Person 100. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14

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1 Person 100 Basic Information 1. Name Johanna Sjöholm 2. address: 3. Exchange university Murdoch University 4. City Perth 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT) 7. Academic year 2013/ What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Exercies Science 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Fysioterapi 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Den största skillanden för mig var att vi läste alla kurser på en och samma gång. Det var väldigt intensivt i vissa perioder eftersom inlämingar och tentor oftast var under samma period. Att ha slutexamen i alla ämnen var inte så farligt som jag trodde att det skulle vara. Det var självklart mycket att plugga men tentaperioden varade i två veckor och vi hade en veckas ledigt innan sluttentorna började. Fördelen med att ha både midterms och sluttentor är att du kan kugga en tenta och ändå klara kursen. Betygssystemet är annorlund mot för vad jag är van vid. Det krävs till exempel bara 50% för att få Godkänt på en tenta. Jag var den enda utbytesstudentern i flera av mina kurser vilket gjorde att lärarna snabbt lärde sig vem jag var och de var alltid trevliga och hjälpte till när jag hade frågor eller problem. Alla lektioner spelas in och det går att titta/lyssna på dem online. Många valde därför att inte gå på lektionerna utan att lyssna på dem själva istället vilket gjorde att det var få elever på föreläsningarna. Jag hade även obligatoriska tutorials. De utgör ungefär 10% av betyget och det krävs att man är delaktig och diskuterar under lektionens gång. Jag upplevde att det var mer att göra i varje kurs vid Murdoch i jämförelse med i Uppsala. Fördelen var att sluttentorna inte var lika omfattande men det var mycket att göra under kursernas gång. Jag anser att kvaliteten/nivån med studierna vid Murdoch University är likvärdig med Uppsala. Jag brukar inte använda datorerna på universitetet i Uppsala men på biblioteket på Murdoch gick det alltid att hitta en ledig dator. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 297 av??

2 Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Vid Murdoch University är alla väldigt måna om sina utbytestudenter. Under orientation week som är till för utbytesstudenterna annordnades det kortare infomöten under de första dagarna och vi fick gratis lunch varje dag. Det annordnades också mycket aktiviter så som surfing, gudidad tur i Fremantle, resa till stranden och en resa till Caversham Wildlife Park. Vi blev också tilldelade en fadder. Orientation week gjorde det lättare att lära känna alla andra utbytetstudenter och att få en inblick i hur samhället och skolsystemet fungerar i Australien. Under terminens gång arrangerades resor längs hela vä fick möjlighet att åka på en endagsresa till Pinnacles där vi även fick testa på sand borading. Under en helg fick vi åka ner till Albany och Denmark. Vi fick bland annat vandra upp till utkiksplatser, besöka en vingård i Margaret River och göra en tree top walk. Under loven arrangeras en 10-dagarsresa längs nordvästra Australien. Fördelen med att åka på en arrangerad resa istället för att åka själv var främst att man slapp köra de långa sträckorna själv. Vi fick vandra i Karajini National Park, se delfiner och snorkla i Coral Bay och mycket mycket mer. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Det är mycket lättare att hitta boende i Peth än i Uppsala. Vi bodde på hostel första veckan och letade under tiden efter boende via gumtree som är ungefär som blocket. Vi hade möjligheten att få boende via universitet. Då delar man lägenhet på campus med 4-5 andra studenter. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Kött är billigare än i Sverige annars är det mesta lite dyrare. Jag klarade mig ändå bra på stuidemedlen eftersom man får mer än hemma i Sverige. Vi var tre pesoner som delade på en trea ganska centralt i Perth och det kostade kr. Jag jobbade inte extra under terminen eftersom jag hade sparat pengar sen innan kände jag inte att jag behövde det. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Utöver resorna anordnades inte så mycket aktiviteter speciellt för utbytestudenter. Men det finns gott om klubbar av olika slag som man kan gå med i om man känner att man har tid över. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Jag är mycket nöjd men min Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 298 av??

3 tid som utbytesstudent. Fördelen med att studera vid Murdoch är att lärare och personal är väldigt hjälpsamma och måna om att man ska få en så bra tid som möjligt. Resorna som anordnades under helger och lov var verkligen ett stort plus. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s Publishing of pictures - Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 299 av??

