Fakultetsstyrelsen Ekonomihögskolan

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1 Kallelse/dagordning FEH 2014: Fakultetsstyrelsen Ekonomihögskolan FEH 2014: 2 Datum Tid Kaffe serveras från kl samt om e.m. Avbrott för lunch planeras. Plats Förhinder Kalmar, Ny400 Förhinder meddelas Ivana Tomic-Kokic snarast, helst via ivana.tomic-kokic@lnu.se alternativt per tfn Ledamöter Ordinarie Helén Anderson ordförande Anders W Johansson vice ordförande Petter Boye ledamot Helena Forslund ledamot Mats Hammarstedt ledamot Mikael Lundgren ledamot Susanne Sandberg ledamot Barbro Widerstedt extern ledamot Studeranderepr. Emma Neuman doktorandrepresentant Mathias Holst studentrepresentant Linnéa Pankko studentrepresentant Adjungerad Bernana Delic Leif Eriksson Katarina Zambrell Ulrika Bengtsson Verde, kanslichef Helena Mallin, informatör Sekreterare Ivana Tomic-Kokic 1 (3)

2 Dagordning Punkt Ärende 1 Val av justeringsperson att jämte ordföranden justera dagens protokoll Behandling Förslag: Helena Forslund 2 Fastställande av dagordning 3 Anmälan av föregående mötes protokoll INFORMATIONSÄRENDEN 4 Dekanens information 5 Utbildningsrådets information 6 Rekryterings- och kompetensrådets information 7 Studenternas information BESLUTSÄRENDEN 8 Fördelning av programplatser läsåret 2014/2015 för utbildningar på grund och avancerad nivå Dnr: ST 2014/ Föredragande: Katarina Zambrell 9 Externfinansierad tjänst i företagsekonomi Dnr: PA 2014/ PA 2014/ Föredragande: Leif Eriksson Förslag till beslut: att fördela programplatserna läsåret 2014/2015 enligt förslag. Förslag till beslut: att utlysa tjänst som professor respektive tjänst som lektor i företagsekonomi: internationellt företagande särskilt gällande tillväxtmarknader enligt bifogad utlysning att avsätta 250 tkr i tre år som medfinansiering för tjänsten.

3 10 Medfinansiering av Linnaeus University Centre (LNUC) Föredragande: Helén Anderson 11 Utseende av hedersdoktor Föredragande: Helén Anderson 12 Inrättande av Forskningsråd Dnr:2014/ Föredragande: Helén Anderson Förslag till beslut: att om ansökan för Centre for studies of transformations of professional societies (TOPS) beviljas som LNUC, garanterar FEH finansiering motsvarande 15 % forskningstid per år för Karin Jonnergård under fem år. Förslag till beslut: att utse hedersdoktor 2014 enligt förslag. Förslag till beslut: att inrätta ett forskningsråd vars uppgift är att bereda ärenden rörande forskning inför beslut i fakultetsstyrelsen att sammansättningen utgörs av dekan och prodekan, 1-2 ledamöter samt sekreterare/handläggare. ANMÄLNINGSÄRENDEN 13 Anmälan om dekanbeslut om utbildningsplaner FS 11-12/2014 Föredragande: Katarina Zambrell 14 Årsredovisning och Bokslut 2013 Föredragande: Susanne Lindberg och Bernana Delic 15 Organisation och roller Föredragande: Helén Anderson 16 Övriga frågor 17 Mötets avslutande











14 Ärende 8 FEH 2014: Dnr: ST 2014/ Katarina Zambrell Fakultetsstyrelsen Ekonomihögskolan Fördelning av programplatser läsåret 2014/2015 för utbildningar på grund och avancerad nivå Bakgrund Enligt delegationsordningen ska Fakultetsstyrelsen fatta beslut avseende övergripande fördelning av anslagsmedel till utbildning på grund- och avancerad nivå. Utbildningssamordnaren har berett frågan om programplatser i samråd med ledningsgrupp och programansvariga. Förslaget grundas i tidigare beslut i Fakultetsstyrelsen avseende förändringar och nya program, gällande: Ekonomprogrammet on line (nedlagt), Turismekonomprogrammet (ej vårterminsantagning), Civilekonomprogrammet (Marknadsföringsfördjupningen flyttas till Växjö), Ekonomprogrammet inriktning marknadsföring (ny inriktning på kandidatprogrammet i Kalmar), Innovationsmastern (nytt program) samt magister och master i Entreprenörskap (nya program). Argument Förslaget innebär att det planerade antalet studenter på grundnivå minskar med 69 studenter 2014/2015 samt att planerat antal studenter på magister/masternivå ökar med 86 studenter (givet att planeringstalen uppnås). Konsekvenser En fördelning av programplatser inför antagningen av nya studenter utgör basen för hur utbildningsuppdraget för fakulteten ska fördelas. Ett beslut om platsernas fördelning, i kombination med de redan intecknade kurser som innevarande programkullar förutsätter, kommer att utgöra en grund för det utbud varje institution ska erbjuda kommande läsår. Resterande utbildningsuppdrag disponerar respektive prefekt inom ramen för sin tilldelning i budget. Bilagor: 1. Programantagning grundläggande nivå 2014/ förslag 2. Programantagning avancerad nivå 2014/ förslag Förslag till beslut - att fördela programplatserna läsåret 2014/2015 enligt förslag 1 (1)

