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2 VIDGA DINA GRÄNSER VÄRLDEN ÄR FULL AV MÖJLIGHETER. VI GER DIG TILLGÅNGEN TILL DEM. Vi hjälper företag som vill investera i Brasilien och brasilianska företag som önskar verka och utvidga sin närvaro på den inhemska eller internationella marknaden.

3 BRASILIEN MÖJLIGHET EN GYNNSAM RÄTTSLIG MILJÖ Brasilien är den största mottagaren för utländska direktinvesteringar i Latinamerika eftersom landet har lagar som skyddar utländska investerare och ett modernt och effektivt finanssystem. Här har investerare rätt enligt lag att remittera vinster till sina egna länder, och utländskt kapital behandlas på samma sätt som inhemskt. Dessutom finns det dubbelbeskattningsavtal med flera länder runtom i världen. Källa: Apex-Brasil

4 ÄR DU VERKLIGT INTERNATIONELL? Att bli internationell handlar om mycket mer än att kunna relatera till utländska marknader. Det betyder att bli helt och hållet integrerad med dem, att kunna röra sig smidigt i deras affärskulturer och få TILLGÅNG till alla skatteförmåner som gäller inom olika verksamhetsområden. Att verkligen förstå lagarna i varje enskilt land gör en skillnad.

5 GLOBALT DNA Vi anpassar oss inte för att möta behoven hos utländska klienter. Vi är naturligt globaliserade. Vi föddes så. DET LIGGER I VÅRT DNA

6 RENATO PACHECO NETO "I en ständigt krympande värld där de gränsöverskridande utmaningarna blir allt flera är det avgörande att du kan backa upp dina utländska investeringsprojekt med ett multikulturellt rättsligt team. Genom våra världsvida allianser erbjuder vi både 'know how' och 'know who' i flera länder och inom ramen för en strategisk global affärsvision." Renato Pacheco Neto är grundare och partner på Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados och har under de senaste 22 åren specialiserat sig på rådgivning åt klienter från många olika länder i samband med gränsöverskridande affärer. Han har suttit i styrelser i många bilaterala och multilaterala organisationer, som styrelsordförande för European Court of Arbitration i Brasilien (CAE) och styrelsemedlem i Svensk-Brasilianska Handelskammaren (SWEDCHAM), Finland Business Council och EBO Worldwide i Bryssel; han är Latinamerikas enda styrelsemedlem i Alliuris, ett internationellt nätverk med mer än 500 affärsjurister runtom i 25 länder i Europa, Asien och Nord- och Sydamerika, såväl som styrelsemedlem i Yingke Alliance i Kina. Utöver sina hedersuppdrag utsågs Renato 2012 av Hans Majestät Kung Carl XVI Gustaf till Sveriges Generalkonsul för delstaterna SP, MS, MT, PR, SC och RS. Förutom engelska är Renato flytande på de germanska, latinska och nordiska språken och har en god kunskap i både mandarin och ryska. Efter examen från USP:s juridikskola har han också flera diplom i företagsekonomi från flera länder däribland Finland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Holland, Sverige och USA. Innan han grundade firman undervisade han i internationell rätt på vidareutbildningar vid UNAERP, UNIRP och USP i Ribeirão Preto och SJ Rio Preto i Sao Paulos delstat.

7 ANDREAS SANDEN "Knowing the peculiarities of law in every country today is a strategic advantage for those who want to internationalize." Andreas Sanden is a founding partner of Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados, a German Lawyer acting in cross-border transactions with Brazil, admitted by the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), São Paulo chapter, in addition to his Freiburg license from the German Bar Association. Specialized in advising foreign investors especially for leading German-speaking groups over the last 25 years, his practice includes from structuring startups to M&A operations. He has worked, amongst others, at Price Waterhouse and Mattos Filho Advogados. He is director of the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, São Paulo and of the Brazilian-German Lawyers Association DBJV and was the President ofthe German-Brazilian Junior Chamber ofcommerce and Industry, São Paulo.

