Candidates for the 2016/2017 Representative Assembly:

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1 Candidates for the 2016/2017 Representative Assembly: Innehåll Alitzel Badager... 2 Anna Clara Örtendahl... 2 Christina Abdulahad... 2 Christoffer Hahn... 3 Clara Holmberg... 3 Ellen Doll... 4 Emil Nilsson... 5 Emma Nordengren... 5 Emmanouil Zerai... 5 Frida Eriksson... 6 Hannes Holmberg... 6 Jack Senften... 7 Janne Kalucza... 7 Lovisa Johansson... 8 Martin Hansen... 8 Matilda Edvardsson... 9 Olivia Öhrström... 9 Richard Forsén Sandra Jönsson Sanna Pejer Hedlund Sara Thiringer Sophia Thelin Stina Lise Hullfors... 13

2 Alitzel Badager Area of Studies: Psychology Mitt namn är Alitzel och jag läser fjärde terminen på psykologprogrammet. När jag inte sitter och är upptagen med introspektion ägnar jag min tid åt att läsa, sjunga i kör och kolla på söta katter. Jag brinner för jämlikhetsfrågor och tycker att möten är löjligt intressanta. Som sagt ligger jämlikhetsfrågor mig varmt om hjärtat och jag ser kåren som en plats där det finns stora möjligheter att arbeta kring sådana frågor. Studentrepresentation är också någonting som jag tycker är jätteintressant att syssla med. Hur når vi ut till fler studenter? Hur samordnar vi studentrepresentanterna? Som jag ser det ligger en av kårens utmaningar i att bli mer lättillgänglig och begriplig för studenterna.are you active in any other organizations? Jag har tidigare suttit i Lundapsykologernas styrelse. Jag har även varit studentrepresentant i psykologprogrammets ledningsgrupp och suttit som ledamot i kårens utbildningsutskott. Anna Clara Örtendahl Area of Studies: Statsvetenskap och nationalekonomi Jag är en nyfiken och öppen person som söker nya utmaningar som ledamot i FUM! Arbetet med utvecklandet av ett student centrerat kvalitatssäkringssystem, resurstilldelningssystemet till universitet och högskolor samt arbetet med internationalisering. Lokalt på kåren tycker jag att det framtida arbetet med utbildningsutskottet är intressant samt att göra Sahällsvetarkåren till en ännu mer attraktiv organisation att vara aktiv i! Just nu sitter jag som vice ordförande med ansvar för universitetesgemensamma frågor. Det ger mig en bra helhetsbild av vad som händer lokalt på kåren, men även utbildningspolitiskt på LU. Tidigare satt jag som ordförande i utbildningsutskottet och fick då god kännedom om kåren. Christina Abdulahad Area of Studies: Communications Hey! My name is Christina Abdulahad. I study Strategic Communication, at Campus Helsingborg. You often find me with a camera in my hand, ready to shoot or with my suitcase, traveling back and forth or with a big cup of coffee studying. Besides my interest for photography and communications, I m very curious and interested in other cultures, the society and the world around me. I m known as a multitasker with a drive to influence, constantly challenging myself.