15 Ärende 8 - Bilaga 1 Programantagning grundläggande nivå 2014/2015, förslag /KZ Blå=förändring. Prog.k od Programbenämning Planeringstal ht 2014 FÖRSLAG Antal platser HT 14 Önskat antal startande HT14 Antal platser 2013 Jämförelse 2013 Jfr 2013 Önskat antal Utfall registrerade ht 2013 Kvar Vt 14 EACEK Civilekonomprogrammet EACEK Civilekonomprogrammet inr mf EGDSM EGEKO Ny inr EGEBD EGHRM EGIBU Detaljhandel och Service Management Ekonomprogrammet, inr redovisning/ ekonomistyrning Ekonomprogrammet, inr marknadsföring Enterprising & Business Development Human Resource Management - personalledning och Inrednings- och butikskommunikation EGPIA Internationella affärer EGISM EGISM EGMFP EGMFP International Sales and Marketing (ordinarie) eng International Sales and Marketing (freemov) eng Marknadsförings progr (ordinarie) eng Marknadsförings progr (freemov) eng (tot) (tot) EGMUM Music & Event Management EGTUR Turismprogrammet Summa Förändring jfr ht EGTEK Turismekonomprogrammet vt vt14: 29 Förändring totalt läsår 14/15 - läsår Ärende 8 - Bilaga 2 PROGRAMANTAGNING avancerad nivå 2014/2015, förslag STUDENT- GRUPP HT 2014 Antal platser Antal reght13 (kvar vt 14, enl.diver) EABP1 EABP1 EABP1 EABP2 EABP2 EACG1 Business Process and Supply Chain Management, magisterprogram Business Process and Supply Chain Management, magisterprogram Business Process and Supply Chain Management, magisterprogram Business Process and Supply Chain Management, masterprogram Business Process and Supply Chain Management, masterprogram Corporate Governance - Accounting and Finance, magisterprogram 60 hp Freemover hp Utbytes hp Svensk Totalt (22) 120 hp Freemover hp Svensk 10 7 Totalt (14) 60 hp Svensk 5 6 Totalt 5 6 (5) EAMF1 Marknadsföring, magisterprogram 60 hp Freemover 7 8

16 EAMF1 Marknadsföring, magisterprogram 60 hp Svensk EAMF1 Marknadsföring, magisterprogram 60 hp Utbytes 3 2 Totalt (29) EAMF2 Marknadsföring, masterprogram 120 hp Freemover 12 9 EAMF2 Marknadsföring, masterprogram 120 hp Svensk 13 9 Totalt (11) Ny Entreprenör 60 hp Freemover 8 Ny Entreprenör 60 hp Utbytes 8 Ny Entreprenör 60 hp Svensk 14 Totalt 30 (25) 0 Ny Entreprenör 120 hp Freemover 5 Ny Entreprenör 120 hp Svensk 5 Totalt 10 (15) 0 Ny Innovationsmastern 120 hp Freemover 4 Ny Innovationsmastern 120 hp Svensk 6 Totalt 10 0 EAIS1 Int.Business Strategy 60 hp Freemover hp Utbytes hp Svensk 10 6 Totalt (17) EALM1 Leadership & Mgmt 60 hp Freemover hp Utbytes hp Svensk 12 6 Totalt (29) EACM1 LIKE 60 hp Svensk 20 6 Totalt 20 5 (6) SUMMA (133)

17 Ärende 9 FEH 2014: Dnr: PA 2014/ Dnr: PA 2014/ Leif Eriksson Fakultetsstyrelsen Ekonomihögskolan Externfinansierad tjänst i företagsekonomi Regionförbundet i Kalmar län och Kalmar Kommun vill stödja vidareutvecklingen av forskning och undervisning inom företagsekonomi: internationellt företagande särskilt gällande tillväxtmarknader (Emerging Markets) genom att ge ekonomiskt stöd för en nyrekrytering till Ekonomihögskolan av en person som kan vidareutveckla fältet och leda forskning inom detta område. Det finns ett uttalat krav att personen förväntas vara placerad vid campus Kalmar. Det ekonomiska stödet är 250 tkr från respektive finansiär i tre år med start när personen finns på plats. Det är i första hand en professor som söks. För att öka möjligheten att rekrytera har överenskommits med finansiärerna att även öppna upp för en senior lektor d.v.s. med docentkompetens att söka. För att detta skall vara genomförbart med hänsyn till gällande anställningsordning behövs två utlysningar. Detta för att göra det möjligt att kunna välja en docentkompetent sökande i stället för en professorskompetent. De externa medlen finansierar ca 30% forskning för en professor. För att göra tjänsten attraktiv att söka behövs garanterad forskningstid på minst 40%. Genom att öka denna forskningstid något ökar samtidigt attraktiviteten i tjänsten. I det fall en etablerad professor anställs finns samtidigt skäl att forskningstiden inte väsentligt överstiger vad som gäller för professorer generellt vid FEH med tanke på att den externa finansieringen är begränsad till tre år. En medfinansiering på 250 tkr innebär att den garanterade forskningstiden för en professor kan beräknas uppgå till ca 45%. I det fall en docentkompetent lektor anställs beräknas en medfinansiering på 250 tkr innebära en forskningstid på ca 65%, vilket skulle göra en sådan tjänst förhållandevis attraktiv. Efter tre års finansiering med externfinansiering förväntas professorn eller lektorn att finansieras på för fakulteten sedvanligt sätt om inte annat dessförinnan överenskommits med externfinansiärerna. 1 (2)

