Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 39:2015

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1 Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 39:2015 Publicerad/Published: Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: ; ; ; Mikrobiologisk renhet i operationsrum Förebyggande av luftburen smitta Vägledning och grundläggande krav Microbiological cleanliness in the operating room Preventing airborne contamination Guidance and fundamental requirements

2 Standarder får världen att fungera SIS (Swedish Standards Institute) är en fristående ideell förening med medlemmar från både privat och offentlig sektor. Vi är en del av det europeiska och globala nätverk som utarbetar internationella standarder. Standarder är dokumenterad kunskap utvecklad av framstående aktörer inom industri, näringsliv och samhälle och befrämjar handel över gränser, bidrar till att processer och produkter blir säkrare samt effektiviserar din verksamhet. Delta och påverka Som medlem i SIS har du möjlighet att påverka framtida standarder inom ditt område på nationell, europeisk och global nivå. Du får samtidigt tillgång till tidig information om utvecklingen inom din bransch. Ta del av det färdiga arbetet Vi erbjuder våra kunder allt som rör standarder och deras tillämpning. Hos oss kan du köpa alla publikationer du behöver allt från enskilda standarder, tekniska rapporter och standardpaket till handböcker och onlinetjänster. Genom vår webbtjänst e-nav får du tillgång till ett lättnavigerat bibliotek där alla standarder som är aktuella för ditt företag finns tillgängliga. Standarder och handböcker är källor till kunskap. Vi säljer dem. Utveckla din kompetens och lyckas bättre i ditt arbete Hos SIS kan du gå öppna eller företagsinterna utbildningar kring innehåll och tillämpning av standarder. Genom vår närhet till den internationella utvecklingen och ISO får du rätt kunskap i rätt tid, direkt från källan. Med vår kunskap om standarders möjligheter hjälper vi våra kunder att skapa verklig nytta och lönsamhet i sina verksamheter. Vill du veta mer om SIS eller hur standarder kan effektivisera din verksamhet är du välkommen in på eller ta kontakt med oss på tel Standards make the world go round SIS (Swedish Standards Institute) is an independent non-profit organisation with members from both the private and public sectors. We are part of the European and global network that draws up international standards. Standards consist of documented knowledge developed by prominent actors within the industry, business world and society. They promote cross-border trade, they help to make processes and products safer and they streamline your organisation. Take part and have influence As a member of SIS you will have the possibility to participate in standardization activities on national, European and global level. The membership in SIS will give you the opportunity to influence future standards and gain access to early stage information about developments within your field. Get to know the finished work We offer our customers everything in connection with standards and their application. You can purchase all the publications you need from us - everything from individual standards, technical reports and standard packages through to manuals and online services. Our web service e-nav gives you access to an easy-to-navigate library where all standards that are relevant to your company are available. Standards and manuals are sources of knowledge. We sell them. Increase understanding and improve perception With SIS you can undergo either shared or in-house training in the content and application of standards. Thanks to our proximity to international development and ISO you receive the right knowledge at the right time, direct from the source. With our knowledge about the potential of standards, we assist our customers in creating tangible benefit and profitability in their organisations. If you want to know more about SIS, or how standards can streamline your organisation, please visit or contact us on phone +46 (0)

3 Denna tekniska specifikation är inte en svensk standard. SIS-TS 39:2015 har givits ut i svensk språkversion. Detta dokument innehåller SIS-TS 39:2015 i engelsk språkversion. De båda språkversionerna gäller parallellt. Detta dokument ersätter SIS-TS 39:2012, utgåva 1. This Technical Specification is not a Swedish Standard. SIS-TS 39:2015 was published in Swedish. This document contains SIS-TS 39:2015 in English. The two versions are valid in parallell. This document supersedes SIS-TS 39:2012, edition 1. Copyright/Upphovsrätten till denna produkt tillhör SIS, Swedish Standards Institute, Stockholm, Sverige. Användningen av denna produkt regleras av slutanvändarlicensen som återfinns i denna produkt, se standardens sista sidor. Copyright SIS, Swedish Standards Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. The use of this product is governed by the end-user licence for this product. You will find the licence in the end of this document. Upplysningar om sakinnehållet i detta dokument lämnas av SIS, Swedish Standards Institute, telefon Standarder kan beställas hos SIS Förlag AB som även lämnar allmänna upplysningar om nationell och internationell standard. Information about the content of this document is available from the SIS, Swedish Standards Institute, telephone Standards may be ordered from SIS Förlag AB, who can also provide general information about national and international standards. Dokumentet är framtaget av kommittén för Renhet i operationsrum, SIS/TK 527. Har du synpunkter på innehållet i det här dokumentet, vill du delta i ett kommande revideringsarbete eller vara med och ta fram standarder inom området? Gå in på - där hittar du mer information.

