COURSE SYLLABUS. General field of Education 2 Teaching, learning and social background. Lärarrollen utifrån de ungas bakgrund

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School of Social Sciences Reg. No. SVI 2009/127-514 COURSE SYLLABUS General field of Education 2 Teaching, learning and social background Lärarrollen utifrån de ungas bakgrund Course Code GA5221 Date of decision 2009-10-14 Decision-making Body The Board of the School of Social Sciences Valid from 2009-10-01 Language of instruction Swedish Subject Social sciences, pedagogics, history, religion and media technology Credits / ECTS credits Level Specific level Type of course Prerequisites 15 Basic level G1 The course is part of the General field of Education in the teacher training programme For admission to the course it is required that the student is accepted to a teacher training programme including specializa-tion studies. Credits for internships in preceding courses must be registered as successfully completed. 1

Expected learning outcomes General aims: In this course the students shall be given possibility to develop their teacher profession through forming of knowledge, training of ability and exchange of experience in issues concerning the actors of pre-school/school/day-center for schoolaged, in the form of children/pupils, teachers, but also parents and media as well as the interaction between them. Understanding of the significance of the group in meetings between children/pupils, teachers and pupils and between the school and parents etc shall develop through the course. Knowledge of the relation between the individual, the group and society as well as the varied life conditions of children, youth and adults in society shall be developed and related to the conditions for educative meetings for everybody. Knowledge of learning and socialization shall be placed in a historical perspective and special interest shall be devoted to diversity aspects as gender, class, ethnicity and religious confession. During the internships (VFU) the student shall participate in, document and evaluate educative situations, examine local control documents and from his/her collected observations problematize the pedagogic work. Internship constitutes an important and necessary part of the course and shall be looked upon as an integrated part linking general theoretical knowledge to the concrete everyday activity of pre-school/school/day-center for school-aged. The whole course shall be characterized by discussion, dialogue and an interdisciplinary approach. The possibilities of the information and communication techniques for the learning process shall be tested and elucidated. Learning outcomes: After accomplished course the students shall be able to: - Account for the actors of pre-school/school/day-center for school-aged in relation to the contexts within which they are active - Describe the different life conditions of children/pupils and families. - Problematize the values, norms and the changing roles played by the actors of pre-school/school/day-center for school-aged. - Problematize learning and socialisation in a life-long perspective by using concepts as identity, linguistic and psychological development, gender/class/ethnicity and culture/religion. - Account for discrimination issues, test various methods of conflict handling, as well as be able to apply methods for identifying and preventing different forms of violating treatment. - Describe the media habits of children and pupils as well as be able to discuss these in relation to a pedagogic practice. - Carry out and analyse interviews and other dialogues with children/youth. - Participate in, document and evaluate learning and problematize pedagogic work. - Communicate with teachers, children/pupils and fellow students in a democratically competent way orally, in writing and through information technology. 2

Course contents Teaching methods Required reading Assessment methods Type of grades Credit overlap Study certificate Other information The course focuses on the actors of pre-school/school/daycenter for school-aged and the interaction that takes place in and around these institutions. The influence of social and cultural backgrounds on educative meetings is studied. Perspectives of both the child/pupil and of the teacher is applied. In the course the development of the individual as a social subject and the significance of meaning making in a pedagogic practice are emphasized. The relation between school and society is analysed regarding reproduction patterns, where cate-gories as class, gender and ethnicity are central. Groups and group processes are studied. Life conditions of children and pupils are discussed and related to learning and a school for everybody. In this course the students study the media habits of children/youth/adults. The studies have qualitative focus and make it possible for the student to reflect about the everyday life of children and youth in and outside the school. The students learn and test a scientific method as a step in the scientific progression of the programme. The work is documented in the form of a report. The course comprises three ECTS of internship where the content of the course is related to professional practice. The significance of interaction in the meeting with children, pupils and parents is emphasized. This is carried out through active participation by the intern. In the course the students document their work in a digital portfolio. Moreover, information and communication techniques are used for coordination and control of the investigation carried out in the course by the students. The course comprises the following parts: pedagogics 3 ECTS, sociology/media- and communication 6,75 ECTS, history/religion 1,5 ECTS, media technology 0,75 ECTS and internship 3 ECTS. Lectures and seminars as well as internship. Discussions and assignments are also carried out via an Internet-based education platform. Mandatory elements are indicated in study guides and schedules. See the end of the document. The examination is carried out in the form of active participation in seminars, written and/or oral exams, papers and oral presentations. The ability to put knowledge into adequate practice is tested. The adherence to the ethic rules is assessed. The student s professional attitude during the internship is examined after consultation with the vocational instructors. Pass with distinction, Pass and Fail will be used. For the internship one of the marks Pass or Fail will be used. If requested, students who have passed the course receive a study certificate. Students who fail the internship are offered only one renewed test. 3

