Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report. 1. Name: Hanna Reiding. 2. E-mail address: hannareiding@hotmail.

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Person 33. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sustainability, Business Management,

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Nutrition, Food science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University?

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

8. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Hållbar Utveckling. 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016)

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmeltal Science, Management, Social Science, Building Science

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Accounting and Finance

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)


6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Antropologi /Danska

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Social science

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

8. What did you study during your exchange? Statskunskap och sociologi. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices masterprogrammet

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Scandinavian Studies

Person 100. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

Person 282. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Microbiology and economy

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? (fråga 7: jag var där vt 2013) Engineering

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016)

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Economy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Apotekarprogrammet

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course.

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics, energy studies

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmental Science

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

8. What did you study during your exchange? Sociology and Iceland language

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Historia, politik, kultur

Person 181. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15

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Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. Typ av kurs.

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sociology and psychology

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? International Studies/Government

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Philosophy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Cultural Entrepreneurship, BA

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

Person 151. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14

#minlandsbygd. Landsbygden lever på Instagram. Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant.

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Energy and Physics. 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Scandinaviska studier

Person 73. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Chemical engineering


Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Basic Information 1. Name: Hanna Reiding 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange: University of New South Wales (UNSW) 4. City: Sydney 5. Country: Australien 6. First semester of your exchange: Swedish spring semester (VT) 7. Academic year: 2014/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Law/Criminology 9. Level of studies at the exchange university: Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Law 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies Jag läste en blandning av olika typer av ämnen, men mest juridiska kurser. Första terminen läste jag An Introduction to the Australian Legal Sytem, International Business Law, Criminology och Marine Biology. Läser du juridik kan jag verkligen rekommendera de två förstnämnda kurserna. Framförallt var International Business Law en väldigt rolig och lärorik kurs där läraren verkligen integrerade med eleverna. Kursen Marine Biology rekommenderades vi av UNSW international office. Om du vill ha en annorlunda kurs som inte innebär jättemycket självstudier utan som består av tre field trips (fältstudier) kan jag rekommendera denna kurs. Termin två läste jag Cyberspace Law 2.0, International Trade Law, Understanding Human Rights och Negotiation skills. En kurs som jag kan rekommendera alla oberoende på vad du läser är Negotiation skills. En jättekul kurs där man praktiskt får testa på hur det är att förhandla på olika sätt. Ett tips är dock att välja en lite lättare kurs tillsammans med negotiation eftersom att uppgifterna som man skulle göra i kursen var ganska tidskrävande. Skillnaden för mig som läser juridik i Uppsala var att i Australien så läste man fyra kurser parallellt under hela terminen. Dessutom så har man i de flesta kurserna små läxor och test löpande under terminen, vilket dock var bra då de räknades mot ens slutbetyg och på så vis kunde man under terminen samla ihop relativt mycket poäng redan innan sluttentan. I vissa kurser hade man dock inte sluttentor utan istället en hemtenta eller en pm. Det kan vara bra inför val av kurs att kolla vilken typ av examination som kursen har, eftersom om alla kurser har sluttenta så kan det finnas en risk att dessa kolliderar med varandra. Det är också bra att

