Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

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1 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 144 Basic Information 1. Name Rozbe Bozorgi 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology, Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) 7. Academic year 2015/16 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Ekonomi, Management, CAD, Marknadsföring 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Civilingenjör 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Beroende på vilken utbildningsbakgrund man kommer från kommer man förmodligen tycka att kontrasterna mellan UTS och UU är olika stora. Standard på UTS är att man läser 3-4 kurser parallellt och löpandes över hela terminen. Den största skillnaden för mig som studerar till civilingenjör var framförallt att det var så få schemalagda timmar (jag gick i skolan tisdagar och torsdagar). Att gå från att vara schemalagd 5 heldagar i veckan till att knappt vara schemalagd 2 heldagar var en stor kontrast. Detta system med så få föreläsningar och lektioner kommer på både gott och ont. Givetvis innebär det mer eget ansvar och mer egen instuderingstid, något som kan i komma i konflikt med det faktum att man är i ett nytt land och helst bara vill upptäcka allt nytt och fantastiskt som Australien har att erbjuda. Den andra stora skillnaden är att examinationsupplägget i vissa aspekter påminner mer om gymnasiet, med flera mindre examinationsmoment istället för en stor tenta. Även detta på gott och ont. Tentan utgör (oftast) enbart 30-40% av det totala betyget. Därav kan man ha klarat sina kurser redan innan tentaperioden börjar, vilket är fantastiskt skönt. Det negativa med detta upplägg är att om man läser flera kurser parallellt, där alla kurser har flera inlämningsuppgifter, krockar ofta deadlines och vissa perioder blir mer hektiska än andra. Men då man är schemalagd så lite brukar detta lösa sig rätt bra ändå. En annan stor skillnad är längden och upplägget på tentaperioden. På UTS är hela sista månaden av terminen en enda stor tentaperiod utan föreläsningar och lektioner. Det innebär att man, beroende på när man har sina tentor, i vissa fall har över en månad att förbereda sig inför tentorna medan man i andra fall kan ha samtliga tentor under första veckan. Det sistnämnda innebär dock att man får lov 1 månad tidigare, vilket är perfekt om man vill passa på att resa runt. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 422 av 545

2 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Föreläsarna på UTS har varit väldigt kunniga, engagerade och ofta försökt koppla an innehållet i kurserna till yrkeslivet. Student/föreläsar-relationen är avslappnad och påminner mycket om den i Uppsala, där man gärna får ställa frågor innan och efter föreläsningarna etc. Generellt känner jag att jag har fått ut mer av att gå på föreläsningarna på UTS än vad jag får ut av att gå på dem på UU. En annan bra grej är att nästan alla föreläsningar spelas in och läggs upp på motsvarande studentportalen. Så om man missar en föreläsning eller vill gå tillbaka och se en viss genomgång igen är det inga problem. Kvalitén på kurserna tycker jag har varit jämbördig med den i Uppsala, möjligtvis något högre. Däremot anser jag att kraven för att bli godkänd är lägre än i Uppsala. Tillgången till datorer är väldigt bra. De har flera datasalar med nya fräscha datorer, anpassade för tunga beräkningsprogram och designprogram. Under de första veckorna har de ett add-and-drop system vilket innebär att man kan testa sina kurser och om man inte tycker om dem kan man byta. Värt att komma ihåg är dock att vissa kurser kan bli fulla ganska snabbt, så det fungerar inte alltid riktigt så smidigt som det kanske låter. Jag valde som sagt att läsa undergraduate kurser så jag har inte superbra koll på postgraduate kurserna. Det jag hört är dock att postgraduate kurserna har en tendens att ges under mer obekväma timmar (helger och kvällar). Detta då många som studerar på masternivå i Australien i större utsträckning arbetar parallellt med studierna jämfört med i Sverige. De har ett väldigt smidigt system för att anmäla sig till föreläsningsgrupper på UTS. Då varje föreläsning och lektion brukar ges några gånger i veckan (beroende på hur populär kursen är) kan man anmäla sig till den föreläsningsgrupp som tidsmässigt passar bäst för en själv. På detta sätt kan man koncentrera alla sina föreläsningar och lektioner till några få dagar istället för att ha dem utspridda över hela veckan. Schemat är sedan återkommande varje vecka, dvs. man har alltid sina föreläsningar och lektioner på samma tid och plats. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Beroende på när man anländer (hösttermin eller vårtermin) så är mottagningen (O-weeks) olika satsad men är väl i grunden ungefär samma. Innan man anländer får man flera mail med bra information, så läs mailen. När vi anlände så hade UTS arrangerat gratis shuttle buses mellan flygplatsen och campus som gick 1 gång i timmen, vilket var ett trevligt första välkomnande. Under O-weeks händer det saker hela tiden men det bygger lite på att man själv är aktiv och ser till att leta upp de events som man själv är intresserad av att vara med på. Det fungerar inte riktigt som den mottagning man kanske fått i Uppsala (där man blir vallade som får). Jag rekommenderar starkt att vara med på så mycket som möjligt under dessa veckor, det är en bra plattform för att lära känna folk innan skolan drar igång på allvar. Då jag bodde på campus (via skolan) hade dessutom boendet en egen mottagning. Tyvärr krockade skolans och boendets mottagningsaktiviteter ofta. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag bodde på ett av universitetets fyra campusboenden (Yura Mudang). Detta var det mest centrala och största av dessa boenden, som också låg ett stenkast från universitetets alla byggnader. Boendet i sig var ett 21 våningshus med korridorer och lägenheter. Totalt tror jag att ca 720 personer bodde här. Att bo via universitetet på det här sättet hade flera fördelar. Framförallt innebar det att man hade boende Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 423 av 545

