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1 forum architecture with aluminium volume

2 forum Sapa Building System volume Forum is published by Sapa Building System AB. All materials are copyright protected. Quotations are allowed provided that the source is stated Chief editor Laurent Andrzejewski Legally responsible Gunnar Ahlmalm Address Sapa Building System AB Vetlanda Tel Fax Internet: Photographs if not stated otherwise: Hans L. Bonnevier Pictures by Bonnevier Ekbacken, Näranshult ÄLMHULT Sapa Building System AB is the leading supplier of aluminium building systems in Scandinavia. Sapa Building System AB develop and market systems for doors, windows, facades, glazed roofs and solar shading. We control the entire chain from production of dies, extrusion of profiles, surface treatment, and insulation to stocking system profiles and accessories. We are ISO 9001 certified. Our products are manufactured by independent licensed fabricators. Their commitment can comprise from know-how, support and consulting to production, delivery, installation, and after sales service of the products. Sapa Building System AB has been active on the market for over forty years. Since then we have developed efficient products and extensive testing has also been carried out to relevant BS and EN test standards. Our building system is adapted to the architectural entirety. Four combinable systems can be used to create a variety of applications and functions. With many years of experience in developing functional and architectural solutions Sapa offers a flexible building system with space for new ideas. Our independent fabricators are trained on an ongoing basis to manufacture and supply our high performing systems. Layout Per Nihl Condesign Infocom AB Printed by Davidsons Tryckeri AB Box Växjö Forum is printed on Tom&Otto Silk 130 g Sapa AB, which is our mother company, is divided into three core business areas: Profiles, Building System and Heat Transfer. Sapa develops, manufactures and markets value added profiles, profile based building systems and heat exchanger strips in light weight aluminium and is the leading independent manufacturer in the world. Sapa s business concept is based on a close co-operation with its customers, who are mainly located in Europe, North America and Asia. Major customer segments include construction, transport, household, office and engineering industries. Cover: Clarion H & C Trondheim