ha koll på hur ens schema kommer att se ut redan när man väljer kurser så att man inte har för många kurser samma dag. Jag hade i max två kurser på samma dag och det tycker jag var lagom. Sammanfattat kan man säga att det är lite mer att plugga under terminen än hemma, men i och med att terminen är kortare och att man har ett lov i mitten av terminen kändes pluggnivån helt okej. Kurslitteratur kunde man köpa i en bookshop på campus, i andra hand genom en facebook grupp på internet eller i vissa fall låna på biblioteket. Till skillnad får Uppsala så är inga arbeten eller tentor man gör anonyma. Detta tyckte jag gjorde att man hade mer kontakt med sin lärare eftersom dem på så vis visste hur det hade gått för en på läxorna. Orientation and reception För dem studenter som kommit ner lite tidigare innan skolan hade börjat så ordnade internationella kansliet ett tea party. Här fick man en chans att mingla med nya och gamla utbytesstudenter, samtidigt som det bjöds på fika. I början på O-week hade vi en obligatorisk orientation day, där vi fick information om campus, val av kurser etc. Under resterande del av O-week ställde olika föreningar ut informationsstånd, vilket gjorde det lätt att komma i kontakt med den föreningen som man var intresserad av. Under mitt utbyte var jag med i The Underwater Club, som kan rekommenderas om du gillar att dyka, samt The Sailing Club som arrangerar en mängd olika aktiviteter så som paddelboarding, sailing, kayaking etc. Ett tips är att gå med i gruppen Svenskar i Sydney på facebook för där kan du få mycket bra information om livet i Sydney utanför skolan. Accommodation Jag hade redan innan jag åkte ner till Sydney bestämt mig för att jag ville bo off-campus. Dels tyckte jag att priserna för att bo på campus var för höga, dels så ville jag känna på hur det vara att leva som en Aussie och inte bara se campuslivet. Dessutom är åldern på dem som bor på campus generellt sett lägre, runt 20 års åldern. Men vill man ha ett boende direkt när man kommer ner så är campus att rekommendera eftersom man kan och måste fixa det i förväg. Jag och en annan tjej från Uppsala åkte ned till Sydney 2,5 veckor innan skolan började för att ha tid att leta boende på plats, vilket är att rekommendera eftersom det är många som letar boende under den perioden. Vi bodde dem första två veckorna på hostel som vi hade bokat i förväg. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera Wake Up hostel som ligger i CBD, prisvärt och lite mer som ett hotell. Vi hittade vår lägenhet som låg tre min från campus via Du får räkna med att priserna för boende är mycket högre i Sydney än vad det är hemma i Uppsala. Beroende på hur nära skolan du vill bo, vilken standard du vill ha och om du vill ha ett eget rum eller kan tänka dig dela rum så skiftar priserna. Jag valde att dela rum med en amerikans tjej under hela mitt utbytesår. Jag tyckte att det funkade bra och det var definitivt värt det, då jag på så vis kunde spara ett par tusen i månaden. Vi var fem stycken som delade på lägenheten och vi var av mixade nationaliteter, vilket jag tyckte var väldigt kul. Lägenheten låg i Randwick som ligger jättenära skolan. Där fanns både mataffärer, gym och bio i närområdet, bra bussförbindelser till CBD och endast 15 minuters gångväg till Coogee beach. Även är en bra sida att hitta boende på, men var uppmärksam på scams.

Att tänka på är att det blir väldigt kallt inomhus under vintern, då husen är så dåligt isolerade. Så det kan vara bra att ta med sig skockor eller liknande och varma kläder att sova i eller alternativt köpa när man kommer ner. Your finances Du får mer CSN lån och bidrag eftersom levnadskostnaderna är så pass mycket högre i Sydney än i Uppsala. Jag rekommenderar verkligen att ta alla merkostnadslån som man kan ta. Det är framförallt boendet som kostar. Vanligtvis ligger priser per vecka från $200-300, men allt beror på vart du vill bo och om du vill ha eget rum. Jag betalade $230 i veckan för ett delat rum i en lägenhet med fem andra, delad dusch och toa. Men vår lägenhet var fräsch och låg nära skolan så om man söker sig längre bort från skolan går det säkert att hitta något billigare. Jag jobbade inte extra under mitt utbyte. Så här i efterhand ångrar jag lite att jag inte hade ett extrajobb då det är ett väldigt bra sätt att träffa den lokala befolkningen och få nya vänner på. Beroende på hur mycket man vill resa runt, vilket jag verkligen tycker att man ska, så är det bra att ha jobbat ihop lite extra pengar utöver CSN så att man kan göra alla de resor som man kommer att vilja göra. Free time Som jag tidigare nämnde var jag med i två studentklubbar, The Underwater Club och The Sailing Club. Jag var inte med på alla aktiviteter utan man kunde vara med på det man kände för, vilket jag tyckte var skönt. Men det finns en mängd andra klubbar att gå med i om man känner för det. Annars hände jag mest med dem jag bodde med och andra utbytesstudenter som man träffade under O-week och genom gemensamma kurser. Vi gick bland annat ut i CBD, Bondi eller gick ner och hände på stranden efter skolan och på helgerna. Sedan reste jag ganska mycket, bland annat till Melbourne, Ayers Rock, Perth, Darwin och östkusten. Passa på att resa, det är ett så häftigt land! Ett tips om man vill se och klappa vilda kängurus är att åka till Morrisette som ligger ca 1,5 h norr om Sydney. Your exchange on the whole Att åka på utbyte och till UNSW är det bästa och roligaste jag har gjort i mitt liv. Sydney är en helt otrolig stad som har allt. Du har Downtown med de höga skyskraporna, stränderna bara ett stenkast iväg, trevliga människor och ett härligt klimat. Och det är dessutom lätt att ta sig runt både med buss, färga och bil. Jag utvecklade inte bara min engelska och lärde mig intressanta saker i skolan, utan jag träffade dessutom massor av nya vänner, några som kommer vara vänner för livet.

Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes! Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? No Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. - Publishing of pictures - Thank you for submitting your exchange report!

Person 77 Basic Information 1. Name Linn Henniker-Heaton 2. E-mail address: linn 3. Exchange university University of New South Wales 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT) 7. Academic year 2014/2015 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International Relations, Management and Marketing 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Business and Economics 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 1,5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... The main difference between Uppsala and UNSW is the time spent at campus. In Sweden, I normally spend around 6 hours/week on tutorials and lectures, and in Australia I spent around 12 hours/week (as you study four subjects at a time in Australia). There is also a difference between the relationship between teachers and students. I found it to be a more hierarchical system at UNSW, where students are not as close to teachers as in Uppsala. I do not recommend future students to study ARTS1810, as I found it to be too difficult for an introduction course. However, I did feel that the overall quality of education was higher in Sydney than in Uppsala. There is more workload and higher expectations on Australian students comparing to Swedish students. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. As my sister and her family live in Sydney, it was very easy for me to settle in. I stayed with them for the first 4 weeks. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 224 av 616

Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? After I moved from my sister s place, I moved to Bondi Beach where I shared a room with an Italian girl who works in Sydney. The apartment was shared with another girl from Colombia. It was a great accommodation, but I would strongly recommend future students to think twice before sharing a bedroom, as I found it very hard not having my own private space. I therefore chose to stay with my sister for the last month in Australia as well. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? My rent was 200 Aud/week. In Sweden it is about 100 Aud/week. Even though students get higher CSN while studying in Australia, I found it not to be adequate. If I had not stayed with my sister for 2 months out of six, I would have worked extra, especially if I had stayed for a whole year (considering that there is a long summer and winter break). This would also be an opportunity to practice the language and getting to know people. I would also recommend future students to not only rely on CSN, but to also have some savings (especially if they want to go traveling). Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I spent a lot of my free time with my sister and our friends. I did not participate in many activities for the exchange students (only meetings where we were talking to future Australian exchange students). I don t think there were many activities planned, but I really do think that the university was great in welcoming all the exchange students. There was always a lot of information on what to do and where to go for us. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. This has been a great experience of my life. I truly feel lucky to have been able to study in another country in another language. My recommendation is to take time before signing any contracts for accommodation. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? - 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. - 21. Publishing of pictures - Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 225 av 616

Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 226 av 616

Person 2 Basic Information 1. Name Sanna Andersson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of New South Wales 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2014/2015 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Management, Human Resource Management 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Personalvetarprogramet 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... The study pace is faster and the work load is heavier than my studies at Uppsala University. At UNSW you take four courses á 6 units of credit (UOC) each semester (24 in total). Each course id divided into percentage, e.g. Group presentation - 20% of total mark, Individual Essay - 40 % of final mark, and Final Exam - 40 % of final mark. To pass a course you need to pass 50%. Credit is 65%, Distinction is 75% and High Distinction is 85%. Each course is divided into a 1 hour tutorial (like a seminar, more interactive and often based on some sort of task or homework ) and a two hour lecture (föreläsning). The relationship between professors and students is quite relaxed and similar to Uppsala. I would recommend MGMT3721 Negotiation Skills. It is a really interesting and practical course with engaging teachers and a lot of exercise in how to plan and conduct a successful negotiation. I can also recommend MGMT2102 Managing Across Cultures. A very interesting and suitable course to take abroad, especially in Australia where the cultural diversity is big. For the organisational psychologist: I strongly recommend to take PSYC3141 Behaviour in Organisations. Very interesting and spot on integration of management and psychology in organisations. Love the course book and very good structure! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 3 av 616

Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Make sure to arrive around 2 weeks before orientation week (first welcoming week on campus). You need time to settle down, set up a bank account (I like commonwealth), a phone contract (Vodafone or Optus are the most common), a opal card (like a SL access card) and off course to find accommodation. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I found my room at, but gumtree is also a common site (similar to blocket ). You need to write a good profile, social, tidy, etc. and you have to be on top of it, calling and be prepared to go and look at rooms at a short notice. Relax - you will find something :) Some friends of mine choose to stay on campus (on campus accommodation). They were happy with it, but it is a bit more expensive and it is very much like living in a student dorm (korridor). I preferred to live with two aussie girls in an apartment close to campus in Randwick. Some of my friends stayed in Coogee (the beach) and it is a okay walking distance to the uni. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Prices vary, depending on where you want to live and if you want a single room or shared room. You could get a shared room from around 180 dollar a week and a single room from around 270 dollar a week. Rent in Sydney is crazy high, so make sure you have enough money (around 8000-9000 sv kronor per month). You buy food at Coles or Woolworth. Minced beef and wine is very cheap, but you will find the prices quite high. It is relatively cheap to eat out (some pubs have deals for 9 dollars, or take away from 11). Dining out is part of the social culture in Sydney, and you will find yourself enjoying a lot of amazing food. So make sure to have money to spend on social activities e.g. exploring some of the amazing bars (e.g. Soda Factory, Baxters Inn, and Shady Pines). My monthly cost for a phone contract is 35 dollar (vodafone). My rent is 225 a week plus internet and bills, so it sum up to 275 a week). You can easy spend 50 dollars at Coles just buying milk. Traveling is also quite pricy. I travelled up the east coast and rented a camper van. Fuel is cheaper than home, but it always costs more than you think. Our car was really thirsty :P Accommodation at hostels vary but you will find the cheapest from around 20 dollars up to 30 depending on city or smaller town. You will find the cheapest flight at Tiger Air, or Jetstar. Australia is a very expensive country to live in. And you will not get any CSN for the three summer months (dec-feb). So make sure you have enough for rent, living and traveling. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 4 av 616

offer? There is a orientation week first week of the semester, make sure to go and make yourself familiar with campus and make sure to find all your class rooms before you start. It is a big campus and you only have 5-10 min between two courses = run and sweat in all the stairs! I travelled to Melbourne - beautiful city, a lot of culture and shopping. Make sure you plan your allowed baggage weight (jetstar only allows 7 kg as free hand luggage :P). To rent a camper van with some friends is a great idea! Make sure you travel with the season (up spring, down the coast autumn). Byron Bay is very popular and very hippie :) Plan a couple of days in Byron, you will love it! Gold Coast and surfers paradise did not impress me, but it is very popular for partying. There is a free camper site app, download it, it made our life so much easier. Make sure that you have enough time driving up the coast. Hunter valley is close by, book bikes and enjoy a day biking between the vineyards tasting wines :) Taronga Zoo in Sydney is just a ferry away and departs from Circular Quay (pronounced key ). Perfect Sunday activity and make sure to get some nice photographs with the giraffes! Do the coastal walk - just beautiful and amazing! It is so worth it!! Try surfing - there will be a surf camp organised, make sure to go, but wait for higher temperatures... September was freezing... Cairns and Airlie Beach - the great barrier reef. You must fly up to Airlie beach and take a sailing tour to white heaven beach. So beautiful!! Then, take the train (so much nicer than greyhound bus) up to Cairns. Take a boat out to the Great Barrier Reef, IT IS NOT LIKE ANYTHING ELSE! Make sure to get a lot of time at the reef, why not book an introduction dive if you never tried it :) Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. This has been an amazing year! I have met so many people from all over the world. Think about two things: Make sure you have enough money. If not, find a job in hospitality. It is easier to find a job than back home, but you have to be active. This is your exchange, don t do what you are expected to see and do. Make sure that you experience the things that YOU want to do. And... It is REALLY cold indoors since they don t have any indoor heating. Make sure to bring a lot of warm clothes :) Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. - 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published only in this exchange report (web/printed) Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 5 av 616

Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 6 av 616

Person 113 Basic Information 1. Name Mathilda Jarlinger 2. E-mail address: mathilda 3. Exchange university University of New South Wales 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT) 7. Academic year 2014/2015 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Psychology, Management, Development Studies. Human Rights 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices Kandidatprogram 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2.5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Den största förändringen mellan att plugga på UNSW och Uppsala var att man hade fyra kurser parallellt hela terminen. Det kändes lite som att vara tillbaks i gymnasiet då man hade lite småarbeten som skulle in hela tiden. I Uppsala är det ganska skönt att man tar en kurs, tentar av den och sen kan det vara ganska lugnt ett tag till nästa tenta period kommer. Men på UNSW fanns det alltid någonting som behövdes göras. Samtidigt kan det säkert vara en bra övning att ha många bollar i luften samtidigt. Själva nivån på studierna skulle jag nog säga är ungefär densamma som i Uppsala, det är inte en högre nivå, det är bara mer att göra. Examinationerna bestod av tentor, quizer och uppsatser. Generellt var uppsatserna runt 1500 ord, men någon kunde vara upp till 2500 ord. Jag gjorde inte det innan, inte så noga i alla fall, men ett tips kan vara att kolla vilka examinationer kursen kommer ha, man kan ju lyckas välja kurser som inte har några final exams och då blir man ju klar väldigt tidigt och får ett väldigt långt lov. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Jag hade familjekompisar i Sydney som hämtade mig och som jag bodde hos den första tiden när jag letade boende. UNSW anordnar pick-up från flygplatsen, men det måste man anmäla online. Många bor på hostels den första tiden innan man hittar boende, det är väldigt bra och relativt billigt alternativ, plus att man får träffa många människor.! Se till att skaffa australiensiskt sim-kort till telefonen så man kan använda sig av google maps, för man kommer gå vilse och inte hitta till bussen. Det kan Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 331 av 616