Required reading Author Title, publishing house, year Pages Ahrne, Göran; Roman, Christine & Franzén, Mats Det sociala landskapet: en sociologisk beskrivning av Sverige från 1950-talet till början av 2000-talet Göteborg Korpen (2003). (Kapitel. 1-4) 200 Ambjörnsson, Fanny Andersson, Lena Aspelin, Jonas I en klass för sig. Genus,kKlass och sexualitet bland gymnasietjejer. Stockholm: Ordfront. (avser senare år och gymnasiet) Var det bra så? Stockholm: Natur och kultur. (2004) Zlatan, Caligula och ordningen i skolan. Studentlitteratur. (2003) 361 175 200 de Swaan, Abram Mänskliga samhällen. Lund: Arkiv förlag. (2003) 175 Dimenäs, Jörgen red. Lära till lärare. Liber 2007 (Kapitel 1-5) 70 Egidius, Henry Eriksson, Björn m fl. Gripsrud, Jostein Hwang, Philip & Nilsson, Björn Jenner, Håkan Att vara lärare i vår tid. Stockholm: Natur och kultur. (2005) Skolan en arena för mobbning. Stockholm: Skolverket/Liber. (2002) Mediekultur och mediesamhälle. Göteborg: Daidalos. (2002) (Kapitel 1-3) Utvecklingspsykologi: från foster till vuxen. Stockholm: Natur och kultur. (2003) (Delar av 295 s.) Motivation och motivationsarbete i skola och behandling. Stockholm: Myndigheten för skolutveckling/liber distr. (2004) (Kapitel 1-2) ( 221 146 119 150 21 Månsson, Per Båten i parken. Stockholm: Prisma. (2000) (Kapitel 1 och 5-7) 155 Skolverket Utkast till allmänna råd om att främja likabehndling och förebygga diskriminering, trakasserier och kränkande behandling. 23 Skolverket Överenskommet! Stockholm: Liber. (1999) 152 Skolverket På tal om mobbning och det som görs. Kunskapsöversikt.Stockholm: Fritzes (2009) 203 Svaleryd, Kajsa Genuspedagogik: en tanke- och handlingsbok för 143 4

Utbildningsdepartementet Utbildningsdepartementet Utbildningsdepartementet Thornberg, Robert Vetenskapsrådet Ödman, Per-Johan arbete med barn och unga. Stockholm: Liber. (2003) (avser förskola och tidigare år) Läroplan för förskolan (Lpfö 98). Stockholm: Fritzes. (1999) Läroplan för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, förskolan och fritidshemmet (Lpo94). Stockholm: Fritzes. (1999) Läroplan för den frivilliga skolan (Lpf94). Fritzes. (1995) Det sociala livet i skolan. Socialpsykologi för lärare. Stockholm: Liber. (2006) Forskningsetiska principer inom humanistisksamhällsvetenskaplig forskning. (20029 ( Kontrasternas spel: en svensk mentalitets- och pedagogikhistoria. Stockholm: Norstedts akademiska förlag. (2006) (Kapitel 35-37) 16 19 19 301 129 Kompendium (will be sold by Repro.) ca 150 Reference literature Bakhtiari, Marjaneh Kalla det vad fa n du vill. Stockholm: Ordfront. (2005) 298 Hassen Khemiri, Jonas Ett öga rött. Stockholm: Norsteds förlag. (2003) 252 Jordahl, Anneli Klass Är du fin nog? Atlas (2004) (e-bok) 160 Linderborg, Åsa Mig äger ingen. Stockholm: Atlas (2007) 293 5