Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik - Health informatics - Health cards - General characteristics

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1 Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik - Health informatics - Health cards - General characteristics SIS-remiss Remisstiden utgår: Remissen omfattar: ISO/DIS Health informatics - Health cards - General characteristics Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik - Hälsokort - Allmänna egenskaper dokument/05. Remisshantering/5.1 Remisser under beredning/2012/ SIS 10202/Remiss10202.doc SIS, Swedish Standards Institute Postadress: STOCKHOLM Telefon: Telefax: Postal address: STOCKHOLM, Sweden Phone: Telefax: SIS is the Swedish member of ISO and CEN Besöksadress: Sankt Paulsgatan 6, Stockholm Organisationsnr: E-post: info@sis.se Office address: Sankt Paulsgatan 6, Stockholm V.A.T. No. SE info@sis.se

2 Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik Ditt svar är viktigt Orientering Det är viktigt att svenska företag, myndigheter och andra organisationer får möjlighet att påverka hur standarderna är utformade. Dina synpunkter på standardförslaget bidrar till att testa riktigheten i den kommande standarden och genom ditt svar ökar också möjligheten att standarden kommer att bli använd och accepterad. SIS eftersträvar att miljöhänsyn tas i standardiseringsarbetet. Vi tar därför gärna emot dina synpunkter även när det gäller dessa frågor. Om du vill påverka innehållet i den kommande standarden ska du använda svarsblanketten som är bifogad. Den internationella kommittén ISO/TC 215, i vilken Sverige aktivt deltar har utarbetat det förslag till ISO-standard som presenteras i denna remiss. Avsikten är att förslaget skall fastställas och ges ut som svensk standard utan förnyad remiss när det fastställts som internationell standard. Den slutgiltiga standarden kan i vissa delar komma att avvika från förslaget beroende på resultatet av den internationella remissbehandlingen. För att kunna fastställas som svensk standard måste ISO-standarden vara förenlig med svensk lagstiftning. Det är viktigt att berörda svenska myndigheter klarlägger om förslaget till ISO-standard är förenligt med svensk lagstiftning. Svaren på denna remiss kommer att utgöra underlag för det svenska yttrandet. Kommentarerna ska vara på engelska. Något om förslaget This International Standard is designed to confirm the identities of both the healthcare application provider and the healthcard holder in order that information may be exchanged by using cards issued for healthcare service. This International Standard focuses on the machine-readable cards of ID-1 type defined in ISO/IEC 7810 that are issued for healthcare services provided in a service area that crosses the national borders of two or more countries/areas. This International Standard applies directly or refers to existing ISO standards for the physical characteristics and recording techniques. Security issues should follow the requirements of each healthcare card system. In addition, this International Standard regulates the visual information written on the card. Översättning Den engelska texten föreslås ges ut som svensk standard utan översättning. Om ni anser att texten bör översättas ber vi er ange detta i ert svar. Samtidigt ber vi er då meddela om ni är beredda att bidra till de extra arbetsinsatser som en översättning skulle kräva. Synpunkter på föreslagen svensk titel tas dokument/05. Remisshantering/5.1 Remisser under beredning/2012/ SIS 10202/Remiss10202.doc SIS, Swedish Standards Institute Postadress: STOCKHOLM Telefon: Telefax: Postal address: STOCKHOLM, Sweden Phone: Telefax: SIS is the Swedish member of ISO and CEN Besöksadress: Sankt Paulsgatan 6, Stockholm Organisationsnr: E-post: info@sis.se Office address: Sankt Paulsgatan 6, Stockholm V.A.T. No. SE info@sis.se

3 tacksamt emot. Svensk kommitté Frågor Beställning Pris Vilka får remissen? Svar på remissen Anvisningar för remissvar Svaren på denna remiss kommer att behandlas av Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik, SIS/TK 334, som är svensk referensgrupp för ISO/TC 215 Frågor kring remissen besvaras av Git Eliasson, SIS, telefon: , epost: Förslaget kan beställas från Josefine Kayalioglu, SIS, telefon: , epost: Pris för standardförslaget är 400 kronor exkl. moms Remissen har sänts ut till följande: SIS/TK 334, Remissgruppen SIS/TK 334 Besvara remissen genom att returnera bifogade svarsblankett, till Se anvisningar. Ett remissvar består av två delar: Svarsblankett (där du röstar ja eller nej till förslaget, eller avstår); Kommentarer. Om remissen innehåller flera standardförslag skall ett svar avges för varje ingående standardförslag. I svarsblanketten finns förberedda svarsalternativ för samtliga standardförslag. OBS! Försök inte skilja svarsblankett och kommentarsdelen, eftersom de länkade uppgifterna då försvinner. Så här fyller du i svarsblanketten "Avstår" om du inte är insatt i förslaget och dess konsekvenser eller om du inte har tid eller möjlighet att sätta dig in i förslaget. "Tillstyrker utan kommentarer" om du anser att förslaget kan godtas som standard utan förändringar. "Tillstyrker med kommentarer" om du anser att förslaget kan godtas som standard, fast med de förändringar du angivit i dina kommentarer. "Avstyrker med motivering" om du anser att förslaget innehåller felaktigheter eller är olämpligt att godta som standard. Du måste ange en motivering till avstyrkandet och skälen skall vara av allvarligare karaktär. Ange om du/ni har erfarenhet inom den föreslagna standardens tillämpningsområde och om du/ni haft möjlighet att pröva förslagets tillämpning i er verksamhet. Kom gärna med synpunkter på den föreslagna svenska titeln Om du vill lämna kommentarer Fyll i medföljande blankett för kommentarer enligt anvisningarna nedan,

4 Om standardförslaget är på engelska ska kommentarerna vara på engelska. Detta för att säkerställa en korrekt användning av fackuttryck. Så här fyller du i blanketten för kommentarer För att skapa en ny tabellrad ställer du markören i sista tabellcellen och trycker tab. ID Lämna blankt eller ange en kortform av er identitet som svarslämnare (t.ex. initialer, eller förkortning av företags-/organisationsnamn) Clause No./Subclause No./Annex (e.g. 3.1) För varje kommentar ges en referens till relevant avsnitt i standardförslaget. Paragraph/Figure/Table/Note (e.g. Table 1) Om möjligt preciseras relevant stycke, figurnr, tabellnr, not, eller dylikt i standardförslaget. Type of comment Varje kommentar kategoriseras med någon av förkortningarna te, ed, ge med följande innebörd: te: teknisk kommentar ed: redaktionell kommentar (editorial) ge: generell kommentar Comment (justification for change) Föreslagna ändringar motiveras/förklaras kortfattat. Proposed change För te- och ed-kommentarer ges entydiga förslag till ersättningstext, tillägg eller strykning, gärna enligt följande exempel: Change shall to should. Add the text see enclosure. Remove the text see enclosure.