3 Firstly, I believe that more student involvement is needed. The Student Union could be a lot more engaging and appealing, than it currently is. Students often complain about the latter courses, exams, lectures or lecturers. As I see it, the issue is not the complaining part, the problem is that it stays as just complaints. The Student Union, should in my opinion, better provide students with the tools needed, to actually raise their voices, contribute and really make a change. We need to use the complaints, and put them to action. The education itself, just like the Student Union, need to constantly improve. Because when we stop improving, we stop being good. And in order to improve, the opinions of the students are highly needed. (This also entails, ALL students. Not only the ones already engaged) The Union should focus on how to get more students engaged in their student rights and in their own education, in more ways than just through polls and s. The Speak Up days, for instance, is a great initiative, however I believe the student impact needs to happen on a more regular basis, than just on a specific day(s). Equally, I believe the List of Rights, can be better integrated and better known in the Student associations. In Helsingborg, I m involved in the student associations Agora and Stampus, as a member of the the marketing committee in Agora and as a marketing assistant in the board of Stampus. Besides the student bubble, I m currently the Vice president of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Sweden and also an adept in the feministic network and mentorship program "Maktsalongen. Christoffer Hahn Area of Studies: Psychology, Media and Communication Hello! My name is Christoffer, this is my fourth term here in Lund mainly studying Psychology, with the exception of the current term where I m studying Critical Animal Studies. I m usually seen as a very sensible guy, and I would say that my main strength is being open-minded and being able to listen to what other people have to say(along with wordplay and puns, but I m not so sure it s that helpful!). My hope is that the Representative Assembly will have use for these things and that I can make use of what I ve learnt from my experiences. What I consider most important is Student health but also Consistent quality of teaching, Lack of social student activities for "fristående kurser", Non-alcoholic social activities Used to be active in Blekingska, not so much right now Clara Holmberg Area of Studies: Political Science and Economics Hello! My name is Clara, I m 20 years old from Stockholm, and I m currently studying the Bachelor s Programme in Political Science and Economics. Before coming to Lund I spent several years abroad

4 and attended different school systems. Learning how the organisational structures differ has always interested me, and is why I d like to become an active part of Samhällsvetarkåren through the Representative Assembly. Both in order to acquire knowledge of how the union works here, and to share my own experiences and help guide the decisions regarding the issues I, and other Social Science students, find most important. I wish to extend the same academic engagement I feel towards the courses I take, to the decision-making body of the union. First off, I m very interested in questions regarding gender equality and exploring how our education can take a more active and committed approach to achieving the goals of reaching this. Reviewing both the lectures, seminar discussion, and the literature included in the course would improve the quality of our academic experience. I am happy to be attending a programme where these issues are constantly being included, and therefore I think it s even more important that the student representatives actively ensure that these perspectives are relevant and up-to-date. Also, attending a broad and interdisciplinary programme has made me realise the immense importance of integrating different subjects, for me political science and economics. However, I find that the emphasis on the contiguous aspects of the two are lacking in the implementation of the classes. Issues regarding how to present the strengths of having a multidisciplinary approach to higher education would be super interesting to consider! I have previously been active in various service learning projects in my high school. At Lund University, this is the first thing I become active in so I hope to contribute with an outside perspective on the work at Samhällsvetarkåren. Ellen Doll Area of Studies: Statsvetenskap, Pol.kand Jag heter Ellen och är 20 år gammal. Jag läser nu andra året på politices kandidatprogram. Som person är jag öppen och glad och gillar att diskutera mycket. Mina fritidsintressen är nog i första hand musik, politik och djur. Jag har tidigare drivit en ungdomsgrupp med huvudsyftet integration, vilken också varit en stor del av min fritid, det har varit väldigt roligt, jag gillar att möta olika människor och kulturer. Mitt största intresse av att gå med i kåren ligger i att få vara med och tillsammans kunna påverka så att utbildningarna utvecklas och följer med i tiden. Den brist jag ser tydligast i mina hittills korta universitetsstudier är hur lite jämställdhet inkluderas i utbildningen, utöver att det står med i läshänvisningarna. Jag tycker att jämställdhet är en viktig fråga som bör inkluderas mer i undervisningen. Utöver det ser jag det som ett viktigt fokusområde att lyssna in elevers synpunkter på utbildningen och försöka att trycka på universitetet så att utbildningarna utvecklas mer och mer. Inte för tillfället men jag har tidigare bedrivit verksamhet inom röda korsets ungdomsförbund, fram till att jag flyttade ner till Lund nu i höstas.

