ÄmNEN, fristående kurser. ProgrAm, AvANcErAD NIvå. ProgrAm, grundnivå

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1 It Informationsteknik är i dag en förutsättning för att mycket i vårt vardagsliv ska fungera. Datorer och annan teknisk utrustning blir hela tiden mindre, snabbare och smartare. Drivkraften är en ökande användning av allt som är information: text, ljud och bild, geografisk positionering och teknik som kommunicerar trådlöst med annan teknik, till exempel EAN-kodade prislappar och förarlösa fordon. Efter utbildningen kan du till exempel jobba som systemutvecklare, it-strateg, projektledare, mjukvaruspecialist, interaktionsdesigner eller expert inom datasäkerhet. ÄmNEN, fristående kurser Datavetenskap Informatik tillämpad informationsteknologi ProgrAm, grundnivå Datavetenskapligt program software Engineering and management, Bachelor s Programme systemvetenskap: It, människa och organisation, kandidatprogram ProgrAm, AvANcErAD NIvå computer science, master s Programme It management, masterprogram Lärande, kommunikation och informationsteknologi, magisterprogram Lärande, kommunikation och informationsteknologi, masterprogram master in Language technology software Engineering, master s Programme 277

2 IT kurser Datavetenskap Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik, Rännvägen 6B, , Suzana Plancak, Är du intresserad av avancerad problemlösning? Gillar du datorer och matematik och vill vara med och utveckla IT i framtiden? Då är datavetenskap något för dig. Vi erbjuder forskningsnära kurser inom en rad områden; programspråk, algoritmer, programanalys, databaser, logiska metoder, verifiering, tillförlitlighet, säkerhet, distribuerade system, datakommunikation, digitala system, datorarkitektur, software engineering, datorgrafik och interaktionsdesign. Vissa områden handlar om beräkningsproblem där du vill ha ett visst givet resultat, till exempel inom datorgrafik. Andra områden, som algoritmer, fokuserar på beräkningsbarhet där det inte finns några exakta svar. Det som gör datavetenskap intressant är att det numer är grundläggande för många vardagliga ting i vårt samhälle. Därför finns också ett stort behov av välutbildade personer med specialkompetens, ett behov som dessutom beräknas öka i framtiden. Det finns även ett stort antal kurser för dig som siktar på specialisering och vidareutbildning. Grundnivå Concurrent programming, 7,5 hp (DIT390) Concurrent programming plays a vital role in systems where many events appear to occur simultaneously. This course aims to provide an introduction to the problems common to concurrent systems such as operating systems, distributed systems and real-time systems. After the course, you should be able to apply practical knowledge of the programming constructs and techniques offered by modern concurrent programming languages. Förkunskapskrav: A completed first year at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme or equivalent. English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Anm-kod: GU Databases, 7,5 hp (DIT620) The course covers the basic principles of database systems as seen by users, application programmers and database administrators. A laboratory assignment develops these topics as a running example throughout the course. These include programming in SQL, as seen by a user querying or modifying an existing database, by a database designer, and by an application programmer invoking SQL from a host language. Förkunskapskrav: Completed the first year at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme or equivalent. A previous programming course is required. Anm-kod: GU Anm-kod: GU Computer Communication, 7,5 hp (DIT420) In the study of protocols, we start with application level protocols enabling students to start with more familiar paradigms in the context of applications that we use regularly. Moving to lower layers later on, we have the possibility to gradually uncover network services, their functionality and the ease/ difficulty for achieving them. Topics covered include: networking applications, content distribution, HTTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, IP, switching, routing, mobile IP, local area networks, etc. Förkunskapskrav: A completed the first year at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme or equivalent. English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Anm-kod: GU Datastrukturer, 7,5 hp (DIT960) Efter avklarad kurs ska du förstå och använda grundläggande datastrukturer som stackar, köer, tabeller och grafer, använda de algoritmer som är kopplade till effektiva datastrukturer samt förstå varför dessa algoritmer är korrekta, analysera effektiviteten hos dem, göra motiverade val mellan olika datastrukturer för olika tillämpningar. Förkunskapskrav: Kurserna DIT440, Introduktion till funktionell programmering, DIT011, Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling samt DIT950 Programming, advanced course eller motsvarande ska vara avklarade. Anm-kod: GU Datorsystemteknik, 7,5 hp (DIT122) Kursens syfte är att ge kunskaper om hur ett modernt datorsystem är konstruerat, hur dess hårdvarukomponenter interagerar med varandra och med den hårdvarunära mjukvaran. Speciellt betoning ligger på prestandafrågor eftersom datorsystemkonstruktörer ofta ställs inför uppgiften att maximera prestanda till en viss given kostnad, eller att minimera kostnaden för en viss given prestandanivå. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed one year of an education aiming at a bachelor degree within Computer Science or equivalent. The course Machine oriented programming is also required. Anm-kod: GU Digital- och datorteknik, 7,5 hp (DIT790) Dagens tekniska system innehåller ofta någon form av digitalt elektroniskt system. Vanligen är det ett datorsystem med en eller flera mikroprocessorer kombinerade med minnen och andra digitala delsystem för exempelvis övervakning, styrning och annan kommunikation. Förståelse för digitala systems roll och arbetssätt är viktig för studenter inom flera områden. Förkunskapskrav: Grundläggande behörighet samt Ma D. Dessutom krävs en programmeringskurs på högskolenivå. Anm-kod: GU Anm-kod: GU Digital konstruktion, projektkurs, 7,5 hp (DIT796) Dagens tekniska system konstrueras ofta med digital elektronik. Standard komponenterna räcker sällan till utan anpassningar, delsystem eller hela lösningar behöver implementeras i Programmerbar logik. Kursen är praktisk inriktad du får tillämpa dina kunskaper inom digital elektronik genom att konstruera