3 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 fixat innan man kom fram, vilket var väldigt skönt. Dessutom arrangerade boendet ofta aktiviteter och fester vilket var ett väldigt tacksamt sätt att lära känna folk. Att boendet hade två våningar med biljardbord, utomhusgrillar, biosalong, storbilds-tv, pingisbord, datasalar etc. gjorde att det var lätt att bjuda över vänner. Det bästa med boendet var dock den goda sammanhållning mellan oss som bodde där. Dock hade boendet ganska strikta regler när det kom till besökstider och alkohol, en stor kontrast jämfört med vad man är van vid i Uppsala. Boendet var bemannat dygnet runt med vakter nere i entrén som kollade att alla som kom in i byggnaden faktiskt bodde där (alternativt var i sällskap med någon som bodde där). Städning (1 gång i veckan), internet, el, vatten etc. ingick i hyran som låg på 282 dollar/vecka, vilket är ganska standard för ett boende såpass centralt i Sydney. Tyvärr skriver de enbart kontrakt på antingen ett halvår eller ett år, vilket gör att man inte riktigt kan testa boendet. Detta kan jämföras med många andra boenden runt om i Sydney där man betalar hyra per vecka och därmed kan flytta ut med väldigt kort varsel om man inte trivs. Om man inte vill bo via skolans boenden rekommenderar jag att man flyger till Sydney några dagar innan terminsstart och bor på hostell medan man letar boende. Många hittar boende på gumtree.com.au Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Levnadskostnaderna i Sydney är ganska mycket högre, speciellt boendekostnaderna. Som sagt, jag betalade 282 dollar/vecka (vilket motsvarar ungefär 1750 kronor/vecka). Även livsmedel var i regel något dyrare. Man får helt enkelt acceptera att Sydney är en dyr stad att bo i. Studiemedlet skulle nog kunna räcka om det verkligen bara handlar om boende och mat. Men om man har tänkt resa runt lite, hitta på aktiviteter på sin lediga tid, skaffa gymkort etc. skulle jag verkligen rekommendera att man antingen har med sig lite sparpengar eller skaffar ett extrajobb väl på plats. Givetvis fanns det vissa saker som var billigare, som exempelvis att äta på restaurang och kollektivtrafik. Många ställen har dessutom värdiga studentrabatter. Tips: om man har tänkt bo på Yura Mudang ligger Paddys Market (som säljer färska frukter och grönsaker) väldigt nära. På söndagar rear de ut allt väldigt billigt efter Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Universitetet har sjukt många klubbar och föreningar. Här kan man hitta allt från extremsportsklubbar till utbytesstudentföreningar. Jag engagerade mig personligen inte så mycket i de olika klubbarna och föreningarna som skolan hade. Men känner man sig uttråkad och vill ha något att göra finns det alternativ i överflöd. Det arrangeras ofta utflykter till olika sevärdheter till ett reducerat pris vilket är trevligt. Om man kan skulle jag rekommendera att man avsätter söndagar som en utflyktsdag. Detta då det är väldigt billigt att resa runt i Sydney på söndagar (för 2,5 dollar får du resa hur länge/långt du vill hela dagen) Det gör att det blir väldigt billigt åka till exempelvis Bondi Beach, Manly, Blue Mountains etc. Själv klättrade jag ganska mycket på min fritid. Jag hittade ett underbart bouldergym som heter 9degrees. Kan varmt rekommendera stället ifall någon som läser detta är intresserad av klättring. Slutligen måste jag givetvis slå ett slag för stränderna och hur fantastiskt det är att kunna koppla av på stranden när man ser polarna hemma lägga upp bilder på första snöfallet i Sverige. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 424 av 545

4 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Det är svårt att sätta ord på utbytet och det var med väldigt blandade känslor som jag lämnade Sydney. Givetvis kommer det vara upp och nedgångar men i slutändan är det så värt det. Det är först när man kommer hem som man verkligen inser hur fantastiskt man har haft det och hur underbart Sydney är. Det är lätt att låta sig själv falla in i vardagsrutiner och då glömma bort att man faktiskt bor i en av världens grymmaste städer. Sök till UTS, ta vara på tiden där borta och försök skapa så många fina minnen du kan. Mina finaste minnen ligger i det faktum att jag lärt känna folk från hela världen. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. Det är viktigt att ta pauser i tentaplugget 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 425 av 545

5 Disa Braun UTS, VT16 Utbytesrapport Basic Information Name: Disa Braun address: Exchange university: University of Technology Sydney City: Sydney Country: Australia First semester of your exchange: Swedish spring semester VT16 Academic year: 2016 What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? The Ecology of Public Communication, Marketing Foundations and German level 3 Level of studies at the exchange university: (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Mixed undergrad/postgrad) Undergraduate What are you studying at Uppsala University? Språkvetarprogrammet How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4 Studies (Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for example write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? It differed depending on the subject. In my Communications class the teachers were stricter than at UU and did not accept any late handins etc. In marketing the teachers were just as nice and relaxed as at UU. My german class was very small so we had more of a family feeling there. The teacher, Fredericka, was super kind and friendly. What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations...) The first year courses on 100 level are probably going to disappoint you if you are used to studying at UU, because the level is equivalent to the swedish Gymnasium. That means I didn't get to learn even close to as much as I wanted because it was mostly introduction and common sense. Many of my exchange friends from Europe said the same thing. The marketing course, however, was very good for being a 100 level subject. But all in all UU has a lot better course quality in my opinion. The relationship between students and teachers differs depending on the course. Some teachers are very strict whereas some are very laid back. The examinations are just like at UU. They often let you sit in