4 Content Introduction... 4 Post-operative wound infections/surgical site infections... 4 Endogenous infection... 4 Exogenous infection... 4 Microbiological requirements for air in operating rooms... 4 Ventilation... 5 Preventing the flow of microorganisms from and to adjacent rooms... 5 Clean-up time of the air following an operation... 6 The effect of clothing systems on airborne contamination Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Microbiological requirements General Infection-prone clean surgery Other surgery Set-up rooms Rooms with direct connection to an operating room intended for infection-prone clean surgery Technical building requirements General Design Air tightness requirements Floors Ceilings Ceiling-mounted equipment Walls Fixtures and loose interior fittings Doors Windows Technical ventilation requirements General Total air flow Air supply principles Outdoor air flow Recirculated air flow Pressure differences Air filters Air humidity Room temperature Noise level Static electricity Operating rooms Set-up rooms Corridors of operating suites Functional tests Air flow tests Pressure difference Leakage tests Page

5 7.4 Air movement studies Entrainment of airborne particles into clean zones Recovery time Measuring equipment and calibration General requirements Design and quality of clothing Logistics Cleaning of operating rooms and set-up rooms Operation and maintenance of ventilation systems Documentation of the ventilation system Risk analysis and deviation management Annex A (informative) Microbiological measuring methods A.1 Active air sampling A.2 Passive air sampling A.3 Example of measuring records for air sampling A.4 Example of report Annex B (informative) Assessment of protection efficiency of air in clean zones LR method in the operating room B.1 General B.2 Measuring conditions B.3 Method B.4 Equipment B.5 Procedure B.6 Evaluation Annex C (informative) Air flows, air change, concentration and recovery time C.1 Air change C.2 Concentration C.3 Recovery time Annex D (informative) History D.1 Airborne contamination D.2 Ventilation of operating rooms D.3 Preventing the inflow of microorganisms from adjacent rooms D.4 Architecture of operating suites Annex E (informative) The working group for this publication REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS LITERATURE AND REFERENCES

6 Introduction Swedish legislation (Swedish Code of Statutes, Health and Medical Services Act, SFS 1982:763) clearly states that health-care must be of good quality with a good standard of hygiene. This technical specification describes measures which can create an environment with controlled microbiological cleanliness in the operating room. Emphasis is placed on preventing airborne contamination of the surgical field and of medical devices. Post-operative wound infections/surgical site infections Post-operative wound infections occur with approximately 7% of all operations, and are the third most frequently occurring health-care associated infections in Sweden. In so-called 'clean operations', i.e. operations in bacteria-free tissue, the risk of infection is 1-3% (Att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner (Preventing health-care associated infections)). Most post-operative wound infections are caused by contamination of the tissue with bacteria during the actual operation. Once the wound has been closed, the infection risk is low. Bacterial contamination may originate from the patient himself, endogenous source of bacteria, or the surroundings, known as exogenous source of bacteria. Endogenous infection In clean operations, the patient's own skin is the main endogenous source of infection. In most cases, the bacteria from the normal skin flora only cause infections in infection-prone clean surgery, such as the implantation of material that is foreign to the body. Staphylococcus aureus, which is present in the skin flora in approx. 10% of healthy people, can however cause infection in all types of surgery. In operations on organs which normally contain bacteria, such as the gastro-intestinal tract, the surrounding tissue becomes contaminated with large quantities of bacteria able to cause infection in this type of surgery. Exogenous infection Contamination from the environment can reach the surgical site via the air, airborne contamination, or through contact with, for example, instruments and fluids which become contaminated during the operation. The skin is the most important source of airborne contamination in the operating room. A person releases approximately 10 4 skin particles when walking and approximately 10% of these carry bacteria. There is considerable individual variation. The skin fragments vary in size from approx. 5 to 60 µm (Noble 1975). An average sedimentation rate of 0.3 m/min can be assumed if the particles are allowed to settle undisturbed, i.e. when unaffected by ventilation (Noble 1963). Anaerobic bacteria in the skin flora also disperse into the air from the skin and survive long enough to constitute an infection risk (Benediktsdóttir 1982). Activity and friction against the skin, e.g. from clothing, increase the dispersal. When skin scales pass through relatively impermeable clothing, they can also become fragmented, with the result that more than 50% of the bacteriacarrying particles may be less than 5 µm (Noble 1963, Mackintosh 1978, Reinmüller 2003, Ljungqvist 2006). People with skin problems or infections can also disperse large quantities of S. aureus, and other potentially pathogenic bacteria, such as group A streptococci, into the air. Ventilation and clean air suits do not reduce this infection risk adequately. Infection control recommendations clarify how the presence of such people in the operating room must be limited (Att förebygga vårdrelaterade infektioner 2006 (Preventing health-care associated infections)). Microbiological requirements for air in operating rooms Recent developments in new surgical methods indicate that operations where foreign material is inserted into the body will become more frequent, thereby increasing the need for operating rooms for clean surgery. 4