ett litet digitalt system. Fokus ligger på ingenjörsmässighet där resurserna är otillräckliga, så optimering och kreativa lösningar krävs. En viktig av kursen är dokumentation och presentation. Förkunskapskrav: För tillträde till kursen krävs ett års studier inom ämnet Datavetenskap eller motsvarande samt kursen DIT790 Digital och datorteknik (eller motsvarande). Anm-kod: GU Digitalteknik, fortsättningskurs, 7,5 hp (DIT795) Dagens tekniska system konstrueras ofta med digital elektronik. Standard komponenterna räcker sällan till; utan anpassningar, delsystem eller hela lösningar behöver implementeras i Programmerbar logik eller specialanpassade integrerade kretsar (ASIC). Kursen ger en introduktion till hårdvaru beskrivande programmeringsspråk (VHDL) samt funktionen hos moderna utvecklingsverktyg. Den bakgrund som en konstruktör behöver för att förstå verktygens arbetssätt gås också igenom. Förkunskapskrav: För tillträde till kursen krävs ett års studier inom ämnet Datavetenskap eller motsvarande samt kursen DIT790 Digital och datorteknik (eller motsvarande). Anm-kod: GU Introduktion till funktionell programmering, 7,5 hp (DIT440) Detta är en grundläggande kurs i programmering i det funktionella programmeringsspråket Haskell. Du lär dig flera viktiga allmänna programmeringstekniker: modellering med datatyper, rekursion, specifikation och testning av program, abstraktion och generalisering med hjälp av polymorfa typer och högre-ordningens funktioner, samt strukturering av program med moduler och separation av sidoeffekter. Förkunskapskrav: Grundläggande behörighet samt Ma D (områdesbehörighet 8, undantag ges för Fy B och Ke A). Urval: Betyg (34 %), högskoleprov (33 %) och högskolepoäng (33 %) Ytterligare utbildningar, ändringar och tillägg i katalogen hittar du på vår webbplats, 278

3 kurser kurser IT It Anm-kod: GU Finite automata theory and Formal Languages, 7,5 hp (DIT321) Finite automata are basic mathematical models of some physical systems. The theory of finite automata is fundamental in computer sciences, and is becoming more and more important. Besides having direct concrete applications, it is mathematically simple and elegant. It provides ideal illustrations of basic notions in mathematics (set theory, proof by induction). Förkunskapskrav: Having successfully completed 22,5 credits of computing science and 22,5 credits of mathematics of an education aiming at a bachelor degree within Computer Science or equivalent. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Foundations of Free software, 7,5 hp (DIT546) The student will learn more about theory and practice using: code standard, version control, build process, packaging, installation end deployment, release management, simulators, debugger, test automation, performance issues and kernel programming. The student will also learn about and practice on the softer aspects of software development in a Free Software community. These aspects include: user interaction, promoting the work, writing user documents, handling bug reports and tasks. Foundations of Free Software Tools the equivalent of 50 higher education credits in computer science is required. The course is given in English and the student should have sufficient knowledge in spoken and written English. Start: HT12, 50 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change. Maskinorienterad programmering, 7,5 hp (DIT151) Det finns många situationer där datorn/datorsystemet behöver programmeras i ett språk som ligger nära processorn (maskinen). I synnerhet gäller det vid konstruktion av inbyggda system som i sitt arbete skall övervaka och/eller påverka övrig utrustning i det tekniska systemet. Förståelse för såväl datorsystemet som dess programmering är viktig för studenter på flera utbildningsprogram. Förkunskapskrav: Kurserna DIT790 Digitaloch datorteknik eller motsvarande samt DIT011 Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling eller motsvarande godkända. Anm-kod: GU Anm-kod: GU Matematisk modellering, 7,5 hp (DIT990) Med noggrant utvalda övningsuppgifter lär denna kurs ut matematisk modellering och problemlösning, med syftet att utveckla studentens förmåga att lösa verkliga problem med matematikens hjälp. Övningsuppgifterna är tagna från datavetenskap och traditionella ingenjörsämnen, liksom från ekonomi, medicin och spel. Förkunskapskrav: Ett avklarat första år på datavetenskapligt program eller motsvarande. Anm-kod: GU Model Driven software Development, 7,5 hp (DIT945) In this course you will study how to develop a software system by using analysis and design principles, and also how models can be mapped into code. You will model both static and dynamic behaviors, for example interaction among objects (components), state changes of objects and the class structure of a system. The focus of this course is on the analysis and design phase. Förkunskapskrav: The requirement for the course is to have successfully completed one year at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme or equivalent. The student must know Java programming and must have taken one course in data structures and the course DIT132 Software engineering fundamentals, or equivalent. Courses which students might benefit from having done are: project courses and Human-computer interaction. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling, 7,5 hp (DIT011) Denna kurs ger dig grundläggande kunskaper i objektorienterad programmering. Efter genomgången kurs kan du använda klasser, objekt, variabler, metoder, imperativa styrstrukturer, subklasser och arv, använda standardklasser, t ex grafiska gränssnitts bibliotek och containerklasser, konstruera enkla väl strukturerade program utifrån en given uppgift, tillämpa ett givet designmönster och förklara polymorfism, gränssnitt och felhanteringsmekanismen. Förkunskapskrav: Grundläggande behörighet samt Ma D eller godkänd Introduktion till funktionell programmering (DIT440). Anm-kod: GU programmeringsprojekt, 7,5 hp (DIT211) Efter genomgången kurs ska du kunna; medverka i ett mindre programutvecklingsprojekt som följer en specificerad utvecklingsprocess; utforma dokument som kravspecifikation, systemdesign med användning av föreskrivna metoder, välja och nyttja lämpliga hjälpmedel för mindre programutvecklingsprojekt, såsom programutvecklingsmiljöer och versionshanteringssystem, ha stärkt sin förmåga inom och erfarenhet av muntlig och skriftlig framställning Förkunskapskrav: Avklarat första år på Datavetenskapligt program, kandidatprogram eller motsvarande. Anm-kod: GU Operating systems, 7,5 hp (DIT400) You will get an introduction to the design, algorithms and implementation of operating systems. Some of the topics are: concurrent processes, deadlocks, memory management techniques, virtual memory, processor scheduling, disk scheduling, file systems, distributed file systems and micro kernels. The course is a component of computer science and engineering knowledge and a vital basis for understanding further on networks, parallel and distributed systems organization and programming. Förkunskapskrav: Completed the first year at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme or equivalent, specifically the course DIT151 Machine oriented programming is required. The student should also have basic knowledge in low level programming and be familiar with terms like assembler, interrupt and so on. Anm-kod: GU programming, advanced Course, 7,5 hp (DIT950) Kursen behandlar principer för objektorienterad programmering och design. Avancerade programmeringstekniker såsom dataabstraktion, gränssnitt, arv, polymorfism, generiska typer, trådar, m.m, presenteras. Grundläggande designproblem och tekniker presenteras exempelvis invarianter och tillstånd, modularitet, beroenden och designmönster. Förkunskapskrav: The requirement for the course is to have successfully completed the first semester of the Computer Science Bachelor education or equivalent. Anm-kod: GU product, projects and people Management, 4,5 hp (DIT885) This course introduces you to basic concepts of project management in an IT organization and explore both technical and human aspects of IT projects, which often combine to create challenges. After completing the course you have a solid understanding of roles and responsibilities of a project manager. You are able to work as project manager on small projects, or become a team member on larger projects with a deeper understanding of organizational dynamics as well as roles and responsibilities the student must have at least/a minimum of 30 higher education credits of university studies. Start: HT12, 25 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU programming, 7,5 hp (DIT948) The course is an introductory course in objectoriented programming. The core of the course is general programming concepts and methodology with an object-oriented base using the programming language Java. The goal is to provide basic Kurser som huvudsakligen behandlar miljö och hållbar utveckling, och där mer än Kurser som delvis behandlar miljö och hållbar utveckling, och där mindre än 279

4 IT kurser knowledge of object-oriented programming and basic skills of a programming language. After a completed course, the students are able to implement programs that solve elementary problems, such as communication with a database and presenting a user interface. Förkunskapskrav: General entrance requirements for university studies and Mathematics C grade pass, or corresponding (områdesbehörighet 4, undantag ges för En B och Sh A). Proof of knowledge in English can be provided by one of the following international tests: English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.5 no part under 5.0 or TOEFL 530 p, TWE score 4.0 is also required. Urval: Betyg (34 %), högskoleprov (33 %) och högskolepoäng (33 %) Start: HT12, 33 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU technical analysis and Design, 4,5 hp (DIT135) This course introduces you to three software engineering methods used in industry: use case based requirements specification, object oriented analysis, and object oriented design. It also introduces you to a supporting process (RUP) and a UML tool (Rhapsody), widely used by practicing software engineers. You will elicit and model requirements for a software product, create an analysis model in UML, and specify an object oriented program using UML. the students must have general programming knowledge in Java, (for example DIT948, Programming 7,5 hecs) or another object oriented language of at least 7,5 higher education credits. Start: VT13, 33 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change Quality Management, 3 hp (DIT845) The complexity and accelerated development schedules of software make avoiding defects difficult. The purpose of this course is to introduce the notion of software quality, and to clarify the meaning of the concepts quality and quality assurance. You will learn about methods to assure quality of the end product as well as the software process. You will investigate the role of quality assurance for software, software processes, and software projects and how these are related in an organization. Förkunskapskrav: Students within the Software Engineering and Management program need to have completed the courses provided as part of the first term of the program (i.e. DIT948, DIT215, DIT545 and DIT630). Students taking the course as a single subject course must have successfully completed 30 hec of university studies in Software Engineering and Management. Start: VT13, 20 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change. testing, Debugging and verification, 7,5 hp (DIT082) The main aim of the course is to provide a basic understanding for techniques that cope with errors in programs. Reoccurring themes are a) the identification of errors, b) their analysis, and c) their removal. The course also provides an understanding of systematic ways to convince oneself that a program unit really does what it should. In the course you will also learn how to use precise methods for writing requirements. Förkunskapskrav: A completed the first year at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme or equivalent. English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU test and verification, 6 hp (DIT085) The course focuses on testing tools, techniques and methods that can be used to assess the quality and correctness of software systems. The course brings understanding on how these methods, techniques and tools can be used in a software development project to increase the software quality. An overview of other verification techniques are also presented. Students will get hands-on experience in building a model for testing and they use this model for both testing and verification purposes. the student must have general programming knowledge in both imperative/object oriented and functional programming. For example, the student could have taken an introductory course on Java (such as DIT948 Programming, 7.5 hec) and a course on Erlang (such