3 Fasadsystem Fasadsystem Designguide Expressive FASADSYSTEM Fasadsystem 4150 sx profiler och stomprofiler har samma sortiment av stomprofiler. NRGY BIPV 300 Passivhusstandard Sapa Solar BIPV integrering i byggsystem Arkitekt: AART architects A/S, Danmark Våra standardsystem för fasad, BIPV, dörrar och fönster ingår i projektet. Fasader: Sapa 4150 SX med BIPV, Sapa Sapa 3050 invändigt. Dörrar: Sapa 2050 och Fönster: Sapa 1074 SX, inåtgående Solcellsglasen kan enkelt integreras i våra system, Fasad 4150/4150 SX, Glastak 5050 och i projektlösningen solskydd Aero Solcellerna är inbyggda i en genomsiktlig isolerruta med 2- eller 3-glas alternativt ogenomsiktligt enkelglas i bröstning eller solskydd Fasad SXrektangulär SX med med rektangulär profilform stomprofil Science- og Innovationscenter designexempel Fasad 4150 SX 4150 SX med med delningsprofil delningsprofil Glasfals lämplig för 2-eller 3-glas isolerrutor. För 2-glas upp till 36 mm (exkl. yttre glas), invändig glastjocklek 4-9 mm eller mm. För 3-glas upp till 52 mm (exkl. yttre glas) Science- og Innovationscenter i Sarpsborg, Norge. 20 Formge med exteriöra dekor profiler för 4150 och 4150 sx. expressive dekorprofiler kan också kombineras med profiler från dekorfamiljerna add och Optima. det går också att få egen design på profiler om så önskas expressive ger dig som kreatör stor frihet att låta ljus och skugga spela över fasaden. Ge fasaden rikt ningar, förstärk partier och element, kombinera med färgsättningar och ytbehandlingar. Sapa Fasad Fasad 4150 SX4150 medsx T-formad med T-formad profil stomprofil Samma stomprofil kan användas både vertikalt och horisontellt vilket ger bättre materialutnyttjande. Glasning sker alltid från konstruktionens utsida SSG för 2- eller 3-glas isolerruta. Integreringen i byggsystem och byggnaden innebär att alla element från cellen till den färdiga produkten måste utformas i enlighet med samma kriterier, samtidigt som flexibel arkitektur och god byggnadsfunktion säkerställs. Fasad 4150I-formad SX 4150 SX med med I-formad profil stomprofil DÖRRAR Fönster/dörrar i fasadsystem 4150 sx FASADSYSTEM Konstruktionen hos ett solcellsglas. Exempel på specialtillverkad modul 52 Fasadsystem 74 Sapa Fasad 4150 SX Byggsätt glasfasad Expressive dekorprofiler horisontellt kombinerat med vertikalt. Fasaden kan vara bärande eller icke-bärande i sin konstruktion. När det gäller skelett- eller skivkonstruktioner utformas dessa som icke4 principer: 1. Utfackningsväggen. Fasadelementen hängs mellan bjälklagsplattorna och pelarna, alt. ställs på bjälklagsplattorna. synlig bärande konstruktion. 4. Curtain Wall/ utanpåliggande fasad. Fasadelementen placeras framför bjälklagsplattorna och framför pelarna. dold bärande det är oftast enklare att välja en icke-bärande yttervägg som är placerad framför den bärande konstruktionen då den praktiska måttnoggrannheten är mindre. 3. Fasadelementen placeras framför bjälklagsplattorna och placeras mellan pelarna. synlig horisontell bärande konstruktion. Byggsätt principer Expressive dekorprofiler i kombination horisontellt och vertikalt. Gestaltningsprinciper Expressive dekorprofiler i kombination med vertikalt. Sapa SapaFönster Fönster Täthet. Fasader skall vara täta på många sätt. Regn och vind får inte tränga igenom fasaden utifrån och från insidan får inte fukt tränga ut i fasaden. Om fukt kommer in skall fasaden vara konstruerad så att fukten ventileras/dräneras mot utsidan. 43 huvudsakligen 5 49,5 50 Brand. Fasaden bör utföras av Fönster 1074 SX i fasadmelobrännbar t material. Avstånd i höjdled lan fönster i olika brandceller måste beaktas. Eventuella rökgasluckor eller fönster dimensioneras efter behov. Se kapitel brandskydd. Ljudreducering. Fasaden skall dimensioneras och utformas med hänsyn till förekommande bullerkällor och så att uppkomst och spridning av störande ljud begränsas. Det avgörande för en byggnads totala ljudisolering mot omgivningen är fasadens uppbyggnad, glasets ljudisolerande förmåga samt montering och tätning av fönstret i fasaden. Ljudreduktion mäts enligt EN ISO Ljudisolering i en byggnad beskrivs med reduktionstal och anges i db. Ljudklass alt. Rw 55.2 är ett 5 50 eller Rw+Ctr brukar anges. Rw medelvärde baserat på upplevelse av ljud. Rw+Ctr Fasadfönster 4074 i fasad tar hänsyn till spektrat för stadstrafik. 2. Fasadelementen ställs på bjälklagsplattorna och placeras framför pelarna. synlig vertikal bärande konstruktion. Expressive dekorprofiler horisontellt kombinerat med vertikalt. FönSter DeSigngUiDe Sapa Solar BIPV Sapa Byggsystemprodukter är godkända för P-märkning, vilket ger tillverkarna möjlighet att erbjuda konstruktioner som uppfyller marknadens krav på kvalitetssäkring. Expressive dekorprofiler det är vanligt att Expressive horisontellt bärande fasader. skilja pådekorprofiler dessa konstruktion. kombinerat med vertikalt. Designguide Innerdörrar Designguide Viktigt Viktigt att att tänka tänkapå på. Sapa Fönster 1074 SX 92 16,5 5 Vårt isolerade fönstersystem 1074 med ett profildjup på 74 mm ger ett lågt U-värde samt hög luft- och vattentäthet. Den effektiva tätningen ökar även i hög grad fönstrets akustiska prestanda. Systemet går lätt att kombinera mellan fasta och öppningsbara fönster eller i större glaspartier med överljus. 