18 Förslag till beslut: - att utlysa tjänst som professor respektive tjänst som lektor i företagsekonomi: internationellt företagande särskilt gällande tillväxtmarknader enligt bifogad utlysning - att avsätta 250 tkr i tre år som medfinansiering för tjänsten. 2 (2)

19 Ärende 9 Bilaga Dnr: PA 2014/ BEFATTNINGSPROFIL Universitetslektor med docentkompetens i företagsekonomi Anställningens omfattning: 100 % Ämnesområde för befattningen: Företagsekonomi, med inriktning internationellt företagande på tillväxtmarknader (emerging markets). Arbetsbeskrivning: Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter är forskning samt undervisning på samtliga nivåer. I anställningen ingår att utveckla ämnesområdet för befattningen på fakulteten, speciellt gällande tillväxtmarknader (emerging markets), att handleda doktorander, att vidareutveckla Centre for International Business Studies on Emerging Markets (CIBEM): leda forskargrupper och nya projekt, söka externa medel och utveckla medarbetares kompetens. Utvecklingen av forskningsmiljön förväntas ske i samverkan med näringsliv och organisationer lokalt, regionalt, nationellt och internationellt. Bedömningsgrunder Behörighetskrav: Doktorsexamen inom ämnesområdet och visad pedagogisk skicklighet. God förmåga att bedriva undervisning och forskning på engelska är ett krav. God dokumenterad samarbetsförmåga samt erfarenhet av att leda framgångsrika forskningsprojekt är ett krav. Som universitetslektor med docentkompetens förväntas vederbörande ansöka om befordran till professor inom ett par år från anställningens början. Andra bedömningsgrunder: Inom CIBEM bedrivs forskning om internationellt företagande med avseende på tillväxtmarknader (emerging markets), inriktad mot framför allt marknadsföring, men även organisation och strategi. Erfarenhet av forskning och undervisning inom dessa företagsekonomiska områden är därför särskilt meriterande. Entreprenörskap är viktigt för Linnéuniversitetet och betonas av Familjen Kamprads stiftelse, som förväntas kunna bli en betydelsefull finansiär för utvecklingen av forskningsmiljön. Erfarenhet av eller intresse för forskning inom ovan nämnda delämnen inom internationellt företagande med koppling till entreprenörskap är meriterande. Meriterande är även visad förmåga att erhålla externa medel samt att publicera i högt rankade internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Forskningsmiljön har stöd av regionen, alltså är visad förmåga att samverka med näringsliv och organisationer en merit. Av innehavaren förväntas hög närvaro på arbetsplatsen. En visad vilja att bosätta sig i Kalmarregionen värderas högt. Avvägning mellan bedömningsgrunder: Vid tillsättningen kommer lika vikt att läggas vid vetenskaplig och pedagogisk skicklighet. Då huvuddelen av fakultetens professorer och docenter är män välkomnas särskilt kvinnliga sökande. Positiv särbehandling kan komma att tillämpas. Placeringsort: Kalmar 1 (2)

20 Upplysningar lämnas av: prefekt, professor Stefan Lagrosen, tfn , eller dekan, professor Helén Anderson, tfn , Frågor om anställningens art besvaras av personalkonsulent Leif Eriksson, tfn Tillstyrkt av fakultetsstyrelsen Beslutad Helén Anderson Dekan 2 (2)

21 Ärende 9 Bilaga Dnr: PA 2014/ BEFATTNINGSPROFIL Professor i företagsekonomi Anställningens omfattning: 100 % Ämnesområde för befattningen: Företagsekonomi, med inriktning internationellt företagande på tillväxtmarknader (emerging markets). Arbetsbeskrivning: Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter är forskning samt undervisning på samtliga nivåer. I anställningen ingår att utveckla ämnesområdet för befattningen på fakulteten, speciellt gällande tillväxtmarknader (emerging markets), att handleda doktorander, att vidareutveckla Centre for International Business Studies on Emerging Markets (CIBEM): leda forskargrupper och nya projekt, söka externa medel och utveckla medarbetares kompetens Utvecklingen av forskningsmiljön förväntas ske i samverkan med näringsliv och organisationer lokalt, regionalt, nationellt och internationellt. Bedömningsgrunder Behörighetskrav: Doktorsexamen inom ämnesområdet och visad pedagogisk skicklighet. God förmåga att bedriva undervisning och forskning på engelska är ett krav. God dokumenterad samarbetsförmåga samt erfarenhet av att leda framgångsrika forskningsprojekt är ett krav. Andra bedömningsgrunder: Inom CIBEM bedrivs forskning om internationellt företagande med avseende på tillväxtmarknader (emerging markets), inriktad mot framför allt marknadsföring, men även organisation och strategi. Erfarenhet av forskning och undervisning inom dessa företagsekonomiska områden är därför särskilt meriterande. Entreprenörskap är viktigt för Linnéuniversitetet och betonas av Familjen Kamprads stiftelse, som förväntas kunna bli en betydelsefull finansiär för utvecklingen av forskningsmiljön. Erfarenhet av eller intresse för forskning inom ovan nämnda delämnen inom internationellt företagande med koppling till entreprenörskap är meriterande. Meriterande är även visad förmåga att erhålla externa medel samt att publicera i högt rankade internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Forskningsmiljön har stöd av regionen, alltså är visad förmåga att samverka med näringsliv och organisationer en merit. Av innehavaren förväntas hög närvaro på arbetsplatsen. En visad vilja att bosätta sig i Kalmarregionen värderas högt. Avvägning mellan bedömningsgrunder: Vid tillsättningen kommer lika vikt att läggas vid vetenskaplig och pedagogisk skicklighet. Då huvuddelen av fakultetens professorer och docenter är män välkomnas särskilt kvinnliga sökande. Positiv särbehandling kan komma att tillämpas. Placeringsort: Kalmar Upplysningar lämnas av: prefekt, professor Stefan Lagrosen, tfn , stefan.lagrosen@lnu.se eller dekan, professor Helén Anderson, tfn (2)