vara bra att gå runt lite på campus innan första skoldagen, för det är väldigt stort och lite oklart var vissa föreläsningssalar och seminarierum ligger. På UNSW campus springer det runt jättemånga människor med gröna t-shirts under första veckan, de kan man fråga om allt möjligt, typ var ligger närmsta toa eller var är godaste kaffet? Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag hade ett eget rum i en lägenhet som jag delade med 4 andra tjejer. Lägenheten var nyrenoverad så det kändes bra. Jag hittade boende efter att jag kommit till Sydney, tror det är bäst att leta på plats så man kan gå på inspections. Vissa bilder man kan hitta på gumtree eller kan ibland vara lite förskönande, vilket man upptäcker på inspection. Men det finns mycket boende och det går fort, så panika inte över att inte ha boende innan du kommit till Sydney. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Sydney är dyrt, det går det inte att sticka under stol med. Jag betalade mer än dubbelt för mitt rum i Sydney än vad jag gör för min lägenhet i Uppsala... Om CSN räcker eller inte beror lite på vad man vill göra under sitt utbyte. Om man bara tänker att det ska täcka hyra och mat i form av ägg, havregryn och tonfisk, så ja då räcker det absolut. Men om man vill göra några typer av resor under lov så är det nog bra om man antingen har sparat ihop pengar innan man kommer dit eller jobbar under tiden. Jag hade jobbat och sparat lite pengar innan jag kom till Australien, och jobbade därför inte under terminen. Hade jag stannat i ett år hade jag nog sökt jobb för att få in lite extra pengar. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Uppsalas studentliv är oslagbart, så är det bara. Men UNSW har hur många klubbar/societies som helst man kan gå med i, allt från baking society till quidditch. Jag var bland annat med i Seglingsklubben så jag var med på några av deras event så som seglingskurs, en cruize i harbourn och en weekend away. Det var jättekul och ett bra sätt att träffa folk på! Alla klubbar och societies har sina egna events, så under orientation-week (O-week) går runt och fråga vad de har planerat för terminen. Sen är ju Sydney är en stad där det händer grejer hela tiden så det finns alltid något att göra! Jag reste lite längs östkusten under påsklovet, det var jättekul att se andra delar av Australien än Sydney, så det kan jag rekommendera. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Min utbytestermin i Sydney var helt klart några av de bästa månaderna i mitt liv! Det är en så otroligt häftig upplevelse att bo och plugga någon helt annanstans för ett tag. Man träffar så många nya människor och får vara med om så många olika saker som det är svårt att beskriva, det är lite you had to be there känsla över det hela. Sydney är en helt fantastisk stad, det är en väldigt avslappnad Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 332 av 616

stämning och så otroligt vackert! Det kommer vara mycket att göra i skolan samtidigt som det kommer vara många aktiviteter utanför skolan som lockar. Kom ihåg då att ett utbyte är så mycket en studierna, självklart ska du göra så mycket som krävs för att du ska klara dig och bli godkänd, men glöm inte bort att du är där för att uppleva och upptäcka saker också! Ta vara på tiden och njut av ditt utbyte, det kommer gå så sjukt fort! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? - 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. - 21. Publishing of pictures - Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 333 av 616