as DIT027 Distributed Fault-tolearant Programming, 3 hec). Start: VT13, 33 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change software process Improvement, 3 hp (DIT548) Developing reliable software on time and budget is a challenging issue for many organizations. A software process improvement focus offers the organization a better chance for success. In this course, software process improvement methods, models and techniques will be studied with a focus on software development practice. Topics that are covered in the course range from how to assess software development organizations capability to how an organization can take advantage of change artistry. the student must have general knowledge of software processes (such as the course DIT545 Software processes, 3 higher education credits or equivalent). Start: VT13, 17 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change software processes, 3 hp (DIT545) This course uses a standard basic textbook on software engineering and highlights the important aspects of software engineering in relation to software processes: a set of activities whose goal is the development of software. We will look at core approaches, such as Waterfall model, Iterative/ evolutionary model, Component-based model, as well as growing approaches such as Open source software development approach and Agile software development approach. Förkunskapskrav: General entrance requirements for university studies and Mathematics C grade pass, or corresponding (områdesbehörighet 4, undantag ges för En B och Sh A). Proof of knowledge in English can be provided by one of the following international tests: English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.5 no part under 5.0 or TOEFL 530 p, TWE score 4.0 is also required. Urval: Betyg (34 %), högskoleprov (33 %) och högskolepoäng (33 %) Start: HT12, 33 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change User Interface and Database Design, 4,5 hp (DIT630) The course introduces a development process which focuses on contact with the future user of the software under development. You learn techniques to acquire and model user demands, and to translate this model to a user interface. E/R models and SQL are introduced and you learn how to use these models as a starting point to develop a database application. The purpose of the course is to make the students aware of the central and important role of the user in software development. Förkunskapskrav: General entrance requirements for university studies and Mathematics C grade pass, or corresponding (områdesbehörighet 4, undantag ges för En B och Sh A). Proof of knowledge in English can be provided by one of the following international tests: English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.5 no part under 5.0 or TOEFL 530 p, TWE score 4.0 is also required. Urval: Betyg (34 %), högskoleprov (33 %) och högskolepoäng (33 %) Start: HT12, 25 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change Change Management in software Development Organizations, 7,5 hp (DIT035) This course focuses on software development organizations and how information technologies affect them from a change management perspective. Typically, information technologies are developed to support specific activities in an organization. Introduction of such technology often lead to change and factors as time, cost, knowledge, power structures and change strategies within software organizations greatly affect the success rate. Förkunskapskrav: The course is accessible for students with at least/a minimum 90 higher education credits of university studies Start: HT12, 50 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change Webapplikationer, 7,5 hp (DIT126) Kursen presenterar ett antal teknologier som används vid utveckling av webapplikationer såsom XML teknologier, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Java Enterprise Edition Webservices mm. Informationssökning i manualer, specifikationer Ytterligare utbildningar, ändringar och tillägg i katalogen hittar du på vår webbplats, 280

5 kurser IT m m ingår som en betydande del av kursen. Kursen innehåller en stor del praktisk arbete i avancerade utvecklingsmiljöer och servermiljöer. Problem med felsökning, konfigurering, driftsättning och exekvering av webapplikationer ingår som en viktig del i kursen. Förkunskapskrav: För tillträde till kursen krävs ett genomgånget första år på Datavetenskapligt program eller motsvarande. Grundläggande kunskaper i datakommunikation (DIT420 eller motsvarande) och databaser (DIT600 eller motsvarande) rekommenderas. Anm-kod: GU Functional programming, 7,5 hp (DIT142) Functional programming is built from concepts which are far from the legacy sequential machine model underlying languages like C and Java. This course will teach you about functional programming using the language Haskell. Haskell programs are small, fast and reliable. You will learn how to build them using the cutting-edge features provided by the language and libraries, including: functions as first-class values, algebraic data types, polymorphism and classes, lazy evaluation, and Monads. Förkunskapskrav: Basic knowledge in descrete mathematics and logic Previous programming experience and basic knowledge of data structures are also assumed. Anm-kod: GU programming paradigms, 7,5 hp (DIT331) This course provides an overview of common programming paradigms, including imperative, objectoriented, logic, and functional programming, and discusses the fundamental concepts underlying the design, definition, and implementation of modern computer languages. You will get practical experience with languages that exemplify a particular paradigm. Förkunskapskrav: The requirements for the course is to have fluency in imperative or object oriented programming language such as DIT960 Data structures or DIT725 Logic, Algorithms and Data structure (or similar) and DIT440 Introduction to functional programming or DIT011 Object-oriented software development or DIT948 Programming (or similar). For students at the Computer Science Bachelor s programme the requirements for the course is to have successfully completed a first year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Anm-kod: GU Logic, algorithms and Datastructures, 7,5 hp (DIT725) The course provides you with logic and mathematical basis needed for design and programming. You get familiar with concepts like sets, graphs, algorithm, model and recursion, all selected to highlight the usefulness of