22 , Frågor om anställningens art besvaras av personalkonsulent Leif Eriksson, tfn Tillstyrkt av fakultetsstyrelsen Beslutas Helén Anderson Dekan 2 (2)

23 Ärende 10 FEH 2014: Handläggare: Hanna Sandqvist Ekonomihögskolan Medfinansiering av Linnaeus University Centre (LNUC) Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap (FSV) har inkommit med en förfrågan ( ) till dekan om medfinansiering av Linnaeus University Centre vid FSV. Anledningen är att professor Karin Jonnergård är medsökande till ett LNUC där huvudsökande har sitt säte vid FSV. I Linnaeus University Centres utlysning 2013 (Dnr: FO 2013/ ) framgår att för fakultetsöverskridande miljöer utgörs basfinansieringen för medsökande från annan fakultet av ordinarie fakultetsanslag där forskaren i fråga har sin hemvist. FSV vill därför att FEH garanterar att professor Karin Jonnergård kan använda forskningsmedel beviljade av FEH om ansökan om att bilda LNUC beviljas och gälla under de fem år som beslutet gäller. Karin Jonnergård har tillsammans med övriga medsökande kommit överens om att tjänsteomfattningen för Karins del ska uppgå till 15 % på årsbasis inom LNUC. Förslag till beslut: att om ansökan för Centre for studies of transformations of professional societies (TOPS) beviljas som LNUC, garanterar FEH finansiering motsvarande 15 % forskningstid per år för Karin Jonnergård under fem år. 1 (1)

24 Ärende 10 Bilaga 1 TOPS Centre for studies of transformations of professional society Background, focus and possibilities of future development If the nineteenth century was the cradle of professional associations, the twentieth century saw the development and entrenchment of professional society (Perkin 1989). Established and aspiring professions became the warp and weft of modern society as societal functions were increasingly channelled via the services of professions. In the new world emerging after the Second World War, professionals came to populate both the white-collar private sector and the rapidly growing welfare states. They monitored, performed, and rationalized the complex tasks of large-scale organizations, fulfilled the reform promises of mass education, health services and social amelioration, and controlled and contrived technical solutions. Parallel to this ascent into societal prominence, the professions themselves, and our perception of them, were undergoing change. Throughout the twentieth century, professional and vocational education has been transferred to, and arisen within, the system of higher education, feeding upon and feeding into the increasingly entrenched perception of professions as occupations endowed with academic training (Agevall & Olofsson 2013, 2014). Conversely, if we shift our viewpoint from occupational structure to educational setting, vocational education makes up an increasing share of higher education, measured in terms of students, their study programmes and their teachers. In the words of Eliot Freidson, training credentials are the hinge between two major institutional complexes those organizing the performance of work and those organizing training for that performance (Freidson 2001). Now, in the last few decades, professional society is undergoing new transformations, arguably as momentous as those which happened at its cradle. They are partly to do with the way in which the system of higher education has developed, partly with changes in the conditions and principal modes of organizing the performance of work, and partly with their intersection. In Sweden, the transformation of higher education was accelerated when, in 1977, a political decision transferred virtually all post-secondary education to a formally unified university system, subjecting it to a legal framework according to which all higher education is supposed to rest on science and proven experience. This academization an early one, by international standards has created specific conditions for the relation between higher education and work. At the same time, the professional landscape is also undergoing change (Brante 2013). Sweden has been affected by global currents in recent decades, rearranging task structures and required competencies, relations between professionals and clients, the conditions for maintaining social closure, as well as the structure of inter-professional competition and cooperation. Examples of such changes include developments in the area of biomedicine, new ideals and methods of governance, migration processes, and digitization. In a situation where professions make up per cent of the Swedish labour force (Brante 2010), it is clearly important to understand what is happening to this segment of occupations. The planned Linnaeus University Centre, TOPS (Transformations of Professional Society), represents a concerted effort to conduct research, across a broad spectrum of occupations, on macro and micro level aspects of the transformation of professional society. Professional education and the professions it prepares for are shaped by local structural preconditions, by pressure from global processes, and by new modes of political steering. In 1