5 Emil Nilsson Area of Studies: Service Management My name is Emil, and is 25 years old. My areas of studies are Service Management, where I hold a Bachelor degree in the subject, and I'm right now on a leave from my Masters program. Currently am I President of the Union, mainly working with Equality and diversity issues and national educational policy. A lot of questions are important for the Union, but I have chosen two: I find Equality and Diversity matters important in higher education, and everyone should be able to participate in higher studies. It is therefor crucial that the University prioritize work that helps student throughout their education. Overall is it important that the University could guarantee a good quality of the educations they offer. An important tool to offer good and high-qualitative educations is with good syllabuses. The Faculty of Social Sciences must guarantee that the syllabuses are accurate and follow the List of Student Rights. The Union must continue the discussion with the Faculty and emphasize the importance that the syllabuses should be checked by a group on the Faculty. I'm currently a full-timer at the Union, being Presidial responsible for Student Welfare Matters. I have previously been active in the section Agora in Helsingborg, where I haven been in the Board for two years. I have no plans on being active in any other organisations the upcoming year. Emma Nordengren Area of Studies: Beteendevetenskap/Behavioural sciences I am from Linköping but have lived in Lund for three years and been engaged in the unions work for two years (in the RA and the board). I find equality and diversity matters the most important. PeaceWorks Sweden Emmanouil Zerai Area of Studies:Master in Development Studies I am a Greek national, currently finishing my Master in Development Studies, with a major in Education. My BA was about Primary Level Education and I am interested in issues that have to do with children welfare and rights, as well as equality and educational goals and practices. I am always smiley and I try to give it my best in everything I "mess" with. Inside the Union, I have been active with Pluto Interdisciplinary Section, in which I am in the Education Committee for the past two fiscal

6 years (14/15, 15/16). As part of my responsibilities, I represent the Section in the Union's Education Committee during 15/16. One of the main problems that Student Unions face is the low participation of students in their activities which, in turn, influences the effectiveness of such organizations. Therefore, I believe the focus should be given towards strengethening and promoting the work that the Union is doing to facilitate the delivery of top-notch education to the Social Sciences Faculty's students. For this objective, more interpersonal communication with students in their classrooms would be beneficial. Back in Greece, I was involved in YMCA's youth camps, European Youth Parliament (EYP) and groups that promote cultural aspects as dances and music. Here in Lund, I have focused mostly in learning Swedish in SFI, but I have also been a Student Teacher in a primary school of the area. Recently, I started volunteering with Save the Children Lund, in the Kids-in-Transit project. Frida Eriksson Area of Studies: Equality and Diversity Management Mitt namn är Frida Eriksson och jag är en tjej på snart 23 år från den lilla staden Herrljunga. För tillfället studerar jag min sista termin på programmet Equality and Diversity Management. Jag tycker det är viktigt med social hållbar utveckling och brinner för jämlikhets och mångfaldsfrågor vilket jag anser att alla organisationer bör arbete med. Jag har alltid ansett det viktigt att hålla en god relation mellan studenter och professorer och att vi studenter får chansen att göra våra röster hörda så vi kan påverka vår utbildning. Men jag hade dessutom gärna sett mer samarbete mellan de olika kårerna för att öka samspelet mellan studenter från olika inriktningar för ett ökat mervärde i studentlivet samt att man får chansen till nya perspektiv. Jag har tidigare varit ordförande för valberedningen i Agora vid Campus Helsingborg och varit med vid företagsmässorna som Samhällsvetarkåren organiserat i både Lund och Helsingborg. Hannes Holmberg Area of Studies: Political Science I am a enthusiastic, social and industrious person, who have been studying at Lunds University since Apart from my studies, I've been spending a lot of time at different student organizations. I've always had an interest for the Union and the important task of ensuring the best education for students, but haven't taken the chance to get engaged yet. During my time at the Academic Society, I've gotten the opportunity to get a better picture of the union, it's organization and it's mission. This

