Application 1 / 89. Gymnastik och Idrottshögskolan. Information about project leader. Information about application. Funds applied for.

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1 Application Information about project leader Gymnastik och Idrottshögskolan Name: Håkan Larsson Birthdate: Gender: Male Doctorial degree: Academic title: Professor Employer: Gymnastik och Idrottshögskolan Administrating organisation: Gymnastik och Idrottshögskolan Project site: Institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap Information about application Call name: Research Grants Open call 2017 (Educational Sciences) Type of grant: Doctoral Programme Grant Focus: Undirected Call for proposals subject area: ES Project title (english): Doctoral programme in Physical Education Didactics for Teacher Educators Project start: Review panel applied for: UV-FOSK1 Project end: Classification code: Didactics incl. General and Subject Didactics Keywords: Physical education didactics, Teacher education, Teaching, Learning, Challenging traditions Funds applied for Year: Amount: Participants 2018 Name: Tomas Peterson Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Name: Suzanne Lundvall Birthdate: Gender: Female Country:Sweden ,819 1,791 2,011 1,999 Doctorial degree: Academic title: Professor Employer: Malmö Högskola Doctorial degree: Academic title: Docent Employer: Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan Name: Jesper Andreasson Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Name: Josef Fahlén Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Name: Henrik Gustafsson Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Doctorial degree: Academic title: Docent Employer: Linnéuniversitetet Doctorial degree: Academic title: Docent Employer: Umeå universitet Doctorial degree: Academic title: Docent Employer: Norges idrettshøgskole 1 / 89

2 Name: Gunn Nyberg Birthdate: Gender: Female Country:Sweden Name: Mikael Quennerstedt Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Name: Urban Johnson Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Name: Claes Annerstedt Birthdate: Gender: Male Country:Sweden Doctorial degree: Academic title: Docent Employer: Högskolan Dalarna Doctorial degree: Academic title: Professor Employer: Örebro universitet Doctorial degree: Academic title: Professor Employer: Högskolan i Halmstad Doctorial degree: Academic title: Doktor Employer: No current employer 2 / 89

3 Descriptive data Project title (Swedish)* Forskarskola i idrottsdidaktik för lärarutbildare Project title (English)* Doctoral programme in Physical Education Didactics for Teacher Educators Abstract (English)* This application concerns a doctoral programme for physical education and health (PEH) didactics in teacher education. It springs from a joint collaboration between all the nine Swedish universities with physical education teacher education (PETE). Physical education and health didactics is one sub-area within the four areas that are especially highlighted in the call. Since research into PEH didactics has grown in recent years, and while subject specific didactics within physical education teacher education (PETE) is still a largely unexplored area, the nine universities with PETE have decided to join in an effort to establish a graduate school of PETE didactics. The decision to focus on PETE is also related to both the Swedish Schools Inspectorate s and the Swedish government s criticism of the quality of the teaching of PEH in schools. The overall purpose of the graduate school is to create a research-based knowledge basis with which to improve, firstly, the quality of subject specific didactics in PETE, and secondly the quality of the teaching of PEH in schools. The research will explore didactic considerations within PETE, but with relevance for the teaching of PEH in schools. Thus, it will explore the relationships between the subject specific didactics of PETE and PEH. Ultimately, the aim is to offer teachers a knowledge base with which, in turn, to offer a relevant PEH teaching to all students, and to help all students reach the goals of the subject? 3 / 89