Person 101 Basic Information 1. Name Regin Hultin 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university UNSW, University of New South Wales 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2014/2015 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Management, International Business, Negotiation, Business law, German, International Relations 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Ekonomie kandidat 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... UNSW was a very modern university with a big campus. The system was very different from the system in Sweden. We studied four subjects at the same time and there were no final 100% exam, instead there were quizzes, smaller tests and papers that were graded. So your performance was evaluated during the whole semester including grades for attendance. It felt more similar to the swedish system at highschool level with interactive tutorials. One thing that I really liked was that you could put together your own schedule and choose classes so you only have for example 3 days of Uni. This was nothing that was well explained by the school s office so I did not really understand how it worked until my second semester. Another advice is to read the course outline that is available online for the subjects you consider, then you will know what type of assessments you will have and how much group work the course includes or if you will have a final exam or a take home exam. The academic level varied quite a lot between first year and second/ third year courses. I liked the international perspective on business in all the management courses and how the focus is directed towards Asia, which I think is a difference compared to Swedish business studies. Courses that I found interesting and where I met many other exchange students was Management Among Cultures, Global Business and Business Ethics and the Law. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 295 av 616

Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. I knew some friends that went on exchange at the same time as me and I also knew some Australians so I did not have much trouble settling in. Sydney is a great city and even though much is different compared to Sweden, all the people is very friendly so it is easy to ask around or get help when lost. The orientation at the University was not particularly good and I barely met anyone through that. It was a bit confusing getting around in the beginning since the busses do not show what stop you are on. So in the beginning we all sat with google maps and followed the route or asked the bus driver to let us know when to jump off, but after I while you learn what it looks like where you are getting off. The weather was also a bit different than expected, even though the temperature is higher than in Sweden it often feels a lot colder because of the wind and poor insolation of houses, so bring warm clothes. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? At the first semester I lived on campus together with my friend. It was very expensive but located close to uni with very modern facilities. I would not recommend my on campus accommodation (NCV) because of the price and also the strict rules even though it was a post-graduate accommodation. Rules included cleaning, visitors, noise, and activities and most of them were only annoying and made the stay less pleasant. The positive part of on campus accommodation is that you get more help settling in, high security, close to uni and very modern rooms. The cost was $350 per week. The second semester I lived by the beach in Coogee with a friend. We rented a fully furnished apartment that was big with three rooms and still cheaper than the on campus accommodation. I loved living close to the beach in Coogee because it was still very easy to get to Uni by foot or with bus, most of our friends also lived in the area. It is very nice with walking distance to friends and uni because you generally use a lot of time to trave anyway (to the city, pubs, activities etc.). The standard of the second accommodation was quite poor with mould in the bathroom, no heating and old furnitures. The cost was $275 per week. Accommodation in Sydney is very expensive and it is important to accept that you can never get as cheap accommodation as in Sweden. Sharing rooms is the cheapest way but if you are staying for a long while it is nice to have an own room. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? The biggest expense is accommodation. My rent was almost three times as high as my dorm in Uppsala. CSN was enough for accommodation and food but not for traveling and partying. I had a lot of savings but decided to work part time anyway to meet new people. I really enjoyed working at my café and the pay is generally higher than in Sweden. I got $20 (130SEK) per hour and worked two shifts a week. It is easy to get a job at a café and restaurant but it depends on how much you need to study if you have time to work. As long as the job do not stop you from traveling, studying and enjoying the exchange life I would recommend it. I did not start working until after a few months when I had settled in. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 296 av 616

Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I did not think the activities organized by the University was so great but I did not participate in many of them. I recommend you to join student clubs such as the Windsurfing and Sailing club, the Surf club and Outdoor club. They organize really good activities such as surf weekends, climbing activities etc. and it is a really good way to meet both locals and other exchange students. In my free time I was a member of different clubs so I tried all the water sports available, I went climbing a few times and I went on many day trips to the city and the surroundings. Sydney is full of amazing places and the beaches are stunning. It is surrounded by national parks and there are plenty of opportunities for hiking, bush walking and other nature activities. I also went to a lot of the cool pubs in the city and really enjoyed the night life. I tried to do all the things typically for Australia that we do not have at home. I went to a horse race were everyone dressed up and was betting on the horses, I went to a concert at the Opera house and participated in the annual light event, Vivid Light. When I had school holidays I travelled all over Australia and to New Zeeland. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. My exchange experience is the best thing I have done in my life. I really recommend anyone who has the opportunity to go and also stay for a full year. 6 months would have been to short and I would have missed out on so much of my best experiences. Sydney was an amazing city to live in and I will definitely go back in the future. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. Some of the things I did during my year in Australia. I have endless of pictures of the beautiful nature and fun things to do. Australia is such a big country so you can find everything from stunning beaches to amazing rain forests and water falls. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 297 av 616

21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 298 av 616