50 Utåtgående fönster 1074 i fasad inåtgående fönster. Dörrdesign med glas. Använd screentryckta glas, ornamentglas, färgade glas. Dörr 2050 naturanodiserad karm pulverlackerad Dörrdesign med fyllning. Använd aluminiumplåt, träfanér, laminat, eller varför inte gummimatta, durkplåt. Dörr 2050 naturanodiserad karm pulverlackerad. Dörrdesign med information. Det blir lättare att hitta rätt när dörren talar sitt tydliga språk. Dörr 2050 naturanodiserad karm pulverlackerad. 1. Utfackningsvägg. 1. Utfackningsvägg SX 2. Pelarfasad På vår hemsida har vi tabeller med fasadens totala U-värde för olika glas och distanslister. Beräkningarna baseras på de föreskrifter och allmänna råd som ges i BBR 2012 Kap:9 och beräkningsstandarden för Curtain Wall EN 13947: Bandfasad Kallfasad Solavskärmning. Höga innetemperaturer, oönskad värmestrålning från solen och risk för bländning kan förhindras/minskas med någon form av solskydd. Det mest effektiva solskyddet är ett utvändigt solskydd. Om behov av solavskärmning finns bör detta projekteras i samband med fasaden. H Utanpåliggande vägg 4. Helglasfasad blockfönster, har steppat isolerglas som döljer fönsterbågen från utsidan, vilket ger fönstret mer exte riör glasyta. Fasadsystem 4150 SSG på AGA-verken på Lidingö, Stockholm. Sapa Fönster 1074 blockfönster inåtgående Sapa Fönster 1074 inåtgående H-37 Energihushållning. För att tillgodose kravet på god energihushållning ställs det krav på värmeisolering och lufttäthet hos fasaden. Bröstningar, täta delar i Sapa Byggsystems fasadsystem har U-värden ner till 0,2 W/m2 K. Glasfalser med 2- alt. 3-glas isolerrutor med Ug-värden ner till 0,5 W/m2 K. För alla fasadsystem gäller att U-värde, värmegenomgång, beräknas enligt EN Då bör U-värdet för hela fasaden anges, Ucw lättvägg har en karm anpassad för rationellt montage i lättväggskonstruktioner av plåt och iso lering. Karmen är försedd med anslag mot väggens utsida och förankras med dolda beslag från insidan. Insidan kompletteras med foder av specialanpassade aluminiumprofiler utåtgående fönster. Används ofta för kom fortventilation, rökgasventilation och utrymningsvägar. 50 Dörr 2074 i fasad Ventilation. För komfortventilation, utrymning eller rökgasventilation finns flera alternativför att passa in i fasadens funktion och utseende. H-20 H-52 Vårt fönster i aluminium kombinerar minimalt underhåll med god inomhuskomfort. 12 Dörr Fasning mot glasningslist ger en skuggkant. Asymmetriskt placerat glas. Dörr Dörrblad med slät yta. Asymmetriskt placerat glas. Dörr Dörrblad med slät yta, dörr med spröjs. Asymmetriskt placerat glas. Sapa Fönster 1074 inåtgående lättvägg Sapa Fönster 1074 utåtgående Kombinationsmöjligheter, dörr med över- och sidoljus. Dörr 2050/2060 och sidoljus i 3050/ Gestalningen är friare genom valet av konstruktion. H SX Kallfasad New handbook yields new insights Our new handbook is designed to help architects and planners to choose selection guide and design guide, packed with inspiring ideas, reference The printed 300+ page handbook complements our website. There are many benefits to this printed reference material and we hope you will find it very useful in parallel with the website. images and technical advice for building. Please register your interest on the website if you would like a personal We also outline our ideas on energy and the environment, key points to copy of the handbook! consider when choosing building methods as well as giving a selection The handbook will be published in 2013, but you can naturally already find a great deal of this information at modern aluminium building systems. The book is a combination of product of the most useful details and solutions, all presented in a simple way that makes it easy to find what you need. Let us know what you think! We would like to hear what you think of Sapa Forum and what you would like to read about! Send us your comments at: Please write Forum in the heading of your . news Sapa 2074 insulated, sliding automatic door Our automatic sliding doors 2074 are based on a rigid standard design with a wide choice of functions. The system is constructed from insulated aluminium profiles with a profile depth of 74 mm. The fixed sections can be built using system The top section of the frame can be supplied with a choice of profiles to suit the various automation mechanisms on the market. Read more at Forum Sapa Building System