8 JEAN FRANÇOIS TEISSEIRE "To be binational implies knowing and conjugating values and cultures from the two countries in order to offer mutual opportunities." Jean François Teisseire is a founding partner of Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados. He is French and completed his legal education in Paris, France at University of Paris II Assas and is admitted to practice in France, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Jean François Teisseire advises clients in cross-border settings between Brazil and France for well over 30 years and, thus, is recognized as a trusted benchmark in his area and in the French- Brazilian community. His consulting focus lies in particular on Social Law, Business Competition Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Investment, Intervention and Arbitration, respectively. Jean François Teisseire holds the position of General Secretary of the Board of the European Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration (CAE), President of the Brazilian Association of French speaking Attorneys, International Relation Director of the National Council of Intervention and Arbitration (CONIMA) and member of the Brazilian Committee of Arbitrations and of the Board of Directors of the Chambers of Commerce France Brazil. He is native in French and is also fluent in Portuguese and English.

9 PATRICIA FREITAS FUOCO "In today s globalized world, different conflicts demand different approaches, our in-depth negotiation skills tied in with a strategic view and innovative legal solutions provide added value for our client's business." Patricia Freitas Fuoco is a founding partner of Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados. With more than 20 years of expertise in cross-border transactions, strong negotiation skills and experience in leading legal due diligence reviews, Patricia renders a wide range of legal advisory to Brazilian and foreign companies, drafting and negotiating contracts covering complex commercial transactions, real estate operations and corporate deals involving tangible and intangible assets. She has gained a fundamental knowledge in the most important economical sectors as well as a strategic vision and a solution-oriented mindset to add value to their clients businesses. Patricia is a specialist in Negotiation and Mediation from Harvard Negotiation Institute Harvard Law School, USA and in Governance and Legal Planning in Family Businesses from the Law School of São Paulo Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Brazil. She graduated from the Law School of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, Brazil. She is also a mediator internationally certified by the Certification and Training Institute of Portuguese-speaking Mediators ICFML and by the National Council of Mediation and Arbitration Institutions (CONIMA). Patricia is member of the Advisory Board of ICFML - Brazil and one of the coordinators of the Business Mediation Study Group from the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr). She is mediator of the Eurochamber Mediation and Arbitration Chamber (CAE), member of the Study Center of the Law Societies (CESA), and Chapter Leader member of the Alliance of Merger & Acquisition Advisors (AM&AA), Chicago, US. She is an active speaker in conferences and events in Brazil and abroad. Patricia is native in Portuguese and fluent in English and Spanish.

10 JULIANA G. MEYER GOTTARDI "We explore angles and opportunities to tailor solutions to your business." Juliana G. Meyer Gottardi is a founding partner of Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados and has more than 15 years of experience in structuring and implementing corporate agreements, real estate transactions and mergers and acquisitions advisory. She has worked in well-regarded law firms as well as in legal departments of private sector companies and Governmental agencies. She is also a member of the Study Group of Family Owned Companies (GEEF) at Fundação Getúlio Vargas University ( and a full member of the Real Estate and Urbanism Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association in São Paulo and Chapter Leader member of the Alliance of Merger & Acquisition Advisors (AM&AA). She is the co-author of 2 books (i) Relevant Aspects of a Family Owned Business published by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in 2013; (ii) "Family Businesses: an Interdisciplinary View" published by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in She is an active speaker in different conferences and events related to Brazilian Corporate Law. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (1999), and a Master's Degree in Corporate and Economic Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas University (2002) and is also a specialist in International Contracts by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2005), as well as Real Estate Transactions by Fundação Getúlio Vargas University (2010). Juliana is volunteer as legal advisor for Beija-Flor Cultural Project, a social non-profit organization. Juliana is fluent in English, with knowledge ofspanish.

11 DANIEL MIOTTO "In a time of globalization, the national tax system and its relationship with international tax law has gained in importance. An accurate advice is essential to use it in the most efficient possible way. Daniel Miotto is a Partner and Head of the Tax group at PNST. He is graduated from the USJT - Law School (Universidade São Judas Tadeu) and obtained a specialist degree in Tax Procedural Law from PUC/SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo). With more than 10 years of professional experience, before joining Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados, he worked as a tax lawyer for prestigious law firms and companies in Brazil (Fraga, Bekierman & Pacheco Neto Advogados, Itautec S.A., Gaia, Silva, Gaede Associados). He is specialized in handling any aspects of corporate and sales taxes, including international tax. Where necessary, he also handles taxes disputes before the judicial and administrative tax courts. Daniel advises a large variety of industries and companies, including service providers, with a particular focus of development of the best business structure. He is a member of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law (IBDT). He is native in Portuguese and has knowledge of English and Spanish.

