ZA6286. Flash Eurobarometer 416 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Sweden

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1 ZA686 Flash Eurobarometer 6 (The Charter of Funamental Rights of the European Union, wave ) Country Questionnaire Sween

2 FL6 Charter of Funamental Rights of the EU - SE D Hur gammal är u? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna Q Är u bekant me Europeiska unionens staga om e grunläggane rättigheterna? Ja, och u vet va et är Ja, u har hört om en, men är inte säker på va et är Nej, u har alrig hört talas om en Vet ej/inget svar (LÄS EJ UPP) FL0 Q TREND MODIFIED LÄS UPP: Europeiska unionens staga om e grunläggane rättigheterna efinierar vissa politiska, sociala och ekonomiska rättigheter för EU:s meborgare. Dessa rättigheter beskrivs huvusakligen i sex kapitel som hanlar om frågor såsom värighet, frihet, jämlikhet, soliaritet, meborgarnas rättigheter och rättvisa. För enkelhetens skull använer vi genomgåene termen "staga" i frågeformuläret. Q Tror u att stagan är juriiskt binane? Me anra or, tror u att någon omstol inom EU kan garantera att e rättigheter som finns i stagan respekteras? Ja, efinitivt Ja, troligtvis Nej, troligtvis inte Nej, efinitivt inte Vet ej/inget svar (LÄS EJ UPP) FL0 Q TREND MODIFIED Q Kan u för vart och ett av följane påståenen, säga om u tror att påståenet är sant eller falskt. Stagan är tillämplig (LÄS UPP - ENDAST ETT SVAR PER RAD) (ROTERA) Sant Falskt Vet ej/ej svar (LÄS EJ UPP)

3 På alla åtgärer som vitas inom EU:s institutioner eller organ (t.ex. när EU:s institutioner antar ny lagstiftning) På alla åtgärer som vitas av EU:s melemsstater, äriblan frågor som ingår i en nationella behörigheten På EU-melemsstater enbart när e genomför EUlagstiftning FL0 Q TREND MODIFIED ROTERA KODERNA TILL 6. Qa Tänk ig att u anser att ina rättigheter enligt stagan har kränkts, och u vill lämna in ett klagomål om et. Till vilken institution eller vilket organ skulle u väna ig? I första han? En EU-institution (t.ex. Europeiska kommissionen eller Europaparlamentet) Sveriges regering Polisen i Sverige En omstol i Sverige En ombusman eller ett oberoene organ i Sverige En icke-statlig organisation Annat (LÄS EJ UPP) Ingenstans/u skulle inte lämna in något klagomål (LÄS EJ UPP) Vet ej/inget svar (LÄS EJ UPP) FL0 Qa Om ko 8 eller 9 i Qa, gå till Q Visa inte et svar som ges i Qa om ko till 6 ROTERA KODERNA TILL 6 BEHÅLL SAMMA ROTATION SOM I Qa. Qb Några anra? (LÄS UPP - FLERA SVAR MÖJLIGA) En EU-institution (t.ex. Europeiska kommissionen eller Europaparlamentet) Sveriges regering Polisen i Sverige En omstol i Sverige En ombusman eller ett oberoene organ i Sverige En icke-statlig organisation,,,,, 6,

4 Annat (LÄS EJ UPP) Ingenstans/u skulle inte lämna in något klagomål (LÄS EJ UPP) Vet ej/inget svar (LÄS EJ UPP) 7, 8, 9, FL0 Qb Q För var och en av följane aspekter om stagan, skulle u vara av att få mer information om et, eller inte? (LÄS UPP - ETT SVAR PER RAD) (ROTERA) Mycket Ganska Inte särskilt Inte alls Vet ej/inget svar (LÄS EJ UPP) Vart u ska väna ig om ina rättigheter enligt stagan kränks (t.ex. en behörig omstol eller ett organ som kan ta han om klagomål) Innehållet i stagan, som efinierar ina grunläggane rättigheter som EU-meborgare När stagan är tillämplig och när en inte är et Den historiska och politiska bakgrunen till stagan (när en antogs, av vilka etc.) FL0 Q TREND MODIFIED D Hur gammal var u när u slutae stuera på helti? (OM IP FORTFARANDE STUDERAR, SKRIV '00' - OM IP SAKNAR UTBILDNING, SKRIV '0' - OM IP VÄGRAR, SKRIV '98' - OM IP INTE VET/KOMMER IHÅG, SKRIV '99') Da När et gäller in nuvarane sysselsättning, skulle u säga att u är egenföretagare, tjänsteman, arbetare eller skulle u säga att u är utan yrkesmässig sysselsättning? (ENDAST ETT SVAR) Egenföretagare