4 Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 123 Basic Information 1. Name Martin Larsson 2. address: 3. Exchange university Murdoch University 4. City Perth 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT) 7. Academic year 2013/ What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Juridik, Historia, Ekonomi 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Juridik 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... UTBYTESRAPPORT Hej! Jag heter Martin Larsson och har under det gångna året, 2013, varit utbytesstudent på Murdoch University i Perth. Efter att ha studerat sex terminer juridik i Uppsala bestämde jag mig för att det var dags att prova på något nytt. Jag valde att söka utbyte genom internationella kansliet och lotten föll på Australien och Murdoch University i Perth. Det har varit ett lärorikt år, både på ett akademiskt- och personligt plan. STUDIER Det är några grundläggande skillnader i studierna mellan Murdoch University och juristutbildningen på Uppsala Universitet. I Uppsala har jag läst en kurs per termin där examinationen till största delen bestått av en sals-tentamen men även av PM skrivande. Undervisningen kretsar kring seminarier som har en problembaserad utformning. Undervisningen på Murdoch University ser till viss del annorlunda ut. På Murdoch University läste jag tre olika kurser parallellt varje termin. I och med att jag valde kurserna själv och att pågick parallellt var de inte samordnade på samma sätt som i Uppsala. Det innebar att examinationer och uppsatsskrivanden kunde sammanfalla för flera kurser, vilket bidrog till att det blev intensivt om man inte planerade sina studier i förväg. Den mesta undervisningen skedde genom föreläsningar även om flera kurser även hade seminarieundervisning. För att seminarierna för de olika kurserna inte skulle krocka fick man även välja sitt eget schema. Det var praktiskt eftersom att man kunde förlägga alla obligatoriska moment, när man var tvungen att vara på campus, till två eller tre dagar i veckan. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 371 av??

5 Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Den första terminen läste jag följande kurser: LAW120 Research and Writing För att kunna läsa juridiska kurser på djupare nivå var det bra att först börja med en metodkurs i juridik. Det var främst nyttigt för att lära sig de australiensiska och brittiska databaserna som var nödvändigt för att kunna skriva senare uppsatser. LAW150 Australian Legal System Den här kursen var viktig för att få en inblick i den australiensiska rättstraditionen. LAW257 Law in China: Continuity and Change Det här är en kurs på andra års nivå som ger en intressant inblick i hur Kina fungerar. Den andra terminen valde jag att inte bara läsa juridiska kurser: BUS161 Introduction to Economics Micro- och macro ekonomi. Det var en intressant kurs med duktiga och engagerade lärare. HIS182 Turning Points in History Den enda kursen jag är lite missnöjd med. Som namnet på kursen indikerar så handlade den om skeenden som förändrade världen. Många ämnen som avhandlades var intressanta men kursen var dåligt strukturerad vilket gjorde att jag aldrig fick något riktigt grepp om vad som var målet med kursen. LAW339 Shipping Law En tredjeårs kurs som inriktar sig på den kontraktsrättsliga delen i sjöfartsrätt. Det var en stimulerande och intressant kurs med en duktig lärare. Sammanfattningsvis tycker jag att undervisningen höll en god nivå. Eftersom att jag läste flera kurser på förstaårsnivå var tempot också behagligt. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. MOTTAGANDE Mottagandet från Murdoch University var bra. Vi fick hämtning redan vid flygplatsen av en taxichaufför som skjutsade oss till vårt hotell. Veckan innan studierna började anordnades en orienteringsvecka för alla internationella studenter. Under den veckan fick vi nödvändig information inför studiestarten och tillfällen erbjöds för att träffa andra internationella studenter. Det anordnades bl a. en utflykt till Caversham Wildlife Park där vi fick ett första möte med det australiensiska djurlivet. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? BOENDE Istället för att bo i Murdoch Village valde jag och tre kompisar att hitta ett eget hus. Huvudanledningen till detta var att vi ville bo i Fremantle istället för att bo alldeles bredvid Universitetet. Fremantle har, till skillnad från övriga Perth, en äldre och mysigare stadsbebyggelse och det ligger vid havet. Det är dessutom enkelt att både ta sig till Universitetet och in till Perth. Det var lite krångligt att hitta ett hus men redan efter en vecka kunde vi flytta in. Vi sökte först hus genom olika mäklare, detta visades sig dock vara svårt och istället fann vi vårt hus genom en privat annons på Vi bodde fyra stycken i huset och delade på hyran som låg på 675 dollar i veckan, exklusive gas och el. Vi hade inte heller internet i huset. Internetstandarden är generellt sett dålig i Australien där ADSL är det som erbjuds. Vi bestämde oss för att inte ansluta internet till huset utan vi använde istället 3G nätet på våra mobiltelefoner. Datatrafiken är dock begränsad hos alla operatörer, det är därför viktigt att välja rätt sim-kort om man vill ha mycket datatrafik. Woolworths pre-paid sim card var det som vi använde oss av. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 372 av??