6 Disa Braun UTS, VT16 very big halls with hundreds of people taking the exam. Sometimes you get to take it in class and sometimes it's a presentation or an essay that you need to do. They also had multiple choice tests. Regarding access to computers etc. I can only praise UTS. They have amazing study areas and the library is huge. In my student residence they also had a computer lab with scanners and printers, which was brilliant. All the subjects run at the same time so you will have to study a lot more than you are used to doing at UU. They also force you to make a lot of small tasks all the time that are quite time consuming. In Communications I had to read about 50 pages every week and write a summary to take to class. The teachers would then walk around and make sure everyone had done it, otherwise they'd get lower grades. So all these small things really need to be taken seriously. Especially since they don't let you do any retakes if you fail. Orientation and reception (Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in.) UTS does their absolute best to welcome you and let you settle in as smoothly as possible. They have orientation week where you get to learn everything you need to know about studying there. It's like a one week fair that ends with a huge party. You will definitely feel welcome! Accommodation (Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students?) I stayed at Yura Mudang which is a UTS Housing residence. It was built in 2014 and houses about 600 students, mostly exchanges but also a lot of Australians. It's located in the Sydney city center next to the Railway Square, a 5 minute walk from the Central Station and a 25 minute walk from the Opera house. In the beginning there were housing events evereyday. The residential networkers took all the residets for adventures, often several times per day. This was brilliant because you got to know the city and you got to make a lot of friends from housing. I made friends for life from all over the world! The housing has 6-shares, 2-shares and private studios. I lived in a 6-share on the 20th floor with people from India, Sri Lanka, Germany and Russia. Everyone has their own room but share kitchen, showers, bathrooms and living room with a TV and a view over Sydney. On the 21st floor there is a rooftop terrace where you can party and do bbq. From there you also have a view over the fireworks in Darling Harbour every Saturday night. The roof was a social meeting point for all the residents and we had endless parties up there. There were also ping pong tables, pool tables, a theatrette, a big common kitchen, bbq facilities etc. in the residence. I am extremely happy to have lived in Yura so I recommend it to everyone! Your finances CSN is not enough if you want to have a good time in Sydney. My rent was 6600 SEK per month which left me with very little money left. If you want to live like I did - eat out everyday, party a lot, travel around Australia and go for a lot of events, CSN just won't do it. I had a lot of money saved which I had to take from every month. Perhaps CSN would be enough if you would only pay your rent and try to eat as cheap as possible, but then again grocery prices are the same as in Sweden and even more expensive at times. You can do part time work with your student visa, but it is hard to find the time. I did some modeling from time to time for advertising which gave some extra cash. Jobs like that are probably better since you don't work every week but just every now and then. Also, try not

7 Disa Braun UTS, VT16 to loose your passport like I did! Eventhough the trip to the Swedish embassy in Canberra wasn't very expensive, paying for the new passport was! Free time (What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer?) UTS offered many activities throughout the academic year both for all the students and for exchange students only. It was a lot of fun! I also travelled around Australia, went skydiving, went to many pubs and clubs, restaurants, museums, beaches, parks, events, concerts etc. And of course I spent all my time with the amazing friends I made. Sydney is a city that has a lot to offer, just like the rest of Australia! Your exchange on the whole UTS is quite disorganized and pretty bad at answering your concerns before you get to Sydney. When it comes to picking your subjects it's practically hell. You most likely won't get what you apply for and will have to reapply for different subjects a few times. Don't fret though, because it always turns out alright in the end. It's just very stressful before you know which subjects you will get and a lot of administrative work for you. Also don't forget that you need to plan your timetable yourself, so make sure you do that as soon as you can so you don't end up having only evening classes like I did (which wasn't terrible in the end because you could party at night and sleep at day :) The quality of courses, subjects, administration and organization is a lot higher at UU in my opinion. But UTS wins when it comes to making students feel welcome and part of the student life. UTS arranges an extreme amount of activities and events which really make you feel like you're living the student life and like you're part of the community. All in all UTS is a really fun and modern university and I had an amazing time studying there. However, if you really want to learn a lot, I suggest you go for the subjects that are higher than 100 level. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

8 Disa Braun UTS, VT16 Approval (Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University's website?) Yes Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 1. This is a photo over Sydney taken from Sydney Harbour. 2. This is a cockatoo in the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney. 3. A small skyline view from the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney. 4. This is me patting a kangaroo in Featherdale WIldlife Park. 5. This is a skyline view over Sydney taken from the Royal Botanical Garden. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges (Yes/No) Yes I approve of my pictures being published only in this exchange report (web/printed) (Yes/No) No I approve my pictures being published (print only) (Yes/No) No, I approve that UU can publish my photos in all kinds of media to market international exchanges. Thank you for submitting your exchange report!

9 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 78 Basic Information 1. Name Filip Waak 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015) 7. Academic year 2014/15 (Started the exchange in spring What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Management and marketing 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Economics 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2.5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... The studies and subject outlines were great. The best parts that I learned the most from where from the seminars at UTS. These where very interactive, and you got in touch with a lot of different people from different cultures. There was a lot of emphasis on teamwork as well, something that I consider to be highly valuable and important. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. I backpacked for 6 weeks before I arrived in Sydney. Me and Jack Salén (another student from Uppsala Uni) chose to find a place ourselves after we backpacked, and therefore searched different sites such as gumtree. We found a great apartment after two weeks, and stayed at hostels and in friends apartments until we found a suitable apartment. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? We had a 3 bedroom apartment in Bondi. It was great, but a bit more expensive than a student accommodation, but the location and the apartment itself was definitely worth a few extra bucks. If you re on a tight budget then Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 221 av 545

10 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 search for shared accommodations at sites such as Gumtree - student accommodation is usually pretty expensive. Don t sign anything before you ve seen the place, and ALWAYS check the mattresses for bed bugs. There s a lot of shady people renting out places in Sydney, so make sure that you get a legit contract. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? The rent was the most expensive part. I took a CSN loan and worked part time as well (which is possible in Australia, which I highly recommend) food and going out to eat was similar to the prices in Uppsala and Stockholm. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I didn t attend much activities at the University. I chose to mingle and find friends outside of the University, but I also hung out and kept touch with a bunch of students outside of class. There s a lot of activities at UTS going on all the time, check it up at the webside and their Facebook if you re interested. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Perfect experience that was life changing. I found out a lot about myself and developed extremely much as a person. Prioritize the right things, have a lot of fun, don t be afraid of sharks, socialize with as much different people as possible, backpack around Australia and get out of your comfort zone - that s the best way to develop and to find out more things about yourself! And MOST importantly - don t spend too much time studying! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. At a bus stop in Bondi! 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 222 av 545