5 Tjänsteman Arbetare Utan yrkesmässig sysselsättning Vägrar (LÄS EJ UPP) FRÅGA Db OM EGENFÖRETAGARE, KOD I Da Db Lantbrukare, skogsarbetare, fiskare Affärsinnehavare, hantverkare Praktiserane akaemiker (jurist, läkare, revisor, arkitekt,...) Företagsleare FRÅGA Dc OM TJÄNSTEMAN, KOD I Da Dc Akaemiker (anställ läkare, jurist, revisor, arkitekt) V, irektör eller högsta leningen Annan leane befattning t.ex. avelningschef Offentliganställ Kontorstjänsteman Annan tjänsteman (försäljare, sjuksköterska ) 6 7 FRÅGA D OM ARBETARE, KOD i Da D Lagbas/förman (gruppleare...) Arbetare Outbila arbetare FRÅGA De OM UTAN YRKESMÄSSIG SYSSELSÄTTNING, KOD I Da De Sköter hemmet Stuerane (helti) Pensionär

6 Arbetssökane D I vilket län bor u? (LÄS UPP VID BEHOV ENDAST ETT SVAR) D Skulle u säga att u bor i? Glesbyg eller by En liten eller meelstor sta En stor sta VET INTE (LÄS INTE UPP) D8 Har u en mobiltelefon? (LÄS INTE UPP) Ja Nej D0 Har u en fast telefon? (LÄS INTE UPP) Ja Nej D Om u räknar me ig själv, hur många personer på år eller älre bor å i itt hushåll? (SKRIV NER OM "VET INTE" KOD '98' OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') Antal personer på år eller älre i hushållet

ZA5775. Flash Eurobarometer 340 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5775. Flash Eurobarometer 340 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA77 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (The Charter of Funamental Rights of the European Union) Country Questionnaire Sween EB FLASH 0 - QThe Europeans an the EU Charter of Funamental Rights - SE D Hur gammal är u?

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ZA5775. Flash Eurobarometer 340 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5775. Flash Eurobarometer 340 (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA77 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (The Charter of Funamental Rights of the European Union) Country Questionnaire Finlan (Sweish) EB FLASH 0 - The Europeans an the EU Charter of Funamental Rights - FIS D Hur gammal

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ZA5893. Flash Eurobarometer 375 (European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5893. Flash Eurobarometer 375 (European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA89 Flash Eurobarometer (European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL European Youth - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man

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ZA5968. Flash Eurobarometer 408 (European Youth) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5968. Flash Eurobarometer 408 (European Youth) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA98 Flash Eurobarometer 08 (European Youth) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL08 European Youth SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna D Hur gammal var du när du slutade

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ZA5774. Flash Eurobarometer 339 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5774. Flash Eurobarometer 339 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA577 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (The European Emergency Number, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL9 - - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna SB ROTERAS (OBS DETTA STYR

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ZA5884. Flash Eurobarometer 365 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5884. Flash Eurobarometer 365 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA88 Flash Eurobarometer 6 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH 6 - Citizenship - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna MEDBORGARSKAP

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ZA6652. Flash Eurobarometer 430 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA6652. Flash Eurobarometer 430 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA66 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (European Union Citizenship) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL0 European Union Citizenship SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna MEDBORGARSKAP

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ZA5774. Flash Eurobarometer 339 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5774. Flash Eurobarometer 339 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA577 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (The European Emergency Number, wave 5) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL9 - - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna SB ROTERAS

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ZA5883. Flash Eurobarometer 364 (Electoral Rights) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5883. Flash Eurobarometer 364 (Electoral Rights) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA88 Flash Eurobarometer 6 (Electoral Rights) Country Questionnaire Sweden EB FLASH 6 - Electoral Rights - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna EU-MEDBORGARNAS VALRÄTTIGHETER

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ZA 5798. Flash Eurobarometer 367 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA 5798. Flash Eurobarometer 367 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA 798 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Sweden Building the Single Market for Green Product - SE D Hur gammal är

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ZA5886. Flash Eurobarometer 368 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 6) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5886. Flash Eurobarometer 368 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 6) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA886 Flash Eurobarometer 68 (The European Emergency Number, wave 6) Country Questionnaire Sweden European Emergency Number - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna SB

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ZA5952. Flash Eurobarometer 407 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 20 Years in the EU) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5952. Flash Eurobarometer 407 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 20 Years in the EU) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA9 Flash Eurobarometer 07 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 0 Years in the EU) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL 07-0 years in the EU D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna D

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ZA5887. Flash Eurobarometer 370 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5887. Flash Eurobarometer 370 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 2013) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA887 Flash Eurobarometer 70 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism in 0) Country Questionnaire Sweden Tourism - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna (FRÅGA ALLA) Q