5 Template for comments and secretariat observations Date: Document: 1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7) MB 1 Clause No./ Subclause No./ Annex (e.g. 3.1) Paragraph/ Figure/Table/ Note (e.g. Table 1) Type of comment 2 Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations on each comment submitted 1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory. ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version page 1 of 1

6 SVARSBLANKETT SIS-remiss (2) e-post: SIS Remissvar Git Eliasson STOCKHOLM SIS/TK 334, Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik Svar på SIS-remiss avseende ISO/DIS Senaste svarsdatum Uppgifter om svarslämnaren Företag/Organisation/Myndighet Enskild person Företag/Organisation/Myndighet Handläggare (namn, telefon) Datum Remissvar Avstår Tillstyrker utan kommentarer Tillstyrker med kommentarer Avstyrker med motivering Har erfarenhet inom det område förslaget täcker Har tillämpat förslaget Ej berörd Kommentarer till föreslagen svensk titel SIS, Swedish Standards Institute SIS is the Swedish member of ISO and CEN Postadress: STOCKHOLM Besöksadress: Sankt Paulsgatan 6, Stockholm Organisationsnr: Telefon: Telefax: E-post: Postal address: STOCKHOLM, Sweden Office address: Sankt Paulsgatan 6, Stockholm V.A.T. No. SE Phone: Telefax: info@sis.se

7 Datum Svarslämnare: Kommentarer på: SIS-remiss Förslag: ISO/DIS (3) 4 5 (6) (7) ID Clause No./ Subclause No./ Annex (e.g. 3.1) Paragraph/ Figure/Table/N ote (e.g. Table 1) Type of comm ent 1 Comment (justfication for changes) Proposed change Fylls i av SIS 1 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

8 Svarssammanställning Datum: / 1 Remiss: Hälso- och sjukvårdsinformatik Svarsdatum: Ansvarig: Git Eliasson Svarslämnare Företag/ Organisation/ Myndighet Enskild person HL7 Sweden X Alvfeldt, Gustav Cambio Healthcare Systems AB X Areblad, Maria Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset X Carlsson, Lars Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Skolan f teknik X Erlandsson, Björn-Erik & hälsa Läkemedelsverket X Gillblom, Per Linköpings tekniska högskola Inst f medicinsk X Karlsson, Daniel teknik IMT Karolinska Institutet X Klein, Gunnar Länssjukhuset Ryhov X Lundell, Karl-Henrik Skånes universitetssjukhus Lund X Lundgren, Per-Arne Sveriges läkarförbund X Lövström, Rikard JMP Research & Development AB X Nordberg, Ragnar Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting X Rosenälv, Jessica Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna X Seid, Daniel CompuGroup Medical Sweden AB X Sjöåker, Sandra Region Skåne Folktandvården Skåne X Svensson, Owe Linköpings universitet X Vimarlund, Vivian Västra Götalandsregionen X Wintell, Mikael Handläggare Ankomstdatum Tillstyrker utan kommentarer Tillstyrker med kommentarer Avstyrker med motivering Avstår Notering

9 DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS ISO/TC 215 Secretariat: ANSI Voting begins on Voting terminates on INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИИ ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Health informatics Health cards General characteristics Informatique de santé Cartes de santé Caractéristiques générales [Revision of first edition (ISO 20301:2006)] ICS To expedite distribution, this document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat. ISO Central Secretariat work of editing and text composition will be undertaken at publication stage. Pour accélérer la distribution, le présent document est distribué tel qu'il est parvenu du secrétariat du comité. Le travail de rédaction et de composition de texte sera effectué au Secrétariat central de l'iso au stade de publication. THIS DOCUMENT IS A DRAFT CIRCULATED FOR COMMENT AND APPROVAL. IT IS THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND MAY NOT BE REFERRED TO AS AN INTERNATIONAL STANDARD UNTIL PUBLISHED AS SUCH. IN ADDITION TO THEIR EVALUATION AS BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, COMMERCIAL AND USER PURPOSES, DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS MAY ON OCCASION HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STANDARDS TO WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE IN NATIONAL REGULATIONS. RECIPIENTS OF THIS DRAFT ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT, WITH THEIR COMMENTS, NOTIFICATION OF ANY RELEVANT PATENT RIGHTS OF WHICH THEY ARE AWARE AND TO PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION. International Organization for Standardization, 2012

10 Copyright notice This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted under the applicable laws of the user s country, neither this ISO draft nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission being secured. Requests for permission to reproduce should be addressed to either ISO at the address below or ISO s member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel Fax copyright@iso.org Web Reproduction may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Violators may be prosecuted. ii ISO 2012 All rights reserved

11 Contents Page Foreword...iv Introduction...v 1 Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Abbreviations Physical characteristics Visually readable data Purposes of visually readable data Items of visually readable data Application provider identifier Health cardholder identifier Application name Information for contacting the card issuer Country/area of the card issuer Other information Field identifier of visually readable data Recording technique Recording technique for visually readable data Writing, Printing, Engraving, Drawing, Lasering Embossing Magnetic stripe Integrated circuits with contacts Contactless integrated circuits Optical memory Other recording technique Test method...6 Annex A (informative) Examples of field identifiers written in Latin-1 code...7 Annex B (informative) Examples of healthcare card layout...8 B.1 General...8 B.2 Examples of layout...8 B.2.1 Example layout 1: Both side layout...8 B.2.2 Example layout 2: Single side layout...9 B.2.3 Example layout 3: Non alphabetical character layout Bibliography ISO 2011 All rights reserved iii

