Sammanställning för Lineär algebra 2, vt 2019

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1 Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Lineär algebra 2, vt 2019 Kursansvarig: Kjell Elfström Övriga lärare: Andrei Stoica. Antal studenter: omkring 77 från början Betyg vid ordinarie tentamen: 15 V, 32 G, 23 U Utvärdering Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen: Se följande sidor. Lärarnas kommentarer: Enligt staplarna verkar studenterna vara nöjda. Detta gäller nu till skillnad mot många tidigare terminer också projekten. Enda undantaget verkar vara frågan huruvida kursen hade ökat strudenternas förmåga till samarbete, där endast 34,8% gav något av omdömena 4 och studenter besvarade enkäten. Många studenter berömde kurslitteraturen, hur kursen var organiserad samt lärarnas sätt att genomföra kursen. De negativa kommentarerna handlade till stor del om kurslitteraturen. Några av dessa studenter nämnde att de var svaga i matematik och hade svårigheter att läsa matematisk text. Utvärdering av förändringar sedan förra kurstillfället: Tidigare kursvärderingar har inte föranlett några förändringar förutom att projektuppgifterna fått en något minskad omfattning. Förslag till förändringar inför nästa kurstillfälle: Inga förändringar föreslås. En ändring av kurslitteraturen skulle kanske göra de svagare studenterna nöjdare på bekostnad av de starkare. Sammanställare och datum för sammanställningen: Kjell Elfström, 8 april 2019.


3 MATB22-vt19 Answer Count: 23 I have studied this course as part of Number of I have studied this course as part of Bachelor s Programme in Mathematics 19 (82.6%) Bachelor s Programme in Physics, Theoretical Physics, Astronomy 4 (17.4%) Bachelor s Programme, other specialization 0 (0.0%) Master's Programme in Mathematics 0 (0.0%) Master s Programme in Mathematical Statistics 0 (0.0%) Master s Programme, other specialization 0 (0.0%) Teacher Education 0 (0.0%) other programme or as stand alone course 0 (0.0%) I have studied this course as part of

4 On the scale 1-5 select the option that best matches your opinion: 1= disagree completely 3= partly agree 5= agree completely 2. My prior knowledge has been sufficient to assimilate the contents of this course. 2. My prior knowledge has been sufficient to Number of assimilate the contents of this course. 1 1 (4.3%) 2 0 (0.0%) 3 2 (8.7%) 4 9 (39.1%) 5 11 (47.8%) 2. My prior knowledge has been sufficient to assimilate the contents of this course I have participated actively in the course. 3. I have participated actively in the course. Number of 1 0 (0.0%) 2 3 (14.3%) 3 2 (9.5%) 4 5 (23.8%) 5 11 (52.4%) Total 21 (100.0%) 3. I have participated actively in the course

5 Average number of hours spent in total on the course per week (including scheduled activities): Average number of hours spent in total on the course per week (including scheduled activities): Number of (19.0%) (9.5%) (33.3%) (23.8%) (0.0%) (9.5%) (0.0%) (0.0%) (0.0%) (4.8%) Total 21 (100.0%) Average number of hours spent in total on the course per week (including scheduled activities):

6 The course in general On the scale 1-5 select the option that best matches your opinion: 1= disagree completely 3= partly agree 5= agree completely The way the course was taught and organised suited me. The way the course was taught and organised Number of suited me. 1 2 (8.7%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 4 (17.4%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 10 (43.5%) The way the course was taught and organised suited me The number of teacher lead activities (lectures, seminars etc.) has been satisfactory. The number of teacher lead activities (lectures, Number of seminars etc.) has been satisfactory. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 0 (0.0%) 3 2 (8.7%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 15 (65.2%) The number of teacher lead activities (lectures, seminars etc.) has been satisfactory

7 The lectures were valuable for my learning. Number of The lectures were valuable for my learning. 1 1 (4.3%) 2 0 (0.0%) 3 5 (21.7%) 4 7 (30.4%) 5 10 (43.5%) The lectures were valuable for my learning The seminars were valuable for my learning. Number of The seminars were valuable for my learning. 1 2 (8.7%) 2 3 (13.0%) 3 1 (4.3%) 4 5 (21.7%) 5 12 (52.2%)

8 The seminars were valuable for my learning Studying on my own was valuable for my learning. Studying on my own was valuable for my Number of learning. 1 1 (4.3%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 1 (4.3%) 4 1 (4.3%) 5 19 (82.6%) Studying on my own was valuable for my learning

9 The course literature/material was a valuable learning resource. The course literature/material was a valuable Number of learning resource. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 2 (8.7%) 3 1 (4.3%) 4 5 (21.7%) 5 15 (65.2%) The course literature/material was a valuable learning resource The assignments were valuable for my learning. The assignments were valuable for my Number of learning. 1 1 (4.3%) 2 3 (13.0%) 3 2 (8.7%) 4 5 (21.7%) 5 12 (52.2%) The assignments were valuable for my learning