12 DRA. JULIA KRAUTTER ROMEIRO Julia Krautter Romeiro is an internationally experienced professional with in-depth knowledge of international contracts and business law plus recognized academic achievements. She completed her legal education in Germany, (with an LL.B.) at Bonn University, in Switzerland, with a PhD at University of St. Gallen and in the United States of America (LL.M.), at University of Minnesota and has 7 years of professional experience. Before joining PNST, she worked for the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, in the legal department of a German consumer and industrial products company in Düsseldorf, as well as in Philadelphia, and participated in the International Lawyer Program of an American law firm in NYC. Julia advises a large international clientele in matters ranging from contracts to corporate law and project finance. At the moment, she isactive in assisting small and medium sized businesses from German speaking countries. She is native in German, fluent in English and Portuguese and has knowledge of French.

13 ANDRÉ LUIS GARBUGLIO André Luis Garbuglio has more than 15 years of experience in legal consulting services, with focus on corporate law, contracts, mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance, taking part and coordinating several M&A and corporate reorganization processes. André has also strong ability in drafting and negotiating a large variety of civil and commercial agreements, such as service, distribution, sales representative, real estate, debt, association and construction agreements, as well as ancillary arrangements (with the discussion of guarantees, insurance, service level, commissioning and other representation, warranties and agreements). André is L.LB. from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo and Post Graduate in Commercial Law from the same Institution. He was a student of the Corporate Law Course at Escola Paulista de Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV- EDESP) and is L.LM. in Corporate Law and Contracts by Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Insper/SP. André was also a student of the Orientation in the US Legal System Program at George Washington University, Washington DC (sponsored by the International Law Institute ILI). He is a member of the Brazilian Bar Association São Paulo Chapter and a former member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. André is fluent in English, with knowledge ofgerman.

14 ANDREAS ROBERT BEYERSDORF Andreas Robert Beyersdorf renders consulting services to foreign investors in Brazil since He was an associate with financial institutions (Banco Sudameris de Investimento, presently Banco Santander) and international law firms (Pinheiro Neto Advogados; Araújo e Policastro Advogados), with a focus on international negotiations, company acquisitions, project finance and capital markets. Andreas is a graduate of the University of São Paulo USP Law School, with several courses taken in the area of capital markets through Ancord, BM&FBovespa, CVM and NYSE. He is native in Portuguese and fluent in English and German.

15 BRUNO MIRABILE Bruno Mirabile is an experienced international business lawyer, who also holds a degree in Economy. Practicing law for 13 years in a wide range of activities comprising, but not limited to, advisory on commercial transactions, project finance and corporate restructurings, foreign investments and alternative dispute resolutions, he is an arbitrator listed by the European Chamber of Arbitration located in São Paulo (Eurocâmaras/CAE). Having completed his legal education in France (with an LLM and DEA) at Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, before joining Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados, he worked for a few years at a well-regarded law firm in France. He is native in Portuguese, fluent in English and French and has knowledge of Italian.

16 MARCOS CASTRO DE ANDRADE MELLO Marcos Castro de Andrade Mello has many years of practice in commercial and corporate law in Brazil as a lawyer, having worked in many law offices and companies and participated in many transactions, from small to large, such as company mergers, acquisitions and incorporations, preparation for IPOs, joint ventures, import and export deals, real estate developments, amongst other. His previous jobs include Grupo Votorantim, Souza, Cescon Advogados, Zilveti e Sanden Advogados, Tozzini, Freire Advogados and participation in other specific projects in firms and large listed companies. He has graduated as a Lawyer at PUC- SP in 2001 and has made several extension and post-graduation courses such as Securities Market Law and Corporate Finance at FGV-SP (2002), Taxation in Financial Market at FGV-SP (2004), Corporate Law at PUC-SP ( ) and various courses about Central Bank regulations for foreign investments. His professional and also personal experience with the operational day-by-day of small to large companies add to his law orientation to fulfill his skills as a corporate lawyer with a broad view capable of solving from simple to complex issues, which is very important to advise clients in the Brazilian corporate and business environment. Marcos is fluent in English.