6 Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? EKONOMI Perth är en dyr stad. De olika gruvindustrierna runt om i Western Australia har inneburit ett ekonomiskt lyft för regionen och framförallt för Perth. Perth är kanske därför den dyraste staden i Australien. Med det sagt hade jag inga problem att klara mig på det CSN-lån som jag tog under året. Hyran var den största kostnaden. Mat kan man hitta billigt om man letar efter nedsatta priser och som student får man ofta rabatt, bl a. i lokaltrafiken. Om det är svårt att få pengarna att räcka till finns det goda möjligheter att hitta arbete vid sidan om. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? FRITID Vädret i och omkring Perth är fantastiskt vilket ger möjligheter till utomhusaktiviteter. Vi hade en bakgård till vårt hus där vi ofta grillade och hade middagar. Stränderna runt Perth är långa och vackra och det är väldigt skönt att ta sig ett dopp i havet, framförallt under sommarmånaderna då temperaturen kan stiga upp över 40 grader. Jag gillar att vara ute och springa vilket man kan göra året runt i den behagliga temperaturen. I Fremantle finns inga stora parker men man kan både springa efter Swan River eller efter havet. Där finns också strategiskt utplacerade utomhus gym. Även om fotboll inte är den största sporten i Australien finns det möjligheter att spela i lag. Jag spelade futsal med ett lag som jag kom i kontakt med genom en kompis. Nivån var inte speciellt hög men det var roligt och ett bra sätt att träffa människor. Murdoch University har också ett skollag i futsal som jag spelade en turnering med, då mötte vi de övriga universiteten i Perth. När man är på andra sidan jorden som utbytesstudent måste man också passa på att resa. Det sägs att Perth är världens mest isolerade storstad men att resa runt efter kusten både i nordlig och sydlig riktning är att rekommendera. Norrut finns Ningaloo Reef, ett fantastiskt korallrev där man företrädesvis passar på att dyka och snorkla. I Exmouth kan man under vintern simma med valhajar och se knölvalar när de migrerar till och från Antarktis. Söder om Perth finns legendariska surfvatten och vackra vingårdar. Margaret River är ett måste som bara ligger tre timmar med bil söder om Perth. Innan jag åkte hem bilade jag över till östkusten med två kompisar. Det tog ca fyra dagar och var väldigt häftigt. Även om stora delar är platt och rak med exempelvis en raksträcka på 146 km! får man se väldigt mycket. Utöver de oändliga vidderna finns överdådiga kustlinjer, djupa och höga skogar samt praktfulla stjärnhimlar. Känguruer får man se i överflöd, ormar om man har tur och om man åker the Great Ocean Road i Victoria kan man få se vilda koalor. Utöver att resa inom landet har jag även åkt till Nya Zeeland och till Indonesien åkte jag två gånger. Flygförbindelserna mellan Perth och Bali är bra och biljettpriserna är överkomliga. Även om det är roligt och intressant att utforska Bali skulle jag rekommendera att åka över till den mindre exploaterade grannön Lombok. Det är en lugnare ö med delvis annan kultur. I och med att turismen ännu inte har boomat där är också prisbilden lägre än på sin grannö. Två heta tips är att bestiga Gnung Rinjani och surfa i Kuta på Lombok. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 373 av??

7 Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. HELHETSINTRYCK Jag är glad och nöjd över att jag beslutade att åka på utbyte till Australien. Det är ett stort land som har mycket att erbjuda. Det är ett ypperligt tillfälle att åka dit på utbyte under studietiden vilket jag starkt rekommenderar. Om du har några frågor eller funderingar får ni gärna höra av er till mig på adressen: Med vänliga hälsningar/ Martin Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s Publishing of pictures - Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 374 av??

8 Person 61 Basic Information 1. Name Sara Persson 2. address: 3. Exchange university Murdoch University 4. City Perth 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT) 7. Academic year 2013/ What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Psychology & Sociology 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Samhällsvetarprogrammet 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 years Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... The studies in Australia is quite different comparing to Sweden. They have absolutely less lectures in Australia, I had about 1 lecture a week per unit. It was about the same amount of readings that you had to do for every lecture as in Sweden (about one chapter). The seminars (or tutorials as they are called in Australia) were quite different from Sweden. You didn t have to be well prepared and most of the time you discussed topics with your own personal experiences as a help, so you didn t have to know many facts. The assessment during the semester were a lot though, in my three unit i did five essays and one mid-term exam, excluding the final exams. You did not get a lot of information about how to write the essays, which made it a bit more difficult. The relationship between student and teacher (or tudor) were very different. In Uppsala we often do not have any kind of relationship with the teacher, often they don t even have to learn your name. At Murdoch, your tudor often knew your name after a few weeks and you were highly recommended to develop a good relationship with your tudor. This was were different to me, but it made the tutorials more fun and you did not feel like you had a lot of pressure on performing all the time. The tutorials were not at all competitive, it felt more like a big discussion were all the student help each other to become better. The examinations I had were both short answers (about half a page/question), multiple-choice and essay (about three pages/questions). You had between 2-3 hours per exam, which is not that much time and it was something that worried me before I made my first exam. If you re a slow writer you will probably have some difficulties with finishing on time, but I did not consider it as a problem after i finished my first exam. I think the exams are also more straight forward than at Uppsala. In two units i got some questions or terms beforehand and Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 177 av??

