Lund 28 mars Clas Tegerstrand SusBiz

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Lund 28 mars Clas Tegerstrand SusBiz

Kort sammanfattning SME instrumentet riktar sig till alla typer av innovativa små och medelstora företag som har en stark ambition att utvecklas och växa internationellt Aktiviteter nära marknad Affärs-coachning ingår vid sidan av bidrag eller tillgång till riskkapital Varje fas är öppen för nya sökande

SME instrumentet Affärsplan I Fas I - Förstudie av koncept - Riskbedöming - IPR - Partnersök Affärsplan II Fas II - FoU - Piloter på innovativa processer, produkter och tjänster Affärsplan III Fas III Kommersialisering Privat riskfinansiering Cirka 50000 Cirka 6 månader 1 3 miljoner 12-24 månader Kvalitetsstämpel Ingen direkt EU finansiering Key Account Manager

Fas 1: Utvärdering av konceptet och genomförbarheten En fast bidragssumma på 50000 Den totala kostnadern i fas 1 är egentligen 71249 eftersom finansieringsgraden är 70% från EU 6 månaders projekt För att undersöka och utvärdera den tekniska genomförbarheten OCH den kommersiella potentialen För innovationer med stort nyhetsvärde i sin bransch (nya produkter, processer, tjänster, arbetssätt eller nya marknadstillämpningar av existerande teknologi)

Fas 1: Exempel på vad man kan göra Riskanalys Marknadsundersökning Involvera användare Hantera immateriella rättigheter Utveckla en innovationsstrategi Söka samarbetspartners Utvärdera genomförbarheten av konceptet / idén och innovationshöjden Formulera den europeiska dimensionen Analysera vad som kan hindra företagets förmåga att öka lönsamheten i företaget genom innovationen => för att höja RoI av innovationsaktiviteten Stäm av så att konceptet är i linje med företagets långsiktiga strategi Utvärderingen utgår från en 10 sidig presentation av de förutsedda affärs- och marknadsmöjligheterna (business innovation plan I)

Fas 1: Resultat Business Innovation Plan II Resultatet från fas 1 är en Business Innovation Plan II Utvärderingen i fas 1 kanske ger insikten att lösningen redan finns på marknaden (då kan man inte söka fas 2) eller att utvecklingsproblemet kan lösas genom köp av existerande know-how eller immateriella rättigheter (därmed kan man inte söka till fas 2) Utvärderingen kan också ge att ytterligare innovationsaktiviteter rekommenderas (vilket kan leda till en ansökan om bidrag i fas 2) Utvärdering kan resultera i att det är riskkapital som behövs och det kan leda till fas 3 som slussar över företaget till ett annat instrument inom H2020 "Access to risk finance"

Fas 2 Innovationsaktiviteter 0,5-2,5 miljoner, 12-24 månader, 70% finansiering Demonstrationsaktiviteter, tester, prototyputveckling, pilotinstallationer, scaling-up, miniatyrisering, design, marknads replikering Kan innehålla en viss del forskning Syftet är att föra fram innovationen så den blir industriellt färdig och mogen för att introduceras på marknaden

Fas 2: Resultat Business Innovation Plan III I slutet av fas 2 skall företaget ha utvecklat sin nya idé så den kan lanseras på marknaden Business innovation plan III ska innehålla en detaljerad kommersialiseringsstrategi och finansieringsplan som beskriver hur privat finansiering skall attraheras och användas

Fas 3 Kommersialisering Kvalitetsstämpel för framgångsrika projekt Underlättar att få tillgång till privat finansiering Stöd via nätverk, utbildning, coachning, information Hantera immaterialrättt, dela kunskap Ett särskilt fönster finns till EU:s finansieringsfaciliteter (lån och riskkapital) T ex Sparbanken Öresund H2020 och Cosme

Coachning Each beneficiary of the SME instrument will be offered business coaching support during Phase 1 (up to 3 coaching days) and Phase 2 (up to 12 coaching days) in addition to the grant provided in these phases. The support will be provided through the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and delivered by qualified and experienced business coaches. Phase 3 does not include individual business coaching, but SME instrument participants will be able to rely on continued EEN support in linking to relevant support services within the Network, regionally and nationally.