4 A good example showing how the doors contrast with the facade. The use of tinted glass with lettering makes the entrance stand out. Facade 4150 EI 30 with Doors 2074 EI 30. Stylish glass projections in the facade, created with Sapa Facade External solar shading reduces solar heating and reflections, while letting in valuable daylight and giving good views from inside.

5 Ranheim School, Trondheim School work is child s play New Ranheim School has a wonderful waterfront location in Ranheim, where the Sjøskogbekken stream flows into the Trondheim fjord. The project is the result of a design competition won by Lusparken Arkitekter in partnership with HENT in June The location and character of the site served as a compass for the design of the school building. The school buildings act as a structural screen to the north/northeast and create a calm and sheltered courtyard area to the south for the schoolyard. The northerly side of the building has a rugged exterior cladding of vertical Kebony-treated wood, horizontal timber windows and large glass bay windows, while the southerly side has a more refined cladding of painted wood tongue & groove panelling, lacquered facade profiles and white-pigmented concrete. The south-facing concrete acts as a thermal store and shades the school from the climatic effects of the sun, while the timber screen to the north protects the school from wind and rain from the north and northwest. The use of contrasting materials also divides the building into zones. Most of the classrooms are on the northern side, giving fantastic views over the Trondheim fjord and Fosen mountains. The windows and large glass Facility: Ranheim School Place: Trondheim, Norway Construction year: 2010 Architect: Lusparken Architects AS Fabricator: Ratdal AS Forum Sapa Building System bays capture the magical light from the north and give the teaching areas a sense of light and space. This side of the building also has classrooms for art, handicrafts and ICT, as well as the catering kitchen and administration space. The north/west orientation protects the classrooms from sun and radiant heat from the south. The goods entrance and staff entrance are located on this side. On the southern side are the school s communal areas, main entrance and individual entrances for years 1 7, a separate dining hall/afterschool club for years 1 4, the library, diet and health area, classrooms for the music & arts school, a music room and the school s assembly hall. The alternation between heavy masses of concrete and large open areas of glass brings light into the building but also creates a feeling of solidity and acts as a climatic buffer. The schoolyard is a continuation of the south-facing side of the building. The use of glass has opened up the school to its surroundings, and at the same time helped to create light and pleasant places as well as making it easy to orient oneself. The light and the location provide a great setting for learning. Kai Rune Bakke, Civil Architect, MNAL (Member of the Norwegian Association of Architects), Lusparken Arkitekter AS Facades: Sapa 4150, 4150 EI30 Doors: Sapa 2050, 2074, 2074 EI30 Windows: Sapa 1074 Surface finish: Powder coating RAL

6 Sapa Facade 5050 SG with 32 mm narrow glass framing has a cover strip that conceals the mounting details SG is an excellent alternative to structural glazing. 6 Forum Sapa Building System

7 Olsbergs Arena, Eksjö In the heart of wooden town Architect s description Olsbergs Arena is a combined sports and events hall situated in the centre of Eksjö, a Swedish town known for its many timber buildings. The arena was the winning proposal in an invitation-only architectural contest. It was built next to an existing sports hall and the distinctively designed and characterful hall can accommodate just under 1,000 spectators in the stands and about the same number on the floor during stage events. Particular emphasis was placed on solving the internal logistics and the interface with the existing sports hall, in layout and level, as well as tai loring the building to the sloping site and creating a building that clearly states its place in the town. The design reflects a desire to give the large asymmetrical masses the character of a timber structure combined with a pure classical form that is enhanced by the use of strong graphic colours. The junction between the new and the old halls takes the form of a communal wedge-shaped glazed lobby with entrances from two directions. At the main entrance the lobby extends into a light and inviting café area with glazed aluminium-framed panels mounted on a glulam frame. Sverker Björklund, Enter Arkitektur AB Facility: Olsbergs Arena Place: Eksjö, Sweden Construction year: 2011 Architect: Enter Arkitektur AB Fabricator: Alab Aluminiumsystem AB Doors: Sapa 2074 Facades: Sapa 5050 SG Windows: Insulated glass units with solar protection glass Stopray Energy. Internal glazed elements: Sapa 2060 Fixed windows: Sapa 1074 Surface finish: Powder coating RAL 9005 Forum Sapa Building System