9 later they picked out a few to the exam, so what we got on the exam did not come as a surprise. I think the quality is a bit higher at Uppsala University, sometimes the assessments and the tutorials more felt like high school to me than as they were on university level. You could for example do a song about a subject instead of writing an essay. But the level of the material you learn is very similar to Uppsala, they are very scientific minded. All the units I took were good, I took Psychology: Abnormal behavior, Psychology: Drugs and dependence and Health and society. They all were 2nd year units and quite different from the psychology and sociology units i ve taken in Uppsala. The one i recommend the most is Health and Society. In that unit you got to learn a lot about the Australian system and culture, which i found quite interesting. At the campus they had a big library were pretty much all the people at the university hung out and studied. They had a lot of spaces to study, it wasn t often that you couldn t find a place and they had a lot of computers that you could use. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Our orientation started a week or two before classes. The first day we got A LOT of information about Australia, Perth and the university. It is quite similar to the first day at Uppsala were all the different institution, like the student health center and library people come and talk about what they do. We got free lunches every day we had to be in school for orientation (i think only 3 days was mandatory) and we got to do a lot of games to get to know each other. Murdoch University also made a lot of fun trips for their exchange students and we got a better price. It was trips like going to see koalas and kangaroos over the day to a 10 day trip to see the north coast of western Australia. I Think Murdoch University took very good care of us, especially in the beginning. They checked with us all the time to see if everything was fine and their international coordinator was awesome, he learned everyones name and was very involved. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? At first me and my two friends lived at a hostel for the first week, the plan was to stay there until we found an apartment. We decided rely that we didn t want to live on campus, since the people staying there were a lot younger than us and you had to live in an apartment with 4 other people (much nicer than a corridor in Uppsala, though). We looked through for apartments and only went to look at one apartment until we found a two bedroom apartment in Highgate (which is like one kilometer from Perth CBD), which we got after only one week in Perth. We probably had a lot of luck. I was very pleased with the apartment and the location, although it was a 15 minute walk to the train station and from there 20 minutes with train and bus. But since you didn t have to be in school that much, it didn t matter. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? It was definitely more expensive to live in Perth than in Uppsala. We were three people who Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 178 av??

10 shared a two bedroom apartment close to the city centre, and we payed about 4500kr each every month for the rent, electricity, internet and the AC (which is very necessary to have in february). The food is also a bit more expensive. Some meats are cheaper in Perth, like minced beef and fresh chicken, but pretty much all vegetables and fruit are more expensive. The good thing though is that eating out is about the same price as i Uppsala, and you can pretty much eat out to the same price as you cook a meal on your own. Since you get more money from CSN, I didn t notice that it was a bit more expensive here. You really noticed at first but after a while you just adjusted. So the money from CSN was absolutely enough to survive. I did not even get a job, so no worries about not having enough money. The expenses in the beginning can be quite a lot, so it is necessary to have some saved money to bring with you. You often have to buy all your books from school in the beginning, which are expensive, and it can be hard to find used books. We also had to pay a bond, which was one month rent (2000 dollar), that we didn t get back until we left the apartment at the end of the semester. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? The university was very good at arranging special activities for all the exchange and study abroad students. We had to pay for all the trips, but they made them much more cheaper and you got to go with all your new friends. They arranged a surfing lecture, a trip to a zoo were you got to pet koalas and kangaroos and a day trip to a place called the pinnacles were you got to see wild koalas and try sand boarding on the way. They also arranged two longer trip one 3 day trip to the south and one 10 day trip to the north. I only went on the southwest trip, and it was amazing. They had a packed schedule and we really got to see everything you wanted to see at the same time as you really got to know all the other exchange students. A part from this they arranged a lot of night activities, like dinner hanging out at the school pub(!) and watching movies together. They also had a buddy program were you got set up with an Australian student. We also had a student who took extra care of us during the semester and arranged a lot of fun stuff. I was very very pleased with all the activities, you had things to do a lot of days every week if you wanted to. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. My exchange has been amazing. Australia is quite different from Sweden, which is a part of the fantastic experience. People are way more relaxed and it s all about having fun. It is very easy to find friends for life among both exchange students and Australian students. The university was quite similar to a Swedish university, although it could sometimes feel more like high school (which can be a good relaxing thing). The beaches in Perth are indescribable, so you should definitely hang out a lot there. I highly recommend you to go here if you enjoy amazing weather, fantastic people and if you are looking for a fun adventure. You won t regret it at all. Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 179 av??

