Reg. No. 2004:87au School of Social Sciences COURSE SYLLABUS Basic Course in Social Science, 40 points Course Code Date of decision Valid from PAL500 2004-12-15 2005-01-17 Language of instruction Subject Swedish Social Science and Behavioural Science Swedish points 40 ECTS credits 60 Level 1-40 Type of course Prerequisites The course constitutes the first year studies in the Human Resource Management Programme. For admission to the course it is required to be accepted to the Human Resource Management Programme 1 (7)
Course objectives The aim of the course is to give knowledge from a labour market and working life perspective of society organization and instruments of control the public administration the organizations of industry and commerce, and labour market the basics of national public economy stabilization policy goals, target conflicts, and welfare theory the labour market development and functions social and behavioural science research and investigation methods with statistics elementary science theory basic theoretical knowledge of the behavioural science field with emphasis on staff and working life issues knowledge of the relationship between and the interaction between individual, group, organization, society knowledge of psychosocial issues abilitity to elucidate change aspects from individual, group, organization, and society perspective ability to analyse and understand various problems in working life learning at work and in-service training issues Course contents The course comprises the following modules Module 1. Introduction, 1 point Introduction to the study programme and to university studies, study technique and group project educational methodology. Presentation of sponsor enterprises. Information of what personnel work implies. Module 2. Organization and Human Resource Management, 5 points The course module is meant to constitute an introduction to the study programme Personnel and working life. The purpose is to let the student get into contact with organization and personnel issues in a comprehensive and introductory way. Through this introduction the student will be given certain basic cognitive abilities but also a more general idea of what organization management and development/dynamics may imply. Module 3. Introduction to Methodology, 5 points An orientation of principles and applications within social science research. The basics of qualitative and quantitative data collection, adaptation and analysis and practical application through laboratory work. Elementary science theory and scientific method with application to knowledge and research of working life in a historical, social group and individual perspective. 2 (7)
Module 4. Sociology, 7 points A survey of sociological and sociopsychological basic concepts and theories. The basic features of some comprehensive theory traditions. Applications to Swedish society structure and society change. The connections individual - group/organization society are elucidated as well as equality of opportunity issues. The module also gives an introduction to working life sociology. Module 5. Psychology, 7 points The module gives a survey of the basic theoretical concepts and various research fields, our basic motives and emotions, among other things work motivation and work satisfaction. Other sectors dealt with are test theory, personality psychology (e.g. in terms of choice and recruiting), stress in working life, creativity/decision making, people in crisis and conflict handling etc. Furthermore psychological research tradition and its most representative methods and tools are treated to achieve knowledge within the respective fields. An opportunity also occurs to carry out an empiric data collection within the frame of a minor work psychology study. In connection with this also basic knowledge of written documentation, inclusive of literature searching, is given. Module 6. Economics and Labour Market, 4 points Swedish economic development in the 20 th century. Basic macroeconomic concepts. The connections between the goods market, labour market, money market and foreign exchange market. The goals and tools of fiscal, monetary, foreign exchange, and labour market policy. Current issues in stabilization policy. Orientation of Sweden in the international economy. Module 7. Pedagogics, 7 points Education issues in a historical and social perspective focused on the Swedish education system related to working life and life-long learning. In-service training and staff education. Various education and teaching models in theory and practice. Laboratory items in the form of holding a lesson by oneself or corresponding. Applicatory task of in-service training efforts within a company. Module 8. Politics and Government, 4 points The course will give the students comprehensive knowledge of the organization role and interaction of the various social institutions and private organizations, from a macro as well as a micro perspective. The macro perspective connects to EU and its role related to parliament and regions/communes. The macro perspective furthermore treats the changed role of the legislation and budget preparation from out of concepts as management by goals, decentralization, delegation and framework legislation. 3 (7)