11 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 84 Basic Information 1. Name David Ulander 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015) 7. Academic year 2014/15 (Started the exchange in spring What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Programmering, IP-networks och ekonomi 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Civilingenjör teknisk fysik 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3,5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Generellt sett så var kurserna enklare. Det var en del att göra i vissa ämnen men det fanns så många delmoment att få marks för, så att kugga en kurs var inte så vanligt. Strukturen var riktigt bra. Alla kurser hade en outline som de följde till punkt och prick. Lärarna var hjälpsamma och kunniga. Campuset har inte så något stort grönområde men utöver det så är universitetet riktigt bra utrustat. Datorsalar, ytor att plugga, fika, grupprum etc. allt finns i överflöd. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Jag kom några veckor tidigare än orientation weeks (nollning), så jag fixade boende och sånt på egen hand, vilket var superenkelt. Gumtree är som sveriges blocket och det finns hur mycket boenden som helst att välja mellan. Orientation week, är ett måste att gå på (det är obligatoriskt och jätteroligt). Det är troligtvis under de 2 veckorna som man kommer träffa mest människor och lära känna sina kompisar för terminen. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 242 av 545

12 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag bodde 3 månader i en lägenhet med 6 andra och sedan flyttade jag till ett hus där jag bodde resten av året. Vi bodde totalt 11 personer där, vilket jag var lite orolig över eftersom alla skulle dela badrum, kök osv. Det var inga problem alls! Mitt tips är att bo så många som möjligt i ett hus, det kommer garanterat finnas någon/några som man kommer bra överens med. Alternativt bo på UTS Housing (vilket brukar vara lite dyrare), men då träffar man supermånga utbytesstudenter och andra studenter på ett enkelt sätt. Studentboendet är helt klart det bästa sättet att träffa/bli kompisar med folk. Dock så har UTS Housing lite jobbiga regler angående tider man få vara/dricka alkohol i de allmänna utrymmena. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Hyran är helt klart det största problemet. Jag betalade runt 5000 i hyra, vilket var ganska billigt. Övriga priser är ganska lika Sverige. CSN räcker ifall man är i Sydney och göra allt som man kan göra där, men ska man resa till andra städer/längre resor (vilket man garanterat vill göra) så behöver man nog lite sparpengar också. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Jag surfade, dök, badade etc. Det finns oerhört mycket roligt att göra i Sydney. Promenader längs stränderna, vilket är en av de bästa promenaderna man kan göra där!! Vill man fest långt in på natten kan det vara lite begränsat inne i stan, då det har lock out (man kommer inte in på barer/klubbar efter 1:30, och de stänger ganska tidigt många av dem). Vill man parta längre ska man helt klart gå till Newtown, där festen är riktigt bra. Universitetet har massa föreningar man kan gå med i, bland annat en för utbytesstudenter, vilket är ett perfekt tillfälle att träffa andra i samma sits. De har event varje vecka. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Ett riktigt lärorikt och roligt år. Det är svårt att inte ha kul i Sydney. Jag rekommenderar alla som är sugna på ett engelsktalande land i värmen att åka hit! Melbourne är också ett bra väl, men har inte lika varm/många ständer. Möjligtvis att Melbourne har bättre uteliv, men Sydney kommer alltid vara en finare stad! Jag var skeptisk när jag läste dessa rapporter innan jag åkte, men jag måste instämma och skriva som alla andra som har varit på utbyte: det bästa året i mitt liv!. Dels för att jag hade så oerhört roligt och träffade så mycket människor och fick så många nya kompisar. Och dels för att det har varit det mest lärorika året i mitt liv. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 243 av 545

13 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 244 av 545

14 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 126 Basic Information 1. Name John Rahme 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology, Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) 7. Academic year 2015/16 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Engineering, IT 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Postgraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Master Programme in Engineering Physics 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Studying in Australia was quite different from Sweden. Mainly we had much more practical work compared to Uppsala where most of the subjects are purely theoretical. We had a bunch of group work projects and I felt like I learned a lot more that way! One big difference was that you gave each other grades on the group projects so finding a good group and getting along was really important. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Since I lived in a share house with 7 other people I mostly hung out with them in the beginning and did not attend very many university related events but there where a lot of them you could go to. I went to a big fair they had where you could talk to and join all the different societies and that was really fun and I recommend going to that if you have the time. I joined a couple of societies and went to some of there events so there was always something to do! Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? A few of us from Uppsala that traveled together joined this facebook group called Svenskar i Sydney where people regularly advertised apartments for hire and this is where we found the share house I lived in most of my Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 384 av 440

15 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report time in Sydney. We where 8 people that shared a toilet and shower so it was a bit crowded but not to bad. We payed 265 AUD a week witch was a little to expensive but since we lived in the Bondi region very close to the beach the location was definitely worth the extra cost. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? We payed 265 AUD a week but there are definitely cheaper options out there. Since you want to do so much on your time abroad, and the fact that rent is more, for me CSN was not really enough. I did not work though but if I had wanted to there would definitely have been time to. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? SURFING! You have to go surfing if you go there, that was one of the main reasons I chose Australia and Sydney... I bought a board and since we lived 10 minutes from the beach I did a lot of surfing. I joined a Ultimate frisbee and surfing club so went to a couple of there events but don t think there were to many events for just exchange students. I was definitely happy with the amount of stuff happening and all the clubs and societies one could join! Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. I had a great trip and both learned and saw so much! Made friends for life and ended up with many new fun stories in my pocket. I m sure anyone going abroad for exchange will have the same experience and strongly recommend doing it! If your going to Australia/Sydney I would recommend taking some time for travelling because there is so much to see! I traveled along the east coast for one month from Sydney to Cairns and I wished I had had a bit more time than that. I definitely recommend doing the east coast of Australia though, a lot to see and not to long distances to travel. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s Publishing of pictures - Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 385 av 440

16 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 66 Basic Information 1. Name Andrea Rökaas 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) 7. Academic year 2015/16 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Law and Business 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Law 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... There were quite a few differences between Uppsala University and UTS. For starters, at UTS you study 3 or more subjects at the same time which is different from Uppsala where you only do one subject. The work load was a bit less than I was used to fram studied at Uppsala. This might be because I only studied 3 subjects and not 4 and also that I only did undergraduate subjects. My subjects at UTS were Introduction to Law, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Management Consulting. Of these I can recommend the first two since I found these to be good and interesting. The relationship between teachers and students was very laid back and I found the teachers to be very understanding and helpful with any questions I had. The university itself is very modern and the facilities are great. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Since Australia is so far away it takes a while to get used to the time difference. Therefor, it s good to arrive at least a few days before school starts. Other than that Australia is much like Sweden and settling in is easy. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 205 av 440