11 Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. View from King s Park over Perth CBD 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsområdet för medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 180 av??

Person 33. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report

Person 33. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 33 Basic Information 1. Name Jessica Almgren 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university York University 4. City Toronto 5. Country Canada 6. First semester of your exchange

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Person 49. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15

Person 49. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15 Person 49 Basic Information 1. Name Marcus Björklund 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) 4. City Norrtälje 5. Country Sverige 6.

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Nutrition, Food science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University?

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Nutrition, Food science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Person 25 Basic Information 1. Name Karin Gunnar 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Háskóli Íslands 4. City Reykjavik 5. Country Island 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sustainability, Business Management,

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sustainability, Business Management, Person 69 Basic Information 1. Name Sandra Ly 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university The University of Queensland 4. City Brisbane 5. Country Australien 6. First semester of your

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 76 Basic Information 1. Name Anneli Nilsson 2. E-mail address: Anneli 3. Exchange university PUCRS 4. City Porto Alegre 5. Country Brasilien 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 151 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Linder 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of East Anglia 4. City Norwich 5. Country Storbritannien 6. First semester

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8. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Hållbar Utveckling. 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

8. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Hållbar Utveckling. 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 18 Basic Information 1. Name Sofia 2. Exchange university Universidad del Salvador (USAL) 3. City Buenos Aires 4. Country Argentina 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT)

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) Person 81 Basic Information 1. Name Mikaela Tudeen 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Amsterdam University College (AUC) 4. City Amsterdam 5. Country Nederländerna 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 76 Basic Information 1. Name Erika Regnér 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Western Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 119 Basic Information 1. Name Maria Nehlin 2. E-mail address: maria 3. Exchange university Nagoya University 4. City Uppsala 5. Country Sverige 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International relations

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International relations Person 55 Basic Information 1. Name Amanda 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Universidad de Deusto 4. City Bilbao 5. Country Spain 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Accounting and Finance

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Accounting and Finance Person 72 Basic Information 1. Name Isayas Ghebremedhin 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Keele University 4. City Keele 5. Country United Kingdom 6. First semester of your

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Finance, Chinese, IT

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Finance, Chinese, IT Person 89 Basic Information 1. Name Louise Högdahl 2. E-mail address: louise 3. Exchange university Nanyang Technological University 4. City Singapore 5. Country Singapore 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Antropologi /Danska

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Antropologi /Danska Person 42 Basic Information 1. Name Mimmi Han 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Köpenhamns Universitet 4. City Köpenhamn 5. Country Danmark 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmeltal Science, Management, Social Science, Building Science

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmeltal Science, Management, Social Science, Building Science Person 17 Basic Information 1. Name Linda Thell 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Victoria University of Wellington 4. City Wellington 5. Country Nya Zeeland 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 44 Basic Information 1. Name Ricky Cheung 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Sungkyunkwan University 4. City Suwon 5. Country Korea 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 19 Basic Information 1. Name Elin Johansson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Queen s University 4. City Kingston 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Social science

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Social science Person 17 Basic Information 1. Name Malin Hallström 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Victoria 4. City Victoria 5. Country Canada 6. First semester of your

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 156 Basic Information 1. Name Jesper 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Yonsei 4. City Seoul 5. Country

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 3 Basic Information 1. Name Behroz Jöhnemark 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Texas at Austin 4. City Austin 5. Country USA 6. First semester of

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8. What did you study during your exchange? Statskunskap och sociologi. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices masterprogrammet

8. What did you study during your exchange? Statskunskap och sociologi. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices masterprogrammet Person 259 Basic Information 1. Name Cecilia Grabos 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 4. City Santiago de Chile 5. Country Chile

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BOENDEFORMENS BETYDELSE FÖR ASYLSÖKANDES INTEGRATION Lina Sandström BOENDEFORMENS BETYDELSE FÖR ASYLSÖKANDES INTEGRATION Lina Sandström Frågeställningar Kan asylprocessen förstås som en integrationsprocess? Hur fungerar i sådana fall denna process? Skiljer sig asylprocessen