12 Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 215, Health Informatics. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 20301:2006). iv ISO 2011 All rights reserved

13 Introduction This international standard describes general characteristics of machine-readable cards used in the field of healthcare. The purpose of using machine-readable cards in the field of healthcare is to improve the quality of health service and the efficient use of healthcare resources in the field. The primary consideration in creating this international standard has been to improve patient service and patient safety, as well as improve the practical use of healthcare cards in clinical fields. The main policy of this draft international standard is as follows. 1) ISO TC215 has agreed to exempt the following items from standardization efforts. Standardizing the clinical practice of medicine and Defining a standardized healthcare delivery service structure. In years past, healthcare cards have been used to exchange healthcare data by placing necessary and appropriate information on the surface of the cards in order to implement the health service of each country. However, as people now move more frequently across borders, healthcare cards issued in one country or area are increasingly being used in another, and with this consideration in mind this international standard has been designed to apply to healthcare cards that will be used internationally. 2) This international standard is applicable to healthcare cards used for healthcare services provided by the card issuer. Not only TC215, but also ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 should discuss the standardization of the characteristics and operation of other cards, which are not covered by this draft international standard. 3) This international standard is designed to accept relevant technologies and recording techniques for cards. The data elements and data structures in healthcare cards are under consideration within ISO/TC215. ISO 2011 All rights reserved v


15 DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ISO/DIS Health informatics Health cards General characteristics 1 Scope This International Standard is designed to confirm the identities of both the healthcare application provider and the healthcard holder in order that information may be exchanged by using cards issued for healthcare service. This International Standard focuses on the machine-readable cards of ID-1 type defined in ISO/IEC 7810 that are issued for healthcare services provided in a service area that crosses the national borders of two or more countries/areas. This International Standard applies directly or refers to existing ISO standards for the physical characteristics and recording techniques. Security issues should follow the requirements of each healthcare card system. In addition, this International Standard regulates the visual information written on the card. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 3166, Codes for the representation of names of countries ISO/IEC 7810, Identification cards Physical characteristics. ISO/IEC 7811 (all parts), Identification cards Recording technique. ISO/IEC , Identification cards Identification of Issuers Part 1: Numbering system. ISO/IEC 7816 (all parts), Identification cards Integrated circuit cards (with contacts). ISO/IEC (all parts), Identification cards Test methods. ISO/IEC (all parts), Identification cards Contact-less integrated circuit(s) cards. ISO/IEC 11693, Identification cards Optical memory cards General characteristics. ISO/IEC (all parts), Identification cards Contact-less integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards. ISO/IEC 15420, Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Bar code symbology specification EAN/UPC. ISO/IEC 15438, Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques PDF417 bar code symbology specification. ISO/IEC (all parts), Identification cards Contact-less integrated circuit(s) cards Vicinity cards. ISO 2011 All rights reserved 1

16 ISO 20302, Health informatics Health cards Numbering system and registration procedure for issuer identifiers. ISO/IEC (all parts), Identification cards Card service life. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 application that which is provided for specific services in healthcare fields and which could be carried out by using a separate set of information stored in the healthcare data card EXAMPLE An application for making appointments for medical treatment, an application for providing access to medical records and an application for certifying health funding status are all examples of healthcare applications. 3.2 card issuer entity that records the information to activate the card, register and distribute to the healthcard holder EXAMPLE A hospital could be a card issuer of cards for handling appointments for medical treatment or for accessing medical records. A health funding agency could be a card issuer of cards for health funding 3.3 field identifier character strings, numeric characters, and/or icons placed near the visually readable data that help to identify the visually readable data 3.4 front side of the card back side of the card see International Standards related to the applied recording techniques and card technologies, namely: ISO/IEC 7811 for cards with embossing and/or magnetic stripe; ISO/IEC 7816 for integrated circuit cards; ISO/IEC for contactless integrated circuit cards(proximity cards); ISO/IEC for optical memory cards 3.5 healthcare application provider entity that provides healthcare services to the healthcard holder and in the course doing so, makes use of the card and records the health care application information onto the cards EXAMPLE A hospital could be a healthcare application provider by handling appointments for medical treatment or by providing access control to medical records. A health funding agency could be a healthcare application provider by issuing cards for health funding. A health funding agency could also be a healthcare application provider by certifying the health funding status of the healthcard holder. NOTE If the card contains an application for medical appointments, a hospital could be an application provider as it provides appointment services to the patients, while it could also be a user of the card if the card contains an application for health funding services, as the hospital may get reimbursed from the health funding agency. 3.6 healthcare data card machine-readable card, conformant to ISO 7810 intended for use within the healthcare domain 2 ISO 2011 All rights reserved

17 [ISO :2004, definition 3.2] 3.7 healthcard holder individual transporting a healthcare data card which contains a record with the individual identified as the major record person [ISO :2004, definition 3.8] 3.8 item single distinct part of the visually readable data 3.9 recording technique technique to put visually readable data onto the card surface or to write data in non-volatile memories 3.10 service area countries/areas where the healthcare data card is intended to be used and where the healthcare service obtained by using the card is provided 3.11 visually readable data data that are placed on the surface of the healthcare data card to be read visually by users 4 Abbreviations PAN IIN Primary Account Number Issuer Identification Number 5 Physical characteristics The physical characteristics follow the specifications defined by ISO/IEC 7810, and the specifications defined by the standards for the recording techniques. For example, ISO/IEC 7811 for cards using embossing and/or magnetic stripes, ISO/IEC 7816 for cards using IC with contacts and ISO/IEC for optical memory cards. The physical characteristics of a healthcare card shall be in compliance with the relevant standards of the applied recording techniques and card technologies, e.g. ISO/IEC7811 for cards with embossing and/or magnetic stripe, ISO/IEC7816 for Integrated circuit cards, ISO/IEC14443, ISO10536, and ISO15693 for contactless integrated circuit cards, and ISO/IEC11693 for optical memory cards. 6 Visually readable data 6.1 Purposes of visually readable data The items defined by this International Standard are designed for either of the two purposes below. Purpose 1): Identification of the application provider and healthcard holder. Purpose 2): Provision of information for contacting the card issuer and the healthcard holder within the service area. ISO 2011 All rights reserved 3