7 This technical specification is linked to the requirements concerning the microbiological cleanliness of the air in operating rooms, as set out in BOV 2010 (Byggenskap och Vårdhygien 2010 (Construction and infection control)). The recommendations are based on a combination of results from past studies (Annex D History) and what can be achieved by combining ventilation and the use of clean air suits. Ventilation Operating rooms are ventilated to provide a safe and comfortable environment for patients and personnel working in the room. This technical specification primarily concerns aspects of ventilation that are of significance in preventing airborne infection. The principal tasks of ventilation are to maintain a low level of airborne microorganisms during operation, to minimise the risk of inflow of airborne microorganisms from the surroundings and to clean up the air after surgery. Ventilation systems must operate 24 hours a day, but the flow rate may be reduced when the room is not in use. Air flow is specified as the number of air changes per hour or the volume of supply air per unit of time, normally in m 3 /s. To calculate the number of air changes, it is necessary to know the air flow and the volume of the room. The volume of the room is of no practical importance for the stationary contamination level. This is determined by the total flow of supply air. However, the volume of the room is of significance to how fast decay (clean-up) occurs. In Sweden, two main principles of ventilation systems are currently (2014) used in operating rooms. One is based on turbulent mixed air and normally involves supply air devices in the ceiling and exhaust air devices close to the floor. The reverse arrangement is also used and the system is then known as 'displacement ventilation'. The outdoor air flow rate is approx. 0.6 m 3 /s. In the case of turbulent mixed air, the number of bacteria-carrying particles in the air is reduced by dilution. The other principle is based on parallel air flow, where the air is distributed into the room through so-called parallel air flow ceilings with a total supply air flow of >2.5 m 3 /s. With a parallel flow above the operating table, the intention is to transport the bacteria-carrying particles out of the operating area by a sweeping action. However, during operation, the parallel flow is disturbed by movements and heat generation of the operating team and by the location and heat generation of operating lamps, so that the air movements here also can be turbulent mixed. For both ventilation principles a first estimation of the supply air flow needed could be based on the dilution principle (see also 6.3) (Nordenadler 2010). Preventing the flow of microorganisms from and to adjacent rooms When a door to an operating room is opened, air may flow into the room and cause a risk of inflow of bacteria-carrying particles when there is a temperature difference between the adjacent room and the operating room. Theoretical calculations indicate that this is of low significance to the cleanliness of the air in operating rooms with conventional turbulent air distribution if the bacteria content is above 50 cfu/m 3 (Nordenadler 2010). A far more important source of contamination is introduced if another person enters the room. The relative additional contribution to the airborne bacteria-carrying particles by opening of a door is greater in operating rooms where a very low level of contaminants is necessary. To reduce the inward flow of bacteriacarrying particles from rooms immediately adjacent to an operating room for infection-prone clean surgery, these rooms should have a defined air cleanliness (Ljungqvist et al 2009, Nordenadler 2010). The operating room should be at positive pressure relative to the adjacent rooms. Changing air flow directions should be avoided. Airborne contamination can be dispersed from the infected patient to adjacent rooms in some cases. Examples of such infections are tuberculosis, varicella and measles. Patients with extensive burn injuries disperse large quantities of bacteria-carrying particles into the air, thereby contaminating the entire environment in the operating room. Hospitals with an infectious disease department or a burns department should have an operating room which can be accessed from a corridor outside the operating suite. To enable equipment to be taken into the room, the entrance from the operating suite to the room should include an air-lock. The air-lock should have negative pressure in relation to this operating room and to the corridor. The clean-up time should be observed before the next patient is brought in for surgery. At 20 air changes/hour, the contamination is lowered to one hundredth in about 15 minutes (theoretical value, see Annex C). 5