4 Popular scientific description (Swedish)* I denna ansökan går nio svenska lärosäten med lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa samman för att skapa en forskarskola i idrottsdidaktik i lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa. Idrottsdidaktik är ett delområde inom det område som Vetenskapsrådet benämner som ämnesdidaktisk forskning inom bristområden. Eftersom svensk idrottsdidaktisk forskning har expanderat under senare tid, medan forskning om didaktiska överväganden inom lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa alltjämt lyser med sin frånvaro, har de sökande valt att inrikta forskarskolan mot utforskning av detta område. Valet att fokusera på lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa relaterar även till Skolinspektionens och regeringens kritik av kvaliteten på undervisningen i detta ämne i landets skolor. Det övergripande syftet med forskarskolan är att skapa forskningsbaserad kunskap utifrån vilken kvaliteten på undervisningen såväl inom lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa som i undervisning i idrott och hälsa i grund- och gymnasieskolan kan utvecklas. Forskningen inom forskarskolan kommer att ställa de ämnesdidaktiska överväganden som krävs av lärare i idrott och hälsa för att erbjuda en relevant utbildning som leder till måluppfyllelse för alla elever i centrum. En central fråga är: Vad krävs av lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa, särskilt avseende det ämnesdidaktiska innehållet i utbildningen, för att blivande lärare i idrott och hälsa ska bli väl förberedda på att undervisa i ämnet med utgångspunkt i de mål som stipuleras av läro- och kursplaner? Lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa bygger på en gammal tradition som kan härledas tillbaka till gymnastikundervisningen vid det tidigare Gymnastiska Centralinsitutet i Stockholm (grundat 1813). Traditionen fotades i ett samhälleligt sammanhang som i många avseenden skiljde sig från den samtida situationen. Parallellt med detta växte emellertid en tämligen homogen lärarkår fram, vilken präglades av en stark kåranda, inte minst eftersom gymnastiklärarutbildning i Sverige förekom endast vid nämnda lärosäte i 150 års tid. Sedan 1900-talets mitt har emellertid såväl samhället i stort, som både svenska skolor och svensk idrottskultur förändrats markant. Aktiviteterna i forskarskolan bygger på antagandet att lärare i idrott och hälsa har ett komplext uppdrag och att de har att förhålla sig till många förhoppningar som är knutna till ämnet (t ex avseende hälsofrämjande fysisk aktivitet för barn och unga, motorisk träning kopplad till lärande i andra skolämnen och, i synnerhet bland elever, föreställningar om kopplingar mellan idrott och skolan och [tävlings]idrott på fritiden). Denna situation ställer höga krav på lärarnas didaktiska förmåga. Flera av de involverade lärosätena har nyligen varit verksamma med forskarskolor, såväl inom idrottsvetenskap (Nationella forskarskolan i idrottsvetenskap; Göteborgs universitet, GIH, Karlstads universitet och Linnéuniversitetet) som för lärare i idrott och hälsa (Forskarskolan i idrott och hälsas didaktik; GIH, Malmö högskola och Örebro universitet). Forskarskolan i denna ansökan rymmer ett incitament till en intensifierad samverkan mellan de nio lärosätena med lärarutbildning i idrott och hälsa avseende ämnesdidaktisk forskning. Samtliga lärosäten har visat intresse för att finansiera minst vars en doktorand inom forskarskolan. Verksamheterna inom forskarskolan, t ex obligatoriska kurser och seminarieverksamhet, kommer att vara utformade särskilt för de antagna doktoranderna, men kommer även att vara öppna för seniora forskare vid de nio lärosätena. De doktorander som knyts till forskarskolan kommer att antas i lämpligt forskarämne (idrottsvetenskap, didaktik, pedagogiskt arbete eller liknande) vid något av lärosätena. De kommer därför att följa studieordning och seminarieverksamhet vid olika lärosäten. Gemensamt för doktoranderna är emellertid de två obligatoriska kurserna i forskarskolan, Idrott och hälsa - nuläge och status (7,5 hp) respektive Idrott och hälsa - ämnesdidaktik (7,5 hp), samt årligen återkommande internat, vilka syftar till att stödja doktoranderna i deras arbete och som dessutom besöks av internationellt erkända forskare. Såväl forskarkurser som internat och annan seminarieverksamhet kommer att bygga på den samlade idrottsdidaktiska kompetensen vid de nio lärosätena. Forskarskolan i idrottsdidaktik för lärarutbildare har goda utsikter att bidra till utveckling av kvaliteteten i ett skolämne som har rönt stor utbildningspolitisk uppmärksamhet under de senaste decennierna. Prioritised areas 4 / 89

5 Prioritised areas Didactic research in specific areas 5 / 89

6 Research description Reporting of ethical considerations* The principal institution, GIH, is responsible for all the graduate school s research meeting the ethical terms and conditions set out in Swedish law (see also Overall, the research is based on The Swedish Research Council's publication Forskningsetiska principer inom humanistisksamhällsvetenskaplig forskning, including the four main ethical requirements (requirements about information, informed consent, confidentiality and use) as well as the recommendations regarding any processing of personal data. A consideration will be made in each case whether a particular research project requires ethical approval from a Regional Research Ethics Board. It is not possible beforehand to articulate the more precise research ethical considerations that will be necessary in all the doctoral students' work. However, presumably, the research may well include several of the data collection techniques that are conventionally used in educational research, i.e. questionnaires, interviews and observations as well as secondary data, e.g., in the form of policies and steering documents, teaching plans and other teaching material, etc. from different schools. One important ethical issue that may be raised in educational research is the possibility for students to refrain from participation in the research when the research is conducted in connection with regular teaching. In such cases, participation in regular lessons is not optional, while participation in research is. Thus, careful measures must be undertaken in order to ensure informed consent and confidentiality of the part of the students, without jeopardising their participation in the teaching. Below, the tick box stating that the project includes handling of personal data is ticked. Presumably, personal data may be handled in projects within the doctoral programme. If so, the specific protocols for this handling in each project will be articulated in applications to a Regional Research Ethics Board. No project will include animal or human experiments. The project includes handling of personal data Yes The project includes animal experiments No The project includes experiments involving human subjects No Research programme* See following page for attachment 6 / 89

