel , eller Bilpooler i Lundby Det kostar att ha bil, inte så mycket som man tror utan betydligt mer. Många företag har tillgång till fler bilar än vad de behöver och har därmed kostnader för resurser som inte nyttjas fullt ut. En bilpool är ett antal bilar som flera delar på. Därmed sjunker kostnaderna dramatiskt. Men bekvämligheten består. Arbetsplatsenkät Lundby November 2002 Hur många anställda är ni på arbetsplatsen? Hur många anställda brukar vara på arbetsplatsen en arbetsdag? Information Effective communication of information, in both directions, is a pre-condition for creating the contacts that will unite users, suppliers and other interested parties within the Vision Lundby project. The goal is to find effective ways of satisfying the transportation needs of the area.. Talk s about Vision Lundby School of Economics, Göteborg University Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Ecology Seminar, Göteborg Car Sharing Conference, Stockholm Transport Seminar, Lyon, France Lundby District Committee Meeting of headmasters, Lindholmen Study Visit s in Lundby City of Stockholm Municipality of Trollhättan Port Elizabeth, South Africa Buffalo City, South Africa EU project TELLUS T Sur veys, Fac t She et s and Public ations During the year, Vision Lundby has developed a new graphic identity programme. A number of folders and brochures were printed during the year. They are all available in PDF format on the Vision Lundby web site. - Car Sharing in Lundby a folder for companies and households - Freight Collaboration in Lundby a folder for companies - Smarter Communication for Companies an information & inspiration folder - Company Bicycles a project description - Sannegårdshamnen s Car Pool - Sustainable Transport Management (revised edition) - Annual report Hushållsenkät Lundby November 2002 Vilken är din huvudsakliga sysselsättning? Om du arbetar eller studerar: Hur tog du dig dit senaste gången du var där? Är du Research & Development Lundby on the Move An interdisciplinary case study, Lundby on the Move, was conducted during the spring of This was a collaborative effort proposed by Vision Lundby and involving Chalmers/Göteborg University, The City of Göteborg, Volvo and the Region of Västra Götaland. The case study was moderated by the Royal Guest Professor of Environmental Science, Roland Scholz, from Zürich. 28 students and researchers representing eight disciplines participated in the study, the purpose of which was to catalogue the possibilities for, and consequences of, mobility and sustainable development in Lundby. The results showed, amongst other things, that consumers, companies and decision-makers in Lundby regard the development of town squares as the most popular future model for the area. Such a plan, with more shops on shopping squares in residential areas, would reduce both transportation costs and environmental pollution. Volvo C entre of E xcellence During the year, The Göteborg Centre for Environment and Sustainability at Chalmers/Göteborg University has conducted further work on an earlier application for a Volvo Centre of Excellence within the field of Future Urban Transport. As a consequence of the application, sent to Volvo s research foundation in 2001, collaboration between Göteborg and Lund was suggested. Discussions have been held with Lund University and a new application presented. Vision Lundby is included in the application as a test case for the Göteborg part of the project. Evaluation Questionnaire The various goals for Vision Lundby have been sub-divided into information, attitudes and behaviour. With regard to the first, the aim is to, year by year, increase awareness amongst households and businesses of the sub-projects that Vision Lundby represents. For the same target group, attitudes means that we will contribute to ensuring that their attitude to the transport and environmental situation becomes more positive each year. Regarding behaviour, the aim is that Vision Lundby will have contributed to annual improvements in sustainable transportation behaviour. In order to quantify the success of these goals, questionnaires will be sent to households and companies each autumn. In November, the first questionnaires were sent to 500 residents between the ages of 16 and 75 and to all workplaces with more than 10 employees in Lundby and Centrum. This first analysis should be regarded as a starting point prior to the commencement of all the subprojects in Vision Lundby. Coming questionnaires will show what changes have been effected with regard to information, attitudes and behaviour about transport and the environment in Lundby. International Co - operation TELLUS (Transport & Environment alliance for Urban Sustainability) In this project, we collaborate with Rotterdam, Berlin, Gdynia and Bucharest. The project began on February 1 st and will continue for four years. A project management meeting was held in June in Göteborg and included study trips and information about the Göteborg projects. Within the Tellus framework, Göteborg contributes with five projects: Development of the Environmental Zone Environmentally Optimised River Shuttle Freight Collaboration in Lundby Improving Load Factors in Inner City Freight Distribution Heavy Gas Vehicles TARGET (Travel Awareness and Regional Groups for Environmental Transport) In this project, started on July 1 st, Göteborg collaborates with Yorkshire & Humber, Bremen, Odense and Euregio Scheldemond in Belgium/ Holland. A meeting was held in November at Lundby Mobility Centre at which TARGET participants from all countries gathered. Göteborg contributes with the following sub-projects: Smarter Communication for Companies Smarter Communication for Individuals Cycling in Lundby Children & Youth GUIDEMAPS (Gaining Understanding of Improved Decision Making and Participation Strategies) is a European research project, the aim of which is to identify those obstacles that inhibit the successful implementation of sustainable transport solutions. A guide is in preparation that will give examples of transport projects, the success of which was due to broad partnerships and a high acceptance rate. Vision Lundby is one of many European projects that are being examined.