10 The information I received before the course start was satisfactory. The information I received before the course start Number of was satisfactory. 1 2 (8.7%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 7 (30.4%) 4 4 (17.4%) 5 9 (39.1%) The information I received before the course start was satisfactory The communication with the teaching staff during the course was good. The communication with the teaching staff during Number of the course was good. 1 1 (4.3%) 2 0 (0.0%) 3 5 (21.7%) 4 5 (21.7%) 5 12 (52.2%) The communication with the teaching staff during the course was good

11 It was clear throughout the course what was expected of me. It was clear throughout the course what was Number of expected of me. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 0 (0.0%) 3 3 (13.0%) 4 11 (47.8%) 5 9 (39.1%) It was clear throughout the course what was expected of me I have received valuable feedback from my teacher/teachers during the course. I have received valuable feedback from my teacher Number of /teachers during the course. 1 2 (8.7%) 2 3 (13.0%) 3 4 (17.4%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 8 (34.8%) I have received valuable feedback from my teacher/teachers during the course

12 The course had a reasonable workload. The course had a reasonable workload. Number of 1 0 (0.0%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 3 (13.0%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 13 (56.5%) The course had a reasonable workload The workload was evenly distributed throughout the course. The workload was evenly distributed throughout Number of the course. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 2 (8.7%) 4 7 (30.4%) 5 13 (56.5%) The workload was evenly distributed throughout the course

13 The examination matched the contents and level of the course. The examination matched the contents and level Number of of the course. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 2 (9.5%) 3 0 (0.0%) 4 7 (33.3%) 5 12 (57.1%) Total 21 (100.0%) The examination matched the contents and level of the course Overall, I am satisfied with the course. Overall, I am satisfied with the course. Number of 1 1 (4.3%) 2 0 (0.0%) 3 2 (8.7%) 4 7 (30.4%) 5 13 (56.5%) Overall, I am satisfied with the course

14 On the development of generic skills On a scale 1-5 select the option that best matches your opinion: 1= disagree completely 3= partly agree 5= agree completely The course has increased my ability to read a mathematical text. The course has increased my ability to read a Number of mathematical text. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 3 (13.0%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 13 (56.5%) The course has increased my ability to read a mathematical text The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject in writing. The course has increased my ability to Number of communicate the subject in writing. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 2 (8.7%) 3 5 (21.7%) 4 7 (30.4%) 5 9 (39.1%) The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject in writing

15 The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject orally. The course has increased my ability to Number of communicate the subject orally. 1 2 (8.7%) 2 2 (8.7%) 3 3 (13.0%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 10 (43.5%) The course has increased my ability to communicate the subject orally The course has increased my ability to cooperate. The course has increased my ability to Number of cooperate. 1 4 (17.4%) 2 4 (17.4%) 3 7 (30.4%) 4 4 (17.4%) 5 4 (17.4%)

16 The course has increased my ability to cooperate The course has increased my ability to search and process information. The course has increased my ability to search and Number of process information. 1 2 (8.7%) 2 1 (4.3%) 3 5 (21.7%) 4 6 (26.1%) 5 9 (39.1%) The course has increased my ability to search and process information

17 The course has increased my ability to analyze and solve problems. The course has increased my ability to analyze Number of and solve problems. 1 0 (0.0%) 2 2 (8.7%) 3 3 (13.0%) 4 9 (39.1%) 5 9 (39.1%) The course has increased my ability to analyze and solve problems As a result of this course, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems. As a result of this course, I feel confident about Number of tackling unfamiliar problems. 1 1 (4.3%) 2 2 (8.7%) 3 3 (13.0%) 4 13 (56.5%) 5 4 (17.4%) As a result of this course, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems

18 What did you appreciate most with the course? What did you appreciate most with the course? Clear lecturing and well written course literature. Received help from my friends and classmates The systematic way of presenting material. The subject and the notes provided by the teacher. The teacher explained the material exceptionally well. There were some fun and somewhat challenging problems in the lecture notes. The theoretical prof questions The clear lecture notes. The lectures were also very clear. The lecture notes are clear and concise and the index at the end is very helpful if I need to look something up. Unlike with other courses, there are no mistakes in the answers at the end of the lecture notes, which is very nice. The seminars are well organised and help with the final bit of understanding a topic. The lecturer was very helpful and friendly The course literature Probably Kjell himself. Although I imagine that teaching Linear Algebra isn't the most fun topic in the world, he still manages to have humour and is one of the best professors I've had in terms of competence in the subject. Occasionally you'll get a lecturer that is just doing it so they have more time on their PhD. Kjell knows the material inside and out, backwards and forwards. He admits mistakes when he makes them, doesn't let ego get in the way. That goes a long way- it is appreciated. The course literature. learning how to learn from more abstract texts. kjell is also a very good teacher. Kjell s seminars Lectures were well organized and very informative Exercises were perfectly challenging Kjell was always available during breaks, making it very easy to get good answers to questions The short summary of last lecture that Kjell did in the beginning of each seminar The thoroughness with which everything was formulated allowed me to understand the details and see the relationships at a whole other level How organized everything was