8 Clean-up time of the air following an operation The clean-up time is dependent on the air change rate. The clean-up time after a surgical procedure begins when no new contamination is added, i.e. the operating team (and the cleaners) have left the room and closed the door. With 18 air changes/hour (an air flow of around 0.5 m 3 /s in a 35 m 2 operating room with a ceiling height of 3 m), a 90% reduction in airborne contaminants is achieved after approx. 8 min. Once the patient and the operating team have left the room, the room is usually prepared for the next operation by one or two people, which gives a low level of airborne contamination. The number of bacteria-carrying particles redispersed to the air from the floor surface during cleaning is <10-3 (<1 in 1000) (Hambraeus 1978). Once the operating room has been cleaned after an operation, very little airborne contamination from the previous patient and operating team will remain. The effect of clothing systems on airborne contamination Clean air suits are clothing which reduces the dispersion of bacteria-carrying skin particles from the staff into the air of the operating room. SS-EN gives minimum requirements for materials that are suitable for use in surgical clothing. Design is also an important factor as regards function, but will be specified in future standards. For clean air suits to have an effect on the number of airborne bacteria-carrying particles in the operating room, they must be worn by everyone in the room. 6

9 1 Scope The intention behind this technical specification is to provide guidance concerning the way in which the airborne contamination of surgical sites and medical devices can be minimised in operating rooms and adjacent rooms. The aim is to prevent post-operative infections caused by airborne microorganisms. The technical specification gives functional requirements, guidance concerning the technical design of ventilation systems and describes methods for evaluating the capacity of ventilation systems to remove microorganisms from the air. The interaction between clothing systems and air flow is also described. Other important measures to ensure cleanliness in operating rooms are cleaning/preparation of the room before and after an operation, working methods and traffic flow for patients and staff. These areas are considered but are outside the actual framework of the technical specification. Fire risks are not addressed in the specification. 2 Normative references This technical specification refers to the following documents, which are indispensible for the application of the specification. For dated references, only the specified edition applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the standard or document (including amendments) applies. NOTE In connection with procurement the year of the document being cited should be stated. SS-EN 779, Particulate air filters for general ventilation Determination of the filtration performance SS-EN , High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) Part 1: Classification, performance testing, marking SS-EN ISO , Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness SS-EN ISO , Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part 3: Test methods 3 Terms and definitions For application of this document, the terms and definitions that are specified in the document and those which follow below shall apply. 3.1 aerobic bacteria bacteria which require access to free oxygen in order to live and grow 3.2 active air sampling collection of bacteria-carrying particles from a specified volume of air through collection on a filter or impaction on an agar surface 3.3 air change the ratio between the air flow into or out of a room and the volume of the room Note 1 to entry: Usually expressed in number of air changes per hour. 3.4 air flow volume of air transported per unit of time Note 1 to entry: Specified in the unit m 3 /s, l/s or m 3 /h. 3.5 air humidity relative humidity ratio between the current moisture content of the air and the saturated value at the relevant temperature 7

10 Note 1 to entry: Relative humidity is usually abbreviated to RH (Relative Humidity) and is specified as a percentage (%). 3.6 air velocity the velocity of flowing air Note 1 to entry: Here expressed in metres per second (m/s). 3.7 anaerobic bacteria bacteria that can survive and grow without access to free oxygen 3.8 at rest condition where the installation is complete with equipment installed and operational, but with no personnel present 3.9 cfu (colony forming unit) bacteria-carrying particle which gives rise to a colony on a culture plate 3.10 circulated air air that circulates inside a room or exhaust air which is returned to the room from the same room 3.11 clean air suit suit shown to minimize contamination of the operating room air from skin scales originating on the skin of persons and carrying infective agents Note 1 to entry: Clean air suits are medical devices giving a documented source strength of less than or equal to 1.5 cfu/s and person (mean) when measured in an operating room clean surgery, clean operations surgical operation in bacteria-free tissue 3.13 clean zone a defined area which has a higher air cleanliness than other parts of the room Note 1 to entry: Cf. sterile zone. Clean zones and sterile zones can, but do not need to, coincide cleaning method where surfaces are mechanically worked to remove dirt, dust and other impurities, so that the surfaces become visibly clean 3.15 differential pressure difference in air pressure between rooms Note 1 to entry: Specified in Pa disinfection reduction of microorganisms to a level which does not involve a risk of infection or the transfer of infection 8