5 Organis ation A steering group was established as a complement to the present project group. During the autumn, the western division of the Swedish National Road Administration was invited to become a partner in Vision Lundby and the invitation was accepted. Participation in a number of European projects during the year increased our numbers, as we recruited some employees specifically to assist with the development of Vision Lundby. The base for future activities will be the Lundby Mobility Centre, opened November 1 st in the Älvstranden InfoCenter at Götaverksgatan 1. Ste ering Group Jonas Johansson MD Traffic & Public Transport Authority Kjell-Ove Eskilsson MD City Planning Authority Lars Ivarson MD Norra Älvstranden Utveckling AB Roger Vahnberg MD Västtrafik (Regional Public Transport Authority) Agneta Jögård MD District Administration of Lundby Marianne Nyberg Head of Transport Sector Development Division Swedish National Road Administration Lisa Sundell Traffic & Public Transport Authority The steering group held two meetings during 2002 Projec t Group Lisa Sundell Traffic & Public Transport Authority, convenor Lena Jacobsson City Planning Authority Olle Lindkvist Norra Älvstranden Utveckling AB Hélène Frahm Västtrafik (Regional Public Transport Authority) Barbro Rohdin District Administration of Lundby Britta Johnson Swedish National Road Administration The project group held four meetings during Pers onnel Lisa Sundell, Traffic & Public Transport Authority (Jan-Dec) Camilla Henriksson, Traffic & Public Transport Authority (20%, July-Dec) Johan Lindau, Traffic & Public Transport Authority (June-Dec) Marie Löwkrantz, Traffic & Public Transport Authority (Nov-Dec) Maria Coulianos, Traffic & Public Transport Authority (Nov-Dec) Ulla Robertsson, Traffic & Public Transport Authority (60%, Jan-Dec) Johan Axelsson, Norra Älvstranden Utveckling AB (June-Dec)

6 The Lundby Mobility Centre is a service office for those companies and individuals in Lundby who requires support and advice with developing efficient and sustainable transportation of people and goods. The office was opened in November 2002 and is to be found at the Älvstranden InfoCenter, Götaverksgatan 1. Lundby Mobility Centre acts as an independent sounding board and the employees can offer many concrete examples of today s sustainable transport solutions. It also acts as an intermediary to companies that offer these solutions. Project Manager Vision Lundby and Lundby Mobility Centre Lisa Sundell, tel +46(0) , +46(0) Smarter Communication for Companies Johan Lindau, tel +46(0) , +46(0) Freight Collaboration in Lundby Johan Axelsson, tel +46(0) , +46(0) Car Sharing in Lundby Ulla Robertsson, tel + 46(0) , + 46(0) Smarter Communication for Individuals Maria Coulianos, tel +46(0) , + 46(0) Cycling in Lundby Marie Löwkrantz, tel +46(0) , + 46(0) Children & Youth Camilla Henriksson, tel +46(0) , + 46(0) Lundby Mobility Centre Götaverksgatan 1, SE Göteborg, Sweden Ferry stop: LundbyStrand or Lindholmspiren Bus stop: Regnbågsgatan

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Lights in Alingsås Nordens största workshop inom ljussättning i offentlig miljö.

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Questionnaire for visa applicants Appendix A

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A metadata registry for Japanese construction field

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COPENHAGEN Environmentally Committed Accountants

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Projektmodell med kunskapshantering anpassad för Svenska Mässan Koncernen

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