7 Doctoral programme for physical education didactics in teacher education Objective This application concerns a doctoral programme for physical education and health didactics in teacher education. It springs from a joint collaboration between all the nine universities in Sweden with the right to award a teacher degree in physical education and health (PEH). The participating universities (HEIs) have all expressed an ambition to fund salaries for PhD students in the programme. The application is based on The Swedish Research Council s (2014) assessment that subject specific didactics in aesthetic and practical subjects is an area in urgent need of systematic research. Since research into PEH didactics has grown to some extent in recent years, and while subject specific didactics within physical education teacher education (PETE) is still a largely unexplored area, universities with PETE have decided to join in an effort to establish a doctoral programme for physical education and health didactics in teacher education. Further, the decision to focus on PETE is related to both the Swedish Schools Inspectorate s and the Swedish government s criticism of the quality of the teaching of PEH in schools (SSI, 2010, 2012). In this critique more time for physical activity in schools is promoted as an alternative to more time for PEH which at least from a political position is argued to be of low quality ( To some extent, this criticism casts a dark shadow over PETE. Are PEH teachers not sufficiently prepared through PETE to offer a relevant PEH teaching to all students, and to help all students reach the goals of the subject? The purpose of this application is to fashion a doctoral programme with the aim of creating a solid research-based knowledge foundation with which to improve, firstly, the quality of subject specific didactics in PETE, and secondly the teaching of PEH in schools. The research within the programme will explore relationships between subject specific didactics of PETE and PEH, and how didactical issues can be both distinguished (since PETE and PEH are not the same) and brought together (since PETE is supposed to prepare becoming PEH teachers for their profession) (cf. Stidder, 2015). Overview of potential research issues PETE in Sweden has old traditions dating back to the establishment of the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics (present day Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH) in 1813 Over the years, PETE, as well as PEH, has undergone both major and minor changes, some of which are related to transformations in the Swedish movement culture, such as the emergence of competitive sport, which in the decades after World War II outcompeted traditional gymnastics as the main teaching content in both PETE and PEH (Lundquist Wanneberg, 2004; Lundvall & Meckbach, 2003; Sandahl, 2005; Lundvall & Schantz, 2013; see also Kirk, 2010). Thus, the influence of sports-related beliefs and norms increased, including competition, an emphasis on quantitative measures of performance, and a focus on training principles (Sw. träningslära). The increasing importance of sports, which became part of the welfare state construction along with a physiological knowledge base, was footed in strong norms of social homogeneity. Nowadays, these standards, which are related to competitive sports and a physiological view of the body (and the student) tend to become problematic in relation to a greater focus on PEH s educational value and teaching that seeks diversity and border crossings (Quennerstedt, 2006; SNAE, 2010; Öhman, 2007). It is in this context that 7 / 89

8 relationships between PETE and PEH are actualised, particularly regarding necessary didactical considerations pertaining to teaching and learning as well as social change and inclusion. Other changes in the subject relate to transformations in the Swedish school system. PEH has, at least in terms of the steering documents, gone from being a practical subject with a focus on training physical skills to becoming a proper academic subject with demands for deeper and reflected knowledge (Larsson, 2007; 2016; Nyberg & Larsson, 2014). This change, which has gone hand in hand with the transition from a norm-based grading system to a goal-related one (Redelius, 2012), can be seen as an expression of a new approach to knowledge, an approach that still seems to seek its applications in both PETE and PEH. Throughout its history, PETE, as well as PEH, has had a weak research base. Where applicable, the research base has come from a range of academic disciplines, mainly physiology and, to some extent, education. Firstly, this has led to both the multidisciplinary nature of PEH having been neglected and the subject and its teachers having been affected by external expectations of very different kinds, e.g., from sports, medicine and public health. The academicisation of both PETE and PEH has mainly been conditioned by the needs and circumstances of other academic disciplines. Only recently a specific multidisciplinary subject Sport Science was established in Sweden. Secondly, the research base is weak when it comes to the content that is actually taught in schools, i.e. activities that are oftentimes borrowed from different movement cultures outside of school, such as games and play, gymnastics, dance, outdoor pursuits, etc. These are typically linked to ideas about practical, or embodied, knowledge, a kind of knowing that is expressed through participation in movement activities, which is still largely left unexplored through research (see e.g. Fahlén, 2015; Nyberg, 2014; see also Tinning, 2010). The past decades has seen research in the area of physical education didactics receive a big boost. Compared with one doctoral thesis (Annerstedt, 1991) and only a few studies in the 1990s, approximately twenty doctoral dissertations have been completed since the year 2000, of which three focus specifically on PETE (Backman, 2010; Larsson, 2009; Schenker, 2012; see also, e.g., Hedström, 2016; Quennerstedt, 2006; Åström, 2013). In addition, a number of large-scale research projects, typically including collaboration between universities with PETE, have contributed with new knowledge in the area of physical education didactics (Ekberg et al., 2007; Larsson & Redelius, 2008; SNAE, 2010; Quennerstedt et al., 2008; Quennerstedt, et al., 2013; Sport Education and Society, no. 20, Vol. 5, 2015). The main body of this research is framed within sociological and socio-cultural theory. This research has often addressed issues called for in curriculum reforms (1994 and 2011). Not least, the relationship between mandated goals (SNAE, 2011a and b) on the one hand and the realisation of teaching on the other is explored (see, e.g., Backman, 2010; Ekberg, 2009; Liljekvist, 2013; Londos, 2010; Lundvall & Meckbach, 2008; Quennerstedt, 2006; Schenker, 2012). Another recurring area of research can be termed gender and the view of body in the subject. A number of studies have had this focus, leading to doctoral dissertations, articles published in scholarly journals and reports to the Swedish National Agency for Education. Also these studies have mainly had a sociological approach (see, e.g., Larsson et al., 2009; Redelius et al., 2009; SNAE, 2010; Swartling Widerström, 2005; Öhman, 2007). In recent years, teaching and learning in PEH have gained considerable interest among Swedish researchers. Between 2011 and 2014, two large projects about teaching and learning in PEH was sponsored by the Swedish Research Council. The purpose of the project Physical education and health - a subject for learning (with Håkan Larsson as main applicant) was to examine knowledge, teaching and learning in school PEH. The purpose of the project Learning and exergames in school (with Mikael Quennerstedt as main applicant) was to explore 8 / 89