mathematics in programming. The course has three themes: discrete mathematics and its use for specifying, implementing and documenting algorithms, the role of algorithms in design and development of programs and the role of data structures in implementation of algorithms. Förkunskapskrav: To be eligible this course, the equivalent of 7.5 higher education credits in Object Programming with Java and a successful completion of 30 hecs of university studies is required, in addition to high-school level qualifications in English A and Mathematics C. Students within the Software Engineering and Management program need to have completed an introductory course in Java programming (for example DIT948 Programming 7.5 hp) and to have successfully completed the course. Start: VT13, 33 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Exact start and end dates might change Avancerad nivå advanced Functional programming, 7,5 hp (DIT260) The aim of the course is to explore the powerful mechanisms that functional programming languages offer to solve real problems and structure larger programs. The focus lies on library design and the concept of embedded languages. The programming language used in the course is Haskell. Concrete concepts that are taught in the course: The use of advanced type system features, such as type classes and generalized algebraic datatypes. Design and implementation techniques for embedded languages., students should have successfully completed two years of an education aimed at a bachelor degree within Computer Science or equivalent. The courses DIT142 Functional programming, MMGD10 Introductory Discrete Mathematics and at least one of the courses DIT230 Programming language technology or DIT331 programming paradigms or equivalent are required. Notions: Abstract syntax tree, semantics, interpreter, compiler. Algorithms, complexity, divide-and-conquer. Induction proofs and simple logic, equality reasoning. Anm-kod: GU advanced software architecting, 7,5 hp (DIT542) The course focuses on principles and methods that aid the designer/developer/architect to gain increased confidence in the architectural design. This includes quantitative modeling using architecture description languages such as AADL and MARTE, and qualitative architecture evaluation methods, e.g., ATAM. Finally, the course will also address the specific challenges related to scale, dynamics, and heterogeneity as found in system of systems, and ultra-large scale systems. students should have completed two years of studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. The course DIT540 Software Architecture is required. Anm-kod: GU agile Development processes, 7,5 hp (DIT191) This course teaches agile software development methods and practices based on key principles e.g. incremental development and continuous, feedback-driven refinement. The course is based on an agile project, covers the agile methodologies (extreme Programming and Scrum) and practices such as test-driven development and incremental planning. A part of the course is to understand the trade-offs between plan-driven and agile methodologies and how to select between them depending on the context. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU algorithm for Machine Learning and Inference, 7,5 hp (DIT380) The course discusses learning and inference from data as a type of algorithmic problems. After introducing the basic notion and stressing the role of model assumptions we go through some of the most common approaches to algorithmic learning. Critical evaluation of learning algorithms and their outcomes is as important as the technical side. After completed course you will distinguish learning in an Artificial Intelligence perspective from human learning. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically the course DIT600 Algorithms is mandatory. Knowledge in Probability Theory is essential. Anm-kod: GU algorithms, 7,5 hp (DIT600) In this course you will learn how to recognize that nontrivial computational problems which need to be solved by algorithms and also to formalize them. You will perform in simple cases the whole development cycle of algorithms: problem analysis, choosing, modifying and combining suitable techniques and data structures, analysis of correctness and complexity, filling in implementation details, looking for possible improvements, etc. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Anm-kod: GU Kurser som huvudsakligen behandlar miljö och hållbar utveckling, och där mer än Kurser som delvis behandlar miljö och hållbar utveckling, och där mindre än 281

6 IT kurser algorithms, advanced Course, 7,5 hp (DIT280) The goal of the course is to develop advanced techniques in the design and analysis of algorithms. The course will continue in the spirit of the first algorithms course and maintain a rigorous analytical style. It is assumed that you are taking this course because you like the subject and you want to gain a deeper understanding of algorithms, not for a practical guide on how to implement them. This course also gives insight into selected research topics in the area. year of studies within Computer Science or equivalent. The course DIT600 Algorithms (or similar) and have a good background in Probability Theory are required. Anm-kod: GU artificial Intelligence, 7,5 hp (DIT410) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that studies how computers can accomplish tasks that were traditionally thought to require human intelligence. The aim of this course is to give you a deepened understanding of the possibilities and the limitations of AI methods. The course is done in a project-oriented way. Current topics are: Introduction to AI, Uninformed Search, Informed Search, Game Search, Logic and Deduction, Planning and Natural Language Dialogue Systems. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Good to very good programming skills. Knowledge of traditional AI language such as Lisp or prolog is not necessary. The course project can be done, for example, in C, C++, Java, Haskell, Lisp or Prolog. Having taken the course DIT600 Algorithms and DIT201 Logics in Computer Science is helpful but not mandatory. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Compiler Construction, 7,5 hp (DIT300) The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the whole process of compiler construction, starting from lexical analysis and finishing with machine code generation. In the course you will build a complete compiler for a simple imperative language. The course will give you knowledge and experience needed to: Define a type system and implement type checking, which both reports errors to the programmer and prepares the program for code generation. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two years of studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically, the course DIT230 Programming Languages technology or equivalent is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Computer architecture, 7,5 hp (DIT051) Computers have made new applications possible but they also require higher computational performance. Performance has doubled every eighteen months over the last decades (through advances in computer architecture etc) and the main approach to increase computational performance is through new forms of parallelism. This course focuses on principles for the design of parallel computers - architectures and programming models - which is the mainstream computing technology for the next ten years. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two year of studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. The course DIT122 Datorsystemteknik or equivalent is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Computer Graphics, 7,5 hp (DIT220) The course provides knowledge of the principles used to create images through computer algorithms. The primary focus is on real-time rendering and photo realistic rendering. The course also covers techniques for illumination, special effects, shadows, reflections, ray tracing and global illumination. In addition, the corresponding mathematics will be revealed. In the course you will make a smaller project, a 3D game or a rendering program for computing special effects or photo-realistic images. year within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically a course in linear algebra is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Computer Graphics, advanced Course, 7,5 hp (DIT221) Computer Graphics is an expanding field with applications spanning from games, the movie industry, virtual reality, industrial simulations and even the financial sector that wants to utilize the computational horse power of modern graphics processing units (GPUs). In this follow-up course, the students dig deeper into a particular subject of their choice, in which they perform a project. Förkunskapskrav: The requirement for the course is to have successfully completed a first year within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically the course DIT220, Computer Graphics or equivalent is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Start: VT13, 25 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Computer security, 7,5 hp (DIT641) The course gives basic knowledge in the security area, i.e. how to protect your system againstitutionen intentional intrusions and attacks. The purpose of intrusions can be made to change or delete resources (data, programs, hardware, etc), to get unauthorized access to confidential information or unauthorized use of the system s services. The course covers threats and vulnerabilities in the computer systems and networks, as well as rules, methods and mechanisms for protection. year within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically the course DIT400 Operating Systems or equivalent is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Cryptography, 7,5 hp (DIT250) The course is about basic goals of cryptography (confidentiality, authentication, non-repudiation). Symmetric key cryptography: block and stream ciphers, design principles and examples, modes of operation, message authentication codes. Public key cryptography: asymmetric ciphers, signatures. Attack models and security notions. Protocols for key management, authentication and other services. year within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically the course DIT641 Computer Security or equivalent is required. A course in Statistics and discrete mathematic is recommended. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Discrete Optimization, 7,5 hp (DIT370) In this course you learn specific methods to model and solve problems where some objective function shall be maximized or minimized under side constraints, especially for discrete problems. After the course you should be able to; dualize optimization problems (LP dual, Lagrange dual) and use the dual forms, to concrete problems, distinguish approximation algorithms from heuristics, apply heuristic approaches (e.g., branch-and-bound) as well as design techniques for approximation algorithms etc. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically the course DIT600 Algorithms (or equivalent) is required. English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Distributed systems, 7,5 hp (DIT240) Distributed systems are built by components/processes that cooperate using computer communication. Ytterligare utbildningar, ändringar och tillägg i katalogen hittar du på vår webbplats, 282

7 kurser IT The overall aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the challenges you are confronted with when developing such systems as well as the benefits gained from such systems. Thus this course serve as the basic for further study within the area. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two year s within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically the courses DIT390 Concurrent programming and DIT400 Operating systems are required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Distributed systems, advanced Course, 7,5 hp (DIT290) In this course the students first will get to know the points of inherent difference and strength of distributed systems compared with sequential or strongly-coupled systems; consequently. The aim of the course is to teach the students to study the issues and problems that have to be addressed and solved efficiently for these differences to be taken advantage of, so that the system retains its strength and high potential. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically, the course DIT240 Distributed systems is required. Anm-kod: GU empirical software engineering, 7,5 hp (DIT278) This course is for students who are interested in the empirical methods applied to the field of software engineering. The course introduces quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods in software engineering. The course contains: 1. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods applied to software engineering 2. Qualitative methods in software engineering 3. Methods required to practice evidencebased software engineering Empirical Software Engineering the student should have general knowledge in Software Engineering a minimum of 90 hec. The students should also possess basic skills in statistics. Anm-kod: GU Fault-tolerant Computer systems, 7,5 hp (DIT061) Fault-tolerant systems are used in applications that require high dependability, such as safetycritical control systems in vehicles and airplanes, or business-critical systems for e-commerce, automatic teller machines and financial transactions. This is an introductory course that covers basic techniques for design and analysis of fault-tolerant systems, as well as project management and development processes for safety-critical systems. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two years of studies within Computer Science or equivalent. The courses DIT790 Digital- och datorteknik or equivalent is required and the course DIT151 Machine oriented programming or equivalent is recommended. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU FoCaL project, 7,5 hp (DIT350) In this course you will carry out a project in Foundations of Computing. The project address to more general skills, as many details depend on the subject: Experience the work on a more complex task which has a clear goal but no pre-defined result (unlike usual course exercises) and can even require integration of knowledge from disparate fields (for example: Optimization methods applied to a Machine Learning problem). Förkunskapskrav: A bachelor degree in Computer Science or equivalent, specifically the courses DIT230, Programming Languages and DIT201, Logic in computer science are required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Frontiers of programming Languages, 7,5 hp (DIT760) This course aims to give insight into past, present and future programming language technology, including introduction to the latest cutting edge research in the design and implementation of programming languages and tools. The course also provides a taste of the research conducted here at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The course includes presentations delivered by the participants, and along the way you will learn how to communicate technical talks effectively. Förkunskapskrav: The requirement for the course is to have successfully completed two years within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. The course DIT230 Programming languages technology or equivalent, is required. Start: HT12, 12 %, dag, Anm-kod: GU Hardware Description and verification, 7,5 hp (DIT780) The aim of the course is to give a flavour of some industrially applied methods for description and verification of hardware, as well as some of the current research in the area. You will be exposed to two different hardware description languages, VHDL and PSL, and to associated verification methods, both in theory and in practice. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed first year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. The course requires a basic knowledge of digital design (logic gates, latches, how they are used to build circuits with or without state, the idea of a finite state machine). Familiarity with programming in a functional language is desirable, but not essential. Students with a strong background in digital electronics and the hardware description language VHDL will be able to learn sufficient functional programming in this course, even if they have not seen functional programming before. Other students are advised to take an introductory course in functional programming before taking this course. Similarly, a strong background in functional programming can compensate for a weaker background in digital design. A previous course in logic (DIT201) or in program verification (DIT081) is desirable, but not essential. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Language-Based security, 7,5 hp (DIT101) The course covers the principles of programming language-based techniques for computer security. The goal is 1) understanding such applicaiton-level attacks as race conditions, buffer overruns, covert channels, and code injection and 2) mastering the principles behind such language-based protection techniques as static analysis, program transformation, and reference monitoring. The dual perspective of attack vs. protection is threaded through the lectures, laboratory assignments, and projects. year studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Knowledge of the material covered in the courses DIT230 Programming Languages and DIT641 Computer Security or equivalent is also required. Previous knowledge of semantics, automata, and compiler construction is helpful (although not required as a prerequisite). English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Logic in Computer science, 7,5 hp (DIT201) In recent years, powerful tools for verifying software and hardware systems have been developed. These tools rely in a crucial way in logical techniques. This course provides a sound basis in logic and a short introduction to some logical frameworks used in modelling, specifying and verifying computer systems. A sound basic knowledge in logic is a welcome prerequisite for courses in program verification, formal methods and artificial intelligence. year of studies within Computer Science or equivalent. Familiarity with a basic knowledge of discrete mathematics is assumed. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Kurser som huvudsakligen behandlar miljö och hållbar utveckling, och där mer än Kurser som delvis behandlar miljö och hållbar utveckling, och där mindre än 283