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ZA5952. Flash Eurobarometer 407 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 20 Years in the EU) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5952. Flash Eurobarometer 407 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 20 Years in the EU) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA9 Flash Eurobarometer 07 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 0 Years in the EU) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL 07-0 years in the EU D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man

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ZA5440 Flash Eurobarometer 288 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public Perceptions in the European Union, wave 3)

ZA5440 Flash Eurobarometer 288 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public Perceptions in the European Union, wave 3) ZA5440 Flash Eurobarometer 288 (Monitoring the Social Impact of the Crisis: Public Perceptions in the European Union, wave 3) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Flash 288 FINANCIAL CRISIS D1. Kön [FRÅGA

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ZA5886. Flash Eurobarometer 368 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 6) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5886. Flash Eurobarometer 368 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 6) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA886 Flash Eurobarometer 68 (The European Emergency Number, wave 6) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) European Emergency Number - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man

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ZA6285. Flash Eurobarometer 414 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2015) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA6285. Flash Eurobarometer 414 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2015) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA68 Flash Eurobarometer (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 0) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL TourismFIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna (FRÅGA

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ZA5901. Flash Eurobarometer 386 (The Euro Area, 2013) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5901. Flash Eurobarometer 386 (The Euro Area, 2013) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA90 Flash Eurobarometer 86 (The Euro Area, 0) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH 86 - The Euro Area - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA ALLA

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ZA5943 Flash Eurobarometer 397 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 4)

ZA5943 Flash Eurobarometer 397 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 4) ZA9 Flash Eurobarometer 97 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave ) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL 97 - Consumers - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER

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ZA5889. Flash Eurobarometer 373 (Europeans Engagement in Participatory Democracy) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5889. Flash Eurobarometer 373 (Europeans Engagement in Participatory Democracy) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA889 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Europeans Engagement in Participatory Democracy) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL 7 Participatory Democracy - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man

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ZA5783. Flash Eurobarometer 348 (Energy for All: EU Support for Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5783. Flash Eurobarometer 348 (Energy for All: EU Support for Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA78 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Energy for All: EU Support for Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Sweden EB FLASH 8 - Energy for All - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön

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ZA6778 Flash Eurobarometer 440 (Introduction of the Euro in the Member States That Have Not Yet Adopted the Common Currency)

ZA6778 Flash Eurobarometer 440 (Introduction of the Euro in the Member States That Have Not Yet Adopted the Common Currency) ZA6778 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (Introduction of the Euro in the Member States That Have Not Yet Adopted the Common Currency) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL0 Introduction of the euro SE D Hur gammal är du?

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ZA5785. Flash Eurobarometer 350 (Safety of Services) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5785. Flash Eurobarometer 350 (Safety of Services) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA8 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (Safety of Services) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH 0 - Safety of Services - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna (FRÅGA

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ZA5617. Flash Eurobarometer 334 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism in 2012) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5617. Flash Eurobarometer 334 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism in 2012) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA567 Flash Eurobarometer 334 (Survey on the Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism in 0) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL334 - European's Attitudes towards Tourism - FIS D Hur gammal är ni?

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ZA4816. Flash Eurobarometer 238 (Europeans' Attitudes Towards Animal Cloning) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4816. Flash Eurobarometer 238 (Europeans' Attitudes Towards Animal Cloning) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4816 Flash Eurobarometer 238 (Europeans' Attitudes Towards Animal Cloning) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER ON CONSUMER ATTITUDES TOWARDS ANIMAL CLONING GENERAL BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE

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ZA5783. Flash Eurobarometer 348 (Energy for All: EU Support for Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5783. Flash Eurobarometer 348 (Energy for All: EU Support for Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA78 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Energy for All: EU Support for Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH 8 - Energy for All - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD

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ZA5879. Flash Eurobarometer 361 (Chemicals) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5879. Flash Eurobarometer 361 (Chemicals) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA879 Flash Eurobarometer (Chemicals) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH - Chemicals - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna KEMIKALIER FRÅGA ALLA Q: ROTERA

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ZA5776. Flash Eurobarometer 341 (Gender Inequalities in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5776. Flash Eurobarometer 341 (Gender Inequalities in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA77 Flash Eurobarometer (Gender Inequalities in the European Union) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL - Women in the European Union - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99')

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ZA4727. Flash Eurobarometer 194 (Urban Audit Perception Survey) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4727. Flash Eurobarometer 194 (Urban Audit Perception Survey) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4727 Flash Eurobarometer 194 (Urban Audit Perception Survey) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 194 URBAN AUDIT IN PREDEFINED COUNTRIES, ASK Q0: Q1 Är du generellt sett mycket nöjd, ganska nöjd,