9 embodied learning of physical activity and health in young people playing exergames, a kind of computer game where body movement is the key element and not just sitting in front of a screen. These projects have led to extensive international publishing (e.g., Quennerstedt et al., 2013; Quennerstedt et al., 2014; Sport Education and Society, no. 20, Vol. 5, 2015) Despite the increased research on Swedish PEH, the newfound knowledge has yet to be thoroughly implemented in Swedish PETE. Since 2012, GIH, Malmö University and Örebro University jointly arrange graduate studies and research for PEH teachers within the Graduate School of Physical Education Didactics (FIHD). To date, eleven licentiate theses have been published from the graduate school, and nine teachers/phd students are presently active in the school (five of which were admitted in the autumn of 2014). Research conducted within this graduate school is clearly practice-oriented with a special focus on PEH. The hitherto presented research has met great interest among practitioners, and many of the newly graduated teachers (licentiate degree) are presently working as lecturers in schools, with part-time teaching and part-time developmental work. It is anticipated that the doctoral programme of this application can have the same impact on PETE as FIHD has had on PEH. Research environment The doctoral programme is linked to existing research at the nine HEIs in this application. A common denominator of these HEIs are that they all have the right to award teaching degrees in PEH. Some of the HEIs carry old PETE traditions, while others are relatively new. Interestingly, Larsson (2009) has shown that the so called GIH tradition is influential also in new and small PETE departments, indicating strong traditions within PETE (see also Backman, 2010). Thus, there is a potential need to problematise both subject knowledge and subject specific didactics within PETE in terms of how it can respond to the expectations and requirements of teacher training in PEH today. At the nine HEIs, there are well-established research groups with a particular focus on either a) physical activities and physical culture, b) physical education didactics, or c) subject specific didactics more broadly. GIH is Sweden's only HEI specialising entirely in Sport Sciences. Didactical research is conducted within the Research Group for Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. During the past decade, this group has been involved in several research and development projects in physical education, including on behalf of the Swedish National Agency of Education. Additionally, seven PhD theses and five Licentiate theses on physical education didactics have been produced. Presently, two professors, two associate professor, and seven PhD students are active in the group, including three within the Graduate school of physical education didactics. At Malmö University, the research environment for Sports Sciences is multidisciplinary, emphasising the social sciences and humanities, and in particular democracy issues and corporate social responsibility in sports. Four PhD theses and three Licentiate theses focusing on physical education didactics have been published in recent years. Nine teachers (including four seniors) are at the moment involved in work related to physical education didactics. At Halmstad University, Sports Science is located at the School of Health and Welfare. The overarching multidisciplinary research environment Centre for Research on Welfare, Health and Sport (CVHI), includes a Research Group on Health and Sports (FHI), consisting of four senior researchers and five doctoral students, that explores in particular sport culture, physical education and health, sport pedagogy and physical activity, and sport and exercise psychology. At Linnaeus University, the Department of Sport Science hosts a multidisciplinary research environment. Studies at graduate level are conducted in collaboration with the PhD programme 9 / 89