17 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I lived in a house in Surry Hills with 5 other people. There was one other swedish girl, a french girl, a portuguese guy and an australian guy. I really recommend sharing a house instead of living on campus as you get to meet other people and also experience Sydney in a better way. Surry Hills is a really nice area that is both close to the botanical gardens and the opera house as well as restaurants and bars. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? The cost of living is more expensive than in Sweden as the rent is much higher. I shared a room with a friend and saved some money this way since I did not want to work in addition to my studies. Food and other stuff is about the same price as in Sweden. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? There are a lot of great things to do both in Sydney and other places. UTS arranges a bunch of activities in the beginning of the semester for exchange students. I myself love diving and joined the diving club on campus. You can also always go to the beach or take trips to places like Jarvis Bay and the Blue Mountains which are not far from Sydney. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. In summary my exchange experience was great and I loved Sydney. I really recommend going if you are thinking about it, you will not regret it! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 206 av 440

18 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 57 Basic Information 1. Name Andreas Nilsson 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of technology Sydney 4. City Uppsala 5. Country Sverige 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) 7. Academic year 2015/16 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Management and leadership 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Electrical Engineering 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Im generally happy with the courses i applied for. When I started I first went to the first lectures of 9 courses, was really hard to manage, and after that choose the 4 most interesting and the ones that seemed to have the best teacher. I didn t feel like the relationship to the teacher was much different here than back home. Its a bit different here with the length of one semester at UTS, they have just started having 3 semester per year instead of 2, so sometimes it felt like there was a slight shortage of time but still manageable. The exams are quite short here, the ones i had was 10 min reading time and then 2 hours for he exam but since I was an exchange student i applied for extra time during the exam, highly recommended, and got 10 min extra per hour exam time, so in total 20 min extra. You have a lot less lectures here per week so more self study also especially if you are having master subjects you will most likly have them in the evening, 6pm to 9pm, which of course was pretty different from back home. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. I lived at the housing the university is accommodating and almost every day before the semester started they were having different events such as exploring the city, go bowling, bbq and so on so I felt you could really easy start to meet other people (other international students mainly), of course you could have meet people otherwise too but this was a really convenient way to do it. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 175 av 440

19 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I lived in a 6 share accommodation provided by the UTS payed around SEK for the whole semester 5 months living at Bulga Ngurra, pretty alright place. I think UTS housing is a good way to go especially if you just studding 1 semester and compared what you would have needed to pay for this location i think the price was decent. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Sydney is an expensive city to live in. If you mainly just stay in sydney i would say that you could make it with just CSN, but if you want to do some travel you will need to have some extra money on top of the CSN. The rent was a bit more expensive here a bit over 5000 SEK per month for a flatshare, if you want your own apartment it will be a lot more expensive. I did no part time work here. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? The Housing had activities throughout the semester, mainly in the beginning. The are also heaps of clubs you can join, for example ECTS for exchange students, UTS outdoor club (recommended). So finding something to do was never a problem more the other way around. A comment about the nightlife, it has since about 2 year back been a lockout rule here in Sydney, they had some problems with alcohol and drugs, so after 1 am all public transport is closing down so you will have to get home with either taxi/uber or walk. This has decrease the amounts of clubs and people going out and what I have heard the nightlife arent as good as it were before but I would still say its alright. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Im happy with my exchange and i think its a good experience to move to another place were you dont know anyone and have to set up a new social circle. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s Publishing of pictures - Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 176 av 440

20 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 177 av 440

21 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 120 Basic Information 1. Name Selma Nyberg 2. address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) 7. Academic year 2015/16 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Busniness & IT 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Civilingenjörsprogrammet i system i teknik och samhälle 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... At UTS the semesters are shorter but more intensive. Also, its less weakly obligatory classes scheduled and more your own responsibility. Full-time studies are usually 4 subjects with each 3 hours weakly scheduled lectures/tutorials to attend. Usually its possible to choose the time of these which makes it possible to create your own schedule - but be quick because the first to choose gets the best times. Its also a different grading system at UTS - you collect points throughout the whole semester from different elements as assignments, reports, group projects, presentations, general class participation, and mid-term or final exams. Then, these points are weighted together to get your final grade. If you have worked good and collected many points in the beginning, the pressure on final elements such as exams or assignments decreases. This makes it easy to just pass a subject but hard to get the highest grade. Also, as I stayed over the Australian summer I got 4 months of summer vacation due to a shortened test semester at UTS (I think you normally would have 3 months summer vacation as a student at UTS). First semester I studied only Business undergraduate subjects - these was really easy - almost too easy for me but made it possible to enjoy life and travel around a lot. First weeks there was almost nothing to do other than weekly readings. The teachers didn t even check who read them or not, so some people basically did nothing during this period. Then, when there were assignment deadlines or exams in all 4 subjects at the same time it was a little bit more intense. Second semester I chose some IT-related postgraduate subjects. The semester became intense due to the shorter test semester at UTS and because of my choice of more advanced Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 362 av 440

Person 33. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report

Person 33. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 33 Basic Information 1. Name Jessica Almgren 2. E-mail address: jessicaalmgren@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university York University 4. City Toronto 5. Country Canada 6. First semester of your exchange

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Person 49. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15

Person 49. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15 Person 49 Basic Information 1. Name Marcus Björklund 2. E-mail address: bjorklund.marcus@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) 4. City Norrtälje 5. Country Sverige 6.

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 76 Basic Information 1. Name Anneli Nilsson 2. E-mail address: Anneli nilsson@live.se 3. Exchange university PUCRS 4. City Porto Alegre 5. Country Brasilien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Nutrition, Food science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University?