7 has given me a better insight, and a much greater motivation to participate in one of the most important institutions in the student life! I think that my experiences from different parts of the student life, as well as my willingness to work hard for a better education, can be very valuable for the Representative Assembly! My focus would be to highlight the importance of cooperation with other student organizations in Lund. The Union benefits greatly from cooperating with other students, but could do so even more! I have been active in Sydskånska Nationen for a long while (Notarie, Quratel 2014), and the last year (15-16) I've been working in the Presidency of the Academic Society as Director of Operations. These two commitments has taught me a lot about how the student life in Lund is constructed and what different type of student organizations there are, as well as a good insight in the process of working strategically in a Board. Jack Senften Area of Studies: Media and Communications This is always the hardest question to answer in any application. I'm Jack, I've been involved in the Union at different levels this past four years and I'd like to continue to contribute. I like reading, discussing political issues, chilling with my friend and basically any form of game that I can get my hands on. Too many to list! A few examples of what I think that is important for me, and the union, is the handling of syllabi (kursplaner) since it's one of the only documents really regulating our education, the anonymous exams that are currently underway of being implemented and the students' interests in the renovations and remodeling of the building in the Paradis area that is coming up. I spend way too much of my time at the union to be active in other things ^^ Janne Kalucza Area of Studies: Master Psychology Hi, my name is Janne and I am a German psychology master student. I am in my second semester, studying social psychology at the moment, and in my free time I love to read, knit, or play board games.

8 As I am an international student myself, I want to improve the accessibility of the student union activities for international students and I want to call attention to the problems international students face in the Swedish education system. I also want to strengthen the interdisciplinary relationships between students of different programs, and the collaborations of the different committees of the union. I am the president of our master programme's student society, Lund International Master Society of Psychology (LISP), and one of two student representatives for the programme. Lovisa Johansson Area of Studies: Human Resources My name is Lovisa Johansson, 21 years old from Umeå and I m right now on my second semester studying Human Resources at Lund University. I m a positive and driven person who is interested in student involvement and the importance of making our voices as students heard. When I m not studying I work as an administrator and like to play basketball. I want to ensure students right to influence decisions that directly affect us. I believe that we are strong together and that we can help each other make our education and time at the university better. I find the cooperation between facilities as well as between the university and the work sector important. I would also like increased exposure for the union at the university. I was active in the project group who organized the labor market fair SAMarbete. I loved being part of creating the fair and to help make the connection between the work sector and the university stronger for us social science students. This was a great opportunity to get a better insight to the union as well as increasing my knowledge about working with a bigger project. I m also active as volunteer for the Red Cross trough social activities for people with disabilities, to create friendships and make sure they feel included in the society. Martin Hansen Area of Studies: Political Science I am a current board member of the Union and I am currently in my second year as a member of the RA. The organisational structure of the Union: how to engage members, make the RA more accessible and relevant, optimizing the dialogue between members and the Union.

9 The Social Science Student Union, Lunds Socialdemokratiska Studentklubb Matilda Edvardsson Area of Studies: Media and communication Moved down from Gothenburg three years ago and have studied at several departments and faculties. I'm a sucker for Tolkien, vinyl records and original beer-mugs. Been a member of both the Representative Assembly and the Board of the Union this past year, as well as a student representative in my department board. I wish to continue to work for student rights and making sure our voice is heard towards the faculty and the departments. More face-time with the lecturers. The professors needs pedagogical training. More practical elements in the education - applying the theory in reality. World Values Initiative Olivia Öhrström Area of Studies: Behavioural Science My name is Olivia and I'm originally from Stockholm. I have studied two years at the bachelor program of behavioural scenice and during this past year I've worked as Event Coordinator, fulltimer, at the Union. I have really enjoyed the student life since I moved to Lund and I have been active in a program association and in the Union with events. Now I wanna do something else and I think I ccan do a great job in the Representative Assembly. Before I moved to Lund I worked as a waitress at different places and I traveled a lot. I think there is a lot of important issues that the Union should work with and equality and diversity are one that I feel is really important. We should always work for diversity in the student life and make everyone feel included. I feel that many questions is important and I believe that my experience and knowledge from this past year can make good use in the Representative Assembly. I think I can be a great support for the next fulltimers. I have been active the committees and the board in BiL (Behavioral scientists in Lund), pubmaster & Event Coordinator at the Union.