10 in Education. Currently, two PhD projects concern the school subject PEH, with supervisors from the Department of Sport Science. In the area of subject specific didactics, there is a main supervisor capacity consisting of three professors and five associate professors. At University of Gothenburg, the multidisciplinary discipline Sports Science is located at the Department of Food and Nutrition, and Sport Science. Educational research is mainly carried out by the Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education (SCoPE) research group, which consists of one professor and ten senior researchers who are also supervisors. During the last five years, nine PhD theses have been published, and today some eleven PhD students are active. Several projects related to physical education and sport pedagogy are currently underway. At Karlstad University, a Centre for Educational Studies of Children and Youth hosts a specific research environment focusing on sport and physical education. This research environment, which focuses on educational issues within child and youth sport and health promotion among youth, includes two professors, three associate professors and four PhD students. At Örebro University, sports-related educational and physical education didactic research is conducted in the research environment Research in Sport and Physical Activity (RISPA). Currently, ten PhD students and seven senior researchers including two professors and two associate professors are working in the group, with a focus on educational and didactic issues related to PEH. Over the last couple of years, five PhD theses, five Licentiate theses and several externally funded research projects closely linked to subject didactics have been carried out. At Dalarna University, Education and Learning is one of the university's six research profiles. This research profile hosts research groups who are involved in didactic research, of which one group is focusing on questions about knowledge and assessment in physical education physical education and health. This group includes one professor and one associate professor scholars. At Umeå University sport research is conducted in various disciplines and coordinated by Umeå School of Sport Sciences. Educational research in the field of sport is mainly carried out by the Sport Pedagogy research group at the Department of Education. The group consists of one professor, three associate professors, five senior researchers and four PhD students. During the last years, two PhD theses related physical education and school sports has been completed. Taken together, the variety of research foci at the nine HEIs, with a mix of sport science and educational research, both in schools and sport and physical activity contexts outside of schools, but always with general and subject specific didactical issues at the heart of the work, will feed into the common activities of the doctoral programme of this application. Collectively, the researchers in the above mentioned research environments contribute with experiences ranging from general education, via physical education didactics, to various parts of the multidisciplinary sports science (most notably in social and behavioural sciences), as well as with different methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative and practiceoriented ones. We believe that the diversity of competences will facilitate a vibrant and creative research environment for the PhD students in the doctoral programme. Programme description The research projects in this doctoral programme will deal, in particular, with the link between PETE and PEH, and how didactical issues can be both distinguished (since PETE and PEH are not the same) and brought together (since PETE is supposed to prepare becoming PEH teachers for their profession). Important questions for the programme will be: Which competences are needed for PEH teachers in order to be able to realise the school s assignments, i.e., offering a 10 / 89

11 PEH which is based on the mandated goals to all students? What steps must be taken within PETE in order for this ambition to be realised? This pertains both to general aims, for example about inclusive education, and subject specific aims. For instance, in what ways do becoming teachers need to be prepared in order to be able to teach inclusively? What can all-round movement capability (SNAE, 2011a) mean in a PETE and a PEH context respectively? The programme will target teachers in diverse areas of PETE (e.g. education, physiology, and sport knowledge [Sw. idrottslära]), but with a particular focus on subject specific didactics. For instance, what didactical considerations are necessary among PETE teachers when a physiological content is to be brought to the attention of becoming PEH teachers in such a way that it supports work with the school s assignments? What didactical considerations are necessary as conventional sports are used as conveying the content of the teaching? The PhD students will be recruited among lecturers in PETE without a PhD. The number of such teachers vary between the nine participating universities, but overall, PETE is one of the teacher education specialisations that have the most teachers without a PhD. PhD students, supervisors and PETE colleagues form teams, jointly working to clarify research questions, develop theoretical frameworks and methodologies, and analyse the collected material. Results from the different studies conducted within the programme will, hopefully, engender both knowledge and a discussion about how to develop the structure, content and pedagogy of PETE, especially regarding what becoming teachers are supposed to learn during the four and half years of their education. In the long run, our ambition is to elevate the quality of PEH in schools. Organisation Several of the HEIs in this application already have good experience of establishing doctoral programmes: the National Graduate School of Sport Sciences (NFI) at University of Gothenburg; see nationella_forskarskolan), which was established in 2009; the Graduate School of Education and Didactics at Örebro University; and the Graduate School of Physical Education Didactics (FIHD) at GIH (see FIHD s organisation will serve as a template for the doctoral programme in this application. As is the case with FIHD, this programme will be led by a steering committee consisting of seven persons: a programme coordinator (working 10 per cent of full time employment with the graduate school; a research leader, working 5 per cent with the graduate school; and four representatives from the eight partner-heis of the application (some of the positions of the steering committee will ambulate), and a PhD student representative. GIH will be responsible for the management of the programme. The chairperson of the steering committee will be appointed by GIH, the host HEI. The chairperson will be overall responsible for the graduate school's management and quality control. The programme coordinator will be responsible for the daily activities in the graduate school, including acting as convener of the steering committee meetings, following up on finances, booking travel related to courses and seminars, etc. All members of the steering committee will be academically competent. The committee is responsible for announcing for applications to the doctoral programme, quality control before admission, the programme s courses, and other issues of importance to common activities. The 11 / 89