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ZA6784. Flash Eurobarometer 443 (e-privacy) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA6784. Flash Eurobarometer 443 (e-privacy) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA678 Flash Eurobarometer (e-privacy) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL0 MS0 SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna E-integritet FRÅGA ALLA PROG: ROTERA ALTERNATIV TILL

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ZA5563. Flash Eurobarometer 330 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5563. Flash Eurobarometer 330 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA5563 Flash Eurobarometer 330 (Young People and Drugs) Country Questionnaire Sweden EUROBAROMETER 2011 Youth attitudes on drugs D1. Kön [FRÅGA INTE ANGE TILLÄMPLIGT] Man... 1 Kvinna... 2 D2. Hur gammal

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ZA4730. Flash Eurobarometer 206b (EU Transport Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4730. Flash Eurobarometer 206b (EU Transport Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4730 Flash Eurobarometer 206b (EU Transport Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER ON TRANSPORT May 2007 QUESTIONNAIRE Q1. Vilket av följande stämmer in på dig? [KODA FÖRSTA

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ZA6588. Flash Eurobarometer 411 (Cross-border Access to Online Content) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA6588. Flash Eurobarometer 411 (Cross-border Access to Online Content) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA688 Flash Eurobarometer 4 (Cross-border Access to Online Content) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL4 Cross border access to content onlinefis D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99')

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ZA5443. Flash Eurobarometer 294 (European Union Citizenship) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5443. Flash Eurobarometer 294 (European Union Citizenship) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5443 Flash Eurobarometer 294 (European Union Citizenship) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden fflash EUROBAROMETER ON CITIZENSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Q1. Undersökningen handlar om medborgarskap i

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ZA6647. Flash Eurobarometer 425 (Food Waste and Date Marking) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA6647. Flash Eurobarometer 425 (Food Waste and Date Marking) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA667 Flash Eurobarometer (Food Waste and Date Marking) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL Attitudes towards food waste FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna

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ZA6641. Flash Eurobarometer 419 (Quality of Life in European Cities 2015) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA6641. Flash Eurobarometer 419 (Quality of Life in European Cities 2015) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA66 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (Quality of Life in European Cities 0) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL9 - Quality of life in European Cities SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man

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ZA5780. Flash Eurobarometer 345 (Accessibility) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5780. Flash Eurobarometer 345 (Accessibility) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA780 Flash Eurobarometer (Accessibility) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH - Accessibility - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA ALLA Q Har ni

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ZA5212. Flash Eurobarometer 272 (Space Activities of the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5212. Flash Eurobarometer 272 (Space Activities of the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5212 Flash Eurobarometer 272 (Space Activities of the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 272 SPACE SURVEY 2009 Q1. Tror du att rymdprospektering och andra rymdaktiviteter är

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ZA6287 Flash Eurobarometer 418 (Introduction of the Euro in the Member States That Have Not Yet Adopted the Common Currency)

ZA6287 Flash Eurobarometer 418 (Introduction of the Euro in the Member States That Have Not Yet Adopted the Common Currency) ZA687 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Introduction of the Euro in the Member States That Have Not Yet Adopted the Common Currency) Country Questionnaire Sweden Q Har du redan sett? (LÄS UPP - ETT SVAR PER RAD)

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ZA5912. Flash Eurobarometer 382 (Rail and Urban Transport Passenger Satisfaction) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5912. Flash Eurobarometer 382 (Rail and Urban Transport Passenger Satisfaction) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA9 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Rail and Urban Transport Passenger Satisfaction Country Questionnaire Sweden FL 8 - Rail - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99' D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA ALLA

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ZA5206. Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5206. Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5206 Flash Eurobarometer 263 (The Internal Market: Awareness - Perceptions - Impacts) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden SURVEY ON INTERNAL MARKET POLICY 1. GENERAL QUESTIONS Q1. Vad kommer du att

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ZA5899. Flash Eurobarometer 385 (Justice in the EU) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5899. Flash Eurobarometer 385 (Justice in the EU) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA899 Flash Eurobarometer 8 (Justice in the EU) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL 8 - Justice in the EU - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna Flash Eurobarometer

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ZA5882. Flash Eurobarometer 363 (How Companies Influence Our Society: Citizens View) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5882. Flash Eurobarometer 363 (How Companies Influence Our Society: Citizens View) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA88 Flash Eurobarometer (How Companies Influence Our Society: Citizens View) Country Questionnaire Sweden EB FLASH - CSR - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna Da När

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ZA4884 Flash Eurobarometer 248 (Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU a parents' perspective)