11 3.17 dispersal chamber (body-box) test chamber with HEPA-filtered supply air and with exhaust air in which the concentration of the total number of particles and bacteria-carrying particles from test subjects is measured in order to calculate the source strength 3.18 endogenous infection infection from the patient him- or herself 3.19 exhaust air air that is transported out of a room 3.20 exogenous infection infection of the patient from other people or the surroundings 3.21 final filter air filter used to separate particles and microorganisms in the final filtration stage 3.22 HEPA filter High Efficiency Particulate Air filter in accordance with SS-EN lint (fluff) separator fine-mesh net or perforated plate installed in the exhaust channel to protect the exhaust ducts from fibres operating room room which is primarily intended for surgical operations 3.25 ordinary scrub suit working garment for operating room staff, made from more permeable materials and not intended to prevent airborne dispersal from staff Note 1 to entry: Ordinary scrub suit is not a medical device outdoor air air in or from the outdoors cf. indoor air 3.27 passive air sampling collection of bacteria-carrying particles from air over a specified period of time through sedimentation on an agar plate 3.28 pre-filter air filter used to separate particles and microorganisms installed before the final filter in the direction of flow 3.29 recirculated air proportion of the exhaust air which is returned to the room (normally after filtration) 9


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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760061:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-23 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish;engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil T-shirt för

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 3834-5:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-06-21 Publicerad/Published: 2017-05-11 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 25.160.01 Kvalitetskrav för smältsvetsning

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760089:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-23 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish;engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Underbyxa

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760060:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-23 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish;engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Skjorta för

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 10545-8 Fastställd/Approved: 1997-03-27 Publicerad/Published: 1997-03-27 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 91.100.25 Keramiska plattor Del 8: Bestämning

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760102:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-23 Utgåva/Edition: 3 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish;engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Långbyxa

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 885:2018 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 885:2018 Fastställd/Approved: 2018-03-07 Publicerad/Published: 2018-03-07 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 21.060.10 Fästelement Skruvar med metriska gängor

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760064:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-23 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish;engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Långbyxa

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760120:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-09-09 Publicerad/Published: 2010-10-13 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Byxa för personal Health care

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Teknisk rapport SIS-ISO/TR :2012

Teknisk rapport SIS-ISO/TR :2012 Teknisk rapport SIS-ISO/TR 14121-2:2012 Publicerad/Published: 2015-02-05 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 13.110; 14.010 Maskinsäkerhet Riskbedömning Del 2: Praktisk vägledning och

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Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 54-1:2017

Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 54-1:2017 Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 54-1:2017 Publicerad/Published: 2018-08-23 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 03.080.20 Certifieringsordning för kundkontaktcenter enligt SS-EN ISO 18295-1:2017

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760067:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-23 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish;engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Bäddskjorta

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760050:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-11-15 Publicerad/Published: 2010-11-30 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Trosa för patient, baby Health

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Surfaces for sports areas Determination of vertical deformation. Golvmaterial Sportbeläggningar Bestämning av vertikal deformation

Surfaces for sports areas Determination of vertical deformation. Golvmaterial Sportbeläggningar Bestämning av vertikal deformation SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 14809:2005/AC:2007 Fastställd/Approved: 2007-11-05 Publicerad/Published: 2007-12-03 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 97.220.10 Golvmaterial Sportbeläggningar

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760001:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-08-16 Publicerad/Published: 2010-10-13 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140 Vårdbäddar Brandkrav Motstånd mot antändlighet

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SVENSK STANDARD SS 1586:2017 SVENSK STANDARD SS 1586:2017 Fastställd/Approved: 2017-04-04 Publicerad/Published: 2017-04-12 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 21.140; 23.100.60; 83.140.50 Tätningselement O-ringar

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 13460:2009 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 13460:2009 Fastställd/Approved: 2009-04-16 Publicerad/Published: 2016-10-13 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 01.110; 03.080.10 Underhåll Underhållsdokumentation