12 PhD students will be admitted to the programme at any of the nine HEIs depending on their place of work as teacher educator. Each HEI s faculty board will, on the proposal of the steering committee, will take the necessary decisions. The admission process will be provided by the host institution, GIH, in consultation with the eight other HEIs. Supervisors are appointed on the proposal of the steering committee and in dialogue with PhD students and prospective supervisors at the HEIs where the PhD student is to be admitted. Every PhD student will be assigned two supervisors, whose academic competences are to complete each other. Preferably, one of the supervisors is competent in a relevant subject area, while the other supervisor is competent in either general didactics or subject specific didactics. One of the supervisors will act as main supervisor, and this supervisor will continuously report to the steering group about the progress of the PhD student s work. Some supervisors will be invited to teach parts of the programme s courses, while all supervisors will be invited to common seminars. Supervisors will also act as discussants at halftime and final seminars at other PhD students work. As for the programme s compulsory courses, these were originally developed for FIHD s purpose. They will be adapted for the purpose of this graduate school, i.e. to some extent with a stronger emphasis on PETE issues. The steering committee is also responsible for developing optional courses. The committee submits proposals for course syllabi to the faculty board at the respective HEIs. Procedures for course development and evaluation are governed by the respective HEI s rules and procedures for postgraduate studies. Examiners for each course are suggested by the committee and approved by the faculty board. In the main, course examiners and teachers in the programme are recruited from among the co-applicants or supervisors of each participating HEI. The aim is to admit at least nine PhD students to the programme, with as equal distribution as possible between the HEIs, starting in spring As was stated above, it is anticipated that this doctoral programme will have the same function of spearheading didactical research and development of PETE as the aforementioned graduate school of physical education didactics has had. This doctoral programme is well positioned to lead to enduring didactical research among PET educators, in particular among PET educators who are working in areas with traditionally limited research activities, e.g., the practical elements of the education (which are often considered to be the main parts of their training among PETE students; Larsson, 2009). Courses The total coursework for each student is dependent on the study plan at each university, for example 60 credits at Örebro University and GIH. Among these courses, 15 credits will be compulsory for the programme students in order to specialise their studies to the programme while at the same time fulfilling some of the goals for PhD studies. The courses focus on parts of goals D1 and D2 in the Higher Education Act, degrees at the doctoral level, where students should demonstrate a broad knowledge and systematic understanding of the research field as well at the methods and methodologies of the field in general. The courses will also contribute to goals D7 in terms of demonstrating the ability to identify the need for further knowledge, D10 to demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the role of the individual how it is used. As far as possible, the nine HEI s compulsory courses within each subject area will be coordinated for the benefit of the programme students. a) Doctoral programme courses: 12 / 89

13 o Physical Education and Physical Education Teacher Education State and Status, 7.5 credits (this course will provide overview and deeper insight into previous research on PEH and PETE, and particularly research focusing on the relationship between the two). o Didactics of Physical Education, 7.5 credits (this course will provide overview and insight into research on both general and subject specific didactics, including theories of teaching and learning with particular relevance for PEH and PETE). b) Courses required from each HEI: o Compulsory courses at the HEIs (e.g., in the case of GIH, this means one introductory course [15 ECTS] which includes finalising a precise research plan, and two Sport Science courses, one about history and theory of science and sport science as a multidisciplinary discipline, including research ethics, and one about current research within different sub-areas of sport science, e.g., sport studies, sport physiology, and sport pedagogy) c) Optional courses: o These are likely about theoretical and/or methodological issues of didactical research. They are selected either from existing courses with appropriate content at the graduate school s nine HEIs or at other universities in Sweden or abroad, or created in light of the specific needs of the doctoral students research plans. The programme courses will be managed by the steering committee and be arranged in collaboration between the nine HEIs. The course meetings will move from HEI to HEI in an ambition to bring competence from the different HEIs closer together, much in the same way as joint conferences and seminars (Sw. internat). Significance Overall, the strength of the doctoral programme is the full attendance by the participating HEIs, who will all contribute with funding for at least one PhD student. This ensures that hitherto largely unexplored areas within PEH and PETE will be investigated. The quality of the research within the programme will be assured on the one hand by that basically all the leading researchers within physical education didactics in Sweden, of whom many are also internationally recognised, will be involved as supervisors and programme course teachers, and on the other hand that a number of the most esteemed scholars in the international research field of physical education will be involved in programme courses and yearly seminars (see below, under National and international collaboration). National coordination The research environments of the nine HEIs are described above, under the heading Research environment. National and international collaboration is described under the following heading. The following researchers at each HEI will be involved: GIH: professor Håkan Larsson, the main applicant, will be scientific leader for the doctoral programme and chairperson of the steering group. His competences are essentially in Sport Pedagogy. Associate professor Suzanne Lundvall will act as coordinator for the doctoral programme, a task that she has had also within the graduate schools for Physical Education Didactics for PEH teachers. Her competences are essentially in physical education didactics. Potential supervisors are Larsson and Lundvall, and professor Karin Redelius (Sports Science 13 / 89