Technology Readiness Level TRL 6 och uppåt (men kan i vissa fall gå lägre) En beskrivning finns i det så kallade General Annexe G of the work programme 020/wp/2014_2015/annexes/h2020-wp1415-annex-gtrl_en.pdf Gör det möjligt att beskriva vilken teknikutvecklingsnivå lösningen som föreslås har

TRL skalan TRL 1 TRL 2 TRL 3 TRL 4 TRL 5 TRL 6 TRL 7 TRL 8 TRL 9 Basic Research Technology Formulation proof of concept Applied research Validation lab small scale prototype Validation environment large scale prototype Demonstration prototype system Demonstration operational environment First of the kind commercial system Full commercial application

Vem kan söka? Ett enskilt vinstdrivande SME En grupp av vinstdrivande SMEs Andra partners kan vara med som tredje part t.ex. större företag, institut eller universitet som en underleverantör Endast SMEs från EU-länder och länder associerade till H2020 får söka I princip kan vilket lands företag som helst vara med som tredje part t.ex. som underleverantör

Start ups? Start-ups är inte exkluderade från SME instrumentet Det är inte tänkt att vara ett instrument för att skapa nya företag utan ett stödjande bidrag till tillväxt av företag med intressanta och innovativa idéer som har en europeisk eller global potential Finansiellt svaga företag kan få lite lägre bidrag och/eller kortare rapporteringsperioder

Finansiell validering Single participants are exempt from a financial capacity check, yet have to formally declare that they have the financial capacity to carry out the proposed action. För grupper av företag In phase 1, project coordinators will have to self-check their financial viability using the tool available via the Participant Portal. In phase 2, project coordinators receiving a grant of EUR 500,000 or more will have to undergo a financial viability check, in line with the specifications in the Horizon 2020 online manual published on the participant portal.

Vad är ett SME? < 250 anställda Årsomsättning < 50 miljoner EURO eller balansomslutning< 43miljoner EURO Autonom/självständig EU:s definition finns på:

SC5-20-2014/2015: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials Innovative SMEs are to be supported and guided to reach and accelerate their full green growth potential. This topic is targeted at all types of eco-innovative SMEs in all areas addressing the climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials challenge, focusing on SMEs showing a strong ambition to develop, grow and internationalise. All kinds of promising ideas, products, processes, services and business models, notably cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary ones, are eligible.

SIE 1 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system Specific challenge: SMEs play a crucial role in developing resourceefficient, cost-effective and affordable technology solutions [...] They contribute to [ ] reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint, low-cost, lowcarbon electricity supply, alternative fuels and mobile energy sources, a single smart European electricity grid, new knowledge and technologies Expected impact: Enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs [ ] Market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenges in a sustainable way.

IT.1-2014-2015. Small business innovation research for Transport Specific challenge: The European transport sector must have the capacity to deliver the best products and services in order to create new jobs, as well as to tackle the environmental and mobility defies. The role of SMEs to meet these challenges is critical as they are key players in the supply chains. Expected impact: Enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs Market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenges in a sustainable way.

BIOTEC 5 2014/2015: SME-boosting biotechnologybased industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability Specific challenge: SMEs in biotechnology sector are playing a crucial role in the move to competitive and sustainable biotechnology-based processes. They need to be supported to overcome the so-called valley of death. Expected impact: Enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs. Market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenges in a sustainable way.

Kom igång! Registrera Registrera dig p/en/organisations/register.html Utlysningssidan p/en/opportunities/h2020/ftags/sme_instrument.html# c,topics=flags/s/sme/1/1&+calldeadline/desc

Mallar för ansökan Fas 1 top/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2557-ict-37-2015- 1.html#tab2 Fas 2 top/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2589-ict-37-2014.html#tab2

Steg 1 ansökan innehåll Gås ej igenom på mötet

1 Excellence 1.1 Objectives Describe the objectives of your overall innovation project ant the subsequently expected outcome. Describe the industrial/economic/social problem to be solved and/or business opportunity you intend to address. Describe the specific objectives for the feasibility study, including the elaboration of a business plan, which should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable within the duration of the project. Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project. (see section 2). 1.2 Relation to the work program - Indicate the work programme topic to which your proposal relates.

1 Excellence 1.3 Concept and Approach Explain how your innovative solution will solve the problem and/or use the business opportunity. Describe the current stage of development of the innovation. Where appropriate, mention key milestones that led to the current stage (e.g. prototype, field trials, pilot studies with intended end-users and/or potential clients). Describe the positioning of the business innovation project, e.g. where it is situated in the spectrum from idea to application, or from lab to market. Refer to Technology Readiness Levels where relevant. (See General Annex G of the work programme).