25 TOPS, these aspects will be studied under two broad headings Qualifying for professional work and Changing conditions for professional work described in more detail below. In both these areas, TOPS promises to make substantial contributions to the field. Research on professions oscillates between two extremes. On the one hand, research has focused on general aspects of professions, or parts of them, for example expertise, processes of professionalization etc. On the other hand, researchers have tended to limit themselves to specific professions. For disciplinary reasons, researchers from disciplines such as nursing, social work and educational science (naturally) have focused on nurses, social work and teaching. Between these two extremes there is a wasteland of possible comparisons between professions. Therefore, one of the overarching theoretical aims of TOPS is to meet the challenge Andrew Abbott implicitly formulated in Systems of Professions (1988), and later explicitly formulated: research about professions should not be done profession by profession, but turf-zone by turf-zone (Abbott 2010, 184). The majority of the applicants and their collaborators are experienced interdisciplinary researchers due to their commitment in Forum for Research on Professions at Linnaeus University. Researchers from the disciplines of sociology, social work, nursing, business administration, political science and educational science cooperated in that Forum. The centre, along with its main applicants, is composed according to the principle something old, something new, and something borrowed. It builds on a decade of research within the Forum for Research on Professions at Linnaeus University, in which most of the applicants have had some part. Upon this established research environment is grafted a new set of central competencies, areas of expertise, and scientific disciplines. And we borrow from the international research community both by building a tailor-made reference group and by inviting scholars on a regular basis. Qualifying for professional work As Steven Brint has noted, one of the most important changes in American higher education over the last 30 years has been the gradual shrinking of the old arts and sciences core of undergraduate education and the expansion of occupational and professional programs (Brint et al. 2005, 151). This is a global trend. In the Swedish case, it came early and abruptly. Through the 1977 university reform, large-scale, comprehensive academization of vocational education has a longer history in Sweden than in other countries. This makes Sweden a privileged site for international comparisons, at the same time as it makes academization an important aspect of the transformation of professional society in Sweden. A great deal of energy has been expended on academization, while less research has been devoted to the balancing act that professional education has to cope with to make the academic form of knowledge relevant to the profession and to incorporate professional experience in the education. This has changed in the last decade, and the interface between education and profession has become a central field for systematic study (cf. Grimen 2008; Jensen & Lahn 2005; Smeby & Sutphen 2014). What role does academic knowledge play for the individual professional practitioner and for the profession as a whole? How are academic and vocational elements aligned in the organization of professional education? And how do academic conceptions of professional challenges match the day-to-day realities of the practising professional? These and other questions have sprung from the realization that academic knowledge, created and transmitted through research and teaching, does not have a simple relationship to the professional field. The academization of vocational education was motivated partly by an ambition to strengthen and ameliorate professional practice. The relation between research, education and occupation was for a long time regarded as a linear process: research produces knowledge, 2

26 which is transmitted in education, and put into practice in working life. But this unidirectional and linear conception has increasingly been called into question. The three fields research, education, and profession produce knowledge on their own terms, each according to its own specific distinctions, boundaries, and dynamics (Dellgran & Höjer 2001). Professional groups are, in themselves, carriers of important forms of knowledge, which are transmitted formally and informally in the field of practice, independent of the production of academic knowledge. It is therefore problematic to conceive of the relation between them as linear and hierarchical. Some of the applicants, in cooperation with other researchers at Linnaeus and other universities, have contributed to a problematization of the interface between education and occupation. An important future source, apart from the projects already outlined, which are described in more detail below, is the student database that researchers at Linnaeus University have established in collaboration with SPS (Senter for profesjonsstudier) at Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. The database will be an important foundation for future research projects and grant applications. Changing conditions for professional work Traditionally the professions have relied on and gained social status from their constructs of cognitive frameworks. This construct privilege has been challenged by a new type of dirigisme, New Public Management. A common way to describe professional groups is to emphasize that work is autonomous: in the sense that the work is done with a freedom that is regulated by laws and regulations, and in the sense that, within the scope of this freedom, the profession itself defines its aims and the forms by which these can be achieved. The traditional professional autonomy has been challenged, partly by the fact that management by objectives and results has become the norm for more and more professions and occupational groups. The new forms of management have a global spread, but the influence of these management principles has different outcomes depending on the national context. A two-way development has taken place in recent decades. The state has switched from management by rules to management by objectives and results. For this reason the state has changed its method of control by means of an increasingly fine-meshed net of practices to evaluate results and objectives. Another development has been the attraction and threat of the evidence movement, which affects professions in different ways. Central questions are how evaluations with their demands for evidence affect the exercise of the profession in practice, and also how the professional autonomy is affected. During the last two last decade researchers in sociology, political science, social work and in many other disciplines have studied the effects of NPM on the professional systems. Researchers at Linnaeus University have contributed to the understanding of professional work under new conditions. The new dirigisme and the changing expectations for work-outcome, have altered aspects of the traditional models of our understanding of the cognitive frameworks of professions. To this knowledge researchers from Linnaeus University have contributed, with analyses of the dirigisme per se and the effects on specific professional groups. The research on NPM and its effects follows the same patterns as research on professions. One strand focuses on NPM as such, the other focuses on specific professions and the challenges they face. TOPS will give an opportunity for turf-zone analyses. Another aspect, even less noticed by the research community, is that the growth of an audit society, which follows the goal-oriented ideal of NPM, entails the development of vocational groups with their work ethos rooted in the logic of NPM. (See for example project number 6 below). Another major challenge to the professions, as we understand them, is information technology. Information technology, which is an important aspect of the processes of global change, has transformed the conditions for professional work. In many cases the increased 3