8 IT kurser Model Driven engineering, 7,5 hp (DIT596) Extending modelling languages with necessary constructs and features, or creating complementary languages, requires specialist knowledge beyond that of software modelling. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with contemporary technologies and notations for creation, adaptation, and transformation of modeling languages, such domain specific modeling languages, UML profiles, and languages found in software product lines. Förkunskapskrav: To be eligible for this course, the student must have knowledge in object oriented programming such as DIT948 Programming or equivalent. Furthermore, the student must have knowledge in software modeling such as DIT135 Technical Analysis and Design or equivalent. Anm-kod: GU Model-Based testing, 7,5 hp (DIT848) The course provides a background on the theoretical background and practice of model-based testing, including how testing tools can be used to improve software quality. General test techniques are explained with focus on model-based testing. The course is provided in the so-called mini-modules format, which combines lectures and supervised practical work with exercises in small groups. The exercises are both theoretical and practical in nature. Model-Based Testing the student must have general programming knowledge in both imperative/object oriented and functional programming. For example, the student could have taken an introductory course on Java or C, and a course on Erlang or Haskell. Knowledge of propositional logic is also required. Anm-kod: GU Models of Computation, 7,5 hp (DIT310) The aim of the course is to give you an introduction to some basic models of computing, their syntax and semantics. Concepts like program, programming language and computing are studied from a more general and mathematical perspective. A rigorous mathematical formulation of these requires some simplification compared to practical programming languages. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two years of studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically, the course DIT230 Programming Languages technology or equivalent is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU network security, 7,5 hp (DIT071) Why is it possible to break into networked computer systems? What weaknesses are used? And what makes one protocol more secure than another? This course looks at weaknesses that have plagued networked systems for years and at countermeasures like firewalls and security protocols such as SSL, SSH and IPsec that are investigated in detail what makes them secure.the course also gives a survey of cryptographic tools. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two years of studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically, the course DIT420 Computer Communication or equivalent is required. A course in Computer security such as DIT641 is recommended but not required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU parallel and Distributed Real-time systems, 7,5 hp (DIT171) Real-time systems play a vital role in many application domains including drive-by-wire automotive systems, intelligent traffic control systems, banking systems, and autonomous robots. For many realtime applications, the system must be designed with multiple processors in order to meet imposed application constraints. This course is intended to give a deeper understanding of the problems involved in designing real-time systems based on multiprocessor architectures. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed two years of studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Preparatory courses in realtime systems, algorithms, operating systems and computer architecture are required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU parallel Computer Organization and Design, 7,5 hp (DIT360) Computers have made new applications possible but they often also require higher computational performance. Fortunately, performance has doubled every eighteen months over the last decades because of technology shrinkage (higher clock frequency) and through advances in computer architecture. This course focuses on principles for the design of parallel computers - architectures as well as programming models - which is the mainstream computing technology for the next ten years. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully completed a bachelor degree within Computer Science or equivalent. Specifically, the course DIT051, Computer Architecture is required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU programming Languages, 7,5 hp (DIT230) The aim of the course is to give understanding of how programming languages are designed, documented, and implemented. The course covers the basic techniques and tools needed to write interpreters, and gives a summary introduction to compilation as well. Förkunskapskrav: A bachelor degree in Computer Science or equivalent. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Real-time systems, 7,5 hp (DIT161) In the design of real-time systems it is practical to implement the application software as multiple concurrently executing processes, there each process is responsible for a given task in the system. The concept of multiple processes provides for an intuitive way of decomposing a complex system into smaller parts that are simple to comprehend and implement. Förkunskapskrav: Two years of an education aimed at a bachelor degree within Computer Science or equivalent. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU Requirements engineering, 7,5 hp (DIT276) One of the main challenges in software development is to make sure you are developing the right system, to understand the requirements that need to be fulfilled. This is more difficult than it seems. In particular it s hard for real-world, industrial systems where things change frequently, costs have to be kept low and competition is fierce. The focus of this course is how to find and collect requirements from relevant sources both at the start and during a software development project. Förkunskapskrav: The requirement for the course is to have successfully completed two years within the subjects Computer Science, Software Engineering or equivalent. Specifically basic courses in Software Engineering and Programming are required. English B level or English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.5 no part under 5.5 or TOEFL 575 p, TWE score 4.5 is also required. Anm-kod: GU software engineering using Formal Methods, 7,5 hp (DIT270) Formal Methods is a generic term for system design, analysis, and implementation methods that are described and used with mathematical rigour. The purpose is to construct, with high confidence, systems that behave according to their specification. The course introduces practically and theoretically the two most important styles of formal methods for reasoning about software: automatic and interactive methods. Each style is using a particular concrete tool for developing software in that style. Förkunskapskrav: Successfully successfully completed two years studies within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. Skills in object oriented programming (like Java) are a prerequisite. 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