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SVENSK STANDARD SS 3656:2018 SVENSK STANDARD SS 3656:2018 Fastställd/Approved: 2018-08-15 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 13.220.10; 13.220.20 Handbrandsläckare Underhåll och omladdning Portable fire extinguishers

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2012 SVENSK STANDARD SS 872805:2012 Fastställd/Approved: 2012-02-09 Publicerad/Published: 2012-02- Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.100.10 Laboratoriemedicin Färgkoder för säkerhetskork

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760009:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-03-22 Publicerad/Published: 2010-04-27 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Sortering av undertrikå vid

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SVENSK STANDARD SS 91100:2014 SVENSK STANDARD SS 91100:2014 Fastställd/Approved: 2014-04-28 Publicerad/Published: 2014-05-05 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 11.180.01; 13.320; 35.020; 35.080; 35.240.80 Digitala

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2018 SVENSK STANDARD SS 137245:2018 Fastställd/Approved: 2018-08-24 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 91.100.30 Betongprovning Hårdnad betong Betongkuber för frysprovning Concrete testing

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Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 51:2015

Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 51:2015 Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 51:2015 Publicerad/Published: 2015-06-15 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 03.120.20; 04.150; 11.020 Kvalitet i omsorg, service, omvårdnad och rehabilitering

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO :2012/AC:2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 22476-1:2012/AC:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-04-17 Publicerad/Published: 2013-06-27 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 93.020 Geoteknisk undersökning och

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Byggdokument Angivning av status. Construction documents Indication of status SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE

Byggdokument Angivning av status. Construction documents Indication of status SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE SVENSK STANDARD Fastställd/Approved: 2008-06-23 Publicerad/Published: 2008-08-04 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 01.100.30; 92.100.20 Byggdokument Angivning av status Construction

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Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 47:2015

Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 47:2015 Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 47:2015 Publicerad/Published: 2015-02-09 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 13.320 Brand och räddning Signalkaraktärer för brand- och utrymningslarm Acoustic

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 12237:2003 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 12237:2003 Fastställd/Approved: 2003-04-11 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 91.140.30; 92.200.30 Luftbehandling Ventilationskanaler Hållfasthet och läckage hos

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO / Amd.1:2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 12756 / Amd.1:2011 Fastställd / Approved: 2011-02-09 Publicerad / Published: 2011-02-23 Utgåva / Edition: 1 Språk / Language: engelska / English; franska/french ICS: 01.040.01; 01.040.35;

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2541:2017 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2541:2017 Fastställd/Approved: 2017-10-18 Publicerad/Published: 2017-10-25 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 25.100.30 Dubbhålsborrar för hål med radieform

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS 883006:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-08-19 Publicerad/Published: 2013-08-20 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 13.220.10; 13.220.99 Brand och räddning Brandgasventilatorer

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Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 53:2017

Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 53:2017 Teknisk specifikation SIS-TS 53:2017 Publicerad/Published: 2017-05-19 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 03.080.20 Tullombudstjänst Certifieringsordning för tullombudtjänster baserat

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Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 38:2011

Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 38:2011 Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 38:2011 Publicerad/Published: 2011-09-28 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 07.040; 35.240.01; 35.240.70 Geografisk information Detaljplan Datautbytesformat för

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2014 SVENSK STANDARD SS 895400:2014 Fastställd/Approved: 2014-04-29 Publicerad/Published: 2014-05-05 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 04.100 Ledningssystem för hållbar IT Vägledning Management

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 128-20 Fastställd/Approved: 2001-11-02 Publicerad/Published: 2001-11-02 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 01.100.01 Ritregler Allmänna regler Del 20: Linjer

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 18893:2014 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 18893:2014 Fastställd/Approved: 2014-06-04 Publicerad/Published: 2014-11-10 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 53.020.99 Mobila arbetsplattformar Säkerhetsprinciper,

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Byggritningar Ritsätt Fästelement. Construction drawings Representation of fasteners SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE

Byggritningar Ritsätt Fästelement. Construction drawings Representation of fasteners SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE SVENSK STANDARD SS 32269:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-03-17 Publicerad/Published: 2008-04-07 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 01.100.30; 92.100.20 Byggritningar Ritsätt Fästelement

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 19108:2005/AC:2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 19108:2005/AC:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-07-23 Publicerad/Published: 2016-05-24 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 35.240.70 Geografisk information Modell

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS 280000:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-09-03 Publicerad/Published: 2015-09-04 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.020; 11.040.10 Hjärtsäker zon Användning av hjärtstartare