19 What do you think should be improved? What do you think should be improved? In general the structure of the two linear algebra courses in not optimal and probably has to be thought through again. As mata22 relies on content of MATB22. Also MATB22 was using the right level of formalism while it was missing the visual, intuitive approach a bit I can't think of anything in particular that needs to change. Put more effort to underperforming students (like me) More visual approach during the lectures; sometimes the professor is just stating the theorems and the proofs in the exact same way as the notes. The classes shouldn't start at 8 AM. That's just way too early. I slept through some lectures because if that, and that's a shame, because the lectures were absolutely great. It would be nice having lectures start later than 8 in the morning. The course is very proof heavy and requires the students to memorize a lot of proofs for the final exam it would be better if these proofs were reduced to 3 or 4 which would come on the test. There is a problem that occurs when you are a "weaker" student. The downsides of going to lectures and seminars are two-fold. You usually do not learn anything from them (because you haven't had time to process things enough the day before) and in addition you are wasting the hours on which the lecture/seminars are on which could have been used studying for yourself instead. For lectures, the solution is simple - if I don't understand the lectures, I can go out and study in my own pace instead. That way, I at least gain something during those hours. For the seminar, the same thing doesn't count. The problem is that I have to be at the seminars just to get the solution methods to the problems. It is usually to fast for me (or I haven't understood the concepts completely). So what happens is that I am there simply to get the solutions, and then afterwards I go through them again with more time. But the two hours of seminar could've been used for studying instead, had we been given solutions to the questions beforehand. I understand the motive is pedagogical and probably also to save time for teachers, but ironically, this hits hardest on those who are lagging behind. Had they had written solutions methods, they could've studied them in their own pace and didn't need to go to the seminar just to copy and write down the answers that they don't understand (until later). For those students, the two hours of seminars are wasted on purely "mechanical" efforts. More visual intuition would help me and my fellow students. This could be done in a programming project or via Geogebra or Youtube for example. I have noticed that people can do the calculations, but they don't always know what they are doing. Visual intuition would help a lot here in understanding why the calculations work and what they mean. Linear algebra in 2 and 3 dimensions lends itself very well to visualization and the insights from visualization can still be extrapolated to n>3 dimensions. The project was unhelpful. Chapter 5 more indepth The only thing that I think could be improved would be to have an "intuition" section in the booklet. Perhaps explaining intuitively what the kernel means, for example. Might be worth also naming the American names of the various things, so that students can cross-reference when alone. (eg- kernel = null space) no big issues i saw The way the lecture note is written (hard to find information in the ocean of discription). Also, I prefer to have a chance to get some basic ideas bout the up coming lecture, and opportunities of deducing theories myself Lecture notes usually explained things in a much less pedagogic way than the lectures. If the lecture notes were to be updated to teach things exactly like they were taught in lecture, they would be a lot easier to follow. The way things were now, it would take me 3 times as long to cover what was perfectly clear in the lecture, simply because it wasn't explained as intuitively Made me a little sad that exam seemed to be so much about doing mechanical steps quickly instead of having deep understanding of the topics. Would really enjoy more exam exercises where doing the actual steps didn't take much time, but the challenge would be in figuring out what steps were appropriate the lectures are more or less just repeting the course litterature word by word and hardly gave any more understanding. Dont really understand why we were supposed to be there. More examples doesn't help either. If you know your math language then it's fine. But if you don't have that knowledge with you from high school then it's super difficult to follow and understand why we are doing the things we are doing. A lot of people need to understand why they are learning certain parts of a subject. As the course is now only the ones that are fine on their own pass. If you need extra help you are more or less certain to fail. If you just look at the examples that are there, and solutions from old exams, the steps you take are very advanced and always skip a lot of steps. People struggling often get lost and don't know how to solve a problem even with the solution in front of them. Doing the foundations course afterwards you also realise that that course is clearly made as a course to be taken before linear algebra 2. Having them switch places could of course work, but then you have to put some effort into your teaching and change the courses to fit. As it is now everyone is just very annoyed that this is the way. We are suddenly learning valuable insights in foundations that would have helped so many people in linear algebra 2. And in your former evaluations, not splitting up the group of people who didn't take the exam with the people who failed doesn't realle make sense. They are not the same group. A lot of people are trying their best to pass, but just don't have enough support and help to make it. Sadly it feels like a failure from the department to help people be their best. Even though they say that they want to, noone ever has time.

20 Have you during this course experienced course literature, staff or teaching methods to be discriminatory in any way (gender, ethnicity, etc.)? Have you during this course experienced course literature, staff or teaching methods to be discriminatory in any way (gender, ethnicity, etc.)? Nope. Once our seminar leader told me that "Come on, you are Chinese, you are supposed to good at this" when I was struggling to show the solution regarding one of the exercises, the fact was that I wasn't generally feeling comfortable with the chapter we were doing, so was that question. At that moment I felt frustrated to a significant extent. No. No not at all. Definitely not. No, absolutely not. No No. No No. No! No. Kjell was professional throughout. no No Nope, this is mathematics... No

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Kursutvärdering - Sammanfattning

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Listen to me, please!

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onsdag den 21 november 2012 PRONOMEN

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Listen to me, please!

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1/17/18. Dr. Ross Avilla

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1. How many hours per week have you on average spent on the course, including scheduled time?

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