14 and Education), all of whom have extensive experience of PhD supervision within the area of physical education didactics. Malmö högskola, Department of Sport Sciences: professor Tomas Peterson will be involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially within Sport Sociology. Potential supervisors are professor Bo Carlsson (Sports Science and sociology of law) and associate professor Lars Lagergren (Sports, Culture and Society), who both have experience of PhD supervision within the area of physical education didactics. Halmstad University, Center of Research on Welfare Health and Sport: professor Urban Johnson will be partially involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially in Sport Psychology. Potential supervisors are Johnson and associate professor Krister Hertting (Health Education). Linnaeus University, Department of Sport Sciences: associate professor Jesper Andreasson will be partially involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially within Sport Sociology and Ethnography. Potential supervisors are Andreasson and associate professor Stefan Lund (Education), who both have experience of PhD supervision within the area of physical education didactics. University of Gothenburg, Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science: professor Claes Annerstedt will be partially involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially within Physical Education Didactics. Potential supervisors are Annerstedt and associate professor Dean Barker (Physical Education Didactics), who both have extensive experience of PhD supervision within the area of physical education didactics. Karlstad University, Department of Health Sciences: associate professor Henrik Gustafsson will be partially involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially within Sport Psychology. Potential supervisors are Gustafsson and professor Annica Löfdal (Educational Work), who has extensive experience of PhD supervision. Örebro University, School of Health Sciences: professor Mikael Quennerstedt will be involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially within Physical Education Didactics. Potential supervisors are Quennerstedt and assistant professor Marie Öhman (Sport Sociology and Physical Education Didactics), who both have extensive experience of PhD supervision within the area of physical education didactics. University of Dalarna, School of Education, Health and Social Sciences: associate professor Gunn Nyberg will be partially involved as member of the steering group. Her competences are essentially within Physical Education Didactics. Potential supervisors are Nyberg and professor Monika Vinterek (Educational Work), who has extensive experience of PhD supervision. Umeå University, Department of Education: associate professor Josef Fahlén will be partially involved as member of the steering group. His competences are essentially within Sport Pedagogy. Potential supervisors are Fahlén and professor Tor Söderström (Education), who have experience of supervision within the area of physical education didactics. Several of the mentioned researchers will also contribute as teachers in the two doctoral programme courses. Further, several of the researchers have previously collaborated in other projects (of which some are mentioned above in this application). National and other international collaboration 14 / 89

15 The level of national collaboration between educational researchers and teacher educators within PEH didactics and PETE is strong. Currently, representatives of each PETE at the nine HEIs have regular meetings at least once every year to discuss issues of common interest. Further, educational researchers at the nine HEIs have collaborated extensively over the last ten years around both graduate schools (three of which are mentioned above), and large research projects (two of which are mentioned above). There will also be ample room for collaboration between this doctoral programme and the ongoing Graduate school of physical education didactics. Internationally, research cooperation is strong between a number of the HEIs and some of the most distinguished scholars in the field of physical education, predominantly those working in the United Kingdom (most notably professor Kathy Armour, University of Birmingham, professor John Evans, Loughborough University, and professor David Kirk, University of Strathclyde) Australia (most notably professor Doune Macdonald, University of Queensland, and professor emeritus Richard Tinning, University of Queensland, professor Jan Wright, University of Wollongong) and New Zealand (most notably professor Lisette Burrows, University of Otago, and professor Richard Pringle, University of Auckland). Several of these scholars have previously visited one or several of the nine HEIs in the application, some of them in connection with the Graduate school of physical education didactics. Further, as is indicated by the publication lists of the application, several of the applicants of this doctoral programme is involved in other international collaborations. As has been the case with the Graduate school of physical education didactics, the intentions in this doctoral programme is to involve some of these scholars as: 1) teachers in the courses of the programme, 2) tutors at the yearly seminars, 3) discussants at international conferences, and 4) opponents at dissertations. Equipment The doctoral programme s activities require access to equipment normally used in educational research. Regarding data collection, this could be video cameras and voice recorders, and when it comes to data-processing software, Transana (video analysis) and N Vivo (interview analysis) are such examples. To some extent, the participating HEIs already have this equipment, but one of the programme s goals is to obtain the equipment required in order to make the research process as smooth as possible. Need for infrastructure N/A References Annerstedt, C. (1991). Idrottslärarna och idrottsämnet. Utveckling, mål, kompetens ett didaktiskt perspektiv. PhD Thesis, University of Gothenburg. Backman, E. (2010). Friluftsliv in Swedish physical education a struggle of values. Educational and sociological perspectives. PhD Thesis, Stockholm University. Ekberg, J-E. (2009). Mellan fysisk bildning och aktivering. En studie av ämnet idrott och hälsa i skolår 9. PhD Thesis, Malmö University. Ekberg, J-E. & Peterson, T. & Dahlgren, A. (2007). Idrott och hälsa i skolan, och föreningsidrott på fritiden - eller? Vetenskapsrådet: Rapportserie 10. Fahlén, J. (2015). The corporal dimension of sports-based interventions: understanding the role of embedded expectations and embodied knowledge in sport policy implementation. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, DOI: / Hedström, P. (2016). Hälsocoach i skolan - En utvärderande fallstudie av en hälsofrämjande intervention. PhD thesis, University of Gothenburg. Kirk, D. (2010). Physical Education Futures. Routledge. Larsson, H. (2016). Idrott och hälsa i går, i dag, i morgon. Stockholm: Liber. 15 / 89