27 dependence on new technical (digital) innovations has triggered changes to the institutional conditions of professions. For example, the digitization of many jobs has eliminated some entire occupational categories, while for other occupational groups digitization has created new opportunities, as well as challenges. Many stages of the work have been simplified, but in other cases, more or less unforeseen consequences have resulted. What do the innovations in central spheres of work entail for the professionals identity? Are there professional values and assignments that are lost in this development? Examples of possible research projects during the five-year period Qualifying for professional work Project 1: Between science and occupation: The dilemma of university-based vocational education (Ola Agevall) With the 1977 Swedish university reform, qualification for a number of occupations was formally transferred to the university system. These included nurses, biomedical scientists and occupational therapists in the health sector, and preschool teachers, leisure-time pedagogues and primary to secondary school teachers in the educational sector. Previously situated in special vocational schools, these programmes now came under systemic pressure to become more academic. This entailed elevating the scientific competence of programme teachers, aligning the programme with existing or to-be disciplines that can accommodate bachelor, master and Ph.D. students, and negotiating a new relation between the imperatives of science and working life. Education means preparing students for working life by imparting skills and knowledge requisite for their future job. At the same time, teachers and teaching are pulled into the career patterns, hierarchies and disciplinary orientations of the university system. The project aims to examine how this dilemma evolved and was handled in six vocational programmes, distributed over two niches in the ecology of professions. We collect data on the historical-institutional development of each educational programme We use the resulting database as input for interviews with teachers and planners on the programmes. A questionnaire to a sample of alumni gauges their use of different cognitive elements in their education. (Obvious synergy with project 4, Teachers professional careers, and with project 2a-b). Project 2a: Workplace training in teaching and nursing programmes (Ulla-Karin Nordänger, Per Lindqvist and David Brunt) Based on the experience from the project The practice of failing (Ulla-Karin Nordänger and Per Lindqvist) together with researchers in nursing science under the leadership of David Brunt, the ambition is to build up a stable multi-campus research environment concerning matters related to workplace training which can constitute a basis for national and international research cooperation. This includes assisting with a special drive for workplace training as a field of strength in teacher training at Linnaeus University, and raising the quality of workplace training in other professional programmes at the university. Another ambition is to contribute actively to making workplace training into an arena for exchange and knowledge development between the fields of research, education and working life. (Synergy with Project 2b.) Project 2b: Workplace training in the social work programme (Ulrika Järkestig Berggren). The ambition to assure quality in the working fields of the social services by establishing evidence-based practice has made new demands of professional knowledge in social work. 4

28 User participation is to be assured and the work is intended to be followed up to a greater extent at both individual and group level. Alongside this, different social professions demand different types of specific knowledge together with expectations of the more generic competencies called for in work that is intended to help people. Against this background, the social work programme has recently been critically discussed from the viewpoint of the users and of the state authorities concerned. Questions have been raised about the knowledge base of the education and the competence that new social workers come away with. Workplace training, however, has not been closely studied in terms of the intended learning goals, how these are followed up, and to what extent and in what way they are achieved. There is a lack of knowledge of whether and how theoretical knowledge is integrated with clinical knowledge in this stage. To ascertain to what extent the integration of different forms of knowledge occurs, the study will investigate learning goals and the organization and content of workplace training for students of social work. In addition, the study aims to investigate the views of recently qualified students and employers as to whether the knowledge base from the education corresponds to the demands for the development of professional competence. (Synergy with project 2a). Project 3a: Perspectives, voices and themes. Interrogation reports in police education and practice. Professor Gunilla Byrman, Senior Lecturer Sofia Ask, Senior Lecturer Ewa Bergh Nestlog. The aim of this project is to study police interview reports written by serving police officers and police students. The theoretical premise is Bakhtin s dialogism and critical text and discourse analysis with methods borrowed from classical rhetoric (narration, direct and indirect reporting) and relief analysis (foreground and background). The units of analysis are themes, perspectives and voices, since these categories show how citizens are represented in police interview reports and what textual devices the investigators use in their texts. The aim is to develop linguistic methods that make police interview documentation transparent and secure, for the good of citizens and the judicial system. The project has its base in linguistics but with an interdisciplinary approach that also concerns educational science as well as law and society. In linguistics the project will develop methods, give deeper theoretical knowledge and show how texts carry traces of power, action, interaction and implicit values in linguistic expressions and text structure. The results can give guidance for police students training in writing and for in-service writing training, while also showing linguistic strategies that are efficient for creating transparency, legitimacy and legal security in professional police practice and thereby the handling of police cases in professional judicial practice. Project 3b: (Gunilla Byrman) Forensic linguistics in Växjö is cooperating with the Centre for Forensic Linguistics at Aston University in Birmingham, UK, and with some other countries in Europe, such as Finland, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain, working together with them in the network project Language as Evidence in Law Enforcement to promote practice in forensic linguistics in the countries involved. We will apply for funding within the framework of EU-financed COST programmes. In addition we have established contacts outside the EU, for instance with Fatima-Zahra Lamrani, professor of linguistics at University Mohammed V, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Rabat, Morocco. Her research field is linguistic analyses of discourses in rape cases in Morocco. She has been invited to Linnaeus University in October Project 4: Teachers professional careers (Per Lindqvist and Ulla-Karin Nordänger and Ola Agevall) 5