17 RAPHAEL DE CAMPOS MARTINS Raphael de Campos Martins specializes in tax consulting and tax issues related to crossborder transactions and M&A. He graduated from PUC/RJ Law School (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) and holds a Master s degree in Law and Accounting from LSE (London School of Economics and Political Sciences). Raphael was also a student of the US Law programme at the University of Southern California. With nearly 8 years of professional experience, Raphael worked in first-tier law firms (Mattos Filho, Veiga FIlho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados) and renowned auditing firms (KPMG) and as internal consultant for major financial institutions (BTG Pactual). Having advised clients in multiple sectors he is extremely interested in the hands-on, practical business impact of legal analysis, and as such is a proactive and deal-oriented professional. Raphael is member of the Brazilian Association of Financial Law (ABDF) and the International Fiscal Association (IFA). He is native in Portuguese and is fluent in English.

18 VALDIRENE LAGINSKI Valdirene Laginski specializes in advisory services and litigation relating to civil law, consumer law and labor law for domestic and international clients over the last 13 years. She is a graduate from the Law School of Sorocaba (FADI), São Paulo, and holds specialist degrees in Consumer Law from PUC/SP and Corporate Labor Law from FGV/SP. The author of several articles in specialized publications, Valdirene is fluent in English.

19 EN STARK NÄRVARO I BRASILIEN OCH UTOMLANDS I VÄRLDEN Praktisk erfarenhet från arbete med stora europeiska företag, särskilt från Tyskland, Frankrike och Skandinaven, såväl som amerikanska företag. I BRASILIEN Vårt huvudkontor ligger i Sao Paulo, Brasiliens största stad, och består av ett team på runt 40 personer. Vi har även kontor i Salvador, Rio de Janeiro och Brasilia.

20 INTERNATIONELLT ERKÄNNANDE Erfarenhet och ett gediget anseende uppbackat av förtroende från stora Handelskammare runtom i världen.

21 JURIDIK MED EN GLOBALISERAD VISION REGIONALA EXPERTER EXPERTER EFTER VERKSAMHETSOMRÅDE EXPERTER EFTER AFFÄRSOMRÅDE Interkulturell erfarenhet. Vi förstår lagarna som gäller för din verksamhet, vi förstår hur de relaterar till ditt land och vi använder de bästa strategierna så att du kan få ut det mesta av inhemska och internationella förhandlingar. Vårt arbete präglas av en intensiv dialog mellan vårt kontor och klienten. Detta backas upp av vetskapen att på en globaliserad marknad kännetecknad av ömsesidigt beroende är den noggranna uppföljning av utvecklingen i varje fall avgörande för att kunna förutse vilka följder juridiska beslut har för affärerna.

22 EN UNIK ORGANISATION TILLGÄNGLIGHET PÅ ALLA NIVÅER Våra klienter har alltid tillgång till Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados medarbetare, vare sig det gäller partners eller annan personal. På vårt kontor möts du alltid av ett engagerat team som leds av en av våra partners och som har handplockats för att erbjuda våra klienter den allra bästa servicen i varje enskilt fall och utifrån dess komplexitet. Vi strävar alltid efter att förmedla snabba, personliga och effektiva lösningar.

23 VÅRT TEAM ETT TEAM, MÅNGA KULTURER Att arbeta med människor med olika nationaliteter är en del av vardagen för oss på Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados. Och förutom att hjälpa klienter från alla delar av världen är vårt talangfulla team också i sig multikulturellt. Det finns alltid någon med en unik bakgrund som kan erbjuda en ny synvinkel på den fråga man arbetar med.

24 VÅRT TEAM EN GEMENSAM VISION Precis som Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados partners har också alla våra medarbetare ett internationellt juridiskt perspektiv. De har specialiserat sig internationellt och förstår klientens kultur och kan erbjuda en bekvämare arbetsmiljö för både brasilianska och utländska entreprenörer, i synnerhet då dessa kan samtala på det språk de själva föredrar. Personer med kinesiska, tyska, franska och engelska som modersmål med flera, blir bemötta och får rådgivning på sina egna språk.


26 KLIENTER Australien Belgien Brasilien Danmark England Finland Frankrike Italien Holland Japan Kina Luxemburg Österrike Norge Tyskland Schweiz Spanien Sverige Sydafrika USA

27 Telefon: +55 (11) / +55 (11) São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Brasília Salvador Al. Franca, º - 11º floor - CEP: São Paulo/SP - Brazil