16 Larsson, H. (2012). Kropp och rörelse kunskap och lärande. I H. Larsson & J. Meckbach (red). Idrottsdidaktiska utmaningar. Stockholm: Liber. 2:a uppl., ss Larsson, H. & Redelius, K. (2008). Swedish physical education research questioned current situation and future directions. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 13:4, Larsson, H., Fagrell, B. & Redelius, K. (2009). Queering physical education. Between benevolence towards girls and a tribute to masculinity. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 14:1, Larsson, L. (2009). Idrott och helst lite mer idrott: Idrottslärarstudenters möte med utbildningen. PhD Thesis, Stockholm University. Liljekvist, Å. (2013). Rum för rörelse. Om kroppens bildning och utbildning i skolans gymnastiksalar. PhD Thesis, Stockholm University. Londos, M. (2010). Spelet på fältet. Relationen mellan ämnet idrott och hälsa i gymnasieskolan och idrott på fritid. PhD Thesis, Malmö University. Lundquist Wanneberg, P. (2004). Kroppens medborgarfostran. Kropp, klass och genus i skolans fysiska fostran PhD Thesis, Stockholm University. Lundvall, S. & Meckbach, J. (2003). Ett ämne i rörelse gymnastik för kvinnor och män i lärarutbildningen vid Gymnastiska Centralinstitutet/Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan under åren PhD Thesis, Stockholm University. Lundvall, S. & Meckbach, J. (2008). Mind the Gap Physical Education and Health and the Frame Factor Theory as a Tool for Analysing Educational Settings. Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy 13, 4: Lundvall, S. & Schantz, P. (2013). Physical Activities and Their Relation to Physical Education: A 200-Year Perspective and Future Challenges. Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy, Vol. 2:1, s Nyberg, G. (2014). Ways of knowing in ways of moving. A study of the meaning of capability to move. PhD Thesis, Stockholm University. Nyberg, G. & Larsson, H. (2014). Exploring 'what' to learn in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 19(2), Quennerstedt, M. (2006). Att lära sig hälsa. PhD Thesis, Örebro University. Quennerstedt, M., Öhman, M. and Ericsson, C. (2008). Physical education in Sweden - a national evaluation. Education-line: 2008, Quennerstedt, M., et al. (2013). Why do Wii teach physical education in school? Swedish Journal of Sport Research, 1, Quennerstedt, M., et al. (2014). What did they learn in school today? A method for exploring aspects of learning in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 20(2), Redelius, K. (2012) Betygssättning i idrott och hälsa en didaktisk utmaning med pedagogiska konsekvenser. I H. Larsson & J. Meckbach (red). Idrottsdidaktiska utmaningar. Stockholm: Liber. 2:a uppl., ss Redelius, K., Fagrell, B. & Larsson, H. (2009). Symbolic capital in physical education and health: to be, to do or to know? That is the gendered question. Sport, Education and Society, 14:2, Sandahl, B. (2005). Ett ämne för alla? Normer och praktik i grundskolans idrottsundervisning PhD Thesis, Stockholm: Carlssons. Schenker, K. (2012). På spaning efter idrottsdidaktik. PhD Thesis, Malmö University. SNAE (2010) På pojkarnas planhalva. Ämnet idrott och hälsa ur ett jämställdhets- och likvärdighetsperspektiv. Stockholm: Skolverket. SNAE (2011a). Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet Stockholm: Skolverket. SNAE (2011b). Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola Stockholm: Skolverket. Sport, Education and Society (2015). Vol. 20, No. 5. Special issue: Learning Movement Cultures in Physical Education Practice. SR (2017). Ministern säger nej till fler idrottslektioner i skolan. Sveriges Radio, 23 jan, SSI (2010). Mycket idrott och lite hälsa. Stockholm: Skolinspektionen. SSI (2012). Idrott och hälsa i grundskolan. Med lärandet i rörelse. Stockholm: Skolinspektionen. Stidder, G. (2015) Becoming a physical education teacher. London: Routledge Swartling Widerström, K. (2005). Att ha eller vara kropp? En textanalytisk studie av skolämnet idrott och hälsa. PhD Thesis, Örebro universitet. Tinning, R. (2010). Pedagogy and Human Movement. Theory, practice, research. London: Routledge. The Swedish Research Council (2014). Forskningens framtid! Ämnesöversikt 2014: Utbildningsvetenskap. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet. Åström, P. (2013). Running away from learning in physical education and health. PhD Thesis, Umeå University. Öhman, M. (2007). Kropp och makt i rörelse. PhD Thesis, Örebro University. 16 / 89

17 17 / 89

18 Budget and research resources Dedicated time for this project* Role in the project Name Percent of full time Applicant Håkan Larsson 5% Applicant Suzanne Lundvall 10% Applicant Mikael Quennerstedt 3% Applicant Tomas Peterson 3% Applicant Jesper Andreasson 3% Applicant Josef Fahlén 3% Applicant Gunn Nyberg 3% Applicant Henrik Gustafsson 3% Applicant Claes Annerstedt 3% Applicant Urban Johson 3% Salaries including social fees 18 / 89



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The cornerstone of Swedish disability policy is the principle that everyone is of equal value and has equal rights.

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GeoGebra in a School Development Project Mathematics Education as a Learning System

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Information technology Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 (ISO/IEC 26300:2006, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE

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Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap. Magister- och masterutbildning i kostvetenskap

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