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 116 Basic Information 1. Name Alma Setterwall Rydberg 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Háskóli Íslands 4. City Reykjavik 5. Country Island 6. First semester of your

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Filip Andersson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Illinois State Univeristy 4. City Normal/Bloomington, IL 5. Country USA 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 58 Basic Information 1. Name Emma Haals 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of South Florida 4. City Tampa 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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Person 282. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report

Person 282. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report Person 282 Basic Information 1. Name Alexander Sjöberg 2. E-mail address: alex sjoberg 3. Exchange university University of Oregon 4. City Eugene 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Patrik Hermansson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university UCL 4. City London 5. Country United Kingdom 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report Person 72 Basic Information 1. Name Gustaf Hård af Segerstad 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Monash University 4. City Melbourne 5. Country Australien 6. First semester

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2016) Person 33 Basic Information 1. Name Lisa Nordlund 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Université Paris Sorbonne IV 4. City Paris 5. Country France 6. First semester of

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Microbiology and economy

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Microbiology and economy Person 22 Basic Information 1. Name Alex Basu 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Massachusetts 4. City Amherst 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Economy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Apotekarprogrammet

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Economy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Apotekarprogrammet Person 98 Basic Information 1. Name Anton Brattström 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Wollongong 4. City Wollongong 5. Country Australia 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 48 Basic Information 1. Name Aina Rasool 2. E-mail address: aina 3. Exchange university Sussex University 4. City Brigthon

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15 Person 46 Basic Information 1. Name Adam Rosberg 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Sussex 4. City

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmental Science

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Environmental Science Person 5 Basic Information 1. Name Jessica Lindmark 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of East Anglia 4. City Norwich 5. Country England 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Nilsson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Peking University 4. City Beijing 5. Country China 6. First semester of your exchange

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Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course.

Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course. - University I would like to enroll at a university. Stating that you want to enroll I want to apply for course. Stating that you want to apply for a course an undergraduate a postgraduate a PhD a full-time

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 9 Basic Information 1. Name Marcia Munoz 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Arizona 4. City Tucson

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 74 Basic Information 1. Name Alex Purwanto 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university National University of

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11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4

11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4 Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Helen Ranelius 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Edinburgh

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 129 Basic Information 1. Name Axel De Geer 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Sabanci University 4. City Istanbul 5. Country

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Stina Walheim 2. Exchange university Sussex University 3. City Brighton 4. Country United Kingdom 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 6.

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Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report. 1. Name: Hanna Reiding. 2. E-mail address: hannareiding@hotmail.

Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report. 1. Name: Hanna Reiding. 2. E-mail address: hannareiding@hotmail. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Basic Information 1. Name: Hanna Reiding 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange: University of New South Wales (UNSW) 4. City: Sydney

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/exchange report Person 9 Basic Information 1. Name Martin Walian 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Leiden University 4. City Leiden 5.

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 111 Basic Information 1. Name Daniel Karlsson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Alberta 4. City Edmonton 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester of

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 37 Basic Information 1. Name Jennifer Hansson 2. E-mail address: jennifer.hansson 3. Exchange university University of Adelaide 4.

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Scandinavian Studies

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Scandinavian Studies Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 113 Basic Information 1. Name Ingrid 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University College London 4.

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 144 Basic Information 1. Name Rozbe Bozorgi 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology, Sydney 4. City

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 62 Basic Information 1. Name Stina Hällholm 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Hawaii at Hilo 4. City Hilo 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 130 Basic Information 1. Name Rebecca Grill 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Wollongong 4. City Wollongong

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sociology and psychology

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Sociology and psychology Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 81 Basic Information 1. Name Lena Sanderoth 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Karl-Franzens-Universität

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 11 Basic Information 1. Name Adam Hernod Olevall 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Washington 4. City Seattle 5. Country Usa 6. First semester of your

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Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs.

Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. - Universitet Jag vill anmäla mig till universitetet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig Jag vill anmäla mig till en. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs kandidatkurs Kurs avancerad kurs doktorandkurs fulltidskurs

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Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. Typ av kurs.

Immigration Studera. Studera - Universitet. Ange att du vill anmäla dig. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs. Kurs. Typ av kurs. - Universitet I would like to enroll at a university. Ange att du vill anmäla dig I want to apply for course. Ange att du vill anmäla dig till en kurs an undergraduate Kurs a postgraduate a PhD a full-time

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics and Japanese

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics and Japanese Person 165 Basic Information 1. Name Martin Ståhl 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Tohoku University 4. City Sendai 5. Country Japan 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 257 Basic Information 1. Name Hanna Nyström 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Miami 4. City Miami 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish spring semester (VT 2015) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 3 Basic Information 1. Name Julia Mårtensson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of New South Wales 4.