18 The visually readable data may not be meant to replace or may not be same as the data stored within the card by means of magnetic, optical memory, electronic, or other machine-readable technologies. Also, other visually readable information or items may appear on the card. 6.2 Items of visually readable data Application provider identifier The application provider identifier shall follow the regulations below, for purpose 1) defined in 6.1. The written or drawn information to identify the application provider shall appear on the card. The identifier shall be written or drawn in one or more languages that could be understood within the service area. This item shall be written or drawn on the same side as the healthcard holder identifier. The application provider identifier may follow: PAN defined in ISO/IEC when the application provider identifier is combined with the cardholder identifier defined in 6.2.2; ISO Healthcard holder identifier The healthcard holder identifier shall appear on the card, and follow the regulations below, for Purpose 1) defined in 6.1. The name or the information of the healthcard holder defined by the healthcare application provider shall appear on the card. The healthcard holder identifier shall be written or drawn in one or more languages that could be understood within the service area. This item shall be written or drawn on the same side as the application provider identifier. The healthcard holder identifier may follow PAN for cardholder identifier defined in ISO/IEC when it is combined with the application provider identifier defined in Application name Application name may follow the regulations below, for Purpose 1) defined in 6.1. The application name may appear on the healthcare data card as the title of the healthcare service provided by the application provider. The application name may be written or drawn in one or more languages that could be understood within the service area. The application name may: a) be followed by a field identifier in one or more languages that could be understood within the service area. b) appear on either side of the card on the top or in the largest font. 4 ISO 2011 All rights reserved

19 6.2.4 Information for contacting the card issuer The information for contacting the card issuer shall appear on the card. Information for contacting the card issuer may follow the regulations below, for purpose 2) defined in 6.1. The written or drawn information to contact the card issuer shall appear on the card. Information for contacting the card issuer shall be written or drawn in one or more languages that could be understood within the service area Country/area of the card issuer The country/area of the card issuer may follow the regulations below, for the purpose 2) defined in 6.1. The written or drawn information to identify the country/area of the card issuer may appear on the card. This item may be removed if any other visually readable data contains the information for identifying the country/area of the card issuer. The country/area of the card issuer may follow ISO3166, while it allows other forms such as code, character, letter, icon, and other information that is understood within the service area. EXAMPLE Following ISO 3166, country of the card issuer may be addressed by a code based on 2 or 3 letters of the alphabet such as JP or JPN for Japan, or numeric numbers such as 392 for Japan Other information The card may include additional information not covered above, such as a photograph and/or signature panel. 6.3 Field identifier of visually readable data If the visually readable data on the card is not readily discernable in the service area, field identifiers may be added. Examples of field identifiers written in Latin-1 code are shown in Annex A. 7 Recording technique 7.1 Recording technique for visually readable data Writing, Printing, Engraving, Drawing, Lasering For putting visually readable data on the card surface, recording techniques such as writing, printing, engraving, drawing and lasering may be used Embossing Embossing may be used for putting visually readable data on the card surface. When using embossing, the location, documentation procedure, and character type shall follow ISO/IEC Magnetic stripe Magnetic stripe may be used for putting visually readable data on the card surface. When using magnetic stripe, the location and the documentation procedure shall follow ISO/IEC 7811 part 2 and part 6. ISO 2011 All rights reserved 5

20 7.3 Integrated circuits with contacts IC chip with contacts may be used for putting visually readable data on the card surface. When using IC with contacts, the location of contacts shall follow ISO/IEC Contactless integrated circuits Contactless IC chip may be used for putting visually readable data on the card surface. When using cards with contactless IC, the location of contactless IC shall follow ISO/IEC10536, 14443, and/or ISO/IEC Optical memory Optical memory may be used for putting visually readable data on the card surface. When using an optical memory, the location of the memory shall follow ISO/IEC Other recording technique Recording techniques other than those described above may be used on the healthcare data card for machine-readable purposes. For example, one-dimensional or two-dimensional bar codes may be used by following ISO/IEC or ISO/IEC When using more than two recording techniques and if discrepancies occur, the healthcare provider should resolve the problem before issuing the healthcare data card. 8 Test method Test methods for healthcare cards should follow ISO/ICE and ISO/IEC ISO 2011 All rights reserved

21 Annex A (informative) Examples of field identifiers written in Latin-1 code Use <title> for Application name. Use <provider> for Application provider identifier. This field identifier may be used if the identifier is an identification code such as ID number or a character string such as name. Use <provider ID> for Application provider identifier if the identifier is an identification code such as ID code. Use <provider Name> for Application provider identifier if the identifier is a character string such as name. Use <holder> for Healthcard holder identifier. This field identifier may be used where the identifier is an identification code such as ID number or a character string such as name. Use <holder ID> for Healthcard holder identifier if the identifier is an identification code such as ID number. Use <holder Name> for Healthcard holder identifier if the identifier is a character string such as name. Use "<address>" for Information for contacting card issuer. ISO 2011 All rights reserved 7

22 Annex B (informative) Examples of healthcare card layout B.1 General This Annex shows an example of the healthcare data card layout regulated by this International Standard. With this International Standard, the size and placement of each data item is not regulated. B.2 Examples of layout B.2.1 Example layout 1: Both side layout Figure B.1 shows the healthcare data card layout of the front side without field identifiers regulated by this International Standard and Figure B.2 shows the reverse side. These examples are conceptual and so are not drawn to scale. Key 1 bar code 2 application name 3 photograph 4 identifier of the healthcare application provider 5 identifier of the healthcard holder 6 additional information Figure B.1 Example of the front side layout (1) 8 ISO 2011 All rights reserved