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Nutrition, Food science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Person 25 Basic Information 1. Name Karin Gunnar 2. E-mail address: karingunnar@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Háskóli Íslands 4. City Reykjavik 5. Country Island 6. First semester of your exchange

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 151 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Linder 2. E-mail address: annaliinder@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of East Anglia 4. City Norwich 5. Country Storbritannien 6. First semester

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sustainability, Business Management,

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sustainability, Business Management, Person 69 Basic Information 1. Name Sandra Ly 2. E-mail address: sandra.ly90@gmail.com 3. Exchange university The University of Queensland 4. City Brisbane 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) Person 81 Basic Information 1. Name Mikaela Tudeen 2. E-mail address: mikaelatudeen@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Amsterdam University College (AUC) 4. City Amsterdam 5. Country Nederländerna 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 76 Basic Information 1. Name Erika Regnér 2. E-mail address: erika@regner.se 3. Exchange university University of Western Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Accounting and Finance

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Accounting and Finance Person 72 Basic Information 1. Name Isayas Ghebremedhin 2. E-mail address: isayas.gheb@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Keele University 4. City Keele 5. Country United Kingdom 6. First semester of your

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8. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Hållbar Utveckling. 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

8. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Hållbar Utveckling. 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 18 Basic Information 1. Name Sofia 2. Exchange university Universidad del Salvador (USAL) 3. City Buenos Aires 4. Country Argentina 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT)

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 44 Basic Information 1. Name Ricky Cheung 2. E-mail address: rickycheung1@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Sungkyunkwan University 4. City Suwon 5. Country Korea 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmeltal Science, Management, Social Science, Building Science

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmeltal Science, Management, Social Science, Building Science Person 17 Basic Information 1. Name Linda Thell 2. E-mail address: lindat.thell@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Victoria University of Wellington 4. City Wellington 5. Country Nya Zeeland 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 119 Basic Information 1. Name Maria Nehlin 2. E-mail address: maria nehlin@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Nagoya University 4. City Uppsala 5. Country Sverige 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Antropologi /Danska

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Antropologi /Danska Person 42 Basic Information 1. Name Mimmi Han 2. E-mail address: mimmi.han.92@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Köpenhamns Universitet 4. City Köpenhamn 5. Country Danmark 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Finance, Chinese, IT

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Finance, Chinese, IT Person 89 Basic Information 1. Name Louise Högdahl 2. E-mail address: louise hogdahl@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Nanyang Technological University 4. City Singapore 5. Country Singapore 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International relations

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International relations Person 55 Basic Information 1. Name Amanda 2. E-mail address: amandagolles@yahoo.se 3. Exchange university Universidad de Deusto 4. City Bilbao 5. Country Spain 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 156 Basic Information 1. Name Jesper 2. E-mail address: jesper.alkarp@telia.com 3. Exchange university Yonsei 4. City Seoul 5. Country

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Patrik Hermansson 2. E-mail address: p@patrikhermansson.com 3. Exchange university UCL 4. City London 5. Country United Kingdom 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 116 Basic Information 1. Name Alma Setterwall Rydberg 2. E-mail address: alma.setterwall@live.se 3. Exchange university Háskóli Íslands 4. City Reykjavik 5. Country Island 6. First semester of your

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BOENDEFORMENS BETYDELSE FÖR ASYLSÖKANDES INTEGRATION Lina Sandström BOENDEFORMENS BETYDELSE FÖR ASYLSÖKANDES INTEGRATION Lina Sandström Frågeställningar Kan asylprocessen förstås som en integrationsprocess? Hur fungerar i sådana fall denna process? Skiljer sig asylprocessen

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Social science

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Social science Person 17 Basic Information 1. Name Malin Hallström 2. E-mail address: hallstrom.malin@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Victoria 4. City Victoria 5. Country Canada 6. First semester of your

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 19 Basic Information 1. Name Elin Johansson 2. E-mail address: elin.jo@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Queen s University 4. City Kingston 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 3 Basic Information 1. Name Behroz Jöhnemark 2. E-mail address: behroz.johnemark@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Texas at Austin 4. City Austin 5. Country USA 6. First semester of

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Scandinavian Studies

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Scandinavian Studies Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 113 Basic Information 1. Name Ingrid 2. E-mail address: ingrid.s.heggli@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University College London 4.

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? (fråga 7: jag var där vt 2013) Engineering

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? (fråga 7: jag var där vt 2013) Engineering Person 51 Basic Information 1. Name Malin Wiborgh 2. E-mail address: malinwiborgh@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Technology Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15 Person 46 Basic Information 1. Name Adam Rosberg 2. E-mail address: adam.rosberg@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Sussex 4. City

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Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course.

Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course. - University I would like to enroll at a university. Stating that you want to enroll I want to apply for course. Stating that you want to apply for a course an undergraduate a postgraduate a PhD a full-time

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Stina Walheim 2. Exchange university Sussex University 3. City Brighton 4. Country United Kingdom 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 6.

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 72 Basic Information 1. Name Gustaf Hård af Segerstad 2. E-mail address: Gustaf.Hard@hotmail.se 3. Exchange university Monash University 4. City Melbourne 5. Country Australien 6. First semester

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 11 Basic Information 1. Name Adam Hernod Olevall 2. E-mail address: adamolevall@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Washington 4. City Seattle 5. Country Usa 6. First semester of your

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Person 100. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14

Person 100. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 100 Basic Information 1. Name Johanna Sjöholm 2. E-mail address: sjoholm.johanna@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Murdoch University 4. City Perth 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 74 Basic Information 1. Name Alex Purwanto 2. E-mail address: alex.s.purwanto@gmail.com 3. Exchange university National University of

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8. What did you study during your exchange? Statskunskap och sociologi. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices masterprogrammet

8. What did you study during your exchange? Statskunskap och sociologi. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices masterprogrammet Person 259 Basic Information 1. Name Cecilia Grabos 2. E-mail address: ceciliagrabos@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 4. City Santiago de Chile 5. Country Chile

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 9 Basic Information 1. Name Marcia Munoz 2. E-mail address: marcia.munoz@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Arizona 4. City Tucson

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Filip Andersson 2. E-mail address: filip@andersson.li 3. Exchange university Illinois State Univeristy 4. City Normal/Bloomington, IL 5. Country USA 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Microbiology and economy

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Microbiology and economy Person 22 Basic Information 1. Name Alex Basu 2. E-mail address: alex.basu@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Massachusetts 4. City Amherst 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 129 Basic Information 1. Name Axel De Geer 2. E-mail address: axel@degeer.se 3. Exchange university Sabanci University 4. City Istanbul 5. Country

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Person 282. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report

Person 282. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report Person 282 Basic Information 1. Name Alexander Sjöberg 2. E-mail address: alex sjoberg 87@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Oregon 4. City Eugene 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) Person 33 Basic Information 1. Name Lisa Nordlund 2. E-mail address: officiellmaillisa@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Université Paris Sorbonne IV 4. City Paris 5. Country France 6. First semester of

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 58 Basic Information 1. Name Emma Haals 2. E-mail address: emmahaals@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of South Florida 4. City Tampa 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 48 Basic Information 1. Name Aina Rasool 2. E-mail address: aina rasool@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Sussex University 4. City Brigthon

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Nilsson 2. E-mail address: anna.saga.nilsson@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Peking University 4. City Beijing 5. Country China 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 37 Basic Information 1. Name Jennifer Hansson 2. E-mail address: jennifer.hansson @hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Adelaide 4.