ZA4884 Flash Eurobarometer 248 (Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU a parents' perspective) ZA4884 Flash Eurobarometer 248 (Towards a safer use of the Internet for children in the EU a parents' perspective) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden PARENTS OF CHILDREN BETWEEN 6 17 Q0. Hur många barn

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ZA4729. Flash Eurobarometer 199 (Audio Visual Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4729. Flash Eurobarometer 199 (Audio Visual Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4729 Flash Eurobarometer 199 (Audio Visual Policy) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FL-199 Audio Visual Policy D2. Hur gammal är du? [_][_] år [00] [AVBÖJANDE/INGET SVAR] [END INTERVIEW] D1. Kön

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ZA4887. Flash Eurobarometer 253 (Survey on tobacco) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4887. Flash Eurobarometer 253 (Survey on tobacco) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4887 Flash Eurobarometer 253 (Survey on tobacco) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 253 SURVEY ON TOBACCO Smoking behaviour Q1 Beträffande cigarett, cigarr eller piprökning, vilka av följande

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ZA5222. Flash Eurobarometer 287 (Influenza H1N1) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5222. Flash Eurobarometer 287 (Influenza H1N1) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5222 Flash Eurobarometer 287 (Influenza H1N1) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 287 INFLUENZA Q1. Avser du att vaccinera dig mot vanlig influensa i år? Ja, jag är redan vaccinerad... 1 Ja,

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ZA5442. Flash Eurobarometer 292 (Electoral Rights of EU Citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5442. Flash Eurobarometer 292 (Electoral Rights of EU Citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5442 Flash Eurobarometer 292 (Electoral Rights of EU Citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER ON ELECTORAL RIGHTS FOR CITIZENS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Jag skulle vilja fråga

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ZA5946. Flash Eurobarometer 405 (The Euro Area, October 2014) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5946. Flash Eurobarometer 405 (The Euro Area, October 2014) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA96 Flash Eurobarometer 0 (The Euro Area, October 0) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL0 The euro areafis D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA ALLA Q Tycker

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ZA5779. Flash Eurobarometer 344 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Water related Issues) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5779. Flash Eurobarometer 344 (Attitudes of Europeans towards Water related Issues) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA779 Flash Eurobarometer (Attitudes of Europeans towards Water related Issues) Country Questionnaire Sweden EB FLASH - Water - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna

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ZA 5798 Flash Eurobarometer 367 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products)

ZA 5798 Flash Eurobarometer 367 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) ZA 798 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Attitudes of Europeans towards building the single market for green products) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FRÅGA De OM UTAN YRKESMÄSSIG SYSSELSÄTTNING, KOD I Da

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ZA6651. Flash Eurobarometer 429 (The Euro Area, October 2015) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA6651. Flash Eurobarometer 429 (The Euro Area, October 2015) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA66 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (The Euro Area, October 0) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL9 - The euro area FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA ALLA Q

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ZA4881. Flash Eurobarometer 241 (Information society as seen by EU citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4881. Flash Eurobarometer 241 (Information society as seen by EU citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4881 Flash Eurobarometer 241 (Information society as seen by EU citizens) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 241 INFORMATION SOCIETY Q1. Jag kommer att läsa upp en lista med fritidsaktiviteter.

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ZA5790. Flash Eurobarometer 355 (Space Activities) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5790. Flash Eurobarometer 355 (Space Activities) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA790 Flash Eurobarometer (Space Activities) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) EB FLASH - Space Activities - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA ALLA Q

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ZA4812. Flash Eurobarometer 232 (Discrimination in the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4812. Flash Eurobarometer 232 (Discrimination in the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4812 Flash Eurobarometer 232 (Discrimination in the European Union) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER 232 I följande frågor, kommer du att tillfrågas om din syn på diskriminering.

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ZA5909. Flash Eurobarometer 398 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5909. Flash Eurobarometer 398 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA909 Flash Eurobarometer 98 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL 98 - Working Conditions - SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna Da När det gäller din

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ZA5465. Flash Eurobarometer 314 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5465. Flash Eurobarometer 314 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5465 Flash Eurobarometer 314 (The European Emergency Number 112, wave 4) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden European emergency number 112 February 2011. Q1. Skulle du kunna säga mig vilket telefonnnummer

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ZA5615 Flash Eurobarometer 332 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 2)

ZA5615 Flash Eurobarometer 332 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 2) ZA6 Flash Eurobarometer (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave ) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL - FIS Konsumenters inställning till gränsöverskridande