23 Key 1 magnetic stripe 2 information for contacting with the card issuer 3 the registration country of the card issuer Figure B.2 Example of the back side layout IIN defined by ISO/IEC is used for the Identifier of the healthcare service provider. It contains '80' showing healthcare sector, '999' as the country code, '12345' as issuer number, and '6' as the checksum digit. 15 letters including alphabet and numbers are used as the healthcard holder identifier. The address and telephone number of the card issuer are documented on the back side of the card as the contact information. The country/area of the card issuer is documented on the back side of the card. The contacts of IC are located in the upper left on the front side of the card, following ISO/IEC A bar code appears in the left upper on the front side of the card. A photograph of the healthcard holder appears in the upper right on the front side of the card. The magnetic stripe is located in the upper part of the back side of the card, following ISO/IEC B.2.2 Example layout 2: Single side layout Figure B.3 shows an example of the front side healthcare data card layout using field identifiers. ISO 2011 All rights reserved 9

24 Key 1 application name 2 contacts of IC chip 3 healthcard holder identifiers 4 identifier of the application provider 5 information for contacting the card issuer This example is conceptual so is not drawn to scale. All items are combined with field identifiers. Figure B.3 Example of the front layout (2) Two types of healthcard holder identifier are denoted. One is the ID number and the other is the name. The country/area of the card issuer is eliminated because the issuing country can be recognized from the information for contacting the card issuer. In this example, contacts for the IC chip are located in the upper left on the front of the healthcare data card, in accordance with ISO/IEC B.2.3 Example layout 3: Non alphabetical character layout Figure B.4 shows an example of the front layout regulated by this International Standard, which uses the non- Latin-1 code characters understandable throughout the cross-border service area. This example is conceptual and so is not drawn to scale. 10 ISO 2011 All rights reserved

25 Key 1 application name 2 field identifier for Identifier of the healthcare application provider 3 identifier of the healthcare application provider 4 healthcard holder identifiers 5 additional information 6 information for contacting the card issuer 7 county/area of the card issuer 8 non Latin-1 field identifiers for each item Figure B.4 Example of the front side layout (3) The application name is written in two languages. The field identifier in English follows the examples described in Annex A. The identifier of the healthcare application provider is printed as an ID number, and the field identifier in English follows the examples described in Annex A. The healthcard holder identifier is printed as a card number provided by the healthcare application provider. The healthcard holder s name is printed in English and the same name is printed with non Latin-1 code characters. Date of birth and sex are printed as additional information. Field identifiers printed in non-latin-1 code accompany the identifier of the healthcare application provider, the healthcard holder identifier and the additional information, but no field identifier accompanies the information for contacting the healthcard holder because the address and the telephone number are clearly understood in the service area. IC contacts are located in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816 on the upper left side of the front of the healthcare data card. However, this is not mandatory. ISO 2011 All rights reserved 11

26 Bibliography [1] ISO/IEC (all parts), Identification cards Optical memory cards Linear recording method [2] ISO :2004, Health informatics Patient healthcard data Part 1: General structure [3] ISO :2004, Health informatics Patient healthcard data Part 2: Common objects 12 ISO 2011 All rights reserved

Implantat och biologisk säkerhet - Active implantable medical devices - Part 7: Particular requirements for cochlear implant systems

Implantat och biologisk säkerhet - Active implantable medical devices - Part 7: Particular requirements for cochlear implant systems Implantat och biologisk säkerhet - Active implantable medical devices - Part 7: Particular requirements for cochlear implant systems SIS-remiss 9449 Remisstiden utgår: 2012-01-31 Remissen omfattar: ISO/DIS

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http://intranet/delade dokument/05. Remisshantering/5.1 Remisser under beredning/2013/2013-1 SIS 10687/Remiss10687.doc 2013-02-28

http://intranet/delade dokument/05. Remisshantering/5.1 Remisser under beredning/2013/2013-1 SIS 10687/Remiss10687.doc 2013-02-28 Implantat och biologisk säkerhet Implants for surgery - Wear of total knee prostheses - Part 4: Wear of the patella-femoral joint - Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2010/Amd 1:2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 14839-1:2010/Amd 1:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-11-08 Publicerad/Published: 2010-11-30 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 01.040.17; 17.160 Vibration och stöt

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ISO general purpose metric screw threads Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts

ISO general purpose metric screw threads Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 262 Fastställd 2003-08-01 Utgåva 1 Metriska ISO-gängor för allmän användning Utvalda storlekar för skruvar och muttrar ISO general purpose metric screw threads Selected sizes for

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ISO general purpose screw threads Basic profile Part 1: Metric screw threads

ISO general purpose screw threads Basic profile Part 1: Metric screw threads SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 68-1 Fastställd 2003-08-01 Utgåva 1 ISO-gängor för allmän användning Basprofil Del 1: Metriska ISO-gängor ISO general purpose screw threads Basic profile Part 1: Metric screw threads

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8779:2010/Amd 1:2014

SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8779:2010/Amd 1:2014 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8779:2010/Amd 1:2014 Fastställd/Approved: 2014-07-04 Publicerad/Published: 2014-07-07 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 23.040.20; 65.060.35; 83.140.30 Plaströrssystem

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8734 SIS - Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige Handläggande organ SMS, SVERIGES MEKANSTANDARDISERING SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8734 Fastställd Utgåva Sida Registering 1992-11-16 1 1 (1+8) SMS reg 27.1128 SIS

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Förbrukningsmaterial inom sjukvården

Förbrukningsmaterial inom sjukvården Förbrukningsmaterial inom sjukvården SIS-remiss 14930 Remisstiden utgår: 2017-01-10 Remissen omfattar: pren 455-3:2015/A1 Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological

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Teknisk specifikation SIS-ISO/TS :2010

Teknisk specifikation SIS-ISO/TS :2010 Teknisk specifikation SIS-ISO/TS 128-71:2010 Publicerad/Published: 2010-11-30 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 01.100.20 Ritregler Allmänna ritregler Del 71: Förenklat ritsätt för