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 14 Basic Information 1. Name John Carl Philip Hallehn 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Deakin University 4. City Melbourne

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 115 Basic Information 1. Name Astrid Berghult 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Canterbury University 4. City Christchurch 5. Country New Zeeland 6. First semester

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Utvärdering SFI, ht -13

Utvärdering SFI, ht -13 Utvärdering SFI, ht -13 Biblioteksbesöken 3% Ej svarat 3% 26% 68% Jag hoppas att gå till biblioteket en gång två veckor I think its important to come to library but maybe not every week I like because

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 106 Basic Information 1. Name Sofia Hedberg 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Albert-Ludwigs Universität 4. City Freiburg 5. Country Tyskland 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 20 Basic Information 1. Name Filip Klerfelt 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Colorado at Boulder 4. City Boulder, Colorado 5. Country USA 6. First

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 38 Basic Information 1. Name Emilia Eriksson 2. E-mail address: emilia 3. Exchange university Sussex University 4. City Brighton 5. Country England 6. First semester of your

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 101 Basic Information 1. Name Gustav Andersson 2. E-mail address: anders 3. Exchange university University of British Columbia

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Historia, politik, kultur

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Historia, politik, kultur Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 97 Basic Information 1. Name Pär Holmberg 2. E-mail address: par 3. Exchange university Universdad del Salvador 4. City Buenos

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 181 Basic Information 1. Name Rickard Löfberg 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Peking University 4. City Beijing 5. Country China 6. First semester of your exchange

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 143 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Larsson 2. E-mail address: anna.larsson 3. Exchange university University of Colorado at Boulder 4. City Boulder 5. Country USA 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? International Studies/Government

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? International Studies/Government Person 64 Basic Information 1. Name Carl Hvenmark Nilsson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Washington 4. City Seattle 5. Country USA 6. First semester of

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Computer science

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Computer science Person 25 Basic Information 1. Name Daniel Bratel 2. E-mail address: bratel 3. Exchange university Australian National University 4. City Canberra 5. Country Australia 6. First semester

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Person 181. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15

Person 181. Basic Information. Studies. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2014/15 Person 181 Basic Information 1. Name Hanna Jansson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university York University 4. City Toronto 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester of your exchange

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/ First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Enskilda enkäter för Exchange Report 2015/16 Person 8 Basic Information 1. Name Alexandra Calmanovici Pacoste 2. E-mail address: alexandra 3. Exchange university University of Iceland

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Communication/ Fashion

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Communication/ Fashion Person 52 Basic Information 1. Name Ida Bohlin 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university California State University Long Beach 4. City Long Beach 5. Country USA 6. First semester of

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics, energy studies

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Physics, energy studies Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 71 Basic Information 1. Name Camilla Tumlin 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Otago 4. City Dunedin

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8. What did you study during your exchange? Sociology and Iceland language

8. What did you study during your exchange? Sociology and Iceland language Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report Person 176 Basic Information 1. Name Christoph Altvater 2. E-mail address: christoph 3. Exchange university University of Iceland 4.

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 330 Basic Information 1. Name Simon Blomgren 2. E-mail address: blomgren 3. Exchange university Illinois State University 4. City Normal 5. Country US 6. First semester of your

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2. Exchange university University of Hawaii at Hilo. 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

2. Exchange university University of Hawaii at Hilo. 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 275 Basic Information 1. Name Cecilia Strömhielm 2. Exchange university University of Hawaii at Hilo 3. City Hilo 4. Country USA 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 6.

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? (fråga 7: jag var där vt 2013) Engineering

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? (fråga 7: jag var där vt 2013) Engineering Person 51 Basic Information 1. Name Malin Wiborgh 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Technology Sydney 4. City Sydney 5. Country Australia 6. First semester

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Användning av Erasmus+ deltagarrapporter för uppföljning

Användning av Erasmus+ deltagarrapporter för uppföljning Användning av Erasmus+ deltagarrapporter för uppföljning Internationaliseringsdagarna 2016 2016-11-02 Anders Clarhäll Participant Report Form Identification of the Participant and General Information (Motivation)

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Alexander Trennemark 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Alberta 4. City Edmonton 5. Country Kanada 6. First semester

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Molecular biotechnology

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Molecular biotechnology Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Jenny Dahlberg 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Victoria University 4. City Wellington 5. Country New Zealand 6. First semester