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ZA5473. Flash Eurobarometer 313 (User Language Preferences Online) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5473. Flash Eurobarometer 313 (User Language Preferences Online) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA5473 Flash Eurobarometer 313 (User Language Preferences Online) Country Questionnaire Sweden Flash Eurobarometer User language preferences online S1. Under de senaste fyra veckorna, hur ofta har du använt

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ZA4737. Flash Eurobarometer 226 (Data Protection - Data Controllers Perceptions) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4737. Flash Eurobarometer 226 (Data Protection - Data Controllers Perceptions) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4737 Flash Eurobarometer 226 (Data Protection - Data Controllers Perceptions) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FL226 Data Protection, B2B Questionnaire God Morgon / God dag, mitt namn är (intervjuarens

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ZA5905. Flash Eurobarometer 392 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2014) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5905. Flash Eurobarometer 392 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 2014) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA90 Flash Eurobarometer 9 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, 0) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL 9 - Preferences of Europeans towards tourism - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM

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ZA4981. Flash Eurobarometer 250 (Confidence in Information society) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4981. Flash Eurobarometer 250 (Confidence in Information society) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4981 Flash Eurobarometer 250 (Confidence in Information society) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Citizens' confidence in the Information Society Flash Eurobarometer Q1. I genomsnitt, hur ofta använder

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ZA4891. Flash Eurobarometer 266 (Women and European elections) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4891. Flash Eurobarometer 266 (Women and European elections) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4891 Flash Eurobarometer 266 (Women and European elections) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 266 WOMEN AND EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Demographics D1. Kön [1] Man [2] Kvinna D2. Hur gammal är du?

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ZA4889. Flash Eurobarometer 258 (Attitudes of Europeans towards tourism) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4889. Flash Eurobarometer 258 (Attitudes of Europeans towards tourism) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4889 Flash Eurobarometer 258 (Attitudes of Europeans towards tourism) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Eurobarometer FLASH- 258 D2. Hur gammal är du? [_][_] år [ 9 9 ] [AVBÖJANDE/INGET SVAR] On

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ZA5909. Flash Eurobarometer 398 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5909. Flash Eurobarometer 398 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA909 Flash Eurobarometer 98 (Working Conditions) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL98 Working Conditions - FIS D Hur gammal är ni? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna FRÅGA DCDE

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ZA5615. Flash Eurobarometer 332 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5615. Flash Eurobarometer 332 (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave 2) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA6 Flash Eurobarometer (Consumer Attitudes Towards Cross-border Trade and Consumer Protection, wave ) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL - SE Konsumenters inställning till gränsöverskridande handel och konsumentskydd

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ZA4736. Flash Eurobarometer 225 (Data Protection - General Public) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4736. Flash Eurobarometer 225 (Data Protection - General Public) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4736 Flash Eurobarometer 225 (Data Protection - General Public) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FL225 Data Protection, General Population Questionnaire Q1. Olika privata och offentliga organisationer

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ZA4984. Flash Eurobarometer 257 (Views on European Union enlargement) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4984. Flash Eurobarometer 257 (Views on European Union enlargement) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4984 Flash Eurobarometer 257 (Views on European Union enlargement) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 257 ENLARGEMENT År 1989, förenades Central och Östeuropeiska länder efter Sovjetunionens

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ZA4813. Flash Eurobarometer 233 (Young People and Drugs) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4813. Flash Eurobarometer 233 (Young People and Drugs) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4813 Flash Eurobarometer 233 (Young People and Drugs) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FL233 - Youth, attitudes and drugs D1. Kön [FRÅGA INTE - ANGE TILLÄMPLIGT] - [1]...Man - [2]...Kvinna D2. Hur

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ZA4535. Flash Eurobarometer 188 Consular Protection and Family Law. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4535. Flash Eurobarometer 188 Consular Protection and Family Law. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4535 Flash Eurobarometer 188 Consular Protection and Family Law Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Flash 188 : Family law & Consular protection D(7599) DG JAI 2006, Draft Questionnaire v2.1 INTRO.

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ZA4880. Flash Eurobarometer 239 (Young people and science) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4880. Flash Eurobarometer 239 (Young people and science) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4880 Flash Eurobarometer 239 (Young people and science) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 239 YOUNG PEOPLE AND SCIENCE D1. Kön [FRÅGA INTE - ANGE TILLÄMPLIGT] Man...1 Kvinna...2 D2. Hur gammal

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ZA4526. Eurobarometer 66.1. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4526. Eurobarometer 66.1. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA6 Eurobarometer 66. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden A Projektnummer (0-0) EB6. A B Landskod (06-07) EB6. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB6. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) EB6. D E Version ROTERAS