The micro perspective emphasizes municipal, county authority, and national local institutions; partly organization, role and development, partly the connection with the central government institutions and EU. Concepts as liberty of the press versus secrecy and their application are dealt with from various perspectives. Teaching methods The teaching comprises classroom teaching, group exercises, laboratory work and guest lectures. Participation in group exercises and laboratory work is mandatory. Required reading Module 1. Introduction, 1 point Angelöw, Bo Hedman, Thomas Module 2. Jacobsen, D I Thorvik, J Sandberg, J Targama, A Svedberg, L Module 3 Dannefjord, Per Riencker, L & Stray Jörgensen, P Rosengren, K E Arvidsson, P Stukàt, S Konsten att lyckas med sina studier. Natur och Kultur 1995 Informationssökning för samhällsvetare och humanister. Studentlitteratur 1997 Stencilmaterial Organization and Human Resource Management, 5 points Hur moderna organisationer fungerar. Studentlitteratur, senaste upplagan. Ledning och förståelse. Studentlitteratur, 1998 Gruppsykologi. Studentlitteratur, senaste upplagan Introduction to Methodology, 5 points Metod och problem en inledning till sociologisk analys. Växjö universitet, Inst för samhällsvetenskap, 1999 Att skriva en bra uppsats. Liber 2002 Sociologisk metodik. Malmö, Liber 2002 (delar av) Statistikens grunder. Studentlitteratur 115 500 175 34 435 4 (7)
Required reading Module 4. Sociology, 7 points Bauman, Z Angelöw, B Jonsson, T Hansen, L H, Orban, P (red) Att tänka sociologiskt Korpen 1990 Introduktion till socialpsykologi. Studentlitteratur Arbetslivet. Studentlitteratur, 2002 290 290 460 Månsson, Per Sennett,R De Swaan Båten i parken. Rabén o Sjögren, 1985 När karaktären krackelerar. Atlas, 1999 Mänskliga samhällen. Arkiv förlag, 2003 130 220 160 Module 5. Hammarlund, C-O Hilmarsson, Hilmar T H Kaufmann, G, Kaufmann, A de Klerk, A Psychology, 7 points, 7 points Bearbetande samtal. Natur och Kultur, 2001 Samtalet med känslomässig intelligens. Studentlitteratur, 1999 Psykologi i organisation och ledning. Studentlitteratur 1998 Att hantera konflikter i arbete och grupp. Timbro, 1991 215 508 200 Referenslitteratur: Granberg, O Module 6. Eklund, K Sandelin, L Södersten, B (red) PA - OU. Natur och Kultur 1994 Economics and labour market, 4 points Vår ekonomi. Tiden. Senaste uppl. (Kap 1, 6-19) Den svenska ekonomin. En översikt av utvecklingen. Rabén & Sjögren senaste uppl Marknad och politik. Dialogos. Senaste uppl. Stenciler 400 200 25 5 (7)
Required reading Delkurs 7. Pedagogics, 7 points Ellström, Per-Erik, Gustavsson, Bernt & Larsson, Staffan (red) Fritzell, Christer Granberg, O Lundmark, A Pommer Nilsson, Peter Sandberg, Jörgen & Targama, Axel Livslångt lärande. Studentlitteratur, 1996 Om pedagogikens värdeorientering och integrativa uppgifter. Installationsföreläsning vid Växjö universitet, 1999 PAOU Personaladministration och organisationsutveckling. (Sjunde utgåvan) Natur och Kultur, 2003 Valda delar: kap 1, 3-5, 8-13, 15 samt 17-19 Utbildning i arbetslivet. Studentlitteratur, Lund 1998 En introduktion till pedagogik i arbetslivet. Umeå: Pedagogiska institutionen Ledning och förståelse. Ett kompetensperspektiv på organisationer. Lund: 1998, Valda delar * Självvald litteratur i anslutning till laborativa moment och tillämpningsuppgift som väljes i samråd med examinator *) Denna bok ingår också på delkurs 2 300 4 430 80 80 200 Module 8 Citron, Britt-Marie Eriksson, K Eriksson, M Halvarsson, Arne Hasselberg, Ylva Politics and Government, 4 poäng Sölve & Co. Korruptionsskandalen i Motala. Norstedts. 1999 Kön har ingen betydelse men könsblandningen är bra : Könsgöranden i två professionella sammanhang, KvT nr 1, s 53-72 (2002) Sveriges statsskick. Almqvist och Wiksell. 2000 Vem vill leva i nätverkssamhället? Tidskriften Tvärsnitt 2001/4. Tillhandahålles av inst. 185 20 13 Lindgren, G Broderskapets logik, KvT nr 1 s 4-14 (1996) 11 6 (7)
Required reading Lundquist, Lennart Demokrati kräver ämbetskurage. Tidskriften Socialpolitik nr 4-5 1998, s 24-26 Tillhandahålles av inst. 3 Magnusson, E Jag har faktiskt aldrig lidit av att vara kvinna, KvT 1, sid 30-46 (1996) nr 17 Petersson, Olof Rothstein, Bo (red) Vad är en rättsstat? Ur: Rättsstaten. Frihet, Rättssäkerhet och Maktdelning i dagens politik. 1996. Publica Tillhandahålles av inst Politik som organisation. Förvaltningspolitikens grundproblem. 2000 14 Assessment methods The assessment of the student achievements is carried out in form of written and/or oral tests after each module. The assessment may also completely or partly be compensated by continous examination in connection with the teaching. To pass the course it is required to pass the laboratory work. For students who have not passed at the ordinary test occasion a renewed test will be arranged in close connection with the ordinary test occasion. Type of grades When grading one of the marks Pass with distinction, Pass or Fail will be used. Credit overlap Study certificate Other information 7 (7)