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Ergonomisk utformning av kontrollrum och relaterade utrymmen - Del 7: Principer för utvärdering

Ergonomisk utformning av kontrollrum och relaterade utrymmen - Del 7: Principer för utvärdering Ergonomisk utformning av kontrollrum och relaterade utrymmen - Del 7: Principer för utvärdering SIS-remiss 3330 Remisstiden utgår: 2005-02-14 Remissen omfattar: pren ISO 11064-7 Ergonomic design of control

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 5183-2 Fastställd Utgåva Sida 2001-03-02 2 1 (1+6+6) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Resistance spot welding Electrode adaptors, male taper

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ISO general purpose metric screw threads General plan

ISO general purpose metric screw threads General plan SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 261 Fastställd 2003-08-01 Utgåva 1 Metriska ISO-gängor för allmän användning Generalplan ISO general purpose metric screw threads General plan ICS 21.040.10 Språk: engelska, svenska

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2338 SIS Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige Handläggande organ SMS, SVERIGES MEKANSTANDARDISERING SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2338 Fastställd Utgåva Sida Registrering 1992-11-16 1 1 (1+8) SMS reg 27.1113 SIS

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Anestesi- och respiratorutrustning

Anestesi- och respiratorutrustning Anestesi- och respiratorutrustning SIS-remiss 14871 Remisstiden utgår: 2016-12-09 Remissen omfattar: ISO/DIS 11195 Gas mixers for medical use - Stand-alone gas mixers SIS, Swedish Standards Institute Postadress:

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Remiss SIS Laboratoriemedicin Färgkoder för säkerhetskork på vakuumrör för provtagning av venöst blod

Remiss SIS Laboratoriemedicin Färgkoder för säkerhetskork på vakuumrör för provtagning av venöst blod 2011-06-20 SIS, Swedisk Standards Institute 118 80 Stockholm Remiss SIS Laboratoriemedicin Färgkoder för säkerhetskork på vakuumrör för provtagning av venöst blod Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS) är en politiskt

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 19108:2005/AC:2015 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 19108:2005/AC:2015 Fastställd/Approved: 2015-07-23 Publicerad/Published: 2016-05-24 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 35.240.70 Geografisk information Modell

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Provläsningsexemplar / Preview

Provläsningsexemplar / Preview Technical drawings - General principles of presentation - Part 20: Basic conventions for lines Ritregler - Allmänna regler - Del 20: Linjer - Grundläggande krav The International Standard IS0 128-20:1996

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Laboratoriemedicin - Reference method for testing the in vitro activity of antimicrobial SIS-remiss 9268

Laboratoriemedicin - Reference method for testing the in vitro activity of antimicrobial SIS-remiss 9268 Laboratoriemedicin - Reference method for testing the in vitro activity of antimicrobial SIS-remiss 9268 Remisstiden utgår: 2011-12-08 Remissen omfattar: pren ISO 16256 Clinical laboratory testing and

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tjänster (ISO 10019:2005, IDT) Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services (ISO 10019:2005, IDT)

tjänster (ISO 10019:2005, IDT) Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services (ISO 10019:2005, IDT) SVENSK STANDARD Fastställd 2005-02-04 Utgåva 1 Vägledning för val av konsulter för kvalitetsledningssystem samt användning av deras tjänster (ISO 10019:2005, IDT) Guidelines for the selection of quality

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http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se Provläsningsexemplar / Preview SVENSK STANDARD Fastställd 2004-02-13 Utgåva 1 Ledningssystem för kvalitet Vägledning

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Rengöring, desinfektion och sterilisering

Rengöring, desinfektion och sterilisering Rengöring, desinfektion och sterilisering SIS-remiss 15017 Remisstiden utgår: 2017-01-16 Remissen omfattar: pren 14476:2013+A1:2015/A2 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 8130-9 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Standardiseringsgruppen STG 1999-12-10 1 1 (1+6) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Coating

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 4892-3 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida SVENSK MATERIAL- & MEKANSTANDARD, SMS 1999-05-21 1 1 (1+9) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited.

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 9876 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 9876 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida SVENSK MATERIAL- & MEKANSTANDARD, SMS 1999-07-30 2 1 (1+9) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited.

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 885:2018 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 885:2018 Fastställd/Approved: 2018-03-07 Publicerad/Published: 2018-03-07 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 21.060.10 Fästelement Skruvar med metriska gängor

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Teknisk rapport SIS-ISO/TR 23849:2010

Teknisk rapport SIS-ISO/TR 23849:2010 Teknisk rapport SIS-ISO/TR 23849:2010 Publicerad/Published: 2010-06-16 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 13.110; 14.070 Vägledning vid tillämpning av ISO 13849-1 och IEC 62061 vid

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http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se Provläsningsexemplar / Preview SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 15489-1 Fastställd 2001-10-26 Utgåva 1 Dokumentation Dokumenthantering

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http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se http://www.sis.se SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 10005:2005 Fastställd 2005-08-17 Utgåva 2 Ledningssystem för kvalitet Vägledning för kvalitetsplaner

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Tappfräsverktyg Del 2: Fräsdorn med 7/24 kona Mått (ISO :2008, IDT)

Tappfräsverktyg Del 2: Fräsdorn med 7/24 kona Mått (ISO :2008, IDT) SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 3937-2:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-12-08 Publicerad/Published: 2009-01-13 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 25.060.20 Tappfräsverktyg Del 2: Fräsdorn med

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Förpackningar Glasförpackningar Standardtoleranser för flaskor (ISO 9058:2008, IDT)

Förpackningar Glasförpackningar Standardtoleranser för flaskor (ISO 9058:2008, IDT) SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 9058:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-03-31 Publicerad/Published: 2008-04-17 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 55.020; 55.100 Förpackningar Glasförpackningar

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 2566-2 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida SVENSK MATERIAL- & MEKANSTANDARD, SMS 1999-06-30 1 1 (1+30) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited.