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8779:2010/Amd 1:2014

SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8779:2010/Amd 1:2014 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8779:2010/Amd 1:2014 Fastställd/Approved: 2014-07-04 Publicerad/Published: 2014-07-07 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 23.040.20; 65.060.35; 83.140.30 Plaströrssystem

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO :2009/AC:2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 4254-6:2009/AC:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2010-11-30 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 14.210; 65.060.40 Lantbruksmaskiner

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 13612/AC:2016 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 13612/AC:2016 Fastställd/Approved: 2016-04-01 Publicerad/Published: 2016-04-12 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 11.100; 11.100.10 In vitro-diagnostik Utvärdering

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SVENSK STANDARD SS 3021:2014 SVENSK STANDARD SS 3021:2014 Fastställd/Approved: 2014-07-07 Publicerad/Published: 2014-07-08 (Rättad version/corrected version, Juli 2015) Utgåva/Edition: 5 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 43.080.10

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO /Amd 1:2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 11452-7/Amd 1:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-06-29 Publicerad/Published: 2013-07-02 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 33.100.20; 43.040.10 Vägfordon Elstörningar

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 4406:2017 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 4406:2017 Fastställd/Approved: 2017-11-24 Publicerad/Published: 2017-11-24 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 23.100.60; 75.120 Hydrauliska anläggningar Vätskor

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 16750-3:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-01-29 Publicerad/Published: 2013-02-01 Utgåva/Edition: 3 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 43.040.10 Vägfordon Miljökrav och miljöprovning

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Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 47:2015

Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 47:2015 Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 47:2015 Publicerad/Published: 2015-02-09 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 13.320 Brand och räddning Signalkaraktärer för brand- och utrymningslarm Acoustic

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Svensk specifikation SIS-SP 3:2013

Svensk specifikation SIS-SP 3:2013 Svensk specifikation SIS-SP 3:2013 Publicerad/Published: 2013-08-27 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 03.100.01; 04.130; 04.150 Socialt ansvarstagande Systematisk egendeklaration Verifiering

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SIS International Workshop Agreement SIS-IWA 26:2018

SIS International Workshop Agreement SIS-IWA 26:2018 SIS International Workshop Agreement SIS-IWA 26:2018 Fastställd/Approved: 2018-02-22 Publicerad/Published: 2018-03-28 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish, engelska/english ICS: 03.100.02;03.100.70;04.130

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2017 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760020:2017 Fastställd/Approved: 2017-11-09 Publicerad/Published: 2017-11-20 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140 Sjukvårdstextil Madrasser Specifikationer

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS 211120:2011 Fastställd/Approved: 2011-08-11 Publicerad/Published: 2011-11-16 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 77.140.50; 77.140.60; 77.140.70 Konstruktionsstål

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 14001:2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 14001:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-11-18 Publicerad/Published: 2015-11-19 Utgåva/Edition: 3 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish; engelska/english ICS: 13.020.10; 04.100 Miljöledningssystem

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SVENSK STANDARD SS 3559:2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS 3559:2011 Fastställd/Approved: 2011-08-11 Publicerad/Published: 2011-10-26 Utgåva/Edition: 4 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 91.190 Byggnadsbeslag Förstärkningsbehör till lås för

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Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 18:2007 Publicerad/Published: Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: ;

Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 18:2007 Publicerad/Published: Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: ; Teknisk rapport SIS-TR 18:2007 Publicerad/Published: 2008-03-10 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 17.040.01; 17.040.10 Omvandling av toleranssatta mått från tum till millimeter och

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN :2008 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 1176-7:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-06-09 Publicerad/Published: 2009-02-26 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 97.200.40 Lekredskap och stötdämpande underlag

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-INSTA 800-2:2018 SVENSK STANDARD SS-INSTA 800-2:2018 Fastställd/Approved:2018-09-05 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 03.080.20 Städkvalitet Del 2: Certifiering på företags- och personnivå vid användande

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760013:010 Fastställd/Approved: 010-09-09 Publicerad/Published: 010-10-6 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish engelska/english ICS: 11.140 Bestämning av kontakttryck hos

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SVENSK STANDARD SS :2012 SVENSK STANDARD SS 8760039:2012 Fastställd/Approved: 2012-12-20 Publicerad/Published: 2013-01-21 (Korrigerad version/corrected version maj 2013) Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: svenska/swedish ICS: 11.140

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