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ZA5964. Eurobarometer 83.1. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5964. Eurobarometer 83.1. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA596 Eurobarometer 8. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) A Projektnummer EB8. A B Land EB8. B C EB projektnummer EB8. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) EB8. D QuestioEB8COMMcompletFIS /8 0/0/05 Q Vilken

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ZA4879. Flash Eurobarometer 236 (Citizens' perceptions of fraud and the fight against fraud in the EU27) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4879. Flash Eurobarometer 236 (Citizens' perceptions of fraud and the fight against fraud in the EU27) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4879 Flash Eurobarometer 236 (Citizens' perceptions of fraud and the fight against fraud in the EU27) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER D1. Kön [FRÅGA INTE - ANGE TILLÄMPLIGT]

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ZA5223. Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5223. Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5223 Flash Eurobarometer 290 (Attitudes of Europeans Towards the Issue of Biodiversity, wave 2) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 290 BIODIVERSITY Q1. Har du hört talas om biologisk mångfald?

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ZA5888. Flash Eurobarometer 372 (Women in Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5888. Flash Eurobarometer 372 (Women in Developing Countries) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA888 Flash Euobaomt 7 (Womn in Dvloping Countis) County Qustionnai Swdn FL 7 Womn in dvloping countis - SE D Hu gammal ä du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna Euopés åsikt om situationn

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ZA5930. Eurobarometer 82.1. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5930. Eurobarometer 82.1. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA590 Eurobarometer 8. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) B Land (0-0) EB8.5 B C EB projektnummer (0-05) EB8.5 C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (06-) EB8.5 D EB08FISTRA / 9/09/0 Q: KOD 9 KAN INTE VARA

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ZA5612. Eurobarometer 77.3. Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5612. Eurobarometer 77.3. Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA6 Eurobarometer 77. Country Questionnaire Sweden A Projektnummer (0-0) EB77. A B Landskod (06-07) EB77. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB77. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) E EB77. D ROTERAS (OBS DETTA

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ZA4453. Flash Eurobarometer 189a White Paper on Communication - Public at large. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4453. Flash Eurobarometer 189a White Paper on Communication - Public at large. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4453 Flash Eurobarometer 189a White Paper on Communication - Public at large Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Flash EB 189 White Paper on Communication Questionnaire Public at large God morgon/eftermiddag,

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ZA4546. Flash Eurobarometer 206A Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4546. Flash Eurobarometer 206A Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4546 Flash Eurobarometer 206A Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER ON ENERGY PACKAGE Q1. Är klimatförändring och global uppvärmning

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ZA4890. Flash Eurobarometer 261 (Flash eurobarometer on water) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4890. Flash Eurobarometer 261 (Flash eurobarometer on water) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4890 Flash Eurobarometer 261 (Flash eurobarometer on water) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 261 WATER Q1. Hur informerad känner du dig angående de problem om sjöar, floder och kustvatten

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ZA5914. Eurobarometer 81.3. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA5914. Eurobarometer 81.3. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA59 Eurobarometer 8. Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) B Land (0-0) EB8. B C EB projektnummer (0-05) EB8. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (06-) EB8. D EB08FISTRA / /0/0 Q: KOD 9 KAN INTE VARA DET

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ZA5215. Flash Eurobarometer 278 (Business Attitudes towards Enforcement and Redress in the Internal Market) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5215. Flash Eurobarometer 278 (Business Attitudes towards Enforcement and Redress in the Internal Market) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5215 Flash Eurobarometer 278 (Business Attitudes towards Enforcement and Redress in the Internal Market) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Flash 278 Business attitudes towards enforcement and redress

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ZA4893. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4893. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4893 Flash Eurobarometer 212 (Attitudes towards the planned EU pilot project "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" Trainers and counsellors of start-up organisations) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

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ZA4722. Flash Eurobarometer 187 (Innobarometer 2006) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4722. Flash Eurobarometer 187 (Innobarometer 2006) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4722 Flash Eurobarometer 187 (Innobarometer 2006) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Flash Innobarometer 2006, Draft Questionnaire v21 SELECTION OF THE ELIGIBLE RESPONDENT SC0. Hej / God middag /

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ZA6779. Flash Eurobarometer 441 (European SMEs and the Circular Economy) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA6779. Flash Eurobarometer 441 (European SMEs and the Circular Economy) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA779 Flash Eurobarometer (European SMEs and the Circular Economy) Country Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) FL European SMEs and the Circular Economy - FIS Da Hur många anställda (motsvarande heltid) har

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ZA4980. Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers views on switching service providers) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4980. Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers views on switching service providers) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4980 Flash Eurobarometer 243 (Consumers views on switching service providers) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH EUROBAROMETER Questionnaire D1. Kön [FRÅGA INTE - ANGE TILLÄMPLIGT] [1] Man [2]