8 8 Forum Sapa Building System

9 Behrn Center, Örebro Gateway to Örebro Architect s description The Behrn Center is situated at the north entrance to the centre of Örebro, where it stands like sentinels, marking the gateway to Örebro. The two tower buildings have a sibling-like relationship, the 16-storey apartment block having cutaway corners and a solid core, while the 12-storey office building has solid corners and a transparent core. Each building is thus the opposite of the other, yet is also dependent on the other. Between the two towers is a four-storey glazed entrance that welcomes visitors. The centre also includes a large, light and transparent three-storey car park, crowned by terraced housing with an intimate green courtyard. Building high-rise developments in a central location such as this is a process that involves taking many different views into account, and the KLARA architectural practice was involved from the conceptual stage right through to completion. The process was both complex and fascinating, and the work was carried out in close collaboration with Per Johan Behrn, whose involvement is clearly reflected in the design of the building. Facility: Behrn Center Place: Örebro, Sweden Construction year: Architect: KLARA arkitektbyrå ab Fabricator: GlasLindberg Facades: Sapa 4150 and project adapted unitized curtain wall Sapa 4150 EF Doors: Sapa 2074, 2074 fire protection Surface finish: Powder coating Göran Grönkvist, KLARA arkitektbyrå ab Unitized curtain wall Sapa 4150 EF with windows 1074 at the corners of the towers. Forum Sapa Building System


11 Clarion Hotel & Congress, Trondheim Setting the standard for energy efficiency

12 Clarion Hotel was awarded the Norwegian Eiendomsprisen 2012 (Real Estate Prize 2012) on the grounds that it represents architecture that engages people. The building embodies innovative solutions in design and art, as well as setting a high standard for energy efficiency. It is one of a handful of buildings in Norway to achieve an A for its energy rating. Facility and place: Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim, Norway Construction year: Architect: Space Group Arkitekter AS Fabricator: Saint-Gobain Bøckmann AS Proprietor: Star Property AS Doors: Sapa 2074 Windows: Sapa 4074 Facades: Sapa 4150 SSG 3-glass Glass: KN055 Seralit and Emalit, SKN 054 Seralit, Cool-Lite SKN 154 II, Ultra N II, Diamant Ultra N Surface finish: Powder coating, RAL 9003 white, 7016 anthracite grey, 9005 black

13 Parallel-opening windows 4074 in facade 4150 SSG, triple-glazed. The windows are seen in the ventilation position in the otherwise perfectly smooth facade. Sapa 4150 SSG with screen-printed glass creates a unique and exciting facade. Sapa 4150 is used in the facade that links the masses together. The choice of the stars The hotel at Brattøra redefines the classical atrium hotel typology to a new and strong identity. The rooms are arranged/organized in four highly rational structures all oriented towards the perfect view. The rotation transforms the atrium from an enclosed central space to a 3-dimensional star shaped lobby space. Unlike the classical American and Asian hotel atrium where everything is exposed in a centralized and vertical, magnificent but onedimensional experience under a glass cover - the lobby is here given a 3-dimensional and dynamic spatial experience with a programmed roof, and a sequence of shifts between glimpse and panorama, intimacy and spectacular exposure. The hotel bears references to the local city fabric of Trondheim in the combination between the large structural lines and the small intimate ally. The project is a new type of city block - transformed by two forces: the orientation of the private rooms in relation to views - and inside: the dynamic shape of the common/collective/shared/public space in between with glimpses and passages towards the harbor basin, the fjord and the park. The hotel becomes a landmark without front or backside - but oriented towards the city and the fjord for optimal views in all directions. A lighthouse by the sea and inviting from the city. The lobby area at ground level belongs to the city and the public space The hotel room structure is dissolved at ground level to increase the public accessibility at ground level. The openness secures good orientation from inside and out - and internally between reception, elevators, lobby bar restaurant, exhibition area and conference. Cross connections, shortcuts and moving of common functions into the adjacent squares are encouraged: outdoor dining at the south-west faced terraces by the Brattøra basin, pause areas in the park, exhibition and entertainment can turn towards an outdoor arena and representative red carpet entrance with fountain and stone garden are facing the city. SUPERSTAR LOBBY, the exceptional common space of the hotel connects all the public functions from ground level to the upper floors - spanning between the rational hotel room structures. In the 3-dimensional lobby, the fireplace room, conference facilities and sky bar with roof terrace are shaped in a free form to take advantage of unique attractions towards the park, the Brattøra basin and the free view above neighbor buildings. The internal crystalline shape fragmented, but vertical sacral - gives associations to dramatic ice formations with cliffs, rips and ice floes. Space Group Arkitekter AS, Gesine Gummi Forum Sapa Building System