29 This is a longitudinal study of 87 teachers professional careers starting in In 2014 we start following a new cohort of newly qualified student teachers. The aim is to follow their professional careers for twenty years. In 2014 we start a longitudinal study of newly qualified pedagogues from the programme oriented to after-school leisure centres, here too with the focus on their professional careers. The group is interesting since these leisure-time pedagogues have been given a new dual assignment: an assignment geared towards the traditional activities of the after-school leisure centres before and after school hours, and a commitment to school as teachers of a school subject in years F 6. The professional careers will thus be staged across boundaries in an educational system, in the form of a balancing act between two traditions where institutional rules, collective memories and cultural tools differ. Changed conditions for professional work Project 5: Effects of document management on the profession of university teacher (Karin Jonnergård together with Kristina Genell, Kristianstad University). The idea is to study the Bologna process and the consequences it has had for the everyday work of a university teacher, in the form of detailed study plans. The effects of the new resource distribution systems from the Ministry of Education and the university management will be studied. On a more theoretical level the idea is to study how stable management systems (as regards the content of the work and how it is measured) affect a work situation with demands for constant development. Project 6: Evaluation as a profession (Verner Denvall) Evaluations have become an important element in the development of professional work. There are, however, few studies of evaluators as carriers of a specific competence in the professional system. How is the role of evaluator handled in an evaluation that is supposed to work with projects close to the client and contractor? The project also seeks to investigate how the evaluation concept can be understood theoretically, since it can be understood as both a summative and a formative system of management with an unresearched link between evaluation needs, use and actual management. Project 7: Ethics, technology and profession (Joacim Hansson) The project studies the transformation of the profession of librarian from classical document administration to the mediation of information, based on questions about the interaction between problems of professional ethics and technological development. As one of society s oldest and most institutionalized professions, that of librarian is in the border zone between tradition and innovation in a way that makes analyses applicable at a more general level of profession theory and occupational ethics. The project proceeds from neo-institutional theories and empirically covers two areas within the profession the academic librarian and the public librarian. Ethical issues also concern information ethics, and the tension between individual ethical conviction and action and the guidelines and principles of organization ethics is another example of the type of problems that are analysed in different practical situations. Project 8: Artificially intelligent artefacts and the profession of intermediary (Peter Kåhre) In the project I want to investigate how artificially intelligent artefacts in the form of computer programs change the conditions for knowledge processes by creating qualities which only humans could create in the past. The primary focus is on how this development changes the conditions for the work that has been done, and is still being done, by intermediaries such as librarians. 6

30 The interest is not chiefly in how people can extend their intentional acts through technology. Instead it is about how computers, by communicating with each other with no human involvement, create artefact structures which give parts of the cultural structure that people can use as reference points for their actions. In this way it is a matter of assessing how far learning systems can function independently and what restructuring capacity they have. From that premise, the project also concerns how computer technology affects the teaching professions. Project 9: University teachers: transformations of the key profession (Ola Agevall in collaboration with Gunnar Olofsson and Thomas Brante, Lund University). The modern field of higher education, and within it the corps of university teachers, takes on a dual significance in the context of the broader professional landscape. On the one hand it constitutes a professional field in its own right. On the other hand, the university is now the institution through which the other professions are reproduced. It is with this latter aspect in mind that Harold Perkin characterized the university teacher as a key profession (Perkin, 1969). In this project, we study the professional field of higher education and its transformations in the last forty years, focusing on the case of Sweden in the aftermath of the 1977 university reform. We chart the system-wide effects of the expansion of higher education the de jure and eventually de facto inclusion of virtually all post-secondary education after 1977, associated changes in corps morphology, new patterns of internal differentiation, and changing work conditions. We expect this project to have interesting synergies with projects 5 and 2a-b. Project members are invited to a recently established EU COST program, devoted to peer review processes in academia. The organization and leadership of the research environment The Centre is led by a director, Ola Agevall. The task of the director is to lead and plan the work of the research environment, such as planning and chairing joint seminars, and representing TOPS in national and international scholarly contexts. The director s duties include responsibility for financial accounting vis-à-vis the university management. Each of the two themes has a leader, the position of which will rotate between the participants in the respective theme, for one year at a time. Together with the director, the two theme leaders will develop activities in TOPS based on the overall goals of the research environment. The organization of TOPS is thus reflected by the research orientations. The task of the theme leaders is to lead the development of the respective theme. This responsibility includes taking care of research applications along with the director. TOPS will be an interdisciplinary research milieu, which requires regular and intensive contact between the participants. Priority will therefore be given to the responsibility of the theme leaders for seminar activities. The seminars will consist of internal working seminars and result seminars where the findings of the research environment will be presented to a broader academic audience. Apart from the seminars, there will be workshops in which internationally known researchers will take part with comments on ongoing projects and how they can be developed into new projects. In addition, there are plans to set up an advisory board with international experts who are expected to provide feedback on specific projects, and also to make suggestions for the development of the environment as a whole. Joint results The centre builds on a decade of research within the Forum for Research on Professions (FPF) at Växjö, later Linnaeus University. The majority of the senior applicants (Agevall, Brunt, Byrman, Jonnergård, Lindqvist, and Nordänger) have been involved in the Forum, entering 7