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Geometriska produktspecifikationer (GPS) Rakhet Del 1: Ordlista och parametrar för rakhet

Geometriska produktspecifikationer (GPS) Rakhet Del 1: Ordlista och parametrar för rakhet Teknisk specifikation SIS-ISO/TS 12780-1:2005 Utgåva 1 Januari 2006 Geometriska produktspecifikationer (GPS) Rakhet Del 1: Ordlista och parametrar för rakhet Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Straightness

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 7391-2 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida SVENSK MATERIAL- & MEKANSTANDARD, SMS 1999-06-11 1 1 (1+10) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited.

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Information technology Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 (ISO/IEC 26300:2006, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE

Information technology Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 (ISO/IEC 26300:2006, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO/IEC 26300:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-06-17 Publicerad/Published: 2008-08-04 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 35.240.30 Information technology Open Document

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 13612/AC:2016 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 13612/AC:2016 Fastställd/Approved: 2016-04-01 Publicerad/Published: 2016-04-12 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 11.100; 11.100.10 In vitro-diagnostik Utvärdering

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 9339-2 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Hälso- och sjukvårdsstandardiseringen, HSS 1999-03-05 1 1 (1+10) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 16750-3:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-01-29 Publicerad/Published: 2013-02-01 Utgåva/Edition: 3 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 43.040.10 Vägfordon Miljökrav och miljöprovning

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Ventilutlopp för gasflaskor för gaser och gasblandningar Urval och måttsättning (ISO 5145:2004/Amd 2:2008, IDT)

Ventilutlopp för gasflaskor för gaser och gasblandningar Urval och måttsättning (ISO 5145:2004/Amd 2:2008, IDT) SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 5145:2004/Amd 2:2008 Fastställd/Approved: 2008-04-24 Publicerad/Published: 2008-05-22 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 23.020.30 Ventilutlopp för gasflaskor

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 965-4 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 965-4 Fastställd 2003-08-01 Utgåva 1 Metriska ISO-gängor för allmän användning Gängtoleranser Del 4: Gränsmått för varmförzinkade utvändiga gängor avsedda för användning tillsammans

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO / Amd.1:2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 12756 / Amd.1:2011 Fastställd / Approved: 2011-02-09 Publicerad / Published: 2011-02-23 Utgåva / Edition: 1 Språk / Language: engelska / English; franska/french ICS: 01.040.01; 01.040.35;

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 12176-3:2011 Fastställd / Approved: 2011-02-24 Publicerad / Published: 2011-03-16 Utgåva / Edition: 3 Språk / Language: engelska / English ICS: 23.040.20; 23.040.45; 35.240.15; 75.200

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PORTSECURITY IN SÖLVESBORG PORTSECURITY IN SÖLVESBORG Kontaktlista i skyddsfrågor / List of contacts in security matters Skyddschef/PFSO Tord Berg Phone: +46 456 422 44. Mobile: +46 705 82 32 11 Fax: +46 456 104 37. E-mail: tord.berg@sbgport.com

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO :2009/AC:2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 4254-6:2009/AC:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-11-04 Publicerad/Published: 2010-11-30 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 14.210; 65.060.40 Lantbruksmaskiner

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Informationsteknik Tangentbordsmönster för datorutrustning Del 4: Numerisk sektion (ISO/IEC :2009, IDT)

Informationsteknik Tangentbordsmönster för datorutrustning Del 4: Numerisk sektion (ISO/IEC :2009, IDT) SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO/IEC 9995-4:2009 Fastställd/Approved: 2009-10-19 Publicerad/Published: 2009-11-18 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 01.140.20; 35.180 Informationsteknik Tangentbordsmönster

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Medicintekniska produkter - Tillämpning av metoder för att. säkerställa medicintekniska produkters användarvänlighet - Bilaga 1

Medicintekniska produkter - Tillämpning av metoder för att. säkerställa medicintekniska produkters användarvänlighet - Bilaga 1 Medicintekniska produkter - Tillämpning av metoder för att säkerställa medicintekniska produkters användarvänlighet - Bilaga 1 SIS-remiss 10416 Remisstiden utgår: 2012-11-19 Remissen omfattar: IEC/DIS

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 965-2 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 965-2 Fastställd 2003-08-01 Utgåva 2 Metriska ISO-gängor för allmän användning Gängtoleranser Del 2: Gränsmått för utvändiga och invändiga gängor för allmän användning Toleranskvalitet

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2005/Amd 1:2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 7867-2:2005/Amd 1:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-05-24 Publicerad/Published: 2010-06-16 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 83.160.30 Däck och fälgar (metrisk

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2541:2017 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2541:2017 Fastställd/Approved: 2017-10-18 Publicerad/Published: 2017-10-25 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 25.100.30 Dubbhålsborrar för hål med radieform

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Kretslopp och livslängdsplanering

Kretslopp och livslängdsplanering Kretslopp och livslängdsplanering SIS-remiss 5218 Remisstiden utgår: 2007-06-08 Remissen omfattar: ISO/DIS 15686-5 Buildings and constructed assets Service life planning Part 5: Maintenance and life cycle

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 10015 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 10015 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Standardiseringsgruppen STG 2000-04-07 1 1 (1+18+18) Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Quality

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ISO miniatyrgängor (ISO 1501:2009, IDT) ISO miniature screw threads (ISO 1501:2009, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE

ISO miniatyrgängor (ISO 1501:2009, IDT) ISO miniature screw threads (ISO 1501:2009, IDT) SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 1501:2009 Fastställd/Approved: 2009-06-05 Publicerad/Published: 2009-08-18 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 21.040.10; 21.040.30 ISO miniatyrgängor (ISO 1501:2009,

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO /A1:2016 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 1043-4/A1:2016 Fastställd/Approved: 2016-05-02 Publicerad/Published: 2016-05-09 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 83.040.30; 83.080.01; 83.080.20 Plast Symboler

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 965-5 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 965-5 Fastställd 2003-08-01 Utgåva 1 Metriska ISO-gängor för allmän användning Gängtoleranser Del 5: Gränsmått för invändiga gängor avsedda för användning tillsammans med varmförzinkade