14 Sapa Facade 4150 with entrance door Forum Sapa Building System

15 Attunda Tingsrätt, Sollentuna Modern-day courthouse Stylish corner solution with stepped glass in Sapa Facade Architect s description An efficient judicial centre that combines police station, jail and courthouse was the central idea behind the special remit of the new courthouse: to create a modern and distinctive courthouse building that has its own integrity. The courthouse had to convey transparency, legal certainty and dignity. This transparency gave us the freedom to model with light and to contrast openness with shimmering expanses of glass and solid exterior surfaces. The courthouse looks towards the centre of Sollentuna and the commuter train station through its large glazed main facade. Its openness extends around three sides, and shafts of light penetrate the entire depth of the building thanks to the large areas of glass and atriums finished in white. The facade is buttressed to the north and south by transparent stairwells with glazing that wraps around the corners. The solid areas of the facade (which reflect noise from the railway) dissolve at each end of the building so that glazing and walls merge into each other. The wall surfaces hover above the shimmering glass. The entire building has a logistical layout that focuses on security and judicial certainty. It is a three-dimensional system solution that separates different groups right at the various entrances to the building. The use of modern technology allows the courtrooms to be quickly transformed into a combination of studio for audio and video recording and stage for playing back audio and video The interior of the building has a light but restrained colour scheme with colour accents that are co-ordinated with the interior and artwork. Svante Forsström Facility: Attunda Tingsrätt, Sweden Place: Sollentuna Construction year: Architect: Svante Forsström Arkitekter AB Fabricator: Preconal Proprietor: Skanska Fastigheter Facades: Sapa 4150 Internal doors: Sapa 2074 fire protection Facade windows: Sapa 4074 Surface finish: Noir 900 Sablé Forum Sapa Building System

16 Facility: Kuna Group Place: Rosersberg, Sweden Construction year: Architect: Magdalena Kaczynska and Killenkrysset AB Fabricator: Rockpart Facades: Sapa 5050 SG Window wall section: Sapa 4150 Doors: Sapa 2074 and 2050 Surface finish: Powder coating RAL 7015 and RAL 9010 and black anodising Hx Forum Sapa Building System

17 Kuna Group, Rosersberg Dazzling entrance The sky is reflected in the massive blue facade like a mirror-flat pond. Step inside and the immediate impression you get is one of purity. No visitor is left untouched. The entrance serves as a business card for the Kuna Group, a manufacturer of water purifiers of worldwide reputation. It was only natural that the entrance to the company s new building in Rosersberg should radiate this purity. Barely visible design details and the choice of materials and colours all work in harmony to create the desired result. A sense of space is created in the entrance and parts of the offices by the projecting glass facade, which formed a key element in the concept. To create the large expanse of blue on the outside and the exceptional transparency and unobstructed view from the inside it was essential to use slim and elegant aluminium profiles in the construction of the facade. The exterior glazing supports also needed to be as flat as possible, since the facade glazing is self-cleaning in order to keep the reflective blue exterior as clean as possible. The result is a dazzling entrance and a glass facade that meets requirements for thermal insulation and draught-proofing, while also helping to create a beautifully designed but economically viable industrial building. Magdalena Kaczynska Forum Sapa Building System Minimalist glazing supports with visible black screws, Sapa Facade 5050 SG. To be compared with Olsbergs Arena, pages 6 7, which uses 5050 SG with cover strips. 17

18 All project photos, except the one below, by: Jan Møller Madsen Photo: Tegnestuen Mejeriet A/S 18 Forum Sapa Building System

19 Vojens Fjernvarme, Denmark Solar heating plant Architect s description Vojens Fjernvarme supplements its district heating plants with a new solar heating plant. A 17,500-square-metre array of solar heating panels is now used to heat water for district heating. It can generate up to 10,000 MWh each year and will reduce CO 2 emissions by tonnes per consumer. An administration building and production building for heating pumps have also been constructed alongside the new plant. The buildings have a south-facing pitched facade. This is clad with 240 square metres of solar panels, which have already generated 4,200 kwh in the first three months (January to March) of operation. This means that the electricity consumption of the heating pumps is partially met by a carbon-neutral energy source. A thermal shield covers the south and north faces of the building, but does not extend all the way to the ground on the south side. The east and west walls are inset beneath the overhanging roof, adding a certain elegance to the relatively plain exterior of the building. Facility: Vojens Fjernverme Place: Vojens, Danmark Construction year: 2011 Architect: Tegnestuen Mejeriet A/S Fabricator: Ejnar Christiansen Sølsted A/S Proprietor: Jorton A/S, Rødekro Facades: Sapa 4150 Glazed roof: Sapa 5050 Doors: Sapa 2074 Windows: Sapa 1074 Surface finish: Clear anodised Mikkel Thohøj Martinusen Forum Sapa Building System