10 Richard Forsén Area of Studies: Political science and economics (pol.kand.) I'm a undergraduate political science and economics (pol.kand.) student that has two years experience as a member of the Representative Assembly. I'm currently studying an exchange semester abroad at the Australian National University in Canberra and am looking forward to the chance of once again having getting engaged in the work of the Lund Social Science Student Union after the summer break! Perceived closeness and relevance of the Union for its members is necessary to guarantee Union members actually becoming engaged in the Union. One of the central avenues towards boosting the attractiveness of participation would be through the continued support of the various social events of the Union as well as increasing the inter-association contacts knit around the hub that is the Union, as the popular participation in student associations heavily engaged with the Union to some degree could channel interest to also get engaged in the Union! These policies of trying to boost participation should hopefully also boost the all-important diversification among those engaged in the Union - for instance trying to engage a wider variety of domestic undergraduate students. The increased need for diversification is furthermore something that I've been able to work with from a liberal standpoint through my assistance in updating the Union's Equality Plan, possibly the most central policy document laying the principal policy an value base for maximizing the continued equal opportunities for all students studying at Lund University. I've previously been heavily engaged in LUPEF, the program association for pol.kand. (undergraduate program in political science and economics) students at Lund University, where I was the vicechairperson for 1.5 years. Besides this I've also had the opportunity play a part of the founding and setting-up of PolRiks, the national organization for Swedish pol.kand. students. I've also have a past in the liberal circles of student politics in Lund as well as previously serving as a non-commissioned officer in the Finnish Navy's Amphibious Infantry. Sandra Jönsson Area of Studies: Graduation in Service Management Jag har vart engagerad i studentlivet i olika sammanhang i fyra år. Allt ifrån styrelsearbete, projektarbete till heltidare på Samhällsvetarkåren vid Lunds universitet. Jag har stort intresse i att påverka studenternas studiesituation och gillar att utveckla den befintliga organisationen. Kåren borde fokusera på kommunikation. "Syns man inte finns man inte" Nej

11 Sanna Pejer Hedlund Area of Studies: Development studies My name is Sanna and I study the Master's programme in Development studies. I have been involved in student union activities since I started studying in 2009 at Malmö University. I have been involved in many projects and I have been involved on many different levels; ranging from being a course representative to working full time as the Vice President of the Student Union Malmö. As I started studying in Lund I became involved in the Social Sciences Student Union, curious to see how things were organised here. I am now a student representative in the Graduate School Board, part of the Student union s delegation to the yearly meeting of the Swedish National Union of Students (Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer) as well as a frequent coffee drinker in the Union house :) For me the most important issues are the quality of education, a strong student influence and a strong student union. We students are investing time and money into our education and deserve an education that is of high quality. As well as the opportunity to influence it! The greatest thing with these issues are that they are connected; a stronger student influence also contributes to a better education. Therefore it is vital with a good connection between the students and the university, and for this we need a strong student union! A strong student union for me is a union that is visible, transparent and has a good dialogue with its members. A union that represents its members and their opinions! Not at the moment but, as mentioned above, I have been involved in the Student Union Malmö for many years. This has given me a lot of experience regarding issues that the Representative Assembly will work with, as well as a possibility to be able to provide an outsider s perspective to the assembly if I am elected. Sara Thiringer Area of Studies: Politices kandidatprogram Hej! Mitt namn är Sara Thiringer och jag är en 23-årig tjej från Göteborg/Stockholm som brinner för ekonomisk, politisk och social jämlikhet i världen, Sverige, hela Lund och på våra enskilda institutioner. Jag flyttade hit i höstas för att plugga statsvetenskap och nationalekonomi. Här trivs jag superbra bland föreningarna, på nationen, ute på dansgolvet och i alldeles för farliga situationer på cykeln. Nu kandiderar jag till Samhällsvetarkårens fullmäktige eftersom jag vill bidra mer till att förbättra våra utbildningar och vår tillvaro på universitetet.