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 58 Basic Information 1. Name Emma Haals 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of South Florida 4. City Tampa 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange

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Make a speech. How to make the perfect speech. söndag 6 oktober 13

Make a speech. How to make the perfect speech. söndag 6 oktober 13 Make a speech How to make the perfect speech FOPPA FOPPA Finding FOPPA Finding Organizing FOPPA Finding Organizing Phrasing FOPPA Finding Organizing Phrasing Preparing FOPPA Finding Organizing Phrasing

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Molecular biotechnology

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Science. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Molecular biotechnology Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report/utbytesrapport Person 26 Basic Information 1. Name Jenny Dahlberg 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Victoria University 4.

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate Person 230 Basic Information 1. Name Erik Nilsson 2. Exchange university Illinois State University 3. City Normal, IL 4. Country United States 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester

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2. Exchange university Universidad complutense de Madrid. 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

2. Exchange university Universidad complutense de Madrid. 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 191 Basic Information 1. Name Ingrid Nyman 2. Exchange university Universidad complutense de Madrid 3. City Madrid 4. Country Spain 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

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Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015)

Enskilda enkäter för Exchange report. 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT 2015) Person 111 Basic Information 1. Name jonatan fast 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university KAIST 4. City Daejon 5. Country South Korea 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International relations

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? International relations Person 55 Basic Information 1. Name Amanda 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Universidad de Deusto 4. City Bilbao 5. Country Spain 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Scandinaviska studier

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What did you study during your exchange? Scandinaviska studier Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/exchange report Person 77 Basic Information 1. Name Camilla Thorén 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University College London 4. City

Läs mer Name: Year 9 w. 4-7 The leading comic book publisher, Marvel Comics, is starting a new comic, which it hopes will become as popular as its classics Spiderman, Superman and The Incredible Hulk. Your job

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#minlandsbygd. Landsbygden lever på Instagram. Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant.

#minlandsbygd. Landsbygden lever på Instagram. Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant. #minlandsbygd Kul bild! I keep chickens too. They re brilliant. Så vacka bilder. Ha det bra idag. @psutherland6 Thanks Pat! Yes the sun was going down... Hahahaha. Gilla Kommentera Landsbygden lever på

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Person 151. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14

Person 151. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 151 Basic Information 1. Name Elinor Forsman 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Tokyo 4. City Tokyo 5. Country Japan 6. First semester of your exchange

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Person 73. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report

Person 73. Basic Information. Studies. Orientation and reception. Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report Person 73 Basic Information 1. Name Cecilia Rydén 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university California State University Fullerton 4. City Fullerton 5. Country USA 6. First semester

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate Person 198 Basic Information 1. Name Robin Håkansson 2. Exchange university Queen's University 3. City Kingston 4. Country Kanada 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 6. Academic

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange?

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Person 45 Basic Information 1. Name Agnes Löfgren 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university Université Rennes II 4. City Rennes 5. Country France 6. First semester of your exchange

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Energy and Physics. 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Energy and Physics. 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Mixed undergrad/postgrad Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 35 Basic Information 1. Name Elisabet Jansson 2. E-mail address: elisabet 3. Exchange university University of Otago

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Writing with context. Att skriva med sammanhang

Writing with context. Att skriva med sammanhang Writing with context Att skriva med sammanhang What makes a piece of writing easy and interesting to read? Discuss in pairs and write down one word (in English or Swedish) to express your opinion

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5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate

5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate Person 137 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Strandberg Mäkitalo 2. Exchange university University of Edinburgh 3. City Edinburgh 4. Country United Kingdom 5. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn

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8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Philosophy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Cultural Entrepreneurship, BA

8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Philosophy. 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Cultural Entrepreneurship, BA Person 8 Basic Information 1. Name Olivia Rehnström 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university National university of Ireland, Galway 4. City Galway 5. Country Ireland 6. First semester

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EVALUATION OF ADVANCED BIOSTATISTICS COURSE, part I UMEÅ UNIVERSITY Faculty of Medicine Spring 2012 EVALUATION OF ADVANCED BIOSTATISTICS COURSE, part I 1) Name of the course: Logistic regression 2) What is your postgraduate subject? Tidig reumatoid artrit

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Person 111 Basic Information 1. Name Joakim Eriksson 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university University of Texas at Austin 4. City Austin 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your

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6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT)

6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) Enskilda enkäter för Utbytesrapport/Exchange report Person 210 Basic Information 1. Name Lisa van Doremalen 2. E-mail address: 3. Exchange university National University of Ireland

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