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Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report. 1. Name: Hanna Reiding. 2. E-mail address: hannareiding@hotmail.

Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report. 1. Name: Hanna Reiding. 2. E-mail address: hannareiding@hotmail. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Basic Information 1. Name: Hanna Reiding 2. E-mail address: hannareiding@hotmail.com 3. Exchange: University of New South Wales (UNSW) 4. City: Sydney

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Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs.

Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. - Universitet Jag vill anmäla mig till universitetet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig Jag vill anmäla mig till en. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs kandidatkurs Kurs avancerad kurs doktorandkurs fulltidskurs

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Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. Typ av kurs.

Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. Typ av kurs. - Universitet I would like to enroll at a university. Ange att du vill anmäla dig I want to apply for course. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs an undergraduate Kurs a postgraduate a PhD a full-time

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 8 Basic Information 1. Name Alexandra Calmanovici Pacoste 2. E-mail address: alexandra alli@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Iceland

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Computer science

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Computer science Person 25 Basic Information 1. Name Daniel Bratel 2. E-mail address: bratel daniel@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Australian National University 4. City Canberra 5. Country Australia 6. First semester

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 3 Basic Information 1. Name Julia Mårtensson 2. E-mail address: julia.ik.martensson@icloud.com 3. Exchange university University of New South Wales 4.

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Economy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Apotekarprogrammet

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Economy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Apotekarprogrammet Person 98 Basic Information 1. Name Anton Brattström 2. E-mail address: anton.brattstrom.4021@student.uu.se 3. Exchange university University of Wollongong 4. City Wollongong 5. Country Australia 6. First

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Historia, politik, kultur

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Historia, politik, kultur Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 97 Basic Information 1. Name Pär Holmberg 2. E-mail address: par holmberg@msn.com 3. Exchange university Universdad del Salvador 4. City Buenos

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmental Science

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmental Science Person 5 Basic Information 1. Name Jessica Lindmark 2. E-mail address: jessica.lindmark@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of East Anglia 4. City Norwich 5. Country England 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 38 Basic Information 1. Name Emilia Eriksson 2. E-mail address: emilia ericsson@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Sussex University 4. City Brighton 5. Country England 6. First semester of your

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sociology and psychology

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sociology and psychology Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 81 Basic Information 1. Name Lena Sanderoth 2. E-mail address: lena.sanderoth@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university Karl-Franzens-Universität

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 14 Basic Information 1. Name John Carl Philip Hallehn 2. E-mail address: hallehn@me.com 3. Exchange university Deakin University 4. City Melbourne

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 111 Basic Information 1. Name Daniel Karlsson 2. E-mail address: bdanielkarlsson90@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Alberta 4. City Edmonton 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester of

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English. Things to remember

English. Things to remember English Things to remember Essay Kolla instruktionerna noggrant! Gå tillbaka och läs igenom igen och kolla att allt är med. + Håll dig till ämnet! Vem riktar ni er till? Var ska den publiceras? Vad är

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Philosophy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Cultural Entrepreneurship, BA

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Philosophy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Cultural Entrepreneurship, BA Person 8 Basic Information 1. Name Olivia Rehnström 2. E-mail address: ollierehn@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university National university of Ireland, Galway 4. City Galway 5. Country Ireland 6. First semester

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Reseberättelse från University of Sydney

Reseberättelse från University of Sydney Reseberättelse från University of Sydney Hej och grattis! Du funderar antingen på att åka på utbyte eller har redan fått en plats. Om du får chansen så har du en fantastiskt rolig tid framför dig! Förutom

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 143 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Larsson 2. E-mail address: anna.larsson 92@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Colorado at Boulder 4. City Boulder 5. Country USA 6. First semester

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Writing with context. Att skriva med sammanhang

Writing with context. Att skriva med sammanhang Writing with context Att skriva med sammanhang What makes a piece of writing easy and interesting to read? Discuss in pairs and write down one word (in English or Swedish) to express your opinion http://korta.nu/sust(answer

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 20 Basic Information 1. Name Filip Klerfelt 2. E-mail address: filip.klerfelt@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Colorado at Boulder 4. City Boulder, Colorado 5. Country USA 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/exchange report Person 9 Basic Information 1. Name Martin Walian 2. E-mail address: martin.walian@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Leiden University 4. City Leiden 5.

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8. What did you study during your exchange? Sociology and Iceland language

8. What did you study during your exchange? Sociology and Iceland language Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report Person 176 Basic Information 1. Name Christoph Altvater 2. E-mail address: christoph altvater@yahoo.de 3. Exchange university University of Iceland 4.