20 Photo: Laurent Andrzejewski Sapa Facade 4150 SSG with Sapa Door 2074 around the entire base of the building. Hammarby Sjöstadspiren The exterior is constructed from horizontal feather cladding. The glazing alternates in five different shades of green and grey, and shifts in colour are emphasised as reflections from the water and sky play on its surface. A café is housed in the base, surrounded by walls of transparent and opaque glass. The glass exterior is completely maintenance-free. We strived to create an impression of lightness and slenderness, despite the fact that this is essentially a concrete building. The narrow base and pillars contribute to this. The building is slightly wedge-shaped, narrower at the rear and wider overlooking the water. The front of the building slopes gently inwards, creating a softer impression and influencing the shape of the balconies, giving them more depth. Bay windows at the sides give added space to the interior rooms and give the facade a dynamic appearance. Sapa building system ab offices Sweden: Headoffice Sapa Building System AB Vetlanda Phone Fax Denmark: Sapa Building System Langhøjvej 1 Indgang A 8381 Tilst Phone Fax Finland: Sapa Building System Sinikalliontie 18 A, Espoo Phone Fax Tomas Åsberg, ÅWL Arkitekter AB Norway: Sapa Building System Pb. 34, 2027 Kjeller Phone Fax Lithuania: UAB Sapa Statybų Sistemos Kirtimu g.47, LT Vilnius Phone Fax Facility: Hammarby Sjöstadspiren Place: Stockholm, Sweden Construction year: 2010 Architect: ÅWL Arkitekter AB Fabricator: Alab Aluminiumsystem AB Facades: Sapa 4150 SSG Doors: Sapa 2074, suface treatment stainless steel look Misc.: The glass to the white cube on the ground floor is a facade glass with 8 mm tempered Colorbel 37 AGENTS Hungary: Vetlanda Kft. Szabó Illunka u. 22, HU-1015 Budapest Phone Fax Nordikal Kft Bartók Béla út 152, HU-1113 Budapest Phone Fax Iceland: Gluggasmidjan hf. Vidarhöfda 3, 112 Reykjavik Phone Fax Sapa Building System GB ex Condesign Infocom AB 2012

SAPA FASAD 4150/4150 SX Flexibelt system för alla typer av fasader

SAPA FASAD 4150/4150 SX Flexibelt system för alla typer av fasader SAPA FASAD 41/41 SX Flexibelt system för alla typer av fasader Sapa Fasad 41/41 SX Sapa 41 SX/41 gör montaget enkelt och ger stor frihet i design och funktion. Fasaden kan utföras som utanpåliggande fasad

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< THE SHELF SYSTEM FILLED WITH POSSIBILITIES. Design Anne Krook Anne < THE SHELF SYSTEM FILLED WITH POSSIBILITIES Design Anne Krook beauty combination Anne är en hel serie hyllor vars grundidé bygger på en fyrkant som kan varieras i ett otal kombinationer. Frihängande

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Sapa Fönster Minimalt underhåll med god inomhuskomfort

Sapa Fönster Minimalt underhåll med god inomhuskomfort Sapa Fönster 10 Minimalt underhåll med god inomhuskomfort Sapa Fönster 10 Vårt isolerade fönstersystem 10 med ett profildjup på mm ger ett lågt U-värde samt hög luft- och vattentäthet. Den effektiva tätningen

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Om oss DET PERFEKTA KOMPLEMENTET THE PERFECT COMPLETION 04 EN BINZ ÄR PRECIS SÅ BRA SOM DU FÖRVÄNTAR DIG A BINZ IS JUST AS GOOD AS YOU THINK 05 Om oss Vi på Binz är glada att du är intresserad av vårt support-system för begravningsbilar. Sedan mer än 75 år tillverkar vi specialfordon i Lorch för de flesta olika användningsändamål, och detta enligt

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SOLAR LIGHT SOLUTION. Giving you the advantages of sunshine. Ningbo Green Light Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

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Sapa Fönster Minimalt underhåll med god inomhuskomfort

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SAPA FÖNSTER Minimalt underhåll med god inomhuskomfort

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karl andersson & söner

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karl andersson & söner

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