12 I stort intresserar jag mig främst för frågor om jämställdhet, jämlikhet och likabehandling samt den högre utbildningens kvalité och pedagogik. Jag vet att ambitionerna för mer jämställdhet på Lunds universitet finns och är höga, men vet att dessa insatser behöver bevakas noga för att någonsin bli verklighet. Förutom det hoppas jag kunna bidra med att bredda perspektivet så att vi inte bara pratar om jämställdhet mellan män och kvinnor, utan arbetar lika intensivt med jämlikhet och likabehandling vad gäller de övriga diskrimineringsgrunderna. När det gäller kvalitén på våra utbildningar tror att mycket kan och behöver förbättras både gällande innehåll och form. Jag tror att Samhällvetarkåren spelar en viktig roll i att säkra hög nivå och bra pedagogik på våra utbildningar, ett arbete jag vill vara med och driva och utveckla. Slutligen tror jag att kåren behöver stärka bandet till sina medlemmar. Exakt hur det görs bäst har jag inte landat i, men det är någonting jag vill verka för i fullmäktige. Jag har varit engagerad i civilsamhället i över 7 år som alltifrån gruppsekreterare i Amnestygruppen på min gymnasieskola till förbundsordförande för Rädda Barnens Ungdomsförbund i Sverige. Just nu jobbar jag lite på min nation och sitter i valberedningen för Lunds Universitets Politiska och Ekonomiska Förening. Sophia Thelin Area of Studies: Bachelor in Human Resources Management My name is Sophia and I m a dedicated, structured and ambitious person. You find me in a heated discussion as well as in great laughter and I enjoy social gatherings, endless fika and spontaneous adventures. I stand as candidate to RA because I find the Student Union to be an important part of the University, as a voice towards the faculty but also by creating a collective forum for students to meet, discuss and develop. I want to be involved in a decision-making position in the organization and be able to influence the Union s tasks to a greater extent. Firstly, labour market issues. To strengthen the connection between labour market and social sciences student s studies. Secondly, the visibility and availability of the Union. To enhance the link between the Union and its members and strive towards an open and welcoming Union for all students part of it. Lastly, equality och equal treatment issues primarily from an intersectional perspective. Always a current issue that can be developed and improved. Among with four others I coordinate Kompis Sverige Lund (translated: Friend Sweden Lund) which creates personal meetings between established and new Swedes. The friend relationship provides a mutual exchange that broadens perspectives, reduce language barriers and break stereotypes. Also, since this fall I ve been a member of the project group which made the Social Sciences Union s labour

13 market fair, SAMarbete 2016 possible. Onwards this semester I see myself continued involved in the Union with labour market issues. Stina Lise Hullfors Area of Studies: Media - and communications I m an ambitious and motivated young woman who never says no to fika. As a person I m very happy and outgoing and it usually doesn t take too much to make me laugh. In my leisure I like to play the guitar, hang out with friends, bake cookies and work out. If I ve got time to spare I might repaint a chair or two! Since the student Union is the voice of the students, I think it s important to make sure the link between the students and the Union is strengthened. We need to make sure that the students know what the Union is, what it does and what it stands for. In that way more students may be willing to take part in the Unions work which could also make them feel like they want to be more involved in their student life. I also think it s important to improve the connection between studies and career. Compared to students at other departments, many social science students have little to no knowledge about career opportunities during their studies. By offering more information and by letting career fairs and other career events get even bigger I think this is something the Union could change. I ve been working in the project group SAMarbete which took place in March this year. Together with a colleague I was responsible for the exhibitors which was a great experience! This got me interested in issues considering career service for students. I ve also been active in two spex, Spegatspexet where I was on stage and Jesperspexet where I made clothes.

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Adding active and blended learning to an introductory mechanics course

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Understanding Innovation as an Approach to Increasing Customer Value in the Context of the Public Sector

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