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Isolda Purchase - EDI

Isolda Purchase - EDI Isolda Purchase - EDI Document v 1.0 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents... 2 1 Introduction... 3 1.1 What is EDI?... 4 1.2 Sending and receiving documents... 4 1.3 File format... 4 1.3.1 XML (language

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 15765-1:2011 Fastställd / Approved: 2011-10-24 Publicerad / Published: 2011-11-02 Utgåva / Edition: 2 Språk / Language: engelska / English ICS: 43.040.15 Vägfordon Diagnostikkommunikation

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Provläsningsexemplar / Preview SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 1478 Fastställd 1999-08-13 Utgåva 2 Fästelement Gängpressande skruvar ST-gängor och skruvändar (ISO 1478:1999) Tapping screw thread (ISO 1478:1999)

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO /Amd 1:2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2631-1/Amd 1:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-07-14 Publicerad/Published: 2010-08-31 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 13.160 Vibration och stöt Vägledning för

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SVENSK STANDARD SS ISO :2010 SVENSK STANDARD SS ISO 1649 1:21 Fastställd/Approved: 21 8 23 Publicerad/Published: 21 9 15 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 25.6.2 Skärande verktyg Fräsdornar med plankil Del 1:

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 4406:2017 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 4406:2017 Fastställd/Approved: 2017-11-24 Publicerad/Published: 2017-11-24 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 23.100.60; 75.120 Hydrauliska anläggningar Vätskor

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2709:2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 2709:2011 Fastställd/Approved: 2011-05-23 Publicerad/Published: 2011-06-15 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 01.140.20; 35.240.30 Dokumentation Format för överföring

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 14534 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 14534 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Hälso- och sjukvårdsstandardiseringen, HSS 1998-05-29 1 1 (1+18) INNEHÅLLET I SVENSK STANDARD ÄR UPPHOVSRÄTTSLIGT SKYDDAT. SIS

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8404:2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8404:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-09-11 Publicerad/Published: 2013-09-27 Utgåva/Edition: 3 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 25.120.30 Formverktyg Snedpinnar (ISO 8404:2013,

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Geometriska produktspecifikationer (GPS) Rundhet Del 1: Ordlista och parametrar för rundhet

Geometriska produktspecifikationer (GPS) Rundhet Del 1: Ordlista och parametrar för rundhet Teknisk specifikation SIS-ISO/TS 12181-1:2005 Utgåva 1 Januari 2006 Geometriska produktspecifikationer (GPS) Rundhet Del 1: Ordlista och parametrar för rundhet Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 11987 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 11987 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Hälso- och sjukvårdsstandardiseringen, HSS 1998-05-29 1 1 (1+13) INNEHÅLLET I SVENSK STANDARD ÄR UPPHOVSRÄTTSLIGT SKYDDAT. SIS

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SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 10816-1/Amd 1:2009 Fastställd/Approved: 2009-12-09 Publicerad/Published: 2010-01-26 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 17.160 Vibration och stöt Mätning och

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 9394 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 9394 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Hälso- och sjukvårdsstandardiseringen, HSS 1998-10-09 1 1 (1+16) INNEHÅLLET I SVENSK STANDARD ÄR UPPHOVSRÄTTSLIGT SKYDDAT. SIS HAR

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 61300-3-27 Fastställd Utgåva Sida Ansvarig kommitté 1999-09-17 1 1 (1+7) SEK TK 86 Copyright SEK. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Fiberoptik Anslutningsdon

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2011 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 11783-11:2011 Fastställd / Approved: 2011-08-22 Publicerad / Published: 2011-09-14 Utgåva / Edition: 2 Språk / Language: engelska / English ICS: 35.240.99; 65.060.01 Traktorer och

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN :2007+A2:2012/AC:2013

SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN :2007+A2:2012/AC:2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/AC:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-04-04 Publicerad/Published: 2013-04-16 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 13.200; 93.080.30 Vägutrustning

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN ISO 7886-1 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Hälso- och sjukvårdsstandardiseringen, HSS 1997-11-21 1 1 (1+26) SIS FASTSTÄLLER OCH UTGER SVENSK STANDARD SAMT SÄLJER NATIONELLA,

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN SVENSK STANDARD SS-EN 60432-2 Fastställd Utgåva Sida Ansvarig kommitté 2000-03-31 2 1 (1+12) SEK TK 34 Copyright SEK. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Glödlampor Säkerhet Del

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Technical drawings Seals for dynamic application Part 1: General simplified representation

Technical drawings Seals for dynamic application Part 1: General simplified representation SIS - Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 9222-1 Handläggande organ Fastställd Utgåva Sida Registrering SMS, SVERIGES MEKANSTANDARDISERING 1993-07-30 2 1 (7) SMS reg 1.528 SIS

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 20653:2013 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 20653:2013 Fastställd/Approved: 2013-03-03 Publicerad/Published: 2013-03-04 Utgåva/Edition: 2 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 43.040.10 Vägfordon IP-klassning av elutrustning,

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SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO :2009/Amd 1:2018 SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 10816-3:2009/Amd 1:2018 Fastställd/Approved: 2018-07-09 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 17.160;21.020;27.040 Vibration och stöt Mätning och bedömning av maskinvibrationer

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SVENSK STANDARD SS ISO 3779:2009 SVENSK STANDARD SS ISO 3779:2009 Fastställd/Approved: 2009 12 28 Publicerad/Published: 2010 02 10 Utgåva/Edition: 3 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 43.020 Vägfordon Identifieringsnumrering av fordon

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1 (ISO 1:2010, IDT) 1 (ISO 1:2010, IDT)

1 (ISO 1:2010, IDT) 1 (ISO 1:2010, IDT) SVENSK STANDARD SS-ISO 8664:2005/Amd 1:2010 Fastställd/Approved: 2010-05-10 Publicerad/Published: 2010-06-01 Utgåva/Edition: 1 Språk/Language: engelska/english ICS: 83.160.30 Däck för lantbrukstraktorer

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