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ZA6585. Flash Eurobarometer 421 (Internationalisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA6585. Flash Eurobarometer 421 (Internationalisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA Flash Eurobarometer (Internationalisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) Country Questionnaire Sweden A Flash number FL A B Landskod FL B C Intervjunummer (löpnummer) FL C NACE NACE-kod (sample-information)

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ZA4231. Eurobarometer 62.2. Agricultural Policy, Development Aid, Social Capital, Information and Communication Technology

ZA4231. Eurobarometer 62.2. Agricultural Policy, Development Aid, Social Capital, Information and Communication Technology ZA Eurobarometer 6. Agricultural Policy, Development Aid, Social Capital, Information and Communication Technology Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) A Projektnummer (0-05) EB6. A B Landskod

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ZA4743. Eurobarometer 69.1. Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA4743. Eurobarometer 69.1. Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA7 Eurobarometer 69. Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) A Projektnummer (0-05) EB68. A B Landskod (06-07) EB68. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB68. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) EB68.

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ZA4230. Eurobarometer 62.1. The Future of the European Union, Vocational Training, Environment, IT at Work, and Public Services

ZA4230. Eurobarometer 62.1. The Future of the European Union, Vocational Training, Environment, IT at Work, and Public Services ZA0 Eurobarometer 6. The Future of the European Union, Vocational Training, Environment, IT at Work, and Public Services Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) A Projektnummer (0-0) 6 6 0 EB6.0

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ZA5209. Flash Eurobarometer 269 (Intergenerational Solidarity) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5209. Flash Eurobarometer 269 (Intergenerational Solidarity) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA5209 Flash Eurobarometer 269 (Intergenerational Solidarity) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden FLASH 269 Jag skulle vilja ställa några frågor angående relationen mellan de olika generationer som utgör

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ZA4527. Eurobarometer 66.2. Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish)

ZA4527. Eurobarometer 66.2. Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) ZA7 Eurobarometer 66. Country Specific Questionnaire Finland (Swedish) A Projektnummer (0-0) EB6. A B Landskod (06-07) EB6. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB6. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) EB6. D EB066FISTRA

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ZA4976. Eurobarometer 72.2. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4976. Eurobarometer 72.2. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA976 Eurobarometer 7. Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden A Projektnummer (0-0) EB7. A B Landskod (06-07) EB7. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB7. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) EB7. D EB07SEXTRA

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VAD TYCKER DE ÄLDRE OM ÄLDREOMSORGEN? - SÄRSKILT BOENDE I HÖGANÄS KOMMUN 2013 SÄRSKILT BOENDE - 2013 1 (13) VAD TYCKER DE ÄLDRE OM ÄLDREOMSORGEN? Vad tycker de äldre om äldreomsorgen är en rikstäckande undersökning av äldres uppfattning om kvaliteten i hemtjänst och äldreboenden.

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ZA5687. Eurobarometer 79.1. Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5687. Eurobarometer 79.1. Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA5687 Eurobarometer 79. Country Questionnaire Sweden A Projektnummer (0-05) EB78. A B Landskod (06-07) EB78. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB78. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) EB78. D EB079SEXTRA /7

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ZA6654. Flash Eurobarometer 432 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, January 2016) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA6654. Flash Eurobarometer 432 (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, January 2016) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA66 Flash Eurobarometer (Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism, January 06) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL Tourism SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna (FRÅGA ALLA)

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ZA4735. Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Biodiversity) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden

ZA4735. Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Biodiversity) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden ZA4735 Flash Eurobarometer 219 (Biodiversity) Country Specific Questionnaire Sweden Flash Eurobarometer on biodiversity Flash 219 questionnaire Q1. Känner du till termen biologisk mångfald? [ENDAST ETT

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ZA5878. Eurobarometer 81.1. Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA5878. Eurobarometer 81.1. Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA5878 Eurobarometer 8. Country Questionnaire Sweden A Projektnummer (0-05) EB80. A B Landskod (06-07) EB80. B C EB projektnummer (08-0) EB80. C D Intervjunummer (löpnummer) (-6) EB80. D EB08SEXTRA / /0/0

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ZA6775. Flash Eurobarometer 437 (Internet Users Preferences for Accessing Content Online) Country Questionnaire Sweden

ZA6775. Flash Eurobarometer 437 (Internet Users Preferences for Accessing Content Online) Country Questionnaire Sweden ZA77 Flash Eurobarometer 7 (Internet Users Preferences for Accessing Content Online) Country Questionnaire Sweden FL7 SE D Hur gammal är du? (SKRIV NER OM "VÄGRAR" KOD '99') D Kön Man Kvinna DEMOGRAFI

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