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11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4

11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4 Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Helen Ranelius 2. E-mail address: helenranelius@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Edinburgh

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Person 181. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15

Person 181. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15 Person 181 Basic Information 1. Name Hanna Jansson 2. E-mail address: hannajansson87@gmail.com 3. Exchange university York University 4. City Toronto 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics, energy studies

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics, energy studies Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 71 Basic Information 1. Name Camilla Tumlin 2. E-mail address: camillatumlin@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Otago 4. City Dunedin

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Webbregistrering pa kurs och termin

Webbregistrering pa kurs och termin Webbregistrering pa kurs och termin 1. Du loggar in på www.kth.se via den personliga menyn Under fliken Kurser och under fliken Program finns på höger sida en länk till Studieöversiktssidan. På den sidan

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 181 Basic Information 1. Name Rickard Löfberg 2. E-mail address: lofberg.rickard@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Peking University 4. City Beijing 5. Country China 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 115 Basic Information 1. Name Astrid Berghult 2. E-mail address: astrid.berghult@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Canterbury University 4. City Christchurch 5. Country New Zeeland 6. First semester

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 130 Basic Information 1. Name Rebecca Grill 2. E-mail address: rebecca.norrstrom@live.se 3. Exchange university University of Wollongong 4. City Wollongong

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 106 Basic Information 1. Name Sofia Hedberg 2. E-mail address: sofia.hedberg.3594@student.uu.se 3. Exchange university Albert-Ludwigs Universität 4. City Freiburg 5. Country Tyskland 6. First semester

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Service och bemötande. Torbjörn Johansson, GAF Pär Magnusson, Öjestrand GC

Service och bemötande. Torbjörn Johansson, GAF Pär Magnusson, Öjestrand GC Service och bemötande Torbjörn Johansson, GAF Pär Magnusson, Öjestrand GC Vad är service? Åsikter? Service är något vi upplever i vårt möte med butikssäljaren, med kundserviceavdelningen, med företagets

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics and Japanese

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics and Japanese Person 165 Basic Information 1. Name Martin Ståhl 2. E-mail address: mej.stahl@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Tohoku University 4. City Sendai 5. Country Japan 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 101 Basic Information 1. Name Gustav Andersson 2. E-mail address: anders son@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of British Columbia

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Kursutvärderare: IT-kansliet/Christina Waller. General opinions: 1. What is your general feeling about the course? Antal svar: 17 Medelvärde: 2.

Kursutvärderare: IT-kansliet/Christina Waller. General opinions: 1. What is your general feeling about the course? Antal svar: 17 Medelvärde: 2. Kursvärdering - sammanställning Kurs: 2AD510 Objektorienterad programmering, 5p Antal reg: 75 Program: 2AD512 Objektorienterad programmering DV1, 4p Antal svar: 17 Period: Period 2 H04 Svarsfrekvens: 22%

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Communication/ Fashion

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Communication/ Fashion Person 52 Basic Information 1. Name Ida Bohlin 2. E-mail address: idabohlin@gmail.com 3. Exchange university California State University Long Beach 4. City Long Beach 5. Country USA 6. First semester of

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? International Studies/Government

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? International Studies/Government Person 64 Basic Information 1. Name Carl Hvenmark Nilsson 2. E-mail address: carl.hvenmark@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Washington 4. City Seattle 5. Country USA 6. First semester of

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2. Exchange university Universidad complutense de Madrid. 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

2. Exchange university Universidad complutense de Madrid. 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 191 Basic Information 1. Name Ingrid Nyman 2. Exchange university Universidad complutense de Madrid 3. City Madrid 4. Country Spain 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate Person 230 Basic Information 1. Name Erik Nilsson 2. Exchange university Illinois State University 3. City Normal, IL 4. Country United States 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester

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Användning av Erasmus+ deltagarrapporter för uppföljning

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Webbreg öppen: 26/ /

Webbreg öppen: 26/ / Webbregistrering pa kurs, period 2 HT 2015. Webbreg öppen: 26/10 2015 5/11 2015 1. Du loggar in på www.kth.se via den personliga menyn Under fliken Kurser och under fliken Program finns på höger sida en

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EVALUATION OF ADVANCED BIOSTATISTICS COURSE, part I UMEÅ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Medicine Spring 2012 EVALUATION OF ADVANCED BIOSTATISTICS COURSE, part I 1) Name of the course: Logistic regression 2) What is your postgraduate subject? Tidig reumatoid artrit

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Person 151. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14

Person 151. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 151 Basic Information 1. Name Elinor Forsman 2. E-mail address: forsman.elinor@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Tokyo 4. City Tokyo 5. Country Japan 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 62 Basic Information 1. Name Stina Hällholm 2. E-mail address: hallholm@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Hawaii at Hilo 4. City Hilo 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 136 Basic Information 1. Name Aleen Murtaza 2. Exchange university University College London 3. City London 4. Country Great Britain 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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#minlandsbygd. Landsbygden lever på Instagram. Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant.

#minlandsbygd. Landsbygden lever på Instagram. Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant. #minlandsbygd Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant. Så vacka bilder. Ha det bra idag. @psutherland6 Thanks Pat! Yes the sun was going down... Hahahaha. Gilla Kommentera Landsbygden lever på

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Molecular biotechnology

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Molecular biotechnology Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Jenny Dahlberg 2. E-mail address: jenny.johanna.dahlberg@gmail.com 3. Exchange university Victoria University 4.

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Utvärdering SFI, ht -13

Utvärdering SFI, ht -13 Utvärdering SFI, ht -13 Biblioteksbesöken 3% Ej svarat 3% 26% 68% Jag hoppas att gå till biblioteket en gång två veckor I think its important to come to library but maybe not every week I like because

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Energy and Physics. 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Energy and Physics. 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 35 Basic Information 1. Name Elisabet Jansson 2. E-mail address: elisabet jansson@hotmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Otago

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Protokoll Föreningsutskottet 2013-10-22

Protokoll Föreningsutskottet 2013-10-22 Protokoll Föreningsutskottet 2013-10-22 Närvarande: Oliver Stenbom, Andreas Estmark, Henrik Almén, Ellinor Ugland, Oliver Jonstoij Berg. 1. Mötets öppnande. Ordförande Oliver Stenbom öppnade mötet. 2.

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http://marvel.com/games/play/31/create_your_own_superhero http://www.heromachine.com/

http://marvel.com/games/play/31/create_your_own_superhero http://www.heromachine.com/ Name: Year 9 w. 4-7 The leading comic book publisher, Marvel Comics, is starting a new comic, which it hopes will become as popular as its classics Spiderman, Superman and The Incredible Hulk. Your job

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 257 Basic Information 1. Name Hanna Nyström 2. E-mail address: hannaerika.nystrom@gmail.com 3. Exchange university University of Miami 4. City Miami 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? business

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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