1 Excellence 1.3 Concept and Approach Describe what you want to achieve in the feasibility assessment. Explain the approach and methodology, distinguishing, as appropriate, activities linked to assess the technological/technical/practical feasibility and economic viability (e.g. market studies, customer survey, etc.). Describe how your project intends to develop something new to Europe that addresses EU-wide/global challenges Where relevant, describe how sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in the project s content.

1 Excellence 1.4 Ambition Explain the novelty of your innovation business project. What do you envisage as key market application of the innovation project result? Explain the envisaged solution (products, processes, services etc.) and highlight the advantage of your (expected) solution with respect to competing solutions; how does it provide more added value to potential customers? Provide a preliminary comparison with alternatives solving the same or similar problems. If appropriate, compare to state-of-the-art research and known commercial initiatives. This could include costs, environmental benefits, ease-of-use or other features. Describe intended improvement potential over time also compared to existing solutions. Why is it worth to develop / or to invest in it?

2 Impact 2.1 Expected impact A) User & markets Which user needs have been identified and will be met upon completion of the project? Describe the main economic benefits for the users that, compared to current state of the art, will make the users buy or invest in the innovation. What are you planning to use as unique selling points? Describe the type of market, e.g. a niche market or high volume market. What is the estimation of total available market size and growth rate (mature or growing market)? What are the market trends? Describe if and how your project addresses European and/or global markets. List main competitors and competitive solutions.

2 Impact 2.1 Expected impact A) User & markets Indicate the most relevant market segments for initial introduction of the new solution. Indicate the most important market barriers to be overcome to realise commercialization. Describe the targeted users of the final solution; in which market segment/geographical areas do you see these potential users, and how do you intend to reach them? List key stakeholders to get involved for making a successful commercial exploitation.

2 Impact 2.1 Expected impact B) Company How does the innovation project fit with the strategy of the participating SME(s) What is the relevance and rationale of the innovation project for the management team of the SME (or lead SME(s) in a consortium) What is the expected growth potential of your solution in terms of turnover, employment, market seize, IP management, sales, return on investment and profit etc.

2 Impact 2.1 Measures to maximize impact B) Dissemination and exploitation of results Explain an initial plan for full commercialisation of the project results, i.e. own commercialisation or licensing? Need of cooperation with third parties for own commercialisation? Estimate of the total funding requirements? Approximate time to first sales/employment? How does the proposed work in Phase 1 of the SME instrument fit into the overall plan to reach market?

2 Impact 2.1 Measures to maximize impact C) Intellectual Property, knowledge protection and regulatory issues Explain key knowledge (IPR) items and who owns them. Refer to the results of any patent search carried out. Have you conducted a freedom to operate analysis, and if yes what has been the result? Outline the status and the strategy for knowledge protection. If by patent, has a patent application already been filed or is there potential for patent application? If regulatory and/or standard requirements are to be fulfilled for the exploitation of the innovation, please list them, and what are the plans to meet these regulatory and/or standard requirements? Indicate if and how they will be addressed in the feasibility assessment. Are you seeing any new market opportunity through regulatory requirements?

3 Implementation 3.1 Work plan Work package and deliverable Please provide the project plan comprising one work package with one deliverable (i.e. elaboration of the feasibility report including a business plan) see Table 3.1 a

3 Implementation 3.2 Management structure and procedures (only to the extent relevant in single entity proposals) Describe the organisational structure and the decisionmaking 3.3 Consortium as a whole (if applicable) Describe the consortium. How will it match the project s objectives? How do the members complement one another (and cover the value chain, where appropriate)? In what way does each of them contribute to the project? How will they be able to work effectively together? 3.4 Resources to be committed

4 Members of the consortium Section 4: Members of the consortium a description of the legal entity and, in case of consortia, its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal;. a curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed activities; a list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the call content; a list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal; a description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work; in case of a newly created company, explain the purpose of the company creation. 4.2. Third parties involved in the project

5 Ethics 5.1 Ethics If you have entered any ethics issues in the ethical issue table in the administrative proposal forms, you must submit an ethics self-assessment 5.2 Security

Eurostars Lite tidigare TRL fas Marknadsintro inom 2 år efter projektslut Max 5 MSEK på 50% För SME i samarbete mellan minst två länder 13 mars senaste dl Lärosäten får 100%