31 the milieu at different junctures. Several tangible results have come out of this platform. In this account, we distinguish between two different kinds of results that have come out of this platform: on the one hand a material-intellectual infrastructure, on the other hand concrete research endeavours and project plans. The former category includes the usual resources that you expect to find in a scholarly milieu, such as a working paper series, seminars, and annual internal LNU workshops, which on average have attracted scholars from different disciplines. This category comprises a number of datasets, built up over the years and serving as a basis for applications for research funding, as well as the creation of a National, later Nordic, network for profession studies. Regarding the second type of results, FPF was from the very outset conducive to research cooperation, yielding several externally funded projects and associated publications. The applicants and many of their colleagues in their own institutional settings thus have experience of cooperating across faculty and subject boundaries, which will benefit TOPS. Some of the projects presented above were started within the framework of FPF and will be further developed in TOPS. These projects have continuously pulled new scholars into profession research. We strongly emphasise this aspect, as it is indicative of the capacity of the professions-oriented research milieu at LNU to regenerate itself over time. For a highlight of joint results, in the sense of scholarly work directly related to TOPS and its subthemes, confer references below, where surnames in recent LNU contributions are printed in bold. Each TOPS participant also has other networks, research interests, and affiliations to draw on. We regard this as a major strength and a constant source of dynamism. The synergetic effects of the research environment and planned cooperation in research Profession studies in Sweden and the other Nordic countries has become an increasingly important sphere in the last decade. The main applicants have contributed to this development, as have their colleagues in the respective institutions. The national network for profession studies (financed by the then FAS and in collaboration with the Centre for Profession Studies (CPS) at Malmö University) was headed by Karin Jonnergård. During the active years of the network, new contacts were established between different research groups in Sweden, with researchers from Linnaeus University as important actors. The national network has been developed into a Nordic network (NORDPRO), with high conference activity (Århus 2012, Oslo 2014) and an English-language journal, Professions & Professionalism. In this context it is worth mentioning the course for doctoral students that researchers at Linnaeus University, together with Lund University and Malmö University, will give about profession theory, starting in autumn 2014, which would not have been possible without these networks. The international status and relevance of the research environment In part, TOPS will be a continuation of FPF, which has a central position in the national and Nordic setting. The respective research teams are well anchored in national and international research networks in their areas of expertise, as reflected in some of the project descriptions above. For more detailed and encompassing information, consult the CVs of the main applicants. Karin Jonnergård was the main applicant and leader of the National Network for Studies of the Professions (funded by FAS). Ulrika Järkestig-Berggren and Ola Agevall are board members in the corresponding Nordic (NORDPRO) and European (ESA RN19) 8

32 research networks. These networks form a rich fund from which to draw an international reference group. Internal and external research funding in TOPS: conditions and strategies for augmenting external funding. As a Linnaeus university centre, TOPS will have the solid and reasonably long-term internal funding it needs to perform efficiently in the competition for external funding. From the outset, the centre will draw on a combination of internal and external funding, as several external projects are running and new applications are underway. It is our distinct impression that the existence of an established research environment has previously brought comparative advantage in the competition for external funding. We anticipate, furthermore, that this will accelerate with the creation of TOPS, due to three factors. First, the concentration effect inherent in the creation of a university centre will facilitate sustained collaboration between scholars otherwise separated by departmental and faculty borders. Apart from the obvious boons e.g. that of improving the conditions for achieving the necessary critical mass such collaboration takes on special significance in the area of profession studies. By engaging in comparative work, while at the same time drawing upon expert knowledge of specific professions, we achieve two things. One is to attain serendipity effects, as problematics discovered in case studies of one profession are rendered identifiable and transportable to other professions. This is illustrated by projects 2a-b above, both originally building on insights gained from studies of teacher education. We anticipate that by thus arranging the context of discovery, TOPS will yield external funding. Beyond heuristics, concentration effects also enable TOPS to meet the demand for comparative and ecological studies. While dominant theories in the field have long insisted on the necessity of studying professions in relation to other professions, empirical inquiries that go beyond a single, isolated profession are still few and far between (Abbott 2010). Comparative work is therefore much in demand, and should be a selling point in the competition for external funding. To achieve this, however, sustained collaboration across disciplines, of the kind offered by TOPS, is needed. Doing comparative work, while retaining in-depth knowledge of specific professions and their educational settings, requires collaborative efforts, which in turn require a setting that allows scholars to overcome disciplinary myopia and misunderstandings. Second, an LNUC makes possible a serious build-up of data infrastructure, particularly, but not exclusively, with regard to longitudinal data sets. We thus get a platform to guarantee that all steps can be taken in the collection of longitudinal data, which is then exploited in applications for external funding. Ulla-Karin Nordänger s project Crossroads (VR, grant no ) is an ongoing, successful example of this strategy, using panel data for a cohort of teachers from their student years in the early 1990s up to the present. We are currently in the process of building several similar resources. Per Lindqvist is cultivating a new panel cohort of teacher students, to replicate the design of Cross-roads. Ola Agevall has submitted an application (Crafoordska stiftelsen) to restore and expand panel data on the 1960 and 1968 cohorts of students at Lund University. There is also ongoing collaboration, with the Senter for profesjonsstudier at Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, to collect comparable Norwegian and Swedish panel data for students and alumni of a large number of vocational education programmes, known as the StudData panel. The first phase of four in this panel was collected in 2012, the second phase is due in 2015, and phases three and four will capture the alumni in working life. The list is not exhaustive, but is rather intended to illustrate the key idea, i.e. to gain long-term positive effects on external funding by building up strategic data bases of various kinds. A number of externally funded projects are currently running, which combined with LNUC